Toilet      03/23/2022

How to grow your nails. Is it possible to build on very short hair, photos before and after the procedure. Care of artificial nails

Before you decide on an independent nail extension, you need to study the benefits of this event and, of course, do not ignore minuses. Consider positive sides:

  • Procedure light: after several workouts, extension is available to any smart girl who had no relation to nail procedures before.
  • With the help of the gel, it became possible to give the nails a well-groomed appearance, hide small defects plates.
  • The gel does not emit odor either during application or during wear.
  • Most manufactured gel products safe composition. The gel does not cause allergic reactions of a general type: individual intolerance is possible.
  • Gel extension is considered one of the most durable: nail plates hard to damage due to a thick layer of artificial material.
  • Extended nails look beautiful and aesthetically pleasing: skillful and accurate extension does not distinguish artificial coating from natural nails.

Another major plus that requires special mention: gel extension helps to overcome the habit of biting fingers and the free edges of the nail plate. After the first wear, you can see the result.

As with any cosmetic procedure, gel extensions have several cons which we will discuss below:

  • Enough materials and tools for building expensive: It cannot be said that the procedure will be much cheaper than in the salon. Savings occur due to exclusion from the pricing chain - payment to the master.
  • Building spoils nail plates, despite the fact that almost all masters convince of the opposite. A long absence of oxygen access to the nail plates cannot have a positive effect on the tissues of the body.
  • Independent nail extension is 1.5 times longer than salon. This is due to the inconvenience of applying the composition to the non-dominant hand.
  • Too much frequent correction- the extension comes into visual disrepair already in the third week of wearing.
  • With incorrect build-up, voids under the nail plates may form. It's potential focus of infectious inflammation.

Making a decision weigh both scales: think about whether you are ready to sacrifice time or the health of your nails for the sake of a beautiful shape and well-groomed handles.


Gel extension has a wrong many contraindications, however, if you see yourself in at least one paragraph, you will have to abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking beautiful nails at home or in a salon:

  • Cuts, open wounds, cuticle inflammation
  • Sore nails: brittle, exfoliating, uneven, fungus
  • Taking antibiotics, chemical irradiation procedures.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo, which shows in detail the anatomy of the nail. This scheme will greatly simplify the understanding of the extension procedure in the future.

What to do after the decision is made

If the information above has not discouraged you from wanting to grow beautiful nails, let's get started. First of all, you need to decide on form nails, building material, and of course, purchase the necessary tools if you do not have them.


To understand what shape of nails you want, look at the photo. Choose a shape based on your own preferences and be sure to check out what kind of manicure

Please note: the most comfortable and least traumatic forms are the classic oval or square.

Material for length

Choose the most suitable material, between the two proposed options:

Auxiliary materials:

  • Sticky remover
  • primer
  • orange stick
  • Files, tweezers
  • Composition brush
  • Polishing pad

Let's consider the procedure of gel extension on tips. This technology is easier than molded, however, it also requires skill. Follow the step by step instructions to quickly learn how to make beautiful nails, without leaving home:

  1. Process hands with an alcohol solution. It can be a tonic or an antiseptic: the task of the solution is to disinfect the hands and degrease the nail plates.
  2. Push the cuticle towards the base of the nail: it should not interfere overlay tips.
  3. File your nails: they should completely repeat the shape of the tips. After that take off with natural nails shiny layer. Wipe off the dust with a tissue.
  4. Choose the tips according to the size of the first nail: in the future, the procedure is repeated for each nail.
  5. Apply a drop of glue on the well of the tips and press against the nail plate for 15 seconds. Remove excess glue without letting it dry on the cuticle or tip body.
  6. Process the free edge of the tips: cut to the desired length and form the desired shape. Treat body tips with a buff and apply primer.
  7. After the primer dries, apply the gel composition. Dry in a UV lamp for 3 minutes. After that apply gel a second time and repeat the drying procedure.
  8. With dry nails wipe off the sticky layer, degrease and apply a finish coat. Dry.
  9. Remove sticky fragments from finished nails and lubricate the cuticles with oil.

Make sure that in the process of building the gel composition does not fall on open areas of the skin. Their untimely removal leads to subsequent damage to the manicure.

Shape extension (upper and lower stencils)

Form extensions are difficult for a beginner: we recommend that you first practice on tips, and, with the experience gained, switch to shaped extensions. The sequence of actions is described below:

  1. The beginning of the shaped extension does not differ from the tips one: disinfect your hands, remove the shine from natural nails, and degrease them.
  2. Apply base coat, then dry it in the lamp for 180 seconds.
  3. Fix the stencil on the nail. With the upper extension, it is fixed on the nail, with the lower one - under the nail, respectively.
  4. Apply gel composition from the tip of the free edge: make sure that the composition is evenly distributed. Dry.
  5. If you are building on lower forms, form an S-curve when reapplying the gel. Dry. With the upper forms, this item can be skipped.
  6. Remove the sticky layer from the surface of the nails and remove the template.
  7. Sand the surface until the slightest irregularities are removed. Remove the dust.
  8. Apply the finish coat dry 2-3 minutes in the lamp.
  9. Degrease the finished result and rub nourishing oil into the cuticle.

Video instruction will help you better understand the process of building.

The article reveals the nuances of nail extension in as much detail as possible, exposing all the pitfalls and difficulties. If you are ready to learn, are not afraid of mistakes and can survive a bad result without being disappointed - you should definitely try yourself as a professional extension master. We hope that the article on how to build gel nails at home was useful, and the step-by-step instructions improved your understanding of the process.

Growing nails at home is not so difficult. It will only take regular practice, but in return - a spectacular manicure. It is worth starting, perhaps, with contraindications, in order to avoid unpleasant surprises.


In the following cases, it is better to refuse nail extension:


    problems with the cardiovascular system,

    poor circulation,

    allergy to the materials used for extensions,

    basedow's disease,

  • hormonal disorders,

    undergoing a course of chemotherapy.

If you are currently taking antibiotics, then extensions should also be avoided. Artificial nails just won't hold.

As for pregnancy, it is not a contraindication, but being in this position, it is important to comply with a number of requirements:

    Extend nails in a ventilated area,

    Use exclusively high-quality and new materials,

    Rinse your nose with mineral water. This will help get rid of dust particles and other substances that could get into the respiratory tract during work and cause allergies.

