Mixer      04/03/2019

How to dilute acrylic paints: we renew the old. How to dilute acrylic paint, choose a solvent

One of the most popular, colorful and easy-to-work paints are acrylics. Since their main component is water, they dry out very quickly. How to dilute the dried acrylic paint so that it is no different from the one just acquired, we will consider further.

Features and properties of acrylic paint

About fifty years ago, acrylic paints appeared, but during this time they have become the most popular among other types of this finishing material. With their help, the ceiling, walls, floor, wooden, metal, plastered surfaces are painted. Their popularity is high due to the presence of such advantages:

  • environmental friendliness - acrylic paint solution does not contain harmful environment substances, and therefore is absolutely safe;

  • acrylic paints are comfortable to work with, as they do not have a sharp and unpleasant odor;
  • have a huge color palette, have the largest number colors and shades, in comparison with other types of paints;
  • after applying the paint, you do not need to wait a long time for it to dry;
  • the painted surface becomes elastic, well washable, and the paint, even after washing, does not wear out;
  • dirt and dust do not accumulate on the surface of the paint;
  • the acrylic paint coating allows air to pass through, thereby allowing the surface to breathe, but does not allow water to pass through;
  • when choosing quality manufacturer acrylic paint, it can last more than ten years.

Acrylic paint photo:

The main components of acrylic paint are:

  • pigment;
  • binder component;
  • water.

In the form of a binder, a material of synthetic origin acts, which is called an emulsion based on polymer acrylics. The drying of the paint occurs due to the rapid evaporation of water, at the end of this process, an elastic film is created that covers the surface. The paint does not crack, frost-resistant, resistant to delamination and does not crumble.

The separation of acrylic paints occurs in relation to their:

  • application;
  • resistance to physical influences;
  • degree of whiteness;
  • glitter.

Acrylic paints are used for painting interior or exterior surfaces, depending on the application. Paints are universal or combined.

Among acrylic paints, there are types with the properties of moisture resistance, light resistance, resistance to mechanical stress.

Acrylic paints are used not only in the construction industry, but also in the artistic field. Acrylic is used to paint glass, make ceramic products, paint on leather, paper or canvas.

Some paints differ in scope, as they are intended for application to brick, concrete, plaster, wood or paintwork surfaces.

To paint the walls, floor or ceiling in a room where optimal humidity and air temperature use a special kind of acrylic paint. Its properties make it possible to cover both plastered and embossed or plasterboard surfaces.

How to dilute acrylic paints

Before answering the question of how to dilute acrylic paint, let's try to figure out the reasons why this should be done.

According to its structure, acrylic paint has a rather thick consistency, so if it is not diluted before work, it will lead to inconvenience in application and its uneven distribution on the surface. Another reason why acrylic paint should be thinned is when it is used after a long period of exposure. If it is planned to restore furniture or create a picturesque masterpiece with acrylic paint, then its dilution is mandatory before use. If this is not done, then the traces of the tool with which the paint is applied will be displayed on the structure of the painted surface.

Acrylic paints belong to the type of paints on water based, therefore, their very first and main diluent is water. Although, after applying the paint, the coating becomes waterproof. Therefore, it is recommended to clean all the tools that were used in the process immediately after applying the paint, before it dries.

Another thinner option is the material recommended by the paint manufacturer. To do this, refer to its instructions. Special proprietary type solvents change the characteristics and features of the paint, for example, make the surface glossy or matte. Therefore, before choosing a solvent, it is necessary to know all the properties of the paint.

Dilution of acrylic paint with water: proportions and features

If, nevertheless, water is chosen as a solvent for acrylic paint, then you should read the recommendations that will help make the paint of the desired consistency and will not affect its properties in any way.

Use only clean and cold water. Before mixing all the paint with water, you should conduct an experiment and determine the exact amount of water needed to dilute it.

Prepare a pipette or a dropper bottle that can measure the amount of water in drops. Proceed to determine the proportions and consistency of the paint. The most popular proportional paint dilution options are the addition of water in a ratio of one to one, one to two, one to five, or one to fifteen.

