Toilet      06/23/2020

Do-it-yourself home air conditioner installation. Do-it-yourself air conditioner installation - a detailed overview of the installation and the correct connection. Laying a communication line

When buying a modern split system, the question of its installation and connection comes to the fore. Usually service departments offer quite costly assistance. An alternative solution could be to connect the air conditioner with your own hands. This procedure seems rather complicated and time-consuming, however, this is only at first glance. In fact, it is quite within the power of the ordinary consumer to produce it.

Before you acquire the skills of self-connection, you must first familiarize yourself with the principles of the split system.

Basic principles of work

In order to install correctly and avoid critical errors, you need to know well how the device works.

  1. The main part of the device is the refrigerant. Usually it is freon. The refrigerant gradually enters the evaporator container. There freon is subjected to heat treatment, it expands and evaporates. Thus, the refrigerant consumes excess heat.
  2. Excess moisture comes in the form of condensate to the radiator, from there it flows into a special container and is removed from the device through it.
  3. Freon vapor is pumped out from the evaporation compartment by a special compressor. The refrigerant undergoes an increase in temperature and changes its state to a foggy state.
  4. Freon enters the compartment with the condenser in it. There is a decrease in the temperature of the refrigerant, it goes into a liquid state.
  5. Liquid freon again enters the evaporator compartment, and then the main cycle of the device is repeated.

In order for the installation and installation to be completed correctly, before you connect the air conditioner yourself, it is recommended to understand and remember the basic principles of the air conditioner.

The main nuances during installation

Before you install the equipment, you must also familiarize yourself with the basic requirements for proper operation:

  • It is imperative to monitor the condition of the drainage pipe. It should not have additional kinks and bends. Excessive kinks are an excellent environment for the emergence of pathogenic bacteria.
  • Maximum energy savings. It is necessary to protect the compressor from excessive load.
  • Follow the procedure for installing the outdoor unit in the coolest place. Its additional heating provides excessive consumption of electricity by the device.
  • During installation, it is required to prevent dust and dirt from entering the system.
  • To save energy and reduce the load on the compressor, it is necessary to mount the indoor unit higher than the outdoor unit.
  • When working, one must strive not to violate the tightness of the device and prevent the appearance of cracks. Otherwise, it will cause refrigerant leakage.

Before producing independent connection air conditioner, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with these nuances and observe them during installation.

Selecting an installation site

Before installation, you should carefully study the requirements for a split system. They are set out in the instructions for the device.

The air conditioner does not require a specific place for installation, however, when choosing it, you should adhere to the following criteria:

  • The location of the indoor and outdoor units should be selected taking into account the minimum length of the route. If it is less than 6 m, then additional refueling of equipment with freon is not required. With a short length, the formation of moisture and condensation in the device will be reduced.
  • During installation indoor unit take into account the distance of the unit from the ceiling. It should be at least 15 centimeters. The distance to the side wall should be more than 30 centimeters.
  • Air flows must circulate without obstruction, freely at a distance of at least 1.5 m.
  • outdoor unit also requires compliance with the basic rules during installation. It is recommended to install it either directly under the window or on the right side of it.

Connecting an air conditioner with your own hands requires compliance with the basic requirements for installation and right choice device locations. Only if all these requirements are met, it is possible to guarantee the correct and durable operation of the split system.

Track length

When installing the system, you may encounter the problem of the length of the route. Its length should be calculated as accurately as possible for further maximum effective work conditioner.

Remember that after calculating the optimal length, you should add 50 centimeters to it. In this case, you can not be afraid to make installation with bends, without fear of damaging the integrity of the pipes.

The optimal length should not exceed 6 meters. If during the calculations it turned out to be much higher, it is recommended to change the layout and recalculate.

For any (both low and high) length of the route, it is imperative to mount the loop. It is necessary to suppress vibrations.

After calculating the length, you should purchase a kit for connecting the air conditioner. Its minimum length should correspond to approximately 1.5 meters.


For the procedure self installation you will need the following tools:

  • pressure gauge
  • Tester
  • Mains phase indicator
  • Perforator
  • Chisel for perforator with a diameter of 10 cm
  • Pump with vacuum system
  • Hand pump
  • Pipe cutter
  • Scouring
  • Flaring kit.