Also, in the following cases, you should not build up nails, as they will not only exfoliate, but also harm your nails:

    if your nails are injured,

    if you have a bruise under the nail plate,

    you have a fungus or a viral disease.

If you are the owner of such a feature of the body as increased humidity of the hands, then get ready for the fact that new nails will often exfoliate. This, of course, in general, is not a contraindication, but it will cause trouble.

And before proceeding directly to the extension procedure itself, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the memo, which will help you avoid possible mistakes.

It is necessary to build up nails, taking into account contraindications

Memo for nail extensions

If you are going to increase your nails, then follow these three simple rules:

    Before the procedure, it is necessary to prepare the nail plate and remove the cuticle;

    You don't need to cut your nails at the root. Ideally, they should be one to two millimeters longer;

    On the day of the procedure, you should not take hot baths, swim in the pool, go to the bath or sauna.

What can be done and what cannot be done? A small reminder.

    Use hand products after extensions with caution, as some of them can exfoliate the nails.

    If delamination occurs, you do not need to “pick” the nail. It won't get better. Only correction will help.

    After building up for several days, you need to nourish and moisturize the skin around the nails (ideally in the morning and evening).

    Have you grown your nails? Great. Now do not forget about the correction. It should be done regularly (every two to four weeks).

    If this is your first extension experience, then it is better to choose a short length.

    Artificial nails are not a method of opening corks, bottles and everything else. This is the first decoration.

    Housework (washing floors, dishes) is best done with gloves or use protective equipment.

    Carefully use knives, graters, etc., because if you are not careful, you can at least scratch the coating, in the worst case, you will simply break or cut off the artificial nail.

    If you are not careful with close fire, then the nails can become covered with soot and burn.

    The area under the nails should not be cleaned with sharp objects. In this case, it is better to use a soapy toothbrush.

You are familiar with what is possible and what is not, therefore, you can proceed to the main thing.

The nail plate must be prepared for extension

Technologies used

There are two main materials used for building:

The difference between the two materials is the curing process. Acrylic turns into a solid polymer by mixing powder and monomer, and the gel consists of these two components. The gel has a liquid form, hardens only under ultraviolet rays.

If you are going to build nails for the first time, then it is better to use a gel. It's easier to work with him. But, on the other hand, many professionals prefer acrylic. And all because only with it you can achieve very clear shapes and lines. Alas, using the gel, it is very difficult to obtain such an effect.

Where there are pluses, there are bound to be minuses. Acrylic has a very pronounced smell, which is not only volatile, but also toxic. It instantly spreads throughout the room. And the gel is simpler in this regard: it does not have such a strong smell, therefore, if there are children in the house, then the smell will not harm them.

You can build nails on forms and on tips. The first, by the way, are used less and less. Tips, on the other hand, contribute to the rapid process of building up, but you can’t get grace with them.

The extension technology depends on the chosen material

What is needed for the extension procedure?

The essential item is, of course, an ultraviolet lamp. For any method of building it is required. If acrylic is used, then a not too powerful lamp can be used, but for a colored gel you will need something more powerful.

What else will be needed:

    spatula, which will help push back the cuticle;

    nail files (for acrylic - more rigid, and for gel you can use less rigid);

    forms (tips), glue;

    brushes needed for gel or acrylic;

Materials and preparations that will also be needed:


    liquid for drying the nail plate (or dehydrator),

    primer - this is what helps the adhesion of the natural nail and artificial material,

    bonder (for the gel method),

    acrylic powder (for acrylic),

    building gel (for gel),

    monomer (for acrylic),

    finish coat,

    a tool that will help remove the sticky layer.

Important! If you still believe the myth about the harmfulness of building, then it's time to dispel it. Gone are the days when harmful and toxic materials were used. All of them were replaced by high-quality materials that do not damage the nail, if you follow all the precautions and rules.

Modern materials for nail extension are absolutely non-toxic

What shape to give the nails?

If all the tools, materials and other devices are purchased, then it's time to start choosing a beautiful nail shape. They are:


    more modern and sophisticated.

Classic shapes include: square, oval, soft square and almond. And to the second type, who does not like the ordinary, but prefers originality: edge, stiletto, bridge, pipe.

We build up on tips

Have you chosen a form? Then it's time to build up. Tips are the simplest extension option. If you do everything carefully, then the first time everything will turn out very beautifully and effectively.

The first thing to do is to disinfect the tools. The next step is preparing the tips. To do this, they need to be laid out in front of you and matched to each nail according to the approximate shape and size. Next, you need to give them a shape. For example, the classic square. After that, you need to start preparing a natural plate. You need to take a spatula and push back the cuticle, and use a file to remove the shine of your nail and trim the length. Do everything carefully, because you can damage the nail.

Next - treat your nails with cutasept and dry with a dehydrator. Now you can stick tips. Apply glue gently, in a small amount, distribute it evenly. Attach the tips to the nails, make sure they are correctly positioned, press firmly and hold.

The next stage is the application of bonder and prime (refers to the gel system). Try not to overdry the bonder, as in this case it will not positively affect the nails. Keep your nails under the lamp for no more than two minutes.

Next, the main stage is the application of acrylic (or building gel) to a carefully prepared nail. It is important to form the shape of the nail correctly, because the further convenience and aesthetics of the nail depend on it. Apply the material evenly, spread over the entire nail from the center to the edges. If a gel is used, polymerization under ultraviolet rays is required. This procedure is carried out for each nail, then the sticky layer is removed and the nails are covered with a finishing gel, dried under a lamp for two minutes. All is ready!

Building on forms

Building on forms is quite painstaking, unlike tips. But the result is worth it. The preparation is the same, but instead of tips, you need to prepare forms that are patterns that help create the perfect model for each nail. The form is bent in half, placed under the nail plate, fixed with a sticky edge.

The material is distributed in the same way. By the way, if you use tweezers, then the artificial nail can be made thinner and more elegant by compressing the non-hardened material on the sides. Perhaps this is the only difference between these two technologies.

