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How to get rid of depression Aquarius. If Aquarius is depressed. How different zodiac signs deal with depression

Each of us has ever felt sad or depressed. This feeling is familiar to all people, because not always everything happens the way we want. Each sign of the zodiac experiences depression differently.

Earlier we wrote about how to get rid of depression with the help of Natalia Pravdina's advice. They will help you get back vitality and restore energy balance. Remember that any problem can be solved, and sadness and bad mood are no exception.


Aries rarely get really sad. If too many problems pile up on these people in a short period of time, and there is no one to help them, then they can close themselves off from the whole world. They won't smile, they won't talk. Aries depression is silent and quickly passing.


Taurus fall into melancholy most often when they are disappointed in themselves. One of the most popular causes is a love problem. Taurus cease to sting, smile and begin to seek solace in alcohol and loneliness. Sometimes they, on the contrary, pretend that everything is fine with them.


Gemini rarely get sad, but they do it on a grand scale. To do this, it is necessary that a lot of worries fall on them, which cannot be resolved in a short period of time. They cannot be broken by problems at work, lack of money, unhappy love, but unresolved affairs simply destroy them.


Cancers are the most depressed people on the planet. Family troubles make them really suffer a lot. If the soulmate, children or parents are in trouble, Cancers will always help, but if they themselves are not all right, then they close themselves off from the whole world and suffer greatly.

a lion

Lions are sad and hate the whole world when something does not go according to their plan, when they are not respected and when they are not considered. They will not show this to anyone because of their pride, and when they are alone, they can cry softly or drink something hot. Depression does not let them go for a long time and often suddenly returns.


Virgos hate it when something gnaws at them. They lose interest in life when they have unfinished business, problems and responsibilities. These people, more than anyone else, love calmness and regularity. When this is not the case, their inner world collapses like a house of cards.


Negative energy is Libra's worst enemy. It causes many diseases, including depression. For these people, a positive attitude plays a decisive role in all endeavors. Do not lose good thoughts and do not let negativity into your soul so as not to cause depression.


Scorpios are very impressionable people, but they easily cope with any depression in ways that are unknown to anyone but themselves. Their melancholy is fleeting and ephemeral, so that they quickly move away from the most difficult shocks.


Sagittarians are very stable and almost not prone to depression, as their character has the ability to always look for a way out of any situation. In this regard, they are stronger than any other sign of the zodiac. This does not mean that they are completely immune, they just do not have time for sadness and suffering.


Capricorns are very secretive people and always keep everything to themselves, rarely sharing problems with friends and family. Sadness, worries and problems accumulate in their soul, forcing them to live in depression, which becomes part of their life, and not just a state of mind or mood.


Aquarians fall into melancholy quickly and irrevocably, but only in one case - when they do not know what to do next. For them, it is above all else to know which path to take, but it is not always possible to choose the right path. Dead ends and fear of failure confuse Aquarians.


Pisces believe that depression is their destiny, although in reality it is not. Many representatives of this Sign present themselves as martyrs, although the solution to all problems lies on the surface. Pisces is gentle with more determination and patience, then any depression will bypass them.

Remember that positive energy charges you with luck. It does not let the depressive mood guide you. Always think about the good and do not forget that only positive can return you lost success. May your life be filled with only good emotions. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

25.07.2016 07:11

We often read horoscopes to learn more about ourselves and the nature of those around us. ...

Usually male sign Aries easily cope with any difficulties, as if stepping over them. They are mostly optimists and merry fellows, therefore, in any situation they try to find pluses. But if a really black streak comes in the life of Aries, he will be set up quite aggressively. And only a new hobby or active pastime with friends will help to get him out of this state.

If speak about Taurus, then among these men there are often pessimists and melancholic. Representatives of this sign like to focus their attention on insignificant everyday trifles, which makes it seem as if their life consists of endless problems. But the paradox is that when Taurus has real problems, they solve them rather quickly and smoothly. Protracted depressions are rare.

