Toilet      04/03/2019

Summer kitchen in the country: options for organizing space. Summer kitchen in the country - rest in comfort

The cooking zone, if it is organized in the fresh air, becomes a favorite for country gatherings. On hot summer days, this is an ideal place with comfortable conditions for cooking or eating. And if you make the building closed, then in winter you can enjoy the beautiful landscape while having a pleasant conversation with kebabs. For the construction of a summer kitchen in the country, standard projects, photos are used, or, as an option, they plan a completely unique design, which will combine cooking, evening meals and family vacations ..

Why choose an open summer kitchen in the country: a photo gallery of unique projects

When planning a kitchen on the street, you must first answer a few questions, and based on this, determine further actions:

  1. Appointment.
  2. Dimensions.
  3. Accommodation.
  4. Price.

And having already analyzed the important points, you can choose the type of construction, options for installing an oven or barbecue, piping and decoration. One of the common options is an open-type summer building. This is an analogue of a gazebo, one, two or three walls remain open, a roof or canopy is required. The advantages of open-type buildings include:

  • the construction of the building will not take much time;
  • low cost;
  • cooking outdoors is much more comfortable;

But this option also has disadvantages:

  • it can only be used in warm weather;
  • it is necessary to clean furniture and household appliances with the onset of cold weather;
  • during bad weather, you can not use the open building.

Organization of a summer kitchen on the veranda of the house

One of the options for placing a small kitchen in the country is a veranda. It is important at the same time to maintain the overall design of the house, everything should be done in the same style. The step by step construction process is as follows:

  1. Building a foundation.
  2. Installation of the frame, if necessary - its lining.
  3. Installation of the roof, it is desirable that it be one with the general structure.

Advice! You can glaze the building on one or two sides, so its appearance will be more interesting.

Summer kitchen design

Another option for a summer kitchen is an extension, it can be connected to a residential building or any building, for example, a bathhouse. It is a platform with a canopy, equipped with various attributes. As a floor, you can even use tiles laid on a flat base.

A good solution to hide from bad weather or the scorching sun: sliding partitions, removable panels, roller blinds or canvases made of dense fabric. You can additionally put climbing plants on the walls. This is the simplest and most inexpensive option due to the lack of a foundation.

Do-it-yourself construction features of a summer kitchen-gazebo in the country

For a summer kitchen-gazebo, the installation of a barbecue area, for example, a barbecue or a barbecue, is especially suitable. Depending on the material of the frame, it is possible to plan the construction of a strip or columnar base. Wood, brick or stone is suitable for construction.

One wall must be closed to accommodate kitchen equipment. All other openings are draped with a light fabric, you can install decorative grilles, plant climbing plants nearby, over time they will braid the gazebo by analogy with a hedge. Our gallery presents photos of ready-made options for country summer kitchens-arbors.

The advantages of a closed summer kitchen in the country: a photo gallery of finished projects

The summer kitchen of a closed type is a full-fledged house, which can be an extension to the main room or a bathhouse, or built separately. It will be a good protection in inclement weather, and if you think about heating, the building can be used in the cool season. For this option, more funds and more thorough construction will be needed, it is desirable to supply water supply, drainage of runoff masses, and electricity. Often summer residents complement such buildings with a fireplace and a cellar. Ready-made projects of a closed-type summer kitchen in the country are presented in the photo gallery.

It is important! If there is no way to conduct electricity, you can install a diesel generator, it will power the lighting and electrical appliances.

Designer's tips and photo projects for organizing a kitchen in the country

When planning a summer kitchen, you need to think over the stylistic direction even at the project stage. The main thing that should be foreseen is that everything harmoniously fits into the landscape design and is combined with the design of the house. The presence of a kitchen in a summer cottage involves a water supply and the connection of household appliances. It is important to think over all the main points correctly so that it is convenient for the hostess to preserve the crop, cook food and communicate with guests, this should not burden her additionally.

3 tips for organizing a summer kitchen dining area

Planning the design of the dining area is an exciting experience. It is important that all furniture and its location are as convenient as possible. Filling can be as follows:

  • for open spaces - these are plastic garden sets or wicker products made of wicker or rattan;
  • the presence of a fireplace will warm on cool evenings and make the atmosphere more comfortable;
  • for a closed building, you can install upholstered furniture, always with a lot of pillows.

The nuances of organizing a working area and a barbecue, barbecue or stove in the summer kitchen

Even in the conditions of a country house, you need to adhere to the rule of an equilateral triangle: the distance between the sink, refrigerator and stove should be within walking distance. This placement will be the most convenient. Not always the area will allow you to perform it unchanged, however, you need to build the location of the points as close as possible. At the same time, it is desirable that they are not in the same line. For example, you can schedule the following placement:

  • if a barbecue is used as a source of cooking, and it is installed outside the room, then the cooking place and sink should be placed as close as possible to the exit;
  • for a small space, an L-shaped placement would be a great idea;
  • if the kitchen turned out to be narrow, you can think over the equipment in two rows;
  • for a square-shaped room, you can stop at a U-shaped layout;
  • if the layout allows the placement of equipment in only one row, a great option is a mobile island.

Advice! Planning a dining area or a place to relax should be no closer than two meters from a barbecue or cooking area. The ideal distance is 3 meters.

The oven, grill or barbecue are suitable for infrequent cooking. But if the summer kitchen will be used for daily cooking and preservation, you need to consider the placement of the stove or hob. In addition, water is also a mandatory attribute of the building. Interesting projects of summer kitchens with a barbecue and an oven can be seen in the photo selection.

