Shower      04/10/2019

How to design a fireplace area in the living room. Design of a living room with a fireplace, photo of the interior in classic and modern styles

The fireplace almost always becomes the center of any room in which it is located. A recreation area is organized around it, arranging pieces of furniture so that they face the source of heat and home comfort. Let's look at a few ideas and techniques on how you can decorate your fireplace area.

Create a masterpiece during the design phase

If the issue of decoration arose before you at the project stage, you have a unique opportunity to make the fireplace a real masterpiece. Using original design and unusual surfaces, you can ensure that the fireplace portal becomes the main and brightest decorative element in the room. At the same time, it will be enough to emphasize it with just a few details, or even do without decor at all.


Use logs

Probably the most natural decor for the area near the fireplace was and remains logs. You can place neatly cut firewood, previously cleaned of dust and dirt, in a special niche near the fireplace, in the firebox if the fireplace is not in working condition. If desired, you can use decorative branches for the same purposes.



Introduce mirrors and reflective surfaces

Mirror surfaces always look very advantageous in the interior. And the fireplace area was no exception. Cover the wall on which the fireplace is located with reflective panels; they can be of any size at your discretion. More simple option There will be hanging a finished mirror in a beautiful frame above the portal. Depending on the style of the interior, you can choose a patinated, classic or modern mirror, with a 3D effect and three-dimensional elements.




Complete the arrangement with candles

Candles, as another source of heat and light, will also look very organic with a fireplace. They can be arranged in several pieces, arranging them in beautiful candlesticks. Or you can use free-standing candles, and by arranging them in blocks of 20 or more pieces, you can achieve a striking effect. In this case, it is advisable to use candles, if not the same, then at least from one collection, similar in color and shape.



Arrange the decor symmetrically

Whatever the decor, arranging paired items symmetrically will create a very distinctive setting. It is static, instills a feeling of stability and greatly balances the space. You can place any interior items in a mirror image in the fireplace area - shelves, racks, chests of drawers, books, figurines, vases, etc.




Decorate the wall and portal with paintings

Decorating the fireplace area with paintings has become a favorite method for many. These can be several small paintings, or one painting of impressive size. They can be hung, or simply placed on the portal. At the same time, make sure that the decor matches each other and does not cover the picture itself. You can also use family photos and prints in frames, or simply collect a collection of empty frames and use them to decorate the area by the fireplace.


Fill niches and shelves

If the fireplace portal itself and the space above it do not allow your imagination to run wild in the field of decor, feel free to use shelves or niches on both sides of the fireplace, if any. Place books, figurines, photographs, candles, dishes and other all sorts of interesting details on them.



Use vases and figurines

It would be nice to put several voluminous decorative elements on the portal. These can be figurines or vases. It’s good if you use several items from the same collection or even the same ones - this will create a feeling of integrity and completeness of the composition.



When decorating a fireplace, always remember the most important rule - do not forget what is the center of the composition. That is why do not try to overshadow the fireplace with other pretentious elements. Just highlight its charm with suitable decor.

In our modern times, fireplaces in the living room not only warm the rooms in which we live, but also perform a decorative function, thereby decorating the living room.

However, there are many ways to decorate the design of a living room with a fireplace both in apartments and in private homes. In order for the living room design to be unique and cozy, it must be equipped with a fireplace, and it doesn’t matter what kind of fireplace it is?

Either classic version a fireplace that runs on wood, or a modern electric fireplace that simulates fire.

The choice of fireplaces is so wide that choosing a fireplace for your living room is not easy. Therefore, this article will help you thoroughly understand this issue, and you can also familiarize yourself with some options for a photo of a living room with a fireplace.

Types of fireplaces in the interior

At the moment, fireplace manufacturers are reproducing wide choose various types fireplaces, so making a decent choice is very difficult.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account that the fireplace would fit well with the interior of the living room, and also decide on the type of fireplace. So, let's figure out what types of fireplaces there are?

Electric fireplaces

As a rule, this type of fireplace is most often installed by residents multi-storey buildings in apartments. Wherein, classic fireplace It is problematic to install a wood-fired one in an apartment.

The fact is that such a fireplace takes up quite a lot of space, and this is not very practical or convenient. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the rules fire safety. Therefore, in apartments the most great solution There will be an electric fireplace installed.

It has many varieties, and at the same time, it does not take up much space, and it is also fire-safe.

