Water pipes      10/07/2020

Report on remaining goods. Quickly create a report on the balance of goods by size. Correction of negative balances

allows you to obtain information about the quantity of goods and ready meals in the warehouse on a certain date, control balances and replenish stocks of goods, identify expired products, correct negative balances.

How to work with the report

By default, the report shows the warehouse status for the current day. To obtain information on product balances for another date, enter it in the field View balances as of date and press the button Update .

You can open several different windows with a report, for example, with different products.

To get information about balances for a specific product, just type its name in the field Search by product .

From this report you can open a report on the movement of goods and a balance sheet.

If the report is built for past period, then it displays all products, even deleted ones, if their balance on the selected date was non-zero.

To select warehouses for which you want to obtain data, click the button Stock and in the list that opens, check the boxes next to their names (by default, all warehouses of the enterprise are selected).

Reporting data can be detailed by warehouse or item groups: to select a report option, use the View button.

The balance report can be customized:

  • Sort data by most parameters (or several parameters at the same time),
  • Perform grouping, including multi-level,
  • Filter data by most parameters (or several parameters),
  • Show or hide options.

Setting up a report is similar to setting up other reports in the iiko system, for example, see the description in the Products and warehouses section.

Control of balances and replenishment of stocks

Using the balance report, it is convenient to monitor the availability of all necessary products and ingredients in the warehouse and create an order for the supplier (receipt note) to replenish stocks.

To control the balance of goods by stock levels at the point View select item Consolidated report. Then the table will display columns with minimum and maximum number goods in warehouses.

To see which products are running low, select the value in the Remaining criterion list Less than minimum. In this case, only those products whose balance satisfies this restriction will remain in the report.

Similarly, a report on goods whose quantity is excessive is generated according to the criterion More maximum .

Product cards must first indicate inventory levels: minimum and maximum on the tab Additional Information .

Identification of expired products

Using the report, you can identify and promptly write off products that have expired at the time of viewing balances. To do this, the product cards must first indicate shelf life on the tab. Additional Information .

Select from the list Residual criterion as an option Expired products, products for which the specified expiration date has expired will be displayed.

For example, let the shelf life of a cake be two days. The current balance of cakes is 8 pieces. 2 invoices were issued for the goods: yesterday – for 5 pieces, and three days ago – also for 5 pieces.

Thus, there are expired products in the warehouse - remnants of goods from a batch that arrived three days ago.

Correction of negative balances

The iiko system allows you to maintain inventory records with the formation of negative balances of goods or dishes in the warehouse. Positions that have negative balances are highlighted in red in the report.

However, it is necessary to understand that a negative balance is a signal that something was done incorrectly, or that errors are being made systematically.

The ability to work with negative balances is determined by access rights and system settings on the tab Accounting settings .

To find out what led to this situation in the warehouse, you can open the goods movement report.

Collation statement

If there were no errors or they have all been corrected, but a negative balance remains, then it must be compensated using comparative inventories.

Purchase Invoice

Another way to correct negative balances is to create a receipt for goods that have gone negative directly from the Warehouse balances report.

Select products with negative balances in the list and from the group in the context menu Negative balances select one of the commands. As a result you can create:

  • Receipt invoice with zero prices (the function is available when viewing balances in any form).
  • Receipt invoice with prices at cost (the function is available only when viewing balances in the form of a summary report).

You can also copy information about a product with a negative balance to the clipboard in order to create the necessary warehouse document for it. The command for this is Actions → Negative balances → Copy to clipboard .

The user needs to receive data on the balances of goods in the context of warehouses, and the initial data should be taken from the advanced cost accounting registers for accounting. Appearance The report is shown in the following screenshot.

In order to understand what query needs to be written for the ACS data set, consider the structure of the tables in which data on advanced analytics is stored.

Information sources

Since we will receive the remaining goods according to the data accounting, then we are interested in the corresponding accumulation register “Accounting for CostsRegl”. But we won’t simply get information about the remainder of the nomenclature from it. The register dimensions are cost analytics keys, and not the usual elements of the reference books “Nomenclature”, “Item Series” and so on.

