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How to write to a boy that you love him. What to write to a guy to make him feel good. Good examples of text for your loved one in your own words

11 Feb 2017

This question worries many girls who strive to interest their chosen one. The initiative of the fair sex is no longer something to be ashamed of. With the help of simple phrases you can encourage a man to take active action. Therefore, down with embarrassment and indecision!

How to interest him?

Often on women's forums questions arise about what SMS men like, what SMS to write to a man so that he calls. You should not go to extremes and write indecent messages. This option is only acceptable if the relationship is long-term and close. But if you don’t know each other well, you need to act differently.

You can intrigue the young man you like like this: in a simple way, like an imaginary mistake in the number. Send him a message, and after he responds, simply tell him you have the wrong number. Here are some simple tips:

  • Send an emoji. Only it should be neutral. You can even send a few emoticons, simple ones, for example, smiles (just not kisses or hugs).
  • “Randomly” make an appointment. And then, when he answers, tell him that your mutual friend gave him his number. Add that you know that he likes you, but is embarrassed to write first. He will probably be interested in continuing the conversation.

If he's just a friend

If you are only connected by friendship, many girls are interested in what SMS to write to a man in order to interest him and provoke closer communication. There may be different variants. But do not rush to reveal all your cards and confess your sympathy to him.

You can write the following: “I have amazing news! We need to meet, I’ll share the details with you,” “If you want to have a fun time, let’s have a little fun! What do you think about that? But remember, refusals are not accepted! “Remember, I told you that girls and technology are incompatible things. My computer/tablet/phone isn't working and I don't know how to fix it. Only an experienced male hand can solve my problem.” This will interest him and increase his own self-esteem and importance.

What to write to your loved one?

What SMS do men like to receive? What to write to your beloved guy, briefly, but so that it is pleasant? You can send a sweet, romantic, passionate message to get him interested. It should contain a compliment, an assessment of his masculine strength and attractiveness, an element of coquetry. You can write the following:

“You make me feel like a real queen/goddess. Come to me, my king! or “You, like the Olympian god, have conquered me.” “I’m burning inside, put out this fire.”

Or you can add a little insolence and challenge in your SMS: “Darling, what are you doing? And I’m very busy, preparing for our upcoming meeting. Come quickly, I’m fully armed and waiting for you!”

A guy in love will certainly not ignore such messages. Wait, build the fire slowly. Don’t rush to answer, let him get nervous. With such warming up of interest in yourself, your love will be even brighter. It’s especially nice to write something like this to your beloved man if you’ve been together for a long time and your feelings have become routine.

Subtleties of writing messages

What SMS should I write to get it right? Don't exaggerate or describe things that don't exist. Be sincere, he will appreciate it. Emphasize in messages positive traits beloved. You can write a laconic text: “I love you, I really want to see you and hug you!”

You can also write: “I missed your tenderness. I hope to cuddle you very soon.” Such messages are very pleasant for men.

But your goal is to evoke a flurry of emotions in him, send him something like this: “Darling, I have a pleasant surprise for you! I won’t tell you which one!” Or write about how you enjoyed your last date. This will cheer him up and make him think about you more often.

Don't let him think that you need anything from him. Don't ask if he received the text message. There is no need to send an SMS with a question mark if there was no response to the previous message. Also, don't write something like, "Are you there?" if he doesn't answer. Perhaps he is just busy at work, his phone is on silent. Don't bombard him with text messages. One is enough.

Don't show that you're really looking forward to his answer. Men love directness and simplicity. So don't write "What were you doing on Sunday at 1 pm?", write "How was your weekend?" Use humor, it helps even in awkward situations. Always be yourself, there is no need to act pretentious, guys don’t like showing off. When sending him compliments, do not invent non-existent qualities.

Using simple phrases, you can easily arouse interest in the young man you like and add a spark to an existing relationship.

To make the relationship pleasant and easy, it is important to constantly please each other. Usually a guy tries to win a girl, but the young lady should also make a little effort to improve the relationship. You can improve your loved one's mood in different ways.

Support him

You can send an encouraging SMS before an important meeting or difficult task, preferably humorous and inspiring, so that the guy is distracted, relaxes and smiles. Write, for example: “You are brave, like a tiger, you can handle anything, remember your tigress and try! You will definitely succeed!” The guy will also be pleased to receive a message before bed in which you wish him Good night, fantastic dreams. Eg: “May you have the most beautiful, delightful dream, and when you open your eyes, I will bring all these miracles to life.”

