Well      04/21/2021

Earn money on VKontakte doorways quickly. We create passive income on VKontakte doorways. Passive income on VKontakte doorways

Author's scheme.

Course program

1. What are VK doorways? - 10 examples from different niches
2. 4 strategies for making money on doorways
3. Looking for keywords. competitor and niche analysis
4. Select an affiliate program and offers. secrets of choosing delicious offers
5. We do split testing of offers. How to analyze your results
6. We squeeze the niche to the maximum. How much can we earn from one niche?
7. Creation and promotion of a group or network of groups
7-1. Where to get accounts
7-2. how many groups to use per account
7-3. review of promotion services. proven services and 2 secret tricks of working with them with savings of up to 50%
7-4. Limits on promotion.
8. 3 ways to promote the grid. business plan and savings of up to 200% due to mass production
9. How to competently manage the entire network and watch its progress
10. How to get to the top search results
11. What keywords to use in the title. Save 5 times on proper placement of keys
12. Filling out doorways
12-1. Where to get pictures and descriptions
12-2. Secrets of link randomization. How to avoid getting a mass ban from the entire network
12-3. 3 ways to bypass a ban
13. Tips for working with competitors, scaling and automation
13-1. We burn groups - competitors. We evaluate the profitability of a niche
13-2. We put group creation and filling on autopilot. What software to use
13-3. We receive additional traffic from creators’ accounts and transfer it to affiliate programs
13-4. Scaling to other networks. Is there money there? Scaling to burzhenet

1. Doorways for YouTube
2. 3 ways to find new niches

Bonus - 2
1. Creating doorways for business. Case study on how to earn 5,000-10,000 rubles in 1 hour
2. Author's thoughts. where to move and where to grow - something that 99% of courses will not tell you.
3. Should you be afraid of competition or why EVERYONE can earn money and the topic will NEVER die.

From the author

Why this price?

6500 rubles is very cheap. Go to telderi.ru - a site with an income of 2,000 rubles per month costs 60,000 rubles.
I immediately suggest you beat this income for 100 bucks. on practice.

Can anyone make money?

My little sister is 15 years old. Even she earns. not much but he earns. asks to teach - I’ve released a course, I think she’ll take a look and increase her profits significantly

How much can a beginner really earn?

When I started it was 200 bucks a week. Yes, I'm stuck. Yes, it happened the first time. This is an isolated case, I don’t know why I shot. maybe because I didn’t leave the house for 3 weeks and sat in jail

The topic will not die?

I have no idea. I think 100 people will not make VK richer or poorer. technologies can be used in any social sphere. In addition to VK, I use 2 more social networks, and everything is fine there, just like in VK

Can the theme be scaled and automated?

You can scale by the number of social networks that exist in the world and by the number of niches in all social networks. In short, you definitely won’t have time to do everything in your lifetime.

You can partially automate using a Zennoposter or Zenobox.

The scheme is simple - you create a group, promote it - you get money constantly. I give you 4 strategies for making money, choose any you like

How quickly can you earn money?

After you make 50-100 groups, you can easily earn money on the first day. Yesterday, a conversion of 1000+ rubles dropped from a new grid created a week ago. The investment has already paid off - it will only be a plus

Do you provide methods for bypassing the anti-ban and everything else?

Everything I know and I give

I don’t surf the Internet at all, I’m a complete newbie, can I figure it out?

Half a year ago I didn’t know how to redirect from a blogspot to an affiliate program. I figured it out, so can you. I tried to explain everything in as much detail as possible

I’m already making money on VK doorways, what can you tell me new?

What I’m giving is something you definitely haven’t seen. Or fragments of what I give. More precisely, it didn’t even occur to you

Do you need any start-up investments?

1000-2000 rubles is quite enough. The topic does not depend on how much you invest. depends only on the brain. You can invest 200 rubles and get 2000, that’s how everything is already arranged

What's included in the course?

All my work. no more details. you will get a complete picture of how to earn money here from ear to toe

White theme?

Couldn't be whiter

I have already watched similar courses - it seemed to me that it was not clear, I did not understand what was what?

Remember how you started walking as a child. you fell, you got up, you made a lot of mistakes. It never once occurred to you that walking is not your thing. Over time, you have lost focus and are now afraid that you will suddenly take a step and stumble. in fact, you need to walk more often in order to run over time, the main desire

A small article for beginners webmasters about how you can, without starting capital even for a domain with hosting, start making money on the Internet by driving traffic from search or VK itself to partner sites. Simply, after the release and articles in the blogosphere on traffic arbitrage, the most popular question became: how to start making money without an initial capital of $10.

