In a private house      09.26.2020

There is no worse vodka. Remembering Chernomyrdin. Alcohol and planning


Let's start with the famous: We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.
(08/06/1993, at a press conference regarding the monetary reform of July-August 1993)

I can speak to everyone in any language, but with this instrument
I try not to use it.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place...

The government needs help. And we deal with him, everything is dealt with. We don’t strive yet
only on the hands, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.

The government is not a body where you can only use your tongue!

It's better to be the head of a fly than the butt of an elephant.

If your hands are itchy, scratch it somewhere else!

Mamai walked around the country without me.

This has never happened before, and again the same thing.

There's nothing better than vodka.

Never happened before, and here it is again!

You there there...

We can't join. As soon as we start joining, we will definitely do something
let's come.

We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.

Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government.

Beautiful women I only have time to notice. And nothing else.

We all need to fall for it and get what we should have.

We need wine for our health. And we need health to drink vodka.

Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know
than we sit.

We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then eggs
They pressed so hard that they too disappeared.

I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.

This is not the place for you.

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?

Previously, half the country worked, and half did not work, but now mmmmmmm... it’s the other way around.

This ghost... wanders somewhere there, in Europe, but for some reason it stops here.
We've had enough of the strays.

This is not an organ that is ready for love.

This sobered up some people, including those there who also scared them; it was far from simple.

I also carry a heavy load. And my voice also died. And I didn’t even yesterday
drank. And he didn’t do anything else. I would love to do this.

I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can't, excuse the expression, that's it
time in a hurry.

I am ready to invite everyone into the cabinet - white, red, and motley.
If only they had ideas. But they just stick out their tongues and something else.

I have about two sons.

Our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.

On Zyuganov's proposal to declare war on NATO: A smart one has been found! Declare war on him!
Bast shoes! His! Same! And this! Just like this! What does he even know? And who is he
such! It's still going somewhere else, I apologize.

Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

That I will be sneaking around in the dark. I haven’t moved away from light yet.

I can’t be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We don’t have such people
are offended.

I am not the kind of person to lead to a fight, I apologize for this word. AND
it wouldn’t be them again, it wouldn’t be them! If you hung them there, it would be with
with pleasure! Otherwise, there would be a fight, people would take part in the fight, people like

Our president - I think he hasn’t seen money in his eyes for five or ten years. He
doesn’t even know what kind of money we have.

We need to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that
everyone can have?

We'll stand on our feet and lie down on another

The entire theory of communism was invented by two Jews... I had Marx and Engels.

Even if you put you on your butt, or in another position, it still won’t do any good!

Who needs it? Whose hands are itching? If you're itchy, scratch somewhere else.

What we always have in Russia is not what we need.

Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, invented by Marx, this
a dreamer.

In general, this is strange, well, just strange. I can't do it again, I don't know and don't
I want this. This does not mean that no one is allowed. Well, probably someone, maybe
and you need to bring someone in, someone out.

About Luzhkov: All his statements, his kicking there... even
Somewhere, they say, he called me a pensioner. I did not hear. But if I
pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was ordinary then.

Give it to everyone - the giver will break!

It's all so straight forward and perpendicular that I find it unpleasant.

It’s unlikely that the position defines or gives me any weight. Well, where's there even more?
needed by a person who has already gone through everything. Everyone knows a lot about this life. Much
I know. Maybe even too much.

All the questions that have been raised, we will collect them all in one place.

Yes, we have a lot of specialists to hit the table, there is someone to do it. Yes, it's just known
in history. How much is unknown? The ones who hit? They just flew apart
friend. And now they continue, only now it’s not like that anymore.

And here I am, in my prime minister’s saddle, with only the wind in my ears.

If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I'm really not a Jew.

And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it there

After all, people see who is rooting for fate, and who is simply practicing under the brand name. I
I know who here thinks that they have finally broken through. Chernomyrdin always knows when
who thinks because he went through all this from a locksmith until now. And I do it
voluntarily, since there is no other way, since there are such speculations that they want to make me
like a stumbling apple. This needs to be carefully looked at, who needs it,
to create an atmosphere around Chernomyrdin.

If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here! If you do it like this
in a big way!

About Primakov: His reaction, we will always see whether this one will happen or not. If not
there will be such a reaction. If there is, then there is no reaction.

Why should we join somewhere? We don't need to join anywhere! We usually do
If we start to step somewhere, we will definitely step somewhere!

There will be no changes to take your breath away. Otherwise, in order to do something to someone,
you will need to take or take away from someone else.

Clinton was bullied all year for his Monica. We have one of these. We still give them
Let's applaud. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica -
do not go! And go - answer. If you don’t know how... And we will live! I mean

When the deputy minister suddenly, out of the blue, makes a statement that there should be 200
cut thousands of teachers and doctors. Or did something happen to his head?.. Here
what can happen if someone starts ruminating. I don't want another word

Whichever public organization no matter what we created, it turns out to be the CPSU.

People have a lot of money in their stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity.

My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas.

We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.

No one is stopping us from exceeding our laws.

The people have lived - and will live!

About Luzhkov: Well, what should we unite with him? He's wearing a cap, and I'm not wearing anything at all.

But I don’t want everything here like this, in a rush: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another,
then again - and off we go. Yes, it’s not far from the panel...

Accused of what? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why are they there all of a sudden?
woke up?

Deputy Prime Minister posts in a time like ours are like a pillar on
which says: If you get in, he’ll kill you!

We learned to pronounce words. Now I would like to learn how to count money.

Today nothing, tomorrow nothing, and then we realized - and yesterday, it turns out,

Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred something
there was. There was nothing! All this is a machination!

Tax surrealism must end.

I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but with his father, Mr.
I know Bush Sr. and his wife, and I also know Mr. Bush.

From a young age... I have always worked as the first person.

Did the ruble collapse under my watch? What are you guys? When did you manage to do all this? We've done it
It means that someone is doing something here, and now I’ve also brought down the ruble!

About Yeltsin: He fell ill, coughing again in every way. But the president is the president.

Well, God forbid we have someone else. Enough. These make everyone sick. Our people, I
I understand that. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you’re sick.

Look, we have everything, but we can’t live. Well, we can’t live! No way all of us
is drawn to experiments. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime,
arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation?! Why this one, how
they say that the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather.
I wandered and wandered, but they didn’t get caught anywhere! And with us - please! And now - already
how many years under the experiment.

