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Hugh Jackman: “The wife screamed: “He is not a homosexual! Hugh Jackman Personal Life Hugh Jackman gay

Rumors that Hugh Jackman is gay upset the actor's fans even more than the fact that the handsome man with the sexiest stubble is married and has two children. Indeed, the American tabloids do not stop discussing the actor's personal life, and each time they provide supposedly irrefutable evidence testifying to his unconventional orientation. Of course, Jackman denies the rumors and does not give in to provocations. But there is no smoke without fire, right?

Hugh Jackman Orientation

Hugh Jackman is happily married, he has a loving wife and two children, no romances and love affairs - a rather boring, as for a Hollywood macho, personal life. The public wonders how, while communicating with prominent beauties, Jackman never stumbled and remained faithful to his wife. Recall that the name of the actor's wife is , the couple got married in 1996 and is now raising two foster children.

What, then, gave rise to rumors about Hugh Jackman's unconventional orientation? For the first time, detractors started talking about the exemplary family man Hugh being gay after it became known that Deborra could not have children. This state of affairs did not cause quarrels and quarrels between the spouses; on the contrary, Jackman, without any regrets, refused the happiness of having a child of his own and remained devoted to his wife. Such an act seemed strange to the public, and led to reflections that the family for Jackman was just a “cover”, and his joys and priorities in life were completely different.

A new wave of talk that Hugh Jackman is blue broke out after the actor's visit to Moscow. Then in 2009, the paparazzi became aware that the handsome Jackman and the producer of the film "X-Men" John Palermo settled in the same room, ordered champagne all night. Naturally, Hugh denied this information.

“Hugh Jackman is blue” or “Hugh Jackman confessed his orientation” - such loud sensational headlines with enviable frequency continue to appear in the press and online publications today. This time, the audience is confused by the fact that Jackman remains faithful to his wife, despite her age-related changes. Deborra has grown stout, significantly surpasses him in age, and obviously will no longer compete with the long-legged Hollywood beauties who are not at all averse to getting such a prominent man as Hugh, even as a lover.

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The actor himself has long been accustomed to this kind of provocation and refrains from harsh comments, leaving journalists a reason for reflection.

Hugh Jackman at the premiere of The Greatest Showman on December 1, 2017 in Madrid, Spain

We met with Hugh Jackman at Claridge's, a luxurious London hotel with a long history of royal ties that lives up to its nickname of the "Buckingham Palace Annex". It's funny: the hotel turned out to be the same age as the "greatest showman", the largest figure in American show business of the 19th century, Phineas Taylorum Barn, whose role is played by Jackman...

Marie Claire: Phineas Taylor Barnum is certainly a genius character. And you got it. It seems that this role was specially created for you, and the previous ones were just preparation. Did you like the result yourself?

Hugh Jackman: Oh yeah. I enjoyed it immensely. Seven years ago, producer Larry Mark came to me and told me about the idea to make such a film. I liked the idea, I immediately became interested in my unique character. I had to work hard. I did my own research into the history of show business. Phineas Barnum was a talented showman, entrepreneur, widely known for his hoaxes, organized a circus under his own name.

“The biggest risk I took was agreeing to host the Oscars.

In general, he attracted me with his versatility. Barnum skillfully manipulated the attention of the public. Many aphorisms are attributed to him, and even fashion magazines quote him. But there was also something very simple, folk. If he fought against something, he fought desperately and did not neglect various tricks - he called them "fun trickery", so it is not surprising that he himself was often called the King of the fun trickery. Don't confuse it with the scam, which he hated! Barnum was always determined to win, but when he lost, his defeat was stunning, however, as were his victories. He often took risks, but he saw the world as no one else saw it. Opportunities opened up before him that no one could even dream of. And for that I respect him very much. Others also have similar prospects, but only a few have the courage to realize them.

You talk about him with such tenderness and reverence, as if he went down in history as a scientist, and not as the King of merry deception! Where did he start?

He worked in a grocery store. It was his first case and the first pancake lumpy. But he also labored in a visiting circus, in which jugglers and comedians performed, various curiosities were demonstrated. By the way, it was there that he learned various tricks and ingenious professional manipulations. For example, how to enter the city on the eve of the performance, advertise it in such a way that all the tickets are sold, and disappear before people realize that they were given the wrong thing.

Tell us about your biggest risk in show business?

