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How to make a witch's table in Minecraft. How to improve your equipment to the maximum in Minecraft. "Minecraft" as an element of popular culture

Greetings to all minecrafters, great magicians and aspiring wizards of our mysterious world of minecraft. Today, my friends, we will tell you the great secret of sketching things in Minecraft. By the way, the correct word is not “scratching”, but “enchanting”, we specifically wrote that :)

Why do you need an enchanting table?

So, my friends, why make an enchanting table and what is it in minecraft? You probably already guessed by the title: we are talking about magic. That is, about the possibility of improving the characteristics of our items with the help of spells.

How to create an enchantment table

So my friends, how do you make an enchanting table?

To make an enchantment table, we will need: two diamonds, four obsidians and a book, which will also have to be made in advance. I would like to note that crafting is not easy in terms of the materials needed for this. But more on this a little later, dear friends.

If we have all the necessary items, we lay them out on the workbench as shown in the picture:

And we get to use a beautiful block, unlike the others, whose height is only three quarters of the usual one. There is always a closed book on it, or rather not standing, but slowly rotating. And when we get closer to the table, the book opens and the pages begin to move.

What is needed for crafting

Now a little about the materials needed to create a witchcraft table: how you can get them or make them. I must say that they are expensive and very difficult to obtain. Yes, my friends, practicing magic in minecraft is not easy and expensive, but it is worth it.


You will have to go down into the mines to get diamonds. Where lava is deep and already found, rich diamond deposits are quite common. You must have a pickaxe, at least an iron one. Yes, I almost forgot, take more torches with you, my friends.


Now that you have mined diamonds, you must make a diamond pickaxe and go with it for obsidian. Since obsidian is the most durable material in Minecraft, it cannot be destroyed by any other tool. And in order to extract it, you will first need to fill the lava with water: some natural phenomenon will occur, as a result of which obsidian will appear. But this must be done carefully, friends, so as not to fall into the lake of fire.


The book, my friends, we will not have to mine, but make it on a workbench from leather and paper. We get leather by killing cows in the area, and for paper we need to chop reeds and lay them out on a workbench.

What is a bookcase for?

Why make a bookcase as well, and not immediately start enchanting things? The fact is that lockers enhance enchantment. So be patient, dear friends, just a little more, and we will have everything ready for enchantment. I warned you: magic in minecraft is a complex matter and does not tolerate fuss.

To make a locker, we will need boards and books that we have already crafted. We arrange them as in the picture and the cabinet is ready.

How to enchant things

Finally, my friends, we have completed all the preparations and can now proceed directly to the enchanting processes. How enchantment occurs and how to carry out this witchcraft ritual as efficiently as possible. What do you need to receive best characteristics items that can be enchanted, such as armor, weapons, tools and books.

How to get maximum effect

In order for our enchantment to give the maximum result, that is, several effects with high levels, instead of one, some conditions must be met. Such is the will of the chief magician of our great world of minecraft.

So, my friends, don’t worry, these conditions are not at all scary and you can easily fulfill them. We need to build small room, where the walls will be made of cabinets, the floor and ceiling may not be made of them. There must be at least 15 lockers, and previously, before option 12w23a, 30 were required. They should be located so that the table is in the center, at a distance of one block from them.

Before you start enchanting, you need to gain a certain amount of experience, since each enchantment will “take away” thirty units of experience from you. It can be obtained by killing monsters, as well as other, more harmless animals, mining ore, smelting it, creating farms for animals, and fishing. In a word, doing everything you need to survive in our harsh world of minecraft. And with option 12w21a, you have the opportunity to buy a potion in the village that will give you a certain amount of experience.

The actual process of drinking glass

Now, my friends, after long and difficult preparations, the long-awaited moment has come: we begin the mysterious ritual of enchantment. To do this, we approach the table, and the magic book itself opens. Right-click on the book and its menu opens:

The process of drinking glass itself is not complicated, but it requires patience and a little luck. You need to put the object that needs to be enchanted in the square under the book, and some mysterious magical writings appear. Don't be scared, friends, it's just a galactic alphabet, don't pay attention to it and look at the green numbers. They show the “price” in experience units that we must pay for the glass. The higher the “price”, the better the performance of the glass will be.