Men- Twins and depression are incompatible concepts. Depression is more likely to begin in those who live with them under the same roof. Why? Because the mood of these men changes several times a day. They can easily make a molehill out of a fly, and after 5 minutes forget about what happened. If you need to bring a Gemini man to his senses, just change the subject of the conversation, and he will be rehabilitated very quickly.

Gentle, sensitive and vulnerable men - crayfish always painfully experience even the slightest trouble. They highly value mental comfort, so any imbalance can push them into depression. How do they deal with it? Often with the help of alcohol and warm female hugs. In severe cases, Cancer men may seek the help of a psychotherapist.

men of the zodiac sign a lion always self-confident and unshakable. Getting depressed for any reason is not their forte. They will better direct their energy to acquiring new knowledge, sports or new acquaintances. In fact, they deal with a bad mood in the same way. Any collective activity helps them cope with depression, if there is one.

Men- Virgin are deep and consistent personalities. Their work, health and family are always under total control. Such a fanatical desire to follow a certain plan often leads Dev to depression. Surprisingly, others are unlikely to be able to see their true inner state. Outwardly, Virgos look happy, but inwardly they can experience deep feelings. Virgo men are reasonable, so sooner or later they bring themselves to peace of mind.

men of the zodiac sign Scales Throughout life, they are engaged in the search for harmony. They try to balance any negative situation with pleasant moments and joyful events. This balance allows them to always be in a state of peace and tranquility. If situations occur in life that cannot be balanced, Libra begins to mope and look for answers to questions. A person who is ready to listen to them from beginning to end will help them get out of this state.

Men- scorpions quite contradictory people. On the one hand, they try to enjoy life as much as possible, on the other hand, they treat the world with distrust and are constantly waiting for some kind of catch. This approach to life often leads Scorpions to depression. If this happens, you need to take Scorpio out of it very carefully - with support, softness and unobtrusiveness.

In men- Streltsov depression is often indicative. In fact, they are not as vulnerable and sensitive as they might seem at first glance. Yes, they are dependent on the opinions of others, but not so much as to become depressed for any reason. When Sagittarians are having trouble at work or in their personal lives, they easily cope with the problems with the help of friends, noisy evenings and new acquaintances.

Typical representative of the zodiac sign Capricorn not prone to depression. This man is so organized and assertive that he can easily push aside any unpleasant situation, suppressing any feelings and emotions in himself. Perhaps, Capricorns are the least prone to depression men.

Man- Aquarius- Creator by nature. He receives positive emotions from his favorite occupation, from self-development and from communication with beautiful and beautiful people. interesting people. By the way, the lack of emotions and bright events in his life can easily involve depression in his life. To cope with this condition, the Aquarius man begins to create or feed himself with new knowledge.

Sign men Fish more often than others fall into despondency and engage in self-digging. A very subtle perception of the world and a love for the analysis of actions and words (their own and those around them) often plunges Pisces into an abyss of feelings and self-criticism. And prolonged suffering can lead them to abuse bad habits. In order to prevent this from happening, Pisces must be smoothly and accurately brought on the right path in time. Only the person who sees this world as subtly and deeply as Pisces sees it can do this.

In the life of every person there are both pleasant and sad moments. Sadness is a completely natural state for everyone. But people deal with their feelings in different ways: some get angry, and some fall into a deep depression.

Astrologers say that many personal characteristics, as well as human behavior, depend on the constellation under which he was born. So, how do different zodiac signs behave in the most difficult periods of life? How do you deal with depression? What can make them sad? What mistakes should be avoided in a relationship? Perhaps this information will help you better understand loved ones and loved ones.

Aries: "I don't feel well today"

When Aries feels bad, he prefers to be alone with himself. At one point, he loses all communication skills, stops listening to advice or even responding to them.

Aries terribly endure weakness, both physical and emotional. They become sad, angry, smug and callous. Do not react or be offended by such behavior - it will pass by itself.

