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The most inventive toys for children made by parents. How to make a car - diagrams, patterns, scans of homemade paper cars (85 photo ideas) How to make a big toy car

You need straws for cocktails, bamboo skewers (skewers), bottle caps, a milk or juice bag.

Tools that will be needed for work:

  • cutter (adults only!);
  • scissors;
  • decorative paper;
  • tapes;
  • glue.

The first step is to make a hole in the bottle cap. This should only be done by adults (for safety). Your kids can decorate a milk or juice carton for now.

Take a cutter (or small knife) and make a small hole in the center of each bottle cap. You need to put a cork on some surface - plywood, thick cardboard, to ensure safety during cutting and not damage the table.

Then cut straws slightly larger than the width of the box - these will be the axles for the wheels of the car.

Start assembling the wheels and axles. First, insert a stick into one of the holes. Add a drop of glue for a more secure fit.

Then "put" straws on the stick.

Repeat the operation with the lids and sticks, only on the other side of the sticks.

If your kids want to make a bus and cut out windows or doors, they should do this before they glue the wheels. You can also make a fire truck, an ambulance or whatever you want. If you separate the body from the cab, you can make a dump truck.

Your truck is ready!

And to top it off, here are some photos from Japanese children's books with lots of ideas!

The house in which children live is especially bright. It is noisy and full of children's laughter, its walls are decorated with colorful children's drawings. Regardless of its size and at any time of the day, they play football and ping-pong, catch up and hide and seek, and numerous teddy bears and hares seated on sofas and armchairs watch all this violence. Miniature garages lined with a variety of children's cars are an indispensable attribute of a boyish children's room.

It's hard to overestimate the value of toys for harmonious development child's personality. With the help of the most common children's car, kids learn to express their emotions, learn about the world around them, get a lot of information, and even learn to walk (for example, using a wheelchair). While playing with a quality toy, the child improves fine motor skills, which means that brain activity improves, creative and logical ability. Even disassembling a children's car into many small parts, the child does not just break it - he gets invaluable research experience.

The current industry of children's toys offers such a range of vehicles that a boy of any age and temperament cannot remain indifferent.

Types of toy cars by material used

Soft cars

These toys are for the little ones. They are made of plush or other soft tissue. Their distinctive features - high safety, the presence of rustling, ringing parts with a rattle function.

Soft, textile machines develop vision, hearing, fine motor skills and, of course, aesthetic perception.

When buying a soft toy, you should pay attention to the quality of the seams and the reliability of fastening small parts.

rubber cars

Also intended most often for the younger age group 6 months-3 years.

They can be solid and used for bathing (then the wheels of the car are a single unit with the body), they can have a squeaker (in this case, the toy has an age limit, in order to prevent the whistle-squeaker from getting into the mouth, nose of the child).

Wooden cars

The material speaks for itself, it is environmentally friendly and safe. Age category - from 1 year.

Some models are a machine-designer or machine- pyramid, carry additional functions.

Psychologists say that the more useful the toy, the easier it is. Cars made of wood are ideal for this thesis. When purchasing such a machine, you need to pay attention to the paint that covers the tree. A pronounced smell and a poisonous bright color should alert the buyer - these are signs of a poor-quality and possibly unsafe toy for health.

plastic toy cars

Made from food safe plastic. The simplest copies are designed for kids from a year old.

A huge variety of such toys both in size and shape ensure their popularity. A high-quality machine should not have the smell of paint and “sagging” on the details.

Metal cars

Age restrictions - for children from 3 years. You should not buy it for your baby - it usually has a lot of small details.

Toys can be very different - cars, trucks, special equipment (ambulance help, fire engine etc.), agricultural and construction machinery. Collectible cars are also made of metal.

When buying a metal machine, you need to pay attention to the quality of small parts and the reliability of their fastening.

At buying baby cars, regardless of the material from which they are made, and their functional features, do not forget about the safety of the toy.

The ideal option would be to have a quality certificate for the machine, but, unfortunately, in modern Ukrainian and Russian markets less than 10% of children's toys are provided with such documents.

