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What fruits grow in March. There is everyone! Named the ten most useful winter fruits and vegetables. Another October gastronomy

Because of our harsh climate, two myths have developed among the people. The first was born in the era of Soviet shortages: fresh vegetables and fruits can only be eaten in season, and at other times of the year, home-made stocks are better - pickles, jams, compotes. The second myth sounds more scientific: since our distant ancestors ate only what they got in their native lands, then human metabolism is closely related to the area of ​​​​residence. Since there were no fresh gifts of nature in winter (especially tropical ones), it means that they are harmful to us.

Potato is not ours

If you think so, then first of all you need to give up not bananas and citrus fruits, but the main national product - potatoes, - explains Viktor Konyshev, nutrition expert, MD. - It began to be planted, like coffee, only under Peter I, that is, only 300 years ago. From the point of view of evolution, this is an insignificantly small period of time during which no adaptation of the metabolism to the product can occur.

On the other hand, even if you eat only what your 6 acres bring, then such food will not be ideal. Why?

Experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend at least 400 g of vegetables, fruits and berries daily for the prevention of diseases, Viktor Konyshev explains. - Each fruit is endowed with beneficial substances inherent only to it, therefore it is better to combine different gifts of nature. Cranberries, for example, are inferior to blackcurrant, sea buckthorn and kiwi in terms of vitamin C content. But it has a lot of resveratrol (protects against atherosclerosis). Sea buckthorn and avocado, unlike other fruits, contain many useful unsaturated fatty acids. It is often believed that fruits are the source of all vitamins. But it's not. Basically, they contain only vitamin C, folic acid and beta-carotene (from which vitamin A is formed). The need for other vitamins must be replenished through food of animal origin and cereals. For example, in winter, vitamin D is especially important for us - there is not enough sun for its production in the body. This vitamin is not found in fruits; eggs, butter, cod liver, and caviar will help to fill the need for it.

On the recommendation of the WHO, information campaigns promoting fruits and vegetables have been carried out in many countries. If Russia heard this call, then our slogan would sound like this: “5 times a day!”. This means that everyone needs to eat at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits per day, each serving is 80-100 grams. But in some countries they increased the recommended dose to 6-12 times a day. In addition, people were taught to eat fruits of different colors. The "game" of colors has a serious scientific basis - the most useful substances with a powerful antioxidant effect give color to fruits and vegetables. They protect us from diseases of the heart, blood vessels, even many types of cancer.

Can we live without pineapples?

What to look for when going to the store?

Carrots, beets, cabbage, turnips, radishes and onions are the only Russian vegetables that can be preserved all winter without preservation. But they alone are not enough. You also need tomatoes, colored peppers, zucchini, eggplant, salads, etc. Tomatoes can be replaced with tomato juice.

Domestic fruits do not survive the winter. Therefore, do not disdain gifts from warm lands. Of course, you can do without pineapples and mangoes. But the body needs the usual oranges and tangerines.

Pickles, jams and compotes are no longer useful gifts of nature, but ... to put it mildly, their imitation. But there is one exception - sauerkraut. True, it is more correct to attribute it not to pickles, but to fermentation products like kefir and wine. After fermentation, useful substances from it are absorbed much better. When stewing cabbage, they are partially destroyed.

Freeze summer berries, vegetables and fruits in the freezer. So, unlike jams and pickles, useful substances will be preserved. Strawberries and cherries should not be considered seasonal delicacies - they are useful all year round. But pickles, on the contrary, are elevated to the rank of a special delicacy - this is really yummy, but it is better to eat it less often.

Add dry greens a pinch to different dishes. In terms of useful properties, it is not inferior to fresh.

Potatoes are almost the only plant product that is not considered healthy. Vitamins, antioxidants and other necessary substances in it “the cat cried”, and there is a lot of starch. Replace it with vegetable side dishes.

It is impossible not to say about greenhouse vegetables and herbs grown by hydroponics - in pots or on artificially simulated soil. Of course, ground is better. But these will fit.

Avocado like gloves?

In fact, there are no harmful vegetables and fruits - there are only individual contraindications to them.

For example, an allergy to citrus fruits. It often happens in early childhood, so breastfeeding mothers should also avoid these fruits, Konyshev continues his story. - Many people like to lower blood pressure with chokeberry. But due to the high content of vitamin K, these berries increase blood clotting, which is undesirable for older people, and in fact they are more likely to suffer from hypertension. This feature of chokeberry is important to take into account for those who take drugs that lower blood clotting (warfarin and other vitamin K antagonists), their usual dose may be ineffective. With many diseases of the digestive system, sour fruits will not work. People who are allergic to the material of latex gloves, due to the similarity of latex protein to the protein of some fruits, often have the same reaction to avocados, pineapples, bananas, melons, figs, kiwi, papaya, peaches, tomatoes and chestnut fruits.


