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What you need to know when starting work with runes. Rune magic for beginners. Bet on financial success

I greet you friends on the learning and self-development portal, today we will give some tips on handling runes for beginners, since runes are a very well-known thing in our time, but few people really know what it is and why they are really needed.

Well, first of all, I would like to note that the runes are not a newfangled esoteric toy, as many people think, and not even a simple tool for divination, moreover, in the hands of an unwise person, they can harm him himself, since it is rather a very, very long time ago developed an objective mechanism for controlling the energies of the universe. And the sages of the past and the most advanced runologists of our time say that "what is written in runes, it is not given to change even God."

Therefore, the first and most important advice to beginner runologists (namely, this is what specialists who study the action of runes are called): remember once and for all - as soon as you use any rune separately or a bunch-formula (for yourself), you somehow change yourself ...

Depending on which runes are used, there are several options for such a change:

  1. You change and at the same time (because of this), you change the situation.
  2. You change the situation and because of this, you change yourself.

But the main thing is that it is always so, the first two points are always interconnected.
Regardless of how exactly this happens, you yourself change uniquely and irrevocably ...

Ethics in working with runes

If you cut runic symbols to someone else, he changes. Before someone cut the formula, remember this.

According to the ethics of professional work with runes and just safety precautions for you and others, it would be very nice to understand the person himself before understanding what he will become after the work you have done ... After all, one will overlap another ... One rune on another ...
Remember that you can come to the same result in different ways ... And you can choose this path too ...

Also, you should be asked to do something for another person. After all, you interfere in his fate. So not only do it because you think it's best for him.

It's none of your business, even if it's the closest person to you. Another thing is that you can offer your help and explain what kind and what will come of it. But in the end, it's up to the individual to decide.

How runic amulets and runes work

One more thing - having made a bunch to a person, tell what can happen and how ... Explain that the talisman you made must be obeyed. And then...
You made a protective amulet, and the person believes that nothing bad will happen to him, by definition ...

Everything in him and around him protests against him going to the meeting place ... And the lock breaks, and the phone distracts, and he sprained his leg. But he still jumps on one leg, headlong. And then a brick will fall on his head… Ahh. Amulet not working!!!

But I also hope it is clear to the beginner that the wise action of the runic amulet in this case was to cause these troubles so that the person would not get to the meeting.

Therefore, the owner of such “magical” things must have the wisdom to notice in which direction they change situations and not prevent them from changing, with their thoughtless and chaotic actions. And if you already know everything, why do you need runes? So if you decide to work with them trust them.
And even more so, one must understand that the amulet for protection against fire “does not work” in the case when a person is flooded with water ...

How rune bundles are built

Usually bundles of runes consist of 3 parts. In any case - (than) - (how) - (total).

Now I'll explain in more detail

How- by what force, from what place, under what circumstances, where do we start, etc.

How- the path itself is written. There may be one rune, there may be several ...

The result is what we will come to or want to come to using this bundle. Here, too, there may be one rune or several. A few are intermediate results.

As an example, we will earn money and we will be happy about it. Here, as you can see, there are two runes. Or two groups of runes...

Since if we, as beginners in working with runes, do not prescribe the second part, then the money that has come can cause even more trouble than before, therefore, here it is imperative to “formulate your desires correctly” so that later you do not regret that they were fulfilled in a wrong way as we thought and expected it in our head.

Runic formulas

Now, literally in a nutshell, how to compose runic formulas

The rune formula itself can consist of one rune, two, etc. If there are more than nine, we separate this nine with a dot. The more runes in the formula, the less opportunities you have for improvisation, the more clearly the path is prescribed, and for beginners, the fewer mistakes they can make ...

And therefore, if something can be solved with one rune, do not cut two, if possible with two, do not cut three, etc. The recommended number is no more than five. And even better, no more than three ... But here, it all depends on what you exactly want to achieve. Sometimes only one rune will be the best option.

If you just need to get out of depression, just to add strength to yourself, just to find knowledge or insight, you cut one rune. Why do you need more. This one rune already has both the path itself and the result.

But the mantika of runes is a completely different topic, and very serious, and requiring a separate presentation ... At the starting point of the path, turn on the scent and go.

Proven formulas are naturally averaged for everyone and will not give an ideal result in your particular situation, keep this in mind.

Therefore, I recommend that even beginners, for the purpose of learning, try to calculate, decompose, think over and understand these formulas - how they work, how they work, what will change both in the situation and in the person who uses this formula, etc.

That is, I offer you a kind of research work with these formulas, and build your own. But sometimes, it is useful not to reinvent the wheel, but to use what has already been invented, at the same time understanding how they ride it. After all, he goes and gives real results, but what else do you need?

Runes can be cut and charged, drawn in front of you in the air, "implanted" into a person, drawn on a hand, drawn on a piece of paper, used as energy flows, etc. In general, everything that your imagination is enough for ... But it is from you it depends on how they will work, how long, in what cases, etc.

According to the classics, they cut an amulet (talisman) and perform a ritual so that a bunch of runes works. And it depends on the ritual itself how long this talisman will work.