Place the item on the enchanting table. Some items are more likely to receive high-level enchantments than others. There is also an element of randomness involved, so there are no guarantees, but remember the following:

  • Highest chances of enchantment high level have gold items, but due to their low durability, enchanting them is not so profitable, of course, if you don’t mind the extra experience. The same goes for wooden instruments and leather armor, but their enchantment level will be much worse than that of gold items.
  • Enchanting iron swords and tools is slightly better than diamond ones. However, diamond armor is still superior to iron armor.

Place the lapis lazuli in the second cell. In version 1.8, all enchantments require lapis lazuli. If you want to enchant an item to the maximum (lower enchantment slot), then each enchantment will require 3 lapis lazuli from you.

Hover your mouse over the item. In version 1.8, the ability to view enchantments before selecting them was added. To do this, just hover your mouse over the charm. You are guaranteed to receive these enchantments, and if you are lucky, three or more.

  • Enchant an item to reset enchantment options. You will not be able to change the available enchantment options without selecting one of them. However, these three enhancements will be different for each item, and if you enchant one of the items, you will reset these enhancements for all items at once. For example, if you don't like sword enchantments, look at the available enchantments for bows, tools, armor, or fishing rods. If you enchant one of these items, you will see that enchanting the sword has new enchantments.

    • If you find all upgrade options useless, then choose the cheapest (top) enchantment to spend only 1 level and 1 lapis lazuli. Use the book to add an enchantment to an item on an anvil, as described below.
  • Upgrade an enchanted item using an anvil. To craft an anvil, you will need three iron blocks (top row) and four iron ingots (bottom row and center cell). Among other things, at the anvil you can combine enchanted objects and transfer enchantments from books to them, paying for it with your experience. Here's how it works:

    • Books have a poor chance of getting a good enchantment, but they can be combined with any other item at an anvil.
    • At the anvil, you can combine two identical items (by material and type) to restore strength and combine enchantments.
    • Before combining enchanted items, make sure their enchantments are compatible. (See section "Warnings"). If the enchantments are not compatible, then the enchantment on the second item will be lost.
  • Minecraft game- a real find for lovers of various magical things. Here you can create a wide variety of magical equipment that will make game process really rich and dynamic. The main item for creating magical things is the enchantment table. In this article we will talk about all the features of this device and we'll tell you how to make an enchantment in Minecraft.

    What is an enchantment table?

    Before deciding to build a table for this purpose, it would be nice to understand what it is. As the name implies, the enchantment is intended to enchant various objects in Minecraft. Such things will be a valuable acquisition for any player. They will find use both in combat and in simple everyday crafting of things.

    How to make a charming table

    In order to create an enchantment, you need to stock up on the appropriate set of ingredients. For this we will need: two diamonds, four obsidians and a book made by ourselves. Those who already have experience playing Minecraft will probably notice that these ingredients are not so easy to obtain. Yes, the creation process itself is complex and time-consuming. But the results are worth the time spent.

    Do you already have the necessary components? Well, let's start crafting, the climax of which will be enough original table for enchanting objects. The enchantment itself takes up a little less area than an ordinary ¼ block. There is a book on the table, which is turned over every now and then. When the character approaches the table, the book begins to open and its pages begin to move. This mesmerizing spectacle will not leave any player indifferent.

    Material base for creating a table

    You already know what to find necessary ingredients It's hard enough. This is quite understandable due to the game plot. Magic has never been easy or simple. Therefore, you will have to put in a lot of effort. We will tell you where to find the necessary elements to create an enchantment.


    Naturally, diamonds are mined in mines. It is logical that in order to find these ingredients, it is worth going into these quarries. Diamonds are placed in underground lava areas. To get them you will have to work with a special pickaxe. Also, don't forget about torches. Take them with you, as there is no lighting in the mines.


    Got the diamonds? Craft them into a pickaxe. It is extremely necessary in order to obtain obsidian. The material itself is so durable that it is not possible to work with them without the above equipment. Take a bucket full of water and use it to extinguish a small area of ​​lava. Obsidian can be obtained from the resulting mixture.


    To get the book, you need to get leather and a few pages of paper. To get the first ingredient, you need to kill several cows.

    Enchanting Items


    Let's move on directly to the witchcraft processes. If you are lucky enough to see the enchanting tables of more experienced players, you will probably notice that they are almost surrounded by bookcases on all sides. There is absolutely nothing strange about this: these items multiply the effectiveness of bewitching things. Therefore, it will be quite rational to create several such items, for which it is worth stocking up on boards and books. We place them on the board in the required order. Voila: crafting has begun! Try to create as many of the indicated items as possible.

