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How to assemble 3D crystal puzzles. Instructions and tips for assembling Ugears construction sets. Cars of old Europe – putting together the “Truck” puzzle

Mechanical 3D puzzles by Ukrainian designer Denis Okhrimenko are not just construction sets, but complex wooden mechanisms. To facilitate the process, traditionally, each set of spare parts comes with illustrated instructions for assembling Ugears.

Hour after hour, detail after detail, and finally, a real miracle of modern engineering is in your hands.

Difficulties during assembly: lack of experience or information?

Those who are not sufficiently familiar with Ukrainian Gears products mistakenly believe that these construction sets are an analogue of the famous Lego. In fact, it turns out that the mechanical toys of the Ukrainian brand are not created for children at all and carry a certain load. Developing a unique mechanical steampunk thing has become the main goal of the creators of wooden puzzles.

Ugears wooden puzzles are several plywood boards on which, using laser machine, blanks for the future toy are cut out. Inside the package, the new owner of the construction set will certainly find a printed manual on how to assemble a 3D puzzle.

Toy developers are confident that the information provided in the instructions is enough for a “painless” assembly process, but many buyers strongly disagree with this.

It is especially difficult for beginners to assemble puzzles. Due to lack of experience and fear of breaking parts, most never finish the job. Others, more courageous and self-confident, begin to look for information on the Internet.

They are in greatest demand. Users are confident that only videos depict the order of actions as best as possible and are able to at least somehow clarify the situation.

The process of assembling these puzzles is incredibly complex, requiring perseverance, attentiveness and painstaking work. Despite the beliefs of the developers, quick assembly of the Ugears constructor is impossible, either practically or theoretically. And this is not just a matter of shortcomings in the printed instructions or the inexperience of the assemblers.

The greatest difficulties lie precisely in the process of assembling mechanical elements, because it is due to them that toys come into motion. It is important to correctly connect all the parts of the rubber motor to each other or connect many gears in series in more primitive models.

Ugears mechanical puzzles are meant to be assembled in several stages. Working on everyone separate element, it will take maximum time, patience and attention. It will be much easier to understand how to assemble 3D puzzles from photos - such instructions will greatly facilitate the process and save time.

If in this moment you are holding wooden tablets with details in your hands, most likely in the next couple of hours, or maybe days, you will exciting process assembling these incredible new generation puzzles.

Having unwrapped the package, in the first minutes of “getting acquainted” with Ugears puzzles, you want to quickly find the magic wand, wave it and voila - the “Lokomotiv” is already rushing along the rails. Everything is painfully complicated and intricate in these constructors.

Instructions on how to assemble Ugears wooden 3D puzzles will be very helpful. Of course, it is included with each set of parts, but sometimes a booklet with assembly instructions from the manufacturer itself is not enough.

Taught by personal failures, lovers of Ukrainian puzzles share on the Internet important tips on the assembly of certain models, describe weak sides specific designers and are urged not to make such mistakes.

The Top-Ugears online store has prepared the most up-to-date tips on assembling the most popular models.

Collecting a cache

"Safe" is the company's bestseller. This toy attracts attention with its size, functionality and relatively low price. Despite the simplicity of the finished model, assembly can seem like a living hell. Below are basic tips on how to assemble the “Safe” and work with the codes.

First of all, it is worth noting that this is not just a toy. This is a full-fledged cache, and if it were made of metal, you could store more valuable things in it than jewelry and other small items. The Safe is based on a functioning combination lock. Its realism causes difficulties during assembly; many people do not understand how to set (make) the code. This moment slows down further assembly and, accordingly, operation of the toy.

Those who managed to figure out this issue install the standard numerical combination, which is offered by the Ugears “Safe” assembly instructions.

New owners want to make their toy invulnerable and try to install a code that would be known exclusively to them. However, after numerous attempts, it turns out that this is not so easy to do, and there is not a single useful article on the Internet on how to install your code on a Ugears safe.

Manufacturers still do not limit themselves to one combination. At the end of the assembly instructions there is a table of codes that allows you to select a set of other numbers instead of the standard number “321”.

Often, when the last gears have taken their place and the work remains, it turns out that the assembled safe is closed. Frustrated designers are trying to figure out how to open the safe, but it is impossible to do this in a humane manner - without mechanical damage individual details are indispensable. To prevent this from happening, it is important to code the safe early in the assembly process.

Legendary UG460 – assembling “Lokomotiv”

The kit for assembling a steam locomotive with a tender includes a huge number of parts. In terms of complexity, this toy occupies one of the main positions in the list of all Ugears products. However, assembly is not difficult at all.

