In a private house      07/02/2020

If your stomach hurts what to take. Sharp pain in the stomach. Pain relief techniques

The most common type of ailment is when the stomach hurts. Almost everyone has experienced this condition. Getting back to good health is sometimes difficult. It is important to know the causes of the disease, and it will be easier to deal with it.

The nature and strength, prevalence and frequency of recurrence of pain in the stomach vary. Some experience dull or sharp pain, others suffer cramps, others experience slight discomfort, and others have constant stomach pains. Nausea and vomiting often accompany these manifestations. The doctor or paramedics of the ambulance will help to understand the situation.

Sources of malaise

Why does my stomach hurt? This question is asked by both young and older people. Often doctors use the specific concept of "gastric colic", which determines the nature of pain not only in the stomach. In the gastrointestinal tract and the peritoneal cavity there is a mass of systems and organs:

  1. Stomach.
  2. Liver.
  3. Intestines.
  4. Gallbladder.
  5. Pancreatic gland.

A disorder in each of them can cause pain in the abdomen or directly in the stomach. But the symptoms of all manifestations are different:

  1. Burning.
  2. Bursting.
  3. Pulsation.
  4. It's a dull pain.
  5. Cramping pain (she then lets go, then reappears).
  6. Severe numbing pain.
  7. When it hurts a lot, up to loss of consciousness.

Sources of malaise can be not only organs that are directly related to the digestion of food and the work of the gastrointestinal tract as a whole. Sometimes the stomach experiences discomfort from improper operation of neighboring systems. Nearby are the kidneys, lungs, uterus, ovaries.

Often, if the stomach hurts a lot, the reason lies in the disease of this particular organ. Cramping pains that occur when the digestive system malfunctions, doctors refer to as gastralgia. Nervous disorders are also the cause of this disease. It is known that in the stomach there is a mass of nerve endings.

If a person suffers from gastritis, especially in a chronic form, he does not experience acute pain, but the attacks often recur. Some patients do not even notice such manifestations over time.

A stomach ulcer manifests itself much brighter. The pain does not subside, and what to do when it hurts so much, the patient often does not know. You need to call an ambulance and go to the hospital. Not only an ulcer can lead to such trouble. Pain is caused by a developing tumor of any type.

What are the discomforts associated with?

If the stomach is sick, it is worth remembering and paying attention to the accompanying conditions. Pain can make itself felt immediately after eating. When a person notices discomfort after eating, doctors are more likely to suspect gastritis. This is how the stomach reacts to hard food. For example, fried rough meat, plant foods, canned food.

Stomach pain can be caused by a number of other reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • intoxication;
  • constant malnutrition;
  • long time intervals between meals;
  • a large amount of food taken at a time;
  • long hunger;
  • abuse of fatty, fried, sweet, pickled;
  • smoking;
  • coffee consumption in large quantities.

When an ulcer occurs, pain can also occur 1.5-2 hours after eating. If the quality of the food was unacceptable for your digestive tract to process, discomfort may occur. If the patient refuses to eat, this aggravates the situation, since in this case the stomach is no less harmed. Some abstinence from food is useful in attacks of pancreatitis, when the enzymes begin to cause irreparable damage to the stomach, and only fasting will help the patient recover. But with other diseases, a special diet is needed.

A large number of people cannot tolerate cow's milk. The stomach starts to hurt, it comes to vomiting. In this case, it is important to understand in time what causes discomfort and exclude this component and dishes based on it from the diet.

What should you do when your stomach hurts? It is important to stop eating rough food for a while. You can eat boiled potatoes (in no case fried), a light broth, baked vegetables are useful. It is advisable to visit a doctor, undergo a detailed examination and receive treatment.


The most common symptom of pain is gastritis. . According to its characteristics, this disease is divided into several types:

  1. Bacterial (caused by Helicobacter pylori).
  2. Acute due to stress.
  3. Erosive (as a result of long-term use medicines, alcohol, spicy).
  4. Fungal.
  5. Viral.
  6. Eosinophilic (due to allergic reactions).
  7. Atrophic (due to thinning of the gastric mucosa).

In addition to such manifestations, the stomach can also get sick for a completely banal reason - from simple overeating. Food is not digested normally, and a process begins, which is popularly called "indigestion". Diarrhea and constipation lead to stomach pain.

