Well      06/13/2019

Parsley: types and varieties. The best varieties of parsley

Fresh greens are a frequent guest on the table of people who monitor their health. But not everyone knows what types and varieties of parsley are, and how to choose it correctly. To provide yourself with vitamins from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, you need to have fairly simple information about this plant. A rich selection of varieties allows you to purchase not only early greens, but also tasty, high yield and suitable for cultivation both in greenhouses and in open field. There are also varieties that grow well in flowerpots on the balcony and in the apartment.

What types and varieties of parsley are

The most tender, juicy and delicious greens are traditionally parsley. She has beautiful leaves that give off a delightful spicy aroma. Summer residents grow this type of greenery both to enrich their own diet and for sale.

There are other types of parsley - for example, curly varieties, which, according to taste and useful features are in no way inferior to leafy greens, and even surpass it in beauty. That is why knowledgeable housewives decorate their dishes with curly parsley.

Gloria parsley is perfect for growing both at home and in open ground.

The best varieties of parsley for greens

Get acquainted with varieties that are distinguished by good germination and fast growth.

Parsley Astra

Early maturing curly greenery. Vegetation period - 55-60 days. Suitable for sowing in open and closed ground. It has a semi-raised rosette of medium height and high density. The Astra variety has large, well-formed green leaves, characterized by a high regrowth rate after cutting. The maximum yield is 5 kg/m².

Leaf parsley Carnival

Sheet fast growing variety. With proper care, the growing season is 65 to 75 days. It has a large rosette of large fragrant leaves, the number of which can reach up to 100 pieces in a plant bundle.

After cutting, it grows back pretty quickly. Parsley Carnival forms an early and abundant harvest of juicy green mass. The variety is resistant to cold, tolerates winter well even in unprotected soil. It has a high adaptability to fungal diseases. Greens are highly concentrated ascorbic acid(vitamin C), calcium, carotene and salts.

Favorable time for sowing in open ground is spring and autumn. To get fresh herbs in winter, Carnival parsley must be planted in a container with nutrient soil. The range of application of this variety is quite wide: young leaves can be dried, pickled, salted, and also added to, salads and spin.

Variety Carnival is photophilous, but has a high adaptation to the shade, so it can grow in shaded places. To get early greens, parsley is sown in several passes: in mid-April, in the first half of July and in November. The grains are planted in prepared grooves, at a distance of 15-20 cm from each other. The optimal depth for seeds is 1-1.5 cm.

Parsley is unpretentious to growing conditions, therefore, it only needs periodic loosening of the soil, moderate watering and a small top dressing that stimulates plant growth. Harvest is considered ready when the leaves reach 10-12 cm in length.

Parsley Breeze

Leaf mid-season variety. The growing season is 80 days. This variety is resistant to lodging. It has a high (up to 75 cm) upright rosette. Breeze has dark green shiny leaves long (25-35 cm). The petiole has a cylindrical shape. Cut greens are tender, medium juicy, do not wither during long-term transportation and further storage, retaining all original properties and characteristics. It is widely used as a spicy seasoning in cooking.

The best varieties of root parsley

The best root parsley varieties also produce good harvest greens, but cutting the leaves is often not recommended. This is due to the fact that the root thus receives insufficient nutrients and does not grow to the desired volume. Varieties of early ripe parsley species are suitable for drying and. Late-ripening fruits retain their properties better when stored fresh.

Parsley Root Berlin

Root diameter can reach 4 cm in length. Berlin parsley grows up to 20 cm tall. The cut root pulp is tender and sweet in taste. It is well suited for fresh and dried storage. It can also be preserved for the winter. According to experts in crop production, the Berlin variety is the most productive among the root varieties of parsley.

Berlinia late ripening

A curly variety that is suitable for early sowing. First, the seeds are planted in greenhouses and hardened for further transplantation into open ground. It is resistant to both high and low, up to -5 ° C, temperatures.

No less popular is mid-season fruitful parsley. It is characterized by tasty and ripe root pulp of white color. The variety is highly resistant to pests and plant diseases.

Other varieties of parsley

For those who want long time enjoy fragrant and healthy foliage, should buy frost-resistant varieties parsley. Such species do not require much care and thrive in different weather conditions.

Description of parsley Kaput, which is available on the Internet, once again confirms its popularity and incredible benefits.

Parsley varieties that have high yields and good taste qualities:

Having knowledge about the main varieties of parsley and understanding the nuances of their cultivation, you can choose the variety that will satisfy all your wishes and suit your conditions and requirements. Proper care for parsley - a guarantee of obtaining a large harvest in the shortest possible time.

Varieties of parsley to give - video

In order for curly parsley to give fresh greens throughout the season, it is sown at several times. If you cannot allocate a large bed for parsley, you can sow varieties with different terms ripeness. Early varieties of parsley will be ready in two months from the moment of sowing, two weeks later mid-season varieties will turn green, and at the end of summer it will be possible to collect parsley of late varieties.

The most popular varieties of root parsley

Before choosing the best varieties of parsley for your garden, you should decide for what purposes you are going to grow it. If you need roots for cooking and medicinal decoctions, you should plant root parsley, and for fragrant, lush greens, you should grow leaf parsley. Among gardeners, root parsley is more popular, since it is possible to obtain not only roots, but also a certain amount of greenery from it, however, it is worth considering that with frequent cutting off of foliage, the root part remains small and frail. So choose what is more important to you - tops or roots?

In the early variety type of root parsley, the roots are shortened and rather thick.

The peculiarity of root parsley is that it forms a cone-shaped, thickened or cylindrical root of a light shade. Greenery grows a little, compared with leafy varieties, it is less fragrant and more rigid. In the early cultivar of root parsley, the roots are short and rather thick, best suited for drying, while in the late cultivar they are long (up to 40 cm), well suited for long-term storage.

