Mixer      07/02/2020

What helps against toothache. How to get rid of toothache without pills. Oak bark is a natural helper


Any person who has experienced acute toothache knows that this is the case when it is impossible to endure such unpleasant sensations. Some compare them to hellish torments that you want to urgently stop. You should understand how to get rid of toothache at home, since it is not always possible to make an appointment with a doctor and not immediately.

What to do at home if your tooth hurts

The degree of discomfort can vary: from a weak aching to unbearable pain. It is better to immediately contact a dentist and get specialized help. If you can’t see a doctor, there are ways to relieve toothache at home. It is necessary to organize an integrated approach to alleviate the condition. Minimum actions in this case:

  • brush your teeth very thoroughly;
  • Clean the interdental spaces with dental floss;
  • take a painkiller tablet;
  • rinse your mouth with a solution of regular or sea ​​salt and soda;
  • use people's councils, recipes.

Folk remedies for toothache

There were times when there was no quality medicine in the field of dentistry; it was possible to soothe toothache only with the help of natural remedies. We were concerned about the unpleasant sensations of adults and children, to whom there should be a special approach. The causes of toothache and its nature may vary, but most remedies have a universal effect. Various decoctions and infusions are used for treatment medicinal herbs. How to rinse a sore tooth is described below.


In folk medicine, there is a method to soothe toothache using garlic. To do this, they apply it to the place on the wrist where the pulse is checked. Next, a slice of garlic is wrapped in crushed form with a bandage to the same place. The point is to let the garlic juice release in this area. If a tooth hurts on the right side of the mouth, wrap the tooth on left hand, and vice versa. A mixture of salt, onion, and garlic helps relieve toothache. For this you need the following:

  1. Grind everything into a paste, add salt and mix well.
  2. Take the ingredients in equal proportions.
  3. Place the product on the tooth and cover the top with a cotton swab.


Baking soda is used as an antiseptic in folk medicine. This remedy helps relieve pain in case of inflammation of the gums, if the tooth aches. The preparation of the rinsing solution is as follows:

  1. Dissolve one teaspoon of soda in a glass of water.
  2. Stir well so that the substance does not settle at the bottom.
  3. Rinse your mouth every few hours.
  4. By adding 2-3 drops of iodine, you can enhance the effect.


For treatment, it is not so much the flower itself that is used, but the oil from it. How to relieve toothache yourself at home using this remedy has been known for a very long time. A few drops of the substance are enough to relieve pain. You can wet a cotton swab and place it on the gum to the sore spot. If there is no oil, you can try chewing a few bunches of seasoning. This remedy has no contraindications and can be given to children and pregnant women.

How to talk about toothache

“I walk neither on the street nor on the road, but along empty alleys, along ravines, along ditches. A hare meets me: “You hare, hare, where are your teeth? Give me yours, take mine,” I walk neither by path nor by road, but through a dark forest, a gray forest. A gray wolf meets me: “You wolf, wolf, where are your teeth? Here are my teeth, give me yours.” I walk neither by land nor by water, but by an open field, a colorful meadow. An old woman came towards me: “You old woman, where are your teeth? Take the wolf ones, give me your fallen ones.” I speak my teeth tightly to the slave (name) to this day, to this hour, forever and ever.”

Other effective home remedies

  1. To numb a tooth, you can use vodka, cognac or any other unsweetened alcoholic drink. There is no need to drink it; you should rinse your mouth and then spit out the “medicine”. Some of the alcohol will be absorbed by the gum tissue, which will lead to numbness and temporary relief from toothache.
  2. Pulsating pain in a tooth is a symptom of an inflammatory process. This disease can be treated using propolis, which is similar in action to novocaine. It is sold in the form of plates or an alcohol solution. The latter must be rubbed into the gums, you can rinse your mouth with it or moisten a cotton swab and put it on the sore tooth. If you bought the version in plates, then use a piece of it to plug the hole. If a tooth hurts under a filling or crown, the plate is placed next to the tooth on the gum.
  3. If the tooth is sick and begins to pulsate, then Valocordin is used as a sedative. They need to moisten a cotton swab and place it on the gum.
  4. A simple ice cube, if you move it along the gum, helps with toothache. The exception is when the nerve of the tooth is exposed or it hurts because it has caught a cold.