I don't know why, but I feel like I took the biggest risk by agreeing to host the Oscars. Perhaps because a billion people watched the live broadcast. Before that, I also performed on stage, but still I am far from Billy Crystal. He was my idol and I tried to be as good, but I'm not a comedian and I felt like I was risking a lot because I could lose a lot more than I could gain. However, I thought: oh, it was not! As they say there: who does not take risks, he does not drink champagne. Of course, I'm not quite Barnum, but I kept repeating to myself: "Don't be shy, get down to business."

“The brother came up and apologized for those words. Said he was a fool"

I was at your Oscar ceremony and I think that your jokes are top notch.

Yes, they were just dizzying (laughs). I could not even imagine how many pitfalls in the role of host of the Oscar ceremony. It's funny - they give you a single piece of paper on which it says: part one, commercial break one, part two, commercial break two, and so on 14 parts. The opening of the first part took 7-8 minutes. I ask: “So what do you want me to do? Any suggestions?" They tell me: "This is your business, you are the leader." I ask again: “Do you know that I have never done anything like this? I understand that you invited me, but I thought that you would help me, figure everything out. And that's when I really got scared. But then you start working, you get carried away, you see living people in front of you, and everything gradually falls into place.

Shot from the film "The Greatest Showman"

The Greatest Showman is a biographical musical about a man who lived in the 19th century, but the music that sounds in it is quite modern. How do you explain this?

When we began to think about the sound for the film, we felt that contemporary music from the 1850s to Barnum did not fit. I can tell you with confidence that my 11-year-old daughter would not want to listen to her, no matter how spiritually rich she may be. And Barnum wouldn't want to be talked about like a dusty museum piece - he would prefer everything to be modern, fresh and unusual. Therefore, we firmly opted for pop music with a bias in the style of Broadway musicals. Turned to Bruno Mars and Pharrell Williams, they wrote songs. We sang them all and understood - this is what we need. I must say that Bruno and Farrell are young guys, we had to work hard to convince the studio to accept their music for the film. But we talked about their huge impact on modern pop culture. In the end, the best tracks ended up in the film.

I understand about your daughter's musical preferences. And what are yours?

I think most people end up appreciating the musical era of their high school years the most. I once asked Lorne Michaels which cast of Saturday Night Live was the most successful (the program is very popular in the US and Canada, has been on the air since 1975. - MS). He replied that whenever they ask this question, people will certainly vote for the acting troupe that went on the air when they were 19 or 20 years old, they studied at the university and, smoking splif, watched it on Saturday evening. These people represent a key audience and will always vote that way. I think this applies to music as well. I love 80s music, I will always listen to it. At the same time, I am not alien to the musical tastes of my daughter, who is almost a teenager, and I really love Wicked very much, as does my daughter. In this we agree.

"Making a musical is like walking on a razor's edge"

Everyone knows that you love musicals. Have you ever had problems because of this? Were you considered less masculine, for example?

I didn't have any problems with musicals, but when I was about ten or eleven, my teacher said that I had a talent for dancing. At that time, they didn't do dancing in our school. It was Australia in the late 70s. At home, I told my father that I wanted to study in the studio, my brother heard this and called me “sissy”, “girl” and so on. I thought: “Wow!” And so, unlike Billy Elliot, I didn't take up dancing as a teenager. Seven years passed, I turned 18, and this same brother went with his father to watch the musical 42nd Street. I already forgot about that conversation. After watching, my brother came up to me and apologized for those words. He said he was a fool. The next day I signed up for dance classes. This is how it happens... I played Peter Allen on stage for a whole year, a very bright and cheerful person. My wife, Deborra-Lee Furness, loved the show and came to see it even though she hates theater in general.

She said that during intermissions she heard people call me a homosexual among themselves. And then the wife shouted from the toilet cubicle or from the chair in the stalls: “He is not a homosexual!” (Laughs.) So, probably, already then someone asked this question. I really don't care.

Do you regret that you started dancing too late?

Certainly. That's why I never felt like a real dancer. I never became one. In 2003, he won the Fred Astaire Award on Broadway for dancing, but I don't consider myself a dancer. If you put me next to real dancers, they won't even look at me. Or they will look and say: "You catch on the fly." So I'm not a dancer. It's like tennis. If you want to be a tennis player, you can't start at 18. So these seven years are very important. Who knows what could have been?