Taurus: "If I smile, no one will notice"

The stubbornness of Taurus does not allow him to accept defeat. People born under this sign tend to pretend and say that everything is fine, even if it is not. They are excellent interlocutors, but during a period of depression they tend to hide, climb into the “cave”. That is why they try to limit communication with family and friends until they sort out their problems on their own.

If Taurus still has to communicate with people in a similar mood, then they are constantly annoyed, angry, breaking into a cry. You need to accept this and help Taurus deal with difficulties.

Gemini: "If I ignore the problem, it will disappear"

Gemini does not always respond adequately to problems. Their chaotic nature makes them always on the move. In most cases, they simply ignore the difficulties and continue to behave as before.

But sometimes feelings can't be silenced. It is at such moments that a violent emotional explosion occurs, which is often accompanied by tears, screams and tantrums. After Gemini feel weak and devastated. They need to lie down for a few days, relax, cope with sadness. What can be done? Just be around.

Cancer: "I can't take this, it's forever"

Cancers are very sensitive and tend to overreact to any difficulties. They grieve even about situations that are not directly related to them (for example, they worry about the misfortunes that happened to acquaintances).

If a serious tragedy occurred in the life of Cancer, then you need to understand: a person will suffer and be sad for a long time. The best thing you can do is to always be there and listen, listen, listen.

Leo: "Don't touch what doesn't belong to you"

Lions are connoisseurs of beauty. They are proud of what they have done, amuse themselves with their successes. But when someone tries to destroy their achievements, steal something that belongs to them, devalue their victories, then this will surely lead them straight to depression.

What to do in this case? There is only one way out: you need to help Leo restore self-esteem and regain self-respect.

Virgo: "Every mess makes me sad"

Virgos love order and predictability in everything. They simply cannot stop halfway. If for one reason or another they fail to carry out their plan, then their mood changes dramatically. Clutter Virgo is simply hated in any form.

Depression for representatives of this sign is dangerous. Emotional decline can turn into physical problems, in particular the appearance of migraines, weakness, and stomach pain. Depressed Virgo is difficult to communicate with, because such a person has serious trust problems. Breaking through their defenses is difficult, but possible. Only after that Virgo agree to accept help.

Libra: "This is my party, I can do what I want"

It is believed that Libra is always able to keep emotions under control and maintain harmony. But in fact, representatives of this sign can be angry, and sad, and angry, but they do it in their own way.

They accumulate negative emotions and then abruptly dump them with a loud scandal. But the cry subsides as quickly as it appeared - after a few minutes, Libra is ready to laugh, joke and have fun again.

Scorpio: "Don't push me, I'm already on the edge"

Scorpios are naturally very passionate, but at the same time melancholy. They acutely perceive failures, do not know how to quickly cope with difficulties. Depression for Scorpios is fraught with a tendency to self-destruction. Running away from home, addiction to alcohol and drugs - all this can happen. That is why a person needs support and the presence of loved ones who will help him not to stumble.

Sagittarius: "Aren't you funny?"

Sagittarius is a very skeptical sign. People born under this sign can turn almost anything into a joke and do just that most of the time. But humor and laughter are only a kind of shield.

When a Sagittarius gets depressed (yes, this happens from time to time), he becomes unusually quiet. He talks little, leaves aside his usual jokes, does not react even to the darkest humor.

How to help him? Just be there, support and not interfere. Sagittarius will deal with the problem himself, rethink everything, find the reasons and decide what to do next. It just takes a little time and understanding from loved ones.

Capricorn: "Perhaps I'll make another plan"

Capricorns love to challenge themselves. They are masters at planning, they always know what and when to do, where they will be in 10 years. But the departure from the planned scheme upsets them. They feel lost, disoriented. The situation only escalates if they do not feel the support of dear people.

Caught in difficult situation, Capricorn lowers his hands. He does not know where to go, he loses the goal. What will help him? All you have to do is get back on the horse. Let him do what he can do perfectly - create new plan, come up with a new dream.