Winter is the time when the body needs vitamins. Someone drinks supplements, someone just consumes more vitamin D, and someone - nothing, relying on internal reserves, writes "MK Estonia".

But it is believed that no synthetics can replace natural natural vitamins. Which can only be found in vegetables and fruits. But does it make sense to buy store-bought watermelons in December and hope for their benefit? And what is really useful from the assortment offered now?

According to doctors, it always makes sense to hope for fruits and even get real vitamins. You just need to buy fruits that are in season and, of course, ripe. Then there is a chance that the body will receive not a set of fertilizers and chemical protection, but substances that are useful and necessary for health.
Not talking about age

“You know, this, of course, is only my subjective opinion, but if you want something really healthy and tasty, buy local,” says the doctor. - You just think about where all these beautiful vegetables and fruits come from. How much time do they spend on the road? How long do they stay on the counter? During these weeks, they lose all the useful substances that they contained. ”

The second important point that the doctor draws attention to is that growing vegetables and fruits is a serious business. Therefore, tons of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are poured onto the fields. To grow better, bigger and bigger. And then all this in an unripe form is collected and sent for sale. Green - so that it does not deteriorate along the way and, if possible, lies on the counter for as long as possible, while maintaining its presentation. And how much in such unripe vitamins is a big question.

“God forbid buying now, for example, strawberries,” warns Dr. Adik Levin. - It's one kind. It tastes like plastic. It crunches on the teeth like a cucumber. Be patient until the summer, when the season of ours, the local one, begins. It's not much, but it's real! Freeze for the winter and enjoy. No need to buy fruits and vegetables that are out of season.”

The only trouble is that in local stores now there are only cabbage, potatoes and rutabagas. And this is not quite the same when the soul asks for raspberries or, say, plums. But the doctor warns that precisely because of the early collection, long transportation, there is nothing useful in such bright and beautiful fruits. Therefore, let's still try to choose seasonal fruits, even if they are overseas, but which you can now buy. And at the same time find out what useful substances can be found in them.

Overseas, eggplant

Mozambique, South, and Peru are the countries where most of the vegetables come from. And if there are almost no delivery issues with the “nearby” countries, then overseas fruits seem a little more doubtful.


Well, it looks strange - the height of winter, and here we have watermelons, melons, plums and other exotics, which are just the same better to use in season. Then they are the most delicious and healthy. Now such non-seasonal “semi-finished products” are brought to us - collected unripe, left to ripen in the store and often spoil very quickly. For example, the same plums or mangoes - ripe and juicy now cannot be found in the afternoon with fire. Green mango tastes like pine needles (by the way, the case when it can even be eaten like this, because it has a huge amount of fiber and starch), but plums are sour and hard.

But in the winter season, you can safely buy persimmons, all varieties of citrus fruits, pomegranates, kiwi and avocados. With avocados, it’s generally simple - its season lasts all year round. We were also lucky with year-round availability in terms of pineapples, pitahai, lychees. It is worth abstaining from “summer” fruits. Plums, watermelons, strawberries, melons - they all look beautiful, but the taste is far from ideal. Well, unless you are lucky to find strawberries from either (February-April season) or the right melon - soft and fragrant. But the chances are slim. What is on the shelves now is just a picture. You can forget about vitamins here.

Well, we offer you a more detailed description of seasonal (late autumn-winter) and year-round fruits that can be found with us in a more or less edible form: how useful they are, what they should be, where they are imported from, and approximate prices (local supermarkets as of on 30 November).


Season: November to April.

Vitamins: A, B, C in large quantities, D and PP. Of the trace elements, it is rich in iron and copper. Enhances intestinal motility.

Countries: The top importing countries are Spain and Israel. It is here that the sweetest fruits are grown. Very tasty - Navel variety (there are varieties of it).


Season: January-February. The first fruits that appear in our stores in the fall can be very upsetting - there will be a lot of peel and a nut of unripe pulp.

Vitamins: A huge and very tasty variety of grapefruit. Contains vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B5, minerals: calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium.

Countries: imported from China and . The fruit is good because it is not too sweet, it is easy to peel, it can easily replace either breakfast or dinner. Or just have a snack.