Rune diagnostics for beginners

Now let's talk about diagnosing with runes, sometimes, for example, when you are attacked or you need to stop the blood, relieve pain, it is clearly not needed. You know exactly what is happening and immediately take adequate measures. But, if you are making a specific talisman, doing specific work, it is necessary.

“The patient always lies” (“House MD”) The client (and often you yourself) will never (almost) tell you the truth and what is really happening. He (or you) is always white and fluffy and not "guilty" of anything. If he knew what the matter was, he would have coped without your help ... Here is such a strange habit, everything is either time or we do not finish speaking, and neither to ourselves nor to others.

Therefore, in order to avoid the mistakes of beginners in the work and diagnosis of runes, before doing something to someone, spread the runes and read what is really happening ... Why is the “patient” poor, sick and the girl does not love him ... And only then will you understand what can be done about it.

Sometimes, in order for his girlfriend to fall in love, you just need to get a person out of depression. And in order for him to earn a million, he needs to deal with his wife or his children or parents ... Here is the right Way for you. These are the forces with which we will work.

Do you trust the runes

Sometimes, when diagnosing situations, runes, from your point of view, give out complete nonsense. No need to immediately think that you are an idiot, or your runes, and stop trusting them. Write down the alignment, meditate, think, compare all the information available, ask questions.

The answer will definitely come... It is very good in this case to change the question, to break one big question into several small ones. Up to the point that the runes have to clarify what was meant.

You understood what was the matter and quickly composed the formula ... Do not rush. Let this formula settle down for you. Calculate in advance how the situation will change, the person himself and, accordingly, his character, health, etc. How much does this formula correspond to this particular person ... Go through the different options, maybe you will find a better alternative.

Check everything before use

If a person has a sick heart, are you sure that you need to force him to actively rush forward ... Maybe softer, thinner ... If this is an old grandmother, does she need to cut the same formula as a healthy young man? If a person is a cynic and a callous cracker, is it necessary to aggravate these qualities of him.

To be 100% sure that you will not harm yourself and others, it is very useful to ask the runes what will happen, how the situation will change if you make this bundle and use it, and what will happen if you do NOT.

Surely you will get a lot of information to think about. Especially at first, if you still do not have enough experience. Yes, it will naturally be longer and more difficult, but you will be able to work with runes like a professional, and not like a drunken monkey with a grenade in his hand.

In general, before you joyfully benefit a person by solving his problems, think about how you are going to do it ...

And one more very important point - sometimes the runes will tell you that nothing can be done to this person. In this case, calmly refuse to help him. Just don't do anything.

Most likely, this is his working out of something, or something that he is destined to go through on his own ... His is what they like to call the beautiful word “karma”. You have no right to interfere. Neither you nor him will benefit from this interference.


So the last rune advice for beginners today is to have the wisdom to change those situations that are necessary, and not influence situations that are not worth influencing. Then your practice will be successful and long, and your advice will be the most working and effective, which is what I wish you. And in the next article or video, see others and much more related to this ancient esoteric system.


Beginner's Guide

"The topic is important, runes are not a toy and not incomprehensible squiggles that were inflicted and everyone will be happy. Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and traditions. Here in this section we will analyze what, how and where, so that everything works out and we don’t have anything for it

Now let's move on to practical matters.

Question one, urgent
Where, what, how and where to write / apply runes. Where to write.

If the action of the formula is directed at yourself, then it is best to write on yourself.
The result of even proven formulas is not always the way it should be. It is easier to remove the formula from yourself than to look for a piece of paper, etc. on which it was written. If we are being treated with runes, then on a sore spot, if the diagnosis is a bruise of the entire grandmother, then apply it on the hand - it will be enough.
If the formula is directed not at yourself, but at another person, then on his photo. There is no photo - draw schematically (stick-stick of cucumbers - that's the little man out), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one you are working for and apply runes.
What to write: yes, anything! Marker, oil, saliva, gel pen..
As for the color - I do not make divisions by color and write all the runes in one color - black, I can also use blue (depending on which pen is closer)

Runes are powerful magical tools. They themselves have power, great power. And this power does not have any color, it is neither black nor white, it is neither gray nor crimson. Strength is strength. Power is the current in the socket, it is completely indifferent to the current where to flow and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle. Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or a ligature) can give them the color that he wants. Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death. Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can put together a variety of words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice. There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

An urgent question has ripened - to burn - not to burn the written runes.

If you inflicted runes on yourself and not only on yourself, in the intention you need to specify the duration of the runes, i.e. to say “the runes start working from the moment they are applied / tomorrow morning / when petya appears within sight / his own” - this is called activate. And indicate the condition under which the runes finish their work “the runes stop working when .. they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / in 3 days at such and such a time / its own ..”

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to “turn off” the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn it, to metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained, and let them go.

With gratitude, no pink snot (sorry for the expression)! The runes don't like that, no usi-pusi, tsemki, etc. Politely, correctly, respectfully and most importantly - sincerely. Then they will be happy to help.

Now for the incineration. Incineration is used when it is not planned to "turn off" the formula, i.e. for formulas that do not have an inverse effect. This does not mean that you can make one formula for wealth, burn it and bathe in luxury all your life. You can try. Every time you work with runes - this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its elaboration to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help.