Aquarius: "Someone send me on vacation"

Aquarians are nomads by nature. They rarely really attach themselves to any place or person. With any attempts by relatives or partners to impose obligations on them, Aquarians literally drown in routine, feel as if they have nothing to breathe.

Depression for representatives of this sign is dangerous. They lose interest in life, become lethargic, drowsy, and their appetite worsens. But there is a way out: offer Aquarius a journey, and his sadness will pass in the blink of an eye. A vacation will help a person born under this constellation to enjoy freedom and satisfy their wanderlust.

Pisces: "Why do I do this over and over again?"

Pisces are often sad, which is associated with some features of their personality. Representatives of this sign have a tendency to destructive behavior and even self-sabotage. They unconsciously step on the same rake, and then punish themselves for their mistakes. Often such people become withdrawn and even angry. Why? Because they do not believe that they have a chance to change and even once to do everything right.

But this is not true. Fish can change their line of behavior. They just need more time. And also the constant love and support of relatives, close people, and without criticism and moralizing.

As you can see, people born under different constellations really deal with problems in their own way. This needs to be understood, accepted and tried to help.

In this article we will talk about how Aquarians part. The representative of this zodiac sign is quite difficult to bring, as he has a good disposition. He will smile, mock for a long time, trying not to pay attention to what offended him. He will never show you his true feelings. His lover is lucky, as he is a rather friendly sign. If the nervous tension reaches a peak, he will not break the dishes, he will simply leave the apartment with a full suitcase. After that, he will need time to think about the problem.

He is peaceful, unforgiving. Endures antics to the last. But if his patience snaps, be prepared for the unexpected. After that, he will be very worried, tormented by doubts, even able to burst into tears from the feelings that overwhelm him. He does not know how to show them, but the breakup will make him more emotional. And under negative emotions, a person commits bad deeds.

He will justify his beloved to the last, try to understand and say goodbye. But in some situations, when he was greatly offended, he will not stand it. Then get ready for the fact that he will be very angry with you. It is not in his rules to be used and deceived. He will make sure that justice prevails and everything will certainly work out. He prefers to lead a modest lifestyle, does not stand out from the crowd. He will still leave for a long time until he meets his true soul mate, which will suit him in all respects.

Aquarius after a breakup can:

  • finally feel your freedom;
  • move away from endless quarrels;
  • become happy again with another partner.

If the partner decides to make peace, he will not pretend to be touchy and will go towards his beloved. However, this does not give you the right to take advantage of his kindness and return him whenever you please. At the next quarrel, he will no longer slam the door, but he will close his heart for you. In love, he has the following qualities: patience, sincerity, ease of climbing.


At this moment, representatives of the air element usually continue to treat their partner carefully and affectionately. And if the nit-picking and claims continue, he will no longer slam the door, he will slam his heart and hide it away, fence off with a wall so that you no longer have the opportunity to hurt him. One day you will see his tired face, he will no longer come up with excuses for you.

He will be very irritated, skeptical after a quarrel. Unfreeze him, especially if you turned his life into a nightmare with your nit-picking, you will not succeed. If you stop sawing him, he will temporarily melt his heart, but he will not fully trust you as before. He will try to avoid you in every possible way, especially if he has any emotions left. In the worst case, he will unleash a real war against you. No, he will not take revenge on you and ruin your life. He will just spread bad rumors about you. And he will consider that this is the correct measure of punishment. Don't piss him off and make a fool out of him. He will not let you take advantage of himself, his savings, connections.

If nothing changes and the partner continues to “wipe her feet on him” in every possible way, then he will finally wake up and come to his senses, as if from a slap in the face. He does not tolerate betrayal and does not change himself if he is in a relationship. He will certainly part with the girl if she does not appreciate him and does not care about him. For this reason, you should communicate with him as much as possible, take care of his nerves, love him. After the break, he is even able to drink. It will be especially unpleasant for him if the girl leaves for another.