By the way, what was it like working with Michelle Williams in your new film? It's not often removed in large-scale, high-budget projects.

Yes it is.

It's easier to imagine her in films like Manchester by the Sea..

I know. I think it was unusual for her, especially since we played a married couple, and she, if you remember, also has an 11-year-old daughter. But, as I understand it, it did not take long to persuade her. She has just finished work in the Broadway Cabaret, she has a huge credit of trust, she knows how to be both a singer and a dancer, and in this film everyone sings and everyone dances. I was so taken with her and she was so gorgeous that we made the perfect couple Barnum and his wife. According to the plot, Barnum lost his way, but his wife continued to live the same life with him. Therefore, in order to carry out our plans, we needed a talented and strong man Like Michelle, no less.

Does it scare you that the musicals Les Misérables and La La Land have raised the bar too high in their genre?

I think Moulin Rouge was probably the turning point for the musical. And I'm in the camp of those who believe that if the musical fails, then it can be compared to the socks of a teenager. It's horrible and stinks to the skies. So making a musical is like walking on a razor's edge. And this partly explains why they are not filmed so often.

Filming of the musical "The Greatest Showman"

In the movie, your character is trying to get his family out of poverty. What drives you?

This is the kind of question that you will ponder over for ten years, but you will never be able to answer. What drives me? I thought that in childhood we lived much poorer than it turned out in reality. My father was very frugal, besides he worked as an accountant and knew how to count money. And I'm glad he wasn't a materialist. He was spending money on things I didn't understand at the time. For example, for education. I didn't even know you had to pay for it. If I wanted to sign up for a class or learn to play the violin, he always said yes and paid for it all. But if I wanted to buy the latest sneakers, then I did not have the courage to ask him about it.

“I was on maternity leave. And now ─ soon the birth "

Are you one of those who leave work outside your door, or do you also sing and dance at home?

According to circumstances. I'm a pretty good actor so I don't have to stay in character when I get home. But I can’t help but worry about how the day went, and not think about what will happen tomorrow, I can’t. A lot depends on what's next for me. If something important is not planned for tomorrow, I can relax. But if I am at the very beginning of the filming period, then the work does not go out of my head and a little jitters can happen.

The other day I was sitting next to the wife of tennis player Roger Federer. So, even after a loss, he comes home, plays with the children in table tennis and generally behave normally. He is philosophical about everything. I'm not up to the level of Federer.

Hugh Jackman on the set of The Greatest Showman

Do you react easily to criticism?

It's a pity that negative reviews and criticism motivate me better than praise. If the director praises me for something, I feel like saying, “Please don't do this! Because the next frame will come out worse, and then you will say: “Hey, what are you doing?!”. I respond better to spanking.

Filming of The Showman is over. Have you already taken on a new project?

No, and I'm looking forward to the musical's release. I may have shooting next fall, but I'm not ready to make any announcements just yet. In the summer I had a "maternity leave". And now - soon the birth (laughs).

Hollywood actor Hugh Jackman and actress Deborra-Lee Furness are a star couple who have been together for over 20 years. Against the backdrop of Hollywood fleeting novels, their strong union causes admiration and respect. Doesn't interfere sincere love even a big difference aged. Deborra is 13 years older than Hugh, but they managed to find harmony and complete understanding in marriage.

Actors fell in love even before worldwide popularity and success. At the time, Deborra-Lee Furness was a famous Australian actress. She starred in box-office films The Mountain Watcher, Newsboys and many others. And Hugh Jackman was just taking his first steps on television. Before the first joint project, he managed to act, for example, in the TV series Blue Healers.


The actors met on the set of the TV series Corelli.

For Hugh Jackman, this was the first major role, so he felt a great responsibility for the success of the project. Deborra by that time already had an impressive career and a positive reputation. The series lasted only one season, but became a key event in the relationship of the actors.

Another age gap couple: Chris Hemsworth and Elsa Pataky

Hugh and Deborra had to portray love on the screen. The producers were worried that the aspiring actor would not be able to portray true feelings. But after the first filming, it became clear that the actors radiate incredible love chemistry. All the romantic scenes were shot on the first take.

In an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Hugh Jackman recalls that Deborra never suffered from star fever. He liked it very much.

“She was just awesome. Since then we have become best friends", - says the actor.

The friendship quickly developed into true love. Although the actress promised herself not to date men under 30 years old.

