Toilet      04.02.2021

Fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way. Scenario of the fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way" material (middle, senior group) on the topic Kolobok in a new way for children

"Theatricalization of the fairy tale" Kolobok on new way»

for middle group children

Vasilyeva Vasilina Sergeevna,

teacher of MKDOU No. 165,

Novosibirsk city

Relevance of the project:

Working on the theatricalization of a fairy tale by children contributes to the development and correction of all of them cognitive processes(attention, imagination, perception). Memorizing the words of a fairy tale allows you to develop the memory of children, expand their lexicon, automate the sounds in speech, its expressiveness, emotional coloring and develop the child’s emotions. Retelling a fairy tale contributes to the development of coherent speech of children.

Goal and objectives of the project:

Objective of the project: The development of children's speech through theatrical activities.


  1. The development of coherent speech of children.
  2. Development of higher mental functions.
  3. Development of the intonational side of speech.
  4. Development fine motor skills children, their imaginations, fantasies.

Project characteristics:

Project type: Short-term, creative, group.

Project participants: Children of the middle group.

Duration: month.

Amount of children: 10 people.


Expected results:

  • increasing the rate of development of children's speech in general, tk. they are included in creative activity;
  • cohesion of children in a team and their friendly attitude towards each other;
  • revealing the creative potential of children, nurturing the creative orientation of the individual, developing imagination;
  • speech emancipation of the child, the development of emotions.

Project stages:

Stage 1: Preparatory

  • Determining the theme of the project. Arouse children's interest in the topic of the project.
  • Setting goals, objectives of the project and determining the expected results.
  • Search for the fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way" in verse and adaptation of the script for this group.
  • Selection of musical accompaniment of the fairy tale.

Stage 2: Organizational

  • Reading to children the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" by different authors.
  • Retelling the tale using reference pictures and with the help of puppet theater.
  • Compilation by children of another ending to the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man".
  • Acquaintance of children with the scenario of the fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way".
  • The distribution of roles, conducting emotional gymnastics with children, which is based on the exercise of children in depicting the feelings of the heroes of a fairy tale using facial expressions, gestures, movements, and their own speech.
  • Learning words and dance.
  • Coloring pages on the Kolobok theme.
  • Drawing and sculpting of the main character.
  • Preparation of attributes for the theatricalization of a fairy tale.
  • Finding costumes for characters.
  • Rehearsals of the fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way.”
  • Theatricalization of the fairy tale “Kolobok in a new way.”
  • Analysis of expected results.

Analysis of project results:

Work on this project was carried out for 1 month. If you correctly and constantly provide pedagogical influence on preschoolers, then they will have correct, clear, beautiful speech and interact positively in a team. The children participating in this project have increased the rate of speech development in general, due to their inclusion in creative activities; children can easily find mutual language; it was easy for them to work on the facial expressions and gestures of the characters they played.

The children were happy to participate in all activities for the implementation of the project; unleash their creativity.

Scenario of theatricalization of the fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way"

Characters: Kolobok , Dedka , Grandma , Hare , Wolf , Bear , Fox , Presenter No. 1 , Presenter No. 2 , Presenter No. 3.

"Kolobok in a new way"

Presenter No. 1:

Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman

Grandpa says one day

Grandma, I became old and gray

Tired of cabbage soup and porridge!!!

Cook me dessert

Bake me a bun

So that the rosy side crunched!


Old, I don't understand

Where can I get you flour?

Oh, the old woman is not wise!

Scratch the barn

Mark by the bottom of the barrel,

Gingerbread man by the morning speck!!

Presenter No. 1:

Grandma kneaded the dough

I put it in the oven

And when it ripened -

Puts boldly on the window.


Oh, what a handsome man!

It radiates with a hot spirit.

Cool down a little!

Presenter No. 1:

Gingerbread man slightly raised

Jump from the window and gone!!!

Presenter No. 2:

He ran down the path

He decided to stretch his legs -

Through the field, through the forest...


Life is full of such miracles!!!

Presenter No. 2:

The bun runs through the forest,

And towards him a hare


Hello, I'm a hare

The hare is not simple,

I can jump-

That's why I'm oblique!!


I am a monster of beasts!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

And from you hare, I'll run away!!


Kolobok don't be angry

And make friends with me

Let's dance together

Round dance to lead-dance!!

Presenter No. 2:

“Okay,” Kolobok answers.

And to meet him - a wolf!


Hello, I'm a gray wolf-

Teeth click!!


I am a monster of beasts!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I left the rabbit

And I’m a gray wolf - I’ll run away from you!!


Why are you angry Kolobok -

We will be friends with you

Walk through the woods together!

Presenter No. 3:

Okay, Kolobok answers.

And the Bear is coming towards him!


