Well      06/14/2019

How to properly replace locks on a metal door? How to change a lock: tips and tricks How to change a door lock

The history of mankind is, first of all, the history of its technical development. One area that has received much attention is the protection of private property. Various devices were used to protect their home or property. One such invention, which required high skill and technical perfection, was door lock. Ever since Ancient Egypt Many homeowners have thought about the question of how to replace the lock on the door, which one is the most reliable, and so on. If there are no problems with the choice, there is the Internet, instructions and sales consultants for this, then replacing the lock on the door yourself seems much more difficult. But this is not true at all. In order to remove the old lock and insert a new lock into a regular front door yourself and at home, you do not need any special knowledge or skills. All you need is the right tool, time and patience to follow simple instructions.

Problems with the lock are not a reason for optimism

The need to replace the lock is in itself a nuisance, but it is good if the door whose lock needs replacing is open. It is much worse if the lock fails at the moment when the door is closed and you cannot leave own house or get inside it. Some of the problems that arise can be easily solved with a knife. For example, if the drive of the latch mechanism jams, then just squeeze the tongue and the door will open. But in any case, if problems with the operation of the lock begin, even minor ones, even if it is just a matter of jamming, then it is necessary to take action and not wait for a situation when, in order to get into or out of the house, you will need to break down the doors. Some problems can be solved with lubrication or checking by a locksmith, but the most reliable way to protect yourself and your home is to completely replace the lock with a new one.

Required Tools

To properly replace a door lock, you will need some tools:

  • Phillips and flat screwdrivers;
  • stationery and regular knife;
  • hammer;
  • chisel;
  • electric drill and wood drills;
  • ruler, pencil and other small things.

Step-by-step instructions for replacing the lock

  1. The first step is to remove the larva from the lock. To do this, you need to unscrew the special bolt from the end that holds it in the lock, and then, by inserting the key and turning it slightly, pull the cylinder out of the lock.
  2. The next step is to remove the decorative strips that cover the lock on both sides of the door. To do this with inside doors on the lock, find the bolt heads and unscrew them. By the way, we note that you should not detect such caps from the outside; this is done in order to prevent hacking by intruders. Bolts secure the strips at the top and bottom of the plates.
  3. After unscrewing the bolts, remove them, and then remove the decorative strips from the lock along with the handles. The handles are removed each in their own direction. After which all that remains is the mounting rod for the handle and the lock itself. But the rod also needs to be carefully removed.
  4. Then it’s time to unscrew the screws from the end side of the door that hold the lock bar, and after removing them, remove the lock body itself. The whole process is intuitive even for non-specialists.
  5. The first stage of the lock replacement operation has been completed. Next you need to think about how to choose a lock with a similar body. This will help when replacing, since in this case you won’t have to adjust it. You will need to find out if such models are on sale and buy them.

The lock does not fit the existing parameters

But even purchasing a lock model similar to the one that was removed does not always guarantee its full compliance. Very often a problem arises with a mismatch of some parameters. All the most common inconsistencies are usually included in the following list:

  1. The new body is wider than the previous one.
  2. The end mounting plate is longer or shorter.
  3. The bolts holding the handles together are not the same diameter as the existing holes.
  4. The holes in the slats do not line up with the larva's nest.
  5. Even the lock bolts may not line up with the holes in the door jamb.

Each problem requires its own approach:

  1. If the body is wider than the old one and does not fit into the groove, you need to apply chalk to the lock body and try to insert it again, and then see in what places it touched the walls of the groove. These places just need to be lightly ground with a chisel. Work carefully, just enough so that the lock just fits into place.
  2. If the end plate of the lock does not fit into its groove, then you need to stock up on a well-sharpened pencil. We insert the lock into the groove and very precisely draw lines in those places where it is necessary to change the parameters of the groove. Try to do everything carefully, because if the groove is wider than the bar, it will look unaesthetic. After marking, take out the lock and carefully cut off the excess. To do this, you need to use a stationery knife to make vertical and horizontal cuts along the marked line. Since the horizontal lines run across the grain, use a hammer and lightly tap the butt of the knife to cut away any excess wood. If everything is done correctly, the lock will fit easily and well, and the end plate will be in the same plane with the surface of the door end. Try to avoid any protrusions or irregularities.
  3. If the bolts for attaching the handles do not fit the diameter of the existing holes, then drill them out with an electric drill and try them on.
  4. If the lock cylinder does not fit into the hole available for it, then you need to do the following. Insert the lock into the groove and look at the gap through the hole for the larva, those protrusions of the wood that overlap the larva’s nest will be easily visible, mark them with a pencil. Once you remove the lock, these protrusions will be easy to cut off. The larva should easily and freely enter its nest without clinging to the door ledges.

