Shower      06/12/2019

How to open a lock if there is no key. If the key is lost. Opening cylinder mechanisms

Carefully opening a lock without a key without damaging either the door or the lock itself is an art that people have been learning for years and never stop doing, just as, in general, manufacturers never cease to improve locks, protecting them from unauthorized opening . It is for this reason that the question of how to open doors without a key, or rather, solving it with your own hands, can be called a dubious undertaking - without skills and experience in this matter, you can only make things worse, especially when it comes to opening entrance doors. Be that as it may, in this article, together with the website, we will consider this issue in as much detail as possible - we will study some ways that will allow you to open door lock keyless.

How to open a door without a key photo

How to open a door without a key: opening the lock of interior doors

Interior doors, or rather their locks and latches, can be said to be the simplest in terms of opening without a key - locks for internal interior doors are usually not made complicated, and opening them even for an inexperienced security guard will not be difficult. The main thing is to know how to do it and which “levers” to press.

Naturally, all these manipulations must be performed carefully so as not to damage either the door frame or the leaf - if you squeeze something out with a crowbar, then you need to put something under it. In most cases, interior doors and their lining are not particularly durable and they are easily damaged by metal objects, which, as a rule, are used to solve the question of how to open an interior lock without a key? Naturally, all these methods are by no means suitable for opening a lock without a key - this is a completely separate topic, and you can watch about it in this video.

How to open a door lock without a key: entrance doors

If the lock is broken interior doors- this, as they say, is not so bad, but it doesn’t open front door– this is a real disaster! Each person tries to solve this problem on their own, and the first thing that comes to mind is to enter the apartment through the window. It's good when it's a private house or the first floor of an apartment building - but what if you live on the second floor or higher? “Mountaineering” without preparation and skills is a very risky undertaking. First you need to make sure that there are no other options. Or simply the whole arsenal of methods has been tried, and nothing helps solve the question of how to open iron door keyless?

  1. The simplest situation is when the key breaks in the keyhole. Under no circumstances do we rush or try to pull out the fragment with our hands. The most important thing is not to push it deep. Instead, we knock on a neighbor’s door (one, then another, and, if necessary, a third) and ask to rent pliers, wire cutters, and an old-style jigsaw file. In general, with all this, we first try to grab the broken edge of the key and carefully pull it out, and if that doesn’t help, then we try to carefully pick up the fragment with a jigsaw and pull it out a little from the keyhole. In general, we direct all our efforts to remove the fragment - this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the secretion.

    How to open a lock without a key using a paper clip photo

  2. The question of how to open the door of a house without a key is much more difficult to solve, and to a large extent it all depends on the type of lock - if the locking mechanism is of high quality and has a lot of degrees of protection, then you don’t even have to think about opening the lock yourself. There is only one outcome - without special skills, you will not only not be able to open the lock, but you will probably ruin it. In general, in such a situation it is better to turn to professionals. If we talk about simpler, as they say, down-to-earth lock designs, then among the 100% methods we can distinguish two options. Firstly, this is drilling out the secret, after which it can be opened with any flat object. And, secondly, elementary knocking out the lock - we just take it and hit the cylinder with force with a hammer. We hit it so that the internal rotary cracker breaks - in most locks you don’t even have to put much effort into this. The cracker breaks along with the screw holding the lock cylinder - after that all you have to do is remove the cylinder and open the lock with a knitting needle or strong wire bent into the letter “L”. In general, you won’t be able to restore the castle, but you will get into an apartment or house, and that’s good.
  3. How to open a lock without a key using a paper clip or a hairpin. By and large, the operation is dubious, especially if we talk about a person who has never been involved in opening locks before - you can spend an eternity on this matter and still achieve nothing for one simple reason. It is generally impossible to open a lock of your type in this way - not every locking mechanism can be opened with a paper clip or hair clip. And in general, skills are needed here.
  4. Alternatively, you can get a universal master key, but even in this case, in order to solve the question of how to open mortise lock without a key, you will need a certain amount of skill. In general, this is a delicate matter and has a lot of nuances - you can’t do it without special training, knowledge of how locks are constructed and other so-called “little things”.