Season: November to January.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, C and E. A huge amount of dietary fiber and minerals.

Country: Spain. We have mainly a species called "clementine". It is easy to clean, tasty and cheap, you can buy in boxes. Come across Maroc, with the familiar black rhombus sticker. It is also a tasty variety, but it has a thin peel and is sometimes difficult to peel. But the taste and aroma are amazing.


Season: Winter is considered the best time.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, C and E. Doctors recommend eating half of this fruit daily. And now is the time for them - only in winter you can buy really tasty and healthy grapes.

Countries: Israel, South Africa. Red grapefruits are sweeter than white ones. And in total there are more than 20 varieties.


Season: from October to the end of February.

Vitamins: vitamins A, C, B1, B2, B3. Contains cartoin, iodine, calcium, sodium, magnesium, iron. Very useful in diseases of the cardiovascular system. But this fruit is not suitable for diabetics.

Countries: and Spain. Spanish persimmon is considered one of the most delicious, because it is picked already ripe. But at the beginning of the season on the shelves, most often it is hard-stone, which is impossible to eat - it knits in the mouth. Ripe persimmons are soft, juicy and very, very tasty. If the fruit is hard to the touch, it is better not to buy. Or let him lie down at home for a few days.

A pineapple

Season: all year round, but for some reason they are the most delicious with us in winter.

Vitamins: B1, B2, B12, PP, provitamin A, minerals, iron, copper, zinc, calcium, magnesium and iodine. Stimulates digestion, cleanses the intestines, reduces blood viscosity, lowers blood pressure, which prevents the development of atherosclerosis. Attention! This is a very strong allergen, so use with caution.

Country: Costa Rica

Dragon eye (pitahaya)

Season: all year round.

Vitamins: normalizes the work of the stomach and intestines, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and endocrine systems. Due to the extremely low sugar content, it is useful for diabetics. And there is also a huge amount of calcium in the pitahaya .. In the markets you can find pomegranates from the Black Sea coast - Turkish, Azerbaijani. All of them are delicious, but it is better to choose fruits with a barely dried peel, which slightly fits the grains. The peel should be bright red - in unripe fruits it is pale, and in overripe fruits it is burgundy with dark spots. Large fruits have more juicy grains.


Season: from June to September, but can be found in stores now.

Vitamins: A, B1, B2, PP, E and beta-carotene. Among the important minerals in figs are iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. Figs can relieve sore throats and coughs, and also act as an antipyretic. It is recommended to use figs with a predisposition to thrombosis, tachycardia, as well as people suffering from anemia and cardiovascular diseases. Figs help with increased heart rate and bronchial asthma.

Countries: Central Asia, Türkiye


Season: the best in winter.

Vitamins: a daily supply of vitamin C in one fruit. Most of the kiwi is water (about 84%). Dietary fiber, nicotinic acid, mono- and disaccharides. Kiwi is low in calories, but very rich in vitamins and useful trace elements. And the biggest plus is that they do not collapse during conservation, due to the acidity of kiwi. The fruit reduces the risk of cardiovascular and oncological diseases, improves digestion.

Countries: New Zealand

Not only for the child, but also for yourself? On the one hand, these are some kind of vegetables about which we have heard so many good things. On the other hand, these vegetables did not grow at the right time and not always in natural conditions ..

I am sure many of you in the refrigerator can find not only a head of fresh cabbage, but also greenhouse cucumbers, tomatoes and even greens. Some are guided by the age-old rule, if fresh means healthy. Others cannot deny themselves fresh salads in winter, especially after the summer-autumn season.

However, let's see if we deliberately harm ourselves in the pursuit of the desired vitamins?

Fresh vegetables on the shelves in winter, the season of which was still distant summer, are usually imported from warm countries, but in order for the product to have the appropriate appearance, it is not only picked ahead of time, but also saturated with nitrates. Having decided to buy fresh cucumbers, check with the seller the country of origin, because the road from Tajikistan and Azerbaijan to Ukraine is not so long, which means there are fewer risks.

It is best to go to the market in the summer, buy really fresh vegetables and berries, pre-process them and freeze them. Good for freezing: tomatoes, peppers, parsley, dill, raspberries, strawberries, black and red currants, cherries.

But for those who follow the figure, it is better to give up potatoes because of the meager content of vitamins and a large amount of starch.