Installation process

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the process of installing and installing an air conditioner. It is necessary to follow the sequence of work, and it is also necessary to carry out electrical connection air conditioner in compliance with basic safety rules.

Outdoor unit installation

It is worth noting that independent work only allowed when installed on the first and second floors of buildings. At higher heights, you need to contact a specialist. An alternative would be to install outdoor unit on the loggias or balconies of the upper floors of buildings.

Installation of the external block does not require additional skills and does not cause difficulties in work. For optimal performance it is recommended to work in pairs.

  • First you need to choose a place for the brackets, install and secure them.
  • Then install the outdoor unit on the brackets and attach it.

Installing the indoor unit

The main steps for installing the unit indoors:

  • Determination of the optimal location
  • Installation of electrical wiring
  • Installation of a hole for communications
  • Pipeline laying
  • Connecting blocks
  • Checking the system for leaks
  • Establishing a vacuum inside the air conditioner
  • Filling the unit with refrigerant
  • Connecting the air conditioner to the mains
  • Carrying out the test operation of the air conditioner
  • Insulation of the harness passing between the blocks
  • Closing a hole in the wall.

Before carrying out the installation procedure, you should familiarize yourself with the basic requirements:

  1. It is forbidden to install the unit in places that obstruct the air flow (behind curtains and curtains)
  2. Installation above heating appliances is prohibited
  3. It is forbidden to install in rooms with a large number of electrical equipment that cause interference (for example, electrical appliances in the kitchen interfere with the operation of the air conditioner, so it is not advisable to install the indoor unit in this room)

Completing the installation

After completing the installation procedure, you should verify that the instrument is working properly. To do this, you must turn on the disconnector. The instrument will start in test mode. If this mode does not turn on by itself, you should turn it on using the control panel. If in this case it is impossible to enable the test mode, you should disconnect the device from the network and seek help from specialists.

If the air conditioner test system started and was successfully completed, it is worth paying attention to the air flow. If the apartment enters cold air, the blinds on the indoor unit have taken the optimal position and oscillate, which means that the installation and installation of the split systems were carried out correctly. You can start standard operation of the device.

In order for the air conditioner to work as long as possible, there are no malfunctions, you should constantly monitor the condition of the device, clean it, disinfect it and top up the freon refrigerant level in time. At the slightest malfunction in the system and a decrease in work efficiency, you should disconnect the device from the network and carry out its diagnostics.

The question of whether it is possible to install an air conditioner with your own hands disturbs the minds, especially the owners of brand new split systems, who have already managed to get acquainted with the prices for the installation of climate equipment. Indeed, numerous air conditioner installation companies rate their services quite highly, referring to the complexity of installation, the need to use expensive highly specialized equipment and the mandatory high qualification of specialists. You can't argue with the last statement. Only newly minted owners of air conditioners are still interested in the possibility of self-installation, firstly, as the prospect of real savings on payment for installation services (we are talking about a rather large amount), and secondly, as an opportunity to consolidate their own skills and learn something new. Is it possible to blame the desire of our man to get to the bottom of the issue in order to understand how to install the air conditioner on his own and do the installation himself, no worse than a real master? If the desire is accompanied by the ability to realistically assess the level of one's skills and capabilities, then there is no price for it! The information we have provided on how to properly install an air conditioner will help you realistically assess the amount of installation work and balance your skill level with the required one.

Before starting to study detailed instructions for installation, see the list necessary equipment.

Necessary tools and equipment

  1. Perforator with drills.
  2. Electric drill.
  3. Vacuum pump.
  4. Pipe cutter.
  5. Rolling.
  6. Reamer (beveler).
  7. Level.
  8. torque wrench.
  9. Manometric manifold.

Vacuum pump removes moisture and air from the system

locksmith tool to install air conditioners, it will also not be superfluous (pliers, screwdrivers, hammer, etc.)

Choosing a place for installation

When choosing an installation location for both indoor and outdoor units, consider following points: it is important to consider the possibility of free access to the device (for routine work on cleaning and replacing filters).