Let's look at these options in more detail:

  • if the paint is diluted with water in a ratio of one to one, then you get a paint that is suitable for applying the base layer, it fits well on the surface, is quite thick, but does not stick to the brush, evenly and evenly paints the surface;
  • when using paint dilution in a ratio of one to two, a material is obtained that is of increased liquid, which fits well on the brush; when applying such paint to the surface, the layer will turn out to be thin and even;
  • if you take five times more water for one part of the paint, then the paint will take on the appearance of colored water, which penetrates well between the villi of the roller or brush, and the layer turns out to be light and slightly noticeable, this option is suitable for painting textured parts or surfaces, since the paint is good is absorbed and does not remain on convex elements;
  • if acrylic paint is diluted in a ratio of one to fifteen with water, you get ordinary water with a small amount of coloring pigment, it is used to create gradient colors or to build a smooth transition between two tones.

Dilution of acrylic paints intended for painting on walls

To create a unique masterpiece on the wall or just to decorate it, they use multi-colored acrylic paints, which are sold in small boxes. They are also used by artists to paint on canvas.

1. In order not to overdo it with the amount of water, use a pipette. To dilute such paint, use a dry or important palette. If they have a cap, then breed them in it.

2. The place of dilution of the paint depends on the speed of its drying. It is recommended to dilute acrylic paints on wet palettes.

3. The consistency of this paint depends on what tone is required to color the picture. If you need a pronounced color, dilute the paint in a ratio of one to one, otherwise, increase the amount of water.

When using water as a thinner, make sure that it is free of foreign chemicals and other elements. It is recommended to use water that has stood for several hours. Make sure that the paint does not get on other non-paintable surfaces, if this happens, then it should be removed immediately with a damp cloth.

When applying paint with an airbrush, the paint composition must be uniform and of high quality. In this case, it is better to use purchased thinners recommended by the paint manufacturer. With their help, the consistency of the paint will become optimal for application with an airbrush.

The use of a thinner for acrylic paint significantly changes its properties, namely:

  • surface appearance;
  • layer strength;
  • color and shade.

For these purposes, special solvents are used, the composition of which changes the properties of the paint. Be sure to use only those thinners recommended by the manufacturer. Since an unsatisfactory result of work is possible, which will appear immediately after the paint has dried or after a certain period of time.

The addition of thinner to the paint occurs gradually, it is recommended to use construction mixer for even mixing. To change the color of acrylic paint, use special toners. They allow you to get almost any color and its shade. Pre-add a little toner to a small amount of paint, select the desired color and apply it to the surface to see how it looks, and then add the toner to all the paint.

To apply paint, use a roller, brush, spray gun - it all depends on the surface on which the paint will be applied, its features and area. We should not forget that after the acrylic paint dries, it changes a little in color, so first apply a little paint on the surface and wait for it to dry, if this shade suits you, then feel free to apply all the paint.

It is desirable that a small amount of paint remains in the jar, since it will be quite difficult to get the desired shade after a while, and the paint may be needed for restoration.

After using acrylic paint, it happens that a little paint remains, and in order to return it to its previous state after a while, it will take a lot of work. The whole reason is that acrylic paint has a water base, and, after a certain period of time, the water gradually evaporates, when this process is completed, the paint polymerizes. This process is irreversible, therefore, the less moisture is in the paint, the worse its quality characteristics become.

The process of restoring the paint should begin based on its appearance. If there are small clots in the paint can and it has not yet completely thickened, then you should add ordinary acrylic thinner or water with alcohol to it.

If the paint is very dry, try to grind it into powder, and then pour some hot boiling water into the box, after a few seconds, drain the boiling water from the paint and repeat the procedure again. When the paint warms up, leave the third poured water in the jar and stir the paint. Of course, the qualitative characteristics of such paint will be much worse than that of fresh paint, since it contains small lumps and the layer on the painted surface will become less durable.