If all these problems are solved, then we move on to assembling the lock itself:

  1. We place the lock itself in its groove and fasten the end plate to the door leaf with screws. The screws should fit well into their sockets, the heads should not protrude beyond the mounting plate.
  2. We insert the cylinder and secure it with a bolt from the end.
  3. We install the rod holding the door handles in place.
  4. We put the decorative plates in place and door handles, fasten everything with bolts. Remember to install bolts with a smooth head on the outside for safety.
  5. After that, all that remains is to check the build quality. Move the handles, turn the key, close and open the door. If everything works fine, then you have completed the task.

But there is one more that we have not considered possible problem- this is a mismatch between the lock bolts and the holes in the door jamb. To combat this problem you need to do the following:

  1. At open door Turn the lock all the way and extend the bolts completely. Then close the door and mark with a pencil on door frame crossbar parameters.
  2. Then open the door and look at the marks, compare them with the existing hole for the crossbars in the door frame.
  3. After this, you need to remove the metal strip on the door frame that frames the groove for the crossbars.
  4. We transfer the marked parameters to the existing hole.
  5. Adjusting our actions with these marks, we expand the groove using a conventional electric drill.
  6. If you are sure that everything is done correctly, then try closing the doors without replacing the steel plate. If the lock works normally and the bolts fit into the groove without problems, then move on to the last repair point.
  7. Place the plate on the door frame and screw it into place. Check the lock again.

All! You have completed this task and can celebrate your success. As you can understand from the description, there is nothing complicated about replacing a door lock.

All that is required of you is patience and accuracy.

Neither strength nor any sacred knowledge is needed, everything is very accessible. Such repairs can easily be done by a teenager or a housewife, not to mention men who have the skill to work with tools.

Of course, there are locks that cannot be replaced as simply as described above, but for this you need to read the appropriate instructions. And 90% of the remaining door locks can be replaced by anyone who has read the text.

We wish you good luck in your endeavors!

Hello readers of my blog! Today I will talk about how to change a lock on a metal one front door with your own hands. The reasons for replacement may be the same, for example, loss of a key or hacking. However, the solutions are slightly different; each type is mounted with its own characteristics. Read below about how to make a replacement and what types of locks exist today.

1. Design and types of locks

Let's start small, let's look at what types of locking systems there are. After all, the repair, its cost and complexity of the work will differ depending on the type of lock. Let's first look at commonly used locks on metal doors.

1.1. Cylinder lock

Most often, this type is installed on metal sheets. This means that the likelihood of encountering this particular species is much higher. But in terms of design it is the simplest. Therefore, there will be no problems when replacing. Cylinder locks are manufactured according to the standard, so that if any part is faulty, it can be replaced, even with a part from another company.

1.2. Level castle

A very reliable lock, it is almost impossible to break into it. For such quality, its replacement is quite difficult. It is worth talking about the companies that produce them. Domestic companies manufacture the entire system, and if something breaks, the entire mechanism will have to be replaced. There are reasons for this; prices for such locks are quite low, but they are not very convenient to replace.

Foreign companies have provided for this, and on their locking structures you can replace the cylinder separately, but you should buy it of the same brand as the main structure. However, the price of such locks is high.

1.3. Lock with sliding bolts

This type will reliably protect against burglary and will last for many years. correct installation and use. But replacing it is very difficult; it is better to undertake it by craftsmen who know their business.

Most often it can be found on modern models metal doors. When the door is locked, such a system secures it not only with bolts on the side, but also with metal elements at the top and bottom of the door leaf. The whole difficulty of replacement is that this lock is located inside the door leaf, so when replacing it you will have to disassemble the doors.

2. Reasons for lock malfunctions

Locks on metal entrance doors can last for many years, or they can fail without any reason. The reasons may be different, and some details should be paid special attention and not wait for the lock to “stand up”.

