Water pipes      06/26/2020

How to make a gel balloon at home? How to inflate balloons with helium How to inflate a balloon with helium

Most recently among the Twisters inflating simulation balloons (sdm) using a pump was considered amateurish, so they only inflated balloons with their mouths. But today everything has changed and more and more twisters use pumps in their performances. Indeed, to create something complex and large, one cannot do without a pump. Still, a real twister must be able to inflate balloons with his mouth, which has several advantages.

For example, speaking in public, such a "trick" will surely delight others, and especially children. In addition, twisters have a set of such tricks that require inflating a balloon with the mouth only. Yes, and strong developed lungs also do not interfere.

With regard to safety, due to high pressure organs such as the lungs, eyes, cheeks and inner ear. This rarely happens, but it is theoretically possible. It is not recommended to inflate balloons by mouth also because of this, latex balloons oxidize faster and such balloons are not durable. It is better to use pumps for inflation, and use your mouth for twisting shows.

It is recommended to wear goggles to avoid getting a burst balloon into your eyes. Moreover, if the twister performs in public, glasses can become an integral part of the costume. Yes, and proper training will not be superfluous.

So, let's start inflating the sdm

As you know, training is a gradual increase in load. Therefore, to begin with, you can inflate the balloon with a pump, and then blow it off and inflate it with your mouth. Even if the stretched ball is difficult to inflate, then you can practice on round balls. You will have to train on 260 balls.

And now the most important thing - balloon inflation technique.

  1. Cheek muscle training. You can not inflate the cheeks, as there is a chance of damaging them. In addition, work efficiency is reduced, and most importantly, it is not beautiful. Therefore, by training the muscles of the cheeks, over time it will be possible to move on to more difficult levels and it will be possible to confidently cope with any load;
  2. In this case, the most important thing is the beginning. Having inflated a small bubble, it will become easier to inflate further;
  3. The shorter the length of the inflatable part, the easier it is to inflate. Stepping back a few centimeters, you should pinch the ball. And as soon as this little bubble is inflated, it will be possible to unclench your fingers and continue to inflate the balloon to the end;
  4. When the balloon is inflated, it must be stretched. To do this, one should imagine how the balloon, when inflated, is stretched in length, and in the same way, with fingers clamping it, it is necessary to slightly pull it back during inflation;

To consolidate the result, you should repeat it again.

You should take the ball and, holding it right hand, squeeze with your left hand about five centimeters from your mouth. It should be inflated by pulling a little. At the same time, we must not forget about the cheeks: first they should be trained, and then the lungs. Over time, it will become clear when you can move on to more difficult workouts.

In no case should you quit training, as in this case you will have to start all over again. In addition to 260 balloons, there are also 160 balloons, which are much more difficult to inflate. There are twisters that can simultaneously inflate 2-4 balloons at once, but not everyone can inflate a hundred balloons at once in a short period of time.

A foil balloon, unlike latex (rubber), does not stretch and has a valve for inflation, not a neck.

If the balloon is inflated with air.

We find the valve of the ball, it usually looks like in the picture: a round hole with a silver color "inside".

We will also need a straw for cocktails (as an option, it can be a ball stick or even a case from a untwisted pen).

The tube must be inserted into the valve hole, under a translucent, and sometimes completely transparent film. Again, just like the picture.

It happens that this film may not be found.
In this case, we insert the tube just under upper layer foil towards the center of the ball.
Ideally, if the length of the tube allows you to move it 5-10 cm inward. This must be done very carefully. The fact is that a slamming valve sometimes tends to stick together a little (during long-term storage, excessive pressure, or simply high temperature storage).
A sudden movement can break the ball and complicate the task.

So, putting the tube a little deeper into the valve, try to make a control exhalation into the ball. If no air comes out, spread the balloon or push the tube a little deeper.
If it goes, then you can start inflating the balloon.

When the ball is about to be almost strong, remember again where you are taking it, and what temperature conditions are there.

Upon completion, you can confidently remove the tube, the valve behind it will instantly close, and the air will no longer come out.

If there is doubt about the strength of the valve, a hiss of escaping air is heard, and the ball quickly lost its elastic appearance, then it is better to blow the ball again and tie the ball with a tape above the valve.

If the balloon is inflated with helium.