Wood burning fireplaces

This type of fireplace is considered one of the oldest and most stylish fireplaces. Since such a fireplace runs on wood, such fireplaces are mainly installed in private and country houses, where the area of ​​the room allows you to install such a fireplace.

The arrangement of the chimney of this fireplace is of no small importance, and it is necessary to select all the necessary attributes for the fireplace, and this is: a small shovel or scoop for collecting ash, a poker, etc.

Therefore, you can look at the burning fire for an infinitely long time, which certainly calms and relaxes.

Gas fireplaces

This modern look fireplaces, which are powered by gas heaters. This fireplace has a special temperature control sensor.

Of course, such a fireplace looks very unusual and original.

False fireplaces

This type of fireplace is only an imitation of a real fireplace and performs only a decorative function in the living room interior. The base of such a fireplace has a portal made of brick or plasterboard.

To make such a fireplace more natural, it is recommended to add a few firewood and candles. Such a fireplace creates an incomparable and calm atmosphere in the room.

How to best place a fireplace in the living room

Before installing a fireplace in the living room, you need to pay attention to the place where you plan to install the fireplace.

Don’t forget about the size of the room in which you plan to install a fireplace.

The interior of the living room with a fireplace should have a free and easy style, besides, the fireplace itself should attract all residents of this premises. At the same time, the fireplace should have a good contrast with the furniture and other decorative elements.

It is recommended to choose furniture in light colors, and the color of the furniture should contribute to complete calm and relaxation, this is important. At the same time, it is recommended to install fireplaces in the same color palette, like furniture, this is necessary for a more natural and harmonious combination of furniture with the fireplace.

Separately, we should remind you about wallpaper and flooring. So, most the best option The floor covering is considered to be parquet, predominantly in white colours.

Modern ideas for placing a fireplace in the living room interior

This year, the most modern ideas can be divided into several design solutions:

A room with various additional decorative elements can clearly reveal the classic style, while the interior of the room can be decorated in a different high-tech style. In this case, it is recommended to use a beautiful and unique fireplace.

If the living room is decorated in the styles: modern, high-tech or fusion, then it is necessary to install a special electric fireplace with fire imitation.

If the living room has a large area, then you can install a special hanging fireplace. This will make it possible to rationally use the free space of the room. As an additional decorative element it is necessary to use white and fluffy rugs, while the furniture should have different sizes and dimensions.

Fireplaces powered by electricity can be considered universal since they can be installed equally well in an apartment and in a private house. Such fireplaces are very safe, so you can lay a variety of carpets in close proximity to them, and you can install various household appliances.

To create a relaxed and calm atmosphere, small modern coffee tables, in addition to them, you can install a variety of lamps.

But a fireplace of the classic style “wood-burning fireplace” is usually installed in private homes. For interior in classic style, it is most important to have chic and expensive decorative elements that have extraordinary beauty and charm. So, when decorating a living room in a classic style, it is good to use a large and chic chandelier or a stylish sconce.

If you still have any questions or misunderstanding of this topic, we recommend that you turn your attention to our photos of a living room with a fireplace, which will help you choose the best option for yourself when decorating your living room.

Photo of living room design with fireplace

How to make the interior of a living room with a fireplace in a private house beautiful and cozy? Many property owners dream of their residence being a real piece of paradise. A living room with a fireplace in a private house is a dream that can be made a reality.

If you follow some recommendations from interior designers, it is quite possible to come up with your own design project a living room with a fireplace, where this heating device will perform not only a decorative function, but also its immediate purpose - to heat the space.

Fireplace in the living room country house is considered a sign of comfortable housing and self-sufficiency of the home owner. You can admire the family hearth regardless of the time of year.

Advice! The hearth in the living room of a private house can be made the main element of the living room, around which a harmonious image will be created.

Thanks to the rapid development of human civilization, technological advances, and improved quality of life, people have the opportunity to use fire in their homes.

Currently, many property owners are trying to install fireplaces in their living rooms, using them to create a unique atmosphere of style and harmony.

For many decades, designers of fireplaces for the living room of a country house have made significant changes to the designs, adapting them to the social structure and the latest technologies. Nowadays, a fireplace in the living room is a sign of the traditional idea of ​​ideal comfort.

