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Personal topics of conversation. How to propose an interesting topic for conversation. topics for communication

Interesting topic for conversation- it’s like amazing news, carried on the wings of the press and adding weight to itself as it penetrates the masses...

About what…. What to talk about? Yes about everything! Such an answer! Have you ever tried to talk about absolutely everything? There is nothing complicated in such conversations. All you need is a so-called “hook”.

  1. Listen to your interlocutor! See what topics he enjoys talking about.
  2. Don't interrupt whoever is speaking. Then you won't have to rack your brains about topics. The person who pours out his soul to you will himself “dissolve” in the topics of conversation.
  3. Remember what the person talked to you about before (if, of course, you have communicated before). And start “leaning” on old topics.

Didn't find anything surprising?

Didn’t see “interesting topics” in the tips?

Here's a list of topics to talk about:

  • General hobbies and interests

Surely (and don’t argue or refute), you may have more than enough interests and general hobbies. You just have to look hard! This is what we should do!

  • Mutual friends and acquaintances

If they are not there, you can ask about what they are like in the “surroundings” of your interlocutor.

  • Amazing phenomena

For example: “I was returning from university and saw something incredible! Something shiny, like a flash of lightning, quickly flashed past me.”

This story is not at all fictional, but it cannot help but surprise with its content.

  • Funny incidents from life

There are many, many of them, aren’t they? Just choose the best of the best and tell the story. Do this with intonation, with expression and with gestures.

  • Favorite (hate) music

The theme of the music is filled with limitlessness. Just like the one written below.

  • Favorite (hated) films

You can always talk about them! Cinematography, thank God, does not stand still.

  • Past

Is your past not covered with a curtain of secrecy? Then reveal it to your interlocutor and wait for him to support the conversation topic.

  • Studies

What, your mood immediately became gloomy and drooping? In vain! Bring your good mood back! A lot of interesting and even funny things happen within the walls of colleges, schools and institutes.

  • Trips

Remember where you have been in your life... If you haven’t gotten anywhere, tell us about your travel dreams.

  • Job

Good topic! Especially if you are current or past colleagues. The basic rule is “not to get hung up” on such a topic.

  • Neighbours

Association with the game “How to Annoy Your Neighbor”? Normal association! People living next to you are very often mischievous or “naughty”.

  • Future plans

Arm yourself with patience! You can have a long, long conversation about plans. We wish you that all your plans become reality!

  • News

“The best news is its complete absence.” But you can also discuss good or humorous cases!

Without them - nowhere. These little angels will decorate our life and make it more “inspired”.

  • Experiences, thoughts, emotions

Favorite topic of two or three girlfriends! It is mainly women who “reveal” it. But even men don’t mind “crying.”

  • Purchases

You can talk about them forever and endlessly!

It’s worth asking: “what did you buy yesterday?”…. And the theme will “rush” like a wave across the sea!

Interesting topics to talk about on the very first date:

  • Pets
  • Relatives

It's good if there are a lot of them! Discussion of each can take an hour, and another, and a third. Time will fly by unnoticed!

  • Bad habits

It’s better to throw them out, but if they are present, talk about them! Words can lead you (or your interlocutor) to quit both smoking and drinking.

  • Various "absurdities"

This topic is very common, since the earth is often full of “absurdities”.

  • Compliments

Nice topic! But it’s not just the guy who has to say them. You, too, try to do “beautiful things” for your companion.

  • Fate

What is so attractive about this topic? And the fact that it is filled with mysticism and some kind of “magic”.

  • Dreams and desires

Tell the guy you like what you dream about. He will definitely try to make at least one dream come true if he really cares about you.

You can talk about absolutely anything on the Internet!

Especially if you don't use a camera. “Invisibility” liberates people.

I met my husband on the Internet. It so happens that I am incredibly sociable, just like him. But since I found it... Even the conversational initiative was “attached” to me. I never fiddle with words, so I knew what to say and when.

My habit is “questioning rain.” I added Stasik to Friends (on a social network) and immediately began asking him about many things. He probably got tired of me in the first seconds. But he did not admit this.

What topics were covered?

Our first conversation was more like a very detailed questionnaire:

  1. How old are you?
  2. Who are you according to the Zodiac?
  3. What do you like to do in life?
  4. What do you like?
  5. Who do you work for?
  6. Is that you in the photo?
  7. Where you're from?
  8. Where do you live now?
  9. What nationality are your parents?
  10. Do you have a brother or sister?
  11. Where do you work?
  12. What are your food preferences?
  13. Do you have a favorite color?
  14. What kind of women (girls) do you like?
  15. What do you like to do on the Internet?
  16. How do you feel about coincidences?