If the document is missing, you need to pay attention to the marking - on a high-quality copy it must be present with an indispensable indication of not only the country of origin, but also the factory where the toy was made.

In addition, the age limit must be indicated on the packaging. We must not forget that cars that contain parts less than 3 cm are prohibited for use by children under 3 years old.

Using these simple rules, you can choose a safe and useful children's car for any boy.

Especially for the blog "The world through the eyes of a mother" mother of 4 boys Marina Pozdeeva

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Publication date: 16-07-2015, 19:32

You can make a toy car in many ways and from many materials. You can use wood, a mono plastic bottle, or cardboard. Of course, it is quite difficult to do something really worthwhile, but if you try and approach the matter with your head, then the result will be positive in any case. At the same time, it is worth noting that it is best to give a child not a homemade product, but a radio-controlled car, which you can buy on the RC-GO website, you can also buy a radio-controlled helicopter and much more there.

Making a toy car

Let's start with wood. You can make a very good model out of wood.

For the case you will need the following:

four wheels;

In this case, the machine consists of three parts, namely the body and two bridges. They need to be made and made. Corps first. It is necessary to saw off the beam, its length should correspond to the length of the car body. Then, from the workpiece, you need to make a body, cutting and grinding off excess wood. The most important thing is not to rush. The result should be a case polished to a shine. And yet, at the bottom of the car body it is necessary to make cutouts for the installation of bridges. As for the bridges themselves, they can be made from planks. There are many things that can be used as wheels that are similar to wheels.

Then the bridges must be glued to the body and the machine varnished. If there is any suitable sticker available, then it must be pasted on the machine, in the place where it should have a door.

Another option is to use cardboard. In this case, in addition to cardboard, you will need scissors, glue and wheels. You can use something else, it all depends on your imagination.

First, a supporting frame is made, for its manufacture it is just possible to attract something that has not been voiced. Bridges need to be fixed to the frame, as for what can be used in their role, it all depends on what the wheels are. For example, as bridges, you can use pastes from helium pens or cases from the same pens. From cardboard you need to make a body and a cabin, what exactly to do can be seen in the image.

If you use a plastic bottle for business, then the chassis can be made from branches and wheels from caps. Well, in general, there are a lot of options. By the way, the creation of cars can be entrusted to the child himself.

hello to all lovers make homemade cars of the available parts from broken machines! Today we will tell you how to make a motorized car.

This model of a toy car is an air car (it is structurally similar to ""), that is, it will be set in motion with a screw. If desired, it can be put in a boat, which will float very briskly.

We make a machine on a motor

To create an air car, you will need the following parts:

If you're ready, let's start crafting!

  1. Solder the wire to the batteries and connect them in series, that is, solder the "+" of one battery to the "-" of the second and so on.

    Connect batteries to create a series circuit

    Fasten them together with rubber rings. Thus, you should get an ode to a 6 volt battery.

    Finger batteries connected with rubber rings

    Alternatively, you can replace the AA batteries with one or two more powerful ones, then you either don’t have to solder, or you need less.

  2. Connect the toggle switch to the batteries, and then connect the electric motor to this electrical circuit. Turning on - turning off the toggle switch, check if the motor is working.

    Connect an electric motor to the battery

  3. After we proceed to the creation of the body of the machine. To do this, cut out the rectangular base of the machine from the foam and mark the locations of the wheels.

    Cut out the body of the machine

  4. With a knife, make indentations in the foam to the thickness of the tubes put on the wheel axles.

    Prepare wheel mounts

  5. Cut two pieces of foam thin plates that will fix the wheels. Screw them on.

    Fasten the wheels with screws

  6. From the foam, cut out the mount for the electric motor and secure it to the base of the machine.

    Cut out motor mount

  7. Attach the electric motor to it with rubber bands and a thin hairpin or nail, as shown in the figure.

    Attach an electric motor

  8. From plastic bottle cut the screw. Bend its blades. Make a hole in the center and insert the screw onto the electric motor, securing it with a fixing ring from the rod ballpoint pen.