    Sword Upgrade

    Now let's move on to the process that many players from all over the world dream about: enchanting a sword. In order to be able to gain several times more experience, you can try to engage in battle with mobs. In order not to get hurt in such a difficult battle, you can use weapons of this type. Place an ordinary sword on the table in one of the empty cells. Several will appear on the screen available options to enchant weapons. You should choose the one that best suits the level of experience earned. Taking into account nearby bookcases, the weapon will be enchanted several times stronger.

    As you can see, creating and using an enchantment table is not that difficult. Just be patient, and the gameplay will reward you handsomely.

    Minecraft is a game in which crafting is most gameplay. You can create a huge number of items, so it’s difficult to remember all the recipes. This article describes in detail the recipe for creating an enchanting table.

    This device is used to improve tools, giving them unusual abilities, for example, mining ore instead of precious stones or increasing efficiency.

    So, below is a diagram of how to make an enchantment table in . It is done on a workbench. To create you will need:

    • 2 diamonds.
    • 4 obsidians.
    • 1 book.

    The list is small, but the items are quite rare, so we’ll figure out how to get them.


    The first thing that will need to be mined is diamonds, because... Without them you won't be able to get obsidian. But you will need not two stones, but 5. The extra three will be needed for the pickaxe. They can only be mined with an iron pickaxe, and cannot be found everywhere.

    There is an exact height of diamonds relative to the lowest blocks - the bedrock layer. Jewels appear on 1-15. To find out the height at which the character is now, you need to press the F3 key.

    There will be many different lines in the upper left corner, including coordinates. The position of the character in line y. The position of the feet is written on the line, and the value of where the eyes are located is indicated in parentheses. The best coordinates for ore mining are 5 and 12.

    Redstone is often found at the required heights, so if this dust is encountered in a deep mine, then diamonds may also be nearby. Ore often forms under lava lakes, even more often than usual, although getting the desired stone from there is problematic.

    In addition to generation in open mines, the desired stones can be found in forges and temples, as well as in an abandoned mine. The probability of being in chests is not very high, only about 15%.


    After mining the stones, you can move on to the next ingredient - obsidian. To begin with, you need to create a pickaxe on a workbench from three diamonds and two sticks. To do this, the diamonds are placed at the top in a horizontal line, and the sticks are placed in a column in the middle, not counting the top slot.

    In order for obsidian to form, you need to pour water into the lava, not vice versa. If you pour in the reverse order, you will get a regular cobblestone. Then it is dug out only with a diamond pickaxe. The process is long, but only 4 are required. If you dig up this resource with any other tools, it simply will not fall out.

    In addition, in the blacksmith's house in the village you can look into the chest - there is a high probability of finding several of the desired blocks there. All! you can make the last ingredient.


    For the book, it is important to obtain 3 sheets of paper and one leather, and then combine them on the workbench as shown below. Paper is made from three sugar canes, which can be found in any biome near water, usually on sand.

    The skin falls out of cows and horses. Books can also be found in the village from librarians; their houses have many shelves. The fortress also has a huge library containing hundreds of bookshelves.

    How to make an enchantment table in Minecraft

    The effectiveness of enchantment can be increased. The fact is that initially the maximum level of enchantment available for use is 5. But it can be increased to 30. To do this, at a distance of 1 block, bookshelves are placed in several layers until the level reaches 30, while flying from the shelves symbols.

    To make a bookshelf, you should lay out three books horizontally in the middle, then put any boards in the remaining fields on the workbench. By the way, you will need quite a few of them, and reed is sometimes difficult to find, so it will be useful to create a farm nearby.

    IN open table a tool, weapon, armor and apple are placed in an empty slot. As soon as a valid object is placed in the slot, spells appear in the panel on the right. Enchanting anything requires experience.

    It is displayed on the bottom panel and is obtained by killing mobs, mining coal, other ores and jewelry, and smelting ores into metals. The more the experience scale is filled, the higher the level of available enchantments. When choosing a spell, the required player experience is spent.

    There are several types of enchantments. For tools there is luck, efficiency, silk touch and durability. For weapons, these are sharpness, heavenly punishment, death of insects, knockback, recoil, fire spell, prey.

    For the bow there is also infinity. The armor can gain protection, fire resistance, explosion resistance, projectile protection, weightlessness, and also spikes. However, the number of enchantments depends on the version of the game.