In 2003, Chernomyrdin flew on the same plane with the writer Maurice Druon,
whose father is from Orenburg. Chernomyrdin ordered red French wine,
and Druon is a regular beer. “Maybe with vodka?” - Chernomyrdin asked seriously. "Beer
without vodka, it’s money down the drain.” When the phrase was translated to Druon, he laughed for a long time;
then, so as not to forget, he repeated it in French.

1. This has never happened, and here it is again!
2. It’s better to be the head of a fly than the butt of an elephant.
3. The people have lived - and will live!
4. You have to think about what to understand.
5. If your hands are itchy, scratch them somewhere else!
6. You there there...
7. What we always have in Russia is not what we need.
8. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
9. We have completed all points: from A to B.
10. Some principles that were previously important were actually unprincipled.
11. Actually, there is little success. But the main thing: there is a government.
12. There is still time to save face. Then you will have to save other parts of the body.
13. I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing else..
14. The government is not a body where, as many people think, it is possible only with the tongue.
15. We all need to fall for this and get what we should have.

16. We need wine for health. And we need health to drink vodka.
17. Who says that the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know where we stand.
18. We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then they pressed the eggs so hard that they disappeared too.
19. I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.
20. We will live in such a way that our grandchildren will envy us.
21. For the first time in many years, there has been a reduction in livestock discharges.
22. You have to be born into charisma.
23. We will stand up for this to prevent this from happening.
24. And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!
25. The entire theory of communism was invented by two Jews. I had Marx and Engels...
26. If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here!
27. You don’t belong here!
28. And I know again how it is possible. And often, and as needed.
29. And who should I ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and still no one has ever...
30. Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.

31. As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.
32. Whatever social organization we create turns out to be the CPSU
33. Clinton was bullied for a whole year for his Monica. We have one of these. We will applaud them again. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don't know how.
34. When my country is in this state, I will do everything, I will say everything!
35. When I know it will help, I won’t keep it behind my back!
36. When it’s difficult, we will always hold out. Just what you need.
37. We have one course - the right one.
38. People have a lot of money in their stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity..
39. My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas..
40. We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands.
41. We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
42. We hope that we will not have constipation at the border.
43. We continue what we have already done a lot.
44. I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.
45. Let’s stand on one foot and lie down on another.

46. ​​We all need to fall for this and get what we should have.
47. You have to think about what to understand.
48. No one is stopping us from exceeding our laws.
49. But we will count, and then everyone will know. And we come first. And if someone is too smart, let him think for himself, and then we will check. And we'll report anywhere.
50. Previously, half the country worked, and half did not work. And now it's the other way around.
51. Russia should eventually become a European member.
52. Now there are a lot of people there who want to excite something. Everything gets excited for them there. Suddenly they also woke up. And they got excited. Let them get excited.
53. Sex is also a form of movement.
54. The country doesn’t know what the government eats..
55. I have no questions about the Russian language.
56. I have about two sons.
57. Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!
58. This is not an organ that is ready for love..
59. This ghost is wandering somewhere in Europe, but for some reason it stops here. We've had enough of the strays.
60. I would not link these issues so perpendicularly.
61. I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and his wife Bush Sr. too.
62. I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can’t, excuse the expression, splay all the time.
63. I am not the kind of person who lives by satisfaction.
64. I say without any doubt - the economic downturn has not yet fully recovered. Share this post with your friends!

Let us once again enjoy his beautiful sayings:

There's nothing better than vodka.

But as for whether he will live or not, we will all live. We'll live. In what configuration? Must be in good configuration. And there is no need to make some kind of tragedy out of this. (about the 2000 elections)
And whoever tries to interfere - we know about them by sight! True, you can’t call it a face!
And we are still debating whether to test them for mental health or not. Check everyone! (about State Duma deputies)
Where were you before? When it was necessary to think, and not cut from the shoulder seven times... But now they realized it and ran. And everyone was behind. In the deepest sense. And Chernomyrdin warned.
And Chernomyrdin warned. And not just, but not easy... Because I knew and saw it like water. And what? Never mind. How is it with us?
And these, who are the largest, where are they? I would say, with these, as they say, hands. And until now, and always will be, is and was... Although sometimes I happen. But that’s not what we need to think about now. Now we all need to do it together. We have everything in common. And fate, and the trumpet, and songs. Yes, it’s difficult, yes, it’s bad, but we’re here. Because this is our home. Both Russia and Ukraine, whatever you call it. And who owes whom, we still need to figure it out. Because everyone owes everyone. Leonid Danilych and I haven’t even started counting, but we’re already lost. But we will count, and then everyone will know. And we come first. And if someone is too smart, let him think for himself, and then we will check. And we'll report anywhere. Now regarding controversial issues. There are questions, there is no dispute. That is, there is a dispute, there is no question. So we have to decide. And not just on the fly, but on a sober head. There are one and a half hundred million of us here. And there are fifty of you. And if everyone starts, what then? Two hundred... This must be taken into account. And in China there are generally one and a half billion. Well, where are they all? Correctly, Tarapunka wrote to Pushkin: “If I die, then say goodbye to my dear one in Ukraine...” And this was back when. And ever since then, someone has been itching. I want to say something about the prospects. This is the most important thing for today. And it doesn’t matter, Chernomyrdin or who... Whoever it is. Because when Gore and I created the commission, everyone was there, but not right away. The commission appeared later... In the process of creation. And the work there continues to this day, but with a reverse perspective, at a new qualitative level. We need to look forward, and not get in the way and distract people from their work. Why do we need all this? Especially today, when everyone in the whole world has been around for a long time, except for us. Only we and these... I don’t want to name them here... But everyone is laughing at us already. And rightly so, and rightly so. But we will prove it and have already proven it. Because we can. Because they have to. And if they must, then they must. And with this I would like... And I want... And I will want!... (after being appointed to the post of Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Ukraine, stenographer Igor Irtenyev)

We also had real budgets, but we still failed them miserably.
We were, are and will be. This is just what we are doing now. (about whether the NDR movement is going to dissolve itself due to disappointing forecasts for the State Duma elections)
We will stand up for this to prevent this from happening.