Video about growing different varieties of parsley


After 95-100 days from the time the first plants sprout, the variety is ready for use. In a sprawling rosette, there are from 20 to 40 leaves, the root crop grows up to 30 cm long, has a conical, pointed shape and a grayish-white color. Inside, the roots of sugar parsley are white, with a light yellow core. Widely distributed due to its excellent taste.


Mid-season root variety with ripeness terms up to 130 days from the moment the first greens appeared. A plant weighing about 100 g forms a semi-spreading rosette with 11-20 leaves and a pointed root crop from 20 cm in length with good taste.

A plant weighing about 100 g forms a semi-spreading rosette


Technical ripeness comes approximately in 135 days, as you saw the first shoots. A highly developed rosette consists of 28-30 leaves, the root crop is elongated (about 35 cm), cylindrical shape, weighing 170 g.


A late-ripening variety of root parsley with ripeness terms from 150 days to 180. The plant forms a sprawling rosette and a cone-shaped root crop with a pointed tip. The diameter of the Berlin parsley root reaches 4 cm, length - up to 20 cm.

Parsley leaf, the best varieties

Roots leaf parsley although edible, they look unappetizing, remain thin and harsh. Grow leafy parsley for its greenery. There are two varieties of it: parsley with ordinary leaves and curly parsley, the corrugated leaves of which resemble curls.

Curly parsley is great for garnishing dishes

Curly parsley is great for decorating dishes, due to its decorative look, and in addition has a pleasant strong aroma and delicate taste. After cutting, the greens grow back very quickly - before the end of the season, you can harvest another crop. Cut leaves do not turn yellow for about a week, retaining their taste and persistent aroma.


An early ripe curly-leaved variety - 65 days after germination, the greens are suitable for eating. The rosette grows dense, semi-raised, with large strongly corrugated leaves. The leaf mass actively grows after cutting.

Rosette grows dense, semi-raised, with large strongly corrugated leaves

common leaf

The grade is appreciated for magnificent fragrant greens and high productivity. Parsley reaches technical ripeness in 70 days, as shoots look out. A strongly developed rosette consists of a large number of smooth dark green leaves with a strong dissection. In one outlet, there can be from 30 to 100 leaves. The roots are not edible.


Curly parsley of medium ripeness. The mass of the plant reaches 50 g, about 25-30 leaves with short petioles are formed in the rosette. After cutting the crop grows well.

Video about the secrets of growing parsley


Leaf grade with terms of ripeness about 80 days. One plant has a mass of 60 g. The rosette grows up to 75 cm in height, the greens turn out to be tender, after cutting it protects its freshness for a long time.

The following varieties of leaf parsley are zoned: Bogatyr, Breeze, Astra, Gloria, Sorceress, Triplex, Sandwich, Titan, Ordinary leaf, Borodinskaya. Varieties of curly parsley are zoned: Kucheryavets, Bravo, Mazina, Petra, Leaf curly.

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Guys, in the paragraph that talks about preparing parsley seeds for planting, there is a photo with cilantro seeds, but not parsley, of course, if this is important to you

Beneficial features

Good afternoon! I also like curly parsley - it is truly a universal spicy, medicinal, ornamental plant. The specific, delicate, pleasant aroma and spicy-sweet taste of this seasoning for all dishes, except for sweet ones, are loved by many. WITH therapeutic purpose the roots are used for kidney diseases, as a mild laxative, the seeds are a strong diuretic, the leaves are used to treat wounds, reduce inflammation and pain, the fruits are used for inflammation of the prostate gland, menstrual irregularities, renal colic, to improve digestion; they are not recommended for use during pregnancy.

Preparation of parsley seeds for sowing, increasing and accelerating their germination

Parsley varieties are not numerous, in this article I will give several varieties suitable for middle lane.​

Shoots will appear in a period of 9 to 15 days, they can endure frosts down to -10 ° C. ​

Parsley roots are stewed together with potatoes, carrots, rutabaga, parsnips, celery and leeks. Root crops are peeled, cut into slices and stewed. Vegetables are served with butter and salt.

Parsley greens intended for storage in plastic bags, ventilate, pre-cool. Otherwise, the inside of the package will be damp, and the shelf life of fresh herbs will be reduced. The bags are not sealed tightly and placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0, -1. Products are stored for up to three months.​

Parsley is grown in a garden bed prepared in early spring. To do this, when digging for 1 m / 2, half a bucket of humus, 2 liter cans of river sand, 1 tablespoon of superphosphate are introduced into the soil, in addition, parsley responds positively to the application of mineral fertilizers. The soil is leveled and watered.

Growing parsley

Beautiful curly parsley of medium ripening. The plant is characterized by intensive formation of green mass after pruning, has a small rosette, consisting of 20-30 leaves. Up to 50 grams of crop can be harvested from each crop.​

"Delicate aroma" - an early ripe variety with smooth, shiny, bright green leaves. Intensively grows after cutting. With its taste and really delicate aroma, it not only stimulates the appetite, but also decorates the festive and everyday table.​

For the whole season, 3-4 loosening, 1-2 top dressing and watering are carried out. With dense seedlings, the plants are thinned out, leaving 3-5 cm between them. Top dressing begins when 2-3 true leaves appear in the plants, and then they are fed after cutting the leaves. To obtain a large crop of green mass, parsley is fed with a complete mineral fertilizer with a predominance of nitrogen.

