Toilet      01/25/2022

Pension on a Sberbank card service. Social card "Mir". Commission for servicing the Mir card in Sberbank for pensioners

Many elderly people receive pension funds into a bank account. The transition to the domestic payment system began not so long ago, but the MIR card is becoming increasingly popular.

Many active bank customers are interested in the question of what a card is, what are the conditions and tariffs, and how to issue a MIR for pensioners in Sberbank Online. Details on all these issues can be found in the article.

The card is intended for social charges, or rather - pension. It is for this reason that the terms of service and tariffs are very attractive.

You can order a card without paying interest at any bank office. There are no commission fees for servicing it for clients of retirement age throughout the entire period of validity.

You can withdraw money at any Sberbank ATM for free. You can withdraw no more than 500,000 rubles per month, and no more than 50,000 rubles per day. It is possible to receive more money than the established limit, but in this case, a commission of 0.05% of the excess amount is charged.

Every quarter, pensioners are credited with a bonus of 3.5% per annum on the residual balance. MIR card holders can also join the Thank You from Sberbank program.

Customers have the opportunity to use mobile banking. This service is free for 60 days. After that, a monthly fee of 30 rubles is charged.

Who can receive?

The following categories of citizens can receive a card:

  1. Pensioners who have chosen this card for pension transfer.
  2. People who receive monthly social payments.
  3. Recipients of other transfers from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

Requirements and documentation:

  • age from 18 years;
  • citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • the right to receive a Russian pension from a person who has a different citizenship;
  • passport;
  • SNILS.

How to get a MIR card for pensioners in Sberbank Online?

The MIR card for pensioners in Sberbank can be ordered:

  • starting to receive a pension for the first time;
  • switch to the card voluntarily;
  • issue a new one after the expiration of the old one.

You can order a card in several ways:

It is not possible to order it through Sberbank Online. You can submit a request online on the official resource of Sberbank of Russia In the list of all cards, find the one you need (MIR social); there will be an "Order Online" button on the side. You need to click on it.

After that, the client is on the page for filling out personal data. Here, a passport is required to complete the application. Full name, surname and first name in Latin, e-mail address and cell number are indicated.

After filling in this information, the next page indicates:

  • place and date of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • series and number of the passport;
  • date of issue;
  • Passport issued by;
  • division code.

The last stage is the choice of a branch where you can get a ready-made card, as well as an indication of the full place of registration. It can be made up to two weeks.

To reissue an existing card or obtain a new one, the client can also contact the bank office. To do this, you need to have a passport and SNILS with you. If earlier the pension was received through the mail, you should contact the bank, the MFC or the Pension Fund of Russia. It is necessary to arrange a transfer of funds to an account in Sberbank.

Is it necessary to change the card?

The national program states that pensioners must replace their cards without fail by 2020. But those clients who receive their pensions by mail, that is, they are waiting for the postman, may not open a bank account.

Pros and cons of the card

This card includes all the benefits of Momentum. It has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of paying utility bills;
  • sending money through ATMs or online;
  • the ability to connect Sberbank Online, Mobile Bank, Piggy bank;
  • the ability to make purchases in online stores;
  • bonus units of the program Thank you from Sberbank are accumulating.

Also a significant plus is the free issue of the card and the free annual service. It is planned to issue an additional card.

In addition, of course, there are also negative aspects:

  • the ability to use the card only on the territory of the country;
  • not all stores still accept cards with the MIR payment system, since the software is not installed;
  • the need to open an additional account.

But, nevertheless, the popularity of the card for social payments is constantly growing.

As you can see, pensioners will still have to apply for a MIR card, but there is nothing to worry about. It has favorable conditions and tariffs. In this case, interest will still be charged on the balance. The easiest way is to leave a request on the official resource, and then just go to the office to pick up a ready-made card.

Russia's leading bank has developed social programs that will come into effect in 2018, according to sovets. They were created specifically for pensioners and other citizens receiving payments from the state budget. Within the framework of the described programs, it will be possible to issue a social credit card or a debit pension card. Using banking services implies making a profit by the client, so it makes sense to understand all the intricacies of innovations in advance.


More about the Active Age project

Persons who have already crossed the 50-year milestone can become participants in the new Sberbank program. It is good because this category of customers will have the opportunity to use the services of the bank on preferential terms, but this is only one of its advantages.

The project was created to increase the financial activity of older Russians. In this regard, pensioners will have a chance not only to issue a plastic card, but also to take part in the prize drawing, which will be held every week. The most active participants of the program will receive cash gifts.

Innovations of Sberbank are attracted by the fact that a citizen of retirement age will be able to:

  • Get preferential insurance;
  • Put money on a deposit at a favorable percentage;
  • Issue a social plastic card;
  • Write an application for a loan on favorable terms.

Distinctive features of the Maestro Active Age card

Almost everyone has a plastic card. This is a convenient payment tool, thanks to which money management is noticeably simplified. Despite this, older people are wary of plastic and habitually prefer to use cash.

A pension card, which can be obtained within the framework of the Active Age project, can open wide opportunities for its owner. In order for older citizens to use it, Sberbank offers services on preferential terms.

To obtain the described bank card, you must:

  • Belongs to the specified age category;
  • Have Russian citizenship;
  • Be registered or temporarily registered in one of the settlements of the Russian Federation.

Speaking about the Maestro's pension card, it should be noted that it can be replenished in many ways. There are the following options:

  • Transfer from another card, which is easy to carry out using the mobile application or personal account on the official website of Sberbank;
  • Replenishment in cash. To do this, use an ATM or go to the nearest bank branch along with a passport and a card;
  • Cashless transfer.


Information about the Mir social card

As mentioned earlier, a plastic card gives its owner convenience and benefits. This payment instrument can be used to receive a pension. In addition, a small percentage is charged monthly. Their exact amount depends on what the account balance is.

To get a social card, you must:

  • Write an application at a branch of Sberbank, presenting an identity document, a pension certificate and SNILS;
  • Have the citizenship of the Russian Federation;
  • Be registered in a Russian settlement.

Who can become the owner of a Sberbank social pension card?

The leadership of the country's leading bank believes that the launch of the social program in 2018 will optimize the work of Sberbank branches. Registration of plastic by pensioners will lead to the fact that pensions will begin to be credited to it. As a result, the number of citizens receiving payments at the box office will noticeably decrease. This will reduce queues and reduce the burden on bank employees.