In our life it is not very easy to determine where you will find and where you will lose. At some stage you will lose, but tomorrow you will gain, and as it should.
Many people participate in the board of directors - representatives of the state, shareholders, so this is a body that advises. (about the board of directors of Gazprom)
You have to be born into charisma.
The most important result of Peter's reforms was the creation favorable conditions for Western business people.
Even if you put you on your butt, or in another position, it still won’t do any good!
If we get into a fight, we will ruin the next and future years. Who needs it? Whose hands are itching? If you're itchy, scratch somewhere else.
What we always have in Russia is not what we need.
In general, this is strange, well, just strange. I can’t do this again, I don’t know and I don’t want it. This does not mean that no one is allowed. Well, probably, maybe someone needs to be brought in, someone else needs to be taken out.
Actually, there has been little success. But the main thing: there is a government!
Here is Mikhail Mikhailovich - the new Minister of Finance. I ask you to love me and even love me very much. Mikhail Mikhailovich is ready for love. (about Zadornov)
Here we are drilling all this, I apologize for this word, invented by Marx, this dreamer.
For the first time in many years, a reduction in livestock discharge was observed.
It’s unlikely that the position defines or gives me any weight. Well, where does a person who has already gone through everything need even more? Everyone knows a lot about this life. I know a lot. Maybe even too much.
Everyone says they are dissatisfied with the results of privatization, and I am dissatisfied, and I don’t say so.
All his statements, his kicking there... even somewhere, they say, he called me a pensioner. I did not hear. But if I’m a pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was ordinary then. (about Luzhkov)
Give it to everyone - the giver will break!
We all need to get something there, arrange something for someone somewhere. Why not yourself? Why not your generation?
All the questions that have been raised, we will collect them all in one place.
It's all so straight forward and perpendicular that I find it unpleasant.
You think that I am far from easy. It's not easy for me!
Look, we have everything, but we can’t live. Well, we can’t live! In no way does everything pull us towards experiments. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation?! Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. I wandered and wandered, but they didn’t get caught anywhere! And with us - please! And now - for many years under the experiment.
You talked there, but we had hiccups here, but I’m okay with that too.
Do you think that I’m a villain here or that I’m a villain in my own country?
The entire theory of communism was invented by two Jews... I had Marx and Engels.
There is a catastrophe in Yugoslavia. A disaster is always bad!

Where has it been seen that Chernomyrdin was bent over!
I said, I say and I will say: Chernomyrdin will not, this will not happen, no matter how much some may hope. Because when such tasks arise, when we find ourselves in such deep places, now is not the time. There are many of me, I know, because Chernomyrdin turned out to be a pain in the ass, as they say. But I want to tell everyone, not to mention Boris Nikolaevich, that they should not think that it is so easy. After all, people see who is rooting for fate, and who is simply practicing under the brand name. I know who here thinks that they have finally broken through. Chernomyrdin always knows when someone is thinking, because he went through all this from being a mechanic until now. And I do this voluntarily, since there is no other way, since there are such speculations that they want to make me a stumbling block. We need to carefully look at who needs this in order to create an atmosphere around Chernomyrdin. Everyone should know: what has been done over the years of reforms cannot be reversed!

And here I am, in my prime minister’s saddle, with only the wind in my ears.
Yes, such people, and in a state like Russia, do not have the right to live badly!
Yes, we have a lot of specialists to hit the table, there is someone to do it. Yes, this is simply known in history. How much is unknown? The ones who hit? They just scattered into each other. And now they continue, only now it’s not like that anymore.
Take action, make mistakes, and we will correct them, as the president said.
The deputies all spoke out for me to go - to be elected, more precisely.

His reaction, it will always be, we will see whether this will happen or not. If it doesn’t, then that’s the reaction. If there is, then there is no reaction. (about Primakov)
If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here!
If you do it, do it big!
If there is no promotion, I will be fired without my consent. They won't fire you, they'll kick you out. (about negotiations in Yugoslavia)
If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I'm really not a Jew.
Natural monopolies are the backbone of the Russian economy, and we will cherish this backbone like the apple of our eye.
There is still time to save face. Then you will have to save other parts of the body.

He got sick and started coughing all over again. But the president is the president. (about Yeltsin)
Why should we join somewhere? We don't need to join anywhere! Usually, if we start to step somewhere, we will definitely step somewhere! You see, Ukraine puts this vector so perpendicularly that no one understands anything. (on Ukraine's accession to NATO)
This is not the place for you!
Zyuganov, speaking somewhere on Sunday at some meeting or conference, he allowed the unacceptable.

Go to the club for Lady Waks, Kirill!
And I know again how it is possible. And often, and as needed.
And no matter who provokes us today, no matter who gives us some kind of Iran, Iraq and much more, there will be none. There won't even be any attempts. On the contrary, all work will be done in order to destroy what has been accumulated over many years.
And don’t: Chernomyrdin this, Chernomyrdin that. Chernomyrdin never and nowhere, but always and everywhere... And to everyone. And when it was necessary, five years without a shift, by the way, and not like those.
And who should I ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and so far no one has ever...
And it’s good that there is... Otherwise, they took fashion, who is not too lazy, and everyone strives even more...
There will be no changes to take your breath away. Otherwise, in order to do something to someone, you will need to take or take away from someone else.
Scared a woman with a high heel

Unfortunately, some of our collective members look like dead souls.
As someone said, appetite comes in times of trouble.
Whatever public organization we create, it turns out to be the CPSU.
Clinton was bullied all year for his Monica. We have one of these. We will applaud them again. But the Constitution is another matter. It is written: you can’t go to Monica - don’t go! And go - answer. If you don’t know how... And we will live! I mean the Constitution!
When the deputy minister suddenly, out of the blue, makes a statement that 200 thousand teachers and doctors should be laid off. Or did something happen to his head?.. This is what can happen if someone starts to think. I don’t want to say another word.
When my... our country is in this state, I will do everything, I will say everything! When I know it will help, I won't keep it behind my back!
When it’s difficult, we will always hold out... Just what you need. (about a “helping hand” for Ukraine)
Whoever gets elected in the next elections, we will work with. And who is after our hearts, who is below our hearts - that’s another conversation. (2008, about support for Tymoshenko in the 2010 elections)
We squirm like blacks. (about government work plans in September 1998)
Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know where we stand.
Whoever tells me something, I’ll do it.
We have one course - the right one.

The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place...
Favorite recreation is hunting. There is always the opportunity to walk around, take a walk, hide, wait.
There's nothing better than vodka.