Related article:

The choice of material, how to choose the right barbecue area, the features of erecting a gazebo for a summer house with a barbecue - read in our publication.

From what you can build a summer kitchen in the country with your own hands

After you have decided on the type of building and the placement of the summer kitchen, you should proceed to the choice of material. And after that, plan what type of foundation is needed for this design.

Benefits of a brick summer kitchen

One of the most popular materials is brick, however, it requires the construction of a powerful foundation, which will require additional financial costs. But, on the other hand, it will not subsequently require any maintenance, like a building made of wood or metal. It is advisable to use the services of professional craftsmen for the construction of an open or closed kitchen, a box of small sizes will not be expensive, but the frame will be done competently and taking into account all the nuances.

Budget option: summer kitchen from a bar

The beam is also often used for various buildings in the country, including for the summer kitchen. Under it, you do not need a powerful base, it is enough to fill in the posts or install blocks with additional waterproofing. On top of them is placed the lower harness, to which the supports from the timber are attached.

Advice! The beam must be impregnated with a fire and bioprotective composition. It will protect the tree from rotting, aging and infection by fungus.

Modern materials for the construction of a summer kitchen

For the summer kitchen, you can use modern materials, this is a great alternative to the usual classics.

And also for the construction of a kitchen in the country with your own hands, you can use lining, moisture-resistant plywood or a log house. The photo gallery presents interesting examples of finished work.

How to build a closed summer kitchen with your own hands: professional advice

You can choose different summer kitchen projects, but the construction steps are the same:

  • marking and pouring the base;
  • construction of walls in a closed building or supporting buildings - in the summer;
  • roof construction;
  • facade decoration and interior decoration.

1st stage - foundation

If the structure is lightweight, there is no need to build a reinforced foundation, the following algorithm of actions is sufficient:

  • dig a pit, the depth of which is not more than 15 cm;
  • fill it with rubble, sand, then tamp;
  • paving slabs are suitable as a floor, and you can also lay a board;
  • under the supports from the timber, you need to dig holes up to 40-50 cm, fill it with sand, place a reinforcing mesh, then put blocks on the sand-concrete mixture, lay waterproofing on top.

This should be known! The floor in an open kitchen should be done with a slight slope of 1.5-2 °, so that water can drain during bad weather.

For a more monumental design, it is necessary to install a monolithic or tape base.

2nd stage - building walls

The construction of the walls begins with the installation of the frame. For it, a beam of 150 × 150 mm is usually used, which is installed around the perimeter on the harness. Between the supports, horizontal beams are attached to the metal corners. After that, the frame is sewn up with the selected material: polycarbonate, siding, sheets of corrugated board, clapboard.

For walls in a closed kitchen, brick, stone or foam blocks are often used, the surface thickness is half a brick. Under them, it is necessary to erect a tape or monolithic foundation. In addition, you need to install window and door structures.

3rd stage - roofing

The following types of roofing can be installed in the summer kitchen:

  • flat;
  • lean-to;
  • gable.

Advice! An elongated visor will serve as protection for the walls during heavy rains, this will extend the life of the structure.

4th stage - landscaping and interior decoration

After building a kitchen in a country house in a wooden house, you need to take care of the interior and exterior decoration. Photo examples will help you choose the best options. Be sure to plant beautiful shrubs and flowers around the structure, install a fountain, lay out paths, think over lighting. To do this, as an addition to stationary sources, you can use flashlights from sunlight. The following materials are suitable for interior flooring:

  • board;
  • linoleum;
  • tile;
  • parquet.

How to build a very simple and unusual design of an open summer kitchen with your own hands

Below we will consider the construction of a summer kitchen with a four-pitched hip roof according to the project of the author of one of the YouTube channels. The principle of building an open summer kitchen in the country is similar to a closed one, only support buildings are installed instead of walls. The photo of the step-by-step installation process clearly demonstrates this.

Site arrangement and foundation construction

First of all, you need to prepare and clear the site. For our summer kitchen, a columnar base is enough. To do this, dig 8 holes, fill them with sand, place a reinforcing mesh and install foundation blocks on the mortar. Be sure to lay a layer of waterproofing on top.

Framing, roofing and flooring

Illustration Action Description
From a bar 150 × 150 mm, the lower harness is laid.

On metal corners, vertical supports are installed, which must be fixed with the help of the upper strapping.
Then you should install a supporting wooden frame.

The next step is the laying of metal tiles.
For wall decoration, DSP boards are used, which, according to the designer's idea, are cut out with a wavy line.

At this stage, the grill is installed.
With the help of decorative plaster, you need to give the surface the effect of an adobe wall.

The final stage is the interior decor of the open summer kitchen.

The cost of a ready-made summer kitchen for a turnkey cottage

Before deciding to build a kitchen in a summer cottage with your own hands, you need to calculate the price of the finished project and compare it with the costs of acquiring materials and the work of craftsmen. Below is the estimated cost of ready-made summer kitchens for summer cottages.

Size, m Material Price (as of May 2018), rub.
2.5×4Beam, board200 000
4×4Beam, block house282 000
4×4Beam, board, siding297 000
5×3.6bar186 000
3×6Beam, board332 000


Now more and more people are leaving the countryside for summer cottages exclusively for recreation, and for this it is necessary to create comfortable conditions there in case of bad weather or the scorching sun. The summer kitchen solves all the problems with organizing leisure time: you can sit there with friends, relax in hot weather, cook food or preserve the harvest at the same time. Therefore, it is important to competently approach the planning of the structure and choose the most rational option.