The right to receive a Sberbank social card is retained by:

  • Persons retired by age;
  • Disabled people who receive benefits;
  • Members of incomplete families who are left without a breadwinner and are recipients of payments from the state budget.

It will be useful to know that a card can be issued from the age of 14. To do this, you just need to have citizenship of the Russian Federation and permanent or temporary registration in the country. It should be emphasized that each submitted application is considered in detail by banking specialists, so the decision is made on an individual basis.


How is a social card issued?

Every pensioner living in Russia can become a holder of social plastic. For a card to be issued, you must:

  • Visit the branch of Sberbank at the place of residence;
  • Present a bank employee with a passport and a pension certificate;
  • Fill out a questionnaire;
  • Familiarize yourself with the contents of the contract and sign it.

It should be noted that pensioners in the capital are issued Standard mastercard cards equipped with a chip for contactless payment. It is also possible to issue a payment instrument remotely. To do this, you need to leave a request by phone or via the Internet.

The Active Age program from Sberbank has been worked out to the smallest detail. Its creators took into account the fact that for some elderly and disabled people, visiting a bank is a big problem. In this regard, you can order the delivery of a card and a package of documents for signing to your home. This is convenient, but the main disadvantage of this service is that its cost is 300 rubles.

Peculiarities of servicing pension cards in 2018

Even before applying for the issuance of plastic, you need to understand all the nuances. You need to know about the following:

  • The card belongs to the MasterCard payment system;
  • The account will be in rubles, i.е. foreign currency crediting to it is not provided;
  • The validity period of the card is 3 years. After this time, it is reissued;
  • There is no user fee;
  • There are two ways to replenish and spend funds: cash and non-cash;
  • The card is accepted for payment outside the Russian Federation;
  • Pension card holders become members of the bonus program, which gives them the right to receive discounts and additional banking products.

Briefly about the calculation of interest

One of the features of the presented social program is the accrual of interest on the pension card. In this case, the annual rate remains fixed at 3.5%. The exact income is determined depending on the account balance. Interest is calculated quarterly. The money you receive can be spent as you wish.

Are there any restrictions regarding cash withdrawals?

In the described situation, the bank has set limits on withdrawing money. Within 24 hours, the holder of the pension plastic can withdraw no more than 50 thousand rubles. The monthly withdrawal amount is limited to 500 thousand rubles. Given the income of pensioners, such restrictions can be called conditional, because they are unlikely to cause any inconvenience.

It will be useful to know that in case of withdrawal of a large amount, a commission is charged. It is 0.5 of the amount that exceeds the established limit. In such cases, it is better to contact a bank branch, rather than use an ATM. The most important thing is to apply in advance. Within 2-3 days the money will be prepared.

More about the service "Mobile Banking"

Older people have little interest in new services and rarely use them. They are afraid of doing something wrong and overpaying for it. Meanwhile, the Mobile Bank application from Sberbank can be very useful. Its meaning lies in the fact that after the next operation on the card, its owner receives the relevant information in the form of SMS.

As part of a social project that starts in 2018, pension card holders will be able to use the Mobile Bank service completely free of charge during the first 60 days from the date of signing the contract. After this period, a monthly fee of 30 rubles will be charged for informing via SMS.

About additional payment instruments

In addition to the main plastic card, a pensioner can become the owner of additional ones. The latter are issued in cases where the citizen's money is managed by his relatives. It is noteworthy that additional cards are tied to the main one, i.e. limits on them are set by the person in whose name the account is opened. When issuing a family relationship must be documented.

As for the distinctive features, it’s worth starting with the fact that the additional card will refer to the same payment system as the main one. In addition, it is not issued for free. During the application process, you must pay a fee of 150 rubles.

Do I need to pay for service?

Plastic cards, which are planned to be issued under the new social program, will be provided absolutely free of charge. In addition, within a year from the date of conclusion of the contract, the service fee will not be charged. Meanwhile, Sberbank will start withdrawing 30 rubles a month for the Mobile Bank service after the first 60 days.

What is the validity period of the card?

The described payment instrument has a validity period of 3 years. The month and year until which the card remains valid is indicated on its front side. When the specified period expires, it is impossible to carry out transactions using the card. It needs to be disposed of.

If the term of the plastic will soon come to an end, then it is better to order its reissue in advance. Otherwise, the card will become invalid, and the pensioner will lose access to the funds on it.

List of advantages and disadvantages

The Sberbank pension card has a wide range of possibilities. With it, you can:

  • Withdraw cash from ATMs and bank cash desks;
  • Transfer money to other cards;
  • Pay for services through your personal account and mobile banking;
  • Use for settlements while in other countries.

As for the shortcomings of the presented payment instrument, they are as follows:

  • Limited service (cash can only be received at a branch or ATM of Sberbank);
  • Lack of codes required for making payments on the Internet;
  • Impossibility of crediting foreign currency to the account;
  • The inability to transfer salaries (a tangible minus for working pensioners).

Sberbank pension credit cards

Starting in 2018, when applying to the leading bank in the country, older Russians will be able to acquire credit cards on preferential terms. The presence of this payment instrument can be saving at the moment when the money suddenly runs out or unforeseen expenses arise.

The main advantage of any credit card is convenience. To maximize it, you should carefully study the contract. Retirees should keep the following in mind:

  • For cash withdrawals from a credit card, a fee is charged, the amount of which is equal to or greater than 390 rubles;
  • The grace period is 50 days. Repayment of debt in this time period does not require payment of interest.

Momentum credit card features (Visa and MasterCard)

The main distinguishing feature of the card mentioned above is quick receipt. Its issuance takes place on the same day that the application was submitted. Additional information is:

  • The maximum allowable amount is 120 thousand rubles;
  • Restriction on cash withdrawal through an ATM - 50 thousand rubles;
  • Interest rate - 25.9% per year;
  • No service fee.

More about "Classic" (Visa) and "Standart" (MasterCard) credit cards

You can issue one of the presented cards either on general terms or by receiving a personal offer from Sberbank. In the first case, the conditions are:

  • Interest rate - 33.9% per year;
  • It is possible to withdraw only 50 thousand rubles through an ATM;
  • The annual maintenance fee is 750 rubles.

The terms of the contract for those citizens who become participants in a personal action are more “soft”:

  • The maximum loan amount is 600 thousand rubles;
  • Interest rate - 24.9% per year;
  • Free service.