Physical overwork or a slight overstrain of the abdominal muscles sometimes causes discomfort in the abdomen. Unpleasant sensations often go away on their own. But if the stomach hurts due to an infection, it is urgent to call a doctor. The doctor who will help is a therapist, a gastroenterologist. Otherwise, spasms and vomiting, if any, will bring a person to complications. Even food poisoning can cause irreparable harm to health.

Often, ordinary gas formation brings significant trouble. This can be prevented by taking special medications prescribed by a doctor and avoiding certain foods. Among them:

  • legumes;
  • products containing yeast;
  • flour;
  • apples;
  • cabbage;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • milk;
  • corn.

If the stomach hurts a lot, then the specialist will best determine what to do. But even from his observations, a person can understand what is worth doing and what is not. For example, if a patient has discomfort after taking fermented milk products, you should stop using them and examine the state of the microflora of the stomach and intestines.

First aid for acute manifestations

If your stomach hurts a lot, which violates your plans, it is advisable to try to drink water. It must be clean and neutral (no gas or impurities). Refrain from eating for several hours. A great solution would be to refuse food until the next day. In the case when there was vomiting, you definitely need to refrain from eating for at least 6-8 hours.

If water does not help, you can find suitable drugs in the pharmacy, but before that, consult with your doctor whether it is worth taking them in your particular case. In some situations, simple pain relievers can make the pain worse.

Do not succumb to stressful situations, conflict. Pain in the stomach is often associated with nervous strain. For preventive purposes, it is important to eat right, keep healthy lifestyle life.

And yet, what to do if the stomach hurts? There are some tricks that will greatly facilitate the condition of a person. Among them:

  1. Stick to a non-strict diet.
  2. Give yourself the opportunity to starve for medicinal purposes.
  3. Arrange fasting days for your body.
  4. Be sure to avoid certain foods.

It is better not to eat: muffins, fried foods, alcohol, sour fruits or vegetables, coffee, tea, spicy and overly salty. Dishes need to be steamed or boiled. The diet is based on such products as: fresh greens, fruit juices, vegetable.

If the stomach hurts, what to drink? The answer to this question is often given by folk healers. They have all sorts of tools and drugs in their arsenal.

Notice the dandelion. Its leaves have healing properties for those who have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This remedy relieves pain and heaviness in the stomach. Fresh leaves will do. They should be chewed and swallowed. If you feel bitter, that's fine. It is she who helps to get rid of painful manifestations.

You can make a tincture of dried dandelion herb. Raw materials are sold in a pharmacy. Brew a few tablespoons in boiling water and leave for half an hour. Take 50 ml daily. Stomach pain will go away general state will improve, as folk healers promise.

Aloe juice will ambulance if you have stomach pains. Take a fresh leaf of the plant and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Then take it out and run it in a blender. Put the gruel in a piece of gauze and squeeze out the juice. Take the remedy on an empty stomach on a spoon.

When your stomach hurts, which makes your life unbearable, a good remedy becomes plain honey. It needs to be taken little by little on an empty stomach. If pain periodically visits you, you can make yourself honey water in the morning and at night (do not add lemon to it, this will increase the pain). To prepare a drink, add a large spoonful of honey to a glass of cool water and mix thoroughly. Do not warm up, drink in one gulp. Heated honey loses its properties and for many people turns from medicine into poison.

When a person has a very sick stomach, what to do? In this case, even doctors, and not just folk healers, advise using cabbage juice as a permanent diet. It needs to be cooked by yourself. It is necessary to squeeze the juice from cabbage and take it 50-70 ml daily in the morning, on an empty stomach and before lunch, afternoon snack, dinner for 20 minutes. If there is pain in the stomach, the juice of fresh potatoes is also useful. Take it in the same way as cabbage.

Potato boil. Vegetables must be boiled in their skins. It will take a lot of water (5 liters) and a kilogram of potatoes. Cook until the potatoes are completely boiled. Cool the resulting porridge and take a spoonful before each meal for 10-15 minutes, which will eliminate stomach pain and improve digestion. Even ordinary boiled potatoes without spices and oil can work wonders. Eat a couple of pieces warm and the pain will pass after a while.

When a person has indigestion, juice will do bay leaf. Take a couple of drops and drink it with water. With diarrhea, indigestion, tincture of Potentilla root will heal from pain. Pour 2 tablespoons of raw materials with a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil. Boil over low heat for about 5 minutes. Set aside the dishes with the broth and let it brew for an hour. Use 30-40 ml every hour. The diarrhea will pass, as will the pain in the stomach.