We hope that our review will be useful to you. We have picked up a lot of ideas for inspiration and implementation of our projects. Ask questions in the comments, our editors will be happy to answer them. And in conclusion, we offer you to look at interesting summer kitchen projects that have already been implemented.


Summer kitchen in the country
Summer kitchen made of wood

Various types of summer kitchens allow you to build this structure in almost any house in various areas. Kitchens are either closed or open. The simplest open-type summer kitchen is a terrace equipped with all necessary kitchen equipment and kitchen furniture. Closed summer kitchens are a veranda, closed partially or entirely.

Closed summer kitchen in the country (photo)

Whatever the design of the open summer kitchen, it is traditionally divided into two main areas - a place for cooking and a living-dining room. The minimum set for the "culinary zone" includes a stove, oven or grill-fireplace, cabinets and shelves for kitchen utensils and utensils, a work surface or cutting table and a sink.

Outdoor summer kitchen in the country
Closed summer kitchen in the country

Summer kitchens, equipped in buildings separate from the house, are also open or closed according to the design solution.

Summer kitchen in the form of a house in the photo

It can be an open summer kitchen in the country or a kitchen in the form of a light frame house (often not heated), although it happens that such a house is built of brick and even equipped with a fireplace or stove.

An open kitchen is a building without walls, when the effect of free space is visually created. Such a kitchen may have a canopy or a roof on pillars, or not have a roof at all, being at best under the branches of a sprawling tree.

In this case, there is a feeling of complete unity with nature.

Summer kitchen-veranda
Summer kitchen-gazebo

An open kitchen can be built in the form of a veranda or gazebo. Its main elements are kitchen furniture (table, benches, chairs), a sink and a stove for cooking.

The main advantage of open kitchens, in addition to unity with nature, is that they do not need to be ventilated and they are not hot in summer.

Usually, when building an open kitchen, the supports and the roof are made of wood, and natural and artificial stone are used for the foundation.

If a furnace is being built, it is usually also lined with stone. Small cash costs make the arrangement of an open-type summer kitchen inexpensive.

In addition, the construction does not involve complex work and the use of equipment, so building such a summer kitchen is also quite simple in technical terms. So we can safely say that this is a good option for beginner builders.

All open summer kitchens have the same advantages:

  • low costs of building materials during construction;
  • much faster and easier construction;
  • no need for expensive earthworks and roofing;
  • cooking outdoors in the summer is always more pleasant than indoors;
  • a great opportunity for both family outdoor recreation and holidays with a large number of guests;
  • using a barbecue, barbecue or grill for cooking meat dishes;
  • minimal fire hazard of such structures;
  • significantly lower overall project cost than a closed kitchen.

Open-type summer kitchens also have disadvantages, which include:

  • the impossibility of using the kitchen in the cold season, as well as in windy weather and during heavy rain;
  • exposure of the working area of ​​the kitchen from dust, which requires additional efforts during cleaning;
  • attacks of mosquitoes and other insects in the evening;
  • the inability to leave food overnight, as they can be stolen by animals or birds;
  • the inability to leave equipment and valuables that attract thieves overnight;
  • the impossibility even in the summer to use as additional housing;
  • the need to hide furniture and other interior items during rain, as well as remove them for the winter;
  • performing only one function - as a place for cooking and eating in the fresh air.

Look at the closed and open summer kitchens in the photo, which shows various building options:

Closed summer kitchen with open veranda
Closed summer kitchen with terrace

A summer kitchen with a closed veranda is very similar to an ordinary small house with walls, a roof, windows and a door. This makes it possible to use them in any weather and, if heating is provided (although this is usually not done), even in winter.

Closed kitchen on the veranda (photo)

The closed kitchen on the veranda in the country, in addition to the main function it performs, can be used as an overnight stay for guests, a hunting lodge, and in winter - as a pantry. Such a summer kitchen with an open terrace is usually built from plasterboard, clapboard or plywood, and more durable structures designed for many years are built from brick, foam blocks or stone.

Look at the kitchen veranda in the photo, which illustrates a successful layout:

Veranda-kitchen in the country

The main advantages of a closed building are:

  • the security of the room from dust, wind, precipitation and insects, so you will not have to clean it as often as it is required in open kitchens;
  • if there is heating, it is possible to use the building in winter;
  • the ability to safely leave food supplies, appliances and other valuables in a closed kitchen at night, especially if the room is locked;
  • use as a guest house;
  • the possibility of combining with other additional premises - a bathhouse, a cellar, a workshop or a garage.

The main disadvantages of a closed summer kitchen with an open veranda are the features of operation:

  • more building materials and more complex construction, including labor-intensive work that requires the involvement of assistants and equipment;
  • the need for careful drafting of the project, as well as the calculation of the foundation, truss system and other components of the building, as in the construction of a house;
  • a significant increase in the cost of construction in general and a longer construction period.

In addition to general information, it is worth considering in more detail the varieties of open and closed summer kitchen options.

Summer kitchen-veranda in the form of an extension to a country house
Summer kitchen-veranda for a summer residence

For example, a summer kitchen-veranda is built in the form of an extension to a country house. When erecting it, it should be borne in mind that, like any extension, it should become a harmonious continuation of the house, fit into its design solution and at the same time retain its main function - to be a kitchen and a dining-living room, and not become a hallway.

The construction of a summer kitchen in the form of a veranda should begin with laying the foundation. Its depth should be equal to the depth of the foundation of the house, so that the extension does not come off in winter. Then the frame for the walls is installed, the outer skin is made and the shed roof is covered.

