Mixer      03/05/2020

How to cut a glass bottle with a regular thread? Easy and fast! Glass bottles in the garden

Today, “Hand Made” creativity is gaining momentum every day. Very often, needleworkers use glass bottles in their creations. They make vases, lamps, coasters, etc. out of them.
I will show you a very simple way to cut a bottle cleanly in almost a few seconds.

All we need is nichrome wire, accumulator battery 12V and cold water.

We cut the bottle

First you need to determine the location of the incision. To make it even, take a piece of paper and wrap the bottle around it. Align the edges of the sheet so that the line is even. Then take a felt-tip pen or marker and draw a border around the edge of the sheet. Now the leaf can be removed.

Next, you need to take a piece of nichrome wire with a diameter of 0.5 mm, attach one end to a stationary object. For these purposes, I use a black weight. We immediately attach one wire from the battery to it.

We make a coil around the bottle. And align to the trail of the marker.

In order not to get burned, take the wire with pliers. Pull just a little to straighten the wire.
Apply voltage to the other end of the wire.

It can be seen that the wire is hot. In places of contact with the bottle, the wire does not completely turn red, as the bottle takes away heat.

We wait without moving the wire and holding it in tension for about 30 seconds.
Then we quickly remove the wire and sprinkle the place of heating with water. You can also prepare a bucket of water and dip the bottle into it.

You will hear a peculiar click of glass, and the bottle will burst exactly along the line where the nichrome wire passed.

Everything is explained simply: during the heating of a certain place in the glass, internal stress arises. After rapid cooling, the glass surface is rapidly cooled, and its inner part it stays warm. As a result of such a sharp change, microcracks appear, which instantly turn into a split.

Such a trick can be done not only with round bottles, but also with square, oval, etc. bottles.

Workshop on cutting a bottle with a thread

Everyone is well aware that many useful and original things can be made from unnecessary glass bottles with your own hands. However, not everyone knows how easy it is, because many have no idea how to cut off part of the bottle without a glass cutter. We offer you a master class on how to cut a glass bottle with a regular thread quickly and easily at home without using a special tool.

In order to cut a glass bottle we need:

  • A piece of ordinary cotton thread.
  • Acetone or alcohol.
  • capacity with cold water.
  • Matches or lighter.

Thread cutting order

Step 1

Cotton thread soaked in acetone

We mark with a marker the line along which you want to cut the bottle. Wet the thread in acetone and wind it several times along the intended line. We tie the rope and cut off its ends.

Tie the thread tightly

Trim the ends of the thread

Step 2

Holding the bottle in a horizontal position over a container of water, set fire to the thread. In this case, the bottle must be rotated to ensure uniform heating.

We set fire to the thread

Step 3

As soon as the thread burns out, immediately dip the bottle into a container of cold water. From a sharp temperature drop, the glass itself will crack along the line where the rope was.

We dip the bottle in very cold water

Step 4

Separate the two parts of the bottle with your hands

On last step it remains only to process the edge with an emery or file. Further from the received glass you can do original candlestick or a vase for flowers, decorating the product to your own taste, in general, experiment!

Sanding the cut with sandpaper

Needlework is gaining momentum, and the products that the masters of this sphere make are more and more pleasing to the eye. Perhaps you have already seen. What interesting and unusual vases can be made from simple bottles. In this case, there is one important question - how to cut a glass bottle so evenly. As practice shows, this is done quite simply, and I will tell you some very interesting ways.


To begin with, we need a glass cutter, a bottle and a possible source of fire, preferably a narrow one. To do this, you can take another bottle in which you can make a flame. It is worth noting that cutting bottles with a glass cutter and without using fire is also possible, only in this case it will take much more time.

First you need to make an even cut on the bottle, along which you want it to split. This may require tees or some other type of fixation. You can cut with a glass cutter, or you can take a drill or screwdriver, and insert a nozzle into it for working with glass. The quality of the resulting cut will depend on how exactly you make the incision.

Now we need to heat our incision. To do this, the bottle must be gradually scrolled over the flame. This is perfect for a candle. It is necessary to rotate evenly and without jerks, so that the surface heats up equally in all places. We do this for about five minutes, after which we dip the bottle into a container of cold water.

It may be necessary to repeat these steps several times until the bottle splits along the cut line. After that, you just need to process the edges, removing their sharp parts.

Boiling water

The second way to cut the bottle with your own hands again requires a glass tool. With a glass cutter, you again need to apply the contour along which the cut will have to go. At the same time, it is important to make the incision not only even, but also complete - you should not find the area from which you started, because if the contour overlaps itself, the cut line will turn out to be uneven.

Now you need to boil water in the kettle. We will gradually water the incision on the bottle with it. When the water boils, you can start the process. The bottle should be watered slowly and carefully - do not go far with water from the original incision.

After you have poured boiling water over the bottle several times, it must immediately be placed in cold water. From the first time it will not break along the cut, for this you need to repeat the procedure several times. Next, you also need to process the sharp edges, after which you can do anything with the bottle.