Rune cleaning
When applying any global formulas, for example, to “meeting your destiny”, “finding a new job”, etc. and then, when you feel that there is a lot of negativity on you, that there is someone who actively wishes you bad things, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or knocking only on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negativity from yourself and your life. And this is done through cleaning. Cleansing can be runic, and maybe in other ways, which are described in the Home Magic section.

If after the cleansing your feelings didn’t improve, you didn’t feel better, you didn’t see new opportunities, or everything just remained the same as it was before the cleansing, then you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas?
Measure very carefully! Runes - they are straight, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and frills, here to read, here not to read, but here the fish was wrapped. The runes are given what they do. The tie/formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the program of the matrix action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as “clean out all the bad”, “save me from all the negativity”, etc. With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to a hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to be offended by the runes, they just fulfilled the order! They said - remove everything bad - and at that time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted well, but it turned out - as always.

Or another intention - "to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life" - and that's it .. Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS .. maybe you have just such a destiny ??? Therefore, be careful with purges and especially with runes.
How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I clear and remove from myself all the negativity received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, creatures and programs of the energy-information structure known to me, and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes to my life. Let it be so!"

The simplest workflow:
1. Decided on the desired result and a specific object of rune influence.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote the intention to the formula or found the right intention.
4. inflicted runes on themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after drawing, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and appreciate respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end.
7. if the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget about once every 2 weeks to remember the formula, tracing it with your finger and repeating the intentions.
8. after receiving the desired - destroy the runes (burn the photo / paper) or wash off - the body, with gratitude and respect.

So, some information about working with formulas taken from other sites (I'm not talking about our forum)!

If you take a formula from a site where its purpose and principle of action are not described, do not take the formula!

Personally, I know two very serious forums where practitioners sit and do amazing things, but they don’t like beginners who don’t want to learn and understand, but want happiness-love-money-family-.... and everything is fast and sharu. and then such a bright-eyed child comes (I'm not talking about age, but about naivety) and begins to ask for help and receives it, or rather a formula.
as an example: once a girl asked for help, while deciding to write a post that she doesn’t like to read, but wants a formula for good luck, so that the apartment is from the sky and everything is on the ball, and she is happy, something like this. she got the formula, but the formula was actually for insanity, for mental disorders. in principle, she got exactly what she wanted: a permanent apartment, in her case a ward, she did not have to work and take care of food, and 8 out of 10 in the madhouse are happy. I still sometimes meet this formula in the internet, as if for good luck.

But in general, the post is not about the girl, but about your caution! remember about the free cheese and don't count on being the second mouse to run up to the mousetrap.
Attention and caution! Formulas can be taken only when:
1. You can make out what the formula is and how it works.
2. If you cannot, then the action of the formula is written and in what cases it is applied.
3. If the intention is not written to the formula (which most often happens) - this does not mean that it should not be done! It is necessary and necessary.

I REPEAT AGAIN: THINK-THINK-THINK! and only after that take and do. And remember about yourself - you definitely don’t have a second yourself, so love yourself the one and only.



Quote from velesovdom
Let's talk about how to learn runic art, where to start for beginners. Such a small instruction for dummies.

This topic just keeps popping up. Therefore, I decided that a similar article on this topic is necessary.

In addition, many beginners have the wrong impression that runes are very simple and completely safe. Well, how to brush your teeth.

That you can draw a few signs that are completely incomprehensible to you and expect that right now in your life everything will change dramatically.

And so these people write with requests to suggest a magic formula that will solve all their problems without any participation and labor on their part.

This does not mean that a person who does not even know the names of the runes will be able to achieve anything in runic magic. And you must understand this. That runes are a serious and ancient magical tradition. That you first need to get acquainted with this tradition and delve into it, plunge headlong, and only after that you, maybe, will start to succeed with magic. Or maybe, having delved into it, you generally decide that this is not yours, and go to seek happiness in other places.

I studied runes for 2 years before I decided to make my 1st runescript. I'm not saying you have to wait just as long. No, everyone here is different. But I, however, sincerely do not understand how it occurs to people that after sitting on the forums for 2 days, they can already practice runic magic. That is why, for some reason, driving a car without learning does not occur to anyone to sit down. And here all the time. Although the consequences can be no less sad.

Do you know, my friends, that earlier human sacrifices were made to the northern gods? Or that midwifery runes were carved into women in labor right on their hands? Of course, the modern runologist should treat human sacrifices symbolically, this is an image of sacrificing the human to the divine. Well, as an echo of the ancient terrible rites - the use of one's own blood in runic magic.

And besides, the northern gods are very severe, they are by no means kind old men and old women who sit on clouds and play harps. Though they are strong, and wise and brave. They fight with each other, build intrigues, take revenge, kill. Suffice it to recall that one of the names of Odin is the God of Storms and Madness. And it's easy to piss them off. Especially such blatant disrespect as the desire to get results from runic magic without studying the runes and without delving into the tradition.

Those. you must become strong enough and be versed enough in the runic tradition to feel almost on an equal footing with the Northern Gods. You, of course, should treat them with respect, but without reverence and fear. Only in this case you can count on their help.