The IMF mission left, and everyone immediately panicked - why, for what? Who were you offended by? Listen, they always leave and come. But when such work is carried out under strict conditions, they will not leave! They won't leave. Or they will leave and come back the next time. Or they will fly, let’s say so. This is very important point. Well, that's my opinion. I think so. I think it's necessary here. One plus or minus does not matter. Absolutely none. Only in a positive way.
It’s somehow awkward for me to say how I’ve become newer. You'll see more, wait, let it warm up.
People have a lot of money in their stockings or socks. I don't know where - it depends on the quantity.
It might come true. It will come true if we don’t do anything.
My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas.
We will conduct foreign policy with foreign hands
We will destroy our nuclear weapons together with America.
We can always be able to.
We have completed all points: from A to B.
We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.
We hope that we will not have any blockages at the border.
We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then they pressed on the eggs so that they too disappeared.
We continue what we have already done a lot.
You and I will continue to live in such a way that our children and grandchildren will envy us!
Today we are just going through the period when they are starting, as they say, to make links. When they say, there, Jews, beat the Jews.
Today we are at such a stage of economic reforms that they are not very visible.
We wanted the best, but it turned out as always. (08/06/1993, at a press conference regarding the monetary reform of July-August 1993)
We want to move forward, but something keeps stopping us.
We! To go to some kind of wish-list, I apologize... I don’t want to arrange anything here, I don’t want to.

I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.
We'll stand on our feet and lie down on another
I hope to continue to strengthen the reliable two-way communication, which is high time for someone to fix it, and not so much...
We all need to fall for it and get what we should have.
We must do what our people need, and not what we are doing here.
You have to think about what to understand.
We need to control who to give and who not to give. Why did we suddenly decide that everyone can have?
We have been lucky in our lives that this, essentially, historical time has fallen to our lot. Rejoice!
We do not need to step on the same rake that we already had.
No one is stopping us from exceeding our laws.
They scared the woman with high-heeled shoes!
The people have lived - and will live!
Our president - I think he hasn’t seen money in his eyes for five or ten years. He doesn't even know how much money we have.
Our immediate task today is to determine where we are today together with you.
Not everything I said is for everyone, everyone can talk about it. Even people don’t even talk about this. I haven't gotten to the main point yet.
There is no need to belittle your role and your importance. This does not mean that you need to swell here and, as they say, wave, wave something.
We will not only oppose, but we will defend it in order to prevent this.
Some principles that used to be principled were in fact unprincipled.
You cannot and should not even think that a time will come when it will be easier.
Not a single country, by the way, rose from its knees in a vague state. Pursuing vague policies. I am in favor of a revolutionary approach here.
I still can’t understand this for myself. Where I am? Where am I? (Newly elected deputy Chernomyrdin at a meeting with journalists in the State Duma on January 18, 2000)
There was no war. There were some questions.
But if we talk about today’s meeting, I would, of course, give a satisfactory assessment. I don’t know any other estimates at all.
But we will count, and then everyone will know. And we come first. And if someone is too smart, let him think for himself, and then we will check. And we'll report anywhere.
But we will carry out pension reform. There's plenty of room to roam around there.
But I don’t want everything here like this, in a rush: today I hugged one, tomorrow with another, then again - and off we go. Yes, it’s not far from the panel...
Well, so much dirt, so much fiction, so much perversion of individual politicians! These are not politicians, these are... I don’t want to name them, otherwise they’ll burst into tears right away.
Well, what should we unite with him? He has a cap, and I’m not wearing anything at all yet. (about Luzhkov)
Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry.
Well, God forbid we have anyone else. Enough. These make everyone sick. Our people, as I understand it. And you too, probably. I can see it in your eyes, you’re sick.
Our peasants plow without drying out!

Accused of what? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why did they suddenly wake up there?
Never seen anything like this in my life, and here it is again!

We will survive the difficulties. We are not like that in Russia, Russians, so as not to survive. And we know what and how to do.
The position of such people changes depending on who is where and who occupies what position.
Deputy Prime Minister posts in a time like ours are like a pillar on which it is written: * If you climb in, he will kill you!
Right or wrong is a philosophical question.
The government is not a body where, as many people think, it is only possible with the tongue.
The government is such a complex organism, if you constantly change and shuffle it, the result will only be worse. I know this, it was my job.
The government is accused of monetarism. I admit, we are sinners, we are doing it. But bad.
The government must be supported, but we hand-in-hand, hand-in-hand, hand-in-hand. We also strive not only on the hands, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.
There is no need to introduce Anatoly Borisovich. Everyone knows him, those who don’t know him will recognize him. (about Chubais)
The President has shown and will show again.
We learned to pronounce words. Now I would like to learn how to count money.
Let it be natural selection, but accelerated and carefully directed. (about dismissals of government members)

A working president and a working government - this is how a song can turn out.
We laid the rails in six years, now it’s up to the locomotive. And so that the helmsman is... with his head. So that the carriages would not be moved by him, but he would drag them.
Reforms in Russia are not a car. If you wanted, you stopped, if you wanted, you sat down again and drove off! It doesn't happen like that!
Russia should eventually become a European member.
Russia is a seasonal country. (about the sowing campaign)
Russia is a continent, and we cannot be blamed for anything here. Otherwise, they are excommunicating us from Europe, and so Europe unites and has some conversations there. The Russian-European part is many times larger than all of Europe combined! Why are they excommunicating us?! Europe is our home, by the way, and not those who are trying to create all this and are pushing it. It's useless.
Did the ruble collapse under my watch? What are you guys? When did you manage to do all this? They did something, which means someone did something here, and now I’ve also brought down the ruble! (about the 1998 crisis)

Tax surrealism must end.
Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia, and does not really want there to be... well, I don’t want to use this word, which I usually use.
Today nothing, tomorrow nothing, and then we realized - and yesterday, it turns out, nothing.
Today I was there, tomorrow I will be in another place...
Now historians are trying to present that in one thousand five hundred something was there. There was nothing! All this is a machination!
Now any reason is immediately a pro-Kremlin hand. Why are you attached to these hands? We are not extending our hands anywhere, we are only extending them with kindness and help, including for Ukraine. When it’s difficult, we will always give you what we need. (2008 About events in South Ossetia)
Now there are a lot of people out there who want to stir things up. Everything gets excited for them there. Suddenly they also woke up. We got excited. Let them get excited.
Sex is also a form of movement.
No sooner said than done. If you don’t understand, ask again. If you didn’t understand the first time, ask again. But do it. If you can’t, report why you’re not doing it, for what reason. Nothing else is required from you.
Do you hear what they expect from us? S-300. We know what it is. God forbid. Today S-300. And tomorrow give me something else. And the day after tomorrow is the third. This is what it is. (about the Balkan conflict)
The country doesn't know what the government is eating.
Our country is enough for her to skip and jump.

What those you call are saying there, I don’t even want to call them that word - they shouldn’t be there.
Tragedy in the Balkans. And to go, see and immediately get what you deserve - I’m far from that. Just far away.