Options for home hearths for the living room of a country house

A fireplace in a country house contributes to the improvement of the created image. Depending on the characteristics of the room being decorated, you can use a variety of fireplace models:

  • half-open and closed;
  • island and corner;
  • mobile and landline

Particularly popular in Lately They use closed models in the living room, which are installed in the wall with a firebox and chimney. Their layout in the living room is thought out at the initial stage of construction. In the case when the decision to install a fireplace in the living room is made after completion construction work, professionals recommend choosing a half-open fireplace that fits tightly to the wall. This will allow you to get maximum heat transfer in the living room from using such a heating device design.

Attention! When arranging a corner fireplace model in the living room of a private house, you will not need a significant amount of space, and the flow of heat throughout the entire room will be limited.

In order to solve this problem, the corner fireplace in the living room is located close to interior wall, allowing heat to spread across several rooms at once.

Open fireplaces can be placed in the center of the room, making it a kind of island of harmony, a place of attraction for all the inhabitants of the house.

Installation of a wood-burning fireplace is possible in the living room, which exceeds twenty square meters in area.

Attention! Violation of this rule can lead to serious consequences!

As an excellent alternative to the wood-burning option, modern designers are considering electric models that are mounted both in the corner and against the wall of the hall. All modern fireplaces have an attractive appearance, and thanks to quality materials and components for these heating devices, you can create a unique home environment in your living room.

Decor options

Professionals warn that the process of installing a fireplace in a home is a responsible undertaking that will require certain skills. It is important to pay special attention to the cladding of this heating device, which should become the central element of the room. Currently, in a private home, the following materials are used for facing and decorating fireplaces: brick, natural stone, wood, and ceramic tiles.

In the case of installing false models and electric fireplaces, original niches made of sheets of plasterboard will be created in the living room.

When designing a portal, it is allowed to use marble, granite, ceramics, metal, wild and rubble stone, and limestone. Real masterpieces of craftsmanship are created from these natural materials by professionals, making the fireplace a true decoration of a private home, creating with its help a warm and harmonious atmosphere.

In order to avoid smoke in the room while the fireplace is operating, professionals do not recommend placing it between the door and window. The best option for installing this heating device is the main wall of the hall.

Decorating a wooden fireplace

No one questions the warmth of a wooden fireplace, even if there is no fire inside it. With the help of wooden portals, equipped with unique carvings and a covering of noble mahogany, you can add elegance to any room or office.

When making wooden fireplace portals, craftsmen use valuable tree species: maple, ash, birch, oak, poplar, pine.

A recent fashion trend has been the use of exotic trees for wooden portals: wenge, Wallachian walnut, rosewood. With their help, you can emphasize the uniqueness of the created structure and add individuality to the interior.

Attention! To extend the service life of a wooden portal, it is important to cover the wood with special paints and varnishes.

Currently there are many different coatings for wood, the use of which guarantees the desired effect.

Craftsmen consider a combination of different styles and a combination of several types of wood to be an excellent solution. This approach to decorating fireplace portal, allows you to create a traditional, neutral, ultra-modern design for this heating device.

To create calm colors, pine is painted with a transparent impregnation. By simulating cracks on dark wood, you can create an ancient atmosphere in the room.

It is difficult to imagine a traditional classic fireplace without finely carved mahogany. Among the options finishing For ready-made portals, professional craftsmen offer sandstone, bronze, onyx, and Wallachian walnut.

In our time interesting interiors professional stylists obtain by combining various types of wood, adding stone or metal to them.

Features of biodevices

With the help of such structures you can create a safe and lively fire inside the room. Such designs are functional and mobile devices, suitable for decorating and heating the interior of a living room in a private home.

Among their main advantages are the ability to be moved from one part of the room to another, the absence of a classic chimney, long service life, safety, and ease of maintenance.


The hearth remains relevant, so most owners of country mansions try to include these heating devices in their interior. In addition to traditional models that require the installation of a chimney, you can increasingly see electric options for heating structures in living rooms.

With the right choice facing material, observing safety rules, the created home will become an interior decoration and pride for its owner.

designer 2018-03-13

A fireplace in the interior of apartments is installed not only as a source of heat, but also decorative purposes. The presence of a fireplace makes the room cozier and the atmosphere warmer and more comfortable. It becomes the central part of the living room, so the interior as a whole will depend on its design.

What types of fireplaces are there?

Installation of a solid fuel fireplace in urban apartments is not allowed. The only exception is apartments located on the top floor of the building. But in this case, a well-designed chimney is required, facing the street, running through the attic and roof.

For modern apartments you can choose a wall-mounted or corner fireplace. The second option fits more successfully into a modern interior. Corner designs look more elegant and compact. To make a choice, it is worth understanding the features of the models available to urban residents.