Care of artificial nails

Caring for artificial nails is very simple. It will be quite enough if you start rubbing nourishing oil into the cuticle, while the nail itself needs to be covered from time to time with transparent varnish. By doing these simple procedures, you will always have a fresh and well-groomed manicure.

Also try to follow the following list of rules that will help prolong the life of new nails:

    Do not remove varnish with acetone and avoid any products that contain it;

    Do not use scissors and nippers, they harm nails;

    Be careful, because the artificial nail is glued to the natural one, therefore, by damaging the artificial one, you also damage the natural one;

    Do not expose your nails to temperature changes: a sudden movement from cold to hot water, or vice versa, will break them;

    If you paint your nails, then remember that all varnishes must contain gel or acrylic;

    Do not forget about the correction, because the natural nail, the growth of which will not stop, no matter how much you would like it, helps to weaken the artificial one;

    Nail polish lasts longer on artificial nails, but still, let your nails breathe, try not to paint them too often.

Follow these simple rules, and your nails will delight you for a very long time!

Time to take off your nails?

Quite often it happens that your nails lose their original healthy shape after artificial nails have been removed. They become brittle, weak, often exfoliate. But the reason lies not in the myth that it is harmful and dangerous to build up nails. The reason for this is the improper removal of artificial nails and the lack of proper care after this procedure. It turns out that many girls carelessly handle their nails, removing them with files, tongs and other items and tools that are not intended for this at all.

Therefore, in order to avoid damaged nails, which then have to be restored for a very long time and hard, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with how to properly remove gel and acrylic nails at home.

Removing acrylic nails

First you need to remove the part of the nail plate that protrudes. It is not difficult to do this using manicure tongs: you need to carefully cut the nail, but not at the very root, because this can damage the skin area under the nail plate.

The next step is to remove the remnants of acrylic nails using acetone. An additional advantage would be the presence of a special solvent at home, which is used in professional salons. If not, then let it be acetone. Of course, it is not considered a useful substance, but, nevertheless, it is the most gentle against the background of all other substances suitable for this. Be sure to use measures that will help protect yourself from inhaling harmful acetone!

What we do next: moisten a cotton swab, put it on the nail, wrap everything in foil. And this must be done with each finger. Leave everything for ten minutes. Acrylic should soften. And then, using a soft nail file, remove the softened acrylic.

Removing gel nails

The beginning is the same as in the method described above: the protruding part of the nail should be cut off, but not at the very root. In general, that's all. The gel cannot be removed with acetone, as it simply cannot be softened. It must be carefully removed, but with the help of a specially adapted nail file designed for processing artificial materials, which has about 150 grit.

With the help of such a nail file, you can remove the gel from the nail plates in about half an hour without harming your nails. Do not rush in the process of removing nails. By doing everything slowly and with the utmost care, you will keep your natural nails in their original form.

Another good way to care is baths with sea salt. You can also cook them at home. What should be done:

    take six tablespoons of salt,

    dissolve them in warm water.

The duration of the bath is about fifteen minutes. But the main thing is not duration, but regularity. After taking it, it is important to rub a nourishing cream or oil into the nails.

Nail care, whatever it may be, is very important. It helps to strengthen the nail platinum, prevent delamination and breakage, promotes accelerated growth and just a neat and well-groomed appearance.

There are two things to keep in mind when doing nail extensions:

    about caution,

    about the preliminary disinfection of the manicure set and other tools.

Lyubov Ivanova

Reading time: 5 minutes


At the end of the twentieth century, extended nails were a curiosity. Today, for girls, nail extension is a familiar cosmetic procedure. In the article I will tell you how to build nails at home with gel, silk and acrylic.

According to women, it is convenient, and sometimes necessary. There are frequent cases when there is no time for a manicure or nails do not grow due to high brittleness. Extension helps solve problems.

Extensions also have disadvantages. It negatively affects the condition of natural nails. It should be noted the cost of the procedure, the calculation of which takes into account the work of the master, depreciation of equipment and consumables. Fortunately, you can put your nails in order at home, time and money. And with experience, an excellent result is obtained, which is not inferior to the salon counterpart.

Women have been building up their nails since the second half of the last century. For half a century, the cosmetic procedure has become indispensable for ladies seeking to lengthen their nails or correct defects. At the initial stage, they were built up with acrylic, now gel is popular.

Extended nails have any shape and help to acquire. They are beautiful, durable and protect natural nails from mechanical damage. On the vast surface of extended nails, skilled craftsmen demonstrate their own art.

Many young ladies consider home building a costly exercise. This is partly true, because buying a set of tools is not cheap. If you do not have the necessary amount, I advise you to cooperate with your girlfriends and purchase a set for the company. Spend less money and be able to exchange not only tools, but also the experience gained during work, which is important.

How to build gel nails at home - step by step instructions

The gel is suitable for beginners for building, because it has one remarkable quality: when it hardens, it evens out and eliminates minor flaws. Despite the loyalty to the lack of experience, the tool needs careful handling.

  • First, prepare your workspace. A regular table will do. An ultraviolet lamp can be freely installed on it, and there is enough space for manipulations.
  • The main thing is that there is a socket near the table, and direct sunlight does not fall on the surface. The gel quickly hardens under the influence of ultraviolet light and in daylight the curing speed will not allow the formation of marigolds.
  • Before starting the procedure, prepare natural nails. Carefully cut them and use a nail file to give shape and length. Remove cuticles and sand the surface with a block. After carrying out these manipulations, remove the pollen from cutting with a napkin or brush.
  • The next step involves degreasing. If this is not done, the gel will not adhere well to the nail plates and peel off. Use a special tool. Masters call it a primer, because it provides preliminary preparation.
  • Attach a mold to the prepared nail, which should fit under the edge of the nail plate. To fix it, wrap the free edges with adhesive around the pad and press lightly. The extension form is designed in such a way that even a beginner can determine the correct position. The main thing is that there are no holes.

The foil template provides the length and shape of the nail, the correct position. If installed incorrectly, extended nails will stick out to the side. Check the position of the mold from above and in profile.