If acrylic paint has dried to such an extent that it resembles a large and elastic lump, then it is better to throw away such paint, although you can try to reanimate it before doing so. To do this, it should be crushed and heated with boiling water, as in the previous method, but instead of ordinary water for the third time, water with alcohol should be added. In this case, the quality of the paint will suffer significantly.

The final result of the work depends on the thickness of the paint, so it is very important to pay a lot of attention to the process of thinning acrylic paint. If the paint is of a rather thick consistency, then the stripes and joints that the brush or roller leaves will be very noticeable after it dries.

Therefore, before application, it is recommended to dilute and then mix the acrylic paint very well. Some types of paints require dilution with water, while others do not. Therefore, before starting work, be sure to read the instructions. If a film appears on the surface of the paint, you should get rid of it. It does not need to be mixed with paint, as it forms lumps that will be visible when stained. After removing the film, strain the paint to finally get rid of micro-lumps. It is possible to add additional components to acrylic paint that increase its resistance to fungus or mold.

When choosing a tool, you should proceed from the area to be painted. If it is small, then a brush will be enough, and when painting large areas, it is recommended to use a roller or spray gun.

While working with the brush, hold it at a slight angle in relation to the surface to be painted. It is not necessary to touch the bottom of the dish in which the paint is located with the brush to avoid deformation of its bristles. Do not wipe the brush on the dishes with paint, it is recommended to shake it gently. The strokes of the brush should be uniform, and the stripes should be wide. Gently blend the joints between them. If you need a smooth surface, avoid crossing stripes or strokes. Apply paint twice, the first stroke of the brush is directed upwards, and the second downwards. Periodically change the side of the brush that is used to apply paint to the surface so that the bristles wear evenly. If the paint is applied intermittently, then the brush should be constantly washed, because even after a few minutes it hardens and becomes unsuitable for further work.

When choosing a roller, you should decide on its optimal size. This is affected by the size of the surface to be painted. Use special baths that will provide comfortable work with this tool. Make sure that the roller is completely saturated with paint during the immersion process. Prepare a non-working surface on which the roller will be run in after it has been immersed. If this is not done, then the surface will become stained. Start applying paint from the areas farthest from the corners, spread the paint over the surface, and make sure that the strokes overlap.

When painting a surface, the pressure on the roller or brush is also of great importance. If it is weak, then the layers will be uneven and with gaps. With strong pressure, streaks will form that will adversely affect appearance painted surface. If an unpainted area forms on the surface, do not paint over it with thick acrylic paint, it is recommended to apply a thinner layer that will remove all defects and connect this area with the general painted area.

If the paint is applied in several layers, then during their application it is recommended to wait several hours until the previous layer of paint has completely dried. Otherwise, the second layer will simply wash out the paint and ruin the surface. If small spots form, sandpaper will help get rid of them.

Acrylic paint video:

Acrylic paints are very different in composition and intended purpose, in each case the answer to the question of how to dilute dried acrylic paint will depend on the manufacturer's recommendations.

The common property of such paints is that they fit equally well on almost any surface and, after drying, are quite resistant to temperature fluctuations and high humidity. Acrylic paints are based on 3 components:

  • water;
  • a pigment that provides color;
  • polymer emulsion.
Acrylic paints have a lot of advantages: they dry quickly on the painted surface, do not fade over time, and are very resistant.

What to do so that acrylic paints do not dry out?

  1. You need to mix colors or dilute paints in a separate small container, since after the excess water has evaporated, the paint dries faster.
  2. Acrylic paint jars and tubes should always be tightly sealed to slow down the drying process.
  3. The edges of the jar (tube) must be carefully cleaned of paint, otherwise, when it dries, it will firmly stick them to the lid.
  4. Wash brushes with soap and water after working with acrylic paints. If this is not done in time, the dried acrylic film will irreversibly ruin the brushes.
Before you figure out how to dilute dried acrylic paint, you need to find out how the actual drying occurs. After the water has evaporated (which is reversible), the polymer emulsion begins to solidify. At the same time, the structure of the color pigment does not change, but it “works” only together with the emulsion, because the re-diluted paint loses its original shade and may fade. .