False fireplace

A false fireplace is a structure that imitates a real hearth. Its frame is constructed of plasterboard or brick, and the external finishing is made of the desired material. This model can be installed in any part of the living room, matching the overall style of the room.

It is not uncommon for designers to use artificial fireplaces to decorate a room. They may contain flames drawn in chalk or lie decorative firewood.

Electric fireplaces

Electrical products are easy to use in an apartment. Their main elements are made of wood and glass. This is the best option for those who want to have an analogue of a wood-burning fireplace in their home. At the same time, it does not require a chimney, is easy to maintain and runs on electrical energy.

With the help of a decorative electric fireplace you can illuminate and heat the room. The undeniable advantage of such models is their affordable cost and safety for the health of people and animals. To activate such a device, just plug the plug into a socket and enjoy the beauty, adjusting the heating temperature if necessary.

Exist electric fireplaces mobile, designed as a heater or humidifier.


Biofireplaces are a relatively new device in interior design. It runs on biological fuel in the form of multi-colored granules: solid alcohol, sawdust or bark, compressed peat.

An ideal option for city apartments, given the fact that during operation they emit minimal amount carbon dioxide. Accordingly, the installation technology does not require the installation of a chimney or a special ventilation system. When the granules burn, very little ash remains, so maintenance of the bio-fireplace is minimal.

Finishing methods

For cladding electrical or artificial fireplaces you can use almost any material, since the surface does not heat up to high temperatures. The most popular finishing materials include:


Ceramics occupies a leading position among finishing materials for decorative portals. In addition to high fire resistance, the material is distinguished by a wide range of colors and patterns.

Thanks to the applied glaze, the surface is easy to wet clean and repels moisture. Original form tiles will help make the fireplace the main decorative element of the living room, decorated in any stylistic direction.


Wood does not have heat-resistant characteristics, but if you follow a number of recommendations, you can easily use it to improve your fireplace:

  • The material is pre-impregnated with a special fire retardant;
  • The firebox is equipped with a protective screen;
  • A ventilation system is provided;
  • Not the entire portal is covered with wood, but decorative inserts are made;
  • Ash and alder are not used.

Otherwise, there are no contraindications for using wood when decorating a fireplace.

Fake diamond

Artificially created stone is quite popular due to its low cost compared to its natural counterpart and similar characteristics.

The material is moisture resistant and durable and does not require special skills when working. For the same reasons, preference is given to artificial brick.


When choosing such a finish you will not have to spend a lot of effort, time and money. Technological process as simple as possible and no additional strengthening of the structure is required. In this case, it is worth selecting materials that meet fire safety requirements.

Huge spectrum color range allows you not only to choose a shade that matches the style of the room, but also to easily change it if necessary.

10 photos of examples of corner electric fireplaces in the living room interior

If the living room space allows, then you can choose a fireplace of any shape, but for owners of small rooms, preference should be given corner models with the effect of live fire. It will occupy any free corner, around which you can create a seating area.

Models of corner fireplaces

Corner fireplaces according to their design are divided into two groups: symmetrical and asymmetrical, each of them has its own characteristics.

1. Symmetrical

Choosing such a model for the living room will require a special arrangement of furniture and original framing. This is the case when the fireplace and its lining will play a major role in the interior design, and other items should complement it competently.

The advantage of these models is their ability to heat the room, so they are ideal for apartments with insufficient heating. Often, symmetrical fireplaces are flat or semicircular and fit perfectly into classic interior and are used to zone the living room. Owners of premises with a small or medium area can safely opt for this model.

2. Asymmetrical

This type of fireplace is suitable for a spacious living room as it requires a lot of free space. An asymmetrical model can be made in any shape, even the most non-standard, but still retain its original purpose.

The design option depends only on the imagination of the owner, which makes it possible to fit it into any interior style from classic to high-tech. Original solution to decorate a living room in a modern style, which will certainly make the room unique, cozy and respectable.

What to look for when purchasing:

To do right choice When buying an electric fireplace for the living room, it is not enough to just decide on the design. In this case, a few professional tips will help:

  • Power. The degree of heating of the room will depend on this indicator. If the device is assigned not only a decorative function, the power should be calculated based on the area of ​​the hall;
  • Size. An important point, since its location and the arrangement of other pieces of furniture depend on its dimensions;
  • Designer design. Choosing external finishing, it is necessary to build on the general stylistic direction in the room and apartment;
  • An additional advantage will be the ability to adjust the brightness of the flame and temperature;
  • If possible, you should give preference to a model equipped with an air humidification and aromatization system.