Compliment him, praise him

To please a guy, say something nice about his eyes, muscles, muscular body or clothing style. For example: “You are so strong, strong and courageous that I am simply crazy about you!” or “Your eyes are like a boundless ocean, I’m drowning in them, save me quickly.” Guys especially like it when their intelligence or business acumen is praised. Say, for example: “You are a real business shark, smart, cunning and cunning, but I will tame you!”

Make a joke

Tell an anecdote, preferably original or unusual, or a life story, funny and funny. You can send a funny picture, fortunately now you can find demotivators on any topic. Anyone will laugh at pictures with funny animals or eccentric people. Or maybe you yourself have had something unimaginable in your life. Tell us what happened, how you acted and how it all ended.


During the correspondence process, you can flirt slightly with the guy. This will definitely amuse him and improve his mood. The main thing is not to write template phrases. Come up with your own, for example: “I know one secret, if you are a gentle cat, I will definitely share it with you!” or “Your cat is waiting for you, hurry up” or “My little darling, don’t you miss your little sweetie at all?”

Thank him

You can tell how you liked the evening spent together, how great and fun everything was.

Focus on what you especially liked. It doesn’t matter whether you just took a walk together or visited a posh restaurant or club, you can always remember something pleasant.

Write, for example: “Do you remember those ducks we fed? They are so cute, it would be nice to visit them again.” or “The party was so crazy, I haven’t had so much fun in a long time.” .

The main thing is to hint that you are satisfied with everything and are looking forward to continuing. The guy will be pleased, especially if he really wanted to please you.

Invite him to attend a concert

You can jokingly tell a story about how amazingly you got two tickets to a concert, a club, or a private party and invite your loved one with you. The guy will be very surprised and happy that you are so resourceful and smart. And if you invite him to go karting or football, he will definitely appreciate it and respect you. Since any guy will be pleased that a girl remembers his hobbies.


If you don’t know what interesting things to write to a guy to please him, you can look for advice in a magazine or on a forum. Other girls will be happy to help you. But it’s better that your message is from the heart, from the soul, sincere, real. Don't fumble for phrases if you can't think of what to say. It's better not to write anything if you don't want to.

Your loved one will only like a sincere message that reflects exactly you, your nature, do not write in templates, let your message be original, unique and unusual.

What nice things can you write to a boy to make him smile?


You can tell a lot in SMS: say good night or good morning, praise, flirt, try to make peace after a quarrel. Use all your imagination, don’t skimp on compliments. Example phrases: Good morning, my dear! Wake up, the sun has already risen!”, “Good night, my little one! May you have fabulous dreams!” If there was a quarrel the day before, you can write: “I just adore you, stop sulking, my fluffy!” or “Life is so wonderful and short to waste it on squabbles, let’s make peace!”;

In Vkontakte

Be original and interesting, your messages should be lively and fun.

Read what is written on the guy’s wall, pay attention to what he is interested in, what kind of music he listens to, then it will be easier for you to figure out what message to send him. Example phrases: “You look so much like a friend of mine, it’s just an amazing resemblance, he’s handsome too, maybe we can talk?” , “Why are you sad, look up, why look at your feet when you can study the stars” , “How stylish you are, will you teach me how to dress so fashionably?”,“I also like these compositions, we have the same tastes, I wonder what else we are similar in?”;

For the night

It’s so nice to send your loved one a nice message before bed so that he falls asleep thinking about you.

What can you think of? Examples of letters that you can send to your boyfriend at night to please him:

"My dear! May you dream of a paradise island where it will be just you and me. We would splash in the ocean, enjoy life, rejoice in the sun and warm waves. Immerse yourself in this fairy tale in your sleep, relax and forget about everything. I wish you to have a good rest and meet your princess strong and strong tomorrow!”

“My little baby, my tender one! I know you're going to bed now. May you dream about your cat, she misses you so much. Get a good night's sleep and rest. Tomorrow is a new day that will bring you so much happiness!”

“My dear, go to bed quickly. In a dream, we will walk with you in a fairy-tale city where only princes, princesses, kings and queens live. We will enjoy life, have fun and relax. Don't forget, I love you madly! My joy, good night to you!”

Write something pleasant, inspiring, confess your feelings, let your message touch the strings of his soul and surprise him.