If it has become a little thicker than we would like, just add a little cold filtered water and mix thoroughly (!) So that there are no lumps.

For some paints, water is not suitable, in which case the manufacturer indicates the name of the required thinner on the package. If the packaging has not been preserved or there are no special marks on it, you can ask any solvent for acrylic polymer emulsion in a specialized store. By the way, they are matte and glossy, do not forget to mention this when choosing a solvent. The thinner should be gradually poured into the paint container, kneading and stirring the lumps.

Some sources advise using warmed vodka or alcohol mixed with water, but again this is not suitable for all acrylic paints. We advise you to try this solution on a small amount of paint. It is still preferable to buy a special solvent - this will give much more guarantees that the original color will be preserved.

If the paint has dried to a solid state, then in this case it must first be crushed as much as possible. Then pour a jar of dry paint with boiling water, let it cool, then carefully drain the water through gauze. Once again, pour a portion of boiling water, warm the mixture and drain the water. After several such heatings and thorough mixing, the acrylic paint will absorb a sufficient amount of water and become liquid.

The more dry acrylic paint is, the more difficult it is to dilute it and the more its qualities are destroyed. Even if it is possible to achieve the desired consistency and uniformity, the shade will no longer be the same. The fact is that some components of the emulsion evaporate together with water, and therefore diluted acrylic paint will have an uneven color and worse lie on the surface.

Car paint thinner is one of the most important and indispensable components in painting work. There are a lot of them and only certain ones are needed for the correct dilution of the paint. So, in order not to be mistaken, how to dilute paint, acrylic or any other, we will consider the main types of solvents and their use.

In principle, diluent and solvent are the same substance. Both serve to bring the material to the required viscosity (paint, primer, liquid putty, base enamel, etc.)
The manufacturer always indicates which solvent is best used for painting cars. Each paint system has its own required hardener and thinner. Be sure to read the instructions before using reverse side containers. It will indicate what type of thinner to use, at what temperature and for what material.

It’s worth saying right away which solvents should not be used in order to dilute acrylic paint - these are organic 646, 647, 650, etc. When diluting paint or varnish with them, difficulties in painting can also arise. Use them only for washing or other tools. The price for them is not great for cleaning the most it.

Types of solvents and thinners, which one to choose?

If you have a question, how to dilute acrylic paint? There is only one answer, use any branded acrylic thinner. Even if it is of a different company than the diluted paint, varnish, primer, etc. Just don't use the ones mentioned above! Branded acrylic thinner is an order of magnitude more expensive than conventional thinners, but for quality repair it is recommended to use them.

If branded acrylic is over or you want to save money, then you can use a domestic manufacturer of materials thinner P12 universal solvent. It has been successfully tested on almost all acrylic materials (lacquers, acrylics, primers, epoxies). There were no problems or defects. It can be safely considered as a universal solvent. P12 is "normal.

And so, the main criterion for choosing a thinner for diluting paint is the ambient temperature. It is necessary to determine the ambient temperature before painting and, as a result, select the right one. Temperature affects the drying time of the material. In hot weather, the solvent evaporates faster and the paint does not have time to spread. Defects appear, large shagreen, overspray. IN cold weather evaporation will be too slow, and there will be more debris.

There are three groups of acrylic thinners:

  1. Slow
  2. Normal
  3. Fast

Therefore, for high-quality work, always choose a material for a certain air temperature.
If it is cold, then use a "fast" thinner at a temperature of 5 to 15 degrees. At normal temperature 15 to 25 apply "normal". And in hot weather from 25 degrees, a slow one is needed. All numbers are indicative, see the manufacturer's instructions for exact definition. In the photo below, a series of thinners from Body 740 741 742.