Fireplace in the interior of the apartment (photo selection)

See our collection of photos, which presents modern solutions on how to place a fireplace in the living room of an ordinary apartment. Various materials, styles and types of useful accessories that will bring a piece of warmth to your cozy home.

Living room interior with fireplace: photos, ideas, design, and types of fireplaces. From this article you can learn how best to decorate a fireplace in the living room interior: photos of common types of structures installed in the room, examples of unusual design solutions, tips for organizing a comfortable and convenient environment in the house. The text contains recommendations for creating interiors in various styles that include the presence of a fireplace.

A modern fireplace for the home can be used both as a decorative element and as a heating device

Fireplace in the living room interior: photos of successful options

The presence of a home fireplace in the interior will not surprise anyone. Today, this element is used not only for heating rooms, it also performs a decorative function. Manufacturers offer customers a variety of modern heating systems for the home, but fireplaces are still popular among consumers.

To install a gas fireplace, it is necessary to carry out ventilation communications

The range of these designs is quite diverse, so it is not difficult for owners of modern apartments and houses to choose the best option for their living room. Consumers can buy a wood-burning fireplace or consider making a decorative design with my own hands. It all depends on budgetary possibilities and personal preferences, as well as the operating conditions available to the living room.

The effect of a live fire in an electric fireplace is achieved using special lighting and steam

Design of a living room with a fireplace: photos of popular models

In the photo of living rooms with a fireplace there are various models of these designs. The most popular of them are electrical modifications. They are compact, safe, and light in weight, so they will not create problems when cleaning a room or making repairs. In the living room interior, such devices look very stylish and attractive, although they do not perform a heating function.

On the modern market there are fireplaces in different decorative design, so you can choose the most suitable model for interior decoration in different styles

Electric models are used as an alternative to standard designs. In most cases, only in country or private houses there are wood-burning fireplaces in the interior in the photos of living rooms. Similar models require the arrangement of a chimney system, put forward increased requirements for floor strength and safety, so they are rarely found in apartments.

Note! If you decide to buy a wood-burning fireplace for your home, you should definitely ensure that you have the necessary accessories. Used as a decorative and functional addition special fastenings, stands and stands. For comfortable operation, you will need to buy firewood, a spatula, and a poker for the fireplace. All this can be placed compactly and beautifully on these racks.

An example of using a fireplace as a key accent in a room decorated in Art Nouveau style

The best option for an apartment would be a fake design with a picture of a fireplace, which serves a purely decorative function. Similar models are made from sheets of plasterboard or brick. Interiors with such products look cozy due to the presence of firewood in the portal or glowing candles. Decorative structures also include bio-fireplaces, which can take the form of a full-size or, conversely, a small tabletop structure.

You can buy a gas fireplace for your apartment. It allows you to adjust the room temperature. This fireplace model not only has an attractive appearance, but also warms perfectly.

It is worth considering that the electric fireplace does not have a heating function.

How to create an attractive living room design with a fireplace: photos and recommendations

A fireplace can become a highlight and a real decoration of the room. Therefore, attention should be paid Special attention details and decor. Wood-burning fireplaces for the home surrounded by vegetation look very impressive in the photo. Fresh flowers will fit perfectly into the living room decor. To decorate a room, it is better to choose cream and light colors.

Modern models of electric fireplaces have several combustion modes

A fireplace in a house with antique pieces of furniture looks aesthetically pleasing in the photo. In this case, it wouldn’t hurt to add decorative elements made from fine openwork weaving to the decor. The fireplace itself should be classic.

The shape and size of the fireplace must be chosen based on the size and design of the living room

A wonderful combination is obtained by combining gray and purple. A snow-white fireplace in a living room interior with a similar design can be used to create an accent. Decorate empty space on the wall large mirror, enclosed in an original decorative frame. An equally attractive design is created based on green, white and red colors. In this case, it is better to choose cozy and upholstered furniture, cover it with a large number of bedspreads and blankets.

A double-sided fireplace can be used as a decorative element of a partition between rooms

For a small living room with a marble fireplace, it is advisable to choose bright paper wallpaper. The finishing material on the walls should be in harmony with smooth surface natural stone. It is better if the design stands out in contrast against the background of the wallpaper. The compact space of the living room is well complemented by tall furniture that takes up minimal space and lengthens the space.