An analytics key is an element of the corresponding directory for which various combinations of accounting views are stored. The wording is general, so for better understanding I will provide the following screenshot:

From the figure we see that the register dimensions contain directory elements for the corresponding accounting section (accounting type, costs, batches and cost distribution). If we make a request to the remainder of the "CostRegl" register, then we will not be able to establish, for example, selection by item or warehouse. We will only have access to selections based on the analytics element. The latter is very inconvenient.

In order for us to be able to set selections in the usual way, we need to attach information registers for each of the analytics sections to the cost accounting table. Each such information register contains a "Link" resource that refers to the accounting analytics key directory. The values ​​for the analytics key ("Organization", "Warehouse", etc.) are stored in the dimensions of this register.

In the screenshot, I noted the dimensions “Warehouse” in the “Accounting Type Analytics” register and “Cost” in the “Cost Accounting Analytics” register. The "Cost" dimension stores a link to the reference book element "Item".

VERY IMPORTANT to remember that when receiving only balances by item, and indeed making any report, you need to make a selection according to the accounting section in order to obtain correct data. In our case, we need to set the selection to the “Accounting Section” dimension of the “Accounting Type Analytics” register by the “Inventory of Inventory” value of the “Accounting Sections” enumeration, since it is this accounting section that stores data on item balances in warehouses.

Request and SKD

And so, the general scheme for storing RAUZ data must now be clear at a level in order to write a report on the balances of the item in the context of warehouses. When creating a report on the access control system, we first decide on the request. I created it as follows:

Request = " SELECT ALLOWED | |PLACE Analytics By Accounting Sections |FROM | Register of Information. Analytics of an Accounting Type AS a RegisterAnalytics of an Accounting Type|WHERE | RegisterAnalyticsAccountingType. Accounting Section = & Accounting Section |; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |SELECT ALLOWED | RegisterAnalyticsAccountingType. Warehouse AS Warehouse, | RegisterCost AccountingAnalytics. Cost AS Nomenclature, | Cost AccountingReglRemains. Quantity Remaining AS Remaining |FROM | Accumulation Register. Cost Accounting Reg. Leftovers( | , | Analytics of Accounting Type B | (SELECT VARIOUS | RegisterAnalyticsAccountingType. Link | FROM | AnalyticsBy Accounting Sections HOW RegisterAnalyticsAccounting Type) ) HOW Cost AccountingReglRemains | (LEFT CONNECTION Register of Information. Analytics of an Accounting Type AS Register of Analytics of an Accounting Type | Cost Accounting SoftwareReglRemains. Accounting Type Analytics = Accounting Type Analytics Register. Link) | (LEFT CONNECTION Register of Information. Analytics of Cost Accounting AS Register of Analytics of Cost Accounting | Cost Accounting SoftwareReglRemains. Cost Accounting Analytics = Cost Accounting Analytics register. Link)" ;

In the first request, we receive cost accounting analytics for the accounting section "Inventory" and place the result in the temporary table "Analytics by Accounting Sections". Next, we make a request to the virtual table of balances of the accumulation register "AccountingCostRegl", in the parameters of which we indicate the condition for selecting according to the analytics of the accounting type for the values ​​​​in the temporary table "AnalyticsByAccountingSections".

Now the most interesting thing - we attach the information registers “Accounting Type Analytics” and “Cost Accounting Analytics” to the table of balances:

As selectable fields, we set the "Cost" (Nomenclature) field from the "Cost Accounting Analytics" information register and the "Warehouse" field from the "Accounting Type Analytics" information register. The quantitative indicator of the balance is stored in the "Quantity" resource, which we take from the "Cost Accounting Reg" accumulation register.

Don't forget to set the value of the "Accounting Section" parameter to the value "Enumeration.AccountingSections.Inventory" on the "Parameters" tab of the data composition scheme.


As a result, we received a working report on item balances using the advanced cost accounting analytics register. Of course, it does not have extensive functionality (characteristics, organization sections, etc.), but as an example to explain general principle developing reports for RAUZ - just right.