At the same time, he will be reserved and cold. You will no longer see on his face a radiant smile that was meant only for you. If you stop provoking conflict, it will soften. Aquarians love a partner to the last. He will come and make peace. If you decide to leave, then you should do it quickly and as painlessly as possible. Perhaps he will be grateful to you that you did not ruffle his nerves. But if you plan to save the relationship, then try not to throw tantrums.

After parting, the representative of this zodiac sign will:

  • treat you coldly;
  • avoid you;
  • think about new relationships.

He makes decisions regarding love relationships extremely painfully and slowly, but he always considers them correct. He carefully considers his own choice. If you are on the verge of a break, he will not strive to go home, he will even ask his friends for permission to spend the night with them. He will continue to live with a huge hole in his chest. You should not tell him that you are leaving for another.

Aquarians, if desired, know how to be unfriendly and conflict. They don't take offense. He will lie with his back to you, not talk, spoil your mood, swear until your patience snaps. He takes these measures only when he is extremely dissatisfied with his partner. He will also pretend that he is very tired and does not want to kiss or hug you. He does not like to be used and will never allow this. However, he will try to connect with you if you sincerely apologize.

This sign, when parting, is able to fall into a real depression, from which it will no longer be able to get out on its own, since it always experiences everything deep in its soul. He will be insecure about his future girlfriends until the one who will be able to melt the ice in his heart appears. He will believe until the last that he loves a partner, even if it is a simple affection. The main advantage is restraint. However, she will play a cruel joke with him if he constantly controls his emotions. Men of this sign do not know how to cry at all.

When Relationships Can't Be Saved

After parting, he will try to minimize your meetings. He will even leave the company of friends in which you spent time together, so as not to see you again. If he continues to communicate with friends, he will not discuss you. He never gossips. Just try to forget you and move on.

If you part quickly, he will not lie to himself that the connection can still be saved. After some time, he is able to feel happy again outside the walls of the past house. He will no longer call you and apologize. For all his friendliness, he has pride.

We recommend watching a very useful video about Aquarius girls. Look right now!

The whole truth about Aquarius

How many I have already read the most varied descriptions of our sign, but nowhere, for some reason, have I met the whole truth about what is happening inside Aquarius. Even the most "evil" horoscopes only jokingly retold the most common myths and misconceptions, and no one tried to get to the bottom of the truth. In general, this is correct, because only Aquarius themselves should know this about themselves ... so I immediately warn all representatives of other signs - they better not read this text!

Watching Aquarius...

Libra makes Aquarius bored.

And thirdly, just to take an unusual and humorous look at this rather funny zodiac sign - Aquarius. In the end, we must at least try to warn normal people about what awaits them when dealing with these unbearable arrogant psychos))

"There is such a myth that Aquarius is the most non-sexual sign of the entire Zodiac. It is clear that this myth is most actively spread by those who are not lucky enough to run into the manifestation of the true sexuality of Aquarius. Those who are lucky, for the most part, silently rejoice in their happiness and try not to find out about it anyone else - such happiness is usually very jealously guarded ...

But let's move on to the myth itself. Where did he come from? Probably, here, as in everything else, the usual self-preservation instinct works - an attempt to understand Aquarius can be a very dangerous experience for the psyche of any person. Will it suddenly work? The psychiatric hospital is provided ... so people take the external for the internal, but diligently do not notice the internal - which, in general, is even commendable on their part. Aquarians have less trouble