If you combine light wood and shade sea ​​wave, available beautiful interior living room with fireplace. The aqua color is ideal for upholstery and wallpaper. In order not to overload the interior with dark shades, it is advisable to select wooden elements made of light polished material. The area near the fireplace, which must have a regular rectangular shape, should be furnished with squat and upholstered furniture.

The installation of wood-burning fireplaces must be coordinated with the responsible services

Helpful advice! If the living room has high ceilings, it is better to give preference to a yellow, green or beige shade. In such an environment, it is advisable to use stone trim on the fireplace and furniture made from dark wood.

Scandinavian style in the interior involves the use white as the main one, so you should give preference to fireplaces of a strict shape in monochrome shades

How to properly position a fireplace in the interior: photos and types of designs

When choosing a place to install a fireplace, you should take into account the shape and type of structure. It is not recommended to place the fireplace near external wall. In this case, a significant part of the heat will go outside instead of heating the house. The same goes for the area between the windows.

The correct location of the fireplace plays an important role in the design of the living room

According to the installation method, fireplace structures are:

  • hanging;
  • floor;
  • corner;
  • built-in;
  • island;
  • bilateral.

The most popular option for placing a fireplace in the living room is to install it opposite the sofa.

It is advisable to arrange the furniture near the fireplace so that your stay in this area is as comfortable as possible.

Fireplace in the living room: photos of hanging structures in the interior

People who want a flexible design will prefer to buy a wall-hung fireplace for their home. These models are lightweight and not as massive as standard versions. For this reason, a hanging fireplace is the best option for a room with limited space.

The fireplace, like the TV, should be viewed from anywhere in the living room, so these elements are often installed side by side

Choosing a location for installation suspended structure must be very thorough. After all, a fireplace can completely transform the interior of a room or get lost in it. Most often, suspended models have simple design And laconic design, that’s why photos of fireplaces in private houses look so harmonious and holistic. Main advantage hanging models lies in absolute independence from the walls. The fireplace can be installed in any part of the living room, even in the center.

Interior of a hall with a fireplace: photos of double-sided structures

The fireplace, the design of which is built into the partition in the middle of the room, has two sides. This model is suitable for planning open type. In the interior of a combined kitchen and living room, a fireplace will create the necessary atmosphere. If you wish, you can comfortably retire to one of the rooms, using the partition as a screen.

The double-sided design of the fireplace is often used for installation in partitions between rooms

This technique is popular among decorators and is most often used to design a room with a fireplace in a modern style. The main advantage of such models is that the structure is visible from both sides. An excellent result is obtained if you decorate the living room in a minimalist style.

A partition with a fireplace can be used to zone a studio room

A fireplace with a double design can be integrated not only into the wall, but also into a partition that partially divides the space of the room into two parts. This design allows you to get a beautiful fireplace in each of the resulting areas of the room. This option is ideal for layouts where the living room spaces are combined with a kitchen or dining room.

A double-sided fireplace is convenient because the flame can be viewed from two different rooms simultaneously

Helpful advice! Using a double-sided fireplace allows you not only to add coziness and warmth to your home, but also to make the most of all the walls in the room.

Using a corner fireplace in the living room interior: photos of interesting options

Corner designs are found among all types of fireplaces. Traditional modifications are no exception. Numerous photos of wood-burning fireplace projects for the home confirm this.

Installation corner fireplace allows you to make the most efficient use of the available space in the living room

Some models are fairly easy to adapt to the available space, while others require careful planning before installation. As a result, the homeowner has the opportunity to rationally use the usable space, because the corners of the rooms are rarely used. Installing a corner type structure requires much less space than for installing a standard fireplace.

An example of the design of a wood-burning fireplace in the living room in Scandinavian style

In the photo, wood-burning fireplaces look equally appropriate in the interior of large and small rooms. By placing such a structure in a corner, you can change the shape of the room, making its configuration more interesting. May be used as in modern versions interiors, as well as in rooms made in traditional styles.

Design features of a living room with a fireplace in a Scandinavian style

Scandinavian-type fireplaces can have different configurations, but their design is significantly different from other types of designs. Decorative feature The beauty of these models lies in their simplicity. At the same time, the design gives the room a special appearance.

Installing a wood-burning fireplace in the living room requires a powerful chimney system

Most often, Scandinavian designs have white shade, although other color options are possible. Compact size and shape allow them to be installed anywhere in the room. In most cases, fireplaces in a Scandinavian-type hall have cylindrical shape. Although there are conical modifications, rectangular and square.