I don’t know how old the “topic” is already. I came across it either in 2011 or 2012. But I didn’t use it because I don’t have the proper technical skills. And if you take someone as a share, you will 100% be left without money. Why did you decide to write now? I recently received a newsletter from the forum, and this was one of the topics discussed. In general, it’s funny to watch how people “discover” the same thing year after year. 🙂 For some reason this especially applies to doorways. Well, lyrics aside, let's get down to business.

To start

Search engines love social networks, there’s nothing you can do about it. Sometimes, even for a competitive request, a VK group or public page may be in the top. Examples? You can look at a couple of requests yourself. Well, if you are so lazy, here’s your finger in the sky:

VK is in third place. If so, let's take advantage of it!

Step 1: select keywords

Based on where we will direct the traffic. Everything is limited only by your imagination. You can take the online store “All T-shirts” and collect keys like “Superman T-shirt” or “cool T-shirt”. You can take the global giant Aliexpress and select keywords for any of the presented product categories. You can take adult plastic windows, diets, whatever! I didn’t go far and took everyone’s favorite movie theme for a mini-experiment. I found IVI in the offer and selected a couple of films directly from their official website.

Step 2: create a group or public VK

It doesn't matter whether it's a group or public. There is practically no difference. We enter a key into the title, for example: “Watch the film Safe Haven online.” The number of characters is limited, so be careful not to cut off words.

If you want, you can select an address with a key entry. In the description, be sure to use the keywords for which you plan to receive traffic, be it “watch online”, “free”, “in good quality" and so on.

Copy it into notepad and add “?url=” at the end. Then, on the IVI website itself, we find the page with the film and copy its URL. We add it to the previous structure. We get the target link:

Let's move on to the group settings.

We close everything as much as possible so that no one spams our doorway with their links. Be sure to keep the materials for yourself. Through them you can then make a link-picture for the wall using wiki markup (if you want).

Loading the cover. Opposite the “Latest News” button, click “Edit”. We upload a picture that users will then click on. It’s better not to put the player image, VK will delete it. Let the user know that he needs to click on the picture in order to watch the movie (yes, you can write that right on the picture itself). I won’t bother with an example, so I’ll upload the same cover. Don't forget to add the same target link to the picture.

You can add center alignment. The result will be a mini-doorway.

In fact, the “theme” is no different from other trust sites.

Step 3: Monetization

  1. Create a website dedicated to the film and cover it with advertisements. The group can be used as a satellite.
  2. Drain traffic from the group directly to a download affiliate with a paid subscription.
  3. As in my example, send traffic to a free (or paid) online cinema.

I created a group to take screenshots for this post. I started writing in the evening. Went to sleep. This morning I found this picture:

Over the course of the night, 9 people managed to enter the new door and three watched the film. Unfortunately, I can’t post the group’s statistics for you here, since I deleted them. I think someone found this on VK itself.

Instead of a conclusion

Opinions of other webmasters from forums.

If you look closely at the Google results for films that have not yet been released, it also contains public pages with films from which there are links to the websharks affiliate program (now it’s not so active, but 2 weeks ago almost the entire top 10 was in such public places). You can start producing such groups in mass quantities using special software, while the topic is not yet dead, you get a very good profit. You can also do it with your hands, but it’s very time-consuming, tedious and the profit is meager. In addition, compared to the above queries, groups with films are indexed much more readily. The topic is relevant not only for films, but also for programs, etc. and so on.

Gandalf the Gray:

With commercial ones it is more difficult. I managed to push through the HF SK request for a download topic. But in terms of midrange, sales of glasses were also quite good. A lot depends on competition, but if you take an average online store and your public page, then with an identical request you will be higher.


Test 1. Actually checked. 150 communities were created. Tailt - HF. Description: LF+MF. Group of 50-100 people + 10-25 posts on the wall. Running through tweets from each group of about 500 accounts. Result: more than 100 groups in the top 3, they remained stable for a day, traffic was flowing, then they began to seriously sag and dropped out.

Test 2. Similar actions + run through profiles and catalogs. Result: out of 150 groups, several dozen have been top 1 - top 3 for a couple of days, there is practically no traffic from them, and even if there is, then this is 70-80% of failures.

P.S. I won’t shoot groups; I spent about 500 rubles.

There is a public VK, the key in the name Google shows about 1000 requests per month, the low key is like this. On initial stage promotion, I noticed that the number of uniques per day is slightly less than subscribers. In the VK search, the public was probably ranked 50th. Just for fun, I looked on Google – the public page was in the TOP 5. Then the public was closed in search - the traffic dropped, but there were still about 500 uniques per day. Subscribers accounted for about 10%. Something like this.