Premium credit cards

Holders of Visa and MasterCard Gold credit cards, which are considered premium, can enjoy a wide range of opportunities and receive pleasant bonuses. Features of the presented banking product are as follows:

  • The maximum amount is 600 thousand rubles;
  • The value of the annual interest rate is 23.9%;
  • Cash withdrawal limit through an ATM - 100 thousand, through the cash desk - 300 thousand rubles;
  • Cashback;
  • No mandatory service charge.

What do you need to get a loan?

A credit card opens up wide opportunities for its owner. This is a unique banking product that every pensioner will be able to issue without any problems starting next year. If a citizen receives a pension on a Sberbank card, then a credit card will be issued to him on favorable terms. These include a reduced interest rate, bonus accrual, no service fees.

In order for a credit card application to be approved, you must:

  • Be under 65 years of age;
  • Have a total work experience of 5 years;
  • Work at one enterprise for six months or more.

How is the arrangement?

To get a Sberbank credit card, a pensioner needs:

  1. Carefully study the proposed options and compare them with each other. All this can be done on the official website of the bank;
  2. Visit a bank branch and apply for a credit card. You must have a passport and a pensioner's certificate with you. It is also worth taking with you a document confirming the work experience;
  3. Wait for an answer. The maximum waiting time is 2 days;
  4. If approved, withdraw the card.

Social card of Sberbank

Sberbank of Russia is carrying out systematic and methodical work to increase the number of users Sberbank social cards, as well as on the reissuance by pensioners of their savings books to Sberbank pension cards. The task and goal of Sberbank is simple and understandable: to reduce queues at savings banks, simplify servicing the population in issuing cash and transfers, reduce Sberbank's expenses for printing blanks of savings books and thereby increase the bank's income. What about Social card MasterCard Maestro give pensioners? What is Maestro Sberbank card and what are its virtues?

The MasterCard Maestro social card is practically no different from other bank cards of Sberbank of Russia

To whom and how is a social card issued?

Social card of Sberbank issued to the following categories of the population:
  • individuals entitled to receive old-age pensions,
  • individuals entitled to receive pensions - in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, disability and other reasons.
Maestro Card - Sberbank issued to individuals from the age of 14 who are entitled to receive a pension, who meet the following conditions:
  • Have citizenship of the Russian Federation and permanent registration in the region where the card is issued;
  • They have Citizenship of the Russian Federation but do not have permanent registration in the region where the card was issued - if there is an individual decision of the Bank.

What actions need to be taken by a bank client in order to issue a Sberbank pension card and receive a pension on it?
To apply for a pension card, you must:

  • Contact a branch convenient for working with Sberbank;
  • Present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document confirming the appointment of a pension (Pensioner's Certificate);
  • Fill out and sign the Application Form for obtaining a card at Sberbank;
  • Submit an application to the Pension Fund for the transfer of pension to the card account.

So, in order to receive a pension for Sberbank social card, the client first needs to apply for the pension itself and receive a pension book, then open a card account and receive a card attached to it, and then return to the pension fund and write an application for transferring a pension to a bank card account, indicating all the necessary account details and a branch of Sberbank, in which the account is open. The bank can provide the client with details by issuing a certificate. In addition, they can be specified in the account maintenance agreement. Some branches of Sberbank themselves notify the pension fund about the registration of a card account for a pensioner to receive a pension.

How long does it take to get a card? The total period for issuing Sberbank cards should not exceed 10 working days from the date of a positive decision on the possibility of issuing a card to a client. In Moscow, St. Petersburg, Moscow and Leningrad regions, the maximum period for issuing Sberbank-Maestro cards is 7 business days. In fact, the period for issuing a card from the moment of application is often 2 - 4 weeks.

Validity period of the social card

The validity period of the Sberbank social card is 3 years. The expiration date is indicated on the front of the card as the month followed by the last two digits of the year (00/00). The Card is valid until the last day of the month (inclusive) indicated on the Card.

Together with the Maestro-Social card, a sealed envelope with a personal identification number (PIN code) is issued, which is used when carrying out transactions at ATMs, in banking institutions using electronic terminals, and can also be used when paying for goods and services at trade and service points .

Upon the expiration of each three-year validity period, the card becomes invalid and the Bank has the right to automatically reissue it, but on condition that the client has not notified the Bank 60 calendar days before the expiration of the Card to refuse to use it in the future.

Clients need to contact Sberbank in a timely manner to return an expired card and receive a new social card issued for a new period of validity.

For early reissue of the Card, i.e. for re-issuance before its expiration date, the Client himself must submit a written application to the Bank.

Additional card to the Sberbank pension card

For the elderly or frequently ill people Sberbank pension card has one, well, very attractive advantage - additional cards can be issued for other people in addition to the main card of the holder. This can immediately remove the problem of older people going to the bank or ATM for cash, making purchases in stores, paying utility bills, etc. Sometimes pensioners can apply for such a card to financially support their grandchildren, etc.

Additional card is issued upon a written application of the main card holder, which is submitted to the Bank at the place where the card account is maintained.

Previously, Sberbank gave a clear explanation of who can be issued additional cards to the Maestro social card, now there is no such information on the site. So, earlier the issuance of an additional card was carried out:

  • persons over 14 years of age (residents and non-residents);
  • persons over 10 years of age, provided that they are closely related to the main cardholder or are under his care. If the primary cardholder is not the parent, adoptive parent or guardian of a minor, the issuance of a secondary card requires the consent of a legal representative.

And in order to exercise control over the spending of funds through additional cards, the holder of the main Sberbank-Maestro card can submit a written application to the Bank at the place of maintenance of the Account to establish limits and restrictions in the form of:

  • the limit for receiving cash on the Card (Cards) within a month;
  • limit for transactions in the trading / service network using the Card (Cards) within a month;
  • the total limit for making any transactions with the Card (Cards) within a month;

What can I do with my account and Maestro Social card?

