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Disassembly: what modern DVRs hide in themselves. The meaning of the word disassembly Disassembly what

Cars have long and reliably entered life modern man. If once a car was considered a luxury item, now it is just a transport. Although one cannot but agree that a very convenient, comfortable and relatively reliable car pleases. Why relatively? Yes, because, like all other equipment, cars tend to break down, fail.

What is auto disassembly?

At first glance, this is an ordinary warehouse of automotive parts, assemblies and components. Upon closer examination, it becomes clear that cars from their owners get for disassembly after a significant breakdown, damage in an accident, body corrosion and other reasons that contribute to the owner's refusal of his car. Therefore, if a car enthusiast has force majeure circumstances with a car - an accident, significant damage to the body, a “story” on the car has surfaced (the service life of a customs-cleared car has expired), then he has a direct road to disassembly. Here the car will be evaluated and redeemed.

A car enthusiast who encounters a problem with his car will lose this very problem, and the auto dismantling point will receive a set of spare parts. A car that has been dismantled will be immediately dismantled. Spare parts will be sorted and, suitable for further use, will go to the warehouse for further sale. This short description what is auto-disassembly. Now let's find out the benefits of buying parts at car dismantling points.

Is it profitable and safe to buy spare parts at a car dismantling?

It should be noted right away that the parts offered for sale at car dismantling points are not new, but used. But! Let's start with this "but".

  1. Firstly, it is at the car dismantling that you can find almost any part for all brands and models of existing cars.
  2. Secondly, due to the wide range and availability of spare parts, there is no need to waste precious time waiting for delivery.
  3. Thirdly, although the part from the auto-dismantling will be used, however, the specialists will give the exact warranty period for its further operation.
  4. Fourthly, the price of used spare parts will be significantly lower than the prices of new auto parts.
  5. And, finally, fifthly, only original spare parts, assemblies and components of the car are offered for sale at autodismantling.

As can be seen from the above, auto-dismantling is a necessary and useful thing that helps to receive material compensation for an almost unsold car, the ability to quickly and profitably purchase even the rarest original spare part. I would like to especially note

DISASSEMBLY, dismantling, pl. no, female (special and open). 1. Action according to Ch. parse into 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 digits. disassemble. Disassembly of goods. Disassembly of the device. Sorting by grade. Dismantling the foundation. Partition wall dismantling. “To help Vera Pavlovna in ... ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Showdown Genre Action Starring Richard Lynch Country USA Year 1991 ... Wikipedia

Dismantling, disbanding; disassembly, talker, consideration, fight, intrigue, analysis, arrow, location, disassembly, distribution, sorting, showdown, sorting, quarrel, separation, meeting, dismounting, ... ... Synonym dictionary

DISASSEMBLY, collapsible, etc., see disassemble. Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary. IN AND. Dal. 1863 1866 ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

Zavalov. Pub. Clearing the way somehow l. progressive forces, support for positive trends in society. Mokienko 2003, 93. Debriefing. See debriefing (debriefing). Glue (direct) disassembly. Jarg. they say 1. Find out the relationship, ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

disassembly- DISMANTLING, and, f., DISASSEMBLY, rock, pl. Showdown, fight; intrigue, difficulties in relationships. Only without disassembly! There will be a showdown (fight) on the salute. From understand, understand... Dictionary of Russian Argo

1) car dump; 2) clarifying the relationship. Edwart. Dictionary of automotive jargon, 2009 ... Automobile dictionary

disassembly- Division of the product into parts and (or) assembly units. [GOST 23887 79] Topics assembly EN dismantling ... Technical Translator's Handbook

disassembly- prisons. 1) Any clarification of relations between prisoners or groups of prisoners. 2) Resolution of conflicts that have arisen between prisoners or groups of prisoners according to the rules provided for by the prison law or the thieves' law (in the case when ... ... Universal optional practical Dictionary I. Mostitsky

DISASSEMBLY- clarification of relationships, often with fatal outcomes. Three years ago, a hundred meters behind the traffic police checkpoint on the Kyiv highway, the only banner in the civilized world according to domestic concepts was installed with only one ... ... Large semi-explained dictionary of the Odessa language


  • Dismantling, Ilya Derevyanko. Distinctive feature fascinating detective stories by Ilya Derevyanko, written in the genre of a black detective story, is the authenticity of the events described. Working for a security agency...
  • Dismantling in Kolyma, Boris Babkin. The `goods` did not reach the buyers on time... An accident? After all, it is not for nothing that they say in criminal circles in such situations: `This is not a supermarket for you`? However, the mysterious `product` seems to be completely ...

Complete disassembly, with the removal of locks and partial or complete disassembly of the mechanisms, is carried out occasionally, only in case of emergency, and the disassembly of the mechanisms themselves - to the extent necessary for inspection and cleaning.