Hello, I'm a clumsy bear

I'm walking through the forest, collecting pine cones,

And I’m taking it home!!


I am a monster of beasts!

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I left the hare

I left the wolf

And I’ll leave you Bear!

Presenter No. 3:

The bear hugged Kolobok -

He said - friendship is precious!

We will be friends with you

Come and have some tea!!

Suddenly out of nowhere

The little fox crept up...


Hello, I'm a fox, a fox

There is no one more cunning than me in the forests!!


I know, I know, you're cunning

In the sense of gut meanness!!

Will you make me sing a song??

And it’s like you’ll become deaf!!

I know this fairy tale -

This fairy tale is not mine!!


Why are you dear - I am now

There is no beast more modest than me.

I won’t hurt insects...

I just don't see something well

If only you would make me rosy-

Took me home along the path!


You know the sly fox -

I don't believe in your words!!

Presenter No. 3:

At once that fox saw the light

And she went to her forests...

It's time for the evening, my friend -

Our Kolobok is sad!


Isn't it time for me to go home?!

To retire to grandma and grandpa.

I will eat cabbage soup and porridge,

Remember our whole fairy tale!!!

Albina Kotova

Fairy tale dramatization« Kolobok» on new way. (senior group )









Music is playing "Visiting fairy tales» .


We gathered the guys in the hall to show a fairy tale,

I suggest you guess who we’ll tell you about now.

Who left his grandmother and grandfather and left him without lunch:

A hare, a wolf and a bear, even a sly fox?

He rolled along the path and found himself in a forest,

He has a ruddy side, who is it? (bun)

And so... We begin!

Fairy tale« Kolobok in a new way»

once upon a time old man with his old woman,

Grandfather was digging the ground

I planted a vegetable garden with my grandmother.

(grandfather pretends to be digging, and grandma is planting a vegetable garden)

Oh, I'm tired!

Bake, grandma, for lunch

Rosy gingerbread man, delicious!

You used to bake skillfully.

Grandma "kneads" dough and sentences:

Here I broomed the bottom of the barrel,

I found two handfuls of flour,

Salt, vanilla and sugar.

Glorious came out bun,

Lush and rosy! (shows bun)

We need to sit down at the table,

Eat the bun soon!


Wait a moment, grandfather,

Let it cool down bun!


fidget- The bun would cool on the window,

But he decided: “I’ll run away and warm up a little”.

rolled Kolobok past the fir trees and birches.

Suddenly our naughty boy met the Bunny.


I'll feast on you

I've been on the run since morning.


What you! What you! Wait a minute,

Listen to the song, Zaya!

- Gingerbread Man I, fidget. They baked me for my grandfather,

I left old people. Jumping from the window - that was it!

Great honor for the Bunny Eat ruddy gingerbread man!

(The bunny listens to the song in fascination, and Kolobok runs away)


Yes, you roll Kolobok, there's no point in you!

I’ll go to grandma and grandma’s and pick some carrots.

The kids will nibble on the carrots; carrots are more useful! (leaves)


A The bun rolled down the road, Gray Wolf at his feet.

The Gray Wolf licked his lips, He knows a lot about koloboks!


How are you, by the way? Kolobok I'm very hungry

I’ll eat you, my friend, I’ll be full until the night!


What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf! You don't eat me!

Better sit down on a tree stump and listen to the song.

Gingerbread Man I, fidget. They baked me for my grandfather,

I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm cold at the window.

I left old people. Jumping from the window - that was it!



Well, why should I Kolobok? Something jumps a lot!

I’d better go through the forest, maybe I’ll find something!

(walks along "forest", finds a pack of chips, is about to eat them)


Throw it away, Gray Wolf, everyone in the world knows - adults and children -

Chips are bad for your health, don’t eat them for lunch! Listen to me, eat an apple!

(The wolf takes the apple, thanks and leaves)


A Our bun is rolling,

No one is hiding from...

Suddenly Potapych himself came towards us, he growled and raised his paws.


Come here, Kolobok, I'll eat a bit!


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, put your paws down,

You better listen to my song - I’ll sing it.

Gingerbread Man I, fidget. They baked me for my grandfather,

I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm cold at the window.

I left old people. Jumping from the window - that was it!

I ran away from the Hare and from the evil Wolf.

And, Toptygin, it won’t be long before I leave you!

(Kolobok runs away)


Well, roll yourself Kolobok, after all, what's the point of you?

I'd rather go through the woods. Maybe I'll find something. (finds a bottle of "Coca- cola» going to drink)


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, don’t take it into your paws

Sparkling Coca-Cola is harmful to health,

But, I’ll tell you honestly, eating honey is good for your health!