Consider also the shortest possible communication between the indoor and outdoor units (this is not so much a matter economic benefit from using less Supplies how much in reducing the efficiency of the entire system with an increase in the length of interunit communications). Do not place the indoor unit above a cabinet or tall furniture (obstructing the flow of cool air will cause the unit to work less efficiently). For the same reason, keep a minimum distance from the ceiling and walls (15 cm). Coordination of the installation of the air conditioner with the neighbors is also very desirable, in order to avoid misunderstandings in the future. The installation of an external unit does not create any special problems for residents of neighboring apartments, but it is very likely that someone may not like the noise of a running fan or dripping condensate. And the last point, the most obvious - the flow of cold air should not create discomfort for people in the room, so consider the direction of the air flow during installation. After the block locations are determined, we proceed to installation work.

  • installation of the indoor unit;
  • fixing the outdoor unit;
  • drilling a channel in the wall;
  • laying and connection of connecting communications;
  • circuit evacuation;
  • connecting the air conditioner to the mains;
  • system start.

Installing the indoor unit correctly

The indoor unit of the split system is mounted on a special plate supplied with the device. To ensure reliable operation of the unit and prevent condensation from flowing out of it later, it is very important to fix the plate evenly. Therefore, to determine a strict horizontal when marking, you must use the level. In the marked places, dowels are driven into the holes previously drilled with a perforator. Then, using self-tapping screws screwed into the dowels, we fasten the mounting plate and install the indoor unit on it.

A mounting plate is attached at the installation site of the indoor unit

Installing the outdoor unit

The outdoor unit is placed on pre-installed brackets outside the building, usually under or to the side of a window for ease of maintenance. For effective airflow, the distance from the block to the wall must be at least 10cm. If it is not possible to fix the brackets from the window, then for the work you will need to rent an aerial platform or use the services of climbers.

Interblock communications - how to do it?

A hole in the wall for the passage of communications is drilled using a perforator with a drill with a diameter of 4-5 cm. If the inter-block route includes a drainage pipe for draining condensate, then the channel must be made with a slope (5-10 degrees towards the street). It is advisable to hide the section of the route from the indoor unit to the point of entry into the wall in the wall. When chasing, a lot of dust is generated, so if repairs have already been made in the room, then it is better to lay the track outside, subsequently closing it with a decorative box.

Interconnect communications can be hidden in a decorative plastic case

The inter-unit communication route includes copper tubes of the freon line, power supply and equipment control wires, as well as a drainage pipeline (according to the rules, condensate from the indoor unit must be discharged into the sewer, but many simply take it outside). The required length of wiring and pipelines is determined by measuring the total length of the route (plus a small margin of 30-50 cm).

To cut copper pipes, it is necessary to use a pipe cutter, and not a grinder or a hacksaw, in order to avoid the formation of sawdust, which can subsequently lead to a breakdown of the air conditioner. Before installation, the pipelines are placed in a heat-insulating shell; to prevent debris from getting inside, the openings of the pipeline are closed plastic stoppers. All components of the track are stacked together, rewound with vinyl tape, after which the track is installed in place.

After laying the inter-unit communications, they begin to connect the wires and the freon line. The installation manual for the air conditioner must contain a wiring diagram, which must be followed in the work.

The length of the tubes is adjusted (cut off right size), then you need to remove the burrs (we chamfer with a reamer). After threading the nut, each end of the tubes is flared by rolling. Then the edges are connected to the fittings of the indoor and outdoor units, tightening the nuts with a torque wrench (the connections must be absolutely tight).

After checking the tightness, air is removed from the line using a vacuum pump, the gauge manifold makes it possible to control the pressure

Having finished connecting the route, they check the tightness of the line and “vacuum” it (remove moisture and air) using a vacuum pump. To do this, through the gauge manifold to the service port of the outdoor unit, connect Vacuum pump, which, pumping air out of the system, creates a vacuum in it. This process lasts about 20 minutes (depending on the volume of the circuit). After the pump is turned off, the pressure change is observed for half an hour, if the pressure gauge needle does not deviate, then the system is tight. Only after a thorough check of the tightness is it possible to open the taps of the outdoor unit and fill the circuit with freon. Attention, freon leakage can cause damage to the compressor, but the extremely harmful effect of freon on the human body is more important.

So, the system is assembled and filled with refrigerant, it remains to connect the air conditioner to the mains and check its operation. The connection diagram of the air conditioner is simple, for most household split systems, the power supply is connected to the indoor unit, for this you just need to connect an outlet to it.