In general, the essence is the same, except that in this case it will be necessary to inflate not with the mouth, but with a balloon.
To inflate foil with helium, we need a nozzle for such balloons.

IN complete set she looks like this.

The wide part of this nozzle is screwed onto the balloon. (You already know that when buying an adapter, you should take into account the diameter of the neck of your cylinder?).

A separate adapter for foil balls is already screwed into the wide part.

This is the tube that needs to act in the same way as when pumping air.

That is, we introduce it into the valve in the direction of the center of the ball, then blow it to the required size, take out the tube and enjoy life.

!Important when inflating with helium:

In order to avoid breakthroughs of the ball, it is better to pre-blow the ball through the tube with air. That is, literally one exit to make sure that the valve opens and air enters the ball without obstacles.

There is a lot of pressure in a helium tank, even with a slight opening of the valve. Any sharp entry into a poorly open valve, and the valve will simply break.

Have a good holidays.

Surely everyone noticed how Balloons, during inflation burst right in the hands, as well as after they were inflated and hung on the wall. For what reason does this happen? Now we'll figure it out.

Balloons vary in size. In no case should it be inflated more than the allowable threshold, due to this effect, the ball becomes more vulnerable to damage. If such a balloon did not burst during inflation, then it will burst a little later. For this reason, without fail, before inflating, you need to know the maximum allowable size of the ball. You can find out if the balloon is inflated correctly by the tail. If the ponytail is very inflated, then you have inflated the balloon too much, and next time you should not do this.

It is mandatory to inflate the balloons in a room where there is no dust and drafts. If dust is present in the air, it makes the ball more prone to explosion and also reduces the life of the balls.

It is undesirable to store balls in direct sunlight, as well as in places with a sharp drop in temperature. If the balloons are exposed to ultraviolet rays, the structure is quickly destroyed and the balloon may burst when inflated. If the ball is in the open sun, it can reduce the life of the ball by 2-3 hours. Temperature fluctuations also greatly affect the quality of the balls. If you bring them from a cold room into a warm one and immediately inflate them, then such balls will not last long, or they will burst immediately. For this reason, it is better not to store in the cold. Reducing or increasing the air in the balloon can also cause it to burst.

Well, definitely the balls must not fall on hot or sharp objects.

It is worth noting that in order for Kyiv gel balls to last as long as possible, they cannot be:

  1. blow out;
  2. Avoid contact with dust;
  3. Avoid exposure to sunlight;
  4. Avoid sudden temperature changes.

In order for helium balloons to last a little longer, they are allowed to be coated special glue high fleet. This type of glue is absolutely safe for humans, pets and environment. This is the reason why it is so often used. Helium balloons last much less than regular balloons because the molecules are too small to pass through the latex fairly quickly. The glue helps the gas stay in the balloon longer. In the case of using such glue, the operation process increases to 3 days.

Where can balls be used?

It is worth noting that helium balloons look much better than ordinary ones, but it is worth noting that their service life is slightly lower. One thing is known for sure, it is simply impossible to imagine any holiday without the presence of balls. Choose balls according to your own taste, the main thing is to store and use them according to the tips that were presented above.

Balloons can be used on children's matinees, this will make the holiday brighter and more colorful. Birthday is a special holiday for any kid, so you always want this day to be remembered for a lifetime. Using balloons on this day will make the holiday bright and cheerful. Of course, each holiday uses its own specific balls. For this reason, you must choose the balls that are suitable for your event. Happy Holidays, good mood and the most colorful balloons for you and your children. Smiles and joy of cheerful mood!

Balloons are beautiful and amazing decoration of any celebration, it is always a holiday in the air of which childhood and carefree moments of joy are in the air. Light, bright balls attract attention, delight not only the eye, but also the soul, both in a child and in an adult. Today, balls have a wide variety of shapes, sizes, color scheme, there are with drawings, inscriptions, decorations, this makes them even more beautiful and original.

You can decorate the hall with balloons for any festive event, such decoration will always be relevant, in demand and universal, because they are suitable for any interior, and even more so for any significant celebration.

To date, light balloons filled with helium have gained particular popularity. But in order to fill them with this substance, one must have special equipment, which not everyone has. What to do in this case, how to make helium for balloons at home?

