In a private house      05/22/2019

How to dissolve polyurethane varnish. Purpose of solvents: which solvent for which paint is better to take. Polyurethane enamel on organic solvents

I received the magazine a long time ago (at the exhibition), but I was going to scan and post my article only today :).

Cover varnishes. How can you protect your work?

Luckyare film-forming solutions of synthetic or natural resins (or polymers) in organic solvents or water.

Coating varnishes are used for final processing and protection of works. Covering varnishes are for painting (artistic), for decorative and applied products, construction, as well as special and universal. Lacquer film not only protects the work from impact environment, dust, dirt and mechanical damage, but also increases the light resistance of paints, enhances their depth and sound.

Now in stores you can find a wide variety of top coats, both universal and with special effects. Initially, varnishes came to us from ancient China, where exclusively natural resin of a special “lacquer” tree was used for their production. Nowadays, varnishes are made both from natural resins and mastics and from artificial ones. The bases for dissolving these resins also differ, according to which varnishes are most often classified into oil, aquatic And alcohol.

According to the degree of gloss varnishes are matte(absolutely no shine) silky matte(with moderate gloss) and glossy(high gloss).

Let's consider top coats for universal purposes, which are suitable for arts and crafts, interior items and furniture.

Alkyd varnishes - the most common synthetic varnishes based on organic solvents. The film of alkyd varnish is hard, transparent, has good adhesion (adhesion) to various surfaces and water resistance. Alkyd varnishes are used for both indoor and outdoor use (sold mainly in construction stores). 2-3 layers of lacquer are enough to cover, and due to the low drying speed, the lacquer film is well smoothed on the surface. These varnishes over time, or with large quantity layers become noticeably yellow, which is especially important for white surfaces. Such varnishes are usually diluted with turpentine, and tools are also washed with it. Hence, another obvious drawback is a strong smell, both when working with varnish and when washing tools.

Acrylic varnishes -a large group of modern varnishes, which consist of acrylic or vinyl resin, usually on water based, but there are also those based on organic solvents. (Large selection of such varnishes in both art and hardware stores).

Acrylic varnishes on water based have a number of advantages over solvent-based varnishes, tk. they practically do not smell, they dry quickly, they are diluted with water, and, accordingly, the instruments are washed with water. In terms of dry wear resistance, water-based varnishes are not inferior to alkyd ones. Among the shortcomings, it can be noted that acrylic aquatic lacquers are less resistant to wet exposure and lay down in a thinner layer, which sometimes leads to an overall increase in the number of lacquer layers. Also, due to the rapid initial setting of the lacquer film, brush marks and unevenness during application can often remain on it. When applied, the varnish has a milky white color, but after drying it becomes absolutely transparent and does not turn yellow over time! It is also worth noting that some acrylic varnishes retain some stickiness to the touch for quite some time after drying. Although we must not forget that the acrylic lacquer sets quickly, and the top film seems dry to the touch, but complete drying, and the acquisition of film stability occurs only after a few days (as in the case of alkyd lacquers)!

Acrylic varnishes based on organic solvents have a thicker consistency, lay down in a thicker, but well-leveled layer. These varnishes have high both dry and wet wear resistance, do not turn yellow, but have a strong odor, because. diluted with turpentine or other universal solvents.

Acrylic varnishes on different bases are widely represented in art stores by such companies as Marabu, hobby- line, ferrario, Rayheretc.

Polyurethane varnishes. There are also acrylics based on organic solvents or oils and water-based. They have almost the same properties as the acrylic varnishes described above, but are distinguished by increased stability and durability.

Polyurethane varnishes on organic solvents and oils diluted with turpentine, and quickly turn yellow, but they give a very high-quality smooth wear-resistant coating.

Water-based polyurethane varnishes combine the advantages of water-based acrylic varnishes, i.e. eco-friendly and non-yellowing and synthetic on resins (high resistance). But to obtain an even film, again, it is necessary to monitor the consistency of the varnish.

Alcohol varnishesobtained by dissolving some natural resins in wine or wood alcohol. The most commonly used are sherlac (or shellac), sandarak and mastic. These varnishes give a coating with good mechanical strength and adhesion (adhesion, connection) to various surfaces, high gloss. Coatings are well polished, but have low water resistance. Alcohol varnishes also protect gilding well and gilt dries quickly from oxidation, but with a single coating they give a very thin layer, therefore, when using shellac as finish coat several layers should be applied in succession. Shellac There are different degrees of yellowness, in accordance with the degree of purification. Tools are washed in alcohol. From an Italian company ferrarioShellac is presented in different degrees of purification.