  • After setting the template, start applying the gel with a small brush. As a result, the nail plate should be covered with a continuous, uniform layer. Then turn on the lamp and dry the applied gel under purple rays for 30 seconds. Do not use .
  • Then take the brush again and continue shaping the nail. Extend it according to the pattern, guided by the length indicator. Using a mesh, make the length of the nails the same. Then again hold under the lamp for about a minute to completely fix the gel. When the extended nail becomes hard, remove the template from under it. It is disposable and will not be needed again.
  • Use a nail file to smooth out irregularities and adjust the length. Perform this procedure immediately or after building up all nails. The second option is preferable because it allows you to achieve symmetry.
  • Extended nails I advise you to paint, paint or decorate with decor. To achieve the effect, craftsmen perform decoration from several types of multi-colored gel. At home, limit yourself to standard staining.

Step by step video instruction

With a good tool, home building with gel is a doable task. If the technology is followed, the extended nails hold well, but after a few weeks there will be a need for correction, which is due to the growth of natural nails and the displacement of the gel layer. It's easy to do. Ultimately, extended nails in combination with a hairstyle will make the image unique.

How to build nails without gel - silk extension

Silk extensions also help to get beautiful nails. This technology provides a more natural-looking result. Natural nails receive minimal damage. Silk extensions are based on the use of small pieces of silk, fiberglass or rayon.

The cosmetic procedure is performed by masters, since beginners, due to lack of experience during extension, choose an overly aggressive approach to nail processing or overdo it with the amount of adhesive.

Silk is a light and thin material, which is an ideal option for brittle and weakened nail plates. Its use does not prevent natural nails from breathing, which cannot be said about gel or acrylic.

Due to its high fragility, silk is not suitable for girls who play sports or do manual work. In all other cases, silk extensions are an excellent option.

Advantages and disadvantages of silk nail extension

Silk extensions have advantages, including: low operating costs, excellent repair qualities, minimal harm to natural nails. Silk nails look natural and realistic. For comparison, with the help of acrylic to achieve such a result is problematic. Search the Internet for photos of finished work and compare the results. The difference is noticeable.

Silk extensions are not without flaws. We are talking about low strength and short-term results. Silk nails last no longer than a week.

If you decide to build your nails with silk, I advise you to do it in the salon, which minimizes the likelihood of damage to natural nails. Otherwise, it will take a long time to carry out the operation at home.

  1. First of all, thoroughly clean natural nails, degrease and polish so that the material adheres well to the nail plate. After the nails, cover with a layer of special adhesive.
  2. Put a piece of silk fabric on the glue, corresponding to the length and shape of the nails you want to get. Using an orange stick, gently smooth the silk, and remove the excess with nail scissors.
  3. Apply a layer of activator gel. Once the coating is dry, sand and varnish if desired. But many beauties refuse to use a decorative product, preferring “clean” silk nails.

If you try to temporarily cover the damaged nail plate with silk extensions, I do not recommend using varnish. As a result, the damaged nail will be able to grow unhindered, and you will be able to track growth and make adjustments if necessary. Below you will find a video that will reveal the secrets and subtleties of silk extensions.

Video instruction

How to build acrylic nails

Any beauty salon will offer acrylic extension services. Masters will make the nails beautiful and well-groomed, and thanks to the author's design, they will also be unique. This kind of procedure can be carried out at home.

Acrylic extension helps to increase the length of nails in apartment conditions and apply a beautiful pattern to the surface. But despite the low complexity of the procedure, preparation and tools are indispensable.

Carrying out a cosmetic procedure provides for a comfortable working space. All activities and manipulations are conveniently carried out on a spacious table. Such a working surface is sufficient for placing tools and installing a lamp.

  1. Wash your hands and treat with an alcohol solution. Remember, acrylic build-up is carried out only on a fat-free surface.
  2. Using an orange stick, remove the cuticle. If this is not done, it will cause a lot of inconvenience, and the nails will turn out to be sloppy.
  3. Using nail files, treat the surface of the nail and eliminate shine. The technology under consideration involves working with a rough surface. When processing the nail plate, act carefully, otherwise damage it.
  4. On short nails, glue the forms and press so that there are no voids. If you are having a cosmetic procedure for the first time, I advise you to make nails that are half a centimeter longer than natural ones.
  5. Process the surface of the plastic template to give the necessary shape with a nail file. Next, cover the surface of natural nails with a degreaser and wait until it dries.
  6. The next step involves working with a brush and acrylic powder. Moisten the brush in the monomer, and then make acrylic lumps from the powder. Make small strokes with pressure.
  7. Distribute the lump over the plate to form a film, the thickness of which should increase towards the edge of the nail. The extended nail at the tip should be thicker than over the natural one.
  8. The next step is to smooth the acrylic nails with a brush and monomer. Do not forget that there will be a design on this surface later.
  9. After drying, file and polish. It remains to apply the image to the surface with the help of varnish. Under the influence of ultraviolet, acrylic nails turn yellow. Therefore, protect them from such radiation.

With the help of the instructions above, you can grow your nails without the help of a master without any problems. During the creation of the design, you will need a classic manicure set and varnish in several colors. Just remember, acrylic does not like decorative products that include acetone, as this substance destroys its structure.

Is it possible for pregnant women to increase nails

A woman always strives to look unsurpassed and the period of bearing a baby is no exception. By and large, this cosmetic procedure is harmless. Building materials contain chemical compounds that could theoretically harm an unborn child, but their concentration is not enough for this.

It is not forbidden to carry out the procedure when using high-quality materials. They should not contain methyl methacrylate - a substance that is prohibited in America and Europe. At high concentrations, it leads to serious disruptions in the development of the fetus. At the same time, Korean and Chinese manufacturers are still using it.

- Responsible period. Therefore, I advise you to carry out the procedure in a room with ventilation. Use all kinds of antiseptics. During the procedure, the expectant mother is recommended to be in a medical mask, and after completion, wash your hands and rinse your nose.

  1. During pregnancy, it is not forbidden to use a gel for building. It is not characterized by a pungent odor, but evaporates during curing. Before entering the maternity hospital, be sure to remove the extended nails, as the doctors will examine the nail plates.
  2. As for acrylic, it is characterized by a pungent odor. Therefore, the extension should be carried out in conditions of enhanced ventilation. Otherwise, inhale the vapors, which will not benefit either you or the unborn child.

During pregnancy, the structure of the nails under the influence of hormones changes. As a result, the girl's nail plates become brittle or strong. As for extended nails, they are poorly attached and easily rejected.