Parsley is a biennial plant, without which not a single garden can do. Growing parsley often causes some difficulties for gardeners - the seeds do not germinate well or at all. Root and leaf varieties are grown in our gardens. Useful properties of parsley, a pleasant aroma that improves the taste of any dish, have made it an essential attribute of any garden. How to prepare parsley seeds for sowing, how to speed up or increase their germination? Parsley belongs to the umbrella family along with dill, cumin, angelica, lovage, cilantro, carrots, parsnips, celery, coriander. All of them have hollow stems, umbrella inflorescences. Botanical name - Petroselinum crispum.​

On your root parsley page you have a photo of coriander, i.e. cilantro

By the way, wild parsley was first discovered by residents Ancient Greece on the rocky spurs of the Morea peninsula (Peloponnese) and from here got its Latin name

parsley storage


Dry seeds can also be used for sowing. However, such seeds will sprout 7 days later than previously soaked ones. Also, dry seeds are used when sowing before winter, in frozen ground. ​

parsley varieties

Root varieties of parsley

Parsley is the most famous spice in our latitudes, an indispensable attribute of many dishes. When cooking, both parsley leaves and its root are used. Carved, spicy leaves decorate the dish and add zest to it, and the root gives a unique taste to broths and marinades. Did you know that parsley has more vitamin C than lemon, and more vitamin A than carrots? Of course, such useful plant- a permanent inhabitant of my garden! In a harsh winter, parsley should not be left in the soil until spring - it freezes.


Root parsley is a biennial plant: in the first year it produces roots, in the second - seeds. Green leaves and roots are used as food. Parsley contains many vitamins. these are B1 and B2, and B6, as well as K and PP, there is folic acid, ascorbic, carotene and sugars, mineral salts of potassium and calcium, as well as phosphorus, magnesium and iron, all that is necessary for healthy eating person.​

Leaf varieties of parsley

"Morning freshness" - an early ripening leaf variety (the period from full germination to harvesting greens is 70-75 days). The leaf rosette is large, slightly sprawling. Leaves are medium sized, dark green in color and very fragrant. Parsley leaves grow well after cutting. Cut greens keep a fresh look for several days and are widely used in cooking.
Leaves are cut as low as possible. Do not cut too many leaves from one plant at a time - no more than a third, otherwise the bush will not be able to recover quickly or even die. It is worth periodically removing the stem on which the inflorescence develops (unless you want to collect the seeds), because new leaves will not grow on the old stem. New leaves usually grow from the outside of the rosette. By the way, in curly varieties, new leaves grow from the center of the outlet.

It is difficult to say which parsley is more popular with gardeners. Leaf parsley is common, with smooth, shiny leaves or curly, with matte corrugated leaves. They differ from each other in the shape of the sheet. Common parsley usually has a stronger flavor than curly-leaf parsley. But curly parsley is very beautiful, elegant - it will decorate any dish.
Yes, that's right! I messed up with the second photo!) In 2013, parsley and coriander leaves were the same for me. It is now that I can distinguish one from the other with my eyes closed) although even a beginner can navigate only by one smell! Thank you for being attentive to my work and reading the article!​


(root) - medium early variety, eaten in summer and autumn. Root crops are shortened, cone-shaped, have a grayish- White color

Curly parsley varieties

Reproduction of parsley

Parsley is root and leaf. Leaf parsley is common parsley or curly parsley familiar to all of us. They eat only the leaves of leaf parsley, do not consume the roots for food. Root parsley is distinguished by a large, thick root crop, it goes into sauces and salting. Parsley root greens can also be eaten, but it is rougher in taste, and it should not be plucked until the root crop is fully ripe, otherwise it will turn out small and frail.


parsley varieties

Parsley roots can be stored in boxes (sprinkled with a layer of sand) or in large plastic bags, sprinkled with a layer (3-5 cm) sawdust without closing the bag. Root crops should be stored at a temperature of 0, +1 and relative humidity air 95%.​

​To get big harvest greens - you need to make more nitrogen fertilizers. And for the preservation of root crops in winter, nitrogen fertilizers reduce and add ash.

The best varieties of parsley for greens

​In traditional medicine parsley is used as a means of promoting wound healing, strengthening gums, maintaining vision, and improving kidney function.

Common parsley

"Festivalnaya" - an early ripe leafy variety (55-60 days from germination to technical maturity). The rosette is highly developed, the number of leaves is from 30 to 60. The leaves are dark green, strongly dissected, very fragrant, grow well after cutting. Parsley leaves have a pleasant smell and taste due to the presence of essential oils in them. For fresh consumption, the leaves begin to be cut when they reach a height of 10-12 cm, for drying, the leaves are cut during budding.


Tomatoes and asparagus in your area will grow better if parsley grows nearby. Plant it near roses - their aroma will intensify.


Parsley is used in soups, sauces, salads and reduces the need for salt. It is a food low in saturated fat, very low in cholesterol. It is also a good source of protein, vitamin E (alpha tocopherol), thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, pantothenic acid, and a very good source of dietary fiber. Parsley contains a considerable amount of vitamin C. It is also rich in vitamin A - its effect on vision, reducing the risk of atherosclerosis and diabetes is well known. Carotene, calcium, mineral salts of iron, phosphorus, minerals - this is just the main list of useful components of this fragrant plant. And the presence of aroma, its strength and pleasant taste depends on the percentage of essential oils. Root vegetables, parsley leaves are used for food.


Parsley varieties, care and cultivation, beneficial features. Recipes with parsley

I heard that parsley can be perennial, and I also found out that root parsley is actually a biennial, and for the next years plants grow from seeds ... in general, your opinion is interesting ...



Parsley is propagated by seeds. At the beginning of full ripeness in the second year, the seeds are harvested. To do this, leave the heads with seeds on the parsley. Mow or cut the parsley and put it in rows to dry, thresh the dry plants after a few days, then dry the seeds and remove the unnecessary husk.​

The soil for parsley should be normal or slightly acidic and have a loose structure. For landing, you can choose a sunny place or partial shade. It is interesting to note that greens grown in the open field contain more vitamins and do not lose them when stored at low temperatures.