Unlike springless soft elements, in most cases they are made on elastic or rigid bases. When restoring soft elements, a partial or complete replacement of the base, the elastic part of the springs, spongy materials, integumentary and facing fabrics can be made, while it is necessary that these materials correspond operating requirements. To items upholstered furniture include sofas, sofa beds, chair beds, single and double beds, chairs, armchairs and banquettes hard, semi-soft and soft. REPAIR TECHNOLOGY The duration and complexity of the repair depend mainly on the following factors: semi-finished products and blanks; - qualifications of the performer. The technological process of repairing soft furniture elements can naturally be divided into two stages: disassembly of soft elements and formation of disassembled soft furniture elements. Dismantling of soft furniture elements.

He has nothing to do in driver's showdowns, and if not just a showdown is expected, then you need to understand what the trinity chasing them wants.

Partial disassembly, without removing the locks and disassembling the mechanisms, is carried out each time before cleaning the gun, as well as for the convenience of its transportation and better savings on the road.

Unnecessarily frequent disassembly is harmful, as it accelerates the wear of machine gun parts; therefore, training in disassembly and assembly on combat machine guns can be allowed only in exceptional cases.

After operating the grenade launcher in conditions of severe frost, rain, dust and snow, with incomplete disassembly of the grenade launcher for cleaning (in the presence of an artillery repair shop specialist), the blocking device is additionally disassembled (Fig. 11) in the following sequence: drown the latch with a punch and separate the cover; remove the retainer, spring and pusher from the housing.

Our children, on the other hand, acquired speech lack of culture not so much from the unprinted as from the printed, because it was you and me, colleagues, who decorated newspaper nonsense with "white", "blue" and other gold, and now we operate with "exclusives", Soviet party school "compromising evidence" and "disinformation" or simply prisons: "chaos", "material evidence", "dismantling", "cleansing", which we repeat after our blue-legged bosses.

Apparently, two bodies hissed and melted inside the car, and now who doesn’t believe that a banal gangster showdown took place here?

Of course, budget models are by definition less functional, so we decided to test more fancy products of the premium segment, for which we visited the laboratory of the Datacam Design Bureau Research and Production Association. For the test, four registrar models were purchased, selected according to the popularity rating on Yandex.Market.

True, it should be added here that of the producing countries indicated on the packaging, only two correspond to reality - Korea and China. In the case of MiVue 588, we are talking only about the Mio brand from Taiwan, and the assembly of the device itself is organized in China. As for Datakam, a completely local production in our country is still being planned. Although the technical director of the company, Vladislav Mekhantsev, did not miss the opportunity to brag to the correspondent of Za Rulem.RF that all developments with drawings and graphs are the merit of exclusively Russian specialists, even if they assemble the gadget in Taiwan.


Manufacturer country

Retail price, rub.

BlackVue DR600GW-HD



Mio Mi Vue 588






Datakam G5-City PRO-BF




Before the "watchful eye" begins to work, it must be placed on the windshield. However, not all mounts are equally ergonomic. By the way, fastener"Korean" BlackVue did not cause any complaints during installation. You can bring the registrar on alert in a couple of seconds. The sticky properties of the platform are quite tenacious, the gadget holds confidently and without the slightest hint of separation. At Mio, the bracket turned out to be the most bulky and obviously eats up visibility for the driver. Although there were no questions about the reliability of the fastener, it firmly holds the device thanks to an additional Velcro fastener. TeXet has a very thin holder. During installation, it begins to emit an unpleasant crunch, and in order not to break it, you will need the skills of a jeweler. The plastic is so fragile that the hour is not even, and on the next road pit the device will simply fly off the glass. I was pleased with the Datakam fasteners. Firstly, it is the smallest, and secondly, it is also very convenient. A “dead” docking with the device is provided by an ordinary magnet. It would seem that the age of technology, but in fact everything is simple.

Mio and Datakam have special cases for easy storage and carrying. From the point of view of protecting devices from dust and scratches, the solution is correct. But, on the other hand, not all users remove the registrar for the period of parking, so the case for them is nothing more than a useless accessory.


The BlackVue DR600GW-HD could boast of the smallest cigarette lighter plug. True, you will have to pull it out of the nest with a frank effort (it is very inconvenient for grabbing it with your fingers). The same cannot be said about the Mio MiVue 588 socket. It is removed without any difficulty, only the developers obviously overdid it with the size of the handle. If the cigarette lighter in the car is located at the level of compartments for small items, you are unlikely to be able to use them. The TeXet DVR-5GS has a rather comfortable, small-sized plug equipped with a USB input, which is also protected from dust and moisture by a special pad. And the Datakam G5-City PRO-BF charging plug combined two USB slots in itself, which will allow you to power your smartphone or tablet computer on the go without turning off the DVR. It is important to note that in the case of the first two samples, if the wire is suddenly interrupted, it will be possible to buy a new cord only in a company store. Where TeXet and Datakam are in a more advantageous position - a standard USB cable is suitable for their use.