Vitreous varnish. This is a water-based varnish, has absolutely transparent view after drying and high glossy gloss, it gives an elastic, flexible smooth coating. It dries fairly quickly, but you can speed up the drying process with hot air from a hair dryer. Can also be dried in the oven t80 C, in this case the varnish acquires a special resistance to scratching. But it must be taken into account that this varnish has poor adhesion with other types of varnishes, i.e. does not lie down top layer on another varnish (rolls when applied or may crack after drying). The company has such a varnish ferrarioAndMaimeri.

We considered only one-component varnishes. However, it is worth mentioning special two-component varnishes , which give a particularly smooth mirror surface. For example, varnish Glazure 2KfromMarabu.

So let's recap. If we want to cover a light object or product where white colors predominate, it is better to choose a water-based varnish (acrylic or polyurethane) of the desired degree of gloss (an exception may be the situation when yellowness is just on hand to give an aged vintage look). If at the same time the thing is supposed to be used outdoors or in a damp room, or it will need to be wiped frequently with a damp cloth, you should consider using an acrylic varnish based on organic solvents. If the product is dominated by bright or dark colors then you can safely use an alkyd or polyurethane varnish based on organic solvents. Of course, for a thing that suggests active use it is better to choose a polyurethane varnish based on organic solvents (or water, but then more than 3 layers should be applied). By the way, in decorative art, you can use varnishes not only from art stores, but also varnishes for repair and finishing works(parquet, furniture). Such varnishes as Poly-R (Germany), Kiva and Yassia from Tikkurila have proven themselves well.

Lacquer rules. All varnishes are applied to a dry surface, free from dust, grease and dirt. If an intermediate layer of varnish was used in the work, it is necessary to wait for it to dry completely, and process it with sandpaper. The first layer of varnish, especially on organic solvents, should be applied diluted up to 30%. Then the product receives a stronger protection and the varnish does not lose its plasticity. For varnishes on organic solvents, 2-3 layers are enough to cover, and for water-based varnishes, such layers may need from 3-5 to a dozen (depending on the desired result). Lacquers are applied with a wide brush or flute, and for large surfaces, you can use a flock roller. Dry each layer of varnish well, use a fine-grained sandpaper or steel fiber.

Decorator Natalya Zhukova.

To protect surfaces from negative influences, including atmospheric ones, polyurethane enamel is actively used today, which is offered for sale in a wide range. This mixture is a variety of polymers with protective properties. If we compare this composition with other paints, then no other option can compare with polyurethane enamel. Quite often, this composition is used as protective coating, as the film has a high margin of safety.

Classification of polyurethane enamels

Polyurethane mixtures are classified according to the material to be coated, as well as the type of application and composition. You can use a brush or a special aerosol spray for application. The scope of use of polyurethane enamel is quite wide, different types can be applied to stone, wood or metal. Before using the polyurethane mixture, wood does not need to be primed, it must only be well dried.


One-component is a composition that is made from polyurethane, pigment and solvent. Among the main characteristics of this mixture should be highlighted:

  • wear resistance;
  • elasticity;
  • harmlessness after evaporation of the solvent;
  • chemical stability.

Polyurethane compounds perfectly adhere to the most difficult surfaces.

Varieties of polyurethane enamels

Polyurethane enamel can be water-dispersion. Among the advantages are harmlessness at the stage of staining and the possibility of dilution with ordinary water. It is not recommended to paint hydrophobic surfaces with such enamels. This includes concrete stainless steel and plastic.

Polyurethane is represented by a unique chemical modification that allows the composition to be stored in the form of an aqueous non-hardening dispersion. This allows you to get a durable wear-resistant coating. If the floor needs to be painted industrial premises it is recommended to give preference to the composition with organic solvents.

Polyurethane enamel on organic solvents

Polyurethane enamel can be based on, for example, xylene or toluene. For dilution, it is better to use licensed solvents that are recommended by the manufacturer. After gaining strength, which takes two days, such a coating acquires the qualities called the main advantages: wear resistance, water resistance, resistance to aggressive environments.

