Well      03/14/2019

Craft horse. Various options for making horses with your own hands, many ideas, as well as descriptions of the work

A DIY horse is not only a cute soft toy! The horse is the symbol of 2014! Let's make cute New Year's souvenirs together and get into the good graces of the hostess of the coming year)

Fabric horse

Everything you need to create this toy can probably be found in the bins of any needlewoman:

  • Cotton fabric (two colors) - base
  • Holofiber - filler
  • Color matching threads
  • Wool - for the tail and mane
  • Buttons - fastenings for legs
  • Beads - eyes
  • Paper
  • Scissors
  • Needles and pins
  • Fabric marker (chalk)

We print this pattern on paper and transfer all the elements except the ears (we will return to them later) onto fabric folded in half.

Fortunately, he removed it immediately, apart from the slightest bleeding, the foreign body did not cause much havoc. A few hours after the “treatment” the horse willingly returned to consumption. He would have done it much sooner, but he must have been hungry after the sedatives.

There are many different foreign bodies that can get stuck deep in a horse's mouth, such as a piece of hard hay, a straw stalk, a grainy husk, a stick, or a kernel of corn. Often foreign bodies This type is located in the arch of the gums. Smaller things, such as thorns or debris, may stick to the surface of the tongue. Sometimes they break and leave their parts inside, causing infection and inflammation. Horses' natural curiosity causes foreign bodies to "cling" to the nose, lips, mouth and skin. A sting from one of them in the mouth can be suspected when the animal shakes its head and does not accept food or drool.

Please note that there is only one piece for the legs, but for convenience when cutting, you can make 4 identical patterns.

Before cutting, we sew all the details, first of all, the dart on the head.

The animal can then keep its mouth open, although it can be closed. If a foreign body remains in the tissue for a long time, it causes a strong odor. If the horse cooperates, the owner can try to remove them himself. Open your mouth gently and try to carefully remove the foreign body with your fingers. However, for many horses this is a painful experience that requires sedation, so if there is trouble removing a foreign body from the mouth, it is always best to call your veterinarian.

Fifth case: stranger in the ear. Switching to the paddle of an eight-year-old Hanoverian gelding, the owner noticed that the horse was repeating itself, and after standing up, he began nervously shaking his head and tilting it to the side. This continued for several minutes and bothered the owner, who decided to take him to the stable to see the horse's head. He suspected that something might fall on his ear during the weighing. The animal was restless, so the man decided to ask his friend to hold it while looking for a foreign body. Due to the large height of the horse and the small owner, it was decided to install a straw block.

After making a small allowance, we cut out all the details. Then we make small cuts along the allowance in the places where the curves are rounded.

We turn the parts inside out and start stuffing them with holofiber. You don’t need to make your horse too dense with your own hands, but don’t skimp on the filler either.

Unfortunately, the horse was very restless, and his nervousness was further increased by the fact that he could not be manipulated in his head. At some point, he threw his head towards the owner, throwing him off the straw cube onto the ground and knocking. The fall ended with a broken arm. The owner went to the hospital and the veterinarian approached the horse. After pharmacological sedation, it was possible to carefully examine it, find it and remove the cotton from the ear.

Foreign bodies in the ear are rare. The hair that grows inside the pinna is usually an effective barrier to the entry of unwanted objects. They are most often insects, shards, and plant elements. Their longer stay in the ear canal can lead to the development of infection.

After that, we sew all the holes with a hidden seam.

With the help of buttons we attach the legs to the horse.

Horses that have had a foreign body lodged in the ear will shake their heads, move their earlobes, tilt their heads toward the affected side, and rub their ears against a leg, wall, or fence. The ear canal is very sensitive, so you should not rely on your horse's cooperation when exploring it. The owner should not try to do this alone because it is dangerous. A horse can react very strongly, causing harm to a person, and by the way. So don't think about calling your veterinarian to give you sedatives before the test.

Foreign objects from this region are removed using long forceps. In case of insect infestation, it is necessary to apply insecticides directly to the ear canal and, if necessary, in general. The choice belongs to the veterinarian. Case six: aliens in the digestive tract.

The next step is to give our toy a mane. Let's wind the prepared yarn onto a piece of some small cardboard.

Sew the mane along the seam on the horse's head.

On the outskirts of one of the big cities, in one of the houses there was a small stable in which two horses lived. They were sporadic most They spent time on a small rice run, to which they had unlimited access, enjoying the eyes of their owners with their presence. For some time, one of the horses showed recurring symptoms of light seas. Each time, after an hour and a half walk on the road, everything returned to normal. Diarrhea also appeared several times. One day, the symptoms of colic, despite movement, did not subside, and worse, they intensified.