I have no questions about the Russian language.
I have about two sons.
Our problem is not in uniting, but in who is in charge.
We still have people who live very poorly. We see it, drive it, hear it, read it.
We have some kind of, somewhere we’re doing something, we’re all afraid of something behind us.
- Do you have time to notice beautiful women?
- I have time. But just notice. Nothing more. Which I bitterly regret.
Found a smart one! Declare war on him! Bast shoes! His! Same! And this! Just like this! What does he even know? And who is he? It's still going somewhere else, I apologize. (about Zyuganov’s proposal to declare war on NATO)
Teachers and doctors want to eat almost every day!

I would like to deeply thank you for the expressed trust in appointing me as ambassador to our neighboring brother, the Republic of Ukraine.
Worse than vodka, nothing better! (authorship is doubtful)

Prices need to be raised, you see how: as soon as Chubais opens his mouth, they immediately give him something, please

What have we done wrong before God, Allah and others?
It is impossible to sew anything on Chernomyrdin.
What can we say about Chernomyrdin and me?
That I will be sneaking around in the dark. I haven’t moved away from light yet.

These elections turned out to be a difficult test for us. This should never happen again.
These are there, those are here, and still no one has ever seen them... And they, here they are, are already with me. But people, they feel everything. And Ukrainian is perhaps even better than others.
This is not an organ that is ready for love.
This sobered up some people, including those there who also scared them; it was far from simple.
Not a single Chernomyrdin discussed this issue with himself, and I did not have such rights.
This ghost... wanders somewhere there, in Europe, but for some reason it stops here. We've had enough of the strays.

I would not link these issues so perpendicularly. (about the influence of business on politics)
I would not like to talk now about the reasons for what happened exactly at this time. I’m not an amateur, I’ve never done this, let someone else do it.
I wouldn’t want me to curse anyone here today or not recognize them there. This is already a matter for the chairman of the government.
I say this as a person to whom it is simple, and who I know and do not really understand, I not only do this, but this is not permissible for any part of any person, or group. (about Yavlinsky's accusations of corruption against the government)
I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and I know his wife, and I also know Mr. Bush.
I am ready and will unite. And with everyone. You can’t, excuse the expression, splay all the time.
I am ready to invite everyone into the cabinet - white, red, and motley. If only they had ideas. But they just stick out their tongues and something else.
I am far from saying that there are no comments today, that there are no problems today. I might say more of them today. Once again I just say one thing: let's speak normal language!
I can’t be offended by Zyuganov. And I'm not offended. We don’t take offense at such people.
I'm not a diplomat. And I'm not going to be a diplomat. And the fact that we reached an agreement was absolutely undiplomatic. Absolutely. (about the Balkan conflict)
I don’t think that the governor should work in such a way as to harm
I am not the kind of person to lead to a fight, I apologize for this word. And again it wouldn’t have been them, not theirs! If we could hang them there, it would be a pleasure! Otherwise, there would be a fight, people would participate in the fight: the people are as always.
I can’t do this again, I don’t know and I don’t want it.
I’m not a fan of jumping in with open arms today.
I am not the kind of person who lives for satisfaction.
I won’t say anything, otherwise I’ll say something again.
I simply want to say it so that it is easier for everyone and to understand that we are not inventing anything new. We are formulating our country.
From a young age... I have always worked as the first person.
I will be able to work with Seleznev, but with individual members... I don’t really see them for their actions.
I also carry a heavy load. And my voice also died. And I didn’t even drink yesterday. And he didn’t do anything else. I would love to do this.
For example, I didn’t feel that there was any kind of bias towards us... it seemed like they would leave us alone, what would we have... that they would want us to have a bad time. They worry, they worry. (about the IMF mission)


The aphorism of Mr. V. S. Chernomyrdin accurately characterizes the current situation on the alcoholic beverages market. The number of enterprises producing vodka is amazing! We can say with a high degree of confidence that we do not have so many distilleries that would synthesize such an amount of food alcohol. The shortage of quality food raw materials (wheat, rye, potatoes and beets) has always been an obstacle to the development of alcohol production facilities.

Similarly, it can be assumed that Georgia (today's Georgia - “Wonderful are Thy works...”) and other grape regions do not harvest as many grapes as the grape wines offered to us. The sea is bottled in voluminous paper boxes: “Riesling” and “Tamyanka”, “Muscat” and “Kadarka”, “Golden Vine”, etc. And in bottles with frightening names: “Confession of a Sinner”, “Cunning and Love” , “Soul of a Monk”, “Bear’s Blood”... Don’t take it apart - take it!

In Soviet times, good Georgian wines were always a “rare guest” on store shelves. This subsidized republic drank its own wines. There was no question of falsification of wines, because Gosstandart worked reliably!

Now they don’t write according to which GOST the alcohol is produced, even from pharmaceutical tinctures of “Hawthorn” or “Hygienic Phytoaroma” lotion, but it is indicated that it is made from food raw materials. It’s not hard to guess - in the production of vodka and fortified wines, in perfumery practice, ethyl alcohol of dubious quality is widely used, which is subject to rectification, that is, the separation of multicomponent liquid mixtures, which boil at different temperatures.

I still have an extract, like a cry from the soul, from the magazine “Russian Vodka”. The magazine's editor-in-chief, Nikolai Krivomazov, wrote: in 2000, the country drank 250 million deciliters of vodka (twenty 0.5 l bottles equal one deciliter). The factories produced 130 million deciliters. 250‑130=120 million deciliters, which is 1.5 billion dollars. “The one who stole this one and a half billion must sit on the bunk and I ask you not to refuse my request! - was the cry of the editor-in-chief.”

Dubious alcohol, apparently technical, came to us in the 1990s during the rampant permissiveness. There was an invasion of alcoholic products in “two dozen languages”: counterfeit cognac “Napoleon”, vodka “Demidov”, “Rasputin”, “Smirnov”, alcohol “Royal”... The counterfeit drink was so crudely made that the “manufacturers” did not even bother to mix the alcohol with water, which was instantly felt to taste.

Alcohol and planning

It is known that alcohol and water are immiscible liquids. It is impossible to mix alcohol with water with a “twig of honeysuckle”, as Venedikt Erofeev mixed his cocktail “Tear of a Komsomolskaya Pravda”. At wineries, in particular at the Kristall factories, there are special installations for mixing, which are patented as domestic “know-how”.

Today, everyone who is not too lazy mixes alcohol with water. You're amazed. The technical alcohol that the West fed us with is used to wash the equipment of oxygen shops and much more. In the USA, industrial alcohol is synthesized from all kinds of food waste from landfills. Our producers of synthetic alcohol are not lagging behind, but they are obliged to denature it, that is, add components that repel with their smell and taste. Then producers of methylated spirits do not pay excise taxes.