On The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2016, Hugh again touchingly confessed his feelings when it came to the first meeting with Deborra:

“She is the best thing that happened to me, I feel good with her.”


The ceremony took place in classical style. The bride looked luxurious in wedding dress, opening the shoulders, and the groom preferred a tuxedo. They performed their first dance to Frank Sinatra's legendary song "All The Way".

In 2019, Hugh Jackman decided to give his wife a romantic surprise. On the show "The Man. The Music. The Show." at Madison Square Garden, he stepped off the stage and approached Deborra, who was in the front row. He took her by the hand and sang that same Sinatra song.


Around the same time that Hugh Jackman landed the iconic role of Wolverine, changes began to take place in his family. In one of the interviews, the actor said that he wants to hear the sonorous voices of children in his house.

But Deborra couldn't get pregnant. Then they took a serious step and adopted a child. In 2000, they received an Oscar.

In 2005, celebrities adopted Ava.

“I don’t consider them adopted - they are our children,” Hugh said in one of his interviews.

Now the son is thinking about going to college, and the daughter is in high school and dancing.

Hugh is not afraid of growing up his children. In an interview with People, the actor even jokingly remarks that he no longer has to watch Shrek for the 120th time.

Secrets of a Happy Marriage

The press has always been interested in the secrets of the strong marriage of Hugh Jackman and Deborra-Lee Furness. Celebrities do not hide their relationship and willingly share best moments with journalists and fans.

Hugh Jackman admits that unconditional confidence in his actions helped him a lot.

“Two weeks after meeting Deb, I knew that we would be together for the rest of our lives,” the actor said.

Another key to a successful life together is to make decisions together.

In turn, Deborra established fair rules in relationships that have been in place for many years. The actress appreciates honesty, loyalty and support. They never violate these basic principles in the family.

"When Deb and I got married, we made a pact that we would listen to each other at every turning point in life and ask ourselves if it was good or bad for the family," Jackman told Who magazine.

Hugh and Deborra try to keep their relationship sparkling. They travel, often appear at social events together. At all important ceremonies, Deborra was always there.

As it turns out, this is not always easy to do. During major premieres, fans repeatedly pushed her away from Hugh to take a joint photo without his wife. And this back side medals of marriage with one of the most beautiful men on the planet.

A busy work schedule does not prevent the Hollywood actor from reminding the whole world of his love. To do this, he came up with a separate hashtag #mydebs on Instagram.

Hugh Jackman Orientation

Throughout the marriage, rumors circulated around Hugh Jackman about his non-traditional sexual orientation.

The public simply could not believe that the most handsome man Hollywood can be faithful to a woman much older than him.

Actors try not to comment on an unpleasant topic. In an interview, Furness called gossip about her husband offensive:

“If he was gay, he would be able to say it publicly. It's annoying because it's not true," the actress added.

In an interview with Good Housekeeping, Hugh Jackman commented on the situation as follows:

"I don't really pay attention [to it]."

Benedict Cumberbatch

Now it has let go a little, but before this actor was seriously suspected of non-standard orientation. The reason was banal - he preferred an evening with beer in the company of Michael Fassbender or James McAvoy to a noisy party. Or with the two of them together, which in the eyes of the public was tantamount to a crime. For Martin Freeman after Sherlock, Bene also got it: they say, all these pussy-musi of the detective and Dr. Watson in life also have a basis. The artist’s mother, the famous (in the past and in England) actress Wanda Ventham, who was desperately trying to find a respectable wife for her son and get long-awaited grandchildren, also added fuel to the fire. And when Ben played in the film "The Imitation Game", the journalists even stopped making bets: it's obvious that the guy who was nominated for an Oscar and a Golden Globe for his role as a gay is one! Fortunately, in Cumberbatch's personal life, an old acquaintance Sophie Hunter happened at the right time. In less than a year, they completed the maximum program: they got engaged, married and celebrated the birth of their first child.