For the tail, we repeat the algorithm with the mane, only this time you don’t need to cut anything. We make a kind of tassel and sew it on the back. The DIY horse is almost ready.

The veterinarian was called and reported a colon resurfacing. Immediately, intravenous fluids were given and paraffin oil was given orally via a nasogastric tube. The symptoms subsided and the horse soon recovered. Once the maintenance conditions are changed, sedentary symptoms and diarrhea do not return.

Problems that occur with intestinal grinding occur when sand enters the digestive tract along with food. The problem occurs especially in sandy soil pastures. The risk increases significantly when horses graze on short grass, which is often taken along with the roots and soil. For gut grinding, it also predisposes to feeding hay on the wrong substrate, such as the aforementioned poor grass. The animal then receives hay and sand at the end of the meal. One threat may be the hay itself.

Now it's the turn of the ears, which we forgot about at the beginning. With them you need to do the same thing as with other parts of our horse’s body, only without folding the fabric in half, but by combining pieces of different colors.

If this is due to short grass, it is also contaminated with soil. If the area is wet or covered in holes, then we can expect there to be a lot of soil and sand in the hay. All flies should be scattered by hand using a rake before cutting the grass. It is a good habit for both the digestive and respiratory systems of horses to shake the hay before feeding. Thanks to this, a significant amount of dust, lumps of soil and other impurities are separated from it. In addition, hay is much better for horses.

Accumulated sand is usually found in the colon and can cause the intestinal lumen to become blocked if the accumulation is large. With less sand, the horse may suffer from repetitive colic. Diarrhea can also occur due to the irritating effect of sand on the intestinal mucosa. If the intestines are blocked, the symptoms are typical of the sea. The horse does not want to eat, he is lethargic or agitated. The pain from the stomach is usually sharp, the animal sweats, looks at the stomach, hits it with its hooves, rolls, alternates and stands up.

After stitching the details, iron them and tuck the lower edges of the ears inward.

Using the technique of a hidden seam, we attach the ears.

IN final stage we make eyes for the toy - sew on beads.

Medical intervention required. During a rectal examination, intestinal obstruction is observed, and sometimes the presence of sand, which moves with fecal matter to the anus. Piach is found in feces, so fecal examination is of great diagnostic value. Its sample is placed in water, and the separation of fractions is observed after mixing. Actual feces, i.e. food remains float on top, and sand falls to the bottom. This test can even be done at home to check the horse's intestinal health from a gritty perspective.

In small horses, x-ray imaging is a valuable diagnostic tool. If treatment is not taken promptly, the sand that settles can lead to intestinal degeneration and necrosis, general infection and fatal peritonitis. Therapy consists of intravenous administration fluids to soften residual stool and grit and prevent dehydration. Antispasmodic drugs are used to facilitate the passage of residual contents. The nasogastric tube is equipped with lubricants such as liquid paraffin.

We rejoice at the resulting masterpiece. Agree, sewing a horse with your own hands turned out to be quite easy!

Coffee rocking horse

A soft toy horse with your own hands can be made in the likeness of a wooden horse if you attach a rocking arc to its legs. You will get a wonderful rocking horse, familiar to us all from childhood. This toy is also interesting because it is tinted with coffee solution and painted acrylic paints.

Once the seas are controlled, lubricants are injected daily for a week to get rid of any remaining sand. However, if the problem persists or the colon pushes out despite the above treatments, surgery is required. This is fraught with complications due to degradation of the intestinal wall due to sand damage and peritonitis.

To prevent black bowels Special attention should be paid to the condition of pastures. Do not overgraze the grass and compensate for its deficiencies with hay. However, it cannot be laid directly on short grass or soil. It is also worth examining horse feces prophylactically for the presence of sand. Depending on the severity of the sanding impact, a treatment that eliminates sand from the horse's intestines should be used every 4 to 12 months.

To make such a horse, you need to print out the pattern, cut it out and transfer it to fabric (preferably cotton), cut and sew the parts, and stuff it with filler. Next, we reconnect the parts with each other and make the mane and tail.

Foreign bodies that can cause intestinal obstruction also include horse worms. Mostly foals, breeds and yearlings suffer from this disease. A predisposing factor is poor prevention of parasitism. Strong agents, sedatives and general anesthesia can also rapidly influence intestinal motility. The ivermectin in protectants is safe to use and does not usually cause worms to block the intestinal lumen - it is effective at killing parasites, but it does so gradually.

To tint our toy, we use the simplest method.