Due to the fact that parsley seeds are not only small, but also contain quite a few essential oils, so they do not germinate for a long time. Sugar and Harvest - varieties of root parsley. Root vegetables contain 1.5% protein and 9% carbohydrates. Essential oils create a special aroma in parsley. The aromaticity of plants especially increases in dry hot summer.

"Bogatyr" is a late-ripening leaf variety (60-65 days from germination to harvesting for greenery), a variety for growing in open and protected ground. The rosette is large, height 25-40 cm, up to 25 leaves are formed. Parsley leaves are dark green, with large lobes, very fragrant, grow well after cutting. The rhizomes overwinter in the soil and quickly produce fresh greens in early spring. Recommended for fresh, dried and canned consumption. Leaves are harvested periodically, as needed. Freezing is the best storage method. It retains its taste and color well when frozen. If you have to collect it for storage after rain, then you should rinse the branches well, dry them by wrapping them with a kitchen towel. Separate the leaves from the stems. Don't throw away the stems, you can freeze them too. They are great for improving the taste of soups. Dip the parsley stalks into the soup shortly before the end of cooking, tied in bunches. Then, after 5-7 minutes, they can be removed from the soup.


Parsley seeds germinate for a long time - 15-20 days. This is due to the fact that the seeds are covered with essential oils that prevent germination, as if they do not allow the seed coat to get wet, do not allow moisture inside. This feature must be taken into account when preparing parsley seeds for sowing. Many gardeners cover the beds with foil or spunbond after sowing to keep the soil moist. Do not remove the shelter until the sprouts appear from the ground. If you are sure that all these 15-20 days required for germination, you will be able to keep the beds moist, then soaking the parsley seeds before sowing is not necessary.

My parsley consistently gives greens on the windowsill for two years all year round, I feed it only three times a year, every time in spring and autumn I remove a little topsoil and add more fresh soil with vermicompost. I plant different varieties in one box. I plant fresh every year, so I always have two boxes: with last year's old parsley and freshly planted again, it's very convenient. same with celery. this is the most hassle-free greens for growing on the windowsill!​


(root) - medium-late variety with elongated root crops, perfectly stored. It is eaten in autumn and winter.

Caring for parsley is extremely simple, for this, water the greens in the evening (root parsley loves August watering, at this time the roots are gaining nutrients), thin out, free the greens from weeds, loosen the soil.

Parsley can be planted in the soil where cabbage, onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, potatoes grew last season. After parsley, the same crops (carrots, cilantro, cumin, dill) are best planted in 3-4 years.

Parsley gives fragrant, vitamin greens and valuable roots rich in protein and carbohydrates.

In order to accelerate the germination of seeds, it is necessary to soak them in warm water, and keep moist for 2 days, rinsing from time to time. On the 3rd day, the seeds in the bag are placed in another solution (solution boric acid- 0.2 g per liter of water).​

Sugar parsley is early ripening, it yields a crop 1.5-2 months after germination. Root crops with white pulp, have a length of up to 15 cm and a mass of 60 g, the owner of excellent taste.

"Slavyanskaya" is a relatively compact variety with medium-long stems. Has a wonderful aroma. Able to tolerate low temperatures and drought.​

The leaves are cut into small pieces or cutting board knife, or scissors, or food processor. Put the chopped parsley leaves in a plastic bag or box, close the container tightly, put in freezer. When you need greens, just cut the right amount from a large frozen piece - no need to defrost, they are easy to cut.​

But there are ways to germinate seeds that increase the germination of parsley, accelerating the emergence of seedlings.

Tell me. how to care for root parsley? which I have been planting for a year and not very successful, I have to either buy or ask someone. In the fall, it is the root that is needed.

growing on stone


If you constantly take greens from the garden (which can be eaten at any time during the development of the plant), the bushes naturally thin out as they grow. If you have sown root parsley, you must definitely thin it out, regardless of whether you need greens. ​


Sowing parsley

This is a wonderful seasoning for soups, salads, adds a unique touch to meat or fish. It can be consumed throughout the year fresh, dried and salted. Parsley is especially useful.

After a day, they are taken out, the seed material is scattered in one layer on a clean and damp cloth. Keep in a warm place. Then we dry the seeds slightly, add sand and sow in the garden. The sowing depth is small 1.0-2.0 cm, the sowing date is no later than May 15, while there is enough moisture in the soil.

Ordinary leaf

Mooskrause 2 is an early ripe variety (the period from germination to technical ripeness is 55-60 days). The leaf rosette is semi-spreading. The leaves are corrugated, light green, large, shiny, have a sweet taste. Great for flavoring soups and side dishes. Parsley grows well after cutting. Recommended for cultivation in open and protected ground. Used fresh and dried.​


You can speed up germination by soaking seeds in water overnight before planting. Water, by the way, practically does not dissolve the oil on the surface of the seeds. Therefore, before soaking, pour hot water (not boiling water) over parsley seeds to rinse essential oils from their surface.

Dill Mammoth, Alligator, Russian giant. Parsley leaf Italian giant.

. In ancient Greece and Rome, parsley was grown for a long time as an ornamental plant, often houses were decorated with greenery, the leaves were used to weave wreaths, which crowned the winners of the Istlian and Pythian games. Hercules himself adorned himself with parsley at solemn moments. For a long time, parsley was considered sacred plant symbolizing glory and joy. In the Middle Ages, noble ladies necessarily complemented their luxurious outfits with parsley and dill boutonnieres.​


(root) - mid-season variety, maturing, root length 20-30 cm, yellowish-white flesh.