    How to open an iron door without a key photo

In general, you need to look at the place - the circumstances themselves will tell you what to do and what to do. For example, in some cases, when the lock is closed one turn, you can try to disengage it from door frame using a crowbar or crowbar. You can also try to disassemble the lock - first remove it, thereby gaining access to the core. Doors can also be opened by cutting off the hinges - this option is possible if the hinges are not hidden and the doors do not have burglar-proof pins. Among other things, you can resort to extreme measures - simply put, apply physical force to the doors and knock them out. This trick works great with doors, but not with doors, and even more so - it’s definitely not possible to break them down without a press.

In conclusion to the topic of how to open a door without a key, let me remind you once again that it is better not to do such things on your own. There are organizations that provide professional assistance in this matter - you just need to call and wait for the arrival of a person who will do everything quickly, and most importantly carefully, causing minimal damage to your doors.

Aluminum can lock pick

To open the lock using this method, you will need an empty beer or cola can. It is easy to cut out and form a trefoil into a special shape, the middle tongue of which is used to open the lock. A Here another demonstration of this method.

Master key from paper clip and hairpin

This is the most famous and, one might say, classic method lock picking. We have seen many times in movies how an attacker takes out a paperclip and begins to diligently pick at the keyhole. This video shows how this is actually done. And here's another one option this method, which uses a pen cap clip and a hair clip.

Knife master key

The third video demonstrates a completely simple way to open small locks using a knife. Obviously, this method won't always work, but it's still worth a try. Especially when it comes to Chinese products used on bags and suitcases.

How to open a lock without a key is a problem that almost everyone has encountered, regardless of whether the interior door slammed or the key in the front door broke. In most cases, you have to call a technician, but sometimes you need to open the door quickly, without waiting for him to arrive. Our recommendations can help you with this.

Types of castles

Not only the safety of your property, but also the process of getting on the other side of the door depends on the type of lock that needs to be opened. There are three types of castles, which everyone has encountered more than once. They all differ in the degree of reliability and degree of presentability.

  1. The padlock. One of the most primitive methods of protection in this case. No matter how complex the locking mechanism of a padlock is, one firm movement with a pry bar can open any door. Such locks are used to protect bicycles, garages and sheds.
  2. A rim lock has the advantage that it can be installed without compromising the integrity of the door. Install it on a thin iron sheet or wooden doors, which will be weakened by extraneous interference from the jigsaw.
  3. A mortise lock is the most common and reliable type of protection for your door against burglary. Most often, it is installed immediately at the factory so that the door has a presentable appearance. appearance. Such a lock can be installed “hiddenly”, which will become another obstacle for an attacker.

Each of these locks has its own resistance to burglary, but the door leaf itself plays a big role. If you need to open a door without keys, you need to take into account a combination of factors: type of lock + material of the door leaf.

How can you open a lock without a key on your front door?

There are often tips to open the lock of the front door using a hairpin or hairpin. In fact, they have little practical use: if a person has never tried to pick locks before, he will most likely fiddle with a hairpin for a couple of hours to no avail.

It’s better to carefully inspect the doors: if you can see the locking bolts between the door leaf and the frame, you can cut them off using a grinder. Or search in doorway at least small gaps. At this point you need to pry the door a little with a crowbar and find the most vulnerable spot, after which you can open the door without damaging it. If none of these options work, you will have to work on the lock itself.

If the key breaks in the well:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to remove the debris. Take your time and don’t pull it too sharply - this can only cause harm.
  2. Ask your neighbors for help, let them lend you pliers or other suitable tool, which can be used to carefully remove the remaining key from the lock.
  3. After this, you can move on to more decisive actions - but keep in mind that the integrity of the lock cannot be maintained and it will need to be replaced. After all, opening a lock using improvised means and not damaging it is a whole science that people have been mastering for years.

The first way to open a lock without a key is to drill out the secret. To do this, you need to turn to your neighbors again - this time for a drill and several drills of different diameters. A hole is drilled as close as possible to the location of the cylinders - at first very small, then with thicker drills it is gradually drilled out until the secret of the lock is completely destroyed. After this, try to turn the cylinders with a screwdriver or thick wire: most likely, everything will work out and the lock will open. If it doesn't work, drill further.

After the opening procedures, you will most likely need to call a carpenter to repair the door lock. Read about how to do it yourself

Another option for opening a lock without a key yourself is to simply knock out the cylinders with a hammer. To do this, you need to hit the cylinder with force so that the rotating part located inside breaks. Usually this does not require much physical effort. Then the cylinders also turn and the lock opens.