It should be noted that there is no special thinner for varnish or for primer, acrylic. For their dilution, a universal acrylic thinner is used. But for the base enamel there is a solvent for the base. Although many use the usual universal.

Solvents for transition

In addition to universal ones, there is also a solvent for the transition. They are not designed to dilute varnishes and enamels. Their purpose is to make an inconspicuous transition boundary between the old and new paint or varnish. To do this, the transition thinner is applied from the paint sprayer or aerosol can on dry "dust" in the transition zone of varnish or acrylic paint.

It is extremely important to note that the solvent for transitioning over varnish or acrylic paint is "acrylic" and for transitioning through the base, it is also called "Binder" are completely different products. The binder for painting is something like a transparent base. It is used so that the metallic grain does not stick out like a "hedgehog" in the transition zone, but correctly "subsides", which will provide a high-quality invisible transition.

How to mix colors correctly.

For quality painting paint material must be of a certain viscosity and in order to mix it correctly there is a special tool:

Each has its own advantages and what to use is purely everyone's choice. The measuring ruler is reusable, it will last a very long time, unlike a measuring cup. Measuring rulers are double-sided (each side has a different mixing ratio). Basically like this: 2:1 and 4:1 and another option 3:1 and 5:1.
How to use a measuring ruler and a glass in the photo below, there is nothing complicated about it.
Be sure to read the instructions on the package before mixing paints, in what ratio to dilute the material. Below I will tell you in what proportions to mix various coatings.

Mixing acrylic paint "acrylic":

For Vika paint, this is a 4:1 ratio with a hardener and 20% -30% thinner. And for Mobihel 2:1 with hardener and 10%-20% thinner.

Base mixing:
Base paint is generally mixed 2:1. That is, the base itself and half of it is a solvent. It can also be mixed 1:1.

Varnish mixing:
With varnishes, almost the same story as with acrylics. Varnish is diluted 2:1 with hardener and thinner from 0% to 20%. Depending on what viscosity you need it.
All the above mentioned figures are approximate, they can change for certain needs and the type of work, and application technique. In general, see the instructions before use and there will be no problems.

To accurately determine the viscosity of paint, there is a special tool called a viscometer. The work of the viscometer: the viscometer is immersed in paint, taken out and noted for how long it takes to empty. As soon as the jet begins to drip, the stopwatch is stopped.
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Acrylic paint is very popular due to its features. Such a coloring matter is easy to apply, it dries quickly. An important feature of this composition is the possibility of applying to different types surfaces, including wood, metal, plaster. Such paint is not suitable for some types of plastic, although it is not often used in everyday life.

The advantage of this dye is the ability to adjust the consistency. We are studying options for diluting acrylic paint.

Paint features

Acrylic paints are distinguished by high environmental friendliness and fire safety, and the absence of a pungent odor. They do not emit toxic substances during application and operation. Therefore, they are often used for painting surfaces in medical institutions, children's rooms and places common use. These paints are often called water-dispersion because of the water content in the chemical composition.

They are considered waterproof. after drying, a durable film is formed on the surface that does not allow water to pass through. These compositions can be used as facade paint to update a variety of designs.

The surface painted with acrylic paint retains its color for a long time, it does not require additional care due to the impermeability of dirt and dust to the deeper layers. Shades do not fade in the sun, the composition does not crack in the cold, retains its properties during temperature changes.

Consider the main components of acrylic paints.

  • An obligatory component is a pigment, which is an insoluble powder. It gives color to the composition, by origin it is synthetic and natural. Lightfastness and hiding power of the paint depend on the quality of the pigment.
  • Acrylic resin is used as a binder. It holds the pigment in the film surface formed after drying.
  • The constituents of the paint are water or an organic solvent, which affects the level of viscosity.
  • In addition, the composition contains fillers and additives used to obtain specific paint qualities (for example, stabilizers provide long-term storage).

The quality of the paint is directly related to the ratio of the amount of fillers, pigments and binder. Permeability, water absorption depends on this. The composition and quality of acrylic from different manufacturers are different, more detailed information is contained in the paint containers.