This situation was enshrined in a government decree in 1998. The same decree established a list of denaturing additives allowed for use. There are several of them, they are practically not used, because they greatly spoil the taste of alcohol. The most common additive is diethyl phthalate, which is used in the perfume industry. But factories may not denature some of the alcohol, and then unaccounted for products appear. Another loophole for shady businessmen and the production of illegal alcohol. Besides modern technology rectification with subsequent purification makes it possible to obtain synthetic alcohol with high content main substance.

I mentioned the “Hygienic Phytoaroma” of double action from the Novaya Zarya factory, and I involuntarily recalled the lines from the poem “Moscow Petushki” by Venedikt Erofeev:

“Oh, vanity! Oh, ephemerality! Oh, the most powerless and shameful time in the life of my people is the time from dawn to the opening of shops! How many extra gray hairs it has woven into all of us, into the homeless and yearning brown-haired people!..” To which I was a repeated witness. The neighbor from the 3rd floor at 7:15 in the morning was already hanging around the square near the newsstand, waiting for it to open, where they prudently sold the aforementioned “Lemon” lotion with an extract of wormwood (analogous to absinthe?), nettle, calamus, as written in petit on the bottle, and the notice: “Using the products for food purposes is dangerous to your health.” So as not to get carried away. Apparently this is the effect of “double action”?

His friend approaches with two plastic cups. The contents were shaken out in the yard: 940 ml; 64 % vol - divided equally into cups. We drank and ate. What would you think? Banana. Oh gourmets...

All our rectified ethyl alcohols “Lux”, “Extra”, the newest alcohol “Alpha” (N.P.G. Kolos Corporation and Godfather vodka) are made from mysterious food raw materials. We look at the label of Medal vodka from the Kristall plant. It says “Rye” in large letters, but this does not mean that the alcohol is obtained from rye wort. This is just adding tincture on rye crackers...

Vodka “Posolskaya”: they carry out additional purification of the water-alcohol mixture with milk, followed by filtration... We do not have enough food raw materials - especially cereal crops, rye and wheat, to use it for the production of alcohol. However, let the experts have their say.

However, let's pause and take a short retreat. Of course, if you obtain alcohol from potatoes, when the starch is converted into sugar, then alcoholic fermentation is started, then you cannot do without rectification, because potato alcohol contains an abundance of by-products.

If the raw materials are of good quality, then simple distillation is sufficient. This is how cognac spirits are obtained from grapes. Bulgarians make rakia from muscat grapes. From plums - slivovitz. The Czechs produce cherry vodka. Whiskey is made from barley malt. From sugar cane - rum; from some varieties of cacti - cactus vodka. The French distill apple cider to create Calvados. Ordinary grape wines are distilled and brandy is obtained. (Rice vodka is not worthy of any comment).

Aged drinks: rakia, cognac, whiskey, rum - have an excellent taste! These are all distillates. Our population and domestic industry do not process berry crops. Folk distillation - sugar plus yeast.

“Arguments i vremya” reported that the domestic black market for alcohol makes up 40% of all wine and vodka products that we buy. In Soviet times, alcohol filled the budget by 15-17%, now it is barely 1.5%. This is what a state wine monopoly and strict state control! Complete ignorance of the legal assessment... Vladimir Krupin once cited a succinct quatrain:

Trade is war.

A commodity is not a currency.

Be strong my country

Come, come Malyuta.

The Law on the Unified State Automated Information System came into force with the introduction of new excise stamps. According to the requirements of this law, participants in the alcohol market must regularly enter data on sales and purchases of large quantities of wines, vodkas, cognacs and other liqueurs. The state has chosen correct course control of the alcohol industry, but I don’t know whether it was possible to carry out information automated system. To do this, it is necessary to create government structures that must plan, coordinate, control, i.e., an analogue of the Ministries, GOSPLAN, GOSSTANDART of the Soviet period, where strict statistical reporting was observed with the balances of the capacities of manufacturing plants, production volumes, raw material consumption rates, etc.

Alas, among our liberal “economists” the word “plan” is tantamount to profanity. Planning for them is synonymous with totalitarianism. The label is pasted...

To drink or not to drink?

This Hamlet question was brilliantly resolved by William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin (1923-2000) in his study “The History of Russian Vodka.” “...Russian vodka is a drink exclusively for sober people. You just need to know how to drink it. Vodka is an expensive and noble drink. It requires expensive accompaniment - caviar, salted red fish, salmon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, pickled mushrooms, pancakes, dumplings. Without a hearty and salty snack, vodka is not able to reveal all its properties. It should only be drunk very chilled.

Not only expensive caviar and sturgeon give a good effect, but also cheaper products - Icelandic herring with boiled potatoes and fresh green onions, pickles and sauerkraut, flavored with black pepper. These snacks highlight the best taste of vodka and at the same time do not leave any chance for intoxication.”

Russian literature is full of fascinating descriptions of Russian meals and the production of tinctures. From N.V. Gogol we read: “The coachman always distilled vodka into peach leaves, bird cherry blossoms, centaury and cherry pits...”

A. I. Kuprin: “...And for ease of passage into the inside, each pancake was poured with a variety of vodkas of forty varieties and forty infusions. Here is the classic one, on currant buds, and cumin, and wormwood, and anise... and the healing St. John’s wort, and bison, tincture on birch buds, and lemon, and pepper, and you can’t list them all...”

In wealthy houses in Rus' they offer vodka industrial production was considered bad manners. It is not for nothing that vodka was born in Russia: the unknown inventors who created it completely adapted it to the national Russian table. Here is the testimony of P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky from his story “Old Years,” which tells how the name day of Prince Alexei Yuryevich passed. “...On the tables were Dutch herring, German cheese, Yaik caviar with lemon, sterlet caviar with pepper, Don balyk, overseas sausages, Arkhangelsk salmon, Westphalian ham, whitefish in vinegar from St. Petersburg, boiled mushrooms, Podnovsky cucumbers, Vyatka saffron milk caps, hearth pies affairs, pancakes and baked goods with eggs. And in the decanters there is golden vodka, anise vodka, zornaya vodka, cardamom vodka, caraway vodka, and you can’t remember all of them, but everything is from its own factory... They would start to have a snack, and they would have a snack for an hour or two, until all the decanters were empty and the plates were empty. They’ll clean it up, then they’ll go to dinner...”