Questions arise already during operation. Many people complain about the company’s shortcomings - the Ugear “Steam Locomotive” very often jams while driving. In turn, the creators say that the problem is not in the parts, but in incorrect assembly. This situation is only possible if the rubber motor is assembled incorrectly.

Cars of old Europe – putting together the “Truck” puzzle

This is another very serious model. Both in terms of assembly and during use.

Things often don’t get to the second point - the set contains one magical part, a real “thorn” in everyone’s favorite truck model. When the assembly process comes to an end, it turns out that part 147 remains, although the Ugears machine is already ready.

As paradoxical as it may seem, the truck functions perfectly without it. It is still not known for certain what the cause of this problem is. Perhaps the model is not sufficiently developed or not carefully tested. Or maybe users themselves invented some kind of assembly system and now know exactly how to assemble without using one of the parts.

Slowly along the rails - “Tram” from Ugears

Perhaps the most romantic model of Ukrainian startups. Several trams running back and forth on special rails involuntarily immerse us in the atmosphere of old Europe. It seems that if you delve a little deeper into the world of fantasy, you can smell coffee and freshly baked croissants.

The model does not pose any particular difficulties. Factory assembly instructions, which are included with each set of parts, will be quite sufficient even for beginners.

Clock mechanism in Ugears models - assembling the “Timer”

"Timer" from Ukrainian Gears works on the same system as most watches, both old and modern style. "Naked" appearance The model allows you to view all the movements occurring inside - it is simply impossible to look away from the continuous movement of numerous gears.

Ugears Legend – Flower Puzzle

It was with this model that the history of the brand began. The accessory is a prototype music box, looks very elegant and intriguing.

Assembly does not require much time or experience. It is believed that it is with this toy that one should start getting acquainted with the new generation of construction sets - there are few parts in the kit, so even a child can assemble this puzzle.

Despite all the difficulties that arise during the assembly process, it is safe to say that the only key to Ugears puzzles is the instructions for the 3D puzzles. The manufacturer’s recommendations will be the most accurate and understandable, in contrast to the dubious advice of Runet users

Don't know what to give to your loved one? Give a heart! Or rather, a fascinating 3D puzzle in the shape of a heart. This gift will not only convey your feelings, but will also help develop logical thinking and simply entertain the person who receives it. The 3D puzzle will be a wonderful addition to candy and flowers for Valentine's Day and a great stand-alone birthday gift.

If your loved one loves logic games, then a 3D puzzle is the perfect gift. It is very romantic to collect your heart piece by piece and then enjoy your creation. In addition, two people can assemble the heart by organizing a kind of competition and putting the pieces on both symmetrical sides.

For those who find it difficult to cope with the puzzle, there are hints. But, you see, it is much more interesting to assemble a heart puzzle without outside help, and then be proud of your logic and intelligence.

The 3D “heart” puzzle is the most romantic gift that will allow you to spend time profitably and fill the holiday atmosphere with romance.

The modern gaming industry surprises users with a large number of new products. One of these are 3D puzzles, which are much more difficult and fun to assemble.

There is a huge amount different types such toys with different levels of complexity. Angry Birds Crashies will allow you to be transported into the world of the famous game, collecting each character in your home.

Main characteristics

3D puzzles are a bit like a regular puzzle, but they are much more complex and the output you get is not a flat picture, but a three-dimensional product that represents some kind of hero. Assembling such structures is much more difficult, since they consist of several layers.

The complexity of such puzzles depends on the type of toy and its design. Before you begin assembling parts, you must read the instructions in order to have a minimal idea of ​​the assembly sequence, as well as understand the principle.

If you finally decide and purchase such a toy, do not despair if you see a lot of parts packed in the box. With the right approach, everything is not so difficult.

The puzzle assembly algorithm can be described in several steps:

  • First of all, it is advisable to study the instructions. Then lay out the parts on flat surface so that they are visible. You can also sort them a little by size and type.
  • It is recommended to start assembly with large parts, which can be part of the body (ear, tail, part of the head, etc.). The installation principle itself is quite simple, so you will immediately understand what and how to attach.
  • Once you have found a specific part to start with, start looking for the next one. Based on the picture and details, find required product and attach it to the one you found in advance. All parts should be pressed very carefully so that in the future the structure can be assembled easily and does not fall apart. So, step by step, install each subsequent part. After a few steps, a figure will begin to emerge, and then you will be able to find the details faster and faster.