First thinning - about 3 cm is left between plants.

Planting parsley

Parsley is a biennial plant. Parsley seeds after harvesting are stored for about 2-3 years. ​

Leaves are salted immediately after cutting. They are washed, finely chopped and mixed with salt (20-25 g of salt per 100 g of greens).

Parsley root feels great both on high ridges and on soil with flat surface. But on the ridges, root crops grow larger.

- a popular early-ripening parsley variety, a large rosette of leaves with a lot of fragrant greens. The variety is quite cold-resistant, winter-hardy. Suitable for freezing.​

To get fresh parsley for a long period, the seeds of this plant are sown with an interval of 12-15 days. In the presence of a large area, plants of different periods of vegetative development can be sown. It should be noted that early-ripening parsley forms greens in 50-60 days from the moment of sowing, mid-ripening varieties will begin to yield two weeks later, and late-ripening spices will ripen at the end of summer.

rynaya" - an early ripe high-yielding variety, the growing season is 75-85 days. The average weight of one root crop is 25-60 g. Taste qualities are high. The root crop is conical, pointed, its length is 20-30 cm, the diameter of the upper part is up to 6.5 cm. The color of the leaves is dark green. The leaves are shiny on top and dull below.

One more way. Very simple. It is necessary to soak the seeds in vodka, as essential oils dissolve in alcohol-containing solutions. At the bottom of the saucer I pour a little 40-degree. Then I pour the seeds on a small piece of a wide gauze bandage. I dip parsley seeds on gauze into vodka, leave for 15-20 minutes. No longer - you can burn the seeds. Then I lift the bandage with seeds, I wash under running water. It is a must to rinse. Then I dry the seeds. Everything - parsley seeds are ready for sowing. This method of seed treatment allows them to germinate twice as fast. Shoots are friendly, strong.

I liked the Alligator for greens and Gribovsky for blanks Parsley varieties, in my opinion, do not differ much Curly sow just for beauty under tall flowers

Due to its decorative effect, curly parsley is good both in the parterre garden and in the spicy garden, and leafy varieties - as a border, followed by repeated cutting; for seeds, it is better to plant it in a motley lawn. You should not just choose fennel, dill and leaf celery in her neighbors.

Leaf ordinary

After a couple of weeks, we thin out again, the final distance between neighboring plants should be 5-10 cm.

Parsley is a very frost-resistant plant, so fresh herbs can be obtained from the garden from early spring to late autumn, until the snow falls. To obtain young greenery, many gardeners use the so-called conveyor method, in which seeds are sown at intervals of 2-3 weeks and can last up to late autumn(suitable for leaf parsley). ​

Parsley cutlets

parsley care

Crop care is weeding, loosening the soil and thinning seedlings when 2-3 true leaves appear. First, it is necessary to leave 2-3 cm between plants, then increase the distance between them to 5 cm. excess water leads to plant diseases.


When choosing parsley varieties for growing in your own garden plot, you need to decide for what purposes the crop will be used. It is known that root crops or greens can be obtained from this plant. So, the roots are used to prepare a variety of medicinal decoctions - in this case, it is necessary to grow varieties of root parsley, and greens are used mainly for culinary needs. In the latter case, when varieties are used to obtain greens, the roots are small and sluggish.

"Harvest" - the period is mid-season, the growing season is 84-102 days. The average weight of one plant is 100-115 g, the root crop is 25-45 g. The taste is good. The keeping quality of root crops during storage is good. Root crops are conical, spiky, 20-30 cm long, the diameter of the upper part is from 4 to 7 cm. The surface of the root crop is grayish-whitish, the core is light yellow. The leaf rosette of parsley is semi-spreading, consisting of 11-20 leaves. The leaves are dark green, shiny above, dull below.

There is another way to quickly germinate. Many of us grow greens for the table on the window or balcony. It is very comfortable. Parsley seeds germinate very slowly, but there is one way to "make" them germinate very quickly. Prepare a container with earth, moisten it, sprinkle the earth with quicklime three times every 10-15 minutes. Sow parsley seeds pre-soaked in milk. The seeds will sprout in three hours. The room should be warm, not lower than 20 ° C.​

Everything, everyone here praises dill alligator, I also bought it, we'll see.

Lyudmila, you always have such interesting and informative posts and comments! Now I am definitely convinced that my curls are really rooted!​

(leaf) - spicy leaves, strongly dissected, powerful rosette. The variety is early.

parsley varieties

Make sure that parsley leaves are healthy, free of signs of disease and insect damage, so that you can take action in time and not lose your crop. Parsley is susceptible to the following diseases and pests: rust, white rot, carrot psyllid, carrot fly, melon aphid, onion and garlic stem nematode, white spotting.

The beds for planting are best prepared in the fall, at the same time organic and mineral fertilizers. In the spring, additional potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied, urea and ammonium nitrate can be added. 300-400 g of parsley greens are fried in oil (two or three tablespoons), four or five stalks of finely chopped green onions are added, fried again and cooled. Then two or three eggs, three tablespoons of flour, salt to taste are added, cutlets are made and fried in well-heated oil. Sour milk is served with ready cutlets.

Parsley greens are harvested before the first autumn frost: during frosts, the leaves lose their aromaticity. - A variety of leaf parsley with very corrugated and beautiful leaves. It has a delicate, pleasant aroma. Plants are compact in shape, drought-resistant, curly parsley roots winter well and rich vitamin greens can be obtained in early spring. Long retain freshness after cutting.