So runes are not toys at all, believe me. And to hurt yourself with runes to an inept person is very, very simple.

I do not believe that the runes are available only to the elite, no. But I believe that before you start doing runic magic, you should have at least minimal theoretical training. First, you must know the names of all the runes and their meanings. You, of course, should easily recognize them in runescripts, be able to pronounce and write runes without hesitation.

For this, I advise beginners to read something on runes. It’s better to start with my beloved Freya Asvinn, from her book Runes and Mysteries of the Northern Peoples, sometimes on the Internet for some reason it is called Runes and Female Power, although the text is the same, and it’s not written about female power to say so too much. Probably some translation intrigue. I consider this manual to be the best on runes, and I am very grateful to fate that it was this book about runes that came across to me first.

Also, for beginners, you can read Aditi’s book “Runes”, the basics are very clearly stated there, and most importantly, briefly, i.e. there will be no porridge in the head. You can download it here. Well, read Batyushkov, too, his book "Rune amulet practice", also a lot of practically useful.

I also once mentioned the book by V. Katyshkov and E. Krasnova "Rune Lagus or the path of shamanic dreaming in the interpretation of the Futhark." Very good and interesting book, but not for beginners. It’s just that there are very broad interpretations of the runes, you will get confused, and your head will smoke. So read this book later, when you learn the basics.

Also be sure to learn something about Scandinavian mythology. So you will better understand the archetypes of the northern gods and tradition. I would recommend you 2 books: 1st - Helen Gerber "Myths of Northern Europe", download it, it is on the Internet, and 2nd: Vladimir Petrukhin "Myths of Ancient Scandinavia", an excellent book, I did not find it on the Internet, I bought it on Ozone.

The Elder and Younger Edda, of course, can also be read, but there is little that is clear to beginners. The rest of the books on runes somehow didn’t impress me, so I won’t recommend anything else to you.

But a theory is a theory. Runes are symbolic signs, images, and each person sees something of his own in each rune. It is like interpreting dream images. The same symbols can mean different things to different people.

And you, too, should develop your own images and concepts regarding each rune. They will be different from the books and from mine. This is the main reason that the same runic formulas can act on different people in different ways, and they will not act on someone at all. Runes are always an individual path.

To understand your personal rune meanings, I recommend starting with divination. Get or make your own divination rune set, consecrate it and start guessing. Make layouts for yourself and your friends, guess for a day, for a month, for a year, guess for situations.

Be sure to get a notebook where you will write down your interpretations, so that after some time you can see which runes fell out and what happened as a result. Do not rely on memory, you will definitely forget what happened then, I know from myself.

In fact, the meanings of runes in divination and magic are very similar, I am absolutely convinced of this, although some authors do not think so. In addition, if you learn to guess well, the need for many magical actions will disappear by itself. Simply you will know the causes of problems and how to solve them.

Also, to understand the energy and meaning of each rune, there is a practice of living runes. Freya Aswinn recommends this method (quote from her book):

“The method I resorted to proved to be very effective, and I am ready to recommend it to anyone who wants to get in touch with the runes. I baked twenty-four square cakes and decorated each with a rune in the order of the futhark. Every evening I called on Odin and Freya to bless the next rune, and then ate the cake. Then I just focused on this rune and wrote down all the associations that came to my mind in connection with it. I still keep these records. From them, my book was born.

I did so. I didn't live every rune. I did this for those runes that were difficult for me to get in touch with. I just drew this rune with a red marker on myself, sometimes I added Sovulo or Vunyo, and asked the rune to manifest itself. And then I watched what happened. How my state of health changed, what events began to occur (and they certainly began to occur), what thoughts I visited regarding this rune. As a rule, I did not wash off the rune until I began to understand its energy.

In general, you can choose one of the above methods and use it. Unless, I would not recommend that you use the residence method for potentially dangerous runes: Turisaz and Hagalaz. But here it's up to you.

Regarding the compilation of runescripts, I probably will not write anything. Just when you understand the meanings of individual runes, you can easily make up your own formulas. Or use strangers, but in this case you must internally agree with this particular formula, and understand why this or that rune is here.

Well, forums on runic magic and divination are also very useful to read. People there share their personal experience, and this is, so to speak, a live immersion in the runes.

And separately I want to touch on the issue of people from other traditions who want to deal with runes.
Very often people write to me that they are Christians or Muslims and want, for example, to use some kind of runic formula.

Now I'm probably going to disappoint everyone very much. My friends, you cannot use runic magic if you live in Christianity or in Islam. You must solve your problems within the framework of your tradition. And runic magic is strictly contraindicated for you, if only because your traditions forbid it. And you will have a strong subconscious conflict, which can result in very unfavorable things. You will be cut, injured, you can become dangerously ill, get hit by a car, and something else bad can happen to you.

The runic tradition is paganism in essence, and we bring gifts to our pagan Gods - Thor, Odin, Freya, Frigg. And you believe in one of your gods.