Goods balances report shows the balance of goods as of the specified date, taking into account all movements of goods (income/expense).

Documents affect the arrival of goods:

Sales section

  • Returns from customers

Purchasing section

  • Receipts

Warehouses section

  • Entering balances by warehouse
  • Receipt of goods
  • Equipment

Section Retail

  • Returns from retail customers

The following documents influence the consumption of goods:
Sales section

  • Shipments (Sales)

Purchasing section

  • Returns to suppliers

Warehouses section

  • Write-offs of goods
  • Dismantling

Section Retail

  • Cash receipts

Posting a report on industry interfaces

Full interface - Reports section.

Wholesale trade (simple and advanced) - Analytics section.

Services (advanced) - Analytics section.

Trade + Online store (advanced) - Analytics section.

Online store + Retail (advanced) - Analytics section.

Report filters

1. Date – indicate the date on which you want to view the stock of goods. If the date filter is empty, the entire period is included in the analysis.
2. Warehouse – specify one or more warehouses for which you want to check product balances. If the filter is empty, then the balance from all warehouses will be included in the calculation. In order to see the balance in the context of a specific warehouse, click on the line with the desired product.

3. Retail outlet – indicate one or more retail outlets for which you want to view indicators. If the filter is empty, then the report will include transactions for all retail outlets.
4. Product group – indicate one or more groups for which you want to view indicators. If the filter is empty, then the report will include balances in the “All goods and services” group.
5. Product – indicate one or more specific products for which you want to view stock. If the filter is empty, then all products will be included in the report.
6. Price types - specify one or more price types that you want to reflect in the report. Attention! You can only specify the “Sales” price type. It will be useful if you need a report indicating current selling prices.
7. Product characteristics – indicate one characteristic and its value in a separate filter field Value of the characteristic for which you want to view product balances.
8. Remains – Select one of 5 parameters for the report: 1. All – shows absolutely all balances: positive, negative, zero and non-zero. 2. Only positive – shows only the product whose balance is strictly greater than zero. 3. Only negative – shows only the product whose balance is strictly less than zero. 4. Only non-zero – shows only the product whose balance is strictly greater and less than zero. 5. Only zero – shows only the product whose balance is strictly equal to zero.

Report Options

1. Show reserve. This parameter will allow you to display the quantity of reserved goods in the report.
2. Show serial numbers. This parameter will allow you to reflect the balance of the product in the context of a specific serial number.
3. Show modifications. This parameter will allow you to reflect the balance of the product in the context of specific modifications.
4. Show products from the archive. This parameter will allow you to reflect the remains of the product that is currently in the archive.


Business.Ru has implemented the functionality of reserving goods for a specific order or counterparty. In order to view which product is assigned to which order/counterparty:
1. Generate a report with the “Show reserve” parameter set.
2. In the generated report, in the “Balance” column, an additional column “In reserve” will appear.
3. This column reflects the total quantity of goods that are currently in reserve.

4. In order to see which order/counterparty the reserve is assigned to, opposite the desired product, click on the value of the reserved quantity (it is interactive).
5. The “Product Reservation” window will appear in front of you, in which it is described in detail on the basis of which document and in what quantity the product was reserved.

Calculation of indicators

1. Remainder. It is calculated based on the movement of goods during the specified period. All documents affecting the receipt/expense of goods are taken into account.
2. The cost per unit of goods is calculated based on the balances of the batches that are currently kept in the warehouse. If there is currently a balance in the warehouse from different batches, then the cost will be calculated using the formula (the sum of the cost per unit of goods of all batches)/(number of batches). For example, there were 2 receipts of goods with a unit cost of 10 rubles. and 20 rub. If the first batch was completely sold, then the report will show the cost of 20 rubles. for a unit. If both batches are still in the warehouse, then the report will show the cost per unit of 15 rubles.
3. The total cost is calculated using the formula (remainder of goods) * (cost per unit).

Generating a report

After you have specified all the necessary filters, click the “Generate report” button. A dialog box will appear in front of you

This message indicates that the report will be generated in the “Background”. This will allow you to continue working in the system. Once the report is generated, a notification will appear in the upper right corner.