Ideally, a country house and a veranda should have one roof covering, but if the veranda is added later, its roof or canopy should be combined with the main roof both from an aesthetic point of view and from a technical standpoint (so that there is no leakage during rain, etc.) .

To make the kitchen-veranda brighter and more airy, you can install large hinged windows or glaze the entire front or side parts.

Summer cuisine
Summer kitchen wooden

Look at the summer kitchens with a veranda in the photo, where you can choose the most suitable option:

Kitchen extension on the site
Annex kitchen

The open kitchen annex is a structure in the form of a terrace due to a significant expansion of the porch. In this case, support beams are installed along the wall of the house, on which an inclined canopy is laid on top.

If the terrace is arranged on a well-leveled area and there are no problems with the accumulation of water, the floor can be laid directly on the ground - it can be just a paving slab covering. To protect the terrace from any bad weather (rain, wind, etc.) will allow side partitions (both capital and decorative) or, for example, waterproof curtains. You can build pergolas and decorate them with climbing plants or plant a hedge of shrubs that will decorate the terrace and provide a pleasant coolness on hot summer evenings.

Column foundation for summer kitchen
Strip foundation for summer kitchen

When constructing a summer kitchen-gazebo, one cannot do without a columnar or strip foundation. Racks of a frame made of brick, stone or timber are installed on it at the corners, and then the whole structure is fixed with a roof made of light roofing material, such as ondulin, bituminous sheets, etc. Buildings of this type are more than all other types of summer kitchens suitable for installing a barbecue, barbecue in them or stoves.

In such a kitchen, it is also very convenient to process the harvested crops without fear of wind or rain and without worrying about the cleanliness and ventilation of the room from kitchen aromas.

The openings between the racks of such a summer kitchen can be left open or one of the walls can be sewn up to install kitchen cabinets and shelves. You can arrange pergolas with climbing plants, decorate openings with textile curtains, lattice wooden panels.

Sliding or removable partitions can be provided, as well as roller blinds to open them in good weather.

Other options for a summer kitchen can be formed on the basis of existing ones, so, for example, if a gazebo is glazed or hinged windows are made, it can also serve in the cold season, especially if the kitchen is equipped with a fireplace or stove.

Look at the summer kitchen options in the photo, which shows the most unexpected design solutions of architects:

Summer kitchen, glass
Summer kitchen like a house

Summer kitchen at the dacha
Summer kitchen is beautiful

Such options for summer kitchens in the country, like a house, are almost a full-fledged dwelling, therefore, its construction requires more effort in comparison with the same gazebo. Here you will need a reliable foundation (preferably monolithic), walls, a reliable roof, you will need to install windows and doors. But such a house will be multifunctional.

cellar pit

In addition to the kitchen, it is possible to equip a cellar in it, then construction will need to begin with digging a foundation pit, and the cellar walls will become the foundation for the ground part of the building. The house can be supplemented with a terrace or veranda, which in this case will serve as an outdoor living room with a dining area with a large table, chairs, benches, armchairs, and cooking will take place inside the house.

Summer kitchen with cooking equipment in the photo

In a country summer kitchen, there must be equipment for cooking. Usually, electric or gas stoves are used for everyday cooking, but some summer residents choose a more exotic option - a wood-burning stove, fireplace, barbecue or barbecue, which should be made of refractory bricks. And in this case, you should think in advance about the fire safety of the entire structure and a high-quality ventilation system. Such types of hearth not only make the summer kitchen cozy, but also contribute to significant savings - while firewood is burning in the stove, food is not only cooked, but the room is also warmed up. Well, talking about how tasty and healthy food cooked on an open fire and fresh air is completely superfluous.

Summer kitchen with fireplace
Summer kitchen with barbecue

When planning to equip the kitchen with a fireplace, barbecue or barbecue, it must be borne in mind that in this case the room should be as ventilated as possible. You can make such a focus temporary or permanent. For example, there are collapsible models of barbecues and barbecues, which, with the onset of cold weather, can be safely stored away until the next summer season.

If it is planned to build a summer kitchen in the form of a house, it is possible to lay down a capital stove made of refractory bricks in it - with various compartments and additional devices.

Kitchen with a bath in the photo

Recently, complex structures have become very popular, including, in addition to the summer kitchen, other country buildings, such as a bathhouse, a terrace, a hunting lodge, etc. Depending on the desire of the owners, the combination of such structural elements can be anything, and they are all being built on one common foundation. At the same time, the amount of materials required for the construction of structures is reduced, which allows significant savings in construction. For example, a common roof is much cheaper than the roof of several separate buildings. There is also no need to lay many paths connecting various buildings on the site, since in this case all objects will be in one place.

As a result, it will be more profitable to build an integral structure in many respects than to build disparate premises. In addition, a complex designed in the same style and built from matching materials will look much more attractive from the outside than several separate structures built at different times and from various materials.

In this case, energy resources for heating are saved, and the organization of electrification, water supply and sewerage is generally simplified. Finally, less land will be required for construction than several buildings, and in general it will be much more convenient to move from one room to another if they are all under the same roof.

There are several options for complex buildings. For example, one of them is a summer kitchen in the form of a house with a barbecue and a veranda, in which the owners can not only have a good time themselves, but also meet guests. The house can be made as one- or two-room, in which case the second room can be used as a guest room. Light comfortable furniture can be placed on the veranda to have breakfast, lunch and even dinner in the summer, and during rain or cool weather, the dining room can be moved inside the house. Naturally, the roof for the entire structure should be the same.