Example phrases:

  • “Love is a strange thing. She comes suddenly and conquers the very heart. Recently this happened to me too, I suddenly realized that I was crazy about you. And you?"
  • “You are so courageous, strong and strong. And I am small, defenseless and weak. Be with me, protect me from all adversity. I'm looking forward to it so much.”
  • “There are so many people in the world. And we were lucky to meet you. Maybe fate brought us together?”
  • “An amazing feeling of love. I love you, and I’m afraid to admit it. Can you say it first?”
  • “I really dream of going far, far away with you, so that no one will stop us from enjoying each other. Do you crave it as much as I do?”

What's a nice thing to write to a boy to make him smile, in your own words?

  1. You can write a poem of your own, about love or a little funny. The main thing is not to be boring, write easily, cheerfully, lively and interesting. Your loved one will be convinced that you are a creative, extraordinary person who can surprise. In addition, you can brag about a poem to your relatives, friends, and tell everyone how creative you are.
  2. Sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, praise the guy in your own words. Don't be stingy with compliments, the guy will be pleased. You can say something nice about his appearance, intelligence, demeanor.
  3. Write a fairy tale in which you describe your meeting, then come up with a plot yourself. The main thing is that it is interesting, exciting and exciting.

Such a surprise will be truly unexpected for the guy. You will definitely surprise him. It’s unlikely that anyone before you dared to do this.

Answers to other interesting questions

What should you write to a guy to get him interested?

You can “guess” some events from his life, what university he graduated from, where he served, whether he has brothers/sisters, how he prefers to spend his leisure time. Intrigue him. Your options don't quite match reality? Well, that means the guy will tell you about himself. This is how communication begins.

What nice things can you write to a colleague?

You can think of many things, for example: “You are so smart, you should have been promoted a long time ago, it’s strange why this hasn’t happened yet” or “Your reasonableness is amazing, I can listen to you for hours, how good it is that we work together and I can learn a lot from you.”

What can you write to a guy on a dating site?

Well, for example: “You’re so important and businesslike, I don’t know if you’ll pay attention to such a frivolous beauty like me?” or “Why are you so thoughtful? Don’t be sad, life is wonderful, especially since I’m writing to you.”

What nice things can you write to your loved one to make him smile after a quarrel?

The following phrases are suitable:

  • “Let's make peace, after all, we are not strangers. We had a good time together, haven’t you forgotten?”
  • “My tiger cub, stop being offended. Shall we make peace? Why waste your life on squabbles?”
  • “We were like two angry dogs. Let’s become nice, kind kittens, let’s make peace?”

What to write to a stranger to make him smile?

Examples of phrases that can be written:

  • “You are so cute, I almost fell in love.”
  • “I don’t know if this is right, in general, I want to offer you my friendship. What are you going to say?"
  • “What unearthly eyes you have, an unusual shade. Are you sure you’re not from Mars?”
It’s time for modern girls to forget about the passive search for a soul mate and waiting for weather from the sea, and take the position of a predator: brave, sociable, assertive. And the best platform for finding your “victim” is dating sites. Here you can make any acquaintances without much difficulty. But first of all, you need to decide on their goals.

Dating goals

It would seem, what could be the purpose of dating on the Internet? Of course, find your future husband. But it is not so! The purposes of online communication are quite varied and here are the main ones:

  • Serious relationship- undoubtedly, this is the most important goal of dating on. Becoming the happy owner of an engagement ring and a noble prince to boot is the dream of every girl, and dating sites will help make it come true.
  • Friendship and communication– oddly enough, but this goal also exists on dating services. After all, love is not the only joy; sometimes you just want to communicate with a like-minded person, and it’s not always easy to find such a person among your friends.
  • Search for a sponsor- whoever said “You can’t forbid living beautifully” was absolutely right, and some girls know how to make dreams of a luxurious life come true. To find generous men who can fulfill any desires of the fair sex, there is plenty on the Internet.
  • Intimate relationships – where would we be without them! It is not always only men who need such communication. Girls also want affection and tenderness in strong men's hands. Starting a serious relationship only because of a lack of sexual satisfaction is simply stupid, because it is much easier to find a companion for the night online.

Having set your goals correctly, you can immediately cut off all unnecessary services that do not intersect with your plans and narrow your search by registering on only a few sites with the desired audience.

Where to begin?

When goals have already been defined and set, it’s time to step further and prepare the ground for future communication. And here the question arises "Where to begin?".