Modern wood-burning fireplaces are equipped with safety fire-resistant glass

Design and material of construction may vary. Buyers have the opportunity to buy a cast iron fireplace or one made of steel. Models in traditional design usually have rich decor, while they are characterized by simplicity.

A false fireplace is one of modern methods inexpensively decorate the living room interior

Externally, Scandinavian-style fireplaces differ significantly from classical designs. In the photo, the design of fireplaces in the living room looks unusual, due to which such designs stand out from the general background in the interior.

Helpful advice! The ideal place to install a fireplace in a Scandinavian-style living room is in the corner of the room.

Fireplace design in the house: photos of designs with different finishes

The hallmark of any fireplace is the central part of the portal. Various materials are used to decorate this part.

Brick finishing of the area near the fireplace is used in interior design in a variety of directions.

The most popular finishing options involve the use of:

  • metal;
  • granite;
  • ceramics;
  • marble;
  • bricks;
  • limestone;
  • wood;
  • stone

An example of the most popular option for placing a fireplace and TV in the living room

Electric models in the interior of a living room with a fireplace, like decorative structures, are usually mounted in a special niche made of plasterboard sheets.

Design of a living room with a fireplace: photos of structures with stone trim

Stone is perfect for finishing a fireplace portal, especially if the structure will be used as a central element of the interior, for example in a living room with a fireplace and a TV above it. Stone is successfully used by designers to create contrast, especially in combination with white walls. Moreover, this type of material can be used for both full and partial finishing.

Often used to decorate a fireplace fake diamond, which does not bear a large load on the wall, unlike the natural one

The presence of wood in the photo of stone fireplaces brings harmony to the interior. These natural materials fit perfectly together. The stone looks advantageous against the background of natural brown shades, which emphasize its beauty. This design can be used to combine two styles in the living room interior: modern and rustic.

If a fireplace with stone trim is installed in the living room, care should be taken to ensure that the design of the furniture matches the overall design. Successful combination it turns out if the design of the heating device is supplemented wooden ceiling or beams. When choosing the size and configuration of the fireplace, you should definitely take into account the design of the living room and its layout.

To decorate a false fireplace, you can use imitation brickwork

Traditional fireplaces, unlike their electric counterparts, have a special charm. At the same time, the design is always at the forefront, regardless of the style of the room and its design. To create unity between the fireplace and the furniture present in the living room, it is enough to competently approach the design of the mantelpiece. A good move would be to use stone to decorate other elements in the room, for example, one of the walls or columns, if any.

An example of installing a traditional fireplace in a column with artificial stone trim

Stone fireplaces are most often used to create a rustic style in a country home. However, you can achieve versatility by making an artificial structure finished with this material.

Helpful advice! If you extend the design of a stone fireplace all the way to the ceiling, you can effectively emphasize the height of the room or visually increase it.

Natural design of bio-fireplaces: the use of wood as finishing

Wood is rarely used as finishing material for traditional fireplaces. But it is perfect for the latest generation of structures, for example, bio or electric. This method is used to give a modern-style room the warmth that is inherent in traditional designs. In addition, it becomes possible to combine materials that contrast with each other, for example, brick and wood.

To decorate the accent area of ​​the fireplace, you can use wood tinted in the desired contrasting shade

There are several options for decorating a hearth using wood. For a classic-style living room with a fireplace, you can use a carved design. In this case, the wooden portal is decorated manually and coated with a varnish composition.

To make a portal from wood, valuable species with increased strength are used:

  • poplar;
  • ash;
  • maple;

The use of wood as a finishing material for a fireplace is used when decorating living room interiors in rustic style country

To extend the service life of the material, all wooden elements of the fireplace should be treated with special protective impregnations. Another design option will suit the living room space, designed in a modern style - installing a fireplace in the partition. Used as finishing wooden panels with a beautiful texture. Since electric fireplaces are not heated with wood, a flat-screen TV can be safely built into the partition above the fireplace.

Mini electric fireplaces are very popular among owners of small apartments

Structures with wood finishes open up a wide range of design possibilities. The color and shape of such fireplaces can be varied, as well as the design of the panels. Wood slats can be plain or contrast with each other in color and appearance. If the hearth is artificial and made in a classic style, it is advisable to use dark paint, red wood or fine carvings to decorate it.