Acrylic paint is a thick mass that must be diluted before application. This is done to facilitate further application and obtain a uniform layer.

Dilution is also necessary if the paint has dried due to improper storage.

Solvents vs Thinners: What's the Difference?

Often, beginners do not see the difference between a thinner and a solvent, believing that this is the same concept. But to get the desired result when diluted, you need to know that the quality of the resulting mass depends on the choice.

  • Solvents are used to liquefy and remove the composition from the instruments. When a solvent is added, the properties (eg quality, drying speed, ease of application, degree of reflection of the surface after painting) usually change for the worse. The solvent is used to remove dried stains from the surface.
  • Thinners are substances without pigments that are already present in the base. The thinner does not affect the properties, it changes the saturation of the color, the density of the paint. By using a thinner, you can give the surface a translucent effect and change the texture. Due to the water content of acrylic-based enamels, aqueous thinners are used.

When deciding what to choose, think about what effect you want to achieve when painting, what surface you are going to work with.

  • If you need to paint walls, ceilings indoors, it is better to dilute the paint with a water-based thinner.
  • If you have to paint wood, furniture, you should choose thinners that improve the interaction of paint with a wooden surface.
  • If you are going to paint metal, you can use solvents.

What to do if the paint is dry?

Anyone can face this problem. The paint dries up different reasons. This may be a loosely closed container, due to which water has evaporated, as well as improper storage. It is impossible to return the previous state, you can only make the composition suitable for further staining, but with a loss of quality. The restored paint after drying is not recommended for painting important areas.

First you need to find out the cause of dryness. If the substance has dried up due to non-compliance with storage conditions, then it cannot be restored. It is undesirable to use dried paint after the shelf life, although you can try to restore it.

Dried paint due to water evaporation can be restored by following the instructions.

  • First you need to carefully grind the dried paint to form a powder.
  • After that, the powder is poured with boiling water to warm the mass.
  • After a while, the water is drained, the mass should remain hot.
  • After draining, the mass is again poured with boiling water and mixed.
  • The paint will be ready as soon as the mixture is warm enough.

It should be noted that after reconstitution, the mixture will not be homogeneous. Alcohol can be used to restore material that has turned into a tight lump. To do this, dry paint is poured several times with alcohol, but this method leads to a loss of quality.

How to breed thick formulations?

It doesn't matter what you are going to color. Acrylic is used for painting walls, floors, ceilings, artistic furniture painting, metal products. It can be used for outdoor and internal works. Many artists use acrylics to create their own paintings because of:

  • ease of application;
  • the possibility of varying the tone;
  • saturation and density.

Lack of odor and release of toxins are often the deciding factor when choosing suitable paint. Stores sell thick acrylic paint, it is difficult to work with such a consistency. Working with a thick substance, it is impossible to achieve good result: instead of a flat base, you will get a relief surface on which there will be traces of the tool used for painting.

To avoid such situations, acrylic should be diluted with special thinners or solvents before use. Acrylic is prone to drying out if the container has been open for a while. The water evaporates, making the remaining mixture thicker.

In this case, before reuse, you should make sure that the material has an acceptable density for the job. If necessary, the dye must be diluted with a solvent or thinner.

The choice of thinning material should be based on the desired result and the purpose of staining. Acrylic paints are divided by scope. For example, there are front ones for outdoor and indoor work, numbered acrylic ones for painting pictures. Each type is characterized by its own properties, therefore, a water-based thinner or an acrylic thinner can be used as a material.

The instructions prescribe information regarding the thinner recommended for the selected paint. Before starting the dilution procedure, carefully read the instructions. There are several dilution methods depending on the choice of dilution material. Consider the main methods.

Dilution with water

One of the important components of acrylic paint is water, so acrylic paints can be diluted with water. The difficulty lies in the fact that the water must be purified and prepared. This complicates the task: solvents and other thinners from the store do not need additional preparation. Water should be cleaned of possible solid impurities, it should be cold. The water temperature should be 18-20 degrees. Purified cold water is needed so that the diluted mass is applied without lumps, is homogeneous and uniform.