Summer kitchen for a summer residence, open
Types of open summer kitchen

Another option is a summer kitchen with a barbecue and a gazebo. In this case, it is also possible to do everything under one roof. The gazebo can be open or glazed, and the summer kitchen can also be closed or open. The choice of the best option depends only on the imagination of the owner and his budget.

Another popular option is a summer kitchen with a stove and a sauna, which can be used not only in summer, because both the kitchen and the sauna can be heated with a stove all year round. Often, the beauty of using a bath can be felt in winter, when the temperature contrast in the bath and on the street is the greatest, which causes an inexpressible feeling.

Cooking is a process that should be enjoyable. But here a lot depends on the conditions in which you cook. The atmosphere should inspire and encourage the creation of delicious and healthy dishes filled with your good energy. In the summer, in the closeness and the smoke of the closed space of the kitchen, you are unlikely to be able to easily tune in to a pleasant cooking process. But if you have a dacha and a couple of skillful hands, you can solve this problem. By building a summer kitchen in your country house, you will not only save your main room from excess fumes and stove heat, but also get the opportunity to cook outdoors in a pleasant environment, surrounded by greenery and blown by the breeze. In addition, an open summer kitchen can be equipped with a barbecue, barbecue or fireplace and have cozy picnics surrounded by people you love.

Where to begin

When planning the construction of a summer kitchen for a summer residence, first of all, it is worth finding answers to a number of important questions that will determine your further actions:

  1. Appointment. Will you use the summer kitchen only during the warm season or all year round? Do you want to cook on it often and a lot, or will it become a place for occasional gatherings with friends and family?
  2. Dimensions. Will the space of the summer kitchen become a working place for the hostess during the period of closing home preparations and cooking, or will it be organized in the form of a kitchen-dining room designed for a certain number of people?
  3. Accommodation. Will the kitchen be implemented as an extension to the main room of your cottage or will it be a separate house? How will your facility be positioned in relation to the sun, wind, green spaces, communications and roadways?
  4. Project budget. The materials that you choose for the summer kitchen, the design of the room and the time spent on implementing your ideas will largely depend on it.

Advice ! Examine the ready-made projects of summer kitchens for summer cottages offered by construction companies, and independently adjust them to your scale and needs.

After analyzing all the significant points, you will need to accurately establish for yourself the following:

  • Open or closed type suits you;
  • Will you build a stove or will you limit yourself to installing a stove, do you plan to use a barbecue and grill;
  • How will water supply, sewerage, electricity supply be organized in your project;
  • What design are you planning to do?

Open summer kitchen

An open type of summer kitchen usually has one to three walls, a canopy as a roof, and in its appearance is more like a gazebo.

Advantages of an open view of summer kitchens:

  • Such an open-type summer kitchen design can be built quite quickly and without much effort.
  • It is economical in terms of production costs.
  • When cooking outdoors, you will not suffer from the stuffiness, fumes and burning that are characteristic of indoors.

However, there are a number of significant drawbacks to be aware of:

  • In the open summer kitchen, you can cook and relax only while it is warm outside;
  • You can't leave food on it;
  • Kitchen furniture for the winter must be removed into the house so that it does not deteriorate from dampness;
  • The room is poorly protected from drafts, showers and insects.

Outdoor summer kitchen on the veranda

You can organize an open type of summer kitchen on the veranda of your country house.

Advice ! To make the open summer kitchen look good, try to equip it in the same style with your summer cottage.

First of all, you will need to lay the foundation. Its depth should match the depth of the foundation of the house. Next, you form the frame of the walls, perform their sheathing and build the roof. It is better if the roof is the same for the house and the veranda. The open summer kitchen looks good, the front or side wall of which is glazed.

Open summer kitchen

An open summer kitchen can be organized as an extension and connected to a summer house or to some utility room, for example, a bathhouse.

Such an extension is created by expanding the porch and is a kind of terrace with all the necessary kitchen attributes: a gas or electric stove, furniture, a sink, etc. During the construction process, support structures are mounted along the dacha wall, on which a canopy is attached. The floor can be laid out with paving slabs directly on the ground, having previously leveled it. This is possible if the water in this area is not collected after rain. You can protect an open summer kitchen from bad weather with the help of sliding or removable side partitions, tarps, roller blinds. The walls can be covered with plants that will please the eye and create coolness in the heat.

This open summer kitchen project is cheaper and easier to implement than the option with a foundation, but it is less reliable, because when the soil subsides, the kitchen may begin to tilt.

Open summer kitchen-gazebo

Such an open summer kitchen project is especially good when you want to install a fireplace, a barbecue in the kitchen and use it for a pleasant pastime in the company of friends and relatives. Even in such a gazebo it will be convenient to process the harvest harvested in the country.

Decide which foundation for an open kitchen gazebo - tape or columnar - will suit you best. The roof is recommended to be made of bitumen or ondulin. When creating a frame, materials such as stone, brick, timber are usually used. Any wall can be made closed in order to place a kitchen set and other necessary attributes along it. Leave the rest of the openings open so that you can breathe fresh air freely. If necessary, they can be draped with fabric curtains and roller blinds, decorated with lattice panels, entwined with plants, or organize various partitions.

Closed summer kitchen

The closed summer kitchen is a full-fledged house, standing separately or attached to another building: a country house, a bathhouse, a utility room. This option is well suited for areas where the climate is characterized by strong winds, rains, early frosts. You may like this design if you like to relax in the country in winter and prefer to cook in a separate room. It needs more capital investments, a serious approach to design, it is more difficult to build. But in the end, you can build a house with comfortable conditions, including the presence of heating, running water, sewerage and electricity. Often, closed kitchens in the country are equipped with a cellar, a fireplace, and utility rooms.