The holder of the Sberbank card - Maestro "Social" can use it to carry out the following operations on his account:

  1. Receive cash from the account through the cash desk, at ATMs and cash points of Sberbank of Russia throughout Russia.
  2. Receive cash at ATMs of subsidiary banks of Sberbank of Russia OJSC abroad (in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine, Turkey, Switzerland...)
  3. Carry out auto payments for paying for cellular communications, housing and communal services and other services by filling out an application for this.
  4. Make non-cash payments to legal entities for goods and services in Russia through information and payment terminals (IPT) and ATMs of Sberbank of Russia.
  5. Make payments for goods and services at all trade and service points in Russia marked with the Maestro trademark.
  6. Implement .
  7. Make payments for goods and services online.
  8. Make payments and transfers using the Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online @ yn systems.
  9. To replenish the card in cash or non-cash way (transfer to the card).
In addition to all of the above, there is another attractive opportunity to use a social card. If you are an active Internet user and have issued a service in the form of Sberbank Online @ yn to your card, then you can make deposits without leaving your home by transferring funds from your pension card account to such pension deposits in rubles as "Save Online @ yn" and "Replenish Online @jin" at which interest rates are significantly higher than ordinary bank deposits. Moreover, Sberbank has prepared a fairly detailed Instruction for opening online deposits through Sberbank Online @ yn. These two types of deposits can be issued and replenished if you have a card, even through ATMs and terminals of Sberbank.

Restrictions on using Sberbank social cards

Social card of Sberbank of Russia has certain limitations in use, although most of its holders may not even feel them. Restrictions on using the Sberbank-Maestro "Social" card are as follows:
  • The card is serviced at ATMs, branches and cash points of Sberbank of Russia;
  • The card is serviced abroad only at ATMs of affiliated banks;
  • Operations for map Maestro - Sberbank carried out only in Russian rubles;
  • The card does not have a CVV2 / CVC2 code, as it refers to entry-level cards;
  • The card is not intended for payroll, i.е. cannot work as a salary card if the pensioner is working.

Accrued interest on the balance of funds

By account social card Sberbank - Maestro "Social", as well as on the deposit “Pension plus of Sberbank of Russia”, interest is charged on the balance of the account. According to the tariffs, interest on the Sberbank-Maestro "Social" pension card is accrued in the following amounts:

Interest is accrued to the account of Sberbank-Maestro "Social" cards is carried out quarterly after the expiration of each three-month period determined from the date of opening the card account - quarterly interest capitalization is carried out.

Tariffs for servicing Sberbank-Maestro "Social" bank cards

In addition to interest, the bank also sets tariffs at which holders of the main and additional cards pay for the issuance and maintenance of cards. Sberbank of Russia periodically reviews the parameters and tariffs for issuing and servicing bank cards Sberbank-Maestro "Social".

I will give separate tariffs for servicing the Social Card of Sberbank of Russia for the middle of 2014. So, the tariffs for servicing cards have the following parameters:

№№ NameService conditions, tariff limits (as of 2013)
1. Annual maintenance of a bank card (for the first and each subsequent year of maintenancefor free
1a.Annual service for each additional card150 rub.
2. Initial deposit to a bank card accountnot required
3. Suspension of the card in case of its loss by the clientfor free
4. Regular or early card reissuefor free
5. Early reissue of the card in case of loss of the card, loss of PIN-code, change of personal data of the Cardholder30 rub.
6. Acceptance of funds for crediting to the card account in the structural unit through
for free
7. Limit on operations for accepting cash for crediting to
card account through OKR per day
RUB 10,000,000
8. Issuance of cash currency of the Russian Federation from an account using a card:
- within the daily limitfor free
- over the daily limit0.5% of the amount exceeding the limit.
9. Cash withdrawal limit on Sberbank social card account
- Per month (at bank offices)RUB 1,500,000
- Daily limit50 000 rub.
- Daily limit (at bank offices not at the place of account maintenance)50 000 rub.
- Daily limit (in ATMs of other banks)50 000 rub.
10. Limit on making payments for goods and services per daynot provided
11. Overdraft limit on bank card accountnot installed
12. Fee for unauthorized overdraft on card account40% per annum
13. Fee for submitting a report on a bank card account:
a) on paper in the branches and internal structural divisions of the Bankno commission
b) except for the provision of an additional report on the bank card account50 rub. for each additional report on the card account
c) by emailfor free
d) by mail150 rub. in year
14. Emergency cash withdrawal outside Russianot implemented

Discounts on goods and services when paying with a Maestro "Social" bank card

When paying with a Maestro "Social" bank card, some trade and service outlets provide a discount on goods or services. The list of sales and service points for each region of Russia is determined by the regional bank individually, based on agreements with customers. The list for each region can be viewed on the bank's website. Discounts - from 1 to 12%. Most often, discounts are provided by pharmacies.

Additional services of Sberbank for pension card holders

For holders of social cards, Sberbank also offers additional services in the form of:

  1. Sberbank Online @ yn (automated system for servicing accounts via the Internet)
  2. Mobile banking (work via mobile phone: receiving SMS notifications about card transactions, about the limit of available funds, about the last five card transactions, transfer funds from card to card via SMS ...);
  3. Auto payment (automatic replenishment of the phone balance from the pension card account based on the client's order).
It should be noted that additional services allow you to use the social card more efficiently, but it also costs some money.

An example of calculating the cost of owning a Sberbank pension card

And now let's estimate whether it is profitable today to transfer a pension to a card account.

Consider a conditional example, when the daily balance of funds on the card account during the year averaged 3,000.00 rubles, and the client used certain services according to the tariff plan.

So, the calculation of the profitability of a social card according to a conditional example looks like this:

In our example, expenses exceeded income by 245.00 rubles. But if you do not receive an additional card, do not request additional reports on the movement of funds on the card too often, and do not rush to immediately withdraw the entire enrolled pension, then you can make servicing with a pension card comfortable and even profitable!

How to return funds illegally debited from a card account (new in laws!)

Sometimes funds are debited from a bank card account that are not authorized by the holder of a social card. "Loss" of funds from the account may occur in case of loss of an electronic means of payment and (or) its use without the consent of the client. How to solve such a problem? In order to take timely measures to return funds illegally debited from the account, be sure to immediately view all SMS messages received from the bank with notifications of transactions on the account. Such a mandatory service is now available in the bank.

On January 1, 2014, the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated June 27, 2011 N 161-FZ came into force, which imposes obligations on money transfer operators, i.e. Banks are responsible for the following:

4. The money transfer operator is obliged to inform the client about the completion of each transaction using an electronic means of payment by sending a corresponding notification to the client in the manner prescribed by the agreement with the client. (Part 4 of Article 9)
5. The money transfer operator is obliged to ensure that the client can send him a notification about the loss of an electronic means of payment and (or) about its use without the consent of the client. (Part 5, Article 9)

Based on this, in order to prevent illegal debiting of funds from your account, follow the SMS messages that will come from your bank after each operation, and if the debiting operation is unknown to you and you have not carried out, then urgently take measures in accordance with the following paragraphs of the same law:
In case of loss of an electronic means of payment and (or) its use without the consent of the client, the client is obliged to send a corresponding notification to the money transfer operator in the form stipulated by the agreement immediately after discovering the fact of loss of the electronic means of payment and (or) its use without the consent of the client, but no later than the day following the day of receipt from the money transfer operator of a notification of the transaction. (Clause 11 of Article 9 N 161-FZ)

Upon receipt by the money transfer operator of the client's notice in accordance with "Part 11" of this article, the money transfer operator shall reimburse the client for the amount of the transaction made without the client's consent after receiving the said notification.