After preparing the water, you should start selecting the required proportion of dilution. Compliance with the selected proportion becomes especially relevant if you need to use several cans of the same paint. After dilution, the shade changes, if you do not follow the exact proportions, you can get several shades of the same color. To get a good result, you need to know the exact amount of water.

To determine the correct proportion, you will need a clean bottle and pipette. The technology "by eye" is unacceptable: after the surface has dried, it will be possible to observe a discrepancy in shades. The selected container for measuring the amount of water should make it possible to determine the exact amount of material taken.

Shade testing should be done before staining. This is due to the fact that shades of paint before and after drying may differ. It is recommended to apply the selected shade options on a test surface or in an inconspicuous place of the wall (ceiling, product) and wait for complete drying. After comparing the test results to choose the most suitable option. Once the optimal shade is selected, you can proceed to the next step - diluting the remaining paint.

Do not open several cans of the same color at the same time. Open acrylic paint dries faster, its density changes.

Even if you initially add the same amount of water, you can get different shades. After all, while you finish the first jar, part of the water will evaporate from the second open jar, its density will change, and hence the color.

Depending on the desired result, professionals use different proportions of acrylic and water.

  • 1: 0 - undiluted paint. This is a thick substance, it allows you to create relief surfaces. It is usually used to implement design solutions when creating a volumetric surface. It is harder to work with such paint, it is difficult to apply it to the surface, the consumption of material when applied to the surface is large.
  • 1: 1 – the same amount of water and material, most best option to commit finishing works. The color is even, even. There are no traces of tools on the surface due to the absence of paint clots. The disadvantage can be called a fairly large consumption of paint.
  • 1: 2 - the substance quickly dissolves in water, forming a homogeneous composition. It has a liquid consistency. The composition is easily applied to the surface, typed on the tool. The optimal application option is smooth, Smooth surface. Such paint is often used to change the tone of the previous layer, for example, to lighten dark tones (the same color, but more liquid) or darken more light tone(use a different color).
  • 1: 5 - a liquid composition to achieve certain goals. Differs in high permeability. A similar composition is used to emphasize the surface structure, color complex geometric elements.
  • 1: 15 - the most liquid composition. It is a mixture dyed in the selected color. A similar composition is used to implement color transitions.

Do not think that the proportions described above are mandatory norms. If necessary, you can independently choose the optimal ratio of water and substance in order to achieve desired effect from paint and shade.

Use of diluent and solvent

Many acrylic manufacturers recommend special thinners that have a similar structure to paint. Sometimes the paint is diluted with a solvent, but this material changes the properties of the acrylic and the painted surface. You get a faster drying of the painted layer, but you lose quality. You can find out how you can dilute acrylic from a particular manufacturer if you read the instructions for its use.

An important factor before applying paint is to treat the surface with a deep penetration primer. It will strengthen the structure of the base, acting like glue, and the paint will lie better on the prepared surface, adhering to the fine crystal lattice that the primer forms when it dries.

Depending on the tool that will be used for painting, there are recommendations for diluting the solution.

  • If you will paint the surface with a brush or roller, your paint should resemble sour cream in consistency.
  • If an airbrush is used for staining, the substance is diluted to such an extent that it resembles full-fat milk. This is done so that it is easily sprayed over the surface in a uniform and even layer.

Solvent or diluent must be added to the composition gradually in small portions. The mixture is constantly stirred until it becomes homogeneous. It is important to prevent delamination of the composition into separate layers or folding of the paint. Do not neglect the thoroughness of stirring: the evenness and thickness of the applied layer depends on it.

Regardless of what exactly you are going to dilute acrylic paint with, the instructions remain unchanged.