Helpful advice! The following colors are considered ideal shades for finishing a “wooden” fireplace: copper, onyx, oak, patina, bronze.

Making a fireplace stove with your own hands: step-by-step instructions, photos and recommendations

Experts recommend that residents of cold regions buy a fireplace stove made of brick or any other material. Such designs are used not only for efficient heating of the room, but also as a hob for cooking.

Installation of a fireplace stove requires sufficient free space, so it is recommended to use it only for large rooms or studios

Fireplace stove configurations: photos of common design options

Stoves and fireplaces long burning usually installed in private and country houses, where the living room and kitchen areas are combined. Some modifications are equipped with a built-in oven, making the design capable of performing several tasks simultaneously. Such fireplaces are ideal for interiors small houses, since they reduce heating costs and save usable space.

The choice of power and size of the fireplace stove model depends on the size of the room that is supposed to be heated

In living rooms made in a rustic style, for example, country or Provence, you can see brick fireplaces in the photo. They can have different configurations, which may include both a built-in oven and the presence of one or more hobs, as well as their absence.

Modern fireplace stoves can have a rather attractive appearance, so they can be used in styles such as Scandinavian, high-tech or modern

Despite the popularity of brick structures, consumers can still buy a metal stove-fireplace for a summer residence, which cools faster and is therefore less in demand. If you want to create a living room in oriental style A steel or cast iron structure painted in one color is suitable.

Another popular option for decorating a stove-fireplace for the home is English style. In this case, the structure is installed in a special niche lined with stone. Metal goes well with natural materials and the rough furnishings of the British interior.

When purchasing and installing a fireplace stove, it is necessary to consider a fireproof area for installation

Most stoves made of steel are coated with a black or silver paint with heat-resistant properties. These colors are universal and allow the design to harmoniously fit into a modern interior, of which there are many in the photo; the lining of the fireplace is not limited to any specific materials or shades.

Making a fireplace stove with your own hands from brick

The manufacture of a brick-based fireplace stove is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Selecting a location for installation.
  2. Preparation of tools and materials.
  3. Marking and pouring the foundation.
  4. Choosing a brick laying scheme.
  5. Preliminary work involving “dry” masonry.
  6. Laying bricks on cement mortar.
  7. Drying the finished fireplace.

A diagram for laying a brick stove-fireplace can be found on the Internet on specialized websites or ordered from a designer

Helpful advice! If the structure is made independently and installed on the floor, it is recommended to buy tiles for the fireplace, a metal sheet or a layer of natural stone. These materials will provide the necessary level of fire safety.

Sequential diagram for assembling a brick-based fireplace:

Row numberKind of work
1 Dry and then wet laying of bricks on markings on top of roofing felt
2 Formation of connectors for the firebox, air channels and ash chamber
3 Installation of the ash pan door
4 Installation of metal strips or steel sheet in the firebox area
5 Laying the grate in the area above the ash pan
6 Installation of the firebox door
7-10 Brickwork according to the diagram
11 Laying hob made of cast iron
13 Forming a base from a strip of metal as a ceiling for the firebox
19 Installation of metal strips over the hob
21-24 Red brick is added to the usual masonry
25 Installation of a cast iron valve designed to regulate smoke output
26-53 Brickwork
54 Formation of the first row of chimney pipe
65 Installation of valves to completely block chimney channels

After this, a hole is formed in the ceiling base to lead the pipe into the attic. It should be wrapped in heat-resistant material to protect the ceiling from high temperatures and prevent fire. The thickness of this layer should not be less than 10 cm. For these purposes, fine expanded clay is suitable, which can be poured into a box previously built around the pipe. The use of asbestos-cement slabs is allowed; they must be laid in several layers.

Special refractory bricks are used to build the fireplace

In the area where the pipe passes through the attic space, bricklaying is carried out according to the 65th row scheme. After which this element is brought to the roof and thoroughly waterproofed. To protect the chimney ducts from dirt and moisture, an umbrella made of metal is placed on the pipe. The process of making a fireplace stove with your own hands is quite simple if you choose correct scheme and follow it exactly. The finished structure should be intensively heated for 9-14 days so that the brickwork dries out.

The choice of location for the construction of a fireplace stove must be considered at the stage of installing the foundation of the house

If you don’t want to build a fireplace yourself, you can order its production from professionals. In addition, you can purchase a ready-made structure with compact dimensions made of metal, wood, natural stone or any other material. Installing such portals will be much less hassle.