In a private house      04/15/2019

Planting radishes in the spring or creating conditions for the first harvest of the year. When and how to plant radishes in spring in open ground, cultivation and care

Radishes are one of the earliest vegetables. Juicy and spicy, it is a welcome guest on almost every table in spring. Well, it also lands early, which gives summer residents who have stagnated during the winter the opportunity to get involved in their favorite work on the site.

How to plant radishes in the garden

Depending on the duration of the growing season, radishes can be biennial or annual. And they plant it before winter, and in early spring, and late summer. Harvest early varieties can be obtained within 3-4 weeks after germination. Another advantage of radishes is that they can be planted not in a separate area, but almost anywhere, because before planting seedlings or seeds of other vegetable crops, radishes have time to ripen. Moreover, radishes are an excellent predecessor for potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers... However, radishes should not be planted after cabbage, horseradish, watercress and other cruciferous vegetables, from which radishes can become infected.

You need to choose a place for planting so that the radish seedlings are illuminated by the sun in the mornings and evenings, while midday sun is contraindicated for radishes. But you shouldn’t plant it in the shade either - the entire harvest will go into the tops. You can watch the video on how to plant radishes in the garden.

If your site allows you to plant radishes separately, then the soil for planting needs to be prepared in the fall by adding humus or compost and mineral fertilizer– potassium salt and superphosphate. On poor soils, radish roots will not form. You cannot add fresh manure to the soil, otherwise the ripened radishes will be hollow inside. Final stage– leveling the soil surface with a rake.

How to plant radishes correctly

Spring planting begins with the onset of warm days. Optimal timing The earliest date for planting radish seeds is the end of March. Radishes are a cold-resistant plant, but planting at 8 degrees Celsius will slow down the emergence of seedlings. At temperatures from 10 to 15 degrees, seedlings will appear in a week, and at 20 degrees – after 4 days.

Seeds for sowing should be taken fresh and large; they can first be soaked for a day between two layers of wet gauze. Level the prepared bed with a rake again. The seeds are planted in two-row rows with a distance of 5 cm. A distance of 15-20 cm is maintained between the two-row rows. The bed is thoroughly watered. Seeds are sown one at a time in two lines of a row in a checkerboard pattern every 5 cm. Planting depth is 1-2 cm. With this method of planting, radish seedlings will not need to be thinned out.

Experts recommend immediately after planting radish seeds in open ground cover the bed with black film. Over the next 10 days, the film must be opened during the day and closed again at night, setting the duration of daylight hours for seedlings to 10-12 hours. This improves the quality of root crops. To extend the ripening season of radishes as much as possible, you can sow them in batches with an interval of 5-7 days. By the beginning of June, planting should be stopped, because radishes are a short-day plant. Long daylight hours have a negative impact on the harvest. Radish crops are resumed at the end of August.

Radish - shoots

After emergence, radishes are pollinated with wood ash to prevent infections. In the future, radishes need regular watering. After the first true leaf appears, the radish becomes more demanding of moisture, so watering needs to be increased, and on hot days, water it twice a day.

If there is little moisture, the radish grows hollow inside, its fruits become rough and tasteless. If the weather is dry, then three hours is enough for the root crop to begin to form incorrectly in seedlings without watering. However, overwatering is also bad. In this case, the root crops crack or even rot.

Gardener 24

The very first vegetable that grows in the garden is radish. This healthy root vegetable is full of vitamins that you miss so much during the long winter months. How to plant it so that in May you can use it fresh directly from the garden?

Radishes come in annual and biennial varieties. It grows in the gardens of Russian summer residents annual plant, in which both roots and seeds ripen in one season. A biennial plant grows mainly in Asia; it produces seeds only in the second season.

This article talks about ordinary annual radishes, which only the laziest summer resident does not grow in the garden. And gardeners with extensive experience manage to grow four to five harvests of this root crop per season.

It should be remembered that radishes ripen extremely quickly, and after harvesting them, the bed will remain empty for almost the entire summer. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about what to plant after this root crop.

Usually, after radishes, those vegetables or herbs that ripen quickly are planted. This can be any leafy green, Chinese cabbage, etc. Sometimes mixed beds are made - radishes are planted in the inter-rows among those vegetable crops that grow and develop for quite a long time, and their harvest is not harvested until August.

In this case, good neighbors for radishes will be:

  • bulb onions;
  • regular cabbage;
  • carrot;
  • cucumber or tomato seedlings.

By the time the main crops grow, the radishes will already be harvested.

This root crop is resistant to cold, grows quickly, loves sunny places and abundant watering. To get good radish yields, you need to know some subtleties in planting and growing.