  1. The locking system serves you for many years, its parts become old and may fail;
  2. The larva was not properly cared for, that is, it was not cleaned of dust and dirt, nor was it treated with oil. In this case, the mechanism fails and breaks. Failure of the mechanism may result from correct operation lock, as well as poor quality parts;
  3. If your canvas has been hacked, which means the larva has been damaged. It is possible that debris got inside the larva (the children played a dirty trick), then it will soon break;
  4. If a low-quality, cheap structure was installed from the very beginning, then it is better to replace it in a timely manner rather than wait for it to break.

3. How to replace the lock on a metal door

Replacement is made not only due to a breakdown of the mechanism, but also for other reasons, for example, loss of a key. The replacement should be done efficiently, because the service life of the mechanism directly depends on the installation.

3.1. Replacing the lever lock

Replacing such a system is quite difficult, but if everything is done correctly and with patience, then everything will be fine.

Let's get to work. We open the doors and make sure that the crossbars are pushed inward to the maximum. We take out the key and remove the door handle, lining and deadbolt. At the end part we unscrew the screws that perform the function of fastening the plate to the canvas. We take out the mechanism (pry off the plate on the end side). We insert a new lock, it should be the same size as the old one, or better yet the same brand, so that the locking screw fits into its hole. Installation is in the reverse order.

3.2. Replacing a cylinder lock in a metal door

For this type, replacement is very easy, so even an inexperienced master can handle it.

Let's consider two types of replacement, the first is the replacement of the cylinder, the second is the replacement of the entire mechanism.

Replacing the cylinder. From the end side, unscrew the locking screw, from the inside of the door (the side that is in the house), insert the key into the lock and turn it a little about 10-15 degrees. This is done in order to push out the tongue inside the mechanism, and then pull out the cylinder by pulling the key. The job is done, now insert the new cylinder in the reverse order. If the locking screw does not coincide with the hole, then move the cylinder until the screw fits into the hole and secure it (this works if the purchased cylinder matches the parameters of the old one).

Replacing the mechanism. To replace, take out the larva. You already know how to do this, then remove the door handle and protective plates. If the mechanism has a valve, remove it too. We unscrew the screws from the end of the door that hold the entire structure. We remove the mechanism from the canvas; to do this, we pry up the end strip. We install the new door lock the same way we removed it, only in the opposite direction.

3.3. Replacing a lock with sliding bolts

A very difficult replacement; here you will have to remove the fabric from the hinges and open it. Since the entire mechanism is included in the door. After the door is opened, the same actions are performed as when replacing the lever structure. Only before work, the upper and lower crossbars are unhooked using a wrench. After replacing the lock, we attach the bolts again. In words this work is simple, but in practice everything is much more complicated. Calculate your strengths in advance and decide whether you can handle it on your own.

4. How to extend the life of the lock

You already know how to change the locks on a metal entrance door, but now we’ll figure out how to extend their service life.

  1. Cleaning the cylinder. Used special remedy, which cleans and protects the structure from moisture. The product is poured into the lock cylinder (within reason, a few good drops are needed) and the key is inserted, then pulled out (do not turn the key). Such manipulations are carried out to clean the cylinder from contamination. When finished cleaning, wipe with a dry cloth;
  2. System lubrication. Machine oil is excellent for this procedure; it is also used for lubrication door hinges, you can read about how to lubricate hinges here. You can also buy a special lubricant. We apply it to the door hole, insert and remove the key. When finished, wipe with a dry cloth;
  3. We clean the crossbars. Open the blade and extend the crossbars to the maximum, then clean and lubricate them. To ensure that the lubricant gets onto all parts of the mechanism, it is worth extending and retracting the bolts several times using a key.

If these manipulations did not help your locking system in any way, then the problem is different; to find out the reason, you will have to call a specialist or replace the lock yourself.

Most often, the question of how to change the lock on the front door arises when it breaks or the keys are lost. Sometimes they replace the old system with a new, more reliable one. But in order to do everything efficiently, knowledge of the technology of changing door locks for metal doors or their part, lock cylinder or tongue is required.
Of course, you can contact a master who will come and do all the work in a short time. But, having understood the system, self-replacement will not be a problem, and will allow you to save money by doing the entire installation yourself

Situations that require replacing one locking mechanism with another can be different, and changing the entire lock or part of the mechanism sometimes needs to be done very quickly.