It is useful to use such a collection: chamomile, sage, centaury. Herbs are mixed in small quantities and brewed 500 ml hot water. The remedy is infused for 3-4 hours. It is used 15-20 ml every 2-3 hours.

With stomach cramps, it is recommended to eat fresh ripe plums. Gooseberries will help too. It must not be sour. Take a large spoonful of berries and boil in a glass of water for half an hour. You need to drink a remedy of 50 ml in the intervals between meals every 3-4 hours. Sugar may be added.

Make yourself blueberry tea. Brew fresh or dried berries in boiling water and drink the drink, but not hot.

Take advantage of the healing properties of blackcurrant leaf, chamomile. You can make infusions and use them instead of tea, adding warm water. Such a drink should not be drunk hot.

strong vegetable oil. It is necessary to drink about 20-25 ml at a time and repeat the dose if the pain has not gone away. It is advisable to drink oil every time green tea or herbal infusion. Chamomile or calendula decoction on alcohol (20 drops diluted with water) is best suited for these purposes.

Dandelion syrup. This tool is made simply. Grind the dandelions in a blender and sprinkle the raw materials with sugar. As soon as the juice appears, strain it and take a spoonful. You can drink the syrup with clean, non-carbonated water.

Take a large spoonful of cumin and pour a glass of hot water over it. Take the infusion throughout the day until the pain subsides. Similarly, the effect of black pepper. It will take 3-4 peas. But it is not necessary to brew them, like cumin. Just swallow and drink half a glass of cool water.

Stomach pain can occur for a variety of reasons. Moreover, they do not always indicate the development of a serious disease. For example, the stomach may respond with discomfort when eating too much food or liquid. But carelessness should not be shown in this matter, since sometimes pain signals a person about the development of a dangerous pathology that needs immediate treatment. Therefore, you need to be able to independently distinguish what exactly caused the discomfort in the abdomen, and whether a person needs medical help.

Most often, pain in the stomach occurs with a certain frequency. A person does not experience constant discomfort, therefore, he ignores the signals given by the body. It is this factor that is important in terms of the development of serious diseases.

Stomach pain may occur the following reasons:

    The development of the inflammatory process in the thickness of the gastric mucosa. This disease is called gastritis. Pain with gastritis is not too intense, it is not present on an ongoing basis, but occurs with a certain frequency. The stomach always reacts with pain after a person eats foods that irritate the mucous membrane. If gastritis becomes aggravated, then this is expressed by strong painful sensations that pass quickly. However, after the next meal, they reappear. Chronic form The disease is characterized by aching pain in the abdomen, bloating and a feeling of heaviness.

    Violation of the normal functioning of the stomach pain during digestion. This syndrome is called "". Pain occurs unexpectedly, they are acute, have a clear localization, may be accompanied by a feeling of nausea. A person has no desire to eat, there is a feeling that the stomach is full. Pain is localized in the epigastric region, but the cause of their occurrence is the pancreas. For this reason, taking antispasmodics does not allow you to stop the pain.

    stomach ulcer, which is most often the result of untreated gastritis, can provoke severe abdominal pain. In this case, the pain intensifies, becomes sharp, occurs after each meal.

    Tumors of the stomach of a benign nature. These growths are most often polyps. They cannot lead to the death of a person, but worsen the quality of his life. Pain in gastric polyps can be quite intense, since after eating there is a mechanical effect on the nerve endings that permeate the tumor. Such pains are especially strong in the case when a person has overeaten. A feeling of heaviness and fullness of the stomach can occur even when the patient has consumed a small portion for a year.

Sometimes pain in the abdomen can occur for reasons not related to the pathology of the stomach:

    Pneumonia and angina- these diseases can cause discomfort in the abdomen. Most often, it passes after 3 days from the manifestation of the disease. Pain is often accompanied by nausea, has a pulling and aching character.

    bladder infection, pancreas, gallbladder and other digestive organs. Pain in the stomach is not always present, it occurs spontaneously and acutely.

    Allergic reaction body to consume certain foods. If a person has eaten a product to which he is allergic, then pain can occur almost immediately. It will not completely go away until the stomach digests the allergen. As for the sensations themselves, they can be both acute and very weak.

If a person is in a state of nervous tension, then he may also experience pain in the stomach. Previously, experts pointed to stress and depression as the causes of abdominal discomfort, but now phobic pains have been singled out as a separate category. They occur when a person experiences a feeling of fear.

Stomach pain can be the result of almost any disorder in the body. In this case, it would be wrong to consider it as a sign of an organ disease. After all, it arises as a result of the pathology of other systems. An example of such pain can be pain in the stomach with, with inflammation of the kidneys, with.