Advice ! When it is impossible to conduct electricity to the summer kitchen, you can buy a country diesel generator and feed all kitchen appliances from it.

In this project of a closed summer kitchen: 1 - the kitchen itself, 2 - the dining area. Numbers 3, 4 and 5 are stools, a table and a corner bench in the dining room. The kitchen area is equipped with a cupboard (6), stove (7), sink (11), water tank (12). Also provided here: chimney (8), ventilation duct (9), window (10).

Kitchen-house with a terrace

The closed option can be organized as a detached house with a terrace. In the house you will cook, so it must be equipped accordingly, and on the terrace under a canopy you can organize a dining area with a table and chairs.

Such a project is quite labor-intensive, since it requires laying a monolithic foundation, building walls, installing windows and doors.

When equipping the walls, the strength of the wind in the area should be taken into account so that they can adequately withstand all possible loads. For a closed summer kitchen, a gable roof is recommended, which reliably protects against rain and snow.

You can also consider the project of a kitchen-house with a cellar. Then, before starting the construction of the premises, you will need to dig a foundation pit, and the walls of the cellar will serve as the foundation for the upper part of the building.

How to build a summer kitchen with your own hands

There are several main stages in the process of implementing any kitchen project for a summer residence:

  1. Select the location of the building.
  2. Prepare the foundation.
  3. Raise the walls.
  4. Build a roof.
  5. Perform interior decoration.

Choose a location

A well-placed kitchen should:

  1. Conveniently located relative to the entrance to the house. On the one hand, it is not desirable that the fumes from the stove fall into your main home. On the other hand, too much remoteness of the kitchen from the house will lead to the fact that in bad weather, it will be quite difficult to transfer ready-made food to the house.
  2. Stay away from places that emit unpleasant odors, such as a country toilet, pets, cesspools, etc.
  3. Be far enough away from traffic so that exhaust fumes and road noise do not interfere with your cooking and breathing fresh air.
  4. Be available for connection of communications: water supply, sewerage, heating, electricity.
  5. For an open summer kitchen, one should take into account the wind blowing, the warming up by the sun's rays, and the presence of greenery around.
  6. Attention should also be paid to the level of groundwater, as well as the terrain on which the cottage will be built.

Attention ! The country house and the summer kitchen should be at least 15 meters away from cesspools, toilets and livestock enclosures.

We are preparing the foundation

What kind of foundation you will lay depends on the chosen kitchen project for the cottage. A construction option is also possible without a foundation, for example, when you concrete a site of a suitable scale and reinforce it with a metal mesh. It will be appropriate for an open summer kitchen with a light canopy. For closed brick or stone summer kitchens, a strip foundation is usually prepared. Column supports are suitable for open kitchens or tree houses.

The foundation formation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Along the perimeter of the kitchen being created, select soil or dig small holes with a scale of 30x30 cm and a depth of 70-80 cm.
  2. Create a 20 cm thick cushion of crushed stone and sand and tamp it down carefully.
  3. Pour the foundation, platform or pillars. Concrete can harden from 7 days to a month.
  4. If it became necessary to fill the floor, after removing the soil layer from the platform under the kitchen, pour sand 15 cm thick, crushed stone on top and pour the pillow with a cement solution. If you plan to lay tile floors, the surface must first be leveled using sanding or a cement screed option.

Attention ! For an open summer kitchen, the floor should be raised above the ground to a height of five to seven centimeters so that rainwater does not flood the room.

Building walls

Your kitchen project may or may not have walls, but the support pillars that will hold the roof or canopy will most likely need to be installed. Materials for the construction of walls can serve:

  • Stone, e.g. marble, limestone, granite, slate, concrete. The advantage of stone is its reliability and durability, but its prices are quite high. The thickness of the walls will depend on the temperature regime of the environment in which the operation is planned. One brick thickness may be enough for you. For use in the cold season, additional insulation may be required.
  • Tree. This material is cheaper than stone and easier to use. Buildings made of it look elegant and are popular with summer residents. However, it should be noted that in order for the tree not to deteriorate over time, it must be subjected to special processing. Exterior sheathing can be made of boards or siding, for interior - use clapboard, drywall. To create fasteners, metal corners or self-tapping screws are used.

Building a roof

You can choose from the following roof options:

  • Flat or one-sided. This is an easy-to-build and inexpensive roof.

  • Gable. More reliable, durable and popular.

Attention ! The long canopy will protect the walls in the rain and extend the life of your kitchen.

We do interior decoration

Often, flooring is performed using linoleum, parquet, laminate, decking or ceramic tiles.

In the case of wooden walls and ceilings, they can be covered with a protective layer of drying oil, which will prevent the negative effects of dampness and time on this material.

It is difficult to imagine a country house or a cottage where there will be no summer kitchen. It is in such a kitchen that people gather with family and friends to enjoy the summer air and take a break from worldly worries.

Elegant summer kitchens in the country, projects and photos of which will surprise every person have become commonplace and are often installed in suburban residential areas and cottages. Such buildings can be made to order through construction companies, although this aspect can be handled on your own using ready-made projects and photos.

Before building a summer kitchen, it is necessary to decide whether this design will be a separate building or a continuation of the house itself. Modern kitchens are of two main types, that is, open or closed type construction. Where the open structure is very similar to a gazebo or terrace, which is located separately or adjacent to the house.