  • Prepare breeding containers in advance (they should hold required amount paint) and special rulers for measurements.
  • Pour the paint from the can that you are going to dilute into the first container.
  • Use a ruler to measure the height of the level of the substance, mix the composition thoroughly.
  • Pour the dilution agent into another container, while also measuring the height of the level.
  • After preparation, you can begin to dilute the paint. To do this, slowly and carefully add the thinner to the paint, constantly stirring the mixture. The mixture must be homogeneous.
  • To achieve the desired viscosity, the mixture can be filtered.

Depending on the purpose of the paint, there are devices that help evaluate the quality of the resulting mixture. For example, for painting cars, the paint must meet strict parameters. A viscometer can be useful to calculate viscosity.

For information on the difference between thinner and solvent, see the following video.

The nuances of using a solvent

There are no special rules for the use of a solvent: it all depends on the purpose of the painting. Allocate the preparation of the material to change the qualities of the original substance or wash. A prepared acrylic remover is used to remove the substance from any surface, but it will not help to remove paint from the skin. If your hands or any other part of your body get dirty during staining, use a simple soapy solution to clean.

Manufacturers produce special additives for diluting acrylic, which add new properties to the composition. This can be getting a matte finish, adding shine, or changing general condition mixtures. You can get acquainted with the purpose of the solvent or diluent in the list of information from the manufacturer, which is indicated on the package.

Paint thinners are used to obtain paint composition need viscosity. It should be noted that almost every substance under certain conditions can become a solvent for another. As for those materials that are used with paints, there are some conditions.

The key feature is that paint thinners must have active solvent power. Also, they must be completely neutral with respect to the paint itself, in other words, they must not react with it. You should also pay attention to the fact that these substances are inexpensive, accessible and safe. The main requirement for the solvent is its evaporation from the paint composition under normal environmental conditions. IN simple form any solvent is considered to be a mobile liquid with a pungent, unpleasant odor.

But before starting any work, you need to know which solvent to choose. If we take solvent 646, for which paints it is used, everyone knows. We can say that it is universal and suitable for dissolving not only paints, but also primers, enamels and fillers. But this situation is not with all solvents, so let's figure out what solvents to dilute the most popular types of paints.

acrylic solvent.

This composition is often used to dissolve two-component acrylic paints, polyurethane resins and primers. Of course, acrylic paint can be thinned with ordinary water, but the use of such a solvent will significantly speed up the drying process of the coating. In addition, its use will allow you to achieve the most smooth and even surface to be painted, without the presence of any streaks and plaque.

Solvent for acrylic paints has the form of a clear liquid with a sharp specific odor. It is produced in several versions, each of which has a different drying time (fast, medium and slow). And also depending on the applied conditions - on temperature and humidity. For example, in the cold season, it is best to use a composition with the highest possible evaporation rate. And on a hot day, on the contrary, it is recommended to use a solvent with the most low level evaporation. Therefore, if you did not know what solvent to dilute acrylic paint, then this information has become very useful for you.

It is best to store such a solvent in a well-ventilated, dark and cool room (without access sun rays to packages). It is very important that the basic standards and norms apply in this room. fire safety. The packaging itself must be tightly closed and be strictly in an upright position.

Solvent for oil paints.

For high-quality dilution of paint on oil based the following types of solvents are often used: gasoline, white spirit, turpentine and acetone. Let's consider each of them in more detail.

White spirit is obtained during the distillation of oil. Used to dissolve bituminous, alkyd, oil paints, as well as drying oils, rubbers, epoxy esters, polybutyl methacrylate. You can also use nefras 150/180 instead.

Turpentine is produced industrially during processing pine wood. The following types of turpentine are distinguished: steam, dry distillation, extraction and sulfate. The best is the one that has maximum amount pinene. Turpentine is used to dilute glyphthalic, oil, pentaphthalic paints.

Acetone is a solvent derived from cumene hydroperoxide. It is an excellent solvent for paints and varnishes based on vinyl polymers. It is also used to dilute epoxy resins, polyacrylates, chlorinated rubber and vinyl chloride copolymers.