Door lock replacement process

In what situations may it be necessary to change the lock?

So, if the above situations arise, you need to go choose a new, more advanced lock. What nuances and rules should you follow when choosing a mechanism?

Selecting a locking mechanism

Today there are a lot of locking systems; they have different schemes and mechanisms. It is worth understanding the devices of various locks. They can be classified according to the type of installation: mounted, overhead and internal (mortise).

Diagram of a mortise lock

Let's look at each type:

After purchasing a suitable type of lock, you can begin installing or replacing it. However, if you are not sure that you can self-installation, then it’s better to turn to specialists.

Technology for replacing various types of locks

The technology for installing a locking mechanism is determined by two factors: the type of lock and the type of door leaf. If everything is clear with the design of the locking system (mortise/overlay), then you should figure out how to mount it on a wooden or armored sheet.
So, how can you change the locks on metal entrance doors and other types of entrance doors?

Installation of the cylinder mechanism

Installation of an English lock is simple; the only simpler option is the overhead disc mechanism. Positive quality system consists in not necessarily replacing the entire mechanism, but only in changing its core. The second good news is that cylinder lock cylinders are almost universal, and you can purchase a core for your lock from any manufacturer. It is more difficult to change the entire system, but you can figure it out with this technology.
So, how to install such a system, or replace such a lock on metal doors?

When completely changing all the mechanisms, the cylinder lock is disassembled, removing the core. Then, unscrew the fasteners at the end, pry it with a screwdriver and remove it from the socket. The mounted structure is installed in the same way by inserting the body of the mechanism, fixing it with screws, and mounting the core using the specified technology.

Installation of a lever lock

The more reliable the system, the more complex the lock installation technology. This rule is observed for safety reasons, because no one will interfere with disassembling simple design thieves Lever mechanisms are not easy to replace, and without experience, it will most likely not be possible to make a replacement; recoding would be the best option.
Some foreign manufacturers offer designs in which you can simply recode the mechanism, that is, change the lock cores in metal door. In this case, one part with a new set of keys is purchased. However, it is best to buy a cylinder from the same manufacturer as the lock.
How to replace such a device with your own hands? In technological order, the replacement steps are as follows.

Despite the complexity, the main thing is to understand the order of each stage and not lose any parts or fasteners. Once you figure it out, you can make a replacement yourself.

Installation of overhead disc locks

Replacing or inserting a disc locking mechanism is probably the simplest. All fasteners are located on top at accessible points. How is such a system installed and disassembled? It is necessary to completely disassemble, or rather remove the mechanism.

In case of initial installation of the mechanism, you need to prepare a hole for the lock disc. To do this, it is best to use an electric drill with a drill bit or a wood bit of the appropriate diameter. Next, install the loop, which is located on the jamb.
Disc locks can be automatic (can be closed without a key), and semi-automatic, which one to choose depends on preferences, but automation can play a cruel joke by slamming the door behind the owner without keys.

Mechanisms with sliding crossbars

These systems began to be installed in modern systems, for example, such as Torex doors.
Locking crossbars in such structures are available not only on the side (or top and bottom in the end part), but also at the top and bottom; after they are pulled out, the door leaf is much more securely fixed in the doorway.
To replace or repair such a lock, leave the door in the opening so that it will not be possible to disassemble the locking system. The door needs to be removed, and this is not always possible to do alone, because its weight can reach 150 kg. The best option will contact the system installer.

You can make repairs or replacements yourself using a similar technology to lever structures, but first use wrench, you need to install the opening rods.
In any case, if you have no experience working with locks, then it is best to turn to specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently, unlike an amateur. This is especially true for complex locking structures, the operating principles of which are difficult to understand when disassembling them yourself.

We use the front door every day, and more than once. The lock with which it is equipped is also subject to intensive use, which over time cannot but affect the operation of its mechanism. This is one of the reasons when replacing locks on a metal door becomes a necessity from which no owner is immune. After all, a door lock is a guarantee of the safety of you and your property from malicious entry.

When choosing a security device for your front door, do not expect that the mechanism will provide you with savings. high level protection.