It is easier for those people who believe that there is a single divine energy, and it can take different forms, and different Gods are archetypes that reflect parts of our psyche. Or that God is love and humans are the physical expression of the divine. And who know that the goal of all official religions is not your approach to the Divine and the realization of the best in you, but mainly the struggle for power and influence. And in this regard, many important things in the official religions are distorted. Here, people with such a worldview will definitely succeed with runes.

And a couple of words in the end about runic magic. Runes are a very powerful tool for changing reality. Those who have tried it have already been able to verify this. I want to warn you of just one thing. Beware, my friends, of being carried away by fantasies about how things should be and not finding your way and living your own life. This is the worst thing that can happen to a person.

In general, keep it up. Good luck and wisdom to you on this path.

Runes are a serious tool that requires understanding, respect and reverence. Runes are history and tradition. In this section, we will analyze what, how and where, so that everything works out and we don’t get anything for it.

You can apply runes:

a) for yourself
b) to another person
c) On the photo
d) For water, food, soap, cream, etc.
e) On a blank sheet of paper or other material.

Condition: The material must be such that you can wipe or destroy the runes.
It is not recommended to apply runes in the form of a tattoo or gouge on a multi-ton stone slab.

There are several rules for applying to yourself:

1) If we influence ourselves(we are looking for money, work, we are losing weight, we are being treated, etc.) - then the runes are applied
to the left side of the body or on your photo.

2) If we influence others(we bring confusion, love spell, prisushka, etc.) -
to the right side of the body. Or maybe in his photo. There is no photo - draw schematically (stick-stick cucumber, that's it - a little man), write his name, visualize as much as possible the one you are working for and apply runes.

The specific location doesn't matter. Where to reach (without fanaticism)

3) Medicinal formulas can be applied to food or water.
On food they are carved. And on the water they are drawn with something - a toothpick, a knife, etc.

4) It is possible to apply runes on bath foam, soap, cream, comb, etc.

Important to remember!


Remember: The main thing is that the runes are on the carrier.
You can write with a pen, pencil, pastel, paint, scratch with a carnation, cross stitch, etc.
In extreme situations, you can draw with your finger on the misted glass, or draw with a stick on the water ...
If we are treated with runes, then on a sore spot or you can apply saliva to the wrist.
The main thing is that the runes are in the right place, you know about them and stipulate correctly.

As for the color - I do not make divisions by color and write all the runes in one color - black, but I can also use blue - it depends on which pen is closer (just kidding).
Runes are powerful magical tools. They themselves have power, great power. And this power does not have any color, it is neither black nor white, it is neither gray nor crimson. Strength is strength. Power is the current in the socket, it is completely indifferent to the current where to flow and what to set in motion - an electric chair or a kettle.

Therefore, the runes themselves do not belong to either white or black magic. Runes are runes, but the operator (a person weaving a formula or a ligature) can give them the color he wants.

Runes can attract wealth, or you can take away luck, you can heal, or you can send death.

Runes are also letters of the alphabet, there are not many of them, only 24 in Futhark. And from the letters you can put together a variety of words: love and hate, life and death, dawn and midnight, laughter and blood, joy and sacrifice.

There is nothing bad in the runes, everything bad, like the good, is concentrated in us, in the people who were given the tool - the Runes.

The question is to burn or not to burn the written runes.

If you applied the runes to yourself, and not only to yourself, in the intention you need to specify the duration of the runes, i.e. to say “the runes start working from the moment they are applied / tomorrow morning / when Petya appears within sight / something of his own” - this is called activate.

And indicate the condition under which the runes finish their work “the runes stop working when ... they are washed off the body / the intention is fulfilled in full / after 3 days at such and such a time / their own ... "

Runes can act in different ways, we are all different and the runes fall on us in different ways. Therefore, I always emphasize once again - you should always have the opportunity to “turn off” the formula!

Upon reaching the result indicated in the intention - the formula must be washed off, if it was applied to a photo / paper / wood - burn, on metal / leather / non-combustible substance - break / cut and throw into running water or bury. All this is done with words of gratitude and respect for the runes, we thank them for their work, for the result obtained, and let them go.
Politely, correctly, respectfully and most importantly - sincerely. Then they will be happy to help.

Rune cleaning

When applying any global formulas, for example, to “meeting your destiny”, “finding a new job”, etc. and then, when you feel that there is a lot of negativity on you, that there is someone who actively wishes you bad things, that health problems do not go away, no matter how much they are treated, that you seem to be walking in circles or knocking only on closed doors - it is necessary to throw off the accumulated negativity from yourself and your life. And this is done through cleaning. Cleansing can be runic, and maybe in other ways.
If after the cleansing your feelings didn’t improve, you didn’t feel better, you didn’t see new opportunities, or everything just remained the same as it was before the cleansing, then you need not just cleaning, but diagnostics.

How to measure formulas? (slander)

A reservation is 80% of the successful work of the runes. The slander is drawn up according to the standard scheme and pronounced in an undertone.

Measure very carefully! Runes - they are straight, they do not understand or do not want to understand our sentiments and frills, here to read, here not to read, but here the fish was wrapped. The runes are given what they do.

Every time you work with runes, this is a comprehensive assessment of the situation and its elaboration to the details! Then the runes will respect you and willingly help.