Important! Don't try to get into your apartment through the balcony or neighbors' windows! This is especially true for residents of the second floor and above. If you do not see the possibility of opening the front door, call a utility service that specializes in this issue. In the future, make it a habit to keep a set of spare keys with people you trust.

How to open a lock on interior doors

Interior doors slam shut much more often than exterior doors. Somewhere the culprit may be a strong draft with open windows or balcony doors; somewhere it happens that children, while playing, latched the lock. In any case, it is advisable to know how to open an internal lock without a key.

Most often, the manufacturer provides in advance for situations with the slamming of an interior door: in this case, there is a small screw at the location of the latch, sometimes hidden by a decorative trim. It is enough to turn it with a flathead or Phillips screwdriver so that the door opens without difficulty.

If there is no such screw, another method will come in handy, how to open any lock without a key on the door between rooms. To do this, you will need a thin but fairly strong plate - a credit card is best, but it is advisable that it is inactive, since it can be damaged in the process. Carefully, slowly push the plate between the door and the frame, squeezing the lock tongue; once it gives in, you can open the door.

If you suspect that the door is not opening due to a broken part that transmits the movement of the handle to the lock, you can try to remove the handle and work with the locking mechanism directly. Just be very careful not to damage the device itself, the handle, or the door leaf, otherwise you may need to complete dismantling doors.

If the lock on the interior door was successfully opened, most often its replacement or repair is not required in the future. You can use the door as usual - just be a little more careful so that such situations are repeated as rarely as possible.

How to open a padlock

But what about the old and reliable padlock? Rarely visiting our basements and barns, we easily lose the key to this reliable protector. The easiest and most trouble-free way is to break or knock down the padlock. The weakest point is the attachment of the leg to the body. Full pressure on a crowbar or other improvised means direct it exactly there.

Another way to open a padlock is to saw it. If the diameter of the leg is up to 20 mm, then the saw operating time will be about 10 minutes. A more loyal way to open such a lock is to use a penknife, which many people have on hand.

A more creative method that will keep your padlock secure requires can. It is necessary to cut out a certain “trident” from it, the middle tongue of which will be the longest and will replace the lost key.

How to open a car door without a key

No car enthusiast would want to barbarically break into the doors of his favorite car, so you need to find the most accurate way to open the car without a key. For domestic cars and old-made foreign cars, the ideal option is one with a window. The seal is simply pulled out of it, the resulting space is enough to stick your hand through and open the door. Next, the window is installed in place independently or in a car service.

The second way to open a car door is through the glass seal on the lock side. It needs to be pryed off with a knitting needle, a manicure file, a thin screwdriver or another similar object. Using this tool, you need to pull out the seal by 3-4 cm. Then you will need another one thin instrument, like a knitting needle with a hook at the end at an angle of 45ͦ. This hook needs to be inserted inside and lowered all the way into the lock, using the hook to “feel” for the unlocking mechanism. While pressing the tool, move it to the left until it “falls” down, and then turn it to the right. The hook should catch on the mechanism's rod and open it.

In the life of every person, sooner or later funny situations happen. various kinds, the resolution of which is quite often not quite standard and the right ways. One of the most painful and common is the inability to open the lock with the “original” key. There are a lot of reasons and prerequisites for doing this contrary to the rules.

For example, the key to an apartment is lost, the key to an important drawer at work is left at home, a child is locked in the room and cannot get out, the key to luggage, a diary, a box, etc. is lost.

No one is immune from such situations. It is not always possible and time to call a locksmith to open the front door. The solution to this problem is surprisingly simple and primitive - a paper clip. It is the paper clip that can become an indispensable tool in resolving this confusion.

The technology for breaking a lock is determined by the peculiarities of its construction and operating principle.

The main types of locks are the following:

  1. Pin cylindrical door lock is the most common characteristic feature which is a key with teeth on the end.
  2. Level (safe) lock – reliable, high security.
  3. Finnish lock (turnkey semicircular disc lock) – characterized by high level secrecy, reliability and the unlikely possibility of hacking, due to the absence of springs in the lock design.
  4. A car lock is often a pin lock, but has a number of burglary features compared to conventional locks.
  5. Padlocks and latches are the simplest mechanisms to construct and use.