BlackVue has a special filter that protects the design from dust. However, the plastic itself is quite brittle and prone to mechanical damage. As for the Mio, there's nothing to complain about. Solid workmanship, very durable and shock-resistant housing. TeXet uses thick, but cheaper plastic, susceptible to scratches and scuffs. And the paint on the back of the product indicates that it is a recycled raw material. Datakam is worth noting the presence of a dust-proof mesh and a solid shock-resistant case.

But what's inside?

To find out whether the technical indicators printed on the boxes corresponded, the engineers of the design bureau, armed with screwdrivers and tongs, dismantled all four video recorders right before our eyes, right down to the screw.

So, when we got to the insides of the BlackVue DR600GW-HD, we did not see any soldering on the connectors at all. Which gives reason to believe: when driving through bumps that are so characteristic of our roads, the contacts of the device can easily break off, and, as a result, it will stop working. As a whole, there were no complaints about the assembly of Mio MiVue 588. Questions are left only by a lithium-ion battery, which for some reason is wrapped in a flammable paper wrapper. When disassembling the TeXet DVR-5GS, the picture was even less rosy. Not only did the developers show indifference to the aesthetics of their product (the bolts are not covered with plugs and stick out directly from the case), they also did not protect them with airtight technological material from shaking, the display cable is, in fact, the key mechanism of the DVR. But much more curious was the power button. To bring the key to the case, the Chinese simply put a piece of paper under it. As for the filling of the Datakam G5-City PRO-BF, it is distinguished by wires that are thicker in cross section, and the cable, as the most vulnerable point in the design of the device, is wrapped with insulating cloth tape.

We measure antennas

The smallest GPS antenna is in the “Korean”, but with a built-in battery, which means a more accurate determination of satellites. By the way, there is no separate battery in MiVue 588. Therefore, at each start, the device is forced to tune in to the satellites again. Here the Chinese pleased by hiding a decent-sized antenna right into the mount housing. And Datakam, positioning itself as a Russian product, received GLONASS in addition to GPS.

Comparing the technical stuffing: a look from the inside

What is the result?

In general, as we have seen, not everything that manufacturers say is true. Yes, the Ambarella 7 processor, but which one? After all, there are about eight to ten modifications. In other words, the simplest one is far from being able to provide the necessary performance. The same "five", for example, in terms of power and speed will easily compete with the first developments of the seventh generation. Or here's another interesting fact: the boards on which the newly-made models “sit” turned out to be not at all new, but two or three years old, as evidenced by the corresponding seals. At best, one-year-olds, like MiVue 588 and Datakam G5-City PRO-BF. Not to mention the copious amount of glue and not always conscientious soldering where it is.

In other words, technologists slightly modify the design, and perhaps even do not modify it (we did not open the previous models), then they simply implant it on the old board, and marketers come up with a new name. Voila, and the fresh product is ready! Although, in principle, any of these devices has both minuses and pluses. The main thing is that they do not let you down on the road. And which of the gadgets to give preference to, you decide.

There are three types of such organizations in Russia:

    Market original spare parts for imported cars

    The market of original spare parts for domestic cars

    Mixed type, where there are both spare parts for foreign cars and for cars of our production

For example, there are autodismantling Vaz in Yekaterinburg. They specialize only in the domestic market of spare parts for domestic cars without buying abroad. Or are there highly specialized auto parsingVolkswagenPassat– they only work with spare parts of this model.

Showrooms organized for over high level, are engaged not only in the sale of parts, but also in the search for them within the country and abroad. Some car dismantlers buy whole cars in Europe at a low price, then they dismantle them for parts, and the parts are sold in Russia.

Small. Occupy an area of ​​​​one or two garages. Specialize in some specific model car, most often domestic production.

Medium. At the disposal of such organizations may be a removable warehouse or hangar. They may deal with any specific type of car, for example: only German or French.

Large. These are serious organizations. They may consist of several branches, engage in the sale of spare parts for completely different models auto. Large car parsing can eventually turn into full-fledged stations Maintenance. Not only used parts appear on sale, but also new ones.


Auto parsingVolkswagenPassat And car dismantling of vases in Yekaterinburg and in other cities of Russia, they can boast of low prices for a number of spare parts.

The very efficient work of such organizations allows you to install the part on the day of purchase and immediately test it.

Large selection in the used spare parts market due to high competition. There is also a chance to bring the price down to a lower one.


The warranty is either non-existent or provided for a very short period of time.

If you are not very versed in the intricacies of the car device, then it is better to be doubly careful, and even better - seek help from specialists.

It doesn't matter if it's a domestic car or a foreign car. All of them will sooner or later be repaired and replaced with spare parts. Autodismantling vases in Yekaterinburg- a cheap alternative for domestic cars. For foreign cars are also provided auto parsing: volkswagen passat, Volvo, fiat, audi - for any European foreign car, you can always find the right spare part.