Sometimes pain in the stomach can only occur when it is empty. They begin to disturb a person at night, as a large amount of hydrochloric acid is formed in an empty stomach.

Causes of hunger pains:

    The walls of the stomach are contaminated with pathogenic bacterial flora.

    A person has a gastrinoma. This is a benign tumor. It is localized in the pylorus of the stomach and produces gastric juice, in which the content of hydrochloric acid will be increased.

    A person does not adhere to a diet, overeats at night.

    The patient develops a malignant neoplasm of the stomach.

Diagnosis of stomach pain

To determine the true cause of stomach pain, you need to seek medical advice. Moreover, even weak and periodically arising uncomfortable sensations should not be ignored.

The doctor will offer the patient to undergo a series of examinations:

    Reception begins with a survey. It is important for the doctor to understand what the nature of the pain is, how often they occur, whether there is a dependence on eating, etc.

    Ultrasound of the stomach and abdominal organs will provide information about the presence or absence of any neoplasm.

    FGDS is a study during which a probe equipped with a camera is inserted into the patient's stomach, which allows you to assess the condition of the walls of the organ.

    CT is a high-tech study that allows you to get the most complete information about the state of the stomach.

To facilitate the diagnosis, a person should carefully listen to his own feelings. They should be told in detail to the doctor.

For this, attention must be paid to following points:

    Time of occurrence of pain: morning, night, next meal.

    Whether the pain is provoked by the use of any particular food, such as fatty or spicy foods.

    Does the pain get worse when sneezing or when in an uncomfortable position.

    When the pain gets worse, does it increase body temperature.

    How can pain be described: it is pulling, sharp, spastic, etc.

What to do with pain in the stomach at home?

If the pain in the stomach proceeds as a spasm, then an antispasmodic can be taken for its emergency relief. This drug will help, but for a short time. The doctor should be involved in establishing the causes of pain and prescribing medicines.

Diet to follow when experiencing abdominal pain:

    Meat can only be eaten boiled, choosing low-fat varieties.

    It is allowed to drink warm boiled milk.

    Avoid eating spicy, sour, salty and pickled foods. Even in a completely healthy person, these dishes can irritate the stomach wall, provoking its spasm.

    You can't eat before bed. If it is impossible to cope with the feeling of hunger, then it is allowed to drink a glass of milk, in which you can add a teaspoon of honey.

If the pain is intense, then they can be muffled by eating foods that have a soft texture. It can be steam cutlets, mashed soups, boiled cereals, yogurts.

Since the causes of stomach pain can be quite serious, self-medication is unacceptable. Only a doctor can prescribe therapy, based on the results of the diagnosis.

When a person knows his diagnosis, and there is an exacerbation of inflammation or infectious disease you can use the following tips:

    Strictly follow a diet, eat only permitted foods.

    Every day, drink 0.3 liters of decoction of chamomile and mint. Overall volume herbal decoction should be divided into three equal portions.

    Drink 50 ml of tea based on blueberries 4 times a day. The drink should not be hot.

    When the pain is very intense, you can take a tablespoon every half hour. olive oil. When it is not at hand, you can use any other vegetable oil.

    You can take 3 times a day, 20 drops per alcohol.

Regardless of the strength of stomach pain, alcohol is unacceptable. After its ingestion, temporary relief is possible, but the pathological process itself will only worsen.

Be sure to visit a doctor in the case when the pain tends to increase, and also if their relief requires taking more and more medications. As a rule, this indicates the development of a serious pathology.

First aid for stomach pain

To get rid of stomach pain, you can take pain medication. Also, do not eat at this time. It is better to replace food products with low-fat broth and warm drinks.

Depending on the situation, the following suggestions may help:

    If a person has an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, then you need to lie on your side and bring your knees to your stomach. You can also lightly massage the epigastric region, apply a cold compress to it. If this does not help, then it is necessary to provoke by first drinking enough water.

    If a person has had a poisoning of the body, then you can take activated charcoal or some other sorbent drug. Be sure to drink water to prevent dehydration.

Drugs to eliminate stomach pain should be prescribed by a doctor. However, it is not always possible to immediately get an appointment with a specialist.

You can choose your own drug based on the symptoms of the disease:

    If the pain is caused by an ulcer, exacerbation of gastritis or increased acidity of gastric juice, and is also accompanied by burning and belching of acidic contents, then the following drugs can be taken: De-nol, Gastal, Antacid, Almagel, Flakarbin.