    When you open the enchantment table, the first thing that catches your eye is the strange symbols. And this is not a bug or an error, but letters of the galactic alphabet. The game's creator, Notch, specifically wrote enchantments in this language. The player learns what the item is enchanting only after this - the level and name of the spell are displayed in the inventory.

    Sometimes it’s annoying that you can’t understand what an item is enchanted for, and instead of a strong pickaxe enchanted for good luck, you get a useless tool with silk touch.

    Clever people have also created a modification that returns the symbols back to legible language. By the way, starting from version 1.8, when you hover over a charm, its name is displayed in regular letters.

    Another way to enchant an item without blindly is to use enchanted books. They are not easy to find, and to use you only need an anvil, but your experience will not be wasted.

    And lastly, if it needs to be moved for some reason to another place, then you should not break it with your hand. A block only drops if you break it with a pickaxe. In this case, you can use this tool from any material - the object will fall out, even if you break it with a wooden pick.

    If you have already acquired diamond armor, have the most durable diamond sword in your arsenal of the pixel world, but feel that something is missing, it’s time to start enchanting your items.

    What you need to create an enchantment table in Minecraft

    First of all, let's take a look at the required ingredients:

    • book;
    • four blocks of obsidian;
    • two diamonds.

    Creating a book for the enchantment table in Minecraft

    For this we need three units of paper and leather. The latter easily falls out of the cow: we find a small herd in the nearest meadow and use a pickaxe/sword/hand/axe to kill the animal, taking a unit of raw meat and skin.

    To obtain paper we will have to put in a little more effort, because we will need sugar cane. You can only stumble upon it near bodies of water. Using scissors, we cut several units of sugar cane from one plant. Next, on the workbench, from three units of reed, we create one unit of paper and so on three times. You can leave the remains unused for crafting (creating) paper for your garden, because reed is quite beautiful plant in the Minecraft universe.

    Mining obsidian for the enchanting table in Minecraft

    It’s worth remembering right away: you can only mine obsidian with a diamond pickaxe, so stock up well on equipment and provisions before going into the mine. Finding it is quite simple, but takes a long time. Look for this merging of water sources and lava together, they form obsidian. To prevent your character from burning in the lava, you should take several buckets with you and scoop up the source of the lava, from which the entire flow comes; it will not be difficult to notice it. Blocks of earth or cobblestones will also come in handy: you can use them to protect yourself in case of danger. When you are sure that the character is not in danger, start collecting obsidian.

    How to collect diamonds for the enchantment table in Minecraft

    Perhaps the most expensive and rare ore in the game. To extract it, you will have to go around many mines to the very bottom. Please contact Special attention to treasures that are hidden in places with greenish cobblestones. Of course, you can stumble upon diamond ore completely by accident without digging deep, but this is rare. You can only break it with an iron pickaxe, so make sure you have one in advance. By the way, if searching for diamonds is too tedious for you, you can simply buy them from other players or exchange them for something of equal value.

    The process of creating an enchantment table in Minecraft

    So, you have collected all the necessary items. Now it's a small matter, just follow the instructions:

    • go to the workbench and right-click on it;
    • into the window that opens, drag the book, four obsidian blocks and two diamonds exactly as shown in the screenshot below;
    • A small enchantment table icon will appear on the right, grab it with your mouse and drag it to your inventory. Ready!

    The secret to enhancing spells in Minecraft

    If you place a table next to bookshelves– all enchants will be strengthened! The more shelves, the better. To do this, create fifteen bookshelf blocks:

    • craft books, more books. You already know how to do this;
    • Use wood blocks to create plank blocks. This is easy enough to do by simply placing the wood in the window of the workbench;
    • arrange the objects in this way: three blocks of boards on top, three units of books in the middle, and again three blocks of boards below;
    • drag the finished shelf into your inventory. Create fifteen of these shelves.

    • Why exactly fifteen? The answer is simple: this way your spells will be maximally strengthened, because bonuses to their strength go for each shelf, but it is considered no more than fifteen. Arrange the shelves around the enchanting table as follows:

    If chaotic letters appear around the table, you’ve succeeded! Do not forget that you cannot place anything between the enchantment table and the bookshelves, not even glass and a torch. Otherwise, the bonus to spell power will be lost.

    Now you are ready to equip your character with improved armor and weapons, create enchants and safely visit the deepest mines of the game world. To better understand the sequence of actions, read the instructions in the video below.