They are also alkyd-urethane, they are used to create an elastic and durable coating that hardens slowly, and also has a moderate odor when stained. The price of such mixtures is significantly lower compared to one-component urethane enamels.

Description of two-component polyurethane enamels

Enamel consists of hardener and enamel, the first of which is added before use. The mixture remains viable for 3 hours, and drying lasts 6 hours. Price this material high, as is the strength of the coating. Such polyurethane enamel for metal can be used for metal structures that will be loaded under production conditions and operated in hot shops with an aggressive atmosphere.

Upper limit operating temperature of this mixture is +80 ° C and can reach 100 ° C. If there is a need to cover a structure that will be operated in fire hazardous conditions, then special compositions should be purchased. For example, Polysteel paint for metal, when exposed to temperature, will form carbonaceous foam, which reliably insulates and resists flames for up to 1.5 hours.

Application of polyurethane enamel "Elakor-PU"

If you need to pay attention to "Elakor-PU", the cost of which per kilogram is 275 rubles. This composition should be used under certain conditions, which are expressed in the absence of capillary rise of water from below. It is also important that the foundation is waterproofed. Residual surface moisture should not be more than 5%. Before applying the composition, the surface gets rid of oily areas. If it's about concrete base, then it should be polished with special machine to remove leftovers old paint, pollution and laitance.

Before applying polyurethane enamel for concrete, the surface must be dedusted with an industrial vacuum cleaner, and then coated with a primer from the same manufacturer. Before use, the mixture is well mixed, and it must be applied with a polyamide roller in 4 layers. Minimal amount layers is 2, the final number will depend on the task pursued. Between layers it is necessary to wait about 4-8 hours.

Application of enamel for concrete "Elacor-PU Enamel-60"

This enamel is a one-component colored moisture-curing semi-gloss mixture, the main advantage of which is the possibility of application at negative temperatures. After polymerization, a wear-resistant hard plastic polymer is formed on the surface, which will be chemically resistant.

Preparation consists in cleaning and priming the surface, which is then enameled at a temperature of -30 to +25 ° C. The temperature of the material itself can vary from +10 to +25 °C. It is also important to take into account the relative humidity of the air, it should not exceed 80%. Before application, the composition is mixed until a uniform color and consistency. To do this, you can use a paint mixer, which is set to a speed ranging from 400 to 600 per minute.

For work, you can use rollers or brushes that are resistant to solvents. You can use airless spray technology. On one layer, the area of ​​which is square meter, it will take about 150 g of enamel. The final result will depend on the smoothness of the surface. Layer-by-layer drying lasts the same amount of time as in the above embodiment.


If you decide to use a two-component polyurethane composition, you should take into account that its application is not carried out on wet surfaces. This requirement is due to the fact that the hardener will react with the liquid to release carbon dioxide, which contributes to the foaming of the surface.

Availability and high quality, as well as a wide range - that's what made the varnish truly available material. But many home and private masters are still asking the question - what to do if the varnish has dried up? There are no hopeless situations, and therefore there are several ways to solve this issue.

It may seem that these concepts are identical to each other. But this is a misconception. How to dilute the varnish if it has thickened, and what else can be done in this case, because this situation happens quite often? Use special means belonging to one of two categories:

Some tools are effective when performing only one function. So, for example, white spirit is suitable for diluting such compounds:

  • oil;
  • alkyd;
  • belonging to the polyurethane group.

At the final hardening of the varnish, white spirit cannot be the solution to the question of how the varnish can be diluted. Therefore, we have to look for other options. The so-called methylated spirits equally help to dissolve the varnish, and simply get a diluted composition.

On the video: the differences between thinners and solvents for varnishes.

How to dilute polyurethane varnish?

Polyurethane is a modern polymer. In terms of the totality of its properties, it surpasses such analogues as metal and rubber, plastic and rubber. In production, polyurethane is mixed with other chemical additives, and therefore does not allow the base to dry out.

There are polyurethane compounds, which are based only on water. Such chemistry is environmentally friendly, characterized by the absence of harmful emissions.

If it is necessary to make a liquid polyurethane composition, then the use of such substances is permissible:

  • eluents that are of types P-4, P-5;
  • acetone;
  • xylene;
  • toluene.

What about alkyd options?

These products are distinguished by properties such as strength, ability to resist exposure to ultraviolet rays and moisture in large quantities. Pleases and high level adhesion (adhesion to the surface).