(gives the Bear a jar of honey, he thanks and leaves)


A Kolobok rolled head over heels through the grove straight,

And suddenly the Fox saw Kolobok.


How handsome you are Kolobok like blush and cheerful!

They say that you, my friend, know a lot of songs.


- Gingerbread Man I, fidget. They baked me for my grandfather,

I'm mixed with sour cream, I'm cold at the window.

I left old people. Jumping from the window - that was it!

I left the Bear and the Wolf and the Hare,

And Lisa for Kolobok also can not keep up! (runs away)


I do not want Kolobok(waving after him, why eat him?

Better to listen to his songs together.

Kolobok because from flour - sweet high-calorie,

And my dream, my friends, is to become a ballerina.

I'm on a diet, I'm watching my figure.

I'd rather go to the garden and pick vegetables there. (leaves)


Eat vegetables and fruits - these are the best foods!

You will be saved from all diseases - there is no tastier and healthier them!

Make friends with vegetables and salads and cabbage soup,

There are countless vitamins in them, so you need to eat it!

- Fairy tale is a lie, yes, there is a hint in it, a healthy lesson for all the guys!

(music is playing "Visiting fairy tales» , all the artists come out to bow)

Hello friend! Today I will tell you a fairy tale about Kolobok. Will you now say that you have known it by heart for a long time? And you will be right, my friend. You really know that old fairy tale, but you probably haven’t heard the modern fairy tale about Kolobok. Get comfortable. I start.

But before I tell you new tales about Kolobok (and there are several of them), let’s find out, my friend, what is Kolobok? It turns out that this word is a diminutive of the word “kolob” (rolled ball, small round loaf of bread, bread, dumpling made from unleavened dough). Kolobok is a purely Russian bread product, the emergence of which was accidental, but the taste and constancy of its shape were determined by the very nature of the kolobok dough. The fact is that koloboks were not always baked, but only in the absence of the usual supplies for bread in them. usual quantity. The remains of various flours were used for the bun - everything that was in the house, and all the scrapings of the kneading bowl, which were usually not removed, but were left for sourdough. Thus, the proportion of sourdough in the kolobok always exceeded the usual proportion of sourdough in normal bread dough, and the flour was not homogeneous, but mixed (wheat, rye, oatmeal, barley, etc.). According to the logic of the peasant, it was precisely this prefabricated nature of the kolobok dough that should have resulted in a not particularly high-quality product. However, according to the laws of biochemistry, it was the high proportion of leaven and the diverse nature of the flour, which has different grinding sections and its own fermentation characteristics, that ensured the super-baking of bread, creating extremely fluffy, especially spongy, soft, baked and not stale bread for a long time. The peasant could explain this phenomenon only by a miracle, or by the fact that he, as a hungry man, was deceived by his own taste sensations. In both cases, this was the reason for the creation of fairy-tale stories about the kolobok.

My friend, aren't you tired yet? No. Well then, listen further. The Russian folk tale "Kolobok" appeared in print in 1873, in the first volume of A.N. Afanasiev. But according to some sources, the tale of the kolobok was included in Slavic folklore from the 2nd-3rd century AD. As for the most ancient recipe for kolobok, in the "paintings for royal dishes" created in Muscovy in 1610-1613, the Kolob dish is mentioned, consisting of 3 blades of semolina flour, 25 eggs and 3 hryvnias of beef lard.

Well, my friend, you have learned something about Kolobok. And now I will tell you something that you have not heard yet. Listen carefully and remember.


“Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and grandmother. They slept next to each other for the sake of order.
Grandfather had long ago forgotten how much he loved his grandmother.
Their relationship actually developed platonically.
Well, that’s not what the fairy tale is about - it’s about how last summer
A miracle happened to them. However, I won’t run ahead.
I'll tell you everything in order - I wrote it down in a notebook.
They lived modestly, without income. We ate radishes and drank kvass.
This is a simple dinner every day, every time.
It is on this sad note that I will begin my story.
Once it hit the old man: “There is flour somewhere in the house.”
He looks at the grandmother sternly, but she quietly looks away.

Yes, there is some pain. Yes, not about your honor.
You couldn’t touch her with your unwashed face. I was going to bake pies for my name day.

What kind of vile snake have I warmed up in my house?
Or do you not know me?
Well, quickly come here so that there is food on the table within half an hour.

Maybe you don't understand? I'm about to kill someone!
I explain in English: “Very hangri-eat hunting!”

I will do everything this very hour. You drink while kvass.
For such a fool, I’ll bake a kolobok.
There are no teeth anyway; at least you can lick this ball.

That's fine, that's wonderful. So at once. What are those difficult?
Is it hard to understand me? Do you think I’m okay with making threats with brute force?
Just know, my darling, that in my priorities you are right behind my stomach.
Even if you hit the wall with your forehead, do you understand who is more important?