Preparing a place for planting radishes

It is necessary to prepare beds for this garden plant in the fall - they need to be raised above the level of the site by 10 - 15 cm and humus or compost added, but in moderation. Otherwise, the plant will go to the tops, and the radish itself will be small and frail.

In the first ten days of March, you can cover the beds on which the radishes will be planted with plastic wrap. In this case, the snow under the film will quickly melt, and the ground will begin to warm up. Usually, already at the end of March - beginning of April, you can plant radishes under the film and enjoy the early harvest of this root crop.

If you want to plant radishes on your plot several times a season, then for the second or third time it is better to choose a place in the shade for this vegetable crop - long hours of daylight are not needed for the root crop to ripen.

Usually radishes are planted in two rows in a bed. Enough for this acute angle Using a hoe, draw a pair of parallel grooves at a distance of 4 - 5 cm from each other. And at a distance of 20 cm, a couple more of these grooves are made. Usually 3 – 4 similar rows are enough. Radish seeds are sown in these grooves (preferably in a checkerboard pattern). In this case, each radish bush will not interfere with the growth of another, and the seedlings will not need thinning. And it will be easier to fight weeds.

Before sowing seeds in the spring and growing a rich harvest of large, tasty and healthy radishes, It is necessary to choose the site wisely and prepare the soil:

  • radishes prefer well-lit and relatively moist areas;
  • garden crops easily tolerate cold, and the seeds form seedlings even at temperature conditions at 2-3°C;
  • young plants can withstand minor frosts;
  • early crops quickly form a harvest, which makes it possible to carry out conveyor growing of crops in one area;
  • rich in organic matter, sandy loam soils with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction are well suited for radishes;
  • bad precursors for vitamin-rich root vegetables can be represented by all types of cabbage, as well as radishes and turnips;
  • too acidic soil, it will be necessary to subject it to autumn liming by adding 0.45 m of lime per each square meter;
  • V spring period Soils depleted of organic matter need to be fertilized by adding a couple of kilograms of compost or humus and a kilogram for deep digging. wood ash for every square meter of planting area.

If organic matter was introduced under autumn preparation soil for planting, then in the spring the site should be enriched only with mineral complexes. Such fertilizing will allow you to get not only a high, but also a high-quality harvest. Radishes can also be grown in compacted crops. In the form of a lighthouse crop, radishes allow for timely weeding activities, and also prevent the formation of soil crust when cultivating such slow-growing plants as carrots, parsley and dill.

How to plant radishes in open ground (video)

The best varieties

Depending on where, geographically, and under what conditions radishes are supposed to be grown, the choice of variety can be diametrically opposed. Nevertheless, the best varieties and hybrids of this vegetable crop are not only well adapted for cultivation in open ground, but also allow you to grow a high and high-quality crop of root crops with minimal costs time and energy for care.

Maturation and group Name Root vegetable Pulp Peculiarities
Mid-season variety "Richard" Ruby red, up to 3.2 cm in diameter, round-oval
Early ripening variety "Askania" Bright red, elliptical in shape, 10.5 cm in diameter White in color, tender and juicy, slightly spicy Resistant to diseases and flowering, high yield
Early ripening variety "Baron" Round or round-oval, white in color, 2.5-4.2 cm in diameter Tender and dense, very juicy, strictly spicy taste Disease-resistant and fairly highly productive variety
Early ripening variety "Goddess" Pink-red, round-oval, up to 8 cm in diameter White color, juicy and tender, sweetish-sharp taste Resistant to flowering and drought, with high yield
Early ripening variety "Diego" White, tender and very juicy, without losing its crunchy properties for a long time Resistant to diseases and flowering, high yield
Early maturing hybrid "Donar-F1" spherical in shape, bright red in color, up to 3 cm in diameter Juicy, moderately dense, without pronounced bitterness Resistant to yellowing of tops, diseases, with high yield
Early ripening variety "Heat" Round in shape, red-crimson in color, 3.0-3.5 cm in diameter Slightly pungent taste, white and dense, with a high content of vitamin “C” Resistant to diseases and flowering, highly productive variety
Mid-season variety "Zlata" (orange) Round in shape, with a slightly rough yellow surface, up to 3 cm in diameter White, tender and quite juicy, dense
Early maturing hybrid "Kaspar-F1" Round in shape, bright red in color, no more than 3.0 cm in diameter Good juiciness, high taste, no bitterness Resistant to wilting, cracking and disease
Early maturing hybrid "Rondar-F1" Round in shape, bright red in color, with a diameter of no more than 3 cm White in color, juicy, slightly spicy in taste, does not become flabby for a long time It is resistant to diseases and flowering, and is highly productive.