I do not advise building up during this interesting period and waiting with beauty until better times. Nail dust causes severe irritation of the nasal mucosa and leads to an allergic reaction. Due to calcium deficiency, natural nails become brittle, which once again proves the undesirability of the procedure.

Extended nail care

Care is easy. Periodically visit a beauty salon and make a correction. The master will easily and quickly correct the length and apply the material to the part that has grown.

Take care of your extended nails between salon visits. It's easy, if you follow the generally accepted rules.

  1. If there is no nail polish remover in the arsenal, which does not include acetone, be sure to buy it. Acetone is a solvent that can ruin the appearance of extended nails.
  2. Wear rubber gloves when using aggressive detergents. They will protect the nail plates and the skin of the hands from the harmful effects of chemistry.
  3. Often, in between visits to the salon, it becomes necessary to process the edges of the nails. Files used in the case of natural nails are not suitable due to their high softness. We need files that have low abrasive characteristics.
  4. Artificial ones seem durable, but this does not mean that they cannot be broken. I do not advise them to pinch, press down or gnaw. By damaging the extended plate, you will provide a lot of trouble to the natural nail.
  5. The materials used in building are not friendly with high temperatures, the impact of which leads to the appearance of cracks and yellowness. This does not mean that you need to abandon the sauna or solarium. The main thing is not to expose them to a sharp change in temperature.
  6. After building up the cuticle grows more slowly. Sometimes you need to remove it yourself. It is better not to resort to the mechanical method, damage the nail. Buy a special cuticle remover. Apply it to the skin that is adjacent to the nail, wait a bit, and then move it away with a wooden stick.
  7. Moisturize the skin around the nails regularly with oils. Penetrating deep, they nourish the nail plate and improve growth.

Nail extension allows you to get nails of any length in a matter of hours. Many girls resort to the services of a salon, but you can make beautiful nails at home. We will tell you step by step how to properly build up nails with shellac and gel, what they are.

Basic Rules

To get a beautiful coating, you must first do a manicure, then it remains only to follow our recommendations. Before you carry out nail extension, you should treat the entire surface of a natural nail. It is necessary that there is not a single section, otherwise it will cause delamination. You should not make very long nails, as you will get tired of adjusting them. Before applying the gel, a specific stencil should be used.

  • We first apply the gel on the upper half of the nail and lengthen the shape with a stencil to the desired size. Next, the extended nails are dried under the lamp for one minute.
  • The second layer of gel should cover most of the area, leaving about three millimeters near the cuticle area. The new layer is also dried under the lamp.
  • We carefully remove the stencil and take a manicure nail file, giving the necessary shape to future nails. The third layer of the gel must be applied in the middle of the nail plate and spread in all directions so that a “bump” appears. It allows you to create an arc of the nail. Now the hand should be turned palm up and hold it for about 30 seconds in this position. To fix the effect, dry the nails for three minutes in an ultraviolet lamp.
  • It remains to apply another layer of gel. It should be applied with a thin ball, but before that, the residual shape of the nail should be done with a nail file. Next, apply a special tool with a nail file and dry. In order for your manicure not to turn yellow in the future, it can be coated on top with ultraviolet light. After the end of the procedure, you can apply a regular hand cream on the skin near the nail plates. Try not to touch the water for about an hour after the procedure, otherwise this may adversely affect the quality of the work done.

If over time you still notice the detachment of the first ball, this may indicate the presence of pregnancy or the use of potent medications. In this case, everything depends solely on the individual characteristics of the female body.

Many girls are wondering how to grow nails at home. Of course, this skill requires training, but if you do not have the opportunity to enroll in courses, you can take video training. Master classes tell in detail how to grow nails, so you can handle this task. To get started, get all the necessary tools, nail files, gel, primer, top, forms and an ultraviolet lamp.

Nail extensions can also be done on tips or use the acrylic extension technique. In any case, familiarize yourself with various techniques, and choose the most optimal for yourself. Any extension begins with a manicure. Choose a form and start the process. Then dry your hands thoroughly, because the build-up should be done on dry hands.

Nail extension includes several stages: preparation of the nail plate, gel application and nail shaping, as well as design. Before you build nails, you need to decide on the design.

Especially popular is the extension of toenails, and no wonder. After all, extensions can completely change the shape of nails and give them a fresh look. Moreover, the gel protects the natural nail from breakage, which means that you can go through with a flawless pedicure for a long time. Often girls grow toenails when they are going on vacation. Indeed, on vacation there is absolutely no time to take care of your nails, and it is easier to take care of them in advance. The most commonly used extensions with french pedicure.

Many girls prefer nail extensions with biogel or acrylic. Today we offer to consider gel nail extension with step by step instructions, photos and videos for beginners. Nail extension on tips with step-by-step instructions will allow you to quickly get beautiful, long nails at home.

Step-by-step instruction

Gel nail extension step-by-step instructions with a photo recommend starting with a regular manicure. All nails must be of the same shape and length, varnish must be removed from them, the cuticle is pushed back with an orange stick or a special spatula. Now you need to polish the nail coating with a buff, using a brush to remove dust.

When building nails on tips, the step-by-step instruction recommends degreasing the nails with a primer or other means, using lint-free wipes or a brush. After carrying out such a procedure, it is forbidden to apply cream on your hands or wash them - now the nails should not come into contact with anything other than the materials necessary for building up.

If you build nails on forms, then each of them should be gently but tightly bent to the nail so that it holds well and does not fall off.

So, the preparatory work is completed. Now we start building nails using gel. The step-by-step instruction assumes the next step is the application of an ultraviolet gel. It should be applied in small portions, starting from the base of the nail plate, distributing evenly along the entire length of the nail. Next, the nails must be dried under a special lamp and the gel is applied again. This time the gel is applied already to the required length of the extended nails. To obtain the same length of all nails, it is recommended to use special marks made on disposable forms. The gel applied along the entire length is dried again with an ultraviolet lamp.

After all the nails are done and well dried, you need to carefully remove the paper forms, being careful not to damage the new coating. Next, using a nail file, the shape of the nail is corrected. That, in fact, is all - nail extension using the gel is completed. Such a step-by-step instruction will help every girl, even inexperienced in matters of nail art, to make a correct and beautiful manicure on her own.