Of course, an expensive and high-quality product will not save you from the process of replacing the lock, but in this case, servicing the mechanism - replacing locks on metal doors will not be such a frequent and difficult occurrence, both for a professional and for the owner, who will be able to change the lock with his own hands .

One of the objective reasons when a mandatory lock replacement is necessary is the loss of the key and the lack of its duplicates. But, nevertheless, if the key has been lost, and you are worried that it may be found by ill-wishers, you should take care to change the front door, if only to be sure of the safety of your home.

Also, the reason to quickly change the lock may be an unexpected breakdown or other failure that makes the subsequent operation of the mechanism simply impossible.

Depending on the type of locking device with which your door structure is equipped, it happens that replacing the internal part (for example, the cylinder) is more than enough, and sometimes only replacing the entire body can solve the problem.

Some tips that will reduce the chances of your device breaking and help you avoid buying a new one:

  • You should not apply force to the parts of the mechanism during its installation and when turning the key;
  • do not insert two keys at the same time on both sides of the door;
  • do not insert damaged or foreign keys into the keyhole;
  • do not turn the inserted key until it reaches the stop;
  • Don’t forget to periodically clean the device from dust and dirt and use lubricant.

In such situations, you can use the help of a specialist, or, having the necessary skills, change the locking device yourself.

Types of Door Locks

The technology for installing and replacing door locks directly depends on their types. Based on the type of locking, a distinction is made between overhead and mortise mechanisms. On a metal door, overhead locks are installed extremely rarely, unlike mortise locks. The consumer can choose from several types of locking mechanisms to install a lock on metal doors.

But the most commonly used and easy to maintain and replace with your own hands are the following mechanisms:

  1. Suvaldny is a reliable and proven option for home protection.
    Has a high degree of protection against burglary. The mechanism carries out work due to the presence of metal plates called levers. The greater their number, the less chance of hacking.
  2. The cylinder consists of a cylinder (cylinder) and a system of pins with springs.
    The mechanism is quite popular and convenient for installation in metal doors, along with other types (code and disk).

How to choose a new lock?

When purchasing a new mechanism to replace an old one, it is necessary to take into account factors such as the thickness of the doors and the gap between the door and the frame. Very important point are the dimensions of the old device (height of the body and depth of the well), the position of the cut out counterpart in the door jamb for the lock bolts, the thickness and number of bolts in the old mechanism, otherwise the device will dangle or will not fit in door leaf.

Don’t forget about the size of the key (if it’s a lever lock), the length and offset of the cylinder. Knowing each of these values, you can choose the right model that will ideally replace the old mechanism.

Replacing the cylinder lock

When it comes to changing a cylinder lock, you need to know how it works. This locking device is based on a secrecy mechanism cylindrical, which is located in the core. Turning the key provokes the movement of the pins of the mechanism, and they move into the designated grooves.

Anyone who plans to replace a lock on a metal door with their own hands must know its components:

  • cylinder or larva;
  • protective pad;
  • door knob.

Impressive dignity cylinder mechanism What really captivates is the ability to change only the lock cylinder, without using the entire device. Thus, if the key is broken or lost, only the core of the device – the cylinder – will need to be replaced.

Before you start replacing the lock on a metal door with your own hands, you should find out and understand that there are different methods installation of the cylinder (from the end, through an insert or screw for fastening, inside the canvas). The same applies to the type of cylinder (disc, overhead, cruciform, etc.).

The process of replacing the cylinder in the lock

To begin, unscrew the locking screw located on the end strip of the metal door. Insert the key into the keyhole indoors, and, holding the turntables with reverse side, pull the cylinder towards the inside of the door. Now you should buy a new cylinder.

The dimensions of the larva and the distance from the outer edge of the core to the pawl must necessarily coincide with the old part. Carry out the same steps as at the beginning of the process, only in reverse order - insert the cylinder into the canvas from the inside and secure it with a locking screw through a special hole. The replacement of the larva was successfully carried out.

Housing replacement

In cases where it is impossible to limit yourself to just changing the cylinder, the sequence for changing the lock is as follows:

  1. Push all the bolts inside the body (simply open the lock);
  2. Carefully remove the larva from the well;
  3. Don't forget to remove (if any) the door handles, protective trim and all latches. There is a decorative lining around the well; there is no need to remove it;
  4. Unscrew two or four (depending on the type of mechanism) end screws for fastening. After this, pull out the mechanism body by prying up the end plate.