And you need to start with yourself. After all, without proper wrapping, even the most delicious candy will interest few people. That is why, after registering on the site, you should not immediately terrorize the search by looking through thousands of photos and profiles. First of all, you need to pay attention to your profile: is everything good in it, is the necessary information presented and, of course, are the photos posted worthy? They are the ones who play vital role in "fishing with live bait". After all, it’s no secret that people are greeted by their clothes, but seen off by their minds. Therefore, if the photos do not attract the guy, then conversations may not come to pass. Professional photos, shots that hide imperfections, no selfies ala at home at the table, against the wall, near the Christmas tree, etc. – these are the main rules for choosing photos to attract the opposite sex. If you are not looking for a sponsor, then intimate photographs should also be abandoned.

Don’t forget about the information in the application form. Before writing to you, a man will definitely look at your profile, and if it is empty or all sorts of stuff is written there, he will simply ignore your profile. Briefly tell us about yourself, indicate your true details and purpose of meeting. But at the same time, you shouldn’t shout to the entire web that “the girl urgently needs a husband, and in general is ready for anyone, and this is your last chance.” Such examples can be listed forever, but the result is the same - men run away from such women, run without looking back, “forgetting their robe and slippers,” they run. So don't forget your dignity.

Don't forget about the guy's profile. Do not write to men just by looking at their main photo, because it is a priori the best, so before the first message you should evaluate everything else in the user’s profile, deciding for yourself whether the game is worth the candle.

So, the profile is put in order, the portfolio also contains only selected photos. It would seem that you are already fully armed and ready to go into battle at any second, but you should play it safe and familiarize yourself with a few more rules of online dating.

Starting communication: several important rules for successful online dating

Men's profiles have been selected, likes have been built - now it's time to write your first “Hello”. But before you send your first message to perhaps your destiny, remember:
  • Brevity not only the sister of talent, but also your sister. Men don’t like a lot of lines, so if in your greeting message you present him with a whole petition, with a story about your whole life, plans for the future and all your relatives, then don’t be surprised that you will find yourself on your admirer’s black list without a single “hello”. It’s better to give up poetry and aphorisms too: men won’t appreciate this.
  • "How are you?"- a lifesaver for starting a conversation. No matter how interesting and unusual the greeting is, further communication may stall there, but the question of how the person is doing will be a reason to continue it. Moreover, the culture of the interlocutor will not allow you to ignore the response question “How are yours?”, and then it’s up to you.
  • Grammatical errorsconcrete wall on the way to meeting a man. Not all of us, of course, know our native language to an A+ level, but making mistakes in banal words and phrases is also unacceptable. Some men may “turn a blind eye” to the gaps in the knowledge of their interlocutor, but there are only a few such individuals, and for the most part their cultural and educational level is not far from 0, and they simply did not notice your mistake. In most cases, mistakes from the first messages prompt men to say to such ladies not just “Bye”, but a loud “Goodbye!”
  • Specifics– the basis of fruitful communication. And this is appropriate even when meeting online. Men are not built like we are, so all these poems, sweet romantic stories about eternal love and discussions about beauty are simply incomprehensible to them. They are not interested in this, and, consequently, interest in a girl with such conversations will fade away instantly. Choose topics of conversation that are relevant to a particular guy and expand your knowledge about them a little. If this is just the beginning of communication, then discuss the news, weather, interesting events- anything not related to romanticism, everyday affairs and ladies' things.
  • Refrain from compliments towards the man. Taking the initiative and starting an acquaintance first is, of course, good, but you shouldn’t get carried away with “trying on” male behavior for yourself. Therefore, no matter how much you want to win over your chosen one, you should refrain from praising him (especially his appearance). Do not forget that all men are hunters by nature, and if the victim melts at one word, then all the desire to conquer her disappears without a trace.

  • Down with worries. Don't worry about what to write first, how to establish yourself. And definitely don’t be upset if everything doesn’t turn out as smoothly as you would like the first time. This is just a dating site, and communication on it is not worth your worries. If one guy doesn't come up, an even better one will appear after him.

The first phrases that will not leave a guy indifferent

And here is the moment of truth - the first phrase! How not to “fall in the face” so that the guy you like doesn’t run away from you after barely reading a few messages. Banal “Hello” and “Hello” have long ceased to surprise any man, so you need to take it as a “surprise”. We have scoured the Internet and especially selected unusual phrases for you that will undoubtedly interest a guy and make him want