Dilute one teaspoon of instant coffee in 50 ml of water. Apply the resulting solution to the toy using a brush. After the first layer has dried, apply the second. While the surface is still wet, we paint the horse with acrylic paints to create an interesting blur. We also paint the hooves and seams. Then we paint the spots: first with light brown paint, then with dark brown paint on top. We make the eyes in the same way. Using black paint we draw the eyelid, eyelashes and nostrils.

This condition can be very serious due to intestinal rupture, peritonitis, or intussusception. Horses develop immunity against parasites over a period of months and years. For this reason, intestinal blockages with roundworms are rare in adult horses.

Clinical symptoms depend on the duration of the disease and the degree of reduction in the intestinal lumen. These include: weak coat, mild to severe abdominal pain, reflux, which may contain roundworms. Rectal and ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity reveals many dilated loops of the small intestine. The final diagnosis is based on the animal's description, medical history, and symptoms of minor intestinal obstruction.

All that remains is to dry the toy (which will take about a day) and voila - a wonderful coffee horse is ready!

Fabric horse with saddle

The principle of sewing this textile horse is similar to those described above. But in this video master class you will find 2 useful tricks) Namely: how to tint ordinary cotton fabric using black tea and how to make a decorative saddle from suede (this saddle, by the way, can be used to store rings). So be sure to watch!

In milder cases, lubricants are used by nasogastric tube for lubrication, intravenous irrigation, analgesics and mild antiparasitic drugs that are recommended to prevent recurrence of the disease. If the above methods fail or the intestinal lumen is completely blocked, surgery is required. Sometimes you have to cut away the intestinal wall in many places to get the worms out. The prognosis is good if conservative methods lead to results and caution in the case of surgery, because many contractions within the intestinal wall can lead to adhesions in the abdominal cavity.

By spending very little time and materials, we can make wonderful gifts on New Year to your family and friends. By the way, you can sew a green or blue horse: the symbol of 2014 prefers these colors!

To everyone who shares with friends,
“Cross” guarantees a creative takeoff for the whole year! :)

Prevention consists of preventing parasitism correctly - regularly and using means that are not too harsh. Other foreign bodies can also enter the gastrointestinal tract of horses, causing blockages. This disease is most common in horses under four years of age due to their curiosity. For example, they swallow parts of hay nets, fragments of fences, strings, strings. In miniature horses there is a greater tendency for the intestines to become blocked by a foreign body.

The disease is often accompanied by intestinal inflammation and the presence of salmonella. A sick horse suffers from severe pain in the stomach, which manifests itself in the classic sea. In diagnosis decisive role plays a rectal examination, carried out with increased caution due to the risk of damage to the intestines by a foreign body. Treatment uses large volumes of intravenous fluids and the introduction of nasopharyngeal substances that improve the passage of the digestive tract. If conservative treatment is ineffective or there is a large accumulation of gases and intestinal expansion, surgery is performed.


A children's toy horse on a stick, made with your own hands from a sock and other improvised material, is a sea of ​​bright emotions for children. There is hardly a child who will be indifferent to this toy. Judging by the reviews from parents, both boys and girls are happy to play with this wonderful jumping horse. And if you make such a craft not just one, but at least a couple (or more), and then give it to a group of children, then there will be no limit to the joy of a fun children's game. So don’t hesitate and start making one for your child. It's so easy to do!

How to make a horse on a stick

A master class on making a jump rope horse on a stick requires 1 sock and the following available materials:

  • 2 buttons,
  • pieces of leather,
  • two rings,
  • yarn or thread and fabric for a scarf.

Photo 1

We stuff the sock with cotton wool or padding polyester, leaving empty space in the elastic area. Next, we sew on the button eyes and use a marker to draw the pupils. You can also use it to decorate your nose. We make the mouth out of bright threads, stretching them a little. Immediately sew on two triangles in the form of ears, folding them in half.

We insert a stick into the sock and secure it with threads. Then we turn the elastic inside out to cover the threads. Next, we will tie a smart scarf in this place.

Strips of the required width are cut out of the leather and a bridle is formed. Collect it while trying it on the muzzle so that it fits snugly.

We put on a bridle and a decorative scarf.

Next we cut a large number of threads Freshly unraveled threads look especially impressive, as they retain their “curly” shape. We place them on a strip of paper and cover with a second strip. In this position, we sew 2-3 lines. Next, the paper is removed.

Now let's secure the mane to the muzzle. After that, we cut it and form bangs.

All that remains is to wait for the holiday and enjoy how the kids will have fun “jumping” on their unique horse.

You can also experiment and make wheels at the end of a stick, or sew a horse not from a sock, but from a pattern.