Using gel for nail extension allows you to level the surface, giving the nail a beautiful shine without causing irritation of the skin around the nail and cuticles. The technology of creating false nails at home allows you to get beautiful nails that look like natural ones, spending several hours on it. How gel nail extension is carried out, a step-by-step instruction with a photo will help you figure it out.

Varieties of nail gel

Step-by-step building includes several phases that you need to know before gel nails. The three-phase variety includes three components distinguished by their functionality. The materials used for the first layer are responsible for the safe contact of the nail plate with the artificial turf, creating maximum adhesion. The second is modeling the body of the nail. The third layer creates strength, protecting the nail from the negative effects of external factors, providing a smooth and shiny surface.

Gel nail extension, step-by-step instructions with a photo on a two-phase system, happens differently. One of the components is necessary for modeling and adhesion, the second is responsible for the final strength of the nail. The single-phase system uses a versatile material like acrylic, it has all the necessary properties, while providing strength, styling and grip at the same time.

Extension methods

Before you build gel nails, you should decide on the available methods for the procedure. Building is carried out on forms and on tips. Nail extensions on tips are artificial nails that differ in size, color and shape. They are glued to the natural nail plate and covered with extension gel. Ultimately, the tips become part of the resulting nail. This extension option is suitable for everyone, you can use it even with your very short nails.

Carrying out building up on forms (upper or lower) is carried out somewhat differently. With this method, a special plate is attached to the nail, on which the gel will be applied in the future. After the build-up, the form is easily removed from the nail. The main advantage of this method is the high naturalness of such a manicure, and, extended in this way, is much easier than when building on tips.

Materials for nail extensions must be of high quality, because they are the key to the success of creating a high-quality manicure. Looking through the list of extension gels, you need to choose those that do not contain harmful substances.

Nail gel

When choosing what to build up, special attention should be paid to the gel, because this is the main material in this technology. Under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp, the gel tends to harden. Often such a base is called a living polymer, due to the fact that it does not suppress the normal biological processes in natural nails, giving them the opportunity to breathe.

Such materials for nail extension have many advantages:

  • the gel is not able to cause irritation on the skin;
  • due to the gel, the nail surface is leveled, the nails acquire a natural look and begin to shine;
  • the gel applied to the surface of the nail is able to level itself, spreading in the right direction along the nail plate.

Tips for building

Tips designed for nail extension days are plastic templates that are glued to the surface of a real nail with a special glue. Further, using a special polishing and a nail file, the boundaries between the artificial and natural nails are aligned.

You can reduce the length of tips using special tweezers, and if necessary, adjust their shape, it is recommended to use a nail file. It is extremely important that the tips you choose are resilient, able to withstand certain loads and fit perfectly into the shape of your natural nail. To date, the most popular shapes are oval and square nails.

Nail cleaner

You should also always remember that before sticking tips on nails and applying gel, you must use a cleaner. This substance is a special degreaser designed for natural nails. With it, you can clean your nails, disinfect them before starting modeling. Also using the cleaner, you can remove the sticky layer from the nails after the gel dries.

These are the main, but not all, materials that you will need for nail extensions.

If you decide to do a pedicure, gel polish is better than nothing as a base. It lasts much longer than a regular surface, and most importantly, it allows you to make a unique and interesting design. Now decorating nails with stones is becoming especially fashionable; in combination with monochrome gel polish, the stones will look great if you decorate the big toe nail with them. Lunar manicure is not inferior in popularity, especially since experts offer girls different types of holes. You can make the usual standard or choose a curly one, you can leave the natural color of the nail or cover it with a contrasting gel polish.

If your nails are not as strong by nature as you would like, you can purchase a pedicure gel. The gel is saturated with protein and calcium gives all its properties to the nails, reducing the layering. Moreover, this coating is the best suited for holidays. I eat not afraid of not salty water, not the scorching sun. No matter how hot the temperature is, the bio gel will not lose its appearance and will not become cloudy. In order to apply a bio gel, a UV lamp is needed, because without it the gel simply will not dry on the nails. Bio gel is also called fruit acid, so you can find it in the store under that name.

Acrylic is a combination of liquid and powder. We offer to consider acrylic nail extension, video tutorials for beginners, and step-by-step instructions will allow even a beginner to deal with this. There are two methods: creating nails on forms and on tips. On the forms, the nail plate is created directly from polymeric materials. This technology has a number of advantages, namely: the strength of the material, protection from the negative effects of the environment, a long period of wearing nails (up to 4 months).


Before you build acrylic nails, you need to know about some of the disadvantages that this material has. Video tutorials on acrylic nails for beginners will help you find out that a material such as acrylic is toxic and has an unpleasant odor.

As you can see in the photo, as starting materials you will need: acrylic itself, a liquid that increases the adhesion of an artificial nail to a natural one, a nail file, a brush, a degreaser and a solvent. You can buy it at any specialized store. The purchased materials will last you for a long time, so the money spent can pay off extremely quickly.

Building on forms

If you are a beginner, then before you build acrylic nails, you should stock up on forms. This way is more simple. Wash and sanitize your hands before starting extensions. Get a manicure, trim your nails with a file. Using a grinder, walk along the entire length of the nail, remove dust from the nail plate and near it. Apply a special cleanser, wait for it to dry completely.

Attach the shape and glue its ends, thereby creating the future nail. Next, pour the liquid into a container, dip the brush into the monomer. We wring the brush well from the liquid so that it is almost dry. Now with a brush we collect a ball with camouflage powder. In appearance, it should resemble a hedgehog. If the ball is wet, then you will not be able to work with it, the acrylic will simply spread over the entire nail.

Wait until the ball is completely saturated with liquid, then apply it to your form. Now you need to roll it over the cuticle area and the whole shape, retreating a millimeter from the cuticle itself. We create the necessary shape of the nail. That's all, in a similar way we perform all the nails, dry the nails in an ultraviolet lamp, cover the top with a final coat.

Nail extension with glue powder consists of three main stages. In total, the procedure takes no more than an hour, the total duration of the manicure depends on the complexity of the final painting.

Main stages

Nail extension with glue powder is made in 3 main stages.