The grandmother sighed sadly, waved her hand at him,
Putting another one on the fold turned out to be a bad gesture.
I kneaded the dough in silence, heated the place in the oven,
And having rolled that dough into a ball, straight into its ardor and heat
She held it on the handle and closed the stove with the damper.
Here are the things.

The old man was happy about the bun: he opened both nostrils and inhaled the aroma.
Did you, old woman, follow every point in the recipe?
I don't want to get poisoned by consuming this product.

Eat, killer whale, dear. If anything happens, potassium permanganate is at hand.
Don't worry - we'll take it out. Do not have time? Let's bury it!
What has changed in your face? Would you, Vasya, pray.

Okay, stop listening to nonsense - time is up, it's time to eat.
Grandfather takes the fork by hand. He poked at the ball, and he yells.
Help, guard. My grandfather pierced my side with a fork.
This is what your mother is. You've broken the seal - I'll leak in the rain.

A miracle, a miracle happened. A child was born without love.
Last year's torment gave us a son.
Grandma, urgently flush all the leftovers into the toilet without looking back.
Stop creating poverty. It's not easy for us to live.

The baker's son jumped right out of the oven.
I will live with you. I am your son. Please love!
The grandfather answers: “You are round. And roll and roll away.”
Forget about us completely!"

This is my father’s order: get out of here this very hour.
Sorry for the bread, there is no word. But I'm not a cannibal.
I can’t lift a fork on my birthmark.
Even if you cut me from the sides, I can’t eat my sons.
But there is no urine to see - go away. Roll around the world.
Kolobok sighed long and said quietly: “It doesn’t matter.”
If you really think about it, how can I continue to live with you?
My browned side will cross my throat.
Don't be bored without me. Will not come back. You know that."

The bun rolled to the floor, quietly muttering obscenities.
His soft sides were slightly mangled.
Unbending on the floor, he jumped up and adju.
Behind the fence, where there is grass, his words were heard:
“The greed of the brother will destroy him. I left, fate will judge.”

He rolled very dashingly along the path into the thick forest. Where there was a lack of rhyme,
He sang the song cheerfully and added strong words.
Suddenly a hare meets him - a gray little bastard.
“Who is this? Why are you wandering around here? Why are you walking around without a hat?
Without delay, just like that, give me a nickel for vodka!”

I'm an old man's son-bread ball Kolobok.
I'm looking for the meaning of life here, but I haven't been able to find it yet.
I never wore a hat; I walked around with a bald dome.
There is no money, well, at least burst. Do you understand, little gray gopnik?
I’ll probably take a swing and won’t come back.
I will remain neutral - a hare is not an authority!

He winked with his right eye. I took the acceleration, added gas
And disappeared into the thick grass, leaving a trail in the ground.
The hare picked up his jaw, spat with relish, and sent
Three letters so that you can go well on your journey.

Only this cry of the hare fell silent in the forest air,
How the road is blocked by a new wanderer - Gray Wolf:
“Hello, dear friend, the pie has no filling.
What gender are you anyway?” asks the wolf.

Kolobok, raising his eyebrows, whistles in amazement:
“Uncle Wolf, may I ask you a question? How long have you been a transvestite?”
The wolf blushes shyly, a blush appears on his cheeks:
“You, horseman, where did you come from, how did you guess about this?”

You spoiled your claws with varnish, you put lipstick on your lips,
Yes, the cut of that skirt is frankly not masculine.
So, aunt, I'm sorry, I'm not on the same page with you.

The wolf disappeared around the bend and came to the swamp.
Next to him sits a fox all over his skin.
"I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother,
I ran away from the bunny and said goodbye to the stupid wolf.
And now, beautiful maiden, I want to marry you.
Stop. Don't grab your heart. It's a joke. Do not be afraid".

“Say it louder, brother. I’ll set up the device.”
By old age I have become completely deaf. I hear poorly and see poorly.
It’s no longer the case with drums ringing in eardrums.”

The gingerbread man comes closer, and the fox bends down lower.
He's almost screaming, and she takes him
And without any delay, he naturally devours it straight away.
The gingerbread man squeaks in fear and sends it in all sorts of ways.
(For guys who like swearing, there is a separate option).
In less than five minutes, she ate all the product.
She licked her lips and left. So the whole fairy tale is over!”

(source: FunStreet website)

Well, my friend. Are your eyes closed already? Yes, it’s time for me to rest. Till tomorrow. And tomorrow I’ll tell you, my friend, another new prose fairy tale about Kolobok. Good night.