Landing rules

You can sow radishes at several times. As a rule, domestic gardeners begin to sow this crop in the middle or end of April, then the plant can be planted at intervals of a couple of weeks until the last ten days of May. Radishes can be planted both in spring and autumn, that is, before winter. To obtain radishes in September, sowing is done in early August, on the ridges freed from harvesting onions for turnips. Planting radishes on ridges of open ground in the last ten days of summer is most often practiced by amateur vegetable growers in regions with warm climatic conditions.

It is recommended to sow calibrated, sorted radish seeds on open ground ridges quite densely. First, furrows should be made on the ridges with a depth of 20 mm and a distance of 15-20 cm, after which they should be shed generously with water. Seeds sown in furrows should be sprinkled with loose, fertile soil. In the evening hours, after sunset, before mass shoots appear, crops must be covered with plastic film. In dry and fairly sunny weather, seedlings appear in five to six days.

After the first true leaf appears, the seedlings should be thinned out, leaving a distance of at least three to five centimeters between plants. Seedlings should be thinned out very carefully and carefully. so as not to damage the root system of the seedlings left behind. Planting winter radishes should be done in the middle or last ten days of autumn, and the timing of sowing can vary depending on the soil and climatic conditions in the cultivation region.

Radish: choosing a variety (video)

It is necessary to prepare the area for sowing radishes in the last ten days of summer by digging the soil with the addition of humus or rotted compost, as well as superphosphate and potassium sulfate. It's important to note that autumn planting for radishes on open ground ridges involves sowing in dry soil and mandatory mulching of the crops with dry soil or peat. Good result makes it possible to use spruce branches as cover, which will allow you to delay snow mass and will improve the safety of seeds until spring. Pre-winter and winter sowing of radishes helps to obtain the first harvest of juicy large root crops about a decade earlier than with spring sowing.

Features of care

It is important to take into account the fact that extended daylight hours provoke bolting, which inevitably negatively affects the filling of root crops. The main measures for caring for radishes cultivated in open ground include watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil between the rows:

  • If the soil is properly filled at the stage of pre-sowing preparation of the site, it is necessary to feed radish. However, if there is a lag in plant growth or the formation of a low-quality crop, the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is allowed;
  • this one is very responsive vegetable crop to add a moderate amount of sulfur, and good results are observed when watering radishes with a nutrient solution based on 20 g of potassium sulfate and 40 g of superphosphate, with the addition of a glass of wood ash, diluted in a bucket of water room temperature;

  • when growing root crops in areas with not very fertile soils, it is advisable to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers for fertilizing in the form of a solution based on a teaspoon of urea diluted in a bucket of water;
  • evening watering of radish beds should be done daily in dry and hot weather, and if there is enough rain, irrigation measures are carried out as the soil dries out;
  • the standard water consumption when watering this early-ripening crop should be about a bucket of water for each square meter of usable area;
  • After each watering, shallow but fairly thorough loosening of the soil between the rows is carried out, as well as the removal of weeds.

Radishes: harvesting (video)

Such an unpretentious vegetable as radish can be planted and cared for under a film or in open ground. You can harvest from one bed 3-4 times a season.

Radishes are considered a cold-resistant plant, capable of withstanding 5-6 degrees of frost, but the most suitable temperature would be 17-20 degrees.

Any gardener may encounter such a problem when the radish starts to shoot, then blooms, and as a result the root crops do not appear. To avoid this, it is necessary to avoid high seeding density, dry soil and low temperatures. There is no need to apply fresh manure to sowing, as the leaves may grow and the roots will be hollow.

Gardeners who want to get good harvest, must initially know in what soil and how to plant radishes. It’s not for nothing that the proverb says: as you sow, so shall you reap.

  • First, you need to choose fertile soil in a sunny location for early sowing or shaded areas in midsummer.
  • Secondly, before sowing, it is advisable to soak the seeds for 12 hours.
  • Thirdly, the bed needs to be prepared in advance. In open ground it should be done in mid-April: water hot water, dig to the depth of a shovel, add about 3 kg of humus, add 1 tbsp. spoon of nitrophoska, again dig with a pitchfork to 11-12 cm in depth, then level and compact slightly. Make grooves about 2.5-3 cm deep and at a distance of 8-10 cm, then pour water at 33-35 degrees and start sowing. The seeds are sown in grooves at a distance of 2.5-3 cm from each other to a depth of 2 cm. It is not worth sowing deeper, as the fruit may not set. If the sowing is early, you need to cover it with film to a height of about 50 cm from the bed.
  • Fourth, plant radishes better in spring or in the second half of summer: April 16-27, May 10-11 and 22-24, August 1-10.