    If the pain arose due to errors in nutrition, or after overeating, then you can take the following drugs: Mezim, Gastromax, Omeprazole, Cimetidine.

    You can relieve spasm from the gastric wall by taking the following medicines: Besalol, No-shpa, Buscopan.

    If a person has gastritis with low acidity of gastric juice, or indigestion, then you can take Festal, Pancreatin, Panzinorm, Creon or Triferment.

When does stomach pain require emergency medical attention?

Sometimes stomach pain is a reason to call an ambulance. For example, this applies to a situation where a person has had a perforation of a stomach ulcer. In this case, the wall of the organ is torn precisely in the affected area.

The person experiences the following symptoms:

    The pain is very sharp, like being stabbed in the stomach with a dagger. In order to reduce it at least a little, the patient lies on his back and presses his legs to his stomach.

    Weakness increases, loss of consciousness is possible.

    The person sweats a lot, and cold sweat.

Pain in the stomach can appear both due to a violation of the diet, and due to the development of various pathological processes in the body. Most people who experience this kind of discomfort do not rush to seek medical help. They prefer to take a remedy for stomach pain, which will quickly normalize the condition.

Before drinking various drugs from the stomach, it is necessary to find out the cause of the pain syndrome:

  1. Increase or decrease in the amount of gastric juice.
  2. Change in acidity level.
  3. Inflammatory processes affecting the gastric mucosa, for example, gastritis.
  4. An allergic reaction of the body to taking medications or food.
  5. Food or chemical poisoning.
  6. Mechanical impact on the abdominal cavity.
  7. Various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in which pain is considered as a concomitant symptomatology.
  8. Malignant neoplasms.
  9. Appendicitis (accompanied by sharp, cutting pain).
  10. Internal bleeding, opened, for example, due to peptic ulcer.
  11. Overeating, violation of defecation processes, physical or mental and emotional overstrain.
  12. Individual intolerance to certain products.

To find out which medications to take when pain occurs in the stomach area, the patient should contact a gastroenterologist for a consultation. Drug therapy will be prescribed to him only after carrying out complex diagnostic measures that allow you to identify the cause of discomfort.

After that, the specialist will tell the patient what to take for stomach pain (he will prescribe medicines for each patient individually):

  1. A group of antacids, such as tablets Gastala, Gaviscona, Rennie etc.
  2. Drugs whose action is aimed at blocking the proton pump. Patients are prescribed for pain in the stomach Pariet, Omez, Omeprazole.
  3. With a strong pain syndrome, the specialist recommends taking antispasmodics, such as No-shpa, Trimedat, Spazmalgon.
  4. Astringents, such as De-nol.
  5. A group of absorbents that are able to bind and remove everything from the body harmful substances. For stomach pain, it is recommended to take Enterosgel or activated carbon.
  6. Group of gastroprotectors. Such pills are prescribed for pain in the stomach with gastritis. Patients are prescribed Mezim, Festal, Pancreatinin, Venter and other drugs that can normalize the processes of digestion and reduce the production of gastric juice.
  7. Combination drugs may also be prescribed, such as Gastracid, Almagel, Maalox.

People can stop pain in the abdomen by folk recipes. Many "grandfather" methods in practice were able to prove their effectiveness, so even doctors do not mind their use. But, when planning to use them to eliminate the pain syndrome, you should initially find out if it is a symptom of a serious pathology:

  1. Drink for stomach pain a glass of freshly squeezed cabbage juice, in which a tablespoon of natural honey is added to improve the taste sensations. Such a drink is indicated for suspected ulcer pathology.
  2. If the pain syndrome in the stomach is accompanied by severe heartburn, then it will help to alleviate the condition potato juice. Such a drink helps to reduce the level of acidity, so it is prescribed in order to prevent gastritis.
  3. Walnuts + natural honey + oil (vegetable). To prepare this drug, which helps to relieve pain, you must first chop the nuts (100g), then pour this mixture with a liter of oil. Within 14 days, it should be infused away from sunlight. Before use, add 500 g of bee honey to it.
  4. Infusion made from blueberries. To do this, take 3 tablespoons of dried or fresh berries, place them in a glass container (you can use a thermos) and pour a liter of boiling water. Infuse the contents of the container for at least 30 minutes, then strain and consume at least 4 times a day. For improvement palatability drink is recommended to be added to a portion of a teaspoon of honey.
  5. You can stop the pain syndrome in the stomach area through herbs or fees purchased at a pharmacy. Well proven chamomile, which has an anti-inflammatory effect and is able to eliminate pain. It has the same properties calendula which should be taken as an extract. At home, people can prepare infusions from the following herbs: plantain, St. John's wort, mint (pepper), knotweed etc.
  6. A mixture of cudweed, plantain leaves and St. John's wort inflorescences, to which it is recommended to add knotweed, centaury and cumin in proportions of 8/4. All components must be placed in a glass container, mixed and poured with a liter of boiling water. You need to insist the mixture for 12 hours, then strain and take half a glass during the day, every 4 hours.
  7. Get rid of pain help in the stomach infusion made from elecampane(using rhizome). In an enameled container, you need to place 2 tablespoons of the crushed plant and pour 0.7 liters of Cahors wine. The mixture should be boiled over low heat for 10-15 minutes, after which it is filtered. The infusion is taken in half a glass after each meal until the pain disappears.