Hello, my friend. Today I invite you to listen to a new prose version of the tale of Kolobok. I hope you enjoy what you are about to hear. So:

TALE ABOUT KOLOBKO (new adult version)

"What, again?" - The wolf scratched the back of his head, and concern appeared on his sad muzzle. The fox sighed heavily and croaked: "My strength is gone! I'm dying! Help me out, Gray!". "Ek, you were blown away, however," Wolf could not resist. The fox sniffled gloomily: "For breakfast, Kolobok, for lunch, Kolobok, for dinner, also Kolobok." The wolf chuckled. The fox sobbed, and with the tip of her tail wiped away a tear from her plump red cheek. “I can’t fit into an old fur coat anymore. You can’t get enough of any fur coats. Where is my waist? Can you tell, Wolf, where is my waist?”

The wolf looked at the red-haired figure with interest. “You’re right, however,” the Wolf chuckled hoarsely. “Why the hell do you need this waist?” Lisa sighed sadly: “I’m sad.” “Okay, we’ll figure it out,” the Wolf answered and lazily trotted towards the village. Behind him, panting and sweating, was the Fox. “We should call the Hare and the Bear,” muttered Red. Her saggy belly left a melted trail in the snow. The fox floundered helplessly in the snow.

“Your Hare is of use,” grumbled the Wolf: “And the Bear is now high. Yes...” The hut on the edge of the village was almost covered with snow. "Old man! Old woman." There is a conversation," the Wolf clanged his teeth. The door creaked, and Kolobok rolled out onto the threshold. The sleepy face of the Old Man appeared from behind him. A frightened Old Woman loomed in the window. "Well, you sucker with ears!" What do you want?".

"Why are you being rude to the elders?" - The wolf shook his head in puzzlement: "Chat! When the big ones talk. Come out, Old. The fox scored the arrow." The old man obediently put on his sheepskin coat and, pushing aside the snow with his felt boots, walked towards the Wolf. Behind him, in a moth-beaten checkered woolen shawl, tied crosswise across her skinny chest, hobbled the Old Woman. “Here,” the Wolf shook his head at the Fox: “This is real trouble! What are we going to do?”

The fox fell like a red heap under the shed, leaning against the wall. Sweat rolled down his suffering face. The Old Man and the Old Woman, as if on cue, stared at the sufferer. "Where do I have your Koloboks," the Fox croaked, slashing her paw across her throat: "I can't see. Nausea-and-and-t!" “So what are we? We’re nothing,” the Old Man shrugged his skinny shoulders. "Shut up, Old Man," the Old Woman hissed and poked the Old Man with a sharp fist in his stooped back.

“Listen, Old Man, will you ever learn how to bake?” Lisa croaked: “For three hundred years from morning to night you bake, bake, and it’s all to no avail. I have indigestion from your Koloboks. ". “And the scoundrels run away,” snapped the Old Woman: “They jump straight out of the oven.” Everyone turned and looked at Kolobok reproachfully. “Perhaps he should be put in a bag and in a hole?”, the Wolf slashed with his paw. “You have no right,” Kolobok jumped up: “The fairy tale doesn’t say anything about the ice hole.” “Oh, I can’t do it anymore!” the Fox suddenly cried out: “I’ll go right now and hang myself!” "What are you, Redhead, and who will eat Koloboks?" - the Wolf was frightened: "According to the plot, I'm not supposed to." The Fox immediately turned her gaze to the Old Man. “So what am I?” the Old Man was frightened: “I’m afraid I won’t be able to cope. I put my teeth in here,” the Old Man grinned, showing his false teeth: “But she, such an infection, does not hold on. It falls out. Here.” The jaw clicked dully and dived into the snowdrift.



The Fox stared at the Old Woman. “There’s no point in boring into me with little eyes,” she cried: “I’m not McDonald’s! I was hired to bake, not to eat. I bake. And in general, nowhere in the fairy tale does it say that I also have to eat Koloboks.” The Wolf looked at the Old Man with sympathy: “Yes, with such a woman, not only will your jaw fall out. How can you tolerate her? I would devour such an evil thing on the second day.” The old man sighed heavily. The wolf turned to Kolobok: “Well, boy, you’ll have to manage it yourself.” “I don’t understand,” Kolobok was puzzled. “What’s incomprehensible here?” the Wolf was amazed: “So it looks like this: he jumped from the window sill, met the Hare, wished me health, greeted the Fox, and went into the bushes. And there he strained himself, and that’s all.”

Now everyone was staring at the Wolf with burning interest. “Well, what’s incomprehensible,” the Wolf got angry: “We’ll put a rope or a knife in the bushes in advance. So you can handle it yourself.” “What is it that I don’t understand? What is the instructive lesson for the children if Kolobok kills himself?” the Old Woman asked in a nasty voice: “And it would also be very interesting to see how Kolobok hangs himself.” “What a nasty woman,” the Wolf was indignant: “It itches and itches. She would have suggested something.”