A thread

Perhaps this is not the most safe way cutting bottles in terms fire safety, but with the right approach, no danger should arise. To do this, you can use a fairly dense thread for yarn or a simple cotton cord.

It is important that it is natural, not synthetic material. Depending on the thickness of the thread, you may need to wrap it around the bottle at the desired split one to five times.

It is best to take a sufficiently dense lace, which will be enough for a single ring. Having wrapped the bottle, it is worth cutting off the excess ends so that they do not hang out.

Next up is acetone. We need to soak our thread in it, and then put it back on the bottle. It should be well saturated with acetone, this is important for the future part. Now you need to tie the thread, and make it tight enough, because this may later affect the quality of the cut.

Then you just need to set fire to the thread and slowly scroll the bottle. And again, we need a container with cold water, in which we will need to place a bottle after the thread has almost completely faded. If you did everything right, the bottle will crack in the place where the thread was. Clean up the edges again.


Another good way how you can cut a glass bottle requires a special tool. To do this, you only need to decide on the incision line, for which it will be good to use a simple masking tape. You will need two strips that will go just around the cut line. Next, it will be good to fix the tool and turn it on.

You need to slowly and confidently scroll the bottle along the notch line, while the tool will do all the work for you. You will need to rotate the bottle 3-5 times at least before it cracks. Further, having processed the sharp edges, you can decorate your cut bottle.

Nichrome wire

Finally, I left a not very simple, but interesting and spectacular way to easily cut a bottle at home. You don't need much for this.

You will need a power source, for which a simple 12 watt battery is well suited, the wire itself, the bottle that needs to be cut and a container of water into which you can dip the bottle.

For a more convenient definition of the cut line, you can take a glass cutter, which carefully draw the direction. Next, we take a heavy object that will not catch fire - stone or steel is good, it will hold the wire on one side. You will also need to connect the power cable there.

We wrap the wire along the notch line, after which we take the second edge with pliers. You need to pull a little so that it stretches a little and becomes smoother. Then we give voltage and observe a beautiful, but rather dangerous picture - a heated nichrome wire. Half a minute will be enough for such a device to cut almost any bottle.

Rounded glass can serve not only as a vessel for liquid, but also as a source of inspiration. With the ability to cut glass bottles and jars, you can make a lot of amazing things. From glasses and ashtrays to lamps and designer spatulas, the number of recycled crafts is limited only by the imagination. It's amazing how original and beautiful things can come out of practically free material. The main thing is the desire to create, and we will talk about the process itself in this article.

Types of glass cutters for bottles

Today there are many finished fixtures for cutting glass jars and bottles. All of them have different design, but according to the type of action they are divided into only two groups: cutting and heating. General principle both groups remains the same - the bottle is fixed in a horizontal position and rotates around the glass cutter or heating element. The principle of operation of the devices is quite similar, but has some features.

Roller glass cutter for bottles has simple design and is widely used by hobbyists. Can be assembled with your own hands from improvised means. The cost of the finished device varies from a few hundred to a couple of thousand rubles. The cut line is quite even, but the edges require grinding. The best option for home craftsmen.

A bottle cutter with a heating element has a more complex mechanism, but also a higher cut quality. The device is powered by mains or battery. You can assemble this, if you have special knowledge, but at your own peril and risk. Ready-made devices cost several thousand rubles and are unlikely to be of interest most population. Suitable for creative workshops or designers.

DIY bottle glass cutter

It is not necessary to spend money on buying a glass cutter for bottles. This device very simple, and if you have certain details and desire, you can do it yourself. Below, we present step by step photo instruction for assembling a convenient and practical cutter. You may have to buy some parts, but they cost a penny and are sold in any market or in hardware store.

Required materials:

  • Wooden base: 25 x 14 x 2
  • Side bar: 25 x 4 x 2
  • End block (limiter): 11 x 4 x 2
  • Wooden lath: 25 x 1 x 2
  • Roll-out rollers: 4 pcs with a maximum diameter of 4 cm (preferably non-rotatable with a rubber coating)
  • Cable channel: 25x2 (with minimum thickness)
  • Roller glass cutter
  • A little PVA glue and a handful of screws

Device assembly
We will start with the most difficult and jewelry stage of work - the assembly of the cutting mechanism. We take wooden lath 25 x 1 x 2 and saw off two pieces from it, 3 cm long. In the resulting pieces of wood, carefully make through longitudinal holes. They will serve as grooves for installing the hinge, on which the guide with the glass cutter will go.

From the same rail, cut off another piece, 9-10 cm long, and arrange all the details as in the photo below. We cut the cover of the cable channel to a length equal to the size of three wooden parts(2 pieces of 3 cm each and the width of the rail - 2 cm), by about 8 centimeters.

In the next step, we fix the cutter on the guide. To do this, it is better to make a small recess at the end of the rail, which will serve as a kind of limiter for the glass cutter.

To prevent the wood from cracking when the self-tapping screw is screwed in, at the attachment point, a hole should be made in advance with a drill of a smaller diameter.