When the radish planting is completed, you need to wait for shoots. About five days after their appearance, the seedlings must be thinned out by removing weak plants. Radishes require watering by sprinkling (at home - from a watering can). When the bed becomes weathered, it is necessary to loosen it.

In order to combat cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage flies between the rows before loosening, you can sprinkle dry mustard or pepper in the ratio of 1 square meter. meter one teaspoon. The method of pollinating its leaves with ash or tobacco dust helps in the process of radish growth. If the plant infects clubroot, resulting in growths on the roots, such fruits must be immediately destroyed, and radishes should no longer be planted in their place.

At the beginning of radish growth, you need to water the beds in small doses, but more often. Watering reduces the fruit to a moderate size, otherwise only the tops will grow; in this case, the fruit will not form or will turn out empty.

You should know that if the radish subsequently tastes bitter and hard, then it was watered poorly, and if it cracked, then it was watered a lot, in excess.

After 20-25 days, the radishes ripen. If it grows very slowly, and its leaves are pale green, you need to “feed” the vegetable: dilute 1 teaspoon of crystallin, urea, or ROST in 10 liters of water. This solution should yield 3.5-4 liters per 1 square meter. Stir it well and water the beds.

Now it is important not to miss the moment of harvesting the radishes, since you cannot be late with them. If the moment is missed, the fruits become coarse and the radishes go to the shoot. Root crops that have already ripened need to be dug up, the tops torn off and the vegetables laid out in plastic bags. It is recommended to store at a temperature of 2-3 degrees.

Radish varieties for every taste and color

Every gardener should know the varieties of radishes, since the ripening period depends on them. According to their maturity, there are three types of varieties: early-ripening, mid-ripening and late-ripening.

1. Early ripening (ripening period is 18-30 days)

Radish 18 days. The most popular variety, as it is very productive and early ripening. Ripens in 18-19 days. Its root vegetables are bright red in color, non-spicy, with white juicy pulp, slightly spicy in taste.

Rhodes. More suitable for growing under film, or for early or late sowing directly into open ground. Has a slight tendency to porosity. Its root is bright red and round.

Early red. Very productive variety, the most resistant to shooting. The root vegetable is dark red in color, has a round shape, with white, tender, tasty pulp. Planting is done both under a film in a greenhouse and directly in open ground.

Corundum. This variety ripens evenly within 24-25 days. Its root vegetable is round in shape and carmine red in color. Grows in any soil.

Heat. The variety is productive, with small, dark red root vegetables, 4-5 centimeters in diameter, and white, juicy pulp. Suitable for early sowing in any type of soil. This variety is drought-resistant.
French breakfast. Ripens in 20-22 days. Its roots are bright scarlet in color, but their tip is white. Weight is 17-20 grams.

Hothouse. The variety with pink root crops with a white tip is resistant to bolting.
Greenhouse Gribovsky. It differs from other varieties by its friendly ripening. The variety is resistant to bolting.

Ruby. Has excellent taste qualities. The roots are red, round-flat in shape.

Sachs. The ripening period is 25-28 days. The root vegetable is dense, has a deep red color and white flesh with a sweet-sharp taste.

Duro. The yield reaches 2.5 kg/m2. Resistant to shooting.

Lyubava. The root crop has an oblong shape.

2. Mid-ripening (ripening period is 30-35 days)

Faith. A variety that does not bolt. High-yielding (up to 2.5 kg/m2). Root crops do not crack and have the same size and shape.

Red with white tip. It is distinguished by large root vegetables with carmine-red skin. The flesh is white, but sometimes pale pink.

Slavia. The skin of the radish is pink-red and the tip is white; the flesh tastes a little spicy.

Helios. You can harvest this radish variety 30 days after planting. Root vegetable yellow color, pulp with a delicate taste.

Sachs. The weight of the root vegetable is usually 30 g. The pulp is dense and has a sweet-sharp taste.

3. Late ripening (ripening period is 35-45 days)

Rumpouch. It has a spindle-shaped root, quite long. The taste is medium spicy.
Red giant. The root crop is large, weighing up to 120 g. It is resistant to cruciferous flea beetles and diseases. During winter it is well stored in sand.

Champion. Ripens in 40 days. It has red roots with a raspberry tint. This is the best variety for planting in open ground.

The variety of radish varieties is amazing. Different colors can create a vibrant palette for salads. With the arrival of spring, radishes usually become the main component of salads, because one bunch of this vegetable provides a daily dose of vitamins.