  1. For mild toothache, it is recommended to drink Analgin. You are allowed to take no more than four tablets per day. You should start with half the medication, if the pain does not go away after half an hour, take the second half. You don't have to swallow the tablet; you can place it directly on the tooth that needs help. It is prohibited to use the drug for those who suffer from impaired liver or kidney function, who have been diagnosed with vascular diseases, during pregnancy, or during lactation. You should not drink alcohol while taking the product.
  2. "Nurofen". Helps eliminate headaches, teeth and back pain. You can take 6 tablets per day. The medication is prohibited for people with peptic ulcer disease, kidney and liver dysfunction, duodenal dysfunction, impaired color vision, hearing loss, and heart failure.
  3. For unbearable toothache, it is recommended to take Ketanov. The drug belongs to the category of potent anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. It is recommended to strictly monitor the first dose in order to notice a possible allergic reaction in time and stop it. Contraindicated for use in children under 16 years of age, people with renal and liver failure, lactation, and pregnancy.
  4. As a temporary remedy, you can use tablets: “Tampalgin”, “Nise”, “Baralgin”.

How to kill a dental nerve

The most bad reason pain oral cavity - inflammation of the nerve in the tooth. In this case, as a rule, it has to be removed by a dentist. If it is not possible to visit a doctor, there is an option to relieve such toothache at home: you need to kill the dental nerve. There are several folk remedies for removal:

  1. You need to put a little gunpowder into the carious cavity that has formed on the tooth. This method should be used very carefully, because there is a possibility of poisoning the body with the substance.
  2. Devitalization (death of the nerve) can be done using vinegar essence. It is necessary to apply it very carefully only to the tooth: if it gets on soft fabrics, possible burns.
  3. You can use a cotton swab soaked in alcohol. It is necessary to place it directly on the problematic tooth.

If you decide to carry out devitalization yourself, make an appointment with a dentist. Even if the procedure is successful, do not delay your visit to the doctor for more than 2 weeks. There is a high probability that an infection will get into the tooth, an inflammatory process will begin to develop, and complications will appear. This may later lead to the need for surgical intervention. Check out the methods

Toothache can be localized in or near the problematic element. In 90% of cases, the symptom indicates the development of a dental disease: caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. Less commonly, pathology occurs due to injury to bone and soft tissues from sharp objects or food.

The problem requires an immediate solution, since toothache interferes with normal life activities. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to see a dentist immediately when a tooth hurts. In this case, alternative medicine can come to the aid of people. They are especially useful for those patients who have contraindications to taking pain medications.

Methods of emergency pain suppression

Not only pills help to quickly relieve discomfort at home. You can reduce the intensity of jaw aches with the following effective methods: folk recipes for toothache:

  • Clove oil. Take a cotton swab, soak it in liquid and apply it to the problem area. This remedy is often used by doctors when filling dental canals. Instead of clove oil, you can use fir oil. Both medications give the same effect against toothaches. The lotions are applied to the problem area for no longer than 10 minutes to avoid burns to the mucous membranes of the mouth.
  • Garlic. Healers have long used the product for severe attacks. To do this, rub a clove of garlic on the wrist on the side opposite the diseased element and tie it with a bandage. If a person has jaw pain on the left side, then the wrist needs to be treated right hand and vice versa.
  • Massage the point on the hand, between the index and thumb. For treatment it is better to use a piece of luda. Manipulations are performed in a circular motion for 5 minutes. The massage is done on the side opposite to the diseased tooth. Working on the ears, which is performed from the bottom up, will also help relieve the intensity of the discomfort. Additionally, the points of the nasolabial triangle are massaged.
  • Salo. The product is suitable for relieving acute toothaches. To do this, a small piece of lard is placed on the affected area for 15 minutes. Salt and spices are first removed from the product so as not to provoke increased discomfort from the treatment. The folk method allows you to reduce the severity of pain in 15-20 minutes.
  • Plantain. To combat the problem, they use not the leaves, but the roots of the plantain. They are carefully inserted into the ear on the side where the ache is felt. The method helps to get rid of toothaches in 20 minutes.

Effective means

You can relieve toothache with folk remedies at home. They are less dangerous than pharmacological agents, but they can cope with the symptoms of dental diseases no less effectively.

Mouth rinses

This method must be resorted to immediately after pain in the teeth appears. To improve the effectiveness of the procedure, it is necessary to thoroughly brush your teeth with a brush and toothpaste before the procedure. Solutions used for the procedure must have an antibacterial effect.

Traditionally, a soda-salt solution is used to treat the mouth. It is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. each dry ingredient in 200 ml of boiled water. Salt inhibits the activity of pathogenic flora in the mouth, and soda helps reduce the severity of soft tissue swelling. In addition, this treatment method has virtually no restrictions: it is suitable for children, pregnant women and people with allergic reactions.

All mouthwashes should be used warm. Cold water provokes increased pain in the diseased tooth. Hot solutions stimulate bacterial activity and lead to even greater inflammation of the gums around the problem element

The rinsing procedure is repeated when the intensity of the pain increases or every 2 hours. The following medications are also suitable for preparing solutions:

  • propolis tincture;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • herbal infusions (chamomile, calendula, oak).