I can continue listing the questions for a long time, but you will simply get bored reading them. Speak! And the theme will appear by itself!

Did you like a guy on VK, but you don’t know what you can talk to him about? We will talk about how to quickly find a suitable topic for communication on the Internet that will be of interest to both. In addition, you will find detailed list universal topics for communication and questions that can be used in correspondence with any guy. We will also talk about the most common mistakes when communicating with men on social media. networks and how to avoid them.

Here are a few useful tips, how to find a topic for communication that will be interesting to both you and the young man.

Activities and interests

In VKontakte you can learn more about the guy’s hobbies, as well as what he does outside of work or study.

  • General hobby- This is a great opportunity to start communication.
  • Common interests. Among his activities there may be something you wanted to do, but did not know where to start or what you did in the past. Ask for recommendations.
  • An unusual hobby. You might not have heard of this before. Let him tell you more. The guy will be pleased to stand out.

Favorite music, books, movies, TV shows

All this can be found out by looking at the section detailed information about the user or simply view the latest audio and video recordings.

Find artists, bands, films, actors and writers that you both like. Sometimes just one common song or book is enough to start communicating with a guy you like.

Or you can go the opposite way. Ask which song to start getting acquainted with the work of a group or musician unknown to you among his favorites, which film to choose and watch with the participation of his favorite actor. This will give a bonus in the form of a discussion of your impressions of what you watched and heard.

Groups and communities

Another place where you can find a topic of conversation that is interesting to both is groups, communities and interesting pages. Special attention Focus on those that you are also subscribed to.


Find out where your interlocutor has been. The indicated places on the map on his wall and photographs will help with this. Take an interest in what was memorable and what was not impressive in the places where he was. Whether you have been there, are just planning, or would like to visit does not matter much.

The main thing is that you are interested in the chosen topic.

Universal topics for online communication that you can talk about with any guy

What to do if you are not friends with a guy and access to personal information is limited? There are a number of topics suitable for conversation with anyone:

  • The latest music and cinema. The topic can be developed endlessly. From favorite genres, directors and trends in music, to film bloopers, biographies and interesting facts on this topic.
  • Sport. You can talk about the achievements of your favorite athletes. You shouldn’t limit yourself to just football. Even badminton or sledding can become a point of common interest. In addition, ask if he is involved in any sport, and if so, what kind.
  • Travel and recreation. The discussion can be reduced not only to places where one of you has already been, but also to fantasize about where you would go if you had unlimited possibilities.
  • Books. Plots, characters, emotions from reading - a treasure trove for conversation. But the topic is good only if you are sure that the guy likes to read.
  • Mutual acquaintances, friends. One of simple ways strike up a conversation. But it’s better to use it only as a start and not stay on it for long.

What questions to ask to diversify communication

It’s better to avoid trivial questions about what’s new, how life is, what you’re doing, or how you’re feeling, or try to minimize it. Here are some examples of questions that can be used in correspondence.

About tastes in food, music and more:

  1. Do you like Italian cinema?
  2. Have you ever tried sushi?
  3. I drink tea with lemon. Which one do you like?
  4. Have you seen the latest film with Milla Jovovich?
  5. I love jazz. What do you like to listen to?

About hobbies and interests:

  1. I have long dreamed of learning to ride a bicycle. Can you? It's complicated?
  2. How long have you been running?
  3. What do you like about basketball?

About favorite holidays, places and bright events in life:

  1. What is the most unusual gift you were given for your birthday?
  2. Have you ever been to Barcelona?
  3. Which New Year do you remember most?

What you don’t know about, but the guy definitely understands:

  1. I have no idea which laptop to choose?
  2. I was completely confused by the instructions. How to connect this printer?

Remember, the question doesn't have to be very long or complicated. Try to ask questions that require detailed rather than monosyllabic answers. If you see that a guy doesn’t want to answer a question, don’t insist.

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Which topics are best to avoid?

Do you want the conversation to be enjoyable and not boring? There are a number of topics that it is better not to get involved with during the first communication.

Topics of a personal nature:

  • family;
  • former relationships;
  • sexual experience;
  • health;
  • problems and troubles.

You are not a relative or close friend to immediately be told about your secrets or listen to you.

Topics of a social nature:

  • policy;
  • religion;
  • nationality;
  • material income.