The main elements of an open structure will be a roof or a canopy, as well as 1-3 walls, this structure is built of wood and less often of stone. Its unique feature is the feeling of spaciousness and freedom, the feeling of unity with the natural environment.

The summer kitchen is still closed; this building is a separate small house. The closed type house has full roofs and walls with windows and doors. The main advantage of a closed house is a comfortable design, protected from rain and bright sun. In summer, the building is used both as a kitchen and as a separate guest house. This structure is built from a material such as brick, foam block or cinder block, and lining, drywall and sometimes plywood are used for interior decoration, you can find out how it looks by looking at the photo of the finished building.

Varieties of cuisines

  1. The structure of wooden beams and logs.
  2. Frame metal.
  3. Brick and stone building.
  4. From different materials, that is, brick and metal, wood and brick, etc.

Main advantages

Summer small cozy kitchenette is a necessary element of country country economy.

Cooking outdoors will inspire literally everyone. Breakfast, lunch and dinner in the gazebo of the summer kitchen becomes a feast in nature, it will be wonderful. Such a magical cuisine will bring a lot of pleasant minutes from eating and communicating with friends and relatives. Summer kitchens work even in winter if they are carefully insulated, and to find out how this is done, you can view numerous projects and photos.

Location considerations

Prior to the construction of the summer kitchen, it is required to competently and rationally draw up a project for this building. This building is considered a serious object, and here you should know the intricacies of this type of kitchen design. It is required to carefully and competently calculate and plan the stages of construction. To select a location, it is necessary to take into account the features of such construction.

The main criterion for choosing a site for the location of the kitchen is the convenience of supplying communications. These communications are carried out from the house, so the kitchen and the house itself will be located nearby. Such communications in the country will be a gas pipeline, a water supply system with a drainage system, sewerage, electricity, and how they are carried out can be seen in the photo of projects on the Internet.

It is required to locate the building further from the toilet, compost pit and other places where eating and preparing food will not be a pleasant experience. It is recommended to place it away from the road where there will be a lot of dust, noise and exhaust gases. It is advisable to place kitchens away from flammable objects, this distance should be 10 meters or more.

Construction stages

  1. Before construction, a competent and clear construction project is drawn up, where positioning on the site is decided. You should think in advance about the dimensions of the building and the location of windows and doors, taking into account the placement of water and gas pipelines.
  2. The site for the building itself is leveled and, if required, water supply and sewerage pipes are laid.
  3. If an open-type building is being built, then there must be a slope of the site required for water to drain after rain.
  4. Now that the site is ready, a pit 15 cm deep or more is being dug for an open kitchen. Such a pit is made over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building, after which it is filled with a special sand cushion, which should be carefully compacted. Then the paving of the future kitchen is necessarily carried out, for this purpose a board or a tile is used, which is paved directly on a pillow of sand, this is done simply and quickly.
  5. Only now the foundation is being prepared, it can be columnar, slab or tape. Most often, it is the strip foundation that is located around the entire perimeter of the kitchen. For the installation of a columnar foundation, soil is removed 50 cm deep, and a pit 15 cm deep is dug inside the future kitchen. Now you need to make a pillow of sand and lay a layer of rubble on top, after which everything is poured with cement standard mortar.
  6. For the summer kitchen, a columnar foundation is often arranged; for this, 4 pillars are made at the corners of the building, deepened by 50 cm or more. Further, a common frame is made of wooden beams or logs. Also, this structure can be made of brick and stone, although these materials require a solid foundation.
  7. The walls of the kitchen are built of stone or brick, you can still make a frame of metal or wooden beams. Further, they need to be sheathed outside and inside with clapboard or special boards. If wood trim is used, then it needs to be treated with special solutions to protect it from moisture, this is best done annually.
  8. For the kitchen, they arrange a shed, gable or flat roof, although it is better to make it gable. Such a design with two slopes will be reliable and simple, and it looks very aesthetically pleasing. Here, a roof made of asbestos-cement sheet, metal tile or polycarbonate is used, after which the roof is sheathed with plasterboard and boards from below.

Summer kitchen equipment

The summer kitchen is equipped with a special oven for cooking, it can be a wood-burning stove, a gas stove or an electric one. If there is a barbecue here, then you should choose in advance a place for the location of the oven, where food will be baked on charcoal. Here it is necessary to think over the general fire safety measures.

It is not recommended to place flammable objects near the stove, and the cutting table is installed next to the stove at a safe distance. Nearby are kitchen units, drawers for utensils and a common small sink, and their location can be seen in the photo of the projects of this building.

A special stove, sink and tables should be compact and convenient so that they do not interfere with people in the recreation area. In such a recreation area, a table, armchairs and chairs are usually installed, and if space permits, then a sofa. For the cottage kitchen, wicker or plastic furniture is usually used, which are best suited here.

The next important aspect of the summer kitchen arrangement is the choice of lighting; separate comfortable lighting is required for the working area and the resting place. Luminaires need to be selected, given their work in normal outdoor conditions, you can also choose an economical option by installing lamps with solar panels.

If a full-fledged traditional wood-burning stove is located in the summer kitchen, then the aspects of smoke removal should definitely be considered. Often today they install both a stove and an oven at once, thanks to which you can please your loved ones and guests with ordinary dishes and at the same time cook fragrant barbecue. It is advisable to carry out all the required communications here at once, which will make life easier for the owners.