Iodine is used as the main ingredient in an anesthetic (a few drops of the drug per 200 ml of water) or in combination with soda and salt. Hydrogen peroxide is added to water at the rate of (1 tablespoon per 1 glass of boiled liquid).
Herbal infusions prepared according to the traditional recipe: 1 tsp. any herbal component (or several herbs) pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave until cool (30-40 minutes).

Medicines for external use

Food and herbal ingredients are also effective in eliminating toothache, as are rinses. The main folk remedies for toothache, have long been used to combat signs of dental disorders:

  • Aloe. The sheet is cut lengthwise and the smooth side is applied to the inflamed gum. You can tie a plant leaf to the cheek on the side of the problem element. Relief occurs an hour after the procedure.
  • Propolis. The plant is thoroughly kneaded in your hands before use. The plant will have the desired effect only with slight heating (up to 36-37 degrees), otherwise there is no point in using it. The finished medicine is stored in the refrigerator and warmed in your hands before each use.
  • Any vegetable oils (tea, mint, eucalyptus). A few drops of oil are dripped onto the crown of the destroyed element. If a carious cavity is visible in the element, then you should try to pour liquid into this area.
  • Tinctures containing alcohol or vodka. The ingredient inhibits the activity of pathogenic microorganisms in the oral cavity, thereby reducing the pain of the problem area. To combat the problem, tincture of motherwort or calendula is perfect.
  • Aluminium foil . This method of dealing with jaw pain is not the most popular, but it quickly eliminates unpleasant symptoms. To do this, make a narrow bridge from a sheet of foil and apply it to the inflamed gum using an adhesive plaster.

Pain relievers suitable for children

Herbal ingredients, for example, a decoction of thyme, are suitable for treating toothache in children. The dry ingredient is poured with 1 glass of water and left for 10 minutes. Before rinsing, the solution is filtered and cooled until room temperature. In 1 procedure you need to use the entire volume of the product. For severe pain, the procedure can be performed up to 5-6 times a day.

Children should not be given alcohol tinctures to relieve jaw pain. A child may accidentally swallow part of the tincture, which will negatively affect his health or lead to a burn to the mucous membranes of the throat.

Good way reducing the intensity of symptoms of dental problems in children - valerian gruel. The root of the plant is washed and ground on a grater or through a meat grinder. The resulting consistency is spread on a gauze swab and placed on the diseased element for 20-25 minutes. The analgesic effect from the procedure lasts up to 10 hours.

A piece of fresh beets can help you cope with not very severe pain. It is placed on the tooth itself and the gum located next to it. As a result of exposure to vegetable juice, the intensity of pain in the tooth decreases in 30-40 minutes.

Traditional medicines for caries

If your tooth hurts, then instead of a soda-salt solution you can use egg white, whipped with 1 tsp. salt and novocaine (10%). All ingredients are thoroughly mixed together and used to rinse the mouth every 4 hours. After the manipulations, discomfort in the jaw goes away almost immediately.

Camphor alcohol gives a quick effect for pain associated with caries. Soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply it to the problem area for a few minutes. Soft tissues located near the tooth are also wiped with alcohol. Instead of camphor alcohol, you can use pumpkin tincture. To do this, the tail of the vegetable is crushed and poured with boiling water for 1 hour. Rinse your mouth with the product after filtering.

An affordable and effective remedy for eliminating the symptoms of caries is agave juice. Several leaves of the plant are cut off and washed. One of them is cut off and placed on the sore tooth, and the second is placed behind the cheek.

Medicines for pulpitis

The disease is often accompanied by acute excruciating pain associated with damage to the deep layers of the tooth and its nerve endings. In this case, it is recommended to use folk remedies if it is not possible to see a doctor in the next 1-2 days.

You can put a piece of propolis into the damaged tooth and lie on your side on the side of the problem area. This position is maintained for 10 minutes. This procedure can be repeated up to 5 times a day.

Another remedy for soothing jaw aches due to pulpitis is a mixture of lemon juice (5 drops), hydrogen peroxide (20 drops) and soda in proportion (1 tsp). The medicine is used to rub the gums near the affected area.

To temporarily relieve the symptoms of pulpitis, you can use a Drotaverine tablet, crushed to a powder. Pieces of the drug are placed into the carious cavity. The aching in the tooth will disappear as Drotaverine dissolves

Folk remedies for flux

In case of illness, self-medication is acceptable if the size of the tumor is small and there is no increase in body temperature. Flux is dangerous because it can quickly become complicated by sepsis, abscess and other problems requiring urgent surgical intervention. With such complications, there is always a high risk of death.

Baked food helps relieve discomfort from flux. onion. The cooled onion is applied to the lesion. Improvement occurs within 1 hour. Onions help the abscess break through as quickly as possible and come to the surface.

Good remedy for flux - a decoction of lemon balm leaves. Several articles l. The dried plant is poured with boiling water and left in a thermos for 3-4 hours. After this, the decoction is ready for use. The pain can be relieved a few minutes after the procedure.