If you have not left the report page, press the F5 button on your keyboard to refresh the page. After the page refreshes, you will see the requested report.

Setting up rights

There are 3 types of access rights restrictions in the report:

  1. Limitation on viewing and printing the report. Using the rights settings (Administration section), the user can restrict access to viewing the report or only printing it.
  2. Restriction on organizations. If the user has limited access to organizations, then when generating the report, documents from those organizations to which the user does not have access will not be taken into account.
  3. Warehouse restrictions. If the user has limited access to warehouses, then when calculating the cost indicator, goods that were shipped from warehouses to which the user does not have access will not be taken into account.

Report Remaining goods designed to obtain information about the current balances of goods in warehouses. The report displays information about the product, its article number, sales price, last purchase price, balance and its value at the purchase price and at the sale price.

The report opens from the menu Functions on the button, then you need to press Remaining goods, or from the desktop by pressing the button:

Remaining goods

The report can be filtered by product or group of products. This is very convenient when, for example, you need to view the balances of goods only for a specific product group. To set a filter, you need to click the button at the top right of the report (or the button and select Filter in the menu that appears) and select one of the proposed options:

  • Selection by product;
  • Selection by product group;

From the list of goods and services that appears, select the product (group of goods) by which the report will be filtered.

To clear the display filter, click on the button.

Report data can also be sent in ways accessible to a mobile device or printed on a printer. To do this, click the button at the top right of the report and select the item in the menu that appears Send or Seal.

In menu item Settings you can choose which columns to display in the report. This is very convenient if, for example, you need to view only specific information about the products present in the report.

Within the “Inventory Management” interface, you can find out the balances in warehouses, as well as receipts and expenses for a certain period, as follows: select the “Warehouse” tab in the top panel, then “Goods in warehouses” in the drop-down menu. Exactly the same version of the report in the “Purchasing Management” interface, “Inventory” tab - “Goods in warehouses”. Then you need to click the “Settings” button and specify the period. To get balances at the beginning of the year in 1C, you need to enter the date the first of January in the date cell.

The shape of the table will depend on the Row Grouping options. If you select the word “hierarchy” in the “Nomenclature” line, the positions will be arranged in order: for example, first sheets, then pipes, then hardware, etc. To get a general report on balances in 1C, you should select the word “hierarchy only” - only amounts will be shown without decryption. Grouping by warehouses is done in the same way.

To obtain information only on specific warehouses or groups of inventory items, you should pay attention to “Selections”. If you select “In the list” as the comparison type, then in the “Values” column you can specify the required warehouses and item groups.

The table that the program displays within the “Goods in warehouses” contains data only on the quantity of materials. If you need to get information on costs and prices, you need to switch the interface to “accounting and tax accounting”. Here select the “Accounting” tab, “Turnover balance sheet” and in the settings specify account 10. The period, grouping parameters (details), and selections are selected in the same way. This 1C report on balances looks different; it indicates the total cost of inventory items and quantity.

Another way to view balances in 1C is to turn to ready-made program templates. They are available in any interface; to find them, you need to select the “Service”, “Additional reports and processing”, or “Custom reports” tab. There are also templates created specifically for specific tasks Enterprise IT service or 1C specialists. For example, sometimes a report indicating the date of the last receipt of goods and materials or the warehouse number is useful.

Video on the topic

Getting started with accounting through software"1C: Enterprise" you need to complete the initial settings of the application and enter account balances. In this case, the working chart of accounts adopted by the accounting policy of the enterprise is compared with the chart of accounts used by 1C, after which data is entered through auxiliary account 00.


Determine the start date for computer accounting. This may be the beginning of a month, quarter or reporting year, depending on the accepted accounting policy enterprises. Set a working date, i.e. date of entry of balances. It must be earlier than the accounting start date. For example, the last day of the previous reporting period.

Set the accounting results period. To do this, go to the “Service” menu, the “Options” section and select the “Accounting results” tab. The period must be selected relative to the date of entry of account balances so that they are analyzed either at the end of the period or at the beginning. Perform a full recalculation by selecting the “Manage Accounting Totals” section in the “Operations” menu.