“Why come up with this,” muttered the Old Man: “The fairy tale needs to be rewritten.” “No,” the Wolf wheezed in fear: “I can’t do this. Leave the kids without a fairy tale?” “Who’s reading it now,” the old woman chuckled contemptuously: “Right now it’s just Niji-Cheburashkas, and Harry Potter with Tanya Trotter...Potter, by the way, has already ruined the third Hummer! It’s rolling out! And we’re still in the old We're in poverty at home."

“Don’t they really read?” the shocked Wolf grabbed his head: “Then why are you baking Koloboks three times a day?” “It’s boring, so I’m baking,” muttered the Old Woman. The wolf was silent for a long time. The old woman was chilly wrapped in a holey scarf. The old man smacked his false teeth. “And I think so,” the Wolf finally spoke: “We need to save our fairy tale. Who will save it if not us? As I understand it, timid, we will stand here until the last. We have nowhere to retreat. will he teach? Eh? That’s the same!”

“So it’s like this!” - The wolf looked at his simple army: “Pull up! And you, Red, why are you lying down? Come on, pull up. Look, you’ve let yourself go. Take up fitness, some kind of physical education, but so that I’m like a cucumber ". “Green or something,” the Fox snorted offendedly. “Slender!” the Wolf barked: “Like a gherkin in a jar.” The fox, groaning and sighing, got into line.

A curious crow fell from a branch, flapping its wings wildly and rushed through the forest with hot news.

(AUTHORS is a literary portal for “young” writers. Author: Nina Rozhenko)


An old fairy tale in a new way
For fun for adults and children.

(puppet show)

Storyteller (sitting on a bench, dressed in Russian folk costume):
Various miracles are happening in the world,
Not everyone is talked about in a fairy tale...
We lived and visited the land of Siberia
In a hut with a vegetable garden, with a dog and a pussy
Grandmother Masha and grandfather Feofan -
Either from the workers, or from the peasants.
The children were raised and sent to study.
They live quietly
Without knowing the dashing;
They're watching on TV
All the programs in a row...

Listen, woman, turn around,
Get off the show.
See, how can you smell it on the screen?!
I want goose in sour cream!!

What are you, old man, crazy?
I've never eaten anything like this in my life.
Take a bite of bread and cabbage soup,
Yes, bring the kvass here.
And then we'll go to bed
And in the snow... eat a goose.

Grandfather, groaning, went for kvass

Grandfather (dreamyly):
And also pineapple,
Yes, a little caviar for bread...

In! And don't forget the bread!

Grandfather (returns. Confused):
There is no bread. And no kvass.
We finished everything at lunchtime.
A week until retirement...
Baba, what are we going to do?

Baba (thinking):
Let's scratch the bottom of the barrel,
Let's mark the barn,
Let's collect a little flour -
I'll bake a bun.

No sooner said than done. The flour has been scraped away
Collected in a bowl, kneaded the dough,
The bun was rolled up and placed in the oven.
We waited... We waited... We dozed off.

Suddenly - a click...
The TV went silent
The oven has cooled down, the bun is not finished baking.
The lights were turned off... That's how things are!

Kolobok (opens the oven door):
What's wrong with me?
Like blush and hot.
And from this side?.. How!
Didn't finish cooking!!. At least cry.
Well, I'll run for help
To the neighbors on a short road.

Kolobok jumped over the threshold
And - forward to the next house.
And this house is a kindergarten.
And the lights don’t burn in it!

What kind of attack is this?
As if there was no abyss at all!
Let me swing forward
There, someone is rushing towards you.
Wow! Eyes like bowls.
- Hey, my dear, who are you?

Where have you gone?
Left my grandparents!
He ran away, frolicked...
Left everyone without lunch!

Yes, I'm raw. You see - from the side
There is no bake.
There is no light - and there is no heat.

Well, let's go find lunch.

Let's run along the path
Kolobok and Murka the cat,
They see a house made of iron,
There is some kind of box behind the glass.

Wait a minute, bald! I'll climb.
This box is talking
And he answers all questions
Will give answers.


He, darling. Need to know,
what number to dial.
I have four paws
I'm calling, you speak
Yes, scold them like mom and dad,
Let them give light
(picks up the phone, dials the number, hands the receiver to Kolobok)
All. Ori!!

Is this the most important uncle?
Why is the light turned off?
Children don't pay you money?!!
Are you human or not?
We'll figure it out, give it time!
My last name? Kolobok!
(Angry, hangs up)
What kind of business is this?

Why are you angry? I went...
The woman and grandfather have no food.
I need to catch a mouse for lunch (getting ready to leave)

Stop, fluffy! You tell me
What kind of fairy tale?