The main component of alkyd compounds is an organic solvent. Dryers and other substances are added to it, giving additional performance characteristics. But different compounds can be used as the main component:

  • mixtures of resins on alkyd and melamine-formaldehyde bases;
  • glyptal resins, to which cottonseed oil is added;
  • pentaphthalic resins, revitalizing them is quite simple.

How to dilute alkyd-based varnish? Try white spirit - this is a fairly traditional and effective material.

About bituminous varnishes

In this case, the basis is a mixture consisting of various resins and oils, as well as bitumen of a special grade.

If after application the material is already dry, it forms a strong black film on the surface. It is a moisture resistant compound that is immune to chemical attack of any kind. In domestic use, bituminous materials have become common not so long ago, but have already become known for their low cost. Often such a composition is used as a protective layer against corrosion. To prevent the varnish from drying out, apply standard protection.

If there is a wooden base, but it is not necessary to emphasize the natural texture, choose varnishes from bitumen. They are also able to give the surface the effect of aging, and do not go from normal to liquid.

TO unique features includes the use of so-called cold gluing. If the solution has thickened, you can give preference to white spirit. It is important to use airtight containers, then during storage you will not need to worry about the appearance of a thick and dried varnish. In the storage place itself, it is important to maintain the absence of light, moderate temperature and humidity levels.

How to remove dried varnish from tools

The above listed ways that help improve the consistency if the varnish has thickened. But what needs to be done to get rid of varnish on painting tools, and can synthetic compounds be removed after they have been applied?

What to do if the varnish has thickened, and how to dissolve a fairly old composition? Alas, this is not possible in this case. Scraping or grinding will help get rid of the problem if it is at least partially eliminated. In case of refusal mechanical way processing solutions are selected individually.

The use of so-called washes is one of the most simple options problem solving. This substance is a chemical mixture. Available in the form of powders or gels, as well as in the form of a liquid. Acetone is able to cope with the most simple varieties varnishes. Denatured alcohol will help remove shellac. How to restore it is another question.

Here is how to perform the procedure for removing varnish from tools in stages:

  1. Apply solvent to the base surface.
  2. Wait until the film on the surface begins to soften.
  3. The treated surface can be covered with polyethylene to speed up the process.
  4. The old composition begins to swell and darken, after which the exfoliated particles can be removed.

The spatula facilitates the process of getting rid of varnish in a softened form. The main thing is to work carefully so that the surface itself is not damaged. If the composition dries, the work will have to be suspended. Otherwise, there is a risk of defects on the surface, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

To remove the remnants of varnish from painting tools, you can use the following tips:

  1. Prepare a warm solution of water and soap. This option is suitable for water-based varnishes.
  2. For other paints and varnishes with an organic base, it is better to use white spirit, kerosene or turpentine. Rinsing out the remnants of the substance will not be difficult. Then it remains only to rinse the instrument itself with some kind of chemistry.

Dilute nail polish is also simple: to do this, you need to lean the vessel with the composition against the battery or dip it in warm water for several minutes. Now you know how to dilute the varnish. For this, several different means, then it will be much easier to breed the composition.

Solvents for dried varnish (2 videos)

Varnishes and solvents (22 photos)

Polyurethane is a synthetic material, one of the varieties elastomers. It tolerates the effects of aggressive environments, high and low temperatures. During production, polyurethane can be given any mechanical characteristics, it is produced in the form of both viscous liquids and solids.

Due to these properties, it is widely used in various industries. Polyurethane for metal has good protective properties, it perfectly resists the aggressive effects of the atmosphere and other destructive factors for a long time.


This paint material is a suspension, the main components of which are:

  • polyurethane compositions;
  • fillers;
  • colored pigments.

In industry, polyurethane paint is mainly used for protection steel structures against corrosion.

Already three decades ago, when it first appeared, it was actively used for painting bridges made from elements, aircraft, cars, interior elements, household electrical appliances, and so on. Since then, the range of this type of paint and their range has expanded significantly.

Main specificationspolyurethane paint for metal:

  1. conditional viscosity - 50-90 units;
  2. the share of volatile substances - up to 34%;
  3. film adhesion - about 2 points;
  4. after drying, it is resistant to temperatures from −40°С to +150°С;
  5. resistance of the film to mechanical shocks - not less than 50 cm;
  6. hiding power - up to 75 g/m2;
  7. average consumption - 150 g/m2.