Pros and cons of the Sberbank of Russia Maestro card

I will give a comparative table of the most significant pros and cons of the Sberbank of Russia Maestro card:
Advantages of the cardCons of the card
1. The possibility of issuing an additional card for a family member1. High interest rates for pensioners on withdrawing excess amounts from a card account.
2. The ability to quickly withdraw funds through ATMs in any major metropolis of the Russian Federation and at ATMs of affiliated banks outside the Russian Federation.2. Fear of ATMs and information and payment terminals in the elderly (common)
3. Possibility of independent payments and transfers through terminals3. Inaccessibility to use the card in rural areas, where there is no appropriate technical base and remote communication channels.
4. Interest accrual on account balances4. Increasing cases of unauthorized withdrawal of funds from the card account without the knowledge of the cardholder.
5. Receiving SMS messages on the movement of funds on the account when connecting the Mobile Bank5. Restriction on servicing only the territory of the Russian Federation and subsidiary banks abroad.
6. The possibility of placing funds on deposits through ATMs, terminals and the Internet using the Sberbank Online @ yn system6. Increased risks - if a mistake was made when entering data and the money was not credited to your account

Frequently visiting Sberbank, I constantly observe the picture of bank employees offering the next pensioner a social card of Sberbank of Russia, and rightly so, it is necessary to offer, but explanatory work with clients should not turn into another “company” and be carried out in an emergency manner, during the days of mass payment of pensions . What can you ask and what to learn if you are not ready to talk and when there is a long line of pensioners behind you. In addition, I have never heard words from bank employees that card maintenance is paid. Perhaps they forget to say? They also do not talk about the possibility of issuing an additional card for relatives who sometimes accompany a pensioner to the bank. But they say a lot and willingly that card transactions can be insured. And again, they modestly forget to say that the insurance will be issued at the expense of the cardholder himself. And so a person writes an application for a Sberbank social card and goes home with a happy feeling that he has not lagged behind progress, and he will learn about additional expenses from a pension or allowance and about some unpleasant nuances of working with a card a little later.

But pensioners still have the right to choose; you can go back to the savings book. Although in my branch of Sberbank, when I refused to write an application for a Sberbank pension card, they told me literally the following: “Where are you going to go. That's when we liquidate passbooks, come and write." This "unfortunate manager" did not even think about the harm she was doing to her bank with these words. After all, if after such words I thought and transferred the receipt of a pension to the post office, then other people can also think. And that part of pensioners, whose pensions are quite modest, are the first contenders for the transition, and this will not add income to the bank.

Well, for those who chose Sberbank social cards and whose pensions can easily withstand the additional costs of their maintenance, I wish only successful contacts with ATMs and self-service terminals. Good luck to all readers.

Basic conditions for obtaining a Social card of Sberbank of Russia

Sberbank has opened a new program called "No Queues!" within the framework of which a comprehensive service was offered for all pensioners, which includes convenient technical service and a host of other opportunities that were embodied in the special Sberbank-Maestro Social card. But not only pensioners are served under special social conditions today.

There are two types of social card of Sberbank of Russia - for people receiving benefits and pensioners, as well as for students and pupils from 14 years old. Both types have some limitations, but for holders they are not significant and almost invisible.

The official name of the card is the Sberbank Maestro "Social" card, provided to the following categories of citizens of the country:

  1. Individuals receiving a pension for old age, in case of loss of a breadwinner, disability and other cases;
  2. Individuals receiving various types of social benefits, subsidies and other social payments.

There are also several conditions for issuing a card. Here are some of the main prerequisites for obtaining a Social Card from Sberbank of Russia:

  • As already mentioned, the holder must be over 14 years of age;
  • Must have an identity document;
  • You also need a document confirming registration at the place of registration of the card (passport is the main document).

In each individual case of issuing a card, in addition to a passport, you must present a document that will confirm the right to receive a pension or any other social benefits. You can learn more about this from official representatives of the bank.

The card is issued immediately and free of charge at any branch of Sberbank, exceptions to the terms are those who already receive a pension at Sberbank - they will have to wait 2 weeks to receive the card.

There is no need to contact the pension fund, because. this is taken care of by the bank.

Some provisions of the Social Card

The main limitation that both Social cards have, both pension and student, is no function for withdrawing cash abroad, but you can make various purchases by bank transfer (except when only cards with a chip are serviced). Now we will give some basic opportunities and conditions on which cooperation with the bank is based on this card:

  1. 3.5% per annum is charged on the balance of funds on the card;
  2. Overdraft is 40% per annum (short-term lending to the client, by replenishing his personal bank account);
  3. It is possible to issue various additional cards (further in more detail in the section "Additional cards";
  4. Annual service on the main card can vary from 0 (for pensioners) to 300 rubles, and on additional ones - 150 rubles (but small annual charges on the balance of funds can completely cover maintenance costs);
  5. ATM statement - free of charge (ATMs of Sberbank of Russia);
  6. It is possible to pay for a very wide range of goods and services on the Internet;
  7. There is access to making transfers and payments to Mobile Bank and Sberbank Online @ yn;
  8. Access to transactions through ATMs and terminals of Sberbank (there is no commission for cash withdrawals);
  9. Replenishment of the card account by non-cash and cash payments.

We recommend that all cardholders and those who plan to issue it get additional information from bank employees about the Thank You from Sberbank bonus program, about discounts and offers from partners, as well as about the discount program from MasterCard - an international payment system.

Information about the possibility of issuing additional cards

The Sberbank social card includes ample opportunities for issuing various additional cards. There is a great advantage for the elderly or frequently ill holders of the Social Pension Card - in addition to the main card, a card can be created in the name of another person, which can help solve frequent problems with going to stores and withdrawing cash from ATMs.

Additional cards can be created for persons from 10 years of age who are in close family relationships or are under the care of the main card holder.