That's life
(they walk side by side along the path to the woman and grandfather’s house)


Probably yes, they are addicted. Both good and bad. We somehow turned off the light for 2 days. In the evening, by candlelight, it is written so well !! It also has its advantages. Thank you, dear, for the feedback. :-*

The daily audience of the portal is about 200 thousand visitors, who in total view more than two million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

Everyone knows the Russian folk tale about the bun. Like a gingerbread man with a grandma and grandfather turned out, but how it rolled along the path.

Everyone retold it a hundred times, but re-read it. So the kolobok is tired of such a life. Every day the same thing, but a hundred times. No wonder!

How the gingerbread man decided to become a man

A new tale about a bun

The bun rolled into the store. Brought a beautiful bouquet of bright wildflowers. He looks, but there is no Calorie Bun on the shelf!

- How so?! - the bun was saddened and wept bitterly.

Then everyone on the shelf heard the noise, and the most curious ones looked out.
Hung from the shelf and looking at Kolobok with curiosity: Butter roll, Poppy bagel and Sugar bun.

- Hey, son! What are you roaring about?! What happened?! – the compassionate Sugar Bun calls out to him.

- How it happened! – Kolobok sobs and begins to tell, “I’m tired of living like a Kolobok, and I decided to live like other people...

Butter Kalach shakes his head.
– What else was missing! - he mumbles, - how can people live like a bun!
But then, you know, he’s listening. Still interesting!

Kolobok sat down on a bag of granulated sugar to make the story more comfortable. The rest of the buns on the shelf sat in a row and listened attentively.
“And so, I went to look for people...” Kolobok continues.
Kalach listens to everything, but does not forget to sigh reproachfully and shake his head. In surprise, the bagel rolls from side to side, like a wheel that has broken off from a cart, rolled away, but cannot stop.
And the bun sometimes even sobs quietly and takes out a paper napkin to wrap the buns - wiping away the tears. She rubs and rubs, and in this place the sugar falls off.

“Y-yes-ah...” the kalach drawled and sighed again when the story ended and shook his head.

- He needs help immediately! - the bagel said decisively and spun the wheel three times.

- Exactly! We will find the one who bought the wonderful Calorie Bun! – Sugar Bun waved her handkerchief.

- Bought?! – the bun became interested. – Is this dangerous?!

- This is very, very dangerous! – Butter Kalach sighed sadly and loudly.

- We'll make it! – the bagel spun five times at once.

- On the horses! Oh. That is - in pursuit! the bun screamed, jumping off the bread shelf to the floor, and some more sugar was falling off it.

Following her, the kalach with a bagel came down. And the kalach, of course, groaned and sighed all the time.

The buns ran out of the store and saw. There are three roads in front of them. Right, left and straight.
Kolobok became sad again.
And Sugar Bun says:

- Let me and the kolobok go straight, the bagel will go to the left, and the kalach to the right?

- Why are you, little bun, giving orders? – Poppy Bagel is indignant.

- And this is because I am the oldest! - explains the bun. She looked around and added in a whisper - I’m yesterday’s!

- The oldest is a kalach, the bagel objects, - he’s out - tomorrow the expiration date ends!

- I won’t give orders! I'm going to retire! – the kalach sighs apprehensively.

- Well, if so, then okay! – the bagel finally agreed and rolled its wheel to the right.

Kalach sighed and sighed and wandered off to the left, the gingerbread man rolled straight, and the Sugar Bun after him minced, and under his arm - a bouquet.
The bun rolls straight ahead, looking around. Looking for his beloved – Calorie Bun. The bun is mincing behind. Trying. Puffs.

How long or short he rolled is not clear... One thing is clear - he was in a hurry. The bun could barely keep up with him. The matter is urgent!

And then suddenly the bun collides with someone! How they'll bump heads! Crumbs will fly in all directions!

- Oh! Kalach! - the bun is indignant, - what are you doing here!? You should go left?!

- Oh, Kolobok with a bun! – the bagel is surprised.

- What's happened?! – Kalach is worried.

- Nothing happened! It's just that all our paths diverged, and then met again! - this bun arrived in time for the kolobok after him and explains how the oldest and smartest, not counting Kalach.
“So what do we do now?” - Kolobok is interested in the smartest Sugar Bun.

And only the bun wanted to say, when suddenly ...

- Oooh! I don't want to! No-e-e-e-d-d-d-d-d! – friends suddenly heard.

Looked around - no one. They stand there, surprised. We listened again:

- Oooh-ooh-ooh! I don't like it!

They look - not far away is a house. Beautiful. Log. The roof is red slate, the walls are painted blue, the shutters are white, on top - an orange cockerel is spinning on a stick. Neither give nor take - lollipop!