The tie/formula is the energy matrix, and the intention is the program of the matrix action. Therefore, when cleaning, you should not use general or generalizing words and expressions, such as “clean out all the bad”, “save me from all the negativity”, etc.

With such an intention, you can easily get, for example, to a hospital, or be fired from work and there is nothing to be offended by the runes, they just fulfilled the order! They said - remove all the bad - and at that time you had a slight inflammation of appendicitis, which, perhaps, would have passed by itself, but the runes fulfill the order: inflamed appendicitis is bad, so you need to remove it - you are in the hospital on the operating table. We wanted well, but it turned out - as always.

Or another intention - “to remove everything that prevents me from finding my purpose / path in life” - and that’s it ... Go to Africa to save the world from AIDS ... or maybe you have just such a destiny ??? Therefore, be careful with purges and especially with runes.

How to correctly measure the runes?

“With this runic formula, I clear and remove from myself all the negativity received both from one person and from a group of people, both familiar and unfamiliar, both from entities, creatures and programs of the energy-information structure known to me, and unknown. Everything that has a negative connotation or carries a negative program leaves me without harming my health, my fate, my loved ones and my family, everything that brings positive changes to my life. Let it be so!"

Scheme of work:

1.decided on the desired result and the specific object of influence of the runes.
2. picked up a runic formula or wrote it yourself.
3. wrote the intention to the formula or found the right intention.
4. inflicted runes on themselves / a piece of paper / photo / ...
5. after drawing, they spoke the intention and named the formula according to the runes (the runes love and appreciate respect).
6. activated the formula, specifying when and how the formula will end. Clarifications - you can add that the runes work without harm to mental and physical health, or lifestyle, or specify the exact terms of work, in a word, any wishes.
7. if the formula is applied for a long time, then do not forget about once every 2 weeks to remember the formula, tracing it with your finger and repeating the intentions.
8. after receiving what you want, destroy the runes (burn a photo / piece of paper) or wash it off the body, with gratitude and respect.


1. Is it necessary to perform a ritual to apply a runic formula?

No, not necessarily. Any ritual actions are intended primarily for concentration of consciousness and the formation of a vector for the application of the will of the practitioner.

2. Is it necessary to turn to the Gods to apply the runic formula?

No, not necessarily. The gods should not be disturbed over trifles, and the Runes themselves are a fairly powerful egregor that can ensure the effectiveness of work.

3. Is there a concept of redemption in runic magic and how is it done?

No, in runic magic there is no concept of redemption. However, when asking for help from the Gods of the Northern Tradition, it is customary for them to bring gifts or offerings (the qualitative composition of the offerings may vary depending on the chosen Deity and the conditions of the operator's action). In other cases, there can be no "payments", "repayments" and "salaries".

4. Where should the runic formula be applied - on yourself, in a photo or make an amulet?

It all depends on the subject, object and mechanism of action of the formula:
- it makes sense to apply to the human body those formulas that will act only on him - formulas for health, attractiveness, etc., where he is both a subject and an object of influence.

- it makes sense to put formulas on the photo of another person, which will, accordingly, act only on him, and where the mechanism of influence is closed on the “object”.

- "broad plan" formulas, in which the work of the formula is closed to the operator (subject of influence), but is addressed to an unlimited circle of potential subjects, or if these subjects can change, it is better to use with the creation of "objects of power" (for example, amulets).
Some formulas can be used in more than one way, but with appropriate adjustments to the intent.

5. How to apply formulas on household items, jewelry, etc.? How to apply formulas on yourself?

The formula is applied in the same way as on any other medium - in the same way as ordinary text is written. If the carrier has an outer and inner side, and there is a need to apply the formula to the inner side, you should do the same - considering the inner side of the object as a "working plane". They will not act like inverted runes, because. designed to be applied straight.

When applying the formula “on yourself”, write the runes as if they were written on your body by another person.

6. Is it possible to use a sheet with a surname or initials instead of a photo?

Can. Any symbolic attachment to a person is suitable - provided that the operator of influence is sufficiently concentrated.

7. Is it possible to use a hang to a runic formula instead of describing the action of each rune included in the formula?

It is possible - the working hang should reflect the mechanism of action of the formula, incl. and the runes included in it. You can do without a visa - a simple statement of intention (slander). However, this wording must be clear and potentially realizable with the help of the runes involved.

8. What hangs can be used for runic formulas?

Any visa is good (from the point of view of runic magic, not versification) if it correctly formulates the intention of the operator and clearly sets the task for the working runes. In other words, the wording might be something like this:

- appeal to the Runes, i.e. visa of an invocative nature (“Runes, serve me and do this and that with the enemy”);

- appeal to the object of influence, i.e. visa of a spellcasting character (“From now on, you will be so-and-so, and so-and-so will happen to you, you will do so-and-so”);

- replacement of the object of influence, i.e. hypnotic visa (visa reflects, and you voice the state of the object, which will be achieved as a result of the action of the formula.

These options are alternative, it is not logical to combine all three types in one visa.
The same applies to the usual formulation of intention, which should be carried out taking into account the chosen mechanism of action of the formula and its carrier.