Now you have a general idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow to install an air conditioner with your own hands. It was about the installation of a split system, as the most efficient type of household air conditioners. The video instruction below will help you figure out how to install the air conditioner.

Installation of a mobile air conditioner does not require the intervention of highly qualified specialists: it is only necessary to place the device within 2 m from the window (to remove hot air), and then connect it to the network.

Air conditioners are the most demanded equipment in the hot season. That is why they are widely used in offices, houses, apartments, etc. Air conditioning systems are characterized by the complexity of installation, so users often turn to specialists for help. If you understand the circuit, then you can make a connection.

Installation of the indoor and outdoor unit

In order to ensure high level performance of air conditioning systems, it is important to correctly install the indoor and outdoor units. Installation of the internal block is carried out on special plates which are delivered in a set.

The mounting plate is fixed at the installation site of the indoor unit of the air conditioning system. In order to ensure reliable operation of the unit and prevent condensate from escaping, it is necessary to fix the plates correctly. First, mark the locations of the holes in the plate on the wall and drill holes with a puncher. They install dowels. Mounting plate fastened to the wall by screwing screws into the dowels. The final stage is the installation of the indoor unit on the plate.

The outdoor unit is installed from the outside of the building. To ensure ease of maintenance, the mount is made on the side of the window or under it. The connection of the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is carried out using a special device that is supplied in the kit.

IMPORTANT! In order to ensure the efficient operation of the unit, installation is carried out at a distance of 10 centimeters from the wall.

Features of connecting the track

Many people ask how to connect the air conditioner with your own hands. Doing it yourself is quite simple - you just need to know the wiring diagram for the air conditioner. The route plays an important role in it, which consists of:

  • drainage pipeline;
  • power wires;
  • equipment management;
  • freon line.

Connecting the air conditioner to the mains requires measuring the length of the route. To this indicator add 30-50 centimeters. Initially, copper tubes are wired, which are cut with a pipe cutter.

Attention! When laying copper pipes, it is strictly forbidden to use a hacksaw or grinder to cut them. This is due to the fact that in the process of cutting with such tools, chips appear, the entry of which into the air conditioning system leads to its breakdown.

Connecting the air conditioner requires placing pipelines in a thermal insulation shell before installation, and the holes are closed with plugs to prevent dust from penetrating inside. All components of the track are folded together and fastened with vinyl tape. The next step is to put the track in place.

After the communications are laid, they begin to connect the freon line and electrical wiring. You can independently connect the air conditioner to the mains - the diagram is attached in the kit. It shows in detail how to connect the air conditioner to the mains.

IMPORTANT! During installation electrical system all actions must be performed strictly according to the scheme. Otherwise, the air conditioner may burn out when first turned on due to a short circuit.

The next stage of installation is to adjust the length of the tubes and remove burrs. For this purpose, a primer is used. The nut is threaded and each end of the tubes is flared. Then, we connect the ends of the tubes to the fittings of the indoor and outdoor units. Using a torque wrench, tighten the nuts as efficiently as possible.

WARNING! If the nuts are not tightened enough, they will loosen a little over time, which will negatively affect the operation of the air conditioning system.

After connecting the route, its tightness is checked. On the video you can see the technology of leak testing. Next, remove moisture and air from the system. For this purpose, a vacuum pump is used. Connect it to the service port of the outdoor unit through a manometric corrector. Pumping out air and moisture should be carried out within half an hour. The next step is to fill the circuit with freon.

Warning! In the absence of tightness of the route, freon leakage may occur - common cause breakdowns in air conditioning systems. The air conditioning compressor connection diagram will show how to hermetically connect the route.

Features of connecting compressors

Let us consider in detail how to connect the compressor from the bk 1500 air conditioner. The connection is made taking into account:

  • features of the compressor itself;
  • voltage used by the air conditioning system;
  • power of air conditioning systems.

The air conditioning compressor starts in a few seconds.

Scheme of work

Connecting an air conditioning compressor is a simple task. Any of the two outputs of the compressor are connected to the mains. A terminal is connected from the third output. Wiring is connected to the second output. We complete the connection of the compressor, check the level of its performance. To do this, the air conditioning system is switched on for several minutes and the degree of heating of the compressor is determined.