Not every pain can be eliminated at home, since the wrong choice of medication can lead to sad consequences. If a person has a pain syndrome in the stomach area, he should pay attention to the accompanying symptoms:

  • body temperature rises above 38 degrees;
  • severe cramps in the abdominal cavity;
  • on palpation of the abdomen, acute pain appears, especially in the umbilical zone;
  • fluid is retained in the body, due to which the patient swells;
  • in urine, vomit there is an admixture of blood;
  • injury to the abdominal cavity, after which a severe pain syndrome developed.

If a person has the above symptoms against the background of a pain syndrome, in no case should he take medical preparations. It is forbidden to drink water and eat, you can put a heating pad with ice on the abdomen. The patient must take a horizontal position and stay in it until the ambulance arrives. Specialists will conduct an examination and, if necessary, transport the patient to a hospital for further treatment. If the cause of the pain syndrome does not require emergency hospitalization, then the ambulance doctor will give an anesthetic injection and give further recommendations.


  • If the stomach hurts after alcohol
  • Treatment of stomach pain
  • Application medicines
  • In what cases should you see a doctor
  • First aid for abdominal pain

When the stomach hurts badly, what to do, many do not know. The stomach cannot get sick just like that, good reasons are needed for this. For example, if there was a feast the day before, a lot of alcohol was drunk, a lot of fatty and high-calorie food was eaten. The next morning the stomach will suffer from this.

If the stomach hurts after alcohol

By nature, the body is so arranged that its enzymes are not able to process ethyl alcohol. It is for this reason that the digestive organs are primarily affected. Alcohol, once in the stomach, begins to irritate its mucous membrane, so the person feels discomfort. In addition to stomach pain, a person may experience nausea, vomiting, and sour belching. Food that has entered the body with alcohol is not processed properly, and the process of decay occurs in the stomach. Hence the symptoms. Using alcohol for a long time, a person causes tremendous harm to the entire body. Consequences from the gastrointestinal tract can be gastritis and ulcers.

Don't delay your visit to the doctor. It is possible that an inflammatory process has begun in your body, which will eventually develop into gastritis. And if nothing is done, then gastritis will become chronic.

If vomiting and nausea, heartburn, constipation have joined the pain in the stomach, then you may already have gastritis. In chronic gastritis, even after vomiting has been induced, there is no relief. A person experiences constant pain, a feeling of thirst and nausea. Treatment with a running form is very long.

In acute gastritis, vomiting may suddenly begin with blood and mucus, swelling of the oral cavity, and a bitter taste is felt in the mouth. The man turns pale. With this form, you should take appropriate medications, follow a strict diet and completely abandon alcohol.

Along with gastritis, pancreatitis can develop, which is manifested by pain in the navel and in the pit of the stomach, vomiting and loss of consciousness. Pancreatitis requires urgent hospitalization.

So what can you do about stomach pain? To begin with, think about whether it is worth drinking alcohol in order to suffer so much later. But if everything has already happened and you feel unbearable pain, then the first thing to do is to wash your stomach. This is done using a large number boiled water: it should be drunk and induce vomiting.

For an irritated gastric mucosa, you will need products that will not further irritate it, but can help it recover. Such products include milk, oatmeal liquid porridge, aspic, raw egg. You can drink a cooled decoction of mint and chamomile. After you have eaten a little, drink No-shpu, it will relieve pain and calm the stomach.

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Treatment of stomach pain

Pain in the stomach can be for other reasons. They also occur in people who do not drink alcohol at all. What is it connected with and how to deal with it?