9. When applying the formula to yourself or to an object of power, if the formula will be on the hand - which hand is better to choose?

Left hand is responsible for the past and draws the impact on itself, is "receiving".
Right hand is responsible for the future and directs the impact to the outside world, is "broadcasting".

10. What photographs are suitable for applying formulas - where the object of influence is depicted by himself or joint photos?

It depends on the chosen formula and the task at hand. If the impact is "point" - it is better to take an individual photo.

11. What color to apply the runic formula?

The color of the formula, as well as the coloring element itself, is not fundamental for the work of the Runes. If for you personally the intended action (for example, receiving money using a runic formula) is associated with some color (for example, with green - the color of the dollar) - you can apply it.

Applying runes horizontally or vertically is also not important.


The runes work in a cycle, that is, they reach a maximum in positive influence and, like a pendulum, fly back. Your task is to destroy the formula immediately after the result.

P.S. Next time I will give some examples of rune slanders. Good luck to everyone in your work!

People ask questions about how to use the runes correctly when they first turn to them. And indeed, this process must be carried out according to all the rules and customs, otherwise, otherwise, the outcome may be negative for the person who took up the runes. You need to know how to use them so as not to harm yourself and others.

Runes are a popular magical attribute that requires the right attitude towards yourself.

What are runes and how did they come about

Runes are magical signs and symbols that magicians use to carry out their rituals.

Single runes can be depicted on anything: a board, a hand, clothes, or they can be in the mind of a person, that is, visualized.

The history of the appearance of these symbols goes back to pagan tribes, and later to the sacred letter (Phoenician, Greek and Latin). The North Italian script is the basis of the modern runic alphabet. The first runes originated in Scandinavia, and the train swept the whole world.

The very first, Scandinavian, runes were transformed into Anglo-Saxon (28 hieroglyphs), and those - into Northumbrian (or simply late Anglo-Saxon), which already totaled 33 magic symbols. After the mass introduction of Christianity and the eradication of paganism among the peoples, the runic alphabet began to fade and was soon completely forgotten. A surge of great interest in it was caused by the discovery by archaeologists of new monuments of unknown civilizations.

How to use runes: scope, types of runes

Not all runes are the same. Among them are magical, used by sorcerers and magicians during the sacraments and rituals, and ordinary (general German), used by ordinary people in everyday areas of life to change the course of events or improve their quality. Why is it necessary to use magic runes:

The use of magic runes is necessary to obtain an energy charge

  • energy recharging;
  • increase in potency;
  • increasing efficiency and activity to perform a large number of tasks in a short time period;
  • entering an "attack state" that accompanies people in need of opportunity;
  • freely and freely express and argue their thoughts in difficult life situations;
  • protection from the negative effects of the outside world;
  • disclosure of human potential;
  • sharpening of intuition.

The positive effect that runes have on a person is noticeable to the naked eye. You just need to know how and in what atmosphere work with runes should take place.

Rules for the use of magic hieroglyphs

Knowing how to work with runes, you can attract even more into your life than described above. The use of runes implies its own rules:

  • Painstaking study of runes before use and during use. It is important not to forget how they look, to which system they belong, and most importantly, the meaning of the runes).
  • Constant practice of meditation. Meditation has a positive effect on the runes, because in order for the symbols to give their energy, they need to be charged with it. During meditation practices, a useful skill is to write down all your thoughts and feelings.
  • Beginners should start with the simplest, gradually increasing the complexity of the combinations.
  • Practice is the key to success. A continuously practicing person goes to his goal, despite the fact that the runes may not work. Trying again and again, one day for a person, the moment will come when the signs begin to bring positive.
  • Using someone else's experience on the path to self-improvement can bring success only if a person analyzes in detail every mistake or, conversely, the right step of another.

Runes are not only bizarre symbols, but also a powerful source of energy. They will work only for positive-minded, non-lazy, open and courageous people who believe in themselves and know what they are doing when turning to runes. Only then will they be useful.

Runes in real life: areas of application of runes

The use of runes in reality often seems to be something difficult, even after a detailed study of various information, because runes for beginners are an unknown world. It is not always enough to use one drawing - magic symbols can and should be combined with each other. Only then will the right energy arise between them, and the collection will bring the desired result.

The study showed that rune combinations work great without additional help, it is only important to correctly assemble them and tune in the right way. For beginners, not too complicated staves are suitable (this is the name of a runic combination of several hieroglyphs). How to use runes and combine them into staves will be described below.

Runic becoming is a set of certain hieroglyphs, assembled together in the correct sequence. You need to create staves with caution, because, approaching this frivolously or in the wrong mood, you can greatly harm both yourself and the people around you.

For beginners, the simplest combinations are suitable (for protection, financial well-being, luck in love, etc.), and as the study of runes takes place, you can gradually add new links to the chains that have stronger and more complex energy.

How to work with runes: types of runes, combinations and staves

Working with runes suspects their combination. It’s worth starting with simple staves (learn and figure out how to work with runes):

Bet on love

One of the simplest, but no less effective staves. It serves to strengthen relationships between lovers and improve personal life.