To the main benefits polyurethane paint for metal include:

  • high adhesion to unprimed metal;
  • resistance to aggressive effects of the atmosphere, fresh and sea water and other destructive factors;
  • short drying time - from 2 hours (depending on the type and composition of the particular paint);
  • water-dispersion polyurethane paints are environmentally friendly and cannot harm health even if they are regularly used without protective equipment.

Flaws polyurethane paintwork materials:

  • high cost compared to other types of paints and varnishes;
  • The share of polyurethane paints on the market is small, they are relatively few in stores, so finding a composition that suits the properties can be difficult.

Types of polyurethane paints

By composition polyurethane paints and varnishes are divided into two groups:

  • one-component - such paints contain all the necessary substances, and they can be applied immediately from the can;
  • two-component - before using this type polymer paints it is necessary to mix the compositions, which are supplied in two separate containers.

One of the two-component paint cans contains resin and the other contains hardener.

It is stronger than a one-component coloring composition, and more resistant to aggressive influences.

Two-component dye stable to impact:

  • acids;
  • alkalis;
  • different types of fuel;
  • machine oil;
  • fresh and sea water, waste water.

It polymerizes and sets without the participation of water vapor in the air, so the range favorable conditions to apply it wider.

Can be mixed before use required amount composition, while the remains of the components of the mixture, located in two different banks, will retain their properties even with very long storage.

One-component coloring compositions are divided into three groups:

  1. polyurethane paints on organic solvents;
  2. alkyd-urethane;
  3. water-dispersion polyurethane paints.

The first type, in addition to polyurethane and pigments, contains solvents such as xylene or toluene.

It is better to dilute them with licensed solvents specially designed for such purposes.

This paint polymerizes and hardens due to the contact of its binder components with atmospheric moisture. Thus, if the air in the room is too dry, the applied layer will dry for a very long time.

A distinctive feature of the second type of paint is the presence in the composition alkyd urethane varnish. These compositions differ in a very short drying time - from one and a half hours. As a solvent for such coloring compositions, White Spirit.

Water-dispersion polyurethane paints got this name, since water serves as a solvent for them. Their main advantage is the absence bad smell and harm to health when working with them without personal protective equipment. Such paints seize when water evaporates from them.

Another variety - powder paint. It is a homogenized dry mix, which includes:

  • polyester resin;
  • filler;
  • hardener;
  • pigments.

Polyurethane powder paints belong to the group thermoset coloring compositions.

They are applied to the surface, after which the product is subjected to heat treatment, during which the particles are fused and come into contact with each other. chemical reactions. As a result, solid and exceptionally durable coating. Powder formulations are well suited for painting engineering products.

Application features for painting

To ensure optimal adhesion of the paint to the metal, before applying it, all surfaces must be cleaned, removing the old paint composition and rust, and dried. For better application they can also cover with soil.

If it is intended to apply a two-component paint, the compositions in different cans must be mixed in a container of a suitable size using construction mixer. By using it, you can achieve optimal composition uniformity.

The resulting coloring composition must be used within a certain time - from 6 to 72 hours, after this period, the remains will be unusable. One-component polyurethane paint can be thinned with a suitable thinner, if necessary, to bring it to the desired consistency.

The paint can be applied with a brush, roller or spray gun. This should be done at a temperature of -10 ° C to + 30 ° C, relative humidity air should be within 95%.

A layer of polyurethane paint is strong and durable coating which will reliably protect the surface from aggressive influences. With its help, you can significantly extend the service life of any metal products.

Learn how to paint a galvanized roof from the video:

What is polyurethane varnish for wood?

Natural wood products have been a huge success for many years. It is no secret that natural material needs reliable protection, as it is afraid of moisture, is not resistant to technical fluids, and hardly resists natural atmospheric influences and mechanical damage.
To minimize negative impacts, wood products must be treated with various chemical compositions. And polyurethane varnishes are becoming one of the best assistants in this matter.

Varieties of polyurethane varnishes

The most common two-component polyurethane varnish in use, modern manufacturers offer just such a composition.
In the case of one-component polyurethane varnishes, everything is very simple. In order to use them, you do not need any additional preparations. Such varnish consists of several independent components. There is an opinion that the use of two-component products is difficult, but this is not so. Before applying it to the surface, you just need to mix the base and hardener together well in certain proportions. The correct proportions are almost always indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging or in the instructions. Therefore, there are no problems.