In our article, we will get acquainted with the varieties of leaf spices. According to the shape of the leaf, such parsley can be ordinary (with an even leaf blade) and curly, the beautiful leaves of which are somewhat similar to curls. The latter type of spice is used to decorate many dishes; its greens are distinguished by a pleasant delicate taste and delicate aroma. After pruning the greens, new leaves grow back, which allows you to get an additional crop. "Shepherd" is a late-ripening high-yielding parsley variety. The rosette is widely spreading with a large number of leaves - from 20 to 40. The root is conical in shape with a sharp end, 20-30 cm long. The flesh of the root crop is white, juicy, sweet. The mass of one plant with leaves and root is 80-100 g. The root crop weighs from 30 to 70 g. The whole plant is used for food.

Before sowing parsley seeds, you should dig or loosen the ground well. It will not be superfluous to fill it with organic fertilizers before cultivating the soil. I am sowing Boreas. . this is an excellent bush dill .... the period until the seeds ripen is 2 months. . pluck only branches that grow again. . I sow either before winter or in April. .parsley sandwich .. Moscow region

Svetlana, Russia

Parsley is a good herb, but you have to be careful with it, it still has contraindications!

Marina, Nekrasovskoe

Good, useful, tasty information. Our parsley doesn’t freeze out even in winter, I cover it with a spunbond and that’s it))) I can’t collect my seeds, the eldest daughter first of all eats out exactly the juicy young shoots with flower stalks, and only then goes on to the leaves)

Faith, Eagle

Collection and storage of parsley

Ludmila Uleyskaya, Yalta

Seeds need to be soaked for a day in water or a 0.2% solution of potassium permanganate. Then place them in gauze and germinate until white sprouts appear. If you urgently need to get seedlings, then soak the seeds for 4 hours in milk and then in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Green oil Harvesting of root crops begins before frosts begin, (September 15-25). Dig up the roots carefully, trying not to damage, after cutting the leaves.A late-ripening variety is also found in gardens - This variety of parsley is valued for its unpretentiousness, resistance to low temperatures and intensive green formation. The full maturity of the green mass is reached in two months from the moment of germination. The rosette is well developed, it can include up to 100 dissected green leaves that emit a pleasant aroma. The roots of this culture are not consumed. "Ordinary leaf" - forms a large rosette with a large number of dark green, flat leaves with strong stems. Compared to root varieties, it gives an earlier and higher yield of leaves. Sowing dates depend on the condition of the soil. You don't have to wait for warm weather. As soon as the snow has melted, you can sow the seeds. Optimum temperature for seed germination - +1 - +5C. In the Kuban, you can sow in the "February windows". In central Russia - in April, after the snow melts. That is, parsley is a cold-resistant plant. Seedlings easily tolerate light frosts, winter well under a good layer of snow. Spring is a great time to sow parsley seeds, but you can sow parsley any time of the year—spring, summer, and fall. The most important thing is to keep the soil moist until germination. Seeds can be sown late autumn, before winter. At the same time, the sowing dates must be chosen so that the seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset of frost - young shoots will not tolerate the cold, they will die.

There are 2 main varieties of parsley - leaf and root. They differ in appearance, structure and purpose. An important factor is to initially determine the purpose of growing the crop. Root parsley is considered a universal crop.

Parsley is used:

  • for the preparation of medicinal decoctions;
  • it is added for taste and aroma to marinades for preservation, meat dishes, sauces.

Leaf parsley is sown for greenery and its subsequent use in cooking.

The importance of making the right choice

When choosing a variety, factors such as:

  • climate;
  • disease resistance;
  • productivity.

Depending on the ripening time, parsley is characterized by short or long-term storage, and the ability to be transported. You should choose regionalized Russian Federation varieties. They are adapted to growing conditions and give the expected yield.

The state register includes 14 varieties of root parsley adapted for growing in the country. Among them are Sugar (the species is common in the Smolensk, Ryazan, Moscow regions), Harvest (typical for the Kaliningrad region). You can experiment with leaf parsley - it is less thermophilic and the ripening period is shorter.

Consequences of mistakes

Having sown seeds, it is important to get the maximum yield. If it is wrong to choose a variety for the area, then it will not work to ripen the root crop or cut the greens several times during the season. The optimum temperature for crop growth is 15-20 degrees Celsius.. If a late root variety is planted in an area with a short frost-free period, then it will not have time to grow to the desired size.

So, for example, in the Northern region, the duration of the frost-free period is up to 125 days (mid-ripening and late-ripening varieties will not have time to ripen). In the Ural region, heat remains from 105 to 240 days - the lack of stable heat will prevent the plant from fully forming.

What to pay attention to first of all?

Parsley is unpretentious culture . Spicy greens can tolerate harsh winters in open ground conditions without additional shelter. For the harsh regions of Siberia and the Urals, early-ripening varieties should be chosen, and for central Russia, any variety is suitable. A cold-resistant plant can be planted at temperatures from +1 to +5 degrees.

There are many species suitable for planting in open ground. And some are better grown in a greenhouse - root varieties of long-term storage are mainly used, leaf varieties are planted mainly for the purpose of sale.

A large number of parsley species have also been bred for cultivation on the windowsill. Greenery in the room can be obtained throughout the calendar year.

Varieties for open ground and greenhouses - description and photo

A biennial plant comes in different maturation periods, which should be considered when choosing a variety. In early species, the growth period is 50-60 days, in mid-season leaves are formed after 75 days, and in late species, greenery grows at the end of summer. In root varieties, the ripening period is longer.


Leaf varieties of parsley are valued for fragrant greens with a pleasant taste.. They are characterized by profuse foliage and fast growth, and can be curly or smooth. Some varieties reach 60 cm in height, and the bush grows up to 30 cm in diameter.

early ripe

Among gardeners, such early-ripening species are in greatest demand.