Attention! If the compressor heats up strongly and quickly, then this indicates poor wiring. To correct problems, it is interchanged at the compressor outlet.

Automotive air conditioning systems are different from stationary ones. Therefore, when installing them, the Panasonic air conditioner connection scheme for Lada Granta is used. Proper connection of air conditioning systems in vehicle will guarantee its excellent performance.

Example of connecting air conditioning systems

Connecting a mobile air conditioner is carried out in the same sequence as a stationary one. Do-it-yourself connection to the mains is carried out in several stages. Initially, a separate machine designed for the air conditioner is installed in the electrical panel. Next, the phase wire of a three-core cable, which has a black or brown color, is connected to the phase terminal of the machine. The blue cable wire is connected to the neutral bus of the electrical panel. A yellow-green wire, if any, is attached to the ground wire of the electrical wiring.

IMPORTANT! The electrical wiring must be connected correctly. Otherwise, you can lead the air conditioning system to serious damage or complete failure.

In the absence of grounding, they are used to protect against damage electric shock differential relay. If you do not know how to connect the air conditioner with your own hands, the video will tell you about it. With it, you can also learn about the features of connecting a diffuse relay.

If you want to know how to connect floor air conditioner, then you need to initially install its indoor unit. For this purpose, a three-phase cable with three wires of different colors is used:

  • black;
  • blue
  • green.

Sometimes the color of one wire can be yellow-green. The wiring diagram for connecting the air conditioner will tell you in detail about the installation of the indoor unit. The wire, characterized by the presence of a black braid and coming from the machine, is connected to the L-terminal. The wires coming from the switchboard and having a blue color are connected to the N-terminal. In the indoor unit of the device, the yellow-green wiring is connected to the terminal mass. The wiring diagram for the Kalina air conditioner shows exactly the same installation of air conditioning systems.

Attention! Connecting the external unit of air conditioning systems is carried out according to the same scheme. When installing the outdoor unit, wiring with a cross section of 3x2.5 mm is used.

An output automaton is being installed for the load current in the electrical panel. When carrying out the installation of electrical wiring, special tubes are used. If electrical wiring it is laid together with drainage or near places where freon flows, then a corrugated tube is used.

It is quite possible to connect the air conditioning system with your own hands. To do this, you must study the instructions and perform all actions in strict accordance with it.

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We all want to make our home as comfortable as possible. One measure of comfort is temperature regime. Air conditioning will help us maintain the desired temperature in the house.

The air conditioner connection diagram is of interest to many, as they are often installed in houses and apartments, as well as in offices, shopping and entertainment complexes and other institutions. Therefore, today we dedicate our article to such a topic as connecting an air conditioner with our own hands. In it, we will tell you how to connect the air conditioner from the outlet, and also consider connecting the split system directly.

As always, we remind you that work related to electrical installation should only be carried out in compliance with safety regulations. It should also be noted that the connection of the air conditioner to the mains must be made in accordance with the connection diagram (it is available in the passport of the electrical appliance).

How to connect the air conditioner from the outlet

To connect a stationary or mobile air conditioner from a socket we will need:

Power cable with 3 copper conductors with a cross section of 2.5 mm² (for example, a cable manufactured by Cable-Arsenal LLC). The product of this plant has the following color marking of cores: white, blue, yellow-green (w / w);
. socket type SCHUKO with earthing contact;
. three-core PVA wire with a cross section of 1.5 mm² and a plug (if a connecting wire is not supplied with the air conditioner). For these purposes, the wire of Cable Arsenal LLC is suitable - 3x1.5-0.38 with such color coding lived: brown, blue and yellow-green (w / w);
. circuit breaker(if not previously installed in the housing panel).

In a pre-prepared gate from the shield to the junction box, we lay the VVG cable so that the end of the cable in it has a length reserve for reconnection.

Please note that it is recommended to install the socket at a height convenient for operation.

After laying and fixing the cable, we perform it in the shield connection in the following sequence:

Lived with insulation white color- free terminal of the machine;
. blue core - free terminal of the zero bus;
. vein w / w colors - any terminal of the ground bus.

After laying the cables, perform Finishing work and proceed to the installation of electrical accessories. In the mounting box, we clean the cable and we make the connection of the socket:

Veins of white and blue flowers- outer terminals of the socket;
. core w / w colors - central terminal marked "PE" or.