The window of that house is open. And from the window a cry is heard:
- Oooh! Noooooo!

It became interesting to everyone - what kind of animal is there, or a bun, maybe, what a mad one.
Our bun rolls quietly along the sandy path to the house. And after him, all our other buns are picked up.
They got to the house and looked out the window.

They see an aunt in an apron standing at the stove. The apron is blue, and on it there are large white peas.
And this aunt manages to cook, and fry, and wash and cut at the same time, and even talk to someone. All the buns immediately understand that this is someone’s mother. Because only mothers and grandmothers can do this.

And so, this someone's mother cuts potatoes and cabbage, throws them into the broth, kneads the dough, washes the dishes, fries the fish, and says:

- And I say - you will! Kefir is useful for beauty and youth! And in general - digestion! A bun for nutrition! It has a lot of calories! Because she is high in calories!

Then all our buns gasped!
They looked a little further away, and there was a table. A little boy is sitting at the table. He waves his legs, turns his head, scratches the back of his head with his hands, and catches flies with mosquitoes.
And in front of him, in front of this little boy, there is a glass of kefir and a high-calorie bun on a silver platter! As if nothing had happened, he lies to himself, but smiles!

- Ah! gasped the compassionate Sugar Bun.

- Oh! groaned the sad Sweet Kalach.

- Oh, it’s her!!! - drawled the enamored Kolobok.

- We need to distract them! announced the resolute Poppy Bagel and jumped off the window.

- But how?! - Sugar Bun jumped after him, and sugar fell from it, as usual.

- How-how, of course how - do you see a cow? - the eternally dissatisfied kalach suddenly muttered.

- We see! - everyone readily agreed, because the big and spotted cow was indeed clearly visible to the buns.

- If you pull her tail, she will moo! – the kalach remarked gloomily.

- Why is this?! – the bun was surprised.

- How is this, why?! To distract! — the smartest one, besides the roll, rejoiced, Sugar Bun.

Kolobok is rolling toward the cow. And the rest of the buns jump after. Along a sandy path, and then a little more meadow.
They approached the cow.
Sugar Bun stood up on Kalacha. He stands, staggers, sprinkles the remaining sugar on Kalach.
Kalach placed Bagel on top of his head.
Kolobok lifts the bagel above himself, and he thinks,
- Oh, I hope I don’t roll away!

And Kolobok reached for the cow’s tail and pulled it!

- A-a-a-a-a-! - the cow screamed. And then she caught herself and said, “Oh, sorry!” This is me out of surprise! I'll fix everything now! - and corrects himself: - Moo-oo-oo!

- Fathers! Why is our Buryonka making so much noise?! - Mom is surprised, throws all her frying and cooking, and runs out into the yard.

And the little boy jumps after him. He actually dreamed of running out into the yard for a long time, to be honest. And here is just a cow.

Kolobok snatches a bouquet of wildflowers from the Sugar Bun and runs up to the Calorie Bun.
He gives her flowers, and at the same time whispers quickly, quickly, so that it happens as quickly as possible:

- Dear bun, let me marry you quickly, before the boy eats you!

And the bun liked the flowers so much that she immediately agreed. Got a good bun - smart!
He grabbed a bun in an armful and - well, they all run! They ran out, and just then the mother and the boy returned. There are rolls under the window, barely breathing.
At the same time they listen.

Mom to her boy and says:

- Here! It's a completely different matter! Did you eat the bun? And drank kefir?! Good girl!

— Did you drink kefir?! - the bun was surprised and looked at the others.

Looks, and Kalach - well done, well done! Not what it used to be! And the sugar bun is real rosy beauty! And all sprinkled with fresh sugar.

- Oh, kefir?! Duc, we drank it with Kalach! the beautiful Sugar Bun modestly admitted.

- For beauty and youth! Kalach grunted valiantly.

“Maybe we won’t go back to the store?” – the bagel suddenly suggested. - Let's build a gingerbread house. We will live in it, live! Kolobok marries Bun, Kalach marries Sugar Bun...

- How are you? - Everyone was surprised.

- And I? - Poppy Bagel thought, - don’t worry about me! I’ll take a little walk, spin my wheels through the fields, and then I’ll invite some ruddy vanilla bagel from the store.

That's what they decided on. They built a gingerbread house and lived happily ever after.

And soon Kolobok and the bun had babies - round donuts sprinkled with snow-white powdered sugar.
And then there was an increase at the bun and roll! A dozen pretzel babies, each more blushing than the other.
It became noisy and fun in the gingerbread house!
So the bun healed not like a bun, but like all people. Well, or, almost everything.

This is how we got the bun. New, modern (.
Did you like his adventures? Then feel free to go to our “Once Upon a Time” section and read our other fairy tales that we invented on the fly.