The danger of using traditional recipes

When using any medicines, including non-traditional ones, it is necessary to remember the possibility of developing side effects. Many alternative treatments can cause serious allergic reactions. When using any plant or product for the first time, a sensitivity test should be performed. To do this, apply a small amount of plant or product juice to the back of the elbow. If after 15-20 minutes there is no irritation of the test area, then the ingredient can be used to treat dental diseases.

You should also follow some rules when using certain products traditional medicine:

  • Honey. The product is often recommended to relieve toothaches, but it is too frequent use medications can aggravate the course of caries. Pathogenic particles increase their activity under the influence of a sweet environment. The condition, in turn, leads to increased symptoms of dental disorders.
  • Alcohol. Suitable for topical use only. When taken orally, they will do more harm than good.
  • Warming bandages. Acceptable for use in the absence of a purulent-inflammatory process in the gums. Otherwise, they will lead to a rapid complication of the pathology.

It must be remembered that folk remedies can only be used as a temporary measure. It is necessary to consult a doctor even when the pain can be calmed with the help of improvised means. It is impossible to cure a diseased tooth completely at home.

Other unconventional ways to deal with the problem

There are several more effective ways pain relief at home:

  • Abstraction is a distraction from disturbing symptoms. Watching your favorite show or reading an interesting book will allow you to take a little break from discomfort. Playing on the musical instruments, physical activity, sex. During sexual intercourse, the body produces endorphins - natural blockers of pain.
  • Cry. According to scientists, when crying, blood pressure in the gums decreases. Thanks to this fact, you can slightly reduce the intensity of discomfort associated with dental diseases.
  • Prayers and conspiracies. The technique only works if a person sincerely believes in its effectiveness. Tooth pain disappears thanks to powerful self-hypnosis.

There are several folk ways fighting toothache: using herbal remedies and products; psychological; massage. Each type of dental disease has its own effective recipes. Before use

If toothache catches you at work, at night or on a holiday, we will tell you how to relieve this symptom and wait comfortably for an appointment with the dentist, choosing the appropriate drug for severe or moderate dentalgia.

But do not forget that dentistry is an area of ​​medicine where pharmacological treatment is practically not used. And for toothache there is only one cure - surgical removal of the source of infection in the diseased tooth, followed by its restoration with artificial materials.

Painkillers: the opinion of dentists

Dentists are not particularly fond of painkillers: when carrying out a simple dental procedure, they suggest doing without them and, if possible, use dental treatment methods without a drill.

This is due to the pharmacodynamics of analgesics. By inhibiting the production of “pain enzymes”, prostaglandins at the site of inflammation, analgesics simultaneously affect other organs and systems of our body, which leads to side effects:

  • disruption of water-salt metabolism, due to which excess fluid accumulates in the body;
  • surges in blood pressure;
  • changes in the threshold of pain sensitivity;
  • dehydration of the mucous membranes of the eyes, blurred vision;
  • increased risk of blood clots and blood clotting disorders.

For this reason, we recommend starting the fight against toothache by rinsing with a solution of salt or soda (1 teaspoon per glass of warm water), and only then start taking tablets.

Tablets for mild and moderate dentalgia

Taking a loading dose of an analgesic reduces the pain sensitivity threshold: so, during the next attack, the painkiller may be ineffective, and the anesthetic injection may not have an effect.

In order not to harm yourself before the inevitable trip to the dentist, it is advisable to limit yourself to taking one of the medications for mild to moderate toothache. They will help relieve an attack of chronic pulpitis, inflammation of the gums and caries.


Inexpensive, safe and effective pain reliever, non-narcotic analgesic.

Paracetamol (acetaminophen) blocks pain receptors at the level nervous system and does not affect pain centers in the brain. This means that it does not have the side effects characteristic of mega-powerful painkillers - it does not depress breathing and does not affect the functioning of the heart.

A paracetamol tablet will relieve you of aching pain in a tooth with medium and deep caries.


Analogues: Nurofen, Imet

Tablets for dentalgia from the group of NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In addition to pain relief, they also have an anti-inflammatory effect. Ibuprofen will help with tooth pain, accompanied by hyperthermia and inflammation of the periodontal tissues.

Aching pain will be relieved by one tablet containing 200 mg of the active ingredient, ibuprofen. If necessary, the dose is increased to 400 mg, but not more than 800 mg per day.


Analogs: Askofen, Excedrin

A “head pain” tablet, which is found in every first aid kit, will also help with toothache!

Citramon contains paracetamol and aspirin, which mutually enhance each other's analgesic effect, plus caffeine, which will tone the blood vessels and relieve drowsiness - a side effect of analgesics.