James Franco

Everything here is strange, as is the life and work of Franco in general. James says he is straight but would not mind being born gay. It's so cool: you can come out and get the respect of colleagues. Moreover, homosexuality, in his opinion, is not just a choice of a partner, but also a certain behavior. “It seems to me that right now it’s time for a really big star with a big name to come out and confess. Now right time. I am not an expert, of course, in this matter, but if there is someone who is very respected and values ​​​​his career very much, then when this happens, everything will happen positively, ”the actor once said. In the meantime, Franco hints that he knows a bunch of celebrities hiding their true orientation, journalists suspect him of secrecy. Firstly, he constantly acts as homosexuals in films of his own and others' production (Harvey Milk, My Name Is Michael, Interior: BDSM Gay Bar) and really kisses guys in them. Secondly, earlier this year he published a collection of poems featuring dialogues between a Franco-gay and a Franco-straight man. And this is very, very suspicious.

Leonardo DiCaprio

After a series of long romances (relative to his later life, of course) with Gisele Bundchen and Bar Refaeli, Leo's women began to change with enviable (or unenviable?) regularity. Blake Lively, Erin Heatherton, Toni Garrn, and a string of girls that Wikipedia doesn't even remember became a good reason to accuse DiCaprio of being gay. Leo, of course, was shocked and commented on these rumors in an interview with Esquire magazine, where he repeated ten times that he was actually not gay. “The fact that I sometimes show up at parties with male friends does not mean at all that I am gay or are thinking about becoming one,” Leonardo justified himself, and whom suspicions grew and grew. In general, by the time of filming in the film "J. Edgar "the artist was already frankly considered a player of another team. And given the role of the director of the FBI, who was suspected of having an intimate relationship with his friend, DiCaprio became even more mired in obscene Internet rumors.

Kevin Spacey

The chain of ambiguous messages that it would be time for Kevin to tell the world that very secret has been going on since the late 90s. There were plenty of reasons for this: too intimate hugs with men, and participation in gay meetings in a London park, and a sudden photo in which Kevin holds a friend with bare buttocks in his arms (yes, we ourselves don’t know what this could mean!) . The celebrity accuser is TV presenter Andy Cohen, who in his biography advises Kevin to finally confess everything. Although, perhaps gay Andy is just hitting on the actor in this way?

John Travolta

Travolta was a traditional family man until 2010. Then a lot of complaints began to pour in his name from men whom he allegedly tried to persuade to have sex. They confidently called their 25-year marriage to Kelly Preston a front. Writers, masseurs, pilots, waiters admitted that they, of course, did not respond to the actor's tenderness, but they know for sure that he seduced more than a dozen youthful souls. Moreover, some of them even sued the artist for a tidy sum: there is nothing to insult them for free! Travolta, in response, found a good lawyer who challenged everything and left star money in the family.

Hugh Jackman

Hugh's personal life has always confused his fans. , who is 13 years older than him, and besides, she is not an actress and far from the first beauty in the city. The couple adopted two children due to Deborra's infertility. But what if, in fact, this is Jackman's "problem", and he simply does not want intimacy with the opposite sex? Concerns are also raised about their wedding rings. They are inscribed in Sanskrit: "We dedicate our union to something higher." Strange, right? Considering that the actor confesses his eternal fidelity to his wife, he could also write her name on the decoration. By the way, it is not he who worries about Hugh's reputation, but Deborra, who at every opportunity assures the press that her husband is traditional in every sense.

Will Smith

"Blue" rumors surrounded not only Smith himself, but his entire family. The tabloids believe that both Will and his wife Jada are hiding their true orientation. About this in January 16th once again transgender actress Alexis Arquette, who was indignant at Jada's violent reaction to the fact that the Oscar award for the second year in a row bypasses African Americans, also recalled. White-skinned Alexis on Facebook asked Jada not to waste her energy in vain, but rather to confess to the whole world her sexual interests and not forget to mention Will. But Arquette deleted the scandalous post on the same day. The couple's son, Jayden, has also been repeatedly accused of being unconventional for his strange style (he sometimes sins by wearing a skirt instead of trousers) and a confession of feelings to rapper Tyler Creator (on Twitter, he directly wrote that he loves Tyler, but then erased all). The confession of a brothel owner from Los Angeles works against Will himself. She assures that many Hollywood stars were her clients, including Smith, who repeatedly chose boys.

Jared Leto

It seems that Jared does not care at all what rumors are circulating around his person on the Web. Depending on his mood, he either denies the "gay" gossip, or says that he is still too young to determine his orientation. Previously, he could at least hide behind the presence of relationships with ladies (Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, Ashley Olsen, Cameron Diaz), but now, when only tumbleweeds are walking in his personal life, there are reasons to attribute him to unconventional guys. even more.