Enter your account balances. Postings on analytical accounting objects and balance sheet accounts, as well as sub-accounts must be entered in correspondence with account 00 “Auxiliary”, and balances on off-balance sheet accounts are reflected in a simple entry indicating one account. Be careful when defining accounts in the 1C: Enterprise program, as they are slightly different in numbering from accounting accounts.

Check that account balances have been entered correctly using a standard report. To do this, go to the “Reports” menu and select “Turnover balance sheet”. You can also click the corresponding button on the toolbar. Balances have been entered correctly if the debit amount equals the credit amount. If a non-zero balance was formed in the reporting on account 00, then errors were made during entry.

These need to be corrected by running the Detail command, which reveals detailed information about report parameters. To edit, click the “Open Document” button, make corrections, then close all windows except the desired report, and double-click the “Refresh” button.

Video on the topic

Before entering incoming and outgoing invoices into the database, you need to reflect in your accounting the balances in the warehouse at the beginning of its maintenance. Inventory balances must be entered on the date preceding the beginning of the period. The most convenient way for accountants to keep track of goods is in the “1C: Trade + Warehouse” program, the configuration of which allows you to fill out the “Inventory of Inventory and Materials” table using the “Remaining Inventory and Materials” report.


Start setting up the “Inventory balances” report and call processing of the “Inventory of inventories” tabular part from the dialog. This can be done in any of two ways: using the “Inventory” button or the “Fill” button in the “Inventory of Inventory and Materials” document, selecting the “Fill from report” tab in the menu. After this, you need to fill out the table from the inventory document, which contains the “Inventory balances” report for the group of goods you need.

Select the warehouse where , and indicate a specific group of goods for which balances are checked. Keep in mind that you can select products based on their properties. In addition, using a multiple filter, it is possible to create a custom list of products.

In the “Remainings” filter, set the “All non-zero” option in the “Including reserve” attribute. This is done so that the inventory takes into account real balances and not reserved goods. Use the convenient switch in the “Prices” tab - “Average cost excluding VAT”. This will make your task easier. However, if the inventory is carried out in a retail warehouse, the position should be set as “Selling price (only)”, because in such a warehouse it is carried out at the same retail prices at which the goods are recorded in the retail warehouse.

Click the "Inventory" button when you have completed all the required settings. The “Inventory of Inventory and Materials” document you need will be automatically generated. If you have selected a wholesale warehouse, the generated document will be set to the “Inventory (by warehouse)” type. If you specified a retail warehouse, then the type will be indicated “Inventory (by )”. The table in the document will contain the balances of goods in accordance with the settings that you set in the “Inventory balances” report.

Enter into “Inventory” all the actual data on the goods in the warehouse. Next, fill out the documents “Write-off of goods and materials” or “Capitalization of goods and materials”, depending on whether you need to reflect the shortage or enter a surplus of goods.

Video on the topic


  • remaining stock in 2019

1C today is a popular program in an enterprise, commercial organization or company. This is a comprehensive, convenient solution for organizing personnel, financial, accounting and material records. “1C: Trade Management” makes it possible to control and record absolutely all purchase and sale transactions in an enterprise. However, not all accountants initially know how to transfer balances to 1C at the beginning of the year.

You will need

  • - PC;
  • - “1C: Trade Management.”


Purchase and install the 1C: Trade Management program and enter all your data into it. If “1C: Trade Management” is already available and in use, just launch it on your computer. To do this, just click on the corresponding shortcut on the desktop.

Open the desired database in 1C: Trade Management. Go to the “Documents” menu to enter balances. Then go to “Sales” by selecting the appropriate tab. Select the "Debt Adjustment" option.

In addition to the above method, you can open a document to enter balances using the following transition: “Documents” - item “Purchases” - “Debt adjustment”.

Look at the document log that appears in front of you. Click on the “Add” button in the window and wait until a new document is created. Select the counterparty you need in the “Counterparty” field.