Valued for its fast growth and beautiful leaves, the greens are ready for cutting in 50-60 days.


Variety Natalka gives a harvest in 55-65 days, has a high yield and good winter hardiness.


Suitable for cultivation in open and closed ground, tolerates transportation well. Due to the pronounced aroma, it is suitable for harvesting for the winter.

Suitable for growing and such early varieties like a Russian feast, Beads.


Harvest ordinary

Parsley Harvest is common for fragrant lush greens and excellent yields.. Parsley reaches its technical maturity 70 days after the appearance of the first shoots.

The parsley variety Yielding ordinary is characterized by a large number of leaves - there are up to 100 of them in one outlet. The roots of this species are not eaten.


Greens grow in 70-80 days, keep fresh for a long time when cut. Differs in resistance to lodging.

Italian giant

The vegetative period to maturity is 65-70 days. Bushes reach up to 70 cm in height. The variety is attractive frost resistance, undemanding to heat during the growth period.


Late parsley will allow you to get a crop in late summer and autumn. They can be used both dry and raw.


It ripens in an average of 95 days, is distinguished by high aroma and the ability of greenery to grow quickly after pruning.

We offer you to watch a video of the Rialto parsley variety:

green crystal

High-yielding variety with large leaves and a pronounced smell. Used fresh, frozen and dried.


Corrugated carved leaves of such parsley are great for decorating dishes. and they also have a bright aroma and mild taste. You can store cut greens for about a week - during this time all the properties of parsley will be preserved.

The following varieties are distinguished by maturity.


Early ripe variety, leaves are formed 65 days after germination. Large carved petals grow from a dense rosette; after pruning, the green mass quickly grows again.


Esmeralda - mid-season variety, you can cut the greens after 70 days. It is characterized by abundant greenery on short petioles.


Late species, vegetation period reaches 96 days. It has curly leaves, proportionally related to the petiole. Fragrant herbs are disease resistant.

To get fresh parsley throughout the season, it must be sown in several stages. It is advisable to distribute varieties with different ripeness periods in the garden.


Depending on the variety, the culture produces long or shortened root crops. various shapes and size.

Common early species


The ripening period of sugar parsley is 90-98 days. The root is white with a yellowish center, conical in shape, grows up to 6 cm in diameter and up to 25 cm in length. Greens have a pleasant taste and pronounced smell, therefore it is also used for culinary purposes.


Technical ripeness occurs 95-105 days after germination. The plant has a medium, obversely triangular white root crop, grows up to 20 cm long and up to 6 cm wide. Greens are aromatic and edible.

Mid-season root


Maturity occurs 100-130 days after sowing. The pointed roots reach 20 cm in length, are white in color and are stored for a long time. The leaves of the variety are edible, up to 20 of them grow on a bush.

The final

The vegetation period of the variety Final is 130 days. The root is gray with white pulp, has the shape of an elongated cone up to 24 cm long with a diameter of up to 2 cm. The height of the bush is up to 30 cm.



The root crop ripens in 150-180 days after sowing. The cone-shaped root crop has a white color, grows up to 20 cm long. The socket is spreading.


Technical maturity occurs in 170-180 days. The roots grow up to 36 cm long and up to 8 cm thick, have a white and fragrant middle. Greens are edible.

Rooted plants are used as a seasoning for soups, stews or fried dishes., rarely used for salads.

Which are considered the best?

From leafy parsley, the Moskraukh and Harvest ordinary varieties gained an advantage - abundant, rapidly growing greens allowed these species to become leaders. Among curly varieties, Astra has proven itself in the best way due to its ability to grow both in open ground and at home, as well as due to the rapid growth of cut leaves.

Of the root varieties, Sugar parsley is the most common. Its advantages are precocity, unpretentiousness in cultivation and a fragrant root crop. Most of the varieties can be planted in central Russia and the Moscow region - frost-resistant parsley adapts well to the conditions of a temperate continental climate.

Common among root species:

  1. Sugar;
  2. Harvest;
  3. Berlin.

Among leafy species, such as:

  1. Bogatyr;
  2. Harvest ordinary;
  3. Esmeralda;
  4. Aster.

Leaf parsley of all kinds is suitable for sowing in open ground. Experienced gardeners it is recommended to plant Gloria, Breeze, Mooskrause - it is necessary to additionally cover the plant for the winter in harsh conditions, natural snow cover is enough for the middle lane. Among the root varieties for planting in the garden, such varieties as Bogatyr, Final have proven themselves.

Parsley - irreplaceable spicy plant. A diverse assortment allows you to choose the types suitable for the characteristics for any occasion. Choose suitable variety follows depending on several indicators - the purpose of cultivation, climate.

Useful video

We offer you to watch a video about the types and characteristics of parsley varieties:

The culture is common in Russia, used in cooking, cosmetology, and nutrition. Varieties of parsley are diverse, allowing you to choose the right one for given environmental conditions. There are many varieties suitable for planting in open ground. Some are desirable to grow in a greenhouse, others can be cultivated at home.

Brief description and varieties of culture

Parsley is biennial herbaceous plants family Umbelliferae with an edible root and aerial part. Cold-resistant, can be propagated by self-sowing or winter planting. The bushes reach a height of 30-100 cm. The roots vary depending on the variety, they can be small size or give a large cone-shaped or cylindrical root crop.

Stems branched, growing upward. Leaflets of green color of different intensity, flat or corrugated, small in size, triangular, dissected twice or thrice. Glossy top, matte bottom. In the second year, a peduncle usually grows. Inflorescences are umbellate, flowers are white or greenish-yellow. Seeds are oval-oblong, remain viable for 2-3 years.