Ideally, you should buy a new mechanism from the manufacturer of the used doors. Perform the exact reverse of disassembly, and you can easily replace the lock on a cylinder-type metal door.

Replacing the lever lock

The process of changing the lever locking system has some specifics. For example, if the door is equipped with a domestically produced device, in case of problems with the key, you will have to change the entire system, because recoding will not be possible.

And, conversely, in the case of an imported device, it is possible to change only the secret part and corresponding recoding for a new set of keys. Changing lever-type locks yourself is quite difficult and time-consuming; it may take a large number of time and effort.

The process of replacing the lever system

Similar to replacing the cylinder mechanism, move the locking bolts completely, that is, the door should be open. Pull the key out of the hole.

Don't forget to remove (if any) the door handles, protective trim and all latches.

Unscrew all fastening end screws. Pull out the door device body by prying up the end strip. Further, replacing a lock comes down to installing a new product in the door leaf. Some manufacturing companies exclude all of the above actions; it is enough to insert the key into the hole and automatically recode the levers.

Sections of the article:

Metal doors are most often used to form entrance structures, because they are characterized by increased strength, beautiful view and good reliability. Most often they are equipped with burglary-resistant mortise locks. But even the highest quality and most expensive products can break or become deformed, after which you will need to replace the locks on your metal door. This process can be entrusted to specialists, however, if you first study the instructions, it is quite possible to do the work yourself, saving money.

The stages of work depend on which lock is installed in door design, therefore, each option uses its own unique technology.

Cylinder lock replacement procedure

Changing a cylinder lock installed on a metal door is quite difficult. Initially, the design of a product consisting of a special, secret mechanism is studied. It is enclosed in a cylindrical core. When the key is turned, the pins move into special recesses.

This lock is installed in two different places:

  • Under the handle, therefore it is the main thing;
  • Without a handle, acting as an additional element.

Design Features

The design of the cylinder lock includes:

  • The cylinder, which is the larva;
  • Cover with good armor protection;
  • Handle for convenient use of the door.

The simplest is considered to be a broken handle, since in this case it is simply replaced with a new product. If the key breaks or is completely lost, the lock cylinder, which is the main element of the lock, is replaced.

How to replace the cylinder?

Replacing locks in a similar design may involve replacing the cylinder.

The work consists of the following actions.

The locking screw is unscrewed from the end of the structure. The key is inserted into the hole from the inside, after which the cylinder is pulled out while holding the key. The same cylinder with similar dimensions and shape is purchased.

New cylinder.

A new cylinder is inserted from the inside and secured with a locking screw using a special hole in the structure.

How to replace the lock body?

Often the problem with the performance of a product is a malfunction of the mechanism. In this case, the process of replacing locks on metal doors is as follows:

  • The bolts are retracted, which ensures the opening of the lock;
  • The cylinder is removed from the well;
  • The handle from the door, as well as the latches and linings are removed;
  • The fastening screws are unscrewed from the end of the structure, and their number can vary from two to four;
  • The lock itself is pulled out, why suitable tool the corresponding strip is pulled up;
  • You purchase exactly the same product in size, shape and parameters, and it is best if the design is made by the same manufacturer;
  • The same actions are performed as before, only in reverse order.

Thus, replacing a lock in a metal door, which is a cylinder lock, is not too difficult, and the work can be carried out in different ways, depending on what problems were discovered in the operation of the structure.

Level-type lock replacement technology

The lever design is presented in the form of a special mechanism, the secret part of which is a special set of plates having different shapes.

Replacing a lock on metal doors of this type has certain features.

The nuances of working with leveled products

If a domestically produced mechanism is installed in the door structure, then, regardless of the reasons for the problem with opening or closing, the entire mechanism will have to be completely changed. This is due to the impossibility of recoding.

If you have to work with an imported product that requires the possibility of recoding, then usually only the secret element of the mechanism is replaced. However, after that the lever is reprogrammed in accordance with the new set of keys. In this case, you don’t have to completely change the entire lock.

It is quite difficult to replace locks on metal doors that are lever doors, since this design is considered one of the most specific and complex.