You don’t yet know the worldview and views of your interlocutor. By touching on such topics, you can find yourself in an unpleasant situation.

Serious and heavy topics:

  • death;
  • violence;
  • disasters;
  • war and its consequences.

It is much more pleasant to correspond about something fun, life-affirming and optimistic than about something that can cause depression.

Also, do not touch on the topics of shopping, fashion, clothing and accessories, and makeup. Guys appreciate beauty, but most of them are not at all interested in how hard it was achieved.

Even after a conversation has begun, there may be a moment of pause. In such cases, you should keep in service:

  1. humor;
  2. unexpected offer.

Stock up on a couple of anecdotes or jokes. Humor always relieves tension and defuses the situation. Or invite your boyfriend to play together online game or watch the same movie. Even if you receive a negative answer, you can move the conversation to another topic.

Useful video on the topic:

Common mistakes when corresponding with a man

In the end, I would like to give a number of the most common mistakes that are made in conversations. If you want the conversation with a guy to last as long as possible and captivate him, then here’s what you definitely shouldn’t do:

  1. Criticize. And not only the interlocutor himself or his opinion, but also his hobbies, interests, even his favorite performer. Even constructive criticism is harmful and dangerous. The only thing it will lead to is a negative attitude towards your person.
  2. Condemn. Definitely avoid direct condemnation of people and their actions in communication, especially in a rude manner. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a friend, acquaintance or stranger. It’s better to simply explain what you would do in someone else’s place in a given situation.
  3. Argue and impose your own opinion. The argument will lead the conversation to a dead end. Either each of you will remain with your own opinion, or the one who turns out to be wrong will have an unpleasant aftertaste. The result is a lack of desire to continue the dialogue.
  4. Lie. There is no need to lie, invent, exaggerate and in any other way try to appear better in the eyes of the person with whom you are corresponding. Sooner or later you will forget something, mix it up and this will most likely be the end of the conversation.
  5. Agree with everything. If you don't agree, write so. Don't be afraid to offend someone. Absolute agreement may raise suspicions that you are either not interested or have no opinion about anything. And such an interlocutor is boring.
  6. Talk exclusively about yourself or turn the conversation to yourself. No matter how wonderful you are, no one will participate in a monologue. At the beginning, you should interest the guy, and then he will provide the opportunity to talk about himself.
  7. Arrange an interrogation. Curiosity is a useful thing, but in moderation. Excessive curiosity will only push you away.
  8. Frankly flatter. All people love to be praised, but constant compliments and praises indicate insincerity. Admire only when it really is so.

The list is not final and more errors may be added. But these are the most common mistakes not only when corresponding on VK, but also in everyday live communication.

Do you want to know how to quickly win and make a guy fall in love with you by correspondence? Then be sure to read. In it you will find several tricks that work flawlessly.

What to do when you completely run out of topics to talk about? for this case.

Do you want to know what you should never say to a man? All details in .

Some useful tricks For .

Be sure to come in handy for everyone: .

And if you want to become an interesting and desirable interlocutor for any person, you should start with a very interesting and useful book for such purposes, “How to Win Friends and Influence People” - Carnegie Dale.

Remember these too important aspects when corresponding with a guy on VKontakte like:

  • literacy;
  • absence of profanity and ‘dirt’;
  • conglomeration large quantity all kinds of emoticons.

Save topics for conversation with a girl, they will definitely be useful to you. You've run out of topics to talk about, are you embarrassed or don't know what to talk about with a pretty girl? There are topics for conversation that will not only help you not get bored, but will also bring you closer together. 110 interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

Silence is golden. But this is the only gold that girls don't like. What can you talk about with a girl in order to get closer and not get bored? There are many questions and ideas to talk about. Themes are suitable for a walk, a conversation in a cafe, alone or for any other place. These topics will show you as an extraordinary and interesting interlocutor. In any conversation, it is more important to listen than to talk. Then the girl will be crazy about you.