For dentalgia, it is recommended to take 2 Citramon tablets at once. But it is strictly forbidden to combine this drug with alcohol and alcohol-containing tinctures: even a few grams of alcohol with Citramon, Askofen or Excedrin can provoke gastric bleeding.


One of the most popular painkillers in everyday life: as research shows, about 80 billion aspirin tablets are consumed annually in the world!

Acetylsalicylic acid, unlike other NSAIDs, acts on the problem area in the tooth itself, focally - reduces the severity of inflammation and relieves pain. Her tablets will relieve unpleasant symptoms of pulpitis, inflammation of the neurovascular bundle of the tooth.

A combination of two analgesics at once - paracetamol and diclofenac, which enhances the analgesic effect. Fanigan, among other things, also has an anti-edematous effect: it unloads collagen and fibrin fibers, which swell during inflammation.

Fanigan's tablet can be taken for dentalgia, accompanied by swelling of the soft tissues of the face, as well as for enlarged lymph nodes and sore throat caused by the eruption of the 8th wisdom tooth.

Analgesic tablets are made on the basis of acids, and most of them have an irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, before taking a painkiller, it is advisable to eat something; if the tooth hurts badly, “put” at least yogurt on the bottom of the stomach.

Extra remedies for severe toothache

The heavy artillery of painkillers - tablets Ketanov, Nimesulide, Tempalgin and Flamidez, should be used only in extreme cases when the toothache is really unbearable. For example, with acute pulpitis and periodontitis, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve - diseases that are characterized by attacks of pulsating, severe dentalgia at night.


Analogues: Ketorol, Dolak, Ketalgin, Toradol

One of the strongest painkillers, ketorolac (the active ingredient of Ketanov tablets) is used in postoperative period, for injuries and severe toothache caused by periodontitis, pericoronitis or pulpitis.

Like other NSAIDs, ketorolac blocks the production of pain enzymes - prostaglandins, but slows down kidney function. Less blood is filtered and more is stored in the body. harmful substances, so people with renal failure Ketanov cannot be taken.

A single dose of the drug is 1 tablet of 10 mg, for severe pain, take every 4-6 hours, but not more than 90 mg, 9 tablets per day.


Analogues: Analgin, Baralgin

The active ingredient in “green tablets” is metamizole sodium, which has a strong analgesic and weak anti-inflammatory effect.

Tempalgin also contains a tranquilizer - the sedative tempidon, which will help you relax and fall asleep after an exhausting attack of toothache at night.

By the way, metamizole sodium does not irritate the gastric mucosa and does not affect water-salt metabolism in the body. Therefore, it is suitable for elderly people and patients prone to gastrointestinal disorders.


A combined drug from the NSAID group, it consists of the analgesics diclofenac and paracetamol, as well as the decongestant serratiopeptidase.

Flamidez has a powerful analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect, and helps relieve swelling. Dentists prescribe Flamidez tablets to relieve pain after tooth extraction, in the complex treatment of alveolar abscesses, purulent inflammation in the root periosteum.

Dosage – 1 tablet twice or thrice a day.

Analogs: Nise, Nimid

A synthetic drug from the NSAID group with strong analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties.

You can take Nimesulide tablet if acute pain, during a night attack of dentalgia, after tooth extraction and radiating pain due to inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

The drug does not have a toxic effect with long-term use and is often prescribed to older people. The exception is patients with heart failure, bronchial asthma and liver diseases - they cannot take Nimesulide.

All strong analgesics are prohibited for children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women.

It is impossible to experiment and combine the use of several drugs per day - for example, Aspirin tablets, and after 4 hours Ketanov, according to the principle of “what is more effective”! This can cause hepatic coma and kidney dysfunction.


If the budget for “symptomatic therapy” is running out, take pills from the “list of necessary and vital medicines RF": Paracetamol (about 40 rubles), Ibuprofen (38 rubles), Acetylsalicylic acid (from 20 rubles) or Ketorolac (26 rubles).

Drugs from foreign manufacturers will cost more: Nise - from 200 rubles, Aspirin Cardio - from 80 rubles, Tempalgin - 130 rubles, Ketanov - about 60 rubles, Nurofen - 90 rubles.

All medications have contraindications. Before use, carefully read the instructions and consult your doctor.

An analgesic will relieve you of toothache for several hours, but will not eliminate its cause. Only a good dentist can do this. We recommend contacting him in order to avoid the recurrence of even more severe attacks of dentalgia.

Toothache is a serious cause for concern, causing discomfort and disrupting the usual rhythm of life. When your teeth hurt, it is impossible to remain cheerful and joyful, you cannot fall asleep, eat well and work. Toothache can also be accompanied by inflammation in the oral cavity, deterioration of health, and increased body temperature.

All this indicates the need to visit the dentist. But before you go to the doctor for an appointment, you can provide first aid to yourself. If your teeth hurt, you can get rid of the pain in several widely available ways.