Love becoming necessary to strengthen personal life

Runes required for the combination and their application:

  • Gebo (symbolizes the feelings of a man towards a woman).
  • Dagaz (a symbol of harmony and unity in relationships).
  • Gabo (similar to Gebo, only from the female side: a woman's love for a man).

Bet on financial success

In this case, symbols denoting income, money, profit and wealth are used. Required runes and their description:

  • Fehu (is a symbol of the money itself).
  • Soulu (denotes a stream surging to the owner of the rune).
  • Inguiz (an integral sign symbolizing the potential development that is necessary to retain the wealth that has arrived and further implementation in this direction).

Standing up for protection

This is a collection of symbols related to protective and protective. Can be applied to personal documents or any other item that is with a person all the time. Use of symbols for protection:

  • Turisaz (the main symbol in this list that suppresses negative energy from others).
  • Algiz (serves to minimize its own energy losses).
  • Isa (defines his own calmness and eliminates aggression within the person himself).

Beginners already understand how to work with runes, so further we will talk about more complex combinations - runograms. All the following staves are suitable for those people who have already wondered if the runes work, and now their main goals and objectives in symbolism are called the study of runes and their actions.

combination for happiness

In complex staves, visual aids cannot be dispensed with. This is what the end result should look like:

Rune combination for happiness (a visual aid of what a person should get by collecting all the runes)

From acquaintance, this collection of runes seems complicated, but upon further examination and detailed analysis, it turns out that there is nothing particularly complicated. What runes are used:

  • Gebo (used to attract good luck in relationships with other people, establishing contact with others), used three times.
  • Soul (consonant with the English “soul”-soul, symbolizes vitality and strength, as well as insight), is used twice.
  • Vunyo (attracts positive emotions, joy and fun to life), also used twice.
  • Ansuz (promotes the fulfillment of desires, attracts good luck and luck, increases the number of opportunities and chances, gifts of fate), was used twice.
  • Otal (is a sign of the very personality of a person and his independence, works like a magnet).
  • Dagaz (brings harmony and unity, prepares for future changes and calms the human soul).
  • Algiz (this is a very important, concluding element that is necessary for the correct collaboration of all runic hieroglyphs and their protection).

Combinations for financial well-being for practitioners

It looks a little more complicated than the previous beginner version, but works more efficiently. How do these runes work? Just like in the simplified version, only in full force, because the same symbols are the basis:

  • Inguz (a sign of prosperity that comes to a person's life), was used as many as four times.
  • Laguz (strengthens and stabilizes cash flow, bringing it to a smooth, constant level).
  • Teyvaz (removes obstacles and opens the way for financial flow).
  • Algiz (covers and protects a person, serves to ensure income security).
  • Evaz (guiding rune that leads a person to capital and indicates the correct direction of movement).
  • Dagaz (harmonizes income in a person's life, teaches to live with them in unity and harmony).
  • Mannaz (in this case, means the person-performer himself).

How to work with runes to improve the quality of life is clear, now let's talk about bringing new features to it. Fulfillment of desires with the help of runes is quite real if you correctly follow the combination:

Magic Becoming for the Fulfillment of Desires (Visual Combination Aid)

There is no need to be afraid, in fact, everything is not so difficult. What symbols are used:

  • Kano is used here inside and outside runograms (internally it symbolizes the goal itself, the dream that a person strives for, its predominance over the others; external Kano is a sign of the embodiment of a cherished desire into life).
  • Inguz (this is the birth of desire, a seed that develops and opens under the influence of other symbols).
  • Soulu (breathes life into the plan and fills it with energy).
  • Evaz (provides movement and continuous development of desire, leads a person to its fulfillment).
  • Dagaz (a symbol of the changes taking place in the life of the performer during the period of the realization of a dream).
  • Vunyo (joy and satisfaction brought by the fulfillment of cherished desires).
  • Perth (opens the gates of energy flows and clears the way for the realization of the plan).
  • Raido in this combination is also used in two forms: direct and mirrored (direct view means direct paths leading to realization, and mirror means bypass), thus all possible ways of development are involved.
  • Ansuz (symbolizes inspiration and belief that the outcome will definitely be positive).

Runic staves do not always lead to something specific, sometimes they only help to correctly determine the direction of movement.

Stav combination to make the right choice

How to work with runes, and which ones to choose to make the right choice at a turning point:

  • Vunyo (symbolizes the decision itself, is the head of the composition), used twice.
  • Ansuza (consciousness and informativeness, fidelity in decision-making and the correct view of the situation), was also used twice.
  • Perth (a symbol of the diversity of possibilities, the spectrum of options).
  • Mannaz (himself a human performer).

You can only find out if the runes work or not by trying it on yourself. Runic images may not bring the desired result or, even worse, harm if they are not used correctly.

After studying the information in the article, you can find out how to use the runes correctly. To do this, you need to tune in to the right, "working" way. Which implies detachment from distractions and focusing on the issue of interest.

A ritual with runes, like any other, will not work if the performer does not believe in the magical abilities of the actions being performed and does everything without confidence in a positive outcome. There are also runic staves for the evil eye or damage, but they belong to black magic, which worsens a person’s energy and his aura.