  1. Pension card of Sberbank of Russia Once a month, any pensioner gets the very long-awaited one.
  2. Gold card of Sberbank of Russia Gold bank cards may seem to many as something inaccessible, but a benefit.
  3. Sberbank Visa Classic - how much does a debit and credit card cost? Before talking about a card from Sberbank, it is worth noting that.
  4. Youth card of Sberbank of Russia Banking products, constantly developing, give us more and more opportunities for.

10 comments to the article “Social card of Sberbank of Russia”

I purchased a Sberbank social card five years ago to receive compensation for part of the payment for kindergarten. I paid $50 for this card. We have already finished kindergarten, but I still use the card, I put money on it myself, it is very convenient. Now I receive benefits for the second child on this card.

Very handy card! Personally, I really like the fact that 3.5% is charged on the balance - it seems like a trifle, but nice! Sberbank also has a very wide ATM network, so there have never been problems with withdrawing children.

My mother uses the social card of Sberbank of Russia to receive a pension. I myself use such a card - I receive child allowance on it. I really like the opportunity to pay for a huge number of goods and services on the Internet without leaving home and the ability to replenish the card in cash and non-cash. I do not pay anything for the annual maintenance of the card.

A friend was refused to open a social card a month before the appointment of a pension. But after all, when applying for a pension, you immediately need a card or personal account number where to transfer the pension. So how to be? In March, they opened such a card without problems for me 4 months before the appointment of a pension.

Commission for servicing the Mir card in Sberbank for pensioners

After the incident in 2014, connected with the refusal of international payment systems to operate on the territory of Crimea, there was an urgent need to commission the national PS. Soon the product was released, and the government, together with the Central Bank, actively

introduces them into the lives of users. However, is the Mir social card comfortable to use for pensioners in 2018? And is it profitable to be served on this product? Since the introduction of innovations is associated not only with new alternatives, but also with unforeseen difficulties that cannot be foreseen and eliminated in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages of the Mir card

First, you need to find out the advantages and disadvantages of the updated payment products. Since, the main advantages are associated with the root cause of their release and are contained in:

  • independence from the Ministry of Railways, because transactions are made only on the territory of Russia and are not interconnected with foreign organizations;
  • state support, expressed in the desire of the government to distribute maps;
  • high degree of security - including 4 degrees of protection.

The main disadvantages of the World map include:

  • Not passing operations outside the country;
  • Inability to withdraw funds from cards at individual ATMs in Russia;
  • Forced transfer to use the Mir card, which is associated with a lot of negative user reviews.

Which characteristics outweigh - pensioners decide, since the transition to this card has affected them the most.

Validity and conditions for the pension card World of Sberbank

The main and significant advantage of the Mir card is the absence of a service fee. On a paid basis, only the mobile banking service is maintained. However, the service can be transferred to an economy mode, in which there is no user fee.

The card is valid for three years, then it is automatically reissued. It is impossible to issue an additional one to the main card, and it is also impossible to link plastic functioning through other payment systems to the account.

There are established limits on cash withdrawals through an ATM in the amount of 50 thousand rubles in a day. When cashing an account through the cashier, you can get an amount higher than the specified one, however, a commission equal to 0,5% from the amount over the limit.

Auxiliary features

In addition to the above conditions, pensioners should be aware of other differences and properties of payment cards. The most attractive is the accrual of interest once a year on the minimum balance. In 2018, the amount of savings in the account will increase by 3,5% .

In addition, Sberbank makes it possible to:

  • Remotely control the state of the account through a mobile bank and an individual account;
  • Activation of the auto payment option, which performs automatic transfer of funds for the services selected by the client;
  • Use the "Thank you" program, which makes it possible to save on payment for purchases using a card.

How to get a card for pensioners Mir

The Mir pension card in Sberbank is issued subject to the following conditions:

  1. The onset of the client's retirement age and the beginning of receiving accruals (in such cases, a choice is made in favor of transferring payments to the Mir card, or receiving via mail).
  2. Having made a voluntary transition to accruals to the card (provided that the funds were previously received through the mail).
  3. Getting a new card at the end of the old one.

As noted above, this product of the bank is provided only to pensioners. Other current and future customers cannot apply for this card, even if such an offer would be beneficial for them. In addition, the Mir card for pensioners is one of two options for receiving payments.

There are not many ways to issue a payment card of the national payment system. Let's consider them in more detail:

  • By submitting an application to the pension fund;
  • By submitting an application to the MFC;
  • Heading to any office of Sberbank;
  • By filling out a form on the bank's website.

Submission of an application is possible only within the region of its permanent location. You also need to have the following documents with you: a general passport, SNILS or a document certifying the receipt of a pension.

No need to worry about age, or about the commission for providing a card. Plastic is issued absolutely free of charge. Timely accrual of pension payments is the responsibility of any country, and therefore there is no commission for servicing a pension card.

Is it possible to refuse a pension card Mir

Persons who do not want to replace the card with the World will have to give in and get a new plastic. Today, there is practically no possibility of refusing to receive a national PS card. The only way not to use plastic is to pick up funds at the post office, or wait for the postman to bring the payment.

Therefore, obtaining a Mir card is mandatory for pensioners. However, it is still possible to transfer money from a pension accrual account to another one. You can do this in your online banking account. However, it is impossible to predict how long this option will last, it is likely that restrictions will be placed on this operation.


It is not difficult to determine the purpose of the Sberbank Mir pension card. One has only to carefully read the requirements for its provision, maintenance and use. Therefore, no difficulties in use will arise.

We can talk for a long time about the profitability of issuing a national payment card. However, due to the fact that its introduction will replace other pension cards, there is no point in discussing them. In any case, all accruals of payments will be made on it. In this connection, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the positive aspects and apply them when using.

Social card of Sberbank of Russia for pensioners

Receiving a pension can be done in cash or by crediting the amount to your bank account. The most convenient way to receive, accumulate and spend pension funds is a bank card. For pensioners, a special Sberbank product is provided. These are pension cards that are available only to state pension recipients. These cards are convenient and easy to use. The right to receive them belongs to all Russian pensioners without exception.

Types of Sberbank pension cards

Currently, only one type of pension bank cards is issued. These are MIR cards. However, until recently, Maestro/Mastercard cards were issued to pensioners. Now the issuance of such products has been discontinued due to the transition to MIR format plastic. They are now issued to all civil servants, pensioners, military and similar categories of the population.