How to quickly relieve toothache

At the first painful sensation in your teeth, you need to stop eating and brush your teeth thoroughly so that food particles do not cause painful sensations.

How to relieve acute toothache at home?

None of the above helps or makes things easier? Then rinse your mouth with a warm, strong sage decoction. You can also apply a compress made with it to the aching area.

It is effective to rinse your mouth with a water solution for pain. baking soda with the addition of two drops of iodine. This solution not only anesthetizes, but also disinfects.

How to relieve toothache?

Several remedies will help reduce pain or reduce it to zero. But even if they work in your case, be sure to consult a doctor.

Do not delay visiting the dentist, and this will help you avoid complications such as periodontitis, osteomyelitis and others that seriously threaten your health.

If you cannot immediately consult a specialist with a toothache, the aching syndrome can be relieved with medications for internal use, acupressure, traditional medicine and rinsing with various solutions.

Don’t know how to quickly relieve acute toothache? They will come to the rescue:

Do's and Don'ts for toothache

You can treat a bad tooth various methods. But when resorting to any of them, you must follow some rules.

If the pain takes you by surprise on the weekend or late at night and you don’t see a doctor at this time, emergency measures will come to the rescue that can relieve suffering for a while.

For acute pain syndrome:

  • You can rinse your mouth with a warm soda solution at the rate of 1 tsp. soda for 1 tbsp. water.
  • It is better to keep your mouth closed when the pain increases from air.
  • You should keep your mouth open in case of malocclusion, which may increase pain.
  • Antibiotics should not be used without medical advice and prescription. They are accepted exclusively according to the scheme. Taking such a pill once will only do harm.
  • You can massage your hand on the side where the sore tooth is. In the area where the bones of the index and thumb Rub with an ice cube, pressing on the brush in small bursts for 5–7 minutes.

What tablets relieve toothache

Analgesic drugs can be found in almost every first aid kit. But it is very important to use them wisely. Highly toxic tablets can be harmful to health. Drugs that relieve toothache are different in their effects and belong to different groups.

What medications can be used to relieve pain?

To soothe dental pain, in addition to the medications mentioned above, you can use:

Tablets for toothache

It’s rare that a person hasn’t wondered how to relieve a toothache, what pills to take. The easiest way to treat pain is to use modern medications.

When choosing the right ones, you need to take into account contraindications and chronic diseases, if they are. A complete list of diseases for which taking tablets is unacceptable is contained in the instructions for the drug.

How to relieve toothache with folk remedies

For toothache in different times people were saved in different ways. Time-tested and experience-tested recipes for infusions, decoctions and compresses help alleviate suffering during such an illness.

They are of interest primarily to those who want to know how to relieve toothache without pills at home.

There are many ways to relieve toothache. When choosing any of them, remember the importance of following the instructions for medical drugs and contraindications, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Toothache should be taken seriously and treated immediately. If an urgent visit to the dentist is impossible for some reason, you should get rid of the discomfort at home. There is a list of medications and folk remedies that can be used in case of sudden toothache.

You can eliminate toothache with the help of medications that are available in almost every home medicine cabinet. To get rid of discomfort, you can take the following remedies:

  • Citramon. The medication should not be used by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age, those who suffer from stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, ischemia, kidney disease and some other ailments. It is strictly forbidden to combine tablets with alcohol-containing drinks, as this can cause internal bleeding in the organs of the digestive system.
  • Aspirin. Belongs to the group of NSAIDs. The medication can eliminate mild toothache and has not only an analgesic but also an anti-inflammatory effect. Maximum amount There are six tablets that can be taken during the day. The drug should not be taken by children under 15 years of age, women while expecting a baby and nursing mothers. And also for those who suffer from bronchial asthma or allergies.
  • Paracetamol. The medicine relieves pain for 2-3 hours and does not have an anti-inflammatory effect. The maximum dose of the medicine is four tablets per day. The drug is contraindicated in children under 6 years of age; it should be taken with caution by pregnant and lactating women.
  • Ibuprofen. The medicine relieves inflammation and relieves pain. It is allowed to take no more than 12 tablets per day. The medicine does not save you from a strong acute feeling of discomfort. The drug is contraindicated in case of allergies, heart and stomach diseases, arterial hypertension, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Also, the medicine is not given to children under 6 years of age.
  • Dental gels (Cholisal, Dentol, Kamistad, Metrogil). They have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Place on the sore spot three to five times a day.
  • Nurofen. The medicine relieves severe unbearable pain and eliminates inflammation. Relief after taking it occurs within 20-25 minutes. The medication has contraindications: it should not be taken by pregnant women in the third trimester, children under 12 years of age, or people suffering from diseases of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract and heart.
  • Ketanov. The medicine eliminates pain by slowing down the production of hormones that are responsible for the occurrence of this unpleasant feeling. The drug slows down the functioning of the kidneys and is contraindicated for asthma, kidney diseases, and digestive system diseases. It should not be taken if you have heart failure, pregnancy or breastfeeding. childhood up to 16 years old.
  • Nise. The medication eliminates inflammation, swelling, and relieves even the most acute pain. It is allowed to take 200 mg of medication per day. The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, and in childhood. Capable of causing side effects in the form of vomiting, abdominal pain, rashes, etc.