According to the degree of gloss (gloss), the varnish is divided into:

  • glossy;
  • matt.
Matte polyurethane varnish has different gloss levels from 10 to 90. The buyer can choose the percentage of gloss at his discretion, depending on the task and the desired effect.
Benefits and advantages

By choosing a polyurethane varnish for natural wood, you get numerous advantages:
polyurethane varnish coating creates reliable protection from negative mechanical impact, dirt, grease, dust;

  • varnish increases the life of any product, even if they are subjected to regular and intense loads. An example is the parquet floor of the corridor;
  • polyurethane coating has an increased level of abrasion resistance;
  • a product on which a layer of varnish is applied receives the best aesthetic performance. Amazingly beautiful and original structure natural material it is not hidden by a layer of opaque material, because such a varnish is highly transparent;
  • elasticity. Thanks to its special consistency, it is easy and simple to apply polyurethane-based varnish on wood, even if the product has a complex configuration. In the case of moderate deformation, cracks will not appear on the treated surface. In addition, the composition has good adhesion, and will not flake off.
Do not forget only that the application of the composition must be carried out in a dry room on a dry tree. Even slightly damp wood needs pre-drying.
Terms of use.

Before using polyurethane wood varnish, you need to carefully prepare the wood surface. To do this, you must rid it of pollution and sand it. The polyurethane varnish itself is applied using a spray gun. Much depends on how large the surface to be treated is. Taking into account the chosen method, the desired consistency of the product is also selected. In certain situations, the composition is diluted with a synthetic solvent.
Two-component polyurethane varnish requires its own rules. One of the most important says that it is necessary to observe the proportions when mixing very strictly. If you do not pay attention to the recommendations of the manufacturer, which he indicated in the instructions, then as a result the mixture will not harden, crack or fall off. The finished mixture has a limited life, after mixing, the polymerization process occurs. If the finished mixture of varnish and solvent dries, then it cannot be diluted, polyurethane varnish is irreversible.
Always prepare as much composition as you need to apply at one time. No need to stock up on wood varnish, preparing it for future use.
The number of necessary layers is different, and depends on how it will be used in the future. wood material. But general recommendation consists in the fact that it is not necessary to save the composition, and apply less than two layers. Before applying a new layer, you must wait. How many? You can find this information in the instructions for the product. You don't have to give up on the rules.
In order to mix a two-component polyurethane wood varnish, use the special container in which it was sold to you. Make sure that all the remains of the second component fall into the container to the first to the maximum. You can break the correct proportion of the composition if there is a lot of mixture left on the walls and bottom of the jar. The disturbed proportion, in turn, will lead to the fact that all characteristics and operational properties varnish will deteriorate.
Before you apply polyurethane wood varnish, you need to mix it well. Make sure that there is a positive temperature in the room during processing. The drying period of the top coat in most cases is approximately 7-8 hours.

How to choose?

Purchase protective compounds for processing wood can always be called an important process. After all, the cost of wood has remained high for many years. If you do not know how to choose a polyurethane varnish, start from what properties it should have and what qualities are most valuable to you. For example, if you decide to purchase a composition for applying it to the floor, then decide in advance on the intensity of future loads. In case of flooring, which is not intended for large crowds, you can choose a polyurethane wood varnish that does not have a high degree of protection. If you want to treat a floor that will be used for “mass gatherings” in the future, and which is quite likely to be constantly and heavily soiled, choose products that have the maximum degree of protection and abrasion resistance.

Any polyurethane varnish for wood has good adhesion. It is resistant to chemicals. But if you want to get the maximum, then choose two-component formulations. They are distinguished by the best indicators in terms of strength and elasticity.
If you can't choose polyurethane wood varnish on their own, just contact the sales consultants of the Europroject-Center company for help. You can also read the information in the catalog on the site site.

However, we would like to say that this product is in any case high-class and high-quality. If you choose a product from a well-known manufacturer Sayerlack, who cares about their reputation, you will always achieve the desired results. But if you try to save money, then in this case you can become the owner of low-grade products. Choosing a polyurethane varnish for wood is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. The cost of production is affordable and low, and therefore savings are simply inappropriate here. The Europroject Center company offers a wide range of Sayerlack two-component polyurethane varnishes for wood.