At the very end, in some puzzles, the entire structure is held together into one using a special pin. Also remember to put the molded parts in place in the right place, and in toys with LEDs, place them inside the structure.

Collecting 3D puzzles is very exciting activity, which will help warm up your brain and become your favorite activity.

Watch the 3D puzzles Crystal Puzzle in the video:

3D Crystal Puzzle (crystal puzzle)three-dimensional puzzle made of translucent plastic. After assembly, you will get a beautiful shiny figurine that will serve as a wonderful interior decoration; in the light, the puzzle pieces seem to shimmer magic crystal from a fairy tale, hence the name of these puzzles - crystal puzzles!. Assembling a puzzle is a very interesting and exciting process; once you start putting the pieces together, you won’t be able to stop. It’s so exciting to find its place for each detail and see how gradually the scattered pieces form into a whole figure! But finished figurine that comes later, but first you have a whole bunch of different parts and it’s completely unclear what to do with them.

The first thing I advise everyone to do is to lay out all the pieces on a flat surface, it is important not to lose the smallest pieces and the so-called “pins” without which your entire puzzle will not hold together. Of course, it’s better to start assembling crystal puzzles with items that have the fewest parts (the size of the figure will be the same, but the parts themselves will be larger and it will be easier to put them together). Such puzzles include (there are with and without light), (there are with and without light) and puzzle. It is also relatively easy to assemble symmetrical puzzles, such as, and

Having laid out the parts, first of all, find the outer parts from which you can start assembling - this could be the tail or, conversely, the nose of an animal, the top part of the head, the top of a tower or the outer edge of a cube, etc. And then, using the selection method or simply examining the parts, you can guess which part should be next. It is important to remember that each piece has its own special place in the puzzle and it will be very difficult for you to place a piece in the wrong place.

So, the first step has been taken and you have already put several pieces together, do not forget, the puzzle pieces must fit tightly to each other without gaps, otherwise at the end of the assembly you will not be able to hold the puzzle together and it will simply fall apart. By connecting several pieces you will begin to understand the principle of the puzzle and how more details connected, the easier it is to assemble the remaining part.

At the end of the assembly, all you have to do is secure the resulting figure using the included pin or some kind of final part that helps hold the entire structure together. If the kit includes an LED, be sure to place it in the center of the structure during assembly (this usually involves leaving a small cavity in the center of the figure, the same size as the LED).

Here are the basic principles for assembling a 3D crystal puzzle:

  • parts are assembled in layers;
  • every detail has its place;
  • The puzzle pieces should fit snugly together
  • if the figure you are assembling has cast parts (ears, paws, tail, fins, etc.), do not forget to insert them into the proper places during the assembly process, otherwise you will have to disassemble the puzzle
  • at the end of assembly, the puzzle must be fastened together with the final piece holding the entire structure

Nowadays, puzzles in various designs have become very popular toys not only for children, as educational games, but also for adults, as an anti-stress, allowing them to escape for a while from everyday routine work. According to psychologists, they contribute to the development of logical and voluntary attention. Let's find out with you what crystal puzzles are and what they are!

Crystal 3D puzzles are a non-standard new souvenir that has an original appearance and is perfect as a original gift not only but also for adults. They are a three-dimensional puzzle consisting of translucent thin plastic. All parts are assembled and connected to each other without the help of glue, forming beautiful designs. This toy is good for child development. logical abilities, visual memory and develops perseverance.

How to assemble a crystal puzzle?

Now we will tell you how to assemble 3D crystal puzzles without using any instructions at all. So let's get started: First, open the box and take out all the puzzle plate sets. We are in no hurry to separate all the elements right away. Take a closer look and you will see on each plate a digital code approximately like this: 4545-2. The first 4 digits indicate the code for this puzzle and are absolutely not needed for assembly. But the second number is our desired one. For quick and correct assembly, arrange the parts in ascending numbers and, starting with number xxxx-1, tear off the puzzle elements from the plate, removing burrs with small tweezers, and assemble all the parts of the first plate into one whole. Then we repeat everything with plate xxxx-2, and so on. When the figure is almost ready, carefully insert the last element and firmly fix all the parts. Then glue it onto the resulting figure additional elements included in the set: eyes, nose, mouth and proudly enjoy the result. Such an original three-dimensional souvenir will perfectly decorate any interior.

Nowadays, there is a huge selection of crystal 3D puzzles on store shelves. They also come in the form of a bear, fish, swan, moon, apple, cube or heart. To start, buy a figurine with larger parts to make it easier to assemble, and then move on to smaller ones and complete the whole collection.