Safety first

Experience shows that only cheap or incorrect installed locks can be easily opened with a paper clip, a master key, a pin, a hairpin, and other improvised means.

It's no secret that today even a conventional thief can open combination lock on the entrance door, and getting inside costs nothing at all. You can always find a door equipped with a simple type of lock, not of the highest quality, which opening is a pleasure for people of this “profession”.

Thinking about it and want to check how easy it is to break into the lock of your front door? Easily!

You need to do the following:

  • using an L-shaped plate inserted into the keyhole, press and rotate the mechanism to open the lock;
  • bend a hook from a regular paperclip, insert it inward, use a pick to feel for the pins protruding from the grooves, and push in all the way until the cylinder rotates;
  • Repeat the same procedure with the remaining pins until the lock gives way under the pressure of your master key and you can’t open the door.

Was everything successful? Unfortunately, such a lock does not fully protect your home. An alternative solution is to install a more reliable mechanism.

Which method should I use?

We propose to consider some ways of how to open a door correctly and without consequences with a simple master key, using the example of several simple mechanisms.

Warning: This article is for informational purposes only. It is not recommended to use this information for illegal purposes, including those prohibited by applicable law.

Method No. 1

Wrong installed doors a priori, it can be easily opened without much effort. Especially if door leaves They do not fit tightly together, and there is a large gap between them.

Bend the large hook out of the paperclip and thread it through the gap, encircling the inner latch, and pull the other end of the paperclip toward you. Pinch both ends and pull towards you, the latch will loosen and the door will open.

Method No. 2

Lock with a secret - such locks are most often installed in interior doors; they work on the principle of turning the handle by pressing a button located in its center. It is impossible to open the door from the outside using a similar action.

But, nevertheless, opening such a lock with master keys is as easy as shelling pears. In this case, straighten the paperclip, insert it into the keyhole, push the tab that holds the latch, and turn the handle.

Method No. 3

The door with a latch is perhaps the most accessible and unreliable. Insert the straight end of a paperclip between the flaps so that it is under the latch and move it up until you feel the latch being removed with a pick.

This type of lock is convenient because the bolt can be returned to its original position, and no one will know that it was opened by anyone.

Method No. 4

Suitcase locks can hardly be called secret, reliable and durable. It can be opened at once using the most primitive tools, the same paperclip or hairpin. Bend the end of the paperclip into a small loop, it is advisable to replicate the shape of the key to this lock as much as possible.

Insert the end of the paperclip into the hole and twist until you find the clamp and release the spring inside the mechanism.

As you understand, most locks are just a deterrent, a kind of deterrent, but not 100% safe for your home and property.

Many have found themselves in a situation where they need to get into an apartment, but there is no key to it. And, of course, few people know how to pick a lock and what is needed for this. Such frauds are often shown on TV. It seems to us that all this is very difficult. However, experts who know this secret convince that everyone can do it. The main thing is to know which tool to use.

What do you need to open a door without a key?

Of course, only a thief or an emergency burglary specialist knows how to break in. This will require not only special master keys, but also certain skills. Today, special manuals on this topic have already been published. This kind of material is widely distributed on the Internet. Therefore, acquiring practical skills is not so difficult. Just three months of serious training is enough - and any person will completely calmly master how to pick a lock on a door. There are situations when there is no need to make any effort to open the door. You just need to buy special equipment. It should be noted that the tools are quite cheap; many people can afford them.

Opening the padlock

All locks are classified by installation type. They can be overhead, mortise and mounted. First, let's find out how to crack This barrier is considered one of the most accessible. No tools are needed for this. It is enough to apply serious physical strength. You can also take a crowbar or crowbar. A couple of blows and the road is open. But the disadvantage of this method is that you can seriously frighten your neighbors. If you act silently, you will need a special master key and a few seconds of free time.

Overhead and mortise locks

Such an obstacle requires much more time and effort. They are considered one of the most resistant, because they have a large number of locking pins. But they can also be opened quite quickly. Cylinder and rack-and-pinion are considered one of the most reliable. However, experts are absolutely sure that there is no difference in the form of the product. Any of them can be opened within 15 minutes. Many thieves know very well how to pick a secret lock. For these purposes you will need a special device and perfectly honed skills. Then no obstacle will become a problem.

Cylinder locks

Such products can provide a very high level of safety. Their precision is very high, the five pin design has approximately a million combinations. Although such locks are made by a large number of different companies, they all have key holes of various shapes.