Sometimes a person, experiencing pain in the stomach, takes analgesics every time. But this should not be done, as they remove the symptoms, but not the cause. In addition, the chaotic use of this type of drug can lead to an adverse reaction of the body, cause addiction to the drug and weaken its effect.

Thus, in order to eliminate stomach pain, you need to understand the cause of its occurrence. The most common cause Pain is gastritis. As mentioned above, gastritis can be chronic, and at times become acute. Gastritis is accompanied by pain in the abdomen and the further the disease, the more often and more intense the pain.

Diet is the mainstay of treatment for gastritis. If the body is young, then this will be enough during treatment. Strong tea, coffee, salty, smoked, fatty and fried foods should be excluded from the diet.

Do not neglect the diet, as drinking a cup of coffee at the time of pain can significantly increase it. And the night ones may indicate the first bells of an ulcer. Thus, with pain in the stomach of a different nature, the first step is to find out the cause and begin to follow a sparing diet.

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The use of drugs

In addition to diet, in some cases prescribe the use of drugs. For example, in case of peptic ulcer, the use of analgesics is mandatory, if they are abandoned, a pain shock may occur.

With an attack of an ulcer, you can take Maalox or its analogues. It gently envelops the stomach and reduces acidity. But the drug has side effects. Therefore, it should not be used often. You can use it once to relieve pain before the doctor arrives.

Ranitidine is also used for stomach ulcers. But just like that, the pharmacy will not give it to you. The drug is very dangerous, and you should not take it without a doctor's prescription. If the pain is aching in nature, No-shpa will help in this case. Adults may take 2 tablets at a time. No-shpa does not always help, only with aching and spasmolytic pains.

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In what cases should you see a doctor

  1. In case of severe pain, in which a person cannot straighten up. If severe pain is accompanied by vomiting that lasts more than 1 day.
  2. The pain is accompanied by changes in the feces: diarrhea occurs or impurities of blood, mucus, etc. are observed. In this case, a person may have a fever.
  3. Aching pain in the upper abdomen, the urine takes on a darkish tint, the whites of the eyes and the skin turn yellow.
  4. for a long time (more than 30 minutes) or intensify.
  5. If, with pain in the stomach, tightness in the chest, nausea, sweating are observed, pain appears in the chest, it becomes difficult to breathe. Very often, myocardial infarction can be confused with pain in the stomach.

In these cases, you should immediately seek medical help.

Very often, with the use of new drugs, stomach pain also appears, consult your doctor, maybe he will prescribe you other drugs.

Iron-containing medicines that are prescribed for anemia, caffeinated foods and medicines, stimulants, and various anti-inflammatory aspirin-containing drugs can irritate the stomach.

Stomach pain is a symptom that every person has experienced at least once in their life. Most likely, for any severe pain in the abdomen, the person should be advised to call for qualified medical assistance. But what to do at the first signs of illness, with a sharp pain in the abdomen?

True, not everyone knows what should be done by the sick person and his relatives in order to at least slightly alleviate the suffering of the patient before arrival. medical care, and how to do so, so as not to prevent physicians from identifying the exact causes of the disease state. This article is about this.

What diseases accompanies stomach pain

The cause of intense pain in the epigastric region can be inflammation of the pancreas - pancreatitis.

Stomach pain can be caused different reasons, among which the most frequent are diseases of the stomach, spleen, mesenteric vessels, as well as hiatal hernia.

Cramping pain is most often observed with muscle spasm in the walls of hollow organs, for example, with pyloric stenosis. Sudden pain of the type of "stab with a dagger" is characteristic of perforation of a hollow organ, abscess, intra-abdominal bleeding, vascular thrombosis. Below are the main causes of precisely sharp, acute, sudden pain in the abdomen, without visible external causes (overeating, poisoning, and so on).

Common causes of acute stomach pain

Peptic ulcer of the stomach and 12 duodenal ulcer

The main symptom of gastric ulcer and - pain in the epigastrium (upper third of the abdomen) after a certain time after eating. It arises from the amplification motor activity stomach, increasing the amount of gastric juice, increasing its acidity.

Pain in the stomach can be quite strong, dull, pressing, or, conversely, cutting, burning. The appearance of pain in peptic ulcer disease is clearly related to food intake. In some patients, they occur after eating, while in others - on an empty stomach. Sometimes there are night pains in the stomach, which disappear after even a small snack (a glass of milk, water). The pain is aggravated after eating rough, salty, sour food, when overeating. Most often, pain in the stomach increases after dinner and in the evening. There is a seasonality of pain in the stomach with peptic ulcer: it intensifies in spring and autumn. Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum is accompanied by limited pain in the upper third of the abdomen.