If on your self-tapping screw, as well as on the cutter with a photo, there are notches for breaking off glass, then you can use them for fastening. If there are no grooves, or they are located further than the cutting roller, then it is better to drill a mounting hole in the metal head. In general, the main thing is that the glass cutter is installed as in the photo.

After securing the cutter, it's time to assemble the structure together. To do this, we fasten two bars of 3 cm along the edges of the cable channel cover. In pre-prepared grooves in the bars, we twist self-tapping hinges, no more than 4 centimeters long (long ones can be cut off). At the bottom of the guide rail we drill through hole, install it between the bars and fix it with self-tapping screws. In order for the rail to rise, its lower corner must be smoothed out with sandpaper or a file. Look at the photo and repeat.

Having finished with the design of the cutting mechanism, you can proceed to the assembly of the working platform of the future bottle cutter.
First of all, we attach a 25 x 4 x 2 side bar to the base. You can connect these parts using self-tapping screws by screwing them with reverse side grounds. You can also use PVA glue or epoxy resin.

When the side part is fixed, you can proceed to the installation of roll-out rollers. The first pair of wheels is installed at a distance of 3-4 cm from the top edge of the base. The next pair is located 12 cm down. For longer bottles, another set of holes can be prepared, 5 cm below the second pair of rollers. Pay attention to the photo.

The final stage of the assembly will be the fastening of the lower part of the cable channel to the edge of the side bar, and the landing of the end stop on self-tapping screws or glue.

With a slight movement of the hand, we attach the cover with the cutter to the base of the cable channel and the device is ready for use!

Another way to attach a glass cutter.

How to cut a bottle without a glass cutter

Compact bottle cutter - the device is very convenient, but it is made for frequent use. What to do for those for whom this procedure is unique and will not be repeated in the next decade. Buy finished device expensive, but it takes a long time to assemble and it’s not a fact that it will turn out as it should. As you already understood, now we will talk about how to cut a bottle at home without a glass cutter.

This method of glass processing is based on heating with rapid cooling. For a sharp change in temperature, we need a meter of woolen thread, a flammable liquid (acetone, gasoline, kerosene, alcohol), a large container of ice water and, in fact, a bottle. Having prepared all the components, you can get down to business.

We dip the woolen thread into a container with a flammable liquid so that it is completely saturated, and wind it with a thin line at the place of the future chip. Next, we set fire to the thread and wait for it to completely burn out. While burning, we hold the bottle horizontally, and constantly rotate it so that the fire evenly heats the entire line. As soon as the flame goes out, immediately immerse the bottle in a prepared container of water. After a couple of seconds, a characteristic sound of broken glass will be heard, signaling the successful separation of the bottle. If there was no click in 5 seconds, you can apply a little force and try to break it.

The above technique can be successfully used for controlled chipping of most species. glass containers but sometimes there are exceptions. The effectiveness of the temperature difference depends largely on the strength of the glass.

For those who want more good example to see how to cut a glass bottle at home without a glass cutter, we recommend watching the following video.

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Decor from glass bottles, quite popular in Lately, and since many are interested in the question of how to cut a glass bottle at home, without using a glass cutter, I want to dedicate today's master class to a simple, but interesting way cutting bottles with a thread ...
In this connection, the topic of this master class is “How to cut a bottle with a thread - nothing complicated!”.

For work we need:
1. Glass bottle;
2. Woolen threads;
3. Solvent (can be kerosene, alcohol, cologne, acetone);
4. Scissors or stationery knife;
5. Gloves (will protect the skin of the hands from exposure to the solvent);
6. Lighter or matches;
7. To protect the eyes, just in case, goggles (in fact, there are no fragments, but caution is never superfluous);
8. Deep basin filled with cold water.

So, how to cut a bottle with a thread? We take a woolen thread, measure and cut it in such a way that it is enough for 3-4 turns of the bottle.
We immerse the measured and cut thread in the solvent, and immediately wrap the bottle in the place where it is planned to make an “incision”. You can simply wrap the thread or tie it in a knot, in this master class I just wrapped it.

After that, we set fire to this thread with matches or a lighter, and it is better to keep the bottle in an inclined position - strictly horizontally (parallel to the ground), gently scrolling around the axis.

The fire will burn for about 30-40 seconds, as soon as the lit thread goes out - quickly lower the bottle into the prepared basin filled with cold water.

Next, the characteristic sound of cracked glass will be heard, and the bottle will instantly split into two parts. This type of glass cutting is based on a rapid change in temperature, we all know from the lessons of physics that glass expands when heated, and narrows when cooled, respectively, with a sharp change in temperature, a kind of destruction of glass occurs and it simply cracks!

We figured out how to cut a bottle with a thread, but how to process sharp glass edges? Can be used sandpaper or stone for sharpening knives. Lastly, you should process the edges of the bottle, previously immersed in water, so the processing is easier and faster (it is better to protect your hands with rubber gloves). Friends, I ask you not to forget about the notorious safety precautions, after all you will work with fire and glass, goggles on your eyes, gloves on your hands and a basin with plenty of water are a must!