If the above drugs are not in the medicine cabinet, you can take Analgin, Baralgin, Dexalgin, Nimesil, Airtal instead.

To eliminate toothache, special drops, injections (Diclofenac), antibiotics, if suppuration is present (Amoxicillin, Metronidazole), sprays and aerosols (Lidocaine) are also used.

If medications do not relieve your toothache, then you should stop taking them. In this situation, only a dentist can help, since the tooth requires immediate opening.

Traditional methods

Folk remedies cope no less successfully with toothache. The advantages of their use are that they have fewer contraindications, unlike pharmaceutical drugs.


Mouth rinsing is one of the most safe ways eliminating toothache. Most often, the following solutions are used for these purposes:

  • From salt. In a glass with warm water two tablespoons of the product are added and the solution is mixed. You can rinse your mouth with it.
  • From soda. Dissolve two tablespoons of the ingredient in boiling water, then cool to room temperature and rinse your mouth.
  • From chamomile. Three tablespoons of raw material are boiled in water for no more than two minutes. Then the composition is cooled. Honey is added to it before use.
  • From sage. The herb in the amount of two tablespoons is brewed with a glass of boiling water. The resulting composition is infused for about half an hour, then filtered. Then you can use it.
  • From oak bark. 20-30 grams of raw materials are poured into a container, filled with a glass of water and placed on the stove. The mixture is cooked for at least a quarter of an hour. Next, the composition is filtered and used for its intended purpose.
  • From vodka. Alcohol can be diluted with water or used in its pure form. You should not swallow it; after rinsing your mouth, you should spit out the vodka.
  • From turnips. Grate the vegetable, boil for a few minutes, then strain and cool. Rinse your mouth with the prepared mixture.
  • From propolis. Ready alcohol tincture from the pharmacy, dilute two teaspoons in a glass of water and rinse your mouth.
  • From onion peels. Boil a few tablespoons of raw materials, strain and cool. Place the prepared solution in your mouth and hold for 10 minutes without swallowing, then spit it out. The procedure must be repeated at least three times.


You can eliminate toothache using the following compresses:

  1. Chopped garlic is applied to the sore spot. The compress is fixed with cotton wool.
  2. Cotton wool or a piece of bandage is moistened in apple cider vinegar and applied to the area where discomfort is felt.
  3. Chewed mint leaves are placed on the sore spot.
  4. Soaked in boiling water tea bag placed on the tooth that hurts.
  5. A fresh cucumber is grated and the resulting paste is applied to the aching tooth.
  6. Chopped onions are placed on the sore gum. The vegetable has an antimicrobial effect.
  7. Essential oil (cloves, mint, sage) is dripped onto cotton wool, which is applied to the area where it hurts.
  8. The potatoes are finely grated, the resulting gruel is lightly sprinkled with salt and placed on the sore spot.
  9. Cotton wool is sprinkled with salt and ground black pepper. The resulting compress is placed on the sore tooth. After an hour, the feeling of discomfort will pass.

Other folk remedies

In addition to rinses and compresses, other folk methods are used for toothache:

  • Cooling. The method is suitable for local anesthesia. A piece of ice is applied to the area causing discomfort. The main disadvantage of this procedure is that the effect of its use is short-lived.
  • Treatment with propolis. A piece is placed on the sore tooth. Next, you need to squeeze it between your jaws and hold it in this position for at least 15 minutes. This will help quickly eliminate discomfort.


This method of eliminating toothache belongs to Chinese medicine. Its essence lies in influencing the He-gu point, which is located between the big and index fingers hands.

With your free hand, you need to feel this area, lightly press on it and gently massage for several minutes. Then switch to the other hand.

You need to start the massage with the hand on the side of which the painful tooth is located.

Psychological techniques

You can forget about unpleasant sensations for a while using psychological techniques:

  • Try to distract yourself. Any activity that completely absorbs you will help you forget about the pain.
  • Method of self-persuasion. To implement this method of eliminating painful sensations, you need to close your eyes and concentrate, imagine a diseased tooth and mentally pull it out.
  • Cry. An outburst of emotions will allow the discomfort to subside.