  • At the first stage of the extension, the master prepares the nails by fixing tips (artificial nails) on them. It should be noted that such manicure technology always involves the use of tips, it is not carried out on natural nails.
  • The second stage of the manicure consists in applying special glue to the tips and dipping the nail plate in powder. It is necessary to repeat this action several times until the nail acquires sufficient density, after which an activator should be applied to its surface, which will fix the layers of powder, while making the nail smooth.
  • At the final stage, the master carefully adjusts the shape of the nail plate and cuts off excess powder.

After these three stages, you can start drawing a picture.

Nail extension with fabric allows you to build up with linen, silk or fiberglass (a fabric that looks like silk and is based on fiberglass) nails of various shapes and lengths. The principle of the technique lies in the fact that tips (a plastic nail) are glued onto your own nails, on which layers of tissue are glued.

Benefits of the procedure

Nail extension with fabric allows you to build up with linen, silk or fiberglass (a fabric that looks like silk and is based on fiberglass) nails of various shapes and lengths. The principle of the technique lies in the fact that tips (a plastic nail) are glued onto your own nails, on which layers of tissue are glued.

Benefits of the procedure

Nail extension with fabric has a number of advantages, due to which it can be used as an independent method of nail extension. The main advantages of the methodology are as follows.

  • Nails extended according to the fabric technique are quite shock-resistant and elastic.
  • A damaged nail is very easy to repair - a new layer of tissue is simply attached to the crack.
  • The procedure can be carried out using various fabrics - extensions with fiberglass, linen, silk, depending on the desire of the client.
  • Due to the presence of a variety of colors and textures of fabrics, you can get different patterns on the nails, which allows you to get rid of the use of constant coating.
  • Nail extension using a fabric coating is the most hypoallergenic and almost incapable of causing an allergic reaction.

Is it acceptable to combine acrylic and gel when building nails? Most customers are afraid of this mixing of materials. However, in fact, there is nothing wrong with this - it will not affect the quality of extended nails at all.

general information

The combination of acrylic and gel has been used by craftsmen for a long time, because the chemical basis of these two materials is completely identical, they are both polymeric. The main thing in this case is adhesion to the nail plate (of one or another material). And already the combination of various materials affects the quality of the finished nail.

If you like modeling nails with gel (or it is used because of problem nails), but you want to make acrylic modeling, then the master lays out the substrate and the nail plate from the gel. In this case, the background can be made of acrylic, after which acrylic molding is added and the nail is sealed with gel or acrylic.

In this case, crimping the nail is mandatory. The same sequence of work when creating a French manicure - in any kind of combination, the materials will perfectly interact with each other.

Beauty salons offer a wide range of services, including gel and acrylic nail extensions. Every self-respecting girl should watch her hands, regardless of whether she works or does household chores. If a lady grows her nails in the salon, she is forced to visit a specialist every 3 weeks, because the nail plate grows quickly and there is a need for correction. It is important to learn how to carry out the procedure yourself in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and loss of time.

Ways of nail extension

Masters use tips and forms to work with materials.

Extension on tips
They are made of plastic, they are an elongated plate that is attached with glue to the edge of the natural nail. Next, gel or acrylic is applied, the surface is polished and you can start creating a picture. Tips are convenient in that they involve only the edge of the nail, as a result of which the impact on the natural plate is minimized. The material is produced in various lengths and shapes, which allows you to choose the right option in a short time. After attaching the plate to the nail, it is given the desired size, and the excess is cut off with a special tip cutter.

Building on forms
The material for work is made of a dense paper base, which is covered with polyethylene on top. The outer part is equipped with a sticky layer that holds the shape on a natural nail and does not allow it to break off until the master finishes the work. The outer side also does not allow the material to stick or soak into its surface. As a rule, forms are disposable, there are also reusable ones with special clips, but they are not used at all.

When choosing the preferred extension method, start from the length of your own nails. If they are trimmed to the root and there is no free edge of 1-2 mm, there will be nothing to attach the forms to. Tips, in turn, are not very strong, but the process will be 1.5 times faster.

Features of acrylic nails

Initially, acrylic was used exclusively by dentists for implantation and repair of teeth, at present, masters have resorted to this method in cosmetology. Acrylic is a combination of liquid crystals (liquids) and loose powder. The liquid interacts with oxygen, as a result of which the material hardens and a strong layer is formed.

Acrylic is cloudy, so the aquarium design immediately disappears, for these purposes it is better to choose a gel. However, if you prefer gel, you can forget about ideal lines and a clear contour, since this plus belongs to acrylic. If you use this method in an apartment or in a closed unventilated space, you will go crazy with the smell of the material.

It's all about the monometer, which is used in building on this technology. Its toxic and volatile smell spreads around the room in an instant. If you settled on the acrylic method, allocate yourself a separate room, ventilate it thoroughly, close the door and do not allow the child and pets to enter there.

This direction appeared not so long ago, but has already taken pride of place in the hearts of its owners. As a rule, the gel consists exclusively of natural polymers, as a result of which it is harmless to nails. Its composition most often includes the resin of a coniferous tree, so the artificial coating is non-toxic and resistant to various factors.

The gel is particularly strong and durable, the process does not stand still and manufacturers began to produce a composition of a denser consistency. The material will not spread on the native nail, which allows the beginner to carefully and efficiently carry out the procedure. The gel does not have a sharp and repulsive odor, it does not harden in a few minutes, like acrylic, which is an indisputable advantage of this technology.

Necessary tools and materials

  1. 36 watt UV lamp.
  2. Cuticle spatula. Choose a tool made of orange wood, this material is more gentle on the skin, it is soft and environmentally friendly.
  3. Disinfectant. An ordinary antiseptic is suitable for hands, the tools can be boiled and then treated with alcohol. If these options are not suitable, buy Cutasept for hands and Bacillol for tools.
  4. Files. The abrasiveness of the tools for acrylic nails is 80/100, for gel nails - 100/120. The higher the index, the softer the nail file. You will also need a glass file for natural nails.
  5. Dehydrator - a special liquid formulation designed to degrease natural nails.
  6. Brushes. All of them must be natural, artificial ones leave a pile on the gel or on acrylic, then it cannot be removed. You will need a round brush for acrylic and a flat brush for gel.
  7. Forms or tips. Glue must be attached to the materials, do not use it, it is bad. Buy glue separately for each extension method.
  8. Monometer - a special liquid that is required only for acrylic nails.
  9. The tweezers are only for the molds to grab and attach them.
  10. Primer is a natural nail treatment agent that provides a strong bond with an artificial nail.
  11. Finish - the product gives shine to extended nails, it is needed for both acrylic and gel.
  12. Liquid to remove the sticky layer at the end result.
  13. Special building gel or acrylic powder, the choice is made in favor of one or another extension technology.
  14. A tips cutter is needed if the extension is made on tips.