Therefore, you don’t have to worry that your door can be opened with someone else’s key. It is quite easy to recognize such a lock. You can just look into the key hole. There is a round pin inside it. It happens that you can see the border between the upper and lower pins. It aligns with the wall of the cylinder itself. Those who do not know how to learn how to pick locks of this type need to become proficient with the tool.

The hand with the pick should feel that the tension has eased while holding onto a specific pin. And the hand in which the rotator is located should feel that the pair has begun to give in, to reach the dividing line itself. In this entire procedure, it is very important that both hands feel exactly how the elements rotate inside the lock. For those who master this well, it will not be difficult to cope with the task without a key.

Breaking a pin lock step by step

For such an operation you will need a master key. It must be carefully inserted into the hole with the hook facing up. But this is only provided that the lock is installed correctly, and not vice versa, as is often the case. To be completely convinced of this, just look through the keyhole and find the very last pin. After this, you can continue the operation. has five pins. To the first, as a rule, the distance does not exceed 1 inch.

Before you pick the lock with a master key, you need to make sure that there is no strong pressure on the rotator. Otherwise the front pins will stop moving. After the back pair is felt, you need to very carefully pry the pin, and then release it, but leave the master key itself on the last one. After this, the rotator can be introduced. But don’t forget to leave room for the master key.

Now you can make movements clockwise, but they should be quite smooth. Next, carefully pry up the rear pin. If everything is done correctly, you can hear a characteristic click. A pair of pins will not be as elastic as before. But don't put in a lot of effort. If you continue to move the pick further, snagging may occur because the separation line will be passed. You just need to rotate the rotator evenly without pressing on it.

A few important points

The fourth pair of pins will be next, so it's fairly easy to find. Before picking such a lock, you just need to lift the pin until it begins to give in. In this case, force must be applied to the rotator. Once it begins to move towards the separation line, you can feel it and also hear certain clicking sounds. With the third element everything is similar. The main thing is to perform uniform forward movements. For an analogy, we can cite the process of screwing the lid on a jar of mayonnaise. Here the clicks can not only be heard, but also felt.

What determines the success of an operation?

After the last pair of pins give way, the cylinder will begin to rotate completely freely, and the door will be open. But some people simply don't know how to pick a lock and face some problems. Either the pin is very high, or the rotator does not give in. You just don’t need to put too much pressure on it, the pin will then lower on its own and the cylinder will open. A large number of hacking is carried out quite successfully in this way. If all methods have been tried and the door is still closed, you need to start all over again. Perhaps there was a mistake made somewhere.

Invisible castle

Of course, the well is considered the most vulnerable place. And many professionals are convinced that, having certain skills and knowledge, it is easy to understand how to pick a lock with a paper clip, a master key or other tool. All this works if there is the core itself. But some castles have certain nuances. They simply lack such products as they are unique. They are also called invisible, because they do not have that vulnerable spot that is subject to hacking.

You don't even need a key to open a door like this. It is enough to have a proxy card or a special radio key fob. Such locks have a high level of security, and many experts recommend installing them. In this situation, the criminal will be at a dead end. He may have the most various instruments for hacking, but only a keyhole can tell you where to put effort in order to saw through the strong steel pins. That is why it received the name “invisible”. There are crossbars in it, the mechanism itself is built into the door, and it’s hard to imagine how to break the lock. You can’t look anywhere, you can’t see anything anywhere. And not only outside, but also inside. That is why traditional methods of removing obstacles do not work here at all. We need to look for an alternative. And it’s unlikely that anyone would want to completely demolish the door or punch a hole in the wall. And this is not a way out of this situation... But if there is such a device, then, most likely, a mechanism for hacking it will appear soon enough.

And finally...

In this article, we have described in detail how to crack the hinged and pinned ones. In fact, you need special equipment and certain knowledge. There are some subtleties that you need to know for each specific type, but the fact that any product is quite easy to open is quite obvious. No level of secrecy will stand in the way of professionals. Many owners steel doors They are absolutely sure that they have nothing to fear, because their locks are firmly embedded in the canvas. In fact, only a quarter of an hour is enough for such an operation - and the obstacle will be removed. And the keyhole reveals any model. She cannot hide any secret. We can only hope for “invisible” locks, but this is only for now...