In warm countries, citrus fruits (oranges and tangerines) are in season during the cold season in our geographic area, so try to include them in your daily diet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the persimmon, the peak of which also falls on the winter. Not everyone knows, but the fruit contains many minerals, phenolic compounds (even more than in apples) and antioxidants.

In addition to the fact that pomegranate, which is also considered a winter fruit, normalizes the nervous system (thanks to vitamin B6) and improves immunity, it also promotes blood formation thanks to vitamin B12.

There is an opinion that in greenhouse vegetables there are many times less vitamins than in fruits grown in open areas. In fact, only the land can affect the benefit, and, as you guessed, it is the same.

For this reason, many of the world's Michelin-starred chefs specially develop menus based on seasonal products and at the same time deliberately refuse many vegetables in winter. After all, even the most exquisite spices are not able to give a summer taste to fresh tomato soup or tomato sauce for pasta.

Eat right and be healthy. But for those who follow the figure, it is better to give up potatoes because of the meager

In warm countries, the citrus season (oranges and tangerines) falls on

The coldest time of the year in our geographic area, so try to include

Them in your daily diet.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the persimmon, the peak of which also falls on the winter. Not all

They know, but the fruit contains many minerals, phenolic compounds (even

More than in apples) and antioxidants.

In addition to the fact that pomegranate, which is also considered a winter fruit, normalizes

nervous system (thanks to vitamin B6) and improves immunity, it also

Promotes blood formation due to vitamin B12.

There is an opinion that in greenhouse vegetables there are many times less vitamins than in

Fruit grown in open areas. In fact, it can be beneficial

Only the earth can affect, and he, you guessed it, is the same.

If you are going to spend your vacation in sometimes hot, sometimes even overly sultry Egypt, you want to find out inapplicably what fruits in Egypt in March you can afford to try.

In general, some of the fruits and vegetables can be safely plucked from fruit trees and, without moving right away, bite into their juicy and sweet pulp.

Of course, the above was overly exaggerated, but not everyone wants to get acquainted with the list of March Egyptian fruits, but the number of applicants is clearly off scale.

The most important March and very cheap favorite among fruits, vegetables and berries in Egypt is - strawberry.

Therefore, March can be safely painted in strawberry tones with a light sweet and so alluring aroma of this delicious berry. Thanks to the abundance of the generous sun, Egyptian strawberries are incredibly tasty, fleshy and quite large. Of course, the richness of the sweetness of Egyptian strawberries depends on its variety. Although in terms of variety, it differs little from each other, because the taste of almost everyone is equally delicious.

You can treat yourself to strawberries at a very attractive price. In the markets, the retail price of seasonal strawberries is around $1 per kilogram. Which, of course, pleases! Considering past travel experience, it has been practically proven that such strawberries also tolerate air travel to Mother Russia just as well. Therefore, there is a unique opportunity - to treat your family and friends.

It is worth noting the fact that it is best to buy it in early March. At the end of March, the last remnants of it are harvested, which turn out to be almost tasteless. And the rest of the time, trade is carried out by imported strawberries.

Of course, not without citrus fruits.. Bright orange representatives of citrus fruits - oranges, fill most of the fruit stalls.

In Egypt, at least rake them with shovels. True, in March they will greatly lose their taste, especially Navel oranges, which are harvested in March for the last harvest. But oranges of the Valencia variety are very personal. Fairly sweet and juicy without being overly bony.

For those who can't live without the bittersweet taste grapefruit very lucky, because in March Egypt is full of these juicy big cinnamon.

In April, baskets with Egyptian grapefruits are replenished by their imported representatives.

Also from fruits in Egypt in March you can buy and adored by the Egyptians figs

and soft kiwi.

Kiwi, by the way, is not at all like the one that is traded in us in Russia. There, it not only contains sugary flavor notes, it is also larger! True, exclusively all imported. It is not grown in Egypt. For kiwi here are very unsuitable conditions.

Therefore, kiwi will be one of the leaders among the fruits that are overpriced.

Although, if you are not particularly versed in price ranges, then it will be difficult to distinguish imported fruits, since the Arabs are quite cunning. For their own, they always set normalized prices, but when they see a tourist, even the price written in their own hand will not bother them. They will still raise prices. Even if a tourist understands the local luridly motley money, which at first glance all look the same, and, accordingly, understands the prices, the Arab will do everything possible to sell the product for more than the price at which he gives fruits to local residents . In order not to make such a mistake and not confuse Egyptian banknotes, an article is at your service. "Money of Egypt".

They also harvest in March cantaloupe.