    Attach a homemade screw to the motor

  9. Secure the batteries with rubber rings and turn on the toggle switch. The air car must go.

All parents benefit from educational activities for their children. It would be good for every father to make toys with his own hands together with his children, setting a positive example for them. One of these toys can be a toy car.

There are many photos on the Internet homemade cars, it remains to choose for yourself suitable option and get down to business.

What car to make

To choose a suitable type of craft for manufacturing, you should soberly assess your strengths and means. If a teenager independently decided to engage in this process, then he should start with simple ideas handmade machines.

To get started, you can choose crafts made of cardboard and paper. They are relatively easy to make, and the supplies and tools are readily available. You only need scissors, glue, and cardboard.

How to make paper cars if there is no design experience at all? Where should I start, and what are the next stages of work? These issues need to be taken seriously. The child must learn to set a task for himself, and be able to solve it.

Cardboard racing car

Consider how to make a machine with your own hands. This will require:

  • cardboard cylinder;
  • scissors;
  • colored paper, and ordinary;
  • stationery buttons;
  • a set of markers;
  • white and black cardboard.

The body of the machine will consist of a cylinder, it is pasted over with paper of any color. 4 black wheels and 4 white wheels are cut out of additional cardboard.

Additional cardboard circles are glued to the end parts of the car so that there is no through holes in a cylinder. Glued mugs can be painted with felt-tip pens.

The wheels are fastened with pushpins in the center of the circle, and their ends are bent from the inside of the cylinder. A small hole for the driver should be cut on top of the finished body. The finished machine is painted with felt-tip pens.

Electronic machine with remote control

Remote control cars are very popular with children. If the store did not meet a suitable model, then you can assemble it yourself. Today, in every house where there are children, there is a lot of toy trash. In it you can find suitable parts and bodywork.

You will need the following:

  • wheels;
  • frame;
  • electric motor;
  • different screwdrivers.

Assembly process

Most likely, some parts will have to be purchased. It refers to the control system. If a home-made machine has a simple control panel, then it will be easier and more economical in terms of costs. When installing radio controls, you may have to spend more money on parts.

Having distributed the assembly plan, and the dimensions of the device, you need to start assembling. In the chassis, there must be wheels. The product itself should be without errors, and easy to move. Good grip for the machine will provide wheels with rubber tires.

There are two types of motor. Its choice depends on the user who will manage it. If this is a child, then you need to install an electric motor. It will cost less, if possible, it is removed from a broken toy car.

If the machine is intended for adult users, then you can put a gasoline engine on it. It will cost an order of magnitude more expensive, and caring for it will be more difficult.

Wired control will limit the movement of the machine. It is preferable to choose a radio unit, then the product will be able to move independently of the wires. But the movement will also take place only in the radio reach zone.

The choice of body is determined by taste preferences. The variety of models today is simply huge, everything is limited by imagination and budget.

Having prepared all the elements, it is necessary to proceed with the installation. The chassis is mounted first, with wheels. Next, a motor is installed on the frame, and a radio receiver. The antenna is attached to the body. If all components were bought in a store, then installation instructions should be attached.

Batteries are attached last. After debugging the engine, the body is attached to the chassis. The final touch can be decorations from various stickers. The car is ready!

Homemade complex type machine

You can give another instruction on how to make a radio-controlled car. This will require:

  • Body of any model;
  • Powerful 12V battery;
  • radio control;
  • Charger;
  • Soldering tool and all necessary components for it;
  • Electrical measuring instruments;
  • Rubber blanks, for bumpers;

Mounting process

Process step by step assembly machines are much more complicated than the previous type. Suspension elements are assembled first. Then a gearbox with plastic gears is assembled.

For its installation, a thread is made in the body. Next, the motor is connected to the power supply, and its performance is checked.

Radio circuits are mounted in such a way that overheating does not occur. Sometimes a radiator is attached to them. At the end, the body of the model is assembled. That's all you need to make a radio controlled car.

To homemade car possessed maneuverability, and good speed should be tried not to overload it with unnecessary details.

The presence of headlights and dimensions looks nice, but for their fastening it is necessary to carry out wiring. As a result, this will complicate the design and assembly.

Photo of homemade cars