Preparation of nails for extension

Important: if you have a fungus or cracks on your nails, you should not start the procedure.

Disinfect your hands. Take an orange spatula and push the cuticle up but do not cut. File the top layer of your nail with a glass nail file, moving from the center to the edge. You need to make the surface of the plate matte.

Finish the edge of the nail, do not make it too sharp or, on the contrary, square, bring the shape to a soft oval. Remove the resulting dust, then cover the nail with a primer.

  1. Take the forms and fix them on the nails, connecting the ends together. Inject material under the insert, not on top of it. Cover your nail with the gel along with the form. Look at the scale, remember at which division you stopped in order to bring the gel to the same length on the next nails.
  2. After applying the first layer, place the nail in the lamp for 45 seconds. For your convenience, first build up four fingers, process them and dry them thoroughly, and then proceed to building up on the thumb. When the layer is dry, take a file with an abrasiveness of 100/120 and start filing the surface.
  3. Remove the dust with a napkin and proceed to the second, denser layer. Apply the gel and turn the palm upside down so that the material spreads evenly over the plate and does not slip onto the cuticle. Dry the layer for 2 minutes.
  4. Unfasten the forms from the extended nail. Take the adhesive remover, apply it to a cotton swab and walk over the surface. Then file down the second layer to a matte finish.
  5. Apply finish and dry for 1 minute. If you have the talent of an artist, you can paint a nail. If there is no such gift, cover the plate with ordinary varnish in 2 layers, dry each of them for 40 seconds. Treat the cuticles with oil and do not wet your hands for 2.5 hours.

  1. Apply glue to the inside of the tips and stick to the edge of the nail. Hold for 5 seconds for it to dry. Take a tip cutter and adjust the length. Align the border of the tip and natural nail with a glass file, also correct the edge of the artificial plate.
  2. Pick up the gel on the brush and cover your nail with it, moving from the cuticle down. Let the gel dry in the lamp, hold your finger there for 2 minutes. Make the next layer, but already on the entire surface of the native and artificial nail, dry for 1.5 minutes.
  3. Take a liquid to eliminate the sticky layer that has formed after polymerization. Apply it on a cotton pad and wipe the nail. Level the surface with a 100/120 nail file, then cover with a finish. Make a drawing or paint with a plain varnish in 2 layers. Dry in the lamp for 2 minutes.

Gel nail correction

  1. Take a spatula and push back your cuticles. With a nail file 80/100, remove 2/3 of the entire gel.
  2. File your overgrown nail down, smoothing out where it meets the gel coat.
  3. Disinfect your hands. Apply primer to the nail and place it in the lamp for 1 minute.
  4. Make a layer of gel, as when building, dry for 1.5 minutes and apply a second one, also dry it.
  5. Degrease the surface with a dehydrator, coat with a finish and send to the lamp for 2 minutes. Give your nails the desired shape.

Acrylic nail extension on forms

  1. Glue the shape by joining the ends. Get the material under your nail.
  2. Pour the liquid into a container, dip the brush in it. Wring it out in a convenient way, start picking up the powder to make a ball. Make sure that it is dry, otherwise the acrylic will spread on your nail. Let the liquid soak into the powder and proceed to the procedure.
  3. Begin to gently roll the ball into shape and your own nail, without affecting the cuticle. If the layer is too thin, repeat the maneuver. After all layers are ready, dry your nails, remove the shape with tweezers and file the edge to the desired length. Polish the surface with a file 80/100, cover with a finish and dry in a lamp for 2 minutes. Cover with regular varnish in 2 layers and dry them for 30 seconds each.

  1. Take the tips and apply glue to the inside, then immediately attach to the tip of your own nail. Hold for 10 seconds for the tips to grip the natural plate.
  2. With an 80/100 file, file down any irregularities on the surface where the tip meets your nail. Also at this stage, give the desired shape and cut the artificial edge with a tips cutter if it is too long. Cover the entire length of the nail with primer.
  3. Dip the brush into the liquid, wring it out and dip it into the modeling powder. Apply the composition to the nail along with the tips, and wait until the acrylic hardens. Walk the file along the surface, making it smooth without tubercles and depressions. Apply the finish, then send the nails to dry in the lamp for 2 minutes. Make a design or cover with 2 layers of varnish, dry for 30 seconds.

Acrylic nails correction

  1. Disinfect your hands, remove the top layer of varnish with a liquid that does not include acetone.
  2. Push back cuticles with an orange stick. Completely cut off the free edge of the artificial nail, and the entire surface of the plate by 70%.
  3. Use a glass file to finish your overgrown nail to a matte state.
  4. Treat the nail with a dehydrator and cover with a primer.
  5. Start modeling by applying acrylic with a brush, as if building, trying not to get on the cuticle.
  6. Cover with a finish and dip your finger into the lamp for 2 minutes.
  1. Consult your doctor if you have contraindications to the use of gel, acrylic, dehydrator, primer and other products. It is important to find out before you start the procedure.
  2. Nail extension is contraindicated for women and girls with diabetes, stomach diseases and those who have recently taken antibiotics.
  3. Be sure to take a break while wearing artificial turf. Let your nails rest at least once every 2 months.
  4. Nail extension can lead to cracks and degeneration of the natural plate. There is also a high risk of infection, so always disinfect tools before starting work.
  5. Often smear the cuticles with special oil, do soda baths (250 ml of water has 1 tablespoon of soda).

Agree, it is not difficult to grow nails at home. It is important to control the process and pay attention to possible little things. Choose the appropriate extension option, decide on the materials and go ahead to conquer the heights. Good luck!

Video: acrylic nail extension video tutorial