However, the Maestro cards continue to operate. Their service has not been discontinued and it is not planned at all. These products will operate under the same conditions. There are no special inconvenient conditions for Maestro holders. Just after the expiration of the specified product, pensioners will receive MIR cards instead of Maestro.

Thus, pensioners have two types of valid cards in their hands. Each of them works on the initial conditions, no fundamental changes have occurred.

Video on pension cards from Sberbank

How to get a Sberbank social card for pensioners

As stated above, all pensioners are eligible to receive the designated products. These are the following populations:

  • pensioners by age. At the same time, work experience does not matter. Upon reaching retirement age, each citizen becomes a recipient of a pension;
  • People who receive a pension due to their disability. All funds of such a pension are credited to the card;
  • Receiving special pensions is also carried out on a social card. Special pensions are called seniority payments, which are due to retired military, police, prosecutors, and so on.

Thus, the right to a card arises for all categories of pensioners, regardless of the basis for receiving pension payments. To apply for a card, you only need a passport. After all, you need to assure belonging to Russian citizenship and the presence of registration. All of the above information is contained in the citizen's passport. You will also need a pension certificate. No more paperwork needed. The Savings Bank will not require an extract from the work book, certificates from the Pension Fund. The entire procedure for obtaining the product is simplified as much as possible for the convenience of pension recipients.

It is important to understand how to get a pension card. The procedure has some specifics. Therefore, it should be considered in more detail:

  • The easiest way is to get a card at the branch of Sberbank at the place of residence. It is enough to visit the office and take a coupon for a new card. This is suitable for those who draw up a pension card for the first time. At the office, the manager will accept the application and in three weeks the card will be ready;
  • If you need a replacement card due to expiration or loss, you should also contact the bank office. The sequence of actions will be the same. You should take a ticket and inform the manager about the need to replace the product. You will need to fill out a standard application form indicating the reason for the reissue. At the same time, instead of the previous Maestro card, the pensioner will receive a new MIR card;
  • If a pensioner is a holder of other bank products, he must have a personal account. This is a convenient service that gives online access to all actions. You can also order a reissue of a pension card. That is, to use the personal account service, a pensioner must already be a plastic holder. After the formation of the order, in two to three weeks, the pensioner will receive m SMS messages with a notification about the reissue of the card. However, you will have to receive it only in person when visiting the bank office. The product must not be mailed or handed over by courier. Therefore, the pensioner will still have to visit the bank branch;
  • If you need a new card, then you will not be able to use your personal account. You just need to take the documents and go to the office of Sberbank.

Thus, to issue a new card, you only need a passport and a pension certificate. And for re-issuance, only a personal passport is enough. In all cases, it is necessary to pay a visit to the bank branch. You will not be able to complete all the steps and get a card online. This is done to protect product holders from fraudulent activity.

Conditions and cost of servicing the MIR social card

As indicated above, the only condition for obtaining a MIR card from Sberbank is reaching retirement age. Accordingly, the very fact of retirement, the issuance of a pension certificate gives a person the status of a pensioner. And each such person has an unconditional right to receive the specified product.

Upon presentation of a passport and a pension certificate, a bank employee will fill out an application, help fill out an application for issuing or reissuing a card.

Since these products belong to the category of social cards, they are serviced under special conditions.

As a rule, the bank annually writes off funds from the card account as payment for its maintenance.

However, these rules do not apply to pension products. For them to the holder. No need to pay.

Accordingly, card maintenance is free of charge for a person. The costs are borne by the Pension Fund.

At the same time, when connecting the Mobile Bank service, you will need to pay for this service at your own expense. This is not included in the service of the card itself.

This service consists in SMS notification of expenses on the card.

The holder receives notifications about the crediting of funds, debit transactions. He can manage his accounts, replenish his mobile phone from the card account. This is convenient, since the availability of bank services is expanding significantly. After all, the holder controls his accounts in a constant mode. To obtain important information, he does not need to contact the bank or use the terminals. The card account number will be linked to the mobile phone number. This service should be activated immediately after the card is issued. But you can connect it at any other time.

At the same time, the cost of paying for the mobile bank service is 60 rubles per month, which is not burdensome at any level of pension.

Terms of production and validity of the card

The period of manufacture covers the time from the moment of submitting an application for issuing a card until the day it is received by a Sberbank client. The bank will significantly improve its service and is trying to issue cards as quickly as possible. However, when applying, the client will be oriented for a period of time of three weeks after the application is submitted.

However, the card will be issued faster than the specified three weeks. Practice shows that the real terms for the issuance of most pension products fit within two weeks.

In this case, a notification about the receipt of plastic at the bank branch comes to the client in the form of an SMS message.

After receiving such a message, he can visit the bank any day and simply pick up his card.

Social card features

First of all, a social card is a bank account. It is credited with pension funds. Accordingly, this card will be replenished monthly at the expense of pension payments.

At the same time, the client has ample opportunities to use this card. They should be considered in more detail:

  • He can pay for purchases in stores. The card works in the same way as payroll products or credit cards. At the same time, modern MIR cards can simply be applied to a payment terminal and paid for purchases without entering a pin code. But such an opportunity is provided only if the check amount is less than 1000 rubles;
  • You can pay for utilities and other services. For this, personal account services or the capabilities of the Sberbank terminal are available;
  • The card can be used as a savings account. That is, the saved funds can simply be left on the account;
  • You can top up your mobile phone account. It is especially convenient to do this with the mobile banking service.

In general, the capabilities of the card are quite impressive. They are no different in their functionality from payroll products. The advantages are the absence of service fees and the ability to pay for purchases and services without cash.

You should pay attention to the only negative. Currently, MIR cards are not serviced in other countries.

Therefore, it makes no sense to take it with you on a trip.

However, this applies not only to pension products, but to all cards of the MIR type in general. After all, the salaries of all civil servants and state employees are credited to it. But within Russia, these products will become an excellent means of payment.

How interest is calculated on the Social card of Sberbank

The card is tied to a specific account. Simply access to this account is carried out using plastic. Therefore, when the pension is credited, the money goes to the account of the cardholder. And these funds will automatically accrue interest.

Since we are talking about a pension card, the interest rate is higher. Thus, the bank provides for the accrual of 3.5% per annum on the amount of the balance on the card.

This enrollment occurs automatically. This is stipulated by the terms of the card issuance agreement. To do this, you do not need to write additional statements, perform any actions. Interest is charged on the amount that is available on the card account at a particular moment. Accordingly, the greater the amount of savings in the account, the more dividends in the form of interest the cardholder will receive.