Enter required amount contracts in the tabular part of the document, as well as in the corresponding field the currency and amount of debt. Click on the “Add” button. Such actions will allow you to add this row to your tabular part.

Find the column “Increase in debt” and enter in it the amount of the counterparty’s debt to the company. Click the "OK" button and enter the product balances as of the beginning of the year. To do this, set the working date in 1C before starting to enter balances for the last month that precedes the start of the accounting period. In our case it is December.

Select “Tools” – “Options” from the menu. Enter the desired date and save the information by clicking “OK”.

Create a “Goods Receipt” document to enter all remaining goods in warehouses. To do this, you must perform the following steps.

Go to the “Documents” menu, select “Inventory (warehouse)”. Go to the item “Positioning of goods”. Click the Add button.

Select the “Base” field and enter “Enter initial balances”, then the “Prices and currency” item and in it select the “Purchase” price type. Click on the “Selection” button and check the boxes next to the “Quantity”, “Price”, “Characteristics” fields.

Select necessary element and specify the parameters. Add all products. Exit the item window by clicking the “OK” button.

Video on the topic


  • rent 1C

Before entering expense and receipt invoices into the database, it is necessary to reflect the current balances in the warehouse in accounting. Inventory balances are entered on the date that precedes the start date of the period.


Run the report in the 1C: Trade + Warehouse program, called “Inventory balances”. Having started its construction, you will use dialog boxes to call up the processing of the “Inventory of goods and materials” table. You can do this in two ways: by clicking on the “Inventory” button or using the “Fill” button in the document called “Inventory of Inventory”. Select the Fill from Report tab from the menu. Next, fill out the tabular part of the inventory document containing a report called “Inventory balances” for your product group.

Determine the warehouse where the inventory is carried out. In addition, you should indicate the group of goods you need for which you will create balances. Please note that you can select products by their properties, and by using a multiple filter, you can create a list of products at random.

Set the value “All non-zero” in the “Remainings” filter, which is located in the characteristic called “Including reserve”. Then the inventory will take into account all real balances, excluding reserved goods. For your convenience, you can use a special switch, which is located in the “Prices” tab and is called “Average cost without VAT”. This will make it easier for you to complete the task at hand. Keep in mind that if goods are being inventoried in a retail warehouse, you need to set the position “Sales price (only

To display account balances in 1C, you need to create a balance sheet and select the necessary settings. This is the period for which you need to show the turnover, account or subaccount number, and detail parameters. In “selection” you can specify warehouses, product groups or other limiting factors. For example, to generate balances for account 10 “Materials”, in this tab you should select the required warehouses “in the list” or one desired warehouse “equals”.

Sometimes it is convenient to display only general data on an account in 1C; in this case, in the settings you need to select “Hierarchy” or “Hierarchy only”. In the first case, materials grouped by item groups “Black sheet”, “Stainless sheet”, “Circles”, etc. will be displayed, and in the second - only the total amounts for these groups. When transferring the table to Excel or a similar program, it is important to take into account that the sums for the elements add up to the sums for the subgroups, and they are all indicated in one column - therefore, when setting the “Total Amount” formula, the program will simply double the total amount.

The “Purchasing Management” or “Inventory Management” interfaces also allow you to display account balances, but only the quantity will be indicated in the table (the “Goods in Warehouses” report). If you create the actual purchases for a certain period, the number of 10 materials received to the account will be displayed, indicating the price. It is important that here the cost will include VAT, while in the turnover account 10 the total cost is indicated without VAT.

It is convenient to use the “Quick Selection” functions to find the positions you need. For example, by selecting the desired department or warehouse, you can quickly display all balances for a certain period. If you need to find out about the availability of certain items in the warehouse or the movement of certain items, you need to make a selection in the “Nomenclature” cell. To do this, set the parameter “in the list” or “equal to”, then click “…” in the selection field. Here, select the material, sequentially “traveling” through the menu, or write in the “contains” field known information - steel grade, standard size, marking, etc. For the list to be formed, you must click the “hierarchical viewing” button at the top of the window. Having selected the desired element, generate a report on it - balances at the beginning and end of the period, movement.