Planting and growing crops are ubiquitous, since the plant is unpretentious, has a lot of useful and nutritional properties. There are 2 main varieties of parsley - leaf and root, differing in external characteristics.


It is characterized by a developed aerial part, eaten. A large rosette of leaves with a specific smell and taste is formed. Depending on the appearance of the leaves, ordinary and curly spices are distinguished. In the latter, the aroma is less pronounced, but beautiful. appearance allows you to decorate dishes with it.

Common leaf parsley is grown for fresh herbs. When podzimnem sowing gives early harvests. The growing season and taste qualities depend on the cultivar. Compliance with the neighborhood in the beds allows you to use the plant to repel pests from other crops.


Parsley species produce plants with edible root crops, which differ from the leaf spice in a large rhizome. The aerial part develops poorly, may have only a few low stems with a mild taste and aroma.

Some varieties allow you to eat leaves, but you can’t cut off the bushes much, because the root will not have enough nutrients for development.

This species is characterized by cultivation in greenhouses and greenhouses. For different climatic conditions, you should choose suitable variety. The root crop can be used for cooking hot dishes, dried as a seasoning. The rich vitamin and mineral composition determines the use in dietology, traditional medicine, and cosmetology.

Varieties of leaf parsley by maturity

Varieties of culture are divided into early-ripening, mid-ripening and late. The vegetation period of the former is 60-75 days, the latter ripen in 80-90 days, and the later ones will produce a crop only by the end of summer - the beginning of autumn. Parsley is called perennial because of self-seeding. In fact, the plant is biennial, but when the seeds fall into the ground in late autumn, early greenery appears in the same place in the spring, which makes it possible to think that these are the same bushes. The variety has a short growing season, which makes it possible to grow a crop even in Siberia in open ground.

Popular early varieties for greens:

  • Astra is used to obtain the first fragrant greenery, 55-60 days pass from germination to technical maturity. The leaf socket is dense. The leaves are large, strongly twisted. The variety belongs to the curly variety of parsley. The green mass quickly grows after cutting, gives a high yield.
  • Mooskrause 2 - curly parsley, ripens in 55-60 days. The branches grow semi-vertically, the leaves are large, the corrugation is strongly pronounced. Petioles are thick and long. One bush weighs up to 40 g. Greens can be cut several times per season, it retains its presentation for a long time.
  • Natalka is an early variety that yields in 55-65 days. The amount of green mass per 1 m² is 4-4.5 kg. Suitable for growing outdoors and at home. Valued for big harvests, good winter hardiness, rapid regrowth after cutting.
  • The hero gives powerful bushes with large, strongly smelling leaves. The species is frost-resistant (down to -7 ° C), heat-resistant, and tolerates shading well. Does not tolerate heavy clay soils and lack of moisture. Seeds germinate slowly, so start sowing early or use winter planting. For 1 season, 4-5 cuts of green mass can be made from a bush.
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The average growing season is:

  • Breeze - the growing season is 80 days, the stems are straight, reach a height of 75 cm. The leaves are even, dark greenish in color, tender, with a pleasant aroma and taste. After cutting, new branches grow. The weight of the plant is 60-80 g. The greenery retains its presentation for a long time, which allows it to be used for transportation and storage. The variety is also resistant to lodging. Productivity - up to 2.5 kg per 1 m².
  • Katyusha matures in 70 days. The height of the aerial part is 42-52 cm, weight - 45-50 g. It is characterized by productivity (3.3 kg / m²), rapid regrowth after cutting.
  • The Italian giant grows up to 65-70 cm in height, the leaves are large, bright green in color, high aromaticity. You can cut the greens after 85-90 days. The variety is undemanding to heat, frost-resistant (-7°C). For cultivation, loose, rich in organic matter soils are needed, it is important to water them in a timely and sufficient manner.

Late varieties of parsley:

  • Rialto matures in about 95 days, it has a high aroma. The height of the branches is 35-40 cm, the leaves are smooth, dark green in color. After cutting, it grows back.
  • Green crystal is characterized by high yield. The leaves are large, green with a strong smell, grow well after the first harvest. Suitable for fresh consumption, freezing, drying, canning.
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Italian giant

green crystal

Root varieties by maturity

Depending on the variety, the culture produces long or shortened root crops of various shapes and sizes. In some varieties, it is impossible to cut off the aerial part for greens. By maturity, it is also divided into early, middle and late types.

Early ripe varieties root parsley:

  • Sugar ripens in 90-98 days. The root is conical, weighing 75 g, not subject to long-term storage. The leaves have a pleasant taste and aroma, suitable for eating.
  • The sugar root matures in an average of 95 days. Stems up to 28 cm tall, spreading. The root crop is white with a yellowish core, 4-6 cm in diameter, 25 cm long, weighing 30-50 g, has the shape of a cone. All parts of the plant are edible.

Mid-season parsley:

  • Harvest has a growing season to technical maturity of 100-130 days. Leaves grow semi-spreading, in one bush there are 11-20 pieces, suitable for eating. Roots up to 20 cm long, pointed, white in color, suitable for long-term storage.
  • The final ripens in 130 days. In the bush there are 21-28 branches 29 cm high. The root crop looks like a narrow cone, the length is 20-24 cm, the diameter is 1.2-1.9 cm. The surface of the roots is grayish in appearance, the flesh is white, weight is 140-200 g.
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The final
sugar root

The popular late variety of parsley Alba ripens in 170-180 days. Root crops have a length of 20-25 cm, a diameter of 6-8 cm, an average weight of 250 g, and are stored for a long time. There are no lateral roots, the pulp is white, fragrant. Greens can also be eaten.

Parsley has many varieties that give high yields of greens and root crops. Depending on the ripening period, the culture is characterized by short or long-term storage, the ability to transport.