Interior arrangement

To make the kitchen look beautiful and stylish, it is recommended to place soft pillows on the chairs and elegant blankets on the sofa. It is advisable to purchase all kitchen equipment in a single general style, so that this room will look more elegant. Finishing here should be natural, it is better to use natural stone and wood. And the floor is desirable to be made of tiles, it can be porcelain stoneware or ceramics.

It is important to consider here that the main area will be the stove and oven, after which there is a sink and a work surface for cooking.

The traditional style of such a country kitchen is a rustic setting, for which clay dishes and textiles are used. Artistic tone and family style will make a large Russian samovar, located on a wide dining table. It is recommended to install only wooden furniture here, and it is better to finish with a material such as wood. If this kitchen is built and equipped correctly, then you can cook dishes there in spring, summer, and autumn, as well as in winters, if they are warm.

For interior decoration is used:

  1. Clay dishes.
  2. Artistic textiles.
  3. Carved crafts and toys.
  4. Furniture in the same style.
  5. Living plants.
  6. Forging products.
  7. Stone.
  8. Ceramic products


The arrangement and arrangement of a summer kitchen is, in principle, a simple matter, but it is better to entrust such construction to professionals if there is no experience and knowledge. This building has a lot of design solutions, choosing the best option for yourself, the kitchen will delight its owners for a long time. Here you should immediately choose the type of country house, it is important to choose the right type of foundation and material for the walls, the type of roof and roofing materials, which can be very different.

A certain amount of money is required to be invested in designer decoration, which will make the kitchen more aesthetic and comfortable, aspects of such decoration can be seen in the photos of the projects indicated on the Internet.

Summer kitchens in the country - projects and 40 photos

Cooking in a small kitchen is no fun. Hot air, tightness, constant lack of free space make the cooking process difficult and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country house, where there is enough space not only to accommodate the working, but also the dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard projects and a regular photo, later in our article.

What is a summer kitchen

The summer kitchen in the country is an attached to the house or a separate building designed for cooking and relaxing. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of construction of the summer kitchen can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are completely or partially absent. They can be replaced by light curtains or. The closed type has solid walls and windows that reliably cover the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a canopy from the rain over the summer kitchen

A summer kitchen with a simple project can be safely built in just one summer. This will require basic construction skills, the necessary material and tools. Well, for safety net, it is desirable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be carried out at height.

Important! Before you start building an object, you should choose a suitable place for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this will be done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all, you need to consider that the kitchen should not be too remote at home. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that every day it is not very convenient to go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site.

In addition, next to the summer kitchen, there should be no sources that have an unpleasant odor. These include sheds and cages with animals, fertilizer pits, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own outdoor kitchen is every housewife's dream.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in the immediate vicinity of it. On hot days, a table and chairs can be placed under its dense crown. It's no secret that breakfast in the fresh air is doubly pleasant.

However, carried away by the planning of the future building, do not forget about the fire safety rules, the neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in the summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

We decide on the kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and comfortable, and also to have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose the right project for it, in which all the nuances and design features will be painted to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen organically fit into the overall building and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. So you will achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have noticed, many summer kitchen projects whose photos are posted in the article have an original and non-standard design. This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Building a building on your own

When the place and project for the summer kitchen are chosen, you can safely proceed to its construction. Like any building, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Marking the site and pouring the foundation.
  2. The erection of walls (if provided for by the project) or supporting pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and external finishing.


Since this building is relatively light, there is no need to pour a capital foundation. It is quite possible to get by or, most importantly, to be carried out in compliance with the technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor device, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass - the foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, a markup is made on the site, which is marked on the plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a foundation pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which formwork from boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, in order to avoid heaving of the soil, a backfill is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before concrete is poured, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must stand for at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • monolithic foundation. Having previously marked the site, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, geotextiles are laid at the bottom of the pit, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Further, the sand is well leveled and tightly compacted by a tamping machine. It remains to put the formwork, tie the reinforcing cage, pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for the summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º so that rainwater can flow down it on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. Large (support) racks are installed in the corners - 200 × 200 mm in size, and additional ones between them - 150 × 150 mm in size.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for installing the rafters.
  3. After the rafters are installed, from bars measuring 50 × 50 mm. a crate and a counter-lattice are made.
  4. Further, the entire structure is treated with a special compound from fungus and mold, after which installation is carried out.

Often, rounded logs, bricks or stone are used as wall material, which is ideal for this type of building. With such walls, the building can be used year-round, the main thing is to produce them of high quality.

Another undeniable advantage is that facade of the summer kitchen from a log, facing brick or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs come down only to the fact that wood is needed and, and stone and brick.

We decide on the design of the facade

When choosing a summer kitchen project from photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the building. For a summer residence, it is very important that the style of the outbuildings correspond to the general layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

Particular attention in the summer kitchen should also be given to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. Properly organize the space will help you placed below photo of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how beautifully and correctly design various zones.

The work area is an important element in the interior. Try to keep it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture. Using upholstered furniture in an open-type summer kitchen is not a good idea. In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also, various types of wicker furniture will fit well into the interior, which goes well with any finishing materials. For example, a rattan chair or a wicker chair will look very nice. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of fancy should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered.
  • Lighting. Proper lighting of the summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size, is an important stage of repair work. A chandelier suspended in the center or a single lamp cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all zones, it is desirable to use more than one type of lighting. Above the working area, it is appropriate to place spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you to competently approach the issue of choosing the right project for your summer kitchen. As you can see, there are plenty of sources for inspiration and fresh ideas for the implementation of our plans. Good luck with your construction.