1. What is your sexiest body part?

2. Describe yourself in three words?

3. Do you trust your head or your heart more?

4. What was your childhood like?

5. What lifts your spirits?

6. What are you proud of?

7. What makes you laugh the most?

8. What are you most passionate about and what sparks your interest?

9. What are you talented at?

10. What kind of sport attracts you?

11. What place or country do you want to go to?

12. What things would I take with me on desert island?

13. What's the creepiest thing you've ever done?

14. Who is yours best friend or girlfriend?

15. What is your favorite movie?

16. The best and unforgettable trip?

17. Who is closest to you in your family?

18. Favorite alcoholic drink? And did you get drunk as hell?

19. What are you most afraid of?

20. What do you remember most from childhood or the past?

21. What is your favorite smell and aroma?

22. Where would you like to live most?

23. What qualities do you look for in your other half?

24. What stupid things have you done in your life?

26. Who are you grateful to in life?

27. Which of the five senses would you be willing to lose?

28. The most radical thing decision in life?

29. How did you spend the last 24 hours on earth?

30. What do people not know about you?

31. What do you like to do on the weekend?

32. Do you love the sea, mountains or forests more?

33. What does an ideal date look like?

34. Are you a conflict person?

35. How do you see yourself in 5 years?

36. What do you want to change about yourself?

37. When do you feel vulnerable and what makes you so?

38. In what time and under what civilization would you like to live?

39. Favorite memory?

40. Do you have a mentor and main adviser in life?

41. What is your favorite book, quote, joke, movie or song?

42. Does your zodiac sign characterize you?

43. What do you want to do before you die and what are your plans?

44. Biggest regret?

45. Could you survive in prison and what would it be like?

46. ​​How many children do you dream of having?

47. What do you want to fix in life?

48. What is your relationship with God?

49. Do you like to dance?

50. Favorite pet?

51. What do you like about men physically and psychologically?

52. How do you understand love?

53. When was the last time you cried?

54. What do you think your family will look like?

55. What do you do on a bad day and in a bad mood?

56. Do you believe and trust people?

57. Have you kissed like an adult with your girlfriends?

58. Favorite genre of books?

59. Do you believe in miracles or fate?

60. Where do you feel at home?

61. What are your goals and plans for life?

62. If you were a man for one day, what would you do?

63. What should people know before meeting you?

64. Who did you dream of being when you were young?

65. What item from childhood is still with you?

66. What do you dislike most in life?

67. Which popular star would you marry?

68. What brings a smile and a good mood?

69. Do you like compliments, beauty?

70. Have you had any problems with the law and what did you do criminally?

71. What are you still ashamed of?

72. What super ability do you want to have?

73. Are you a morning person or a night owl?

74. How do you feel about politics and what is happening in the world?

75. Most important life lesson?

76. What have you never done, but really want to?

77. Favorite food, dish, drink, fruit, vegetable and sweet?

78. What lesson did you learn from your past relationships?

79. Do you consider yourself smart?

80. Are you a member of any organizations or movements?

81. What name would you like to have?

83. What does a dream vacation look like if you don't take money into account?

84. How do your friends think of you?

85. Do you believe in love at first sight?

86. What profession would you choose if you went back in time?

87. What are your parents like and how did they raise you?

88. Are you a driven person or do you like to lead?

89. Does friendship between opposite sexes exist?

90. What style of clothing appeals to you?

91. What's scary about the future?

92. Favorite artists, writers, musicians?

93. Do you follow passions and emotions?

94. Favorite fictional character?

95. What confuses you most in life and was there such a moment?

96. Biggest fear?

97. What animal can you compare yourself to?

98. What is the best life advice you have received from others?

99. Who do you admire most?

100. What do you think about death?

101. What do you pay attention to first of all when meeting people?

102. Can you cook and what do you do best?

103. Do you consider yourself a strange person?

104. What turns you on and excites you?

105. Do you love yourself?

106. How would you spend a million dollars?

107. What is missing in your life?

108. What does your dream look like?

109. What makes you happy?

110. Will you kiss me now?

Save topics for conversation with a girl, they will definitely be useful to you.

Our life is unthinkable without communication. But if at home or among friends you can relax and chaotically express your thoughts, counting on the understanding of loved ones, then you need to behave collectedly with unfamiliar people. It is important to know which issues are worth addressing and which are not. We'll tell you where to look for conversation topics and give you a universal formula for maintaining a casual conversation.

Universal topics for conversation.

There are 6 main topics that can be raised regardless of the interlocutor's age, location or culture. In America, these topics are encapsulated in the acronym F.O.R.M. If translated into Russian, this formula will be called – S.P.O.D. Some capital letters in it represent two headings. What is this combination?

S – Family. Most are happy to talk about their roots, origins, the lives of their parents, and their place of birth. It’s rare that someone doesn’t want to brag about the achievements of their family members. If you do not ask direct or tactless questions, you can learn a lot about the interlocutor by having an interesting time with him.

P – Profession. If you need serious topics for conversation, you can talk about the education received, its quality, as well as the type of activity of the interlocutors and their professional experience. In the “P” category, social, community or economic issues may rise.