The essence of this myth lies in the fact that Aquarius relate to the topic of sex without such obvious interest as the same Aries (or Scorpios, whose attempts to hide something are similar to a neon inscription in meter-long letters "There is NOTHING HERE !!!"), and, accordingly, they really do not know how and cannot do anything. About "sensuality" is usually not even mentioned in relation to Aquarius. Well, in fact, any Aquarius knows about sex _such_ that the most terrible maniacs did not dream of in their most perverted nightmares. Everything is simple here - when Aquarius begins to be interested in the topic of sex, he begins to understand it. He understands, naturally, in the Aquarius way: without any special external manifestations, he simply lives inside himself several saturated and interesting lives filled with sex in all its forms and manifestations. That is why it is almost impossible to shock or surprise Aquarius with any fantasies on this topic (although, of course, he can easily pretend that you succeeded - he can do anything). But when it comes to "business" - Aquarius rarely gives himself only to physical, sensual pleasures. Well, where did you see Aquarius, who lives only with his body, without running in parallel through two or three more realities? So here - Aquarius needs interest to be fully involved in the process. Otherwise, it will be a simple satisfaction of physical needs (which, however, if desired, he can also perform masterfully ... another question is that this is often simply not necessary).

That is why all those girls who complain to each other about "inept" Aquarius just sign that they are not able to really interest him. Social frameworks and conventions most often only a little amuse and upset Aquarius a little, but he gladly accepts these restrictions - as the rules of any other game in which he is more interested in participating than in winning. Therefore, he is unlikely to earn a reputation as a true macho and Don Juan (let's leave these toys to Lions and other Scorpions), but he is unlikely to ever want to take sex seriously - for him, "friendly" sex without any obligations, and sex out of pure interest (sex, as a way of understanding a person is a very effective technique, and Aquarius love and appreciate it), and as a way to establish even more friendly, trusting relationships ... another question is that Aquarius is wonderful they understand that such an easy attitude to what is happening is not characteristic of people in principle, and therefore they often do not even show interest in this area - why do they need unnecessary problems?

Here you need to understand one more thing - usually any Aquarius, when meeting a girl who at least roughly falls within the framework of his ideas about attractiveness (and these frameworks are often quite wide, and besides, they can change quite quickly - Aquarius still appreciates the internal content much more than the "external packaging"), then ... in general, for those fractions of a second that it will take him to greet him in a friendly and friendly way, in his inner world the girl will already be disassembled into components, impartially evaluated, weighed and measured from all sides - in general, this is how Aquarius does absolutely everything that he sees. But in this case, this also means that the options for spending time together, including those that include sex, will also be considered - from all available positions, including the girl herself too.

This, of course, takes a long time to paint everything, but in fact, all of the above fits into one simple and understandable feeling, which can be roughly translated as "it would be interesting, but not so much as to really show any interest right now ... it's ugly - to obey animal instincts right away like this." Yes, there is an opinion that Aquarius notices that there is a girl in front of him, only on the third date. Ha, he noticed this from the very beginning, only by that very third date he can decide that this interest can also be demonstrated. Fortunately, the mask of an absent-minded person who does not notice anything can be very useful - for some girls this is just an extra incentive to force things. However, there are also enough other incentives - the sincere interest of Aquarius usually flatters girls (well, how would they know that he is _actually_ interested in everything that he asks and talks about himself?), And nature did not deprive representatives of Air signs of beauty at all. Another thing is that trying to catch Aquarius, tying him to himself with requirements and obligations - the right way kill his interest in the bud and lose sight of him faster and more imperceptibly than the shadow of a passing cloud. That is why the best friends-lovers are obtained from Aquarius - although in most cases the girls simply have enough of the term "friends". Aquarius himself, in principle, does not care - in any case, in his life (lives, to be more precise) there is a place for more interesting events. In any case, as usual, it is sooooo far from the ideal, and in comparison with this, everything else is simply not listed in internal system values.

But this is all true only until suddenly Aquarius meets a girl who fits his idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal, at least in some really important features for Aquarius. The first sign by which this can be noticed is that Aquarius begins to “freeze and slow down” much more than usual. He is just once again rechecking himself and his feelings - trusting them in such a matter the first time is critically dangerous, any Aquarius learns this very quickly. But nevertheless, if most of"tests" gives a positive result, then Aquarius may well "close" - and then the situation changes dramatically.

Stopudovye Malki, whatever one may say...