During a quick search, I found the first mention of such doorways on two forums. The messages are dated 2011. So the topic is not new, but it still works.

At first I just wanted to post a template for the new functionality of posting VK articles, then I realized that I couldn’t do without detailed explanations - the scheme is quite complicated. Then I got carried away and supplemented the article with various useful tools and the practice of creating doorways, plus I recorded an explanatory video. I think it will even be clearer and much more useful for beginners.

In each previous issue of “The King of Social Networks,” we studied earnings on some separate resource: , . And now it’s the turn of the largest in Russia social networkIn contact with. There is no need to remind you of the mega-popularity of this resource. And just a few weeks ago, a very interesting update took place on VK - articles became available. These are longreads in which text content can be beautifully designed and diluted with pictures and videos. But the main thing that many people noticed is that search engines love the new format. Google and Yandex quickly index such articles and give them good positions in the TOP. This is what we will use.

Yes, we will make doorways on VK, but not just meaningless doors, but copy-paste articles, the text of which is difficult to distinguish from ordinary sites that are interesting to users; they are more trusted due to their placement on social media. networks, and this is more likely to lead the user to a purchase or transition to our site, and us to receive commissions from affiliate programs or advertising fees. To create content, we will use a mashup of copy-paste and generated unique content (5-7% of the total content).

What are the pros and cons of creating doorway pages using social media compared to the traditional approach?
Firstly, PS has more confidence in social media. networks and we are increasingly seeing posts on social networks in the TOP.
Secondly, you save on your servers and domains.
Thirdly, you get additional traffic from searching within the social network and sharing articles by users.
Fourthly, you can promote social doorway articles through advertising targeting.
Fifthly, it is much easier to promote a link from VK using any spam because of the trust.
The only downside is the likelihood of bans on social media. networks and lack of flexibility in creating a doorway.

In this method ZennoPoster works as part of other tools and plays a unifying, connecting role. The method is not 100% automated, but that's for the best. This makes doorway pages of higher quality and more viable.

Before creating a network of social doorways, I recommend that you immediately think carefully about the channels for draining traffic. There are basically two ways – direct transfer to affiliate programs and to your own showcase sites. I recommend using the second way, because this will protect your doorways from bans and in the long run will allow you to promote your sites and earn money not only from CPA, but also from advertising. As an example, here is one of my latest sites - http://10goods.club/ This site is built on WordPress and it is auto-filled with the wonderful Content Egg plugin from the author of Brush, known to many doorway developers. The plugin allows you to add automated collection ("Autoblogging" mode) based on your content keys (pictures, texts with RSS, videos), and easily connect to the most popular affiliate programs (Amazon, Aliexpress, Where is the elephant, etc.) and form beautiful showcases. It is on such storefronts that I recommend pouring traffic received from doorways. It is safe, simple and allows you to easily change the PP if necessary.

First stage– creation of a VK community. After determining the topic of the future door (it is advisable to immediately find offers corresponding to the keys or create a showcase site to drain traffic), we create a public in VK, name it, design it in bright colors, themed pictures. At first, no links in the public description, all links will only be in articles. For example, I created a public page for household appliances"Dishwashers".

Second phase- collection of keys. To do this, I recommend using an old familiar service - Bukvariks. We define several queries by which we will search for the remaining keys. We need to find low-frequency keys that both have some traffic and do not have many competitors. In the video, I will show in detail how to create keywords that are most relevant to content pages. We will parse articles using them.

Third stage– parsing articles. Unfortunately, I have never found a reliable way to parse articles using Zenno due to the complexity and variety of layout on various sites. But there is software that copes with this quite well. The choice was made on the X-parser (referral link, not a ref) because it is very simple, fast and inexpensive, and it has a trial version.
I haven’t had time to test it yet, maybe it also copes well with this task.

Fourth stage– generation of unique text. In order for PS to rate our articles higher, it is advisable to uniqueize it. Uniqueness by synonymization or other means greatly distorts the meaning and readability of the article, and is easily detected by search engines. Therefore, it is better to add a small block of text that is generated from the text of our articles. For this I use the Mik Foxi script. Of course, such generated text will confuse the reader, so it is advisable to display it in the “Additional information on the topic” block. By this we tell the reader that this is experimental functionality, we ask you not to judge strictly. The reader skims through the hilarious nonsense, falls into a slight trance due to cognitive dissonance, and clicks on the link. It is best to place this block towards the end. We upload the Foxy script to the server and start generating phrases. I also automated this process with ZennoPoster, but I am not attaching the template because it is very simple and specific. This preparation needs to be done only once for one topic. Then our posting template will access the script and copy a new portion of text.