Ways to create helium yourself

How can you get helium at home, you ask. The answer is simple, make a little effort and then you can get a whole bunch of balloons.

There are a few simple ways which will help to quickly fill them with air.

soda and vinegar

A simple option with which you can quickly get a helium substance created at home on your own.

For this you need to take:

To make the ball light, you need to fill half the bottle with vinegar. Pour soda into it with a spoon, carefully put the bottle on the neck. The balloon will start to fill up, but it will not fly, because the reaction of soda and vinegar gives carbon dioxide, and it is heavier than air, however, this does not prevent it from being beautiful, light and airy.

Hydrogen projectile

Another method that can quickly inflate balloons at home is using aluminum and lye.

For this you need to have:

  1. a small flask;
  2. measuring spoon;
  3. foil or aluminum;
  4. alkali (sodium hydroxide, caustic soda and caustic soda are suitable);
  5. warm water.

So, in order to fill the jewelry with a helium substance of your own production at home, you need to fill half the flask with water. Cut the foil into small pieces and place in a bowl. Add 3 tablespoons of alkali, put the ball itself on the neck of the flask, and shake well so that the foil begins to interact with the alkali. When aluminum and alkali interact, air will begin to flow into the ball. When the foil dissolves in the liquid, it must be carefully removed so that it does not begin to deflate and tie.

Helium balloon

The third option, how to quickly inflate a balloon with helium at home, is
using a simple balloon, inside of which there is a helium substance.

  • A ball is put on the cylinder tube, while it is important that there is tightness.
  • Next, you need to smoothly turn the cylinder valve, make sure that it does not fly off the tube.
  • As inflated, carefully remove and tie. This method of inflating balloons is the easiest, the main thing is to find a balloon.

A wide range and modern art of creation original figurines from balls allow you to embody any fairy tale for a child. Knowing how to inflate long balloons (namely, they make interesting compositions) and fill them with helium, you can create the magic of a fairy tale with your own hands.

Help pump

If you inflate ordinary balloons, you can inhale more air and exhaling it into the strip of the future ball, then with elongated models this trick will not be the most successful. In this case, a faithful assistant is a small pump.

When buying a set of long balloons in large supermarkets, such equipment is usually included in the kit. If you bought them without the supplied pump, you can find one at any sporting goods store of the kind used to inflate sports balls or flat bicycle wheels.

First you need to gently stretch the strip of the future long ball a little, and then put its neck on the pump and slowly pump it with air. Be sure to leave 10-15 cm free at the end of the inflated "sausage" - this will avoid bursting the ball at maximum filling with air.

Without pump

If suitable equipment there is no pumping, then you can try to inflate long balloons with your own efforts. This trick will make this task easier. It is necessary to initially fill the strip of the ball with water from the tap and swing it slightly like a pendulum. When you pour out the water, the balloon will become softer and easier to inflate. First you need to inflate the balloon a little, then blow the air out of it and crumple it. After a couple of such approaches, it will be relatively easy to inflate long ball without using a pump.

It will further facilitate the task of inflating a long balloon in stages, in short segments. If the lungs do not allow you to do such tricks with ease, then you can use improvised means instead of a pump. For example, take an empty plastic bottle using it in the same way as a pump. When you press it, the air will go into the ball. The main thing at the same time is not to miss the ball and gradually fill it with air. The task is not easy, and you need to be patient.

flying balls

A balloon inflated with ordinary air will never fly high. To achieve this, you need to know how to inflate balloons with helium at home and do not forget that due to the volatility of the substance, balloons are inflated only before the event itself. The primary task in this case is to remember school chemistry and create helium at home.

The easiest way is to use baking soda and vinegar. For this purpose, you need to pour a tablespoon of soda directly into the ball itself, and into glass bottle, on the neck of which the ball will be stretched, pour 50 grams of vinegar. First, the ball is carefully put on the neck, and then turned over so that the soda gets inside the bottle and reacts with the vinegar. This is the most safe way creating helium for filling balloons at home. The downside is the need for containers for each ball.

The purchased helium canister will absolutely simplify the task. With it, you can inflate balloons in a couple of seconds. Minus - strict observance of all requirements for its storage in order to avoid an explosion. Store the helium balloon only for outdoors, but certainly under a canopy, only at positive temperatures, avoiding both direct sunlight and dampness.