O – Rest. This block contains the most common topics for conversation with friends with whom we most often spend our leisure time. A sea of ​​memories and even more plans are associated with vacation. Even to a stranger It’s interesting to hear about unforgettable adventures or unusual ones. This also includes discussions of books, films, attractions, and the like.

O – Education. Everyone has something to tell about their student years. The sciences being studied, the behavior of teachers, the principle, funny stories are some of the most neutral and safe topics for communicating with unfamiliar people.

D – Money. Prices for medicines, the size of pensions, raising tariffs - these are topics of conversation that can not only unite the first people they meet, but also turn them against a third party. This also includes discussions about discounts, promotions, product quality, etc.

D - Others. In fact, these are cultural gossips that we learn about from the media, the Internet, social networks and other things. Discussions of memes, jokes or scandals are of more interest to young people who lead an active virtual life.

Topics of conversation that are best not brought up.

A casual conversation can be killed at the very beginning if you ask a tactless question or raise a slippery topic. What things are better not to talk about?

Policy. Differences in politics can not only spoil a friendly conversation, but also start a war, as history proves. It’s not worth imposing your views, expressing opinions about political figures, naming the names of leaders whom we trust and vice versa - the likelihood of finding support is low.

Religion. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want. Many denominations, churches and religious organizations coexist among us. Proving the truth of this or that belief is the right path to. It is interreligious disagreements that cause the bloodshed of believers.

Personal life. Tactless questions of a personal nature are explosive. A person who asks questions like “When are you going to get married?”, “Are you planning to have children yet?” is clearly playing with fire. Personal life is everyone’s holy of holies and any intrusion is considered a potential threat.

Diseases. There are people who do not notice how much time they can talk about their condition. A detailed listing of symptoms, an intriguing announcement of the diagnosis, a long story about treatment methods are not very interesting topics for discussion. No matter how deeply the interlocutor listens to our speech, we should remember that he is irritated by conversations about diseases.

How to find interesting topics to talk about?

1. Develop.

It is easy to find interesting topics for communication for those who do not stand still, but are constantly engaged. Reading classical and modern literature, watching films with meaning, traveling, visiting exhibitions or master classes - these are the activities that make us interesting people. While being active, we won’t notice how deftly we can switch from topic to topic, masterfully countering with knowledge in each area affected.

2. Talk about the interlocutor.

It’s good when that talker is still nearby - the scattering of his phrases does not allow even the slightest pause and defuses the situation. But how to find a topic of conversation with a silent person? How to win him over? Psychologists unanimously suggest talking about your interlocutor. Of course, it’s not worth starting your appeal with the words: “Well, buddy, tell us about yourself!”

You can ask his opinion about what is happening around him or about high-profile events. By sharing their thoughts, people, without noticing it, begin to talk about themselves. Here are some sample questions that can start a dialogue: “Where are you from?”, “Do you like this city?”, “How do you like this medical reform?”

3. Find commonalities.

A situation that brings interlocutors together is a significant reason for conversation. For example, traveling together on a train is always conducive to this. Strangers gathered in the same compartment traditionally tell each other where they are going, where they are from and with whom. Why do complete opposites sometimes share this information with each other?

It's simple - they have something in common. In this case, the road from point A to point B., but it often happens that people who meet by chance find fascinating topics for conversation and mutual acquaintances, and sometimes even decide to continue their journey together to a certain place, exchanging addresses.

4. Give a compliment.

This is not about fawningly praising external features or features. But if we note some action or deed, expressing our admiration or, but a friendly conversation is guaranteed. It might look like this: “How do you manage to hold yourself so well during a speech?” or “How long did you train to achieve these results?”

5. Tell us about yourself.

Our hobbies or achievements may also be of interest to someone. By talking about yourself, there is a chance that you will find common ground with your interlocutor, because he, too, may be delighted with the surrealists or turn out to be an avid fisherman.

6. Remember the eternal.

If everything about yourself has already been told, and it is desirable to continue the dialogue, what other topics can you talk about? In this case, it is worth trying to push the boundaries of the rational. There are a lot of so-called eternal questions that people have discussed at all times. Questions like these may seem strange or awkward at first, but they can spark an interesting conversation:

  • If you were allowed to take only three things to a desert island, what would you take?
  • What era would you like to live in? Why?
  • person?