It should be said that “Podnovskie” cucumbers come from the name of a village in the Nizhny Novgorod province. Local residents pickled cucumbers in a pumpkin, after removing all the insides from it. In such a “vessel”, cucumbers retained their unique aroma and were well preserved. Alas, the old recipes have been lost - pickling cucumbers, sauerkraut, not to mention salted saffron milk caps...

And if you look at what, for example, the idol of our intelligentsia, Ernest Hemingway, drank and could write about it? I drank whiskey and soda, cognac, dry martini... And all without a snack. And also coffee with brioche, i.e. with an empty bun. How pathetic...

What vodka can you trust today? The one produced by enterprises that have their own distilleries, where strict control of standards is carried out at all stages of the technological regime. Distilleries of the Kristall company in Kaluga and Moscow... And you should be very wary of any “LLC” where alcohol is mixed with water, with “limited liability”.

However, it’s time to decipher what “Russian vodka” is. It is made exclusively from grain alcohol, i.e. the raw material must be rye or wheat! This is the main condition! The talented, multifaceted researcher William Vasilyevich Pokhlebkin (his life requires a separate edifying story) believed that the emergence of distillation technology in Rus' from grain alcohol dates back to the 15th century, more precisely to 1448-1478. This is confirmed by chronicle data, when in 1472-1478. Tsar John III established a state monopoly on the production and sale of bread wine, as well as other alcoholic beverages: honey, beer. The memorable year 1533 in the history of Russian distillation: the “Tsar’s tavern” was opened in Moscow, where tsar’s officials sold vodka.

Pokhlebkin’s research served as a powerful argument in the decision of the International Arbitration in 1982, when the USSR was finally assigned the priority of creating vodka as an original alcoholic drink. He argued that purely biological and geographical reasons do not make it possible to reproduce Russian vodka outside of Russia. However, like Scotch whiskey outside of Scotland.

Poland tried to challenge this priority of ours... Pokhlebkin, apparently, paid for this with his life, the murder of the writer was a shock for Russia.

Old tradition

In Russia, a state wine monopoly was introduced in 1884. The reason for this government step - along with the fiscal interests of the state and the desire to prevent abuses by private vodka producers - is the fight against drunkenness that arose due to the consumption of low-quality alcohol that penetrated the domestic market from the West. From Poland, Lithuania, Germany, where cheap vodka was produced everywhere based on potato alcohol, which contains fusel oils. They cannot be removed by any cleaning. The taste still remains unpleasant consequences in the form of a headache. The nature of intoxication causes, instead of good-natured fun, anger.

Another important feature Russian vodka is water! Crystal clear, soft, which is rare for

Europe and other countries, thank God, we still have enough. Near Ryazan, in the village of Klyuchi, a silver spring flows...

Vodka “Five Lakes” appeared: ethyl alcohol “Lux”, but with an infusion of wheat. The mentioned “Godfather” vodka is sold as a gift with “H2O” vodka... Vodka companies of Russian emigrants “Pierre Smirnoff”, “Ernestov” and others produce vodka using distilled water. She is deprived technical qualities Russian vodka, and also more expensive. Vodka on spring water  - alive, and sterile imported vodkas have no soul.

Some publications say that D. I. Mendeleev made a significant contribution to the creation of Russian vodka. Allegedly, they proposed the optimal strength of vodka, i.e., a 40% solution by weight of ethyl alcohol in water, and that it is from a 40% solution that the most complete removal of impurities is possible by adsorption - passing through various filters. From strong alcohol, which is good solvent, it is much more difficult to catch impurities.

In 1894, forty percent alcohol was patented by Russia.

Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev compiled accurate alcohol metric tables in weight ratio. He knew the distilling industry very well. On 22 pages of compact text of the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary (volume 6, St. Petersburg, 1892), the technology of yeast mash and distillation conditions with mode parameters, with drawings and descriptions of distillation apparatuses are discussed in detail...

Mendeleev paid Special attention economic aspects of distilling. He wrote that “excise taxation of alcohol should be considered one of the most rational types of collecting state revenues... Agricultural distillation, while producing alcohol, leaves stillage suitable for feeding animals and fertilizing fields. Thus, the transformation of products on the site of agriculture (potatoes, corn, beets, cereals) into alcohol, a more valuable substance, allows you to increase the number of livestock raised and protect the land from depletion. From this it is clear that by exporting alcohol (instead of bread and other agricultural products) Agriculture can receive the highest income... From 100 parts by weight of cereals, 25 parts by weight of commercial alcohol are obtained. 100 w.h. potatoes give - about 10 t.p. alcohol..."

D. I. Mendeleev was a great economist! Because you can become an economist only in one case: with perfect command of resource and technological potential! For comparison. Today's pseudo-economists have only one knowledge - exchange rates. All.

So, Russian grain alcohol has always been in great demand outside the borders of our Motherland. To fortify famous wines, such as sherry, malaga, port wines, it was purchased by countries of classical winemaking - Spain, Greece, France, Egypt... Even before rectification began to be used everywhere (the end of the 19th century), in Rus' they knew how to purify alcohol not only by repeated distillation, but also with the help of milk, egg white, sturgeon glue, as well as filtration through birch coals, river sand, felt...

By the way, if you want to give vodka a “homemade” character, achieve the best taste qualities and aftertaste (!), then use the old traditions that Melnikov-Pechersky leads - tinctures with herbs and spices. Russian landowners considered it prestigious to have vodka with flavors for all letters of the Russian alphabet. For example, they made tinctures: Anise, Birch, Cherry, Pear, Melon, Blackberry, Acorn, St. John's wort, Irgovaya, Viburnum, Lemon, Mint and Raspberry, Marigold, Wormwood and Pepper, Rowanberry, Currant, Caraway, Dill, Pistachio, Horseradish, Cicorn , Bird cherry, Sage, Sorrel, Tarragon, Apple.

The author of this note is also a fan of making all sorts of tinctures. I will share the recipe for the mentioned currant bud tincture. In loving memory Vladimir Soloukhin, who cited it in a book about mushrooms. In the spring, when the currant buds swell, take the time to pick up a handful and pour them into vodka, adding a piece of sugar. Within a day you will receive an emerald drink with a subtle, delicious aroma. You can’t store the tincture for a long time, it becomes cloudy, which is for the best - summer is coming, when other options are possible...

The article, of course, does not call for drunkenness, but merely warns against hundreds of thousands of bottles of deadly drink. Those counterfeit alcoholic products that have filled our shelves, especially the Russian provinces. I remember that in the Odintsovo district, not far from Rublyovka, burnt vodka “Spanish Pilot” was sold, and the poor fellows went into a tailspin...