Pyloric stenosis

Pyloric stenosis is a common complication of gastric and duodenal ulcer. It is characterized by a narrowing of the place where the stomach passes into the duodenum. On early stage there is a cramping pain in the abdomen due to increased motor activity of the stomach. Gradually, it is replaced by a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the epigastrium. This pain resolves after spontaneous or induced vomiting.

Ulcer perforation

Perforation of an ulcer is the appearance of a through defect in the wall of the stomach or duodenum, through which the contents of these organs enter the abdominal cavity.

In this condition, there are sudden sharp pains in the epigastrium, which are often described as "a stab with a dagger." Often this pain is accompanied by fainting. Tension of the abdominal muscles quickly appears. The general condition of the patient suffers. After a few hours, peritonitis develops.

Most often, perforation of the ulcer occurs against the background of a pronounced exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, when for several days before this, patients are worried about severe pain in the stomach.

Sometimes the perforation is covered by neighboring organs, a covert perforation occurs. Symptoms at first are similar to ordinary perforation, but after 2 to 3 hours the pain subsides. Within 2 - 3 days after this, limited tension of the abdominal muscles remains. This condition is dangerous for the subsequent development of abscesses and fistulas in the abdominal cavity.

Pseudo-abdominal syndrome

This is pain in the abdomen, not associated with diseases of the abdominal organs. It can occur in the lower lobe, abdominal form.

Strangulated diaphragmatic hernia

This condition is observed when a part of the stomach or intestines protrudes into the chest cavity through the esophageal opening of the diaphragm. The pain is very severe, occurs suddenly in the lower part chest or in the upper abdomen. The pain "gives" to the supraclavicular region. When the intestine is infringed, intestinal obstruction appears, vomiting, lowering blood pressure, pallor, cold sweat. The body temperature rises.

Thrombosis and embolism of the mesenteric arteries

These conditions are caused by blockage of blood vessels supplying the intestines with blood. They start suddenly with severe pain in the upper abdomen. Sometimes arterial pressure sharply decreases, there is a frequent pulse, cold sweat, pallor. Vomiting soon joins, often in the form of "coffee grounds", or repeated with an admixture of blood. The patient is in serious condition. The abdomen is initially soft with limited soreness, there is no intestinal peristalsis. In the future, there is bloating, moderate tension in the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall.

Acute pancreatitis

It starts suddenly as an attack of intense pain in the upper abdomen. The pains are very intense, such that the patient may lose consciousness. The pain is often shingles in nature, accompanied by indomitable vomiting, bloating. Pain can last from several hours to several days. At the beginning of the disease, the abdomen is painless, then there is an increasing soreness of the muscles of the abdominal wall. Acute pancreatitis may be accompanied by a collapse that lasts up to several days and may result in death. In this case, there is a frequent thready pulse, profuse sweat, a drop in blood pressure, pallor and blueness of the skin.

Chronic pancreatitis

Pain may be paroxysmal and localized in the epigastrium. An attack of pain often occurs at night, after eating fatty, sweet, hot or cold foods. To avoid attacks of pain, patients restrict themselves in food, as a result, body weight is lost.

What can the patient do

In the event of intense pain in the abdomen, you should not self-medicate - take painkillers on your own. It is important to call an ambulance immediately. The exception is situations when the diagnosis is made and the patient knows the nature of his pain and the principles of helping himself.

With acute, severe pain in the abdomen, you need to call an ambulance. An exception may be the case when a person has the same type of pain attacks, he knows the diagnosis and methods of dealing with these attacks.
When contacting a doctor, you must have a medical policy, documents, essentials, extracts from medical documents with you.

Do not take painkillers until the ambulance arrives. In this case, the clinical picture may change, which will affect the diagnosis and treatment tactics.

If the patient has any unusual impurities (blood, “coffee grounds”) in the vomit or stool, they can be stored until the arrival of doctors.

What can a doctor do

In diagnosing the cause of acute abdominal pain, it is very important to examine the patient and collect data on his lifestyle, etc. Conducted general and biochemical blood tests, electrocardiography. After a preliminary diagnosis, additional research methods are prescribed: radiography of the lungs and abdominal cavity, radiopaque studies, ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, computed tomography, laparoscopy, and others.