If there is no connecting wire included with the air conditioner, then we take the PVA wire, measure the required length and proceed to install the plug. To do this, we unwind it, pass the wire into a special hole in the case, clean it, terminate the stranded wires and connect:

Cores with brown and blue insulation - to the extreme bolted connections of the plug;
. yellow-green core - to the central bolted connection of the plug with the marking.

After making the connection, we fix the wire with a special bracket and assemble the plug.

Having unplugged the plug, we proceed to connect the air conditioner. First you need to remove (raise) the panel, unscrew the screws holding the cover of the terminal box of the air conditioner, and remove it. We pass the second end of the wire through a special hole, clean it, terminate the stranded wires and

Core with insulation Brown- to terminal "L";
. blue wire - to terminal "N";
. yellow-green core - to the terminal with the sign or marking "PE".

Direct air conditioner connection

Now consider how to connect the air conditioner to the mains directly. To connect the air conditioner in this way, you must use the same cable as in the previous connection option.

We lay it in a pre-prepared strobe to the intended installation site of the indoor unit of the air conditioner. In this case, the end of the cable must have a margin of length for reconnection. After laying and fixing the cable, we connect it in the shield in the same way as the previous version.

After that, work is carried out on laying communications for connecting the outdoor unit and finishing work. Next, the installation and connection of the outdoor and indoor units of the air conditioner is carried out. When installing the indoor unit, remove the front panel, unscrew the screws holding the terminal box cover, and take it out. We pass the end of the cable through a special hole, clean it and connect to a special terminal block:

Core with white insulation - terminal "L";
. blue core - terminal "N";
. yellow-green core - terminal with the sign or marking "PE".

We close the cover, fasten the screws, and then close the panel.

So, we have completed the connection of the air conditioner to the mains. you also can watch our video, which shows in detail how to connect the air conditioner with your own hands.

How to connect an air conditioner

When users ask this question, they can mean two different meanings:

  1. How to connect an air conditioner or how to connect split system units to each other;
  2. How to connect the air conditioner to the mains.

You need to know that there is an "interblock" connection of wires and a "power" connection of the device. In this article, we will explore both of these issues.

Answer to the first question:

In addition to the fact that the blocks must be correctly positioned and fixed, it is also necessary to correctly connect them together. In general terms, for a split system to work, you need:

  1. Bring the drainage where required (most often to the street, very rarely to the sewer). The indoor unit has drainage outlet, which needs to be "built up" and brought out along with the main communications;
  2. Connect power to the desired unit (this will be the answer to the second question);
  3. Connect the two blocks with communications. Let's look at this in more detail below.

What communications are meant, and what needs to be connected specifically.:

  • thin copper tube(in thermoflex);
  • thick copper tube (in thermoflex);
  • interconnect cable. Most often it is a five-core cable. The essence of its connection is to connect the wires to the external unit to the same terminals as to the internal unit. Usually in the instructions for the air conditioner there is detailed description. The figure below shows the wiring of one air conditioner;

  • rarely comes with air conditioning additional interblock (two-core) wire. It will also need to be connected accordingly.

Answer to the second question:

There are two main ways to connect the air conditioner to the mains

  • plug into a socket. In this way, small domestic air conditioners with a cooling capacity of up to 4 kW are connected. Do not plug other electrical appliances into the same socket;
  • through the machine. Air conditioners with a cooling capacity of more than 4 kW must be connected via an automatic machine. And also all inverter air conditioners it is desirable to connect also through the machine, so that the phasing is observed.

Inverter air conditioners most often have a network connection to an external unit. Air conditioners on / off (non-inverter) are most often connected to the network through an indoor unit. In this case, the indoor unit may have a wire with or without a plug. The wire has three cores - yellow-green ("ground"), blue ("zero"), brown ("phase").

The figure shows the connection of the outdoor unit. The left block is an "interblock" connection (4 wires in this case). The three-phase power supply of the air conditioner is connected to the right block (power supply).

Important for all air conditioners: If the indoor unit of the split system does not have a wire with a plug, then when connecting the power (to the desired unit), phasing must be observed. The neutral wire must be connected to the "N" terminal, and the phase to the "L" or "P" terminal.