Before the actual replacement work, it is determined what is the cause of the breakdown or deterioration in the performance of the mechanism. Depending on the identified causes, the optimal repair or replacement method is determined.

Design replacement process

Replacing lever door locks installed in metal doors is carried out according to the following sequence of actions:

  • The door itself opens;
  • The lock bolt is shifted, which will ensure optimal opening of the lock;
  • The key is removed from the well;
  • If handles, linings or latches are installed on the door, they are removed, and if any decorative elements, then they are left in place;
  • The end screws are unscrewed, and their number may vary, since 2, 3 or 4 fasteners are installed;
  • The lock itself is pulled out, for which you should pry it by the end plate;
  • The same mechanism is purchased, with the same size and parameters, preferably from the same company;
  • All the above steps are repeated, but only in reverse order.

If you have to work with a lever mechanism equipped with the ability to recode, then replacing the locks on a metal door is not required. It is enough just to make new keys, on the basis of which the recoding is carried out.

Specifics of replacing a disc type lock

Disk structures, which are formed from a special secret element presented in the shape of a cylinder, are also considered popular. It uses special discs instead of pins. Their number may vary, and the safety and reliability of the product depends on this.

All discs differ in their original form, and also have a variety of cutouts. These elements must match all notches and the configuration of the key used to open it.

Keys usually have a semicircular cross-section. The level of reliability of the lock's protection is determined depending on how many disks are installed in the device, as well as on how many different positions the grooves located on the sides of the disks can be located. If the secret mechanism has a low strength index, then it is leveled out, so it is important to protect the structure from intruders who use mechanical force to break into it. For this, a special cup is usually used, which is durable and armored.

Replacing locks in metal door structures, presented in the form of a disk mechanism, has certain features and difficulties.

If a domestic disk mechanism becomes deformed, breaks, or stops working, then the only way out of the situation is to completely replace it, and it is desirable that the new device be imported, since it will have increased strength and reliability.

Quite often, the cause of breakdown is the lock cylinder, since in domestic designs they are not of very high quality and durable. Replacing a lock on a metal door in this case will be similar to working with other types of locks.

Features of lock repair

In some cases, it is not practical to buy and install new expensive products, since high-quality, fast and inexpensive renovation work.

Repairing locks on metal doors is highly complex, so if you want to do the work yourself, you should have some experience, knowledge and specialized equipment. The specifics of the process depend on the cause and complexity of the breakdown, so the problem is first studied and a method for solving it is determined.

Preliminary stages

Both repair and replacement of locks in metal structures require some preparatory work. They are as follows:

  • The key hole is checked, since often the problem with the performance of the device is the presence of blockages;
  • If the warranty period still lasts, then the work is entrusted to specialists, and if it has expired, then the case is opened independently to study the mechanism in detail;
  • The mechanism is cleaned of various contaminants and also lubricated;
  • If so simple actions If it was not possible to solve the problem, then the cause of the breakdown is determined independently or with the help of an invited specialist.

If you have some skills and a little experience, you can try to repair the product yourself.

Nuances of repairing the lever mechanism

Repairing a lock in metal door structures depends on the design of the locking mechanism and the manufacturer.

Most often, reprogramming is required, and repairs often involve installing spare plates, sold complete with all equipment. This usually occurs in the most expensive models. During the work, levers that are not suitable for further use are carefully pulled out, and new elements are inserted in their place.

All other problems are usually so complex and specific that the only solution is a complete replacement of the mechanism.

Specifics of repairing locks with cylinders

It is believed that repair work with such mechanisms is quite complex and incomprehensible even for experienced craftsmen. Most often, the secret part of the equipment fails; it is simply impossible to repair it, so it is completely replaced.

This is what the tools for repairing cylinder locks look like.

If others break less important details, then they can be replaced, but for this it is important to have specialized tools and some experience.

Thus, replacing a lock in a metal door structure is a complex and specific job that requires a careful, thoughtful and careful approach. If serious mistakes are made, it will be difficult to eliminate them, and in some cases even impossible. Therefore, in the absence of skills and experience, as well as special tools, it is not recommended to do such work on your own. Rational decision you will contact specialists who will quickly determine the cause of the breakdown and fix the problem.