In 2010, at the age of 72, Viktor Stepanovich Chernomyrdin, a man of the era, one of the largest political figures in Russia, the former prime minister of the country, passed away. He went from a factory worker to the prime minister of Russia. But in addition to his political activities, he is widely known among the people as an unsurpassed generator of random aphorisms. His numerous frank statements with which he commented on any event immediately became “popular.” He himself said more than once about his speech: “I don’t think about aphorisms, they just fly out of my head.” Somehow I believe it!)))
So, those who today serve as a target for parodists - do not despair, friends!
You had famous “like-minded people” in the government!
Let's remember together?

We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.

We have completed all points: from A to B.

Personally, I have approximately two sons.

If you do it, do it big!

This is not the place for you!

We are not ephemeral, not disposable.

There is no better vodka!

Whoever tells me something, I’ll do it!

The people have lived - and will live!

This is stupid in general, but this is a familiar song to me.

Our immediate task today is to determine where we are today together with you.

We hope that we will not have any blockages at the border.

We cannot do anything to anyone to our detriment.

Whatever we do, it turns out to be the CPSU, or a Kalashnikov assault rifle.

We will destroy our nuclear weapons together with America!

Not one now, but another later; not one today, another tomorrow, but together, on the same day!

This never happened before... and here it is again!

If I were to name everything that I have, you would be crying here!

We have one course - the right one.

When it's difficult, we will always hold out. Just what you need. Yes.

And who should I ask, I ask you? These are there, those are here, and so far no one has ever...

The government is not a body where you can use your language at random!

If your hands are itchy, scratch it somewhere else!

And those who survive will laugh themselves later.

We can't join. As soon as we start to step in, we will definitely step on something.

Russia should eventually become a European member.

We will live in such a way that our grandchildren will envy us!

What we always have in Russia is not what we need...

My life was spent in an atmosphere of oil and gas.

I have no questions about the Russian language!

I can speak any language with everyone, but I try not to use this tool.

I only have time to notice beautiful women. And nothing else.

We all need to fall for it and get what we should have.

We need wine for our health. And we need health to drink vodka.

I don't want to be the foreman of retired presidents.

Mamai walked around the country without me.

They say our satellite is hanging around idle. We have a lot of things hanging around idle, but they should
- It's better to be the head of a fly than the ass of an elephant.

I don’t know who or what Yulia will download. The rollback is underway. They calculate the numbers themselves.

27 million were left without arms, without legs and without anything else!

You have to think about what to understand.

We will be honest about what doesn’t work for us, and what works, we will now tell the truth!

We are still trying to milk those who are already lying.

Who says the government is sitting on a bag of money? We are men and we know where we stand.

We remember when oil was harmful. They just said there was no oil. Then they pressed the eggs so hard that they disappeared too.

I won’t say much, otherwise I’ll say something again.

They scared the woman with high-heeled shoes.

Accused of what? In corruption? Whom? Me? Who? USA? Why did they suddenly wake up there?

I don’t draw, and if I do, no one will think it’s enough.

We must do what our people need, and not what we are doing here.

Our country is enough for her to skip and jump.

This is what can happen if someone starts ruminating.

We continue what we have already done a lot.

You have to be born into charisma!

Well, who can replace me? I'll kill you right away... Sorry.

It is impossible to sew anything on Chernomyrdin.

I am not a person who lives by satisfaction.

Since I was young... I have always worked as the first person.

About Yeltsin:
- He got sick, coughing again in every way. But the president is the president.

Chernomyrdin's statements about State Duma deputies:
- And we are still arguing whether to test them for mental health or not. Check everyone!

About the fact that Berezovsky is embarrassed that he is a Jew:
- If I am a Jew, why should I be ashamed! I'm really not a Jew.

About Luzhkov:
- All his statements, his kicking there... They even called me a pensioner somewhere, they say. I did not hear. But if I’m a pensioner, then who is he? Grandfather was ordinary then.

On Zyuganov's proposal to declare war on NATO:
- Found a smart one! Declare war on him! Bast shoes! His! Same! And this! Just like this! What does he even know? And who is he? It's still going somewhere else, I apologize.

In an interview with Itogi magazine in 1999:
- The principles that were principled were unprincipled.

At the Energy Summit at the President Hotel:
- The locomotive of economic growth is like an elephant in a famous place.

At a meeting with journalists on May 7, 1999:
- The government needs help. And we deal with him, everything is dealt with. We also strive not only on the hands, but somewhere else. As Chekhov said.

At the same meeting:
- Actually, it’s strange, well, just strange. I can’t do this again, I don’t know and I don’t want it. This does not mean that no one is allowed. Well, maybe someone is needed. Someone to enter, someone to take out.

About Prime Minister Primakov:
- His reaction, it will always be, we’ll see whether this one will happen or not. If it doesn’t happen, then that’s the reaction. If there is, then there is no reaction.

I am not the kind of person to lead to a fight, I apologize for this word. And again it wouldn’t have been them, not theirs! If we could hang them there, it would be a pleasure! And those scuffles, people would have participated in the scuffles: the people are as always.

Look, we have everything, but we can’t live. Well, we can’t live! In no way does everything pull us towards experiments. We all need something there, to get it there, somewhere, sometime, to arrange for someone. Why not yourself?! Why not your generation?! Why this, as they say, the same communism was born, wandered around Europe, a ghost, or rather. I wandered and wandered, but they didn’t get caught anywhere! And with us - please! And now - for many years under the experiment.

On Primakov’s peacekeeping proposals:
- So here you can’t understand it so perpendicularly: we won’t touch you, you don’t touch us.

When asked if he will participate in the shadow cabinet:
- Why am I going to climb into the dark! I haven’t moved away from the light yet...

About the crisis:
- Today, the global financial system understands what is happening in Russia, and does not really want it to happen here... Well, I don’t want to use this word, which I usually use.

About the government's work plans in September 1998:
- We squirm like blacks.

ABOUT presidential elections 2000:
- We will all survive. In what configuration? In good configuration.

Regarding Bush Jr.’s statements about the corruption of Viktor Stepanovich:
- I don’t know Mr. Bush Jr. personally, but I know his father, Mr. Bush Sr., and I know his wife, and I also know Mr. Bush.

Again about the accusations of Bush Jr.:
- Now there are a lot of people out there who want to stir up something. Everything gets excited for them there. Suddenly they also woke up. They got excited. Let them get excited. As for loans - you know, as for loans and distribution mechanisms - what are they talking about here? Where? Why?! What and how can they know?!