7. Follow the news.

Current events are a complete list of topics to talk about. It’s rare that someone isn’t interested in hearing the latest gossip about a famous show business star or finding out the details of some shocking event. It was not for nothing that the nobles of the last century began the day by reading newspapers - you can captivate your interlocutor with the news by asking his opinion about what is happening.

Topics for conversation are a powerful foundation for interesting and successful communication. By catching the right wave of conversation, we can make interesting acquaintances, make friends, and build a successful career. All you need to do is remember which questions can be raised and which are unofficially prohibited.

Interesting topics for conversation with a girl.

When dating on the street or online, success depends on how you conduct the conversation. Sometimes the external data of the interlocutor fades into the background, since communication with a person is very interesting. In this article we will help you start a conversation with a girl so that she does not refuse you.

If you were introduced to a girl by friends or found an ad on a dating site, then the moment of your first telephone conversation comes. Your future relationship depends on how interested the girl is in communicating with you.

Topics to talk on the phone:

  • Pets. Find out if the girl has a pet, who she loves, cats or dogs. Perhaps you have something to talk about. This could be animal care or food, vitamins, vaccinations, mating.
  • Children. This topic may be of interest to a young mother or a girl who has a younger brother or sister.
  • Sport. This topic will be interesting if your chosen one takes care of her body. And you also go to the gym. We can discuss vitamins, proper nutrition and nutritional supplements.
  • Holidays. If you're looking forward to a holiday, this is a great reason to keep the conversation going. It is necessary to ask about gifts and options for the holiday.
  • Trips. The most pleasant topic is relaxation. Therefore, we can talk about warm countries and the sea.

Topics for conversation on VK:

  • Job. Try to ask the girl about her work and whether she likes it. If she talks enthusiastically about her work, you can develop the topic.
  • Money. The topic of making money is interesting to everyone. But you shouldn’t talk a lot about money, so as not to seem greedy or, on the contrary, wasteful.
  • Hobby. Ask what the girl does in her free time. Perhaps she has strange hobbies.
  • Religion. This topic should not be discussed if you are a believer and the girl is an atheist. But we can talk about religions in other countries.

The best, interesting topics for conversation with a girl on VKontakte

Topics for communicating with a stranger:

  • Start a conversation based on what you see on social media. Perhaps start a conversation with an interesting proverb or expression from the girl’s page. Say you are interested in philosophy or the works of Lao Tzu.
  • If there is a lot on the page culinary recipes, we can talk about food. If a girl talks about how she loves to cook, you can tell her how you prepare a particular dish or how you like to eat it.
  • If you find a profile on a dating site, write what purpose you are getting acquainted with, and brief information About Me. Write a little about your hobbies.
  • If you don't know anything about fashion, then you shouldn't write about it. Write about an interesting movie. This could be a great reason to invite you to the cinema.
  • Find common topics based on her page. If there are photographs of a cat on the wall, ask about its name. A pet will be a great way to get to know each other.
  • If a girl has photos of her roller skating, invite her to go for a ride together. This also applies to bicycles.

List of cool topics:

  • Museums and memorial sites. Talk about some interesting and unusual places. Pottery workshops and chocolate factories with demonstrations may be interesting.
  • Computer games. Only use this topic if the girl is really into it.
  • Toys. Ask if the girl makes or collects toys. These can be soft toys or kinders.
  • Collecting. You can talk about stamps, coins, antiques. But this topic is quite subtle and not everyone is interested.

If you and a girl know each other well, then sometimes it’s more pleasant to just be silent in each other’s company. You don't have to talk about anything.

Topics for conversation with your beloved:

  • Future plans
  • Interesting pastime or leisure
  • Joint purchases
  • Study or work
  • Mutual acquaintances and news about them

Here is an example dialogue with a girl on VK:

- Hello, I am interested in your page, you are very interesting to me.

- Hello.

— We have mutual friends, you go to the Sport Life club for fitness, right?

- Yes, I go to the gym, and we know each other.

- No, I’ve seen you several times, maybe we’ll get to know each other?

- Fine.

— How long have you been going to the gym?

— About a year

-You have a beautiful appearance.

- Thank you.

— I’ve been going for 2 years, but without fanaticism. 2 times a week, cardio training and running.

— I also run, though not in the gym, but in the park)

- Maybe we can organize a joint run tomorrow, when are you planning?

— I’ll be at Mayak at 7.00

- Ok, then see you tomorrow, bye.

What to talk about with a girl on VK: example

As you can see, to get to know a girl, you just need to know a little about her and you can talk about common interests.

VIDEO: Topics for conversation