Toothache is often the result of poor or insufficient dental care. To prevent it from occurring or reoccurring again and again, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Limit your consumption of sweets and other foods that irritate your enamel.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day, at least in the morning and before bed.
  • Use dental floss to remove food stuck between your teeth.
  • Visit the dentist at least once a year.
  • If the tooth still hurts, you need to chew on the side opposite to it, so as not to aggravate the situation.

Neither painkillers nor folk remedies can eliminate the original source of toothache. They relieve pain only temporarily, so you will still have to schedule a visit to the dentist for the near future.

What should you not do if you have a toothache?

If you feel discomfort and toothache, you should not try to eliminate them in the following ways:

  1. Try to remove the filling yourself or pull out the diseased tooth.
  2. Apply a hot compress to the area causing discomfort. The process of heating a diseased tooth leads to an acceleration of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause gumboil to develop.
  3. Rinse your mouth with ice water. You need to use liquid at room temperature.
  4. Smoking cigarettes, trying to numb the pain with alcohol.
  5. Touch the sore spot with your fingers or tongue.
  6. Make a compress with Analgin, as you can get a burn to the oral mucosa (gums and cheeks).
  7. Also, you should not ask the dentist to save teeth if diseases such as osteomyelitis, phlegmon, periostitis, or abscess develop. They should be deleted without regret. In addition, teeth in which a cyst is found are removed. If wisdom teeth erupt with difficulty, they are also removed to avoid complications in the future, because any pathology can cause the development of inflammatory processes.

What to do if a tooth hurts during pregnancy and lactation?

During pregnancy, a woman may experience toothache, which often occurs due to hormonal changes in the body. The main causes of pain include:

  • development of caries;
  • lack of calcium in the body.

If your tooth hurts for another, less dangerous reason, you can take the following actions:

  1. Rinse your mouth to get rid of any remaining food in it, use dental floss.
  2. Put a compress of cotton wool soaked in dental drops on the sore spot, rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs or a solution of salt.
  3. You can take Paracetamol - one tablet (500 mg) with an interval of 4-6 hours, but not more than 4 g per day.

Today, there are many technologies that make it possible to successfully treat teeth even when a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, so you should not be afraid to go to the dentist.

How to eliminate toothache in a child?

In order to eliminate toothache in a child without consequences, it is necessary to first find out the cause of its occurrence. Doctors recommend taking a number of actions:

  1. Using a flashlight, examine the baby's oral cavity. Perhaps the discomfort is caused by a piece of food stuck in the teeth. You can remove it using sterilized tweezers. Then you need to brush your child's teeth.
  2. Pain can also be caused by damaged enamel or incorrect positioning of the tooth. In this situation, a visit to a dentist is required.
  3. In young children, pain and discomfort often accompany teething. To ease the child’s suffering, you can smear Colegel on the swollen gums or give your baby Dantinorm Baby dental drops.

Older children may be asked to rinse their mouths with a salt solution or herbal decoction. Also relieves toothache medicines, for example, Nurofen.

What to do if a filled tooth hurts?

The pain of a filled tooth indicates the beginning of some pathological process, the cause of which can only be identified and eliminated by a doctor. As a rule, such teeth hurt in the following situations:

  1. A seal installed long enough ago may fail. A tooth with a living pulp hurts greatly if you put pressure on it while chewing food or act in any other way.
  2. Also, the tooth may hurt a short time after the filling is installed. This suggests that the procedure was performed poorly, and an infection could remain in the dental canal.
  3. A filled tooth may become sore after other dental procedures in the mouth. This indicates a violation of the tightness of the old filling, or an infection in the dental canal.
  4. Discomfort may be caused by an allergic reaction to the material from which the filling is made. In this case, it is removed and a new one made of a different material is installed.

What to do if a “dead” tooth hurts?

A “dead” tooth is one in which the pulp has died or been removed by a doctor. Most people believe that such teeth cannot hurt, since they do not have a nerve. But that's not true. In some diseases, such as periodontitis, the dental nerve remains in the canal and gradually decomposes. With this phenomenon, pus is formed, which descends to the root of the tooth, causing inflammation and severe pain. Also, a “dead” tooth can cause discomfort due to complications during treatment.

This happens for the following reasons:

  • one or more channels are not cleaned;
  • The channels were poorly cleaned;
  • filling materials are too far beyond the tooth root;
  • there was an allergy to the material from which the filling was made.

Also, the tooth may hurt immediately after cleaning the canals. This means that post-filling syndrome has developed. This phenomenon goes away after about 1-2 weeks, becoming weaker every day.

If the tooth aches too much, you should not overuse painkillers. It's better to go to the dentist again.

How to eliminate toothache at home (video tips)?

In this video you will find 6 effective ways to combat toothache at home:

Toothache can make a person forget about living a full life. It occupies your thoughts, prevents you from working during the day and sleeping at night, and you definitely need to fight such pain. Discomfort can be eliminated without the participation of a dentist, if it is not caused by serious diseases.