Thanks, melon variety ripens London, which appears smaller and rounder. Its flesh is fleshy, brighter and very tasty.

Of course, what is described above does not mean at all that in Egypt, in addition to these fruits, there will be no other fruits. You can buy any other favorite fruits, they will just be brought to Egypt from other countries.

As for vegetables, in Egypt in March this stuff is just in bulk. This includes onions, tomatoes, artichokes, potatoes, beans, garlic and many other healthy vegetables.

In general, it is believed that the fruit and vegetable season in Egypt lasts a whole year, therefore, once again, you should not worry about the presence or absence of certain vitamins during your vacation!

Has it ever happened to you that you buy some kind of fruit or vegetable, and it is completely tasteless or, on the contrary, spoiled? The mood is bad, the body also did not receive vitamins, the money was spent. The thing is that out-of-season products very often appear on the shelves of our stores and markets.

Even when buying strawberries in the summer, the month plays a big role, because the one grown in greenhouses has a completely different taste and is more processed with chemicals. To please yourself and loved ones with delicious, ripe and beneficial fruits, you need to know at what time to buy certain fruits and vegetables. The editors will tell you about it today "So simple!".

When is the best time to buy fruit?

In our time there is a great opportunity to feast on fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Plant products are brought to us from almost all over the world. However, you should know where vegetables and fruits come from in order to decide whether they are worth buying.

  1. Strawberry
    If you buy this juicy berry from gardeners in the market, then it is in the last days of May and throughout June that you should do this. In July, it is usually either overripe and rotten, or hothouse. Yes, and it is rather dry at this time.

    Imported strawberries in supermarkets can be found throughout the year. In March-April, you can buy berries brought from Spain or Portugal, from February to April strawberries from the USA are sold, but you understand that they ship them still green, because transportation takes a long time. Almost all year round, there are strawberries from Egypt and Ethiopia on the shelves, but their taste is very different from the European one.

  2. oranges
    They don't even seem to disappear from the shelves. The most delicious are oranges brought from the Mediterranean countries, especially from Spain. Early varieties begin to ripen in November. The season lasts until mid-April. From February to July, fruits from Turkey and Egypt go on sale, but again, we note that their taste is not the same - they are not sweet and have a thick skin.

    From July to the end of February, South African and Peruvian oranges are traded. They ripen on the road, in addition, the fruits are treated with special means so that they retain their elasticity and do not deteriorate for a long time, waiting for transportation. There are quite a few useful substances in them.

  3. Apples
    The season of the most delicious and healthy domestic apples begins in August and lasts until October. However, these fruits can be stored for a long time, so you can safely buy them until February. The rest of the year, fruits are shipped from New Zealand and Argentina. Apples taste good and have health benefits. These fruits can be safely called multi-season.

  4. Persimmon
    The benefits of persimmon for the body are undeniable. In addition, it is very tasty. Persimmon season starts in October and ends in early November. They bring it mainly from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Separately, it is worth noting the Spanish persimmon. It is usually picked ripe and quickly brought to market. However, it can be stored on the shelves for no more than a week - then it starts to deteriorate.

  5. Avocado
    If you see Haas on the counter, you can buy it without hesitation. Its season lasts all year round, only the supplier countries change. But we usually sell fruits of the "ardit" and "fuerte" varieties, which are sent still green. Therefore, after buying an avocado, it is advised to hold it for a couple of days on the windowsill, so that it is fully ripe.

  6. Tomatoes
    And in a salad, and in pizza, and in a sandwich ... Tomatoes can complement any dish. Domestic tomatoes are sold from the end of May to the beginning of October. At any time of the year, Azerbaijani tomatoes can be found on the shelves - they are of very good quality. In March-April, delicious fruits come from Italy, but they are quite expensive. A more budget option is tomatoes from Turkey. They can be found from December to March. Now they need to be washed well.

  7. cucumbers
    Domestic cucumbers are sold in the same period as tomatoes. The rest of the year they are imported. They do not pose a particular health risk. But pay attention to long cucumbers from China. They have a grassy taste rather than cucumber. There are a lot of nitrates in these cucumbers, so it is advisable to peel them, especially if a child will eat a dish with them.

We have given examples of the most common fruits and vegetables on our shelves. But always keep in mind the information about the time of year and the country of delivery. It is clear that such root crops as carrots or potatoes grow with us and you can buy them all year round, and they also tend to be stored for a long time. But watermelons and melons can be ripe and useful only in the second half of July and August.