How to use a Sberbank pension card

Making purchases is carried out by applying the card to the terminal in the store or entering the pin code. However, with the help of this product, you can make money transfers, replenish your account. To do this, you can use the Sberbank online service or any bank terminal.

For example, to replenish an account, select the "cards" tab:

  1. You should find a pension card in it and select it by clicking on the mouse button;
  2. After that, you need to select the replenishment services. They can be replenished by debiting money from your other account;
    If you need to top up with cash, you should use the terminal. It is necessary to insert the corresponding banknotes into the receiver after inserting the card itself;
  3. For further transfer, you need to select the "transfers and payments" tab;
  4. Then, select exactly "translations";
  5. After that, you need to enter the account number to which the transfer will be made. In this case, you can always use the services of a bank consultant, which are available in any operating room.

What other cards does Sberbank provide to pensioners?

Retirement products are debit cards. In essence, they are no different from salaries. It's just that wages are credited to salary cards, and pension payments are credited to pension products. In addition to this debit card, a pensioner can receive a credit product. It is also a plastic product with one or another cash limit. The specific amount of the limit depends on a number of conditions and is determined in each case individually.

But the size of the pension of the bank client and his age are of fundamental importance.


Thus, the presented product is available to all pensioners. And these cards are provided free of charge. Only the additional mobile banking service is paid.

with the help of a pension product, you can make any purchases, accumulate funds, pay utility bills. However, these cards are not accepted abroad.

To receive the indicated product, it is enough to visit the bank office with a passport and a pension certificate. Two weeks after writing the application for issuance, the product will come to the bank and all that remains is to pick it up.

The Maestro social card is an entry-level card, and by issuing it, Sberbank sought to increase the number of its customers and gradually attract citizens of retirement age to use bank cards, thereby covering a new, fairly wide segment of the population. It is simple and easy to use, despite the fact that it has some limitations.

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It should be noted that social cards for the population were developed and issued by Sberbank for the following purposes:

  • reduce queues at the cash desks of Sberbank (many payments can be made through ATMs or via the Internet);
  • to improve the quality of public service in, creating comfortable conditions for customers and reducing their time spent on solving financial issues;
  • reduce additional financial costs for the issuance and maintenance of savings books, the relevance of which is gradually declining.

Possibilities of social cards of Sberbank

Social cards are not much different from other debit cards issued by Sberbank. However, each banking product has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Maestro plastic cards provide the following features:

  1. it is possible, both in cash and non-cash method:
    • carrying cash through payment terminals or ATMs that have the function of accepting cash;
    • replenishment of the card at a bank branch through an employee (for this you need to give the card number and provide a passport or give the account number and details of the territorial branch of the Bank where the card was issued);
    • replenishment of the card by bank transfer from another debit card of Sberbank or a third-party credit organization (using services, an SMS system or through ATMs and payment terminals).
  2. you can withdraw cash from the card at Sberbank ATMs without commission;
  3. you can make cashless payments in various stores, institutions, through ATMs or terminals;
  4. you can conduct various monetary transactions through the phone using mobile applications;
  5. you can connect the service "", which will automatically make monthly payments for utilities, telephone, Internet, and pay loans in a timely manner;
  6. the connected service "" makes it possible to monitor all transactions on the card through SMS notifications that will be sent to your phone number;
  7. the card is serviced outside the Russian Federation in subsidiary banks in such countries as Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Switzerland and others.

The Sberbank-Maestro "Social" card can be obtained by citizens who receive a pension upon reaching the appropriate age, either due to the loss of a breadwinner, or due to disability and who have permanent registration in the Russian Federation.


  1. Apply to any nearest branch of Sberbank with a passport and a document confirming the receipt of a pension.
  2. Write and sign an application of the established form for issuing a social card (bank employees will definitely help you fill out the application correctly).
  3. The card is issued within 10 days after the bank makes a positive decision on the possibility of issuing it. On the appointed day, you need to pick up the card.
  4. After receiving, you need to contact the Pension Fund at the place of registration and write an appropriate application stating that you want to receive your pension on the social card of Sberbank, indicating the necessary card details.

Poll: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


Card Benefits

  • card service is free;
  • the balance of funds on the card is charged with increased interest in the amount of 3.5% per annum. Enrollment is made every three months;
  • the possibility of issuing additional cards, including a children's card from Sberbank, which is issued to children from the age of 7 with the permission of their parents;
  • the ability to manage your balance via the Internet using the Sberbank-Online system;
  • discounts and special offers from the MasterCard system, which saves up to 12% when buying necessary goods;
  • cash withdrawals in Russia and abroad at ATMs of subsidiary banks on the same terms;
  • the opportunity to participate in the bonus program (10% of purchases made on the card are returned to the account in the form of bonus points that can be spent on new purchases);
  • the ability to connect the "Auto payment" service for automated payment of utility bills, replenishment of a mobile phone account and the Internet.

Tariffs for servicing pension cards

  • maintenance of the main card - free of charge;
  • maintenance of an additional card - 150 rubles per year;
  • reissue upon expiration - free of charge;
  • commission due to loss or loss of the pin code - 30 rubles;
  • daily limit for cash withdrawal at the box office or ATMs - 50 thousand rubles;
  • monthly cash withdrawal limit - 500,000 rubles (a commission of 0.5% is charged for cash withdrawals in excess of the limit);

Disadvantages of a pension card from Sberbank

Social card "Maestro" has some limitations:

  • it is serviced at Sberbank branches only on the territory of the Russian Federation (abroad, at ATMs of subsidiary banks, if any, you can withdraw only cash and nothing more);
  • card transactions are carried out only in rubles;
  • only a pension is credited to a card of this type (even if a pensioner works, his salary cannot be credited to the specified social card);
  • the social card is an initial type card, therefore there are no CVV2 / CVC2 codes on it, and, accordingly, it is impossible to pay for purchases on the Internet (but you can replenish accounts and make transfers via the Internet);

This card is intended for pensioners, so the disadvantages described above are not as significant for them as they are for young people and middle-aged citizens. Many elderly people are unlikely to make purchases via the Internet, especially in a different currency, and besides, few of them continue to work. The main advantages of the card for pensioners are its free service, accrual of interest on the balance of funds at an increased rate, the possibility of issuing an additional card for relatives at reduced service rates, the ability to track card transactions through the Mobile Bank and the possibility of cashless payments in stores. The card is issued quickly and easily, valid for 3 years, serviced at reduced rates.