Fifth stage– collecting all the data together and actually posting it on VK. I strongly recommend using the template as a template for creating your own combine for generating doorways for VK, and not blindly copying the proposed scheme. The template is completely open for editing. The template occasionally glitches, if there is a list at the end of the copied article, I hope to fix it soon. The fact is that copying and inserting text is done by emulating all known key combinations: Ctrl+C and Cntrl+V. I captured requests for posting via GET, but due to the complexity of the article design, I have not yet decided to publish articles in this way. And it’s not clear how to load pictures in this way.

Also, for some reason, the pictures in the body of the article stopped loading, although previously everything was fine. From some sites, images are inserted successfully, from others they are not inserted. I wrote to VKontakte support about this problem and they promised to solve it. Nevertheless, I still implemented the insertion of several pictures, although not always successfully within the meaning of the article.

In the second video I will demonstrate the actual process of working with the template and posting articles on VK

Now the template can be put on a schedule and automatically post 10-20-100 articles daily.

Sixth stage. Many people think that the doorway is a money button, and after parsing and regular posting, all that remains is to open the affiliate account a hundred times a day and look at the increasing purchase numbers. But the doorway is the same site and requires regular promotion, the main thing of which is external links and behavioral traffic. Here are some tips on how, using other templates on Zenno, you can significantly improve the position of your doors in the TOP of search engines.

Well: “Create your own passive income from VKontakte from Delay.Money” . Exclusive working material from Make Money. The material is up to date, all the features are working. No need to shout that it is available in many places. The material is useful and deserves publication here. Sent the material Nickelwith comment: « I bought the course at the warehouse. I liked the material, the authors provide useful information. Now I have started practicing, the results are good so far. I recommend you study!» Material may be removed at the request of the copyright holder! We evaluate

Course Description:

Find out how to build and automate your advertising business on a network of groups and earn passive income. You can also receive extra. profit by developing customer groups. You will learn to attract a truly lively and active audience. This skill will be useful in any other business you have, without exception. Recorded ready-made video lessons with detailed instructions to action, which you can watch at a convenient time in convenient location an unlimited number of times until you have absorbed all the most valuable information to the last drop.

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The material is provided for informational purposes only!

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Social networks are open to users ample opportunities, and through them you can not only communicate and have fun, but also earn money. Ways to make money on social media There are quite a few networks and in addition to the simplest options such as completing easy tasks, there are more profitable, but complex types of earnings.

Making money on VKontakte doorways is an interesting and very profitable option. , Next Invest readers already know. To put it simply, these are sites that are brought to the TOP for high-frequency queries in order to collect traffic and direct it to any resources or immediately convert it.

How to make money on VKontakte on doorways

You should have already guessed that communities will be used as doorways. From one account you can open as many groups and publics as you like, on a variety of topics. You just need to wisely select topics for new communities to attract as much attention as possible.

You will find keywords and popular queries in WordStat, and the group will need to be well optimized for them in order to reach high positions. Quite often ranked in search engines high places pages from VKontakte:

If you manage to bring your communities to the TOP for several queries at once, they will receive a lot of clicks, and visitors can be converted in any way.

The name of the group allows you to rank high in search results. It must correspond to a high-frequency keyword. Also, you need to set relevant queries in the description. If you do everything correctly, you can very quickly take your group to the TOP of search results.

It is important to choose narrow topics, since in general topics you will definitely not beat your competitors. For example, if these are cars, then you need to choose a specific brand or if it Cell Phones, then choose one model. You can create as many groups as you like, so you can launch at least 10 sites at once.

How to make money on VKontakte groups?

Experienced money makers do not monetize communities, but direct traffic to their sites. By publishing different posts, they provide links to their resource and thereby increase traffic. After visiting the site, each visitor makes a profit - by viewing an advertisement, clicking on it, registering using a referral link, and so on.

If you don’t have your own website, but have a greater desire to try making money on VKontakte doorways, create groups and make money from them. much more profitable than working with one community. For example, you can use a popular affiliate program network. You can also earn money by posting videos through Videoseed or by attracting referrals to different systems and online stores (VseMayki).

Creating VKontakte communities is much easier than creating websites, and most importantly, it’s free. Pick up interesting topic and create a community grid to test how it works. If you manage to quickly reach the TOP of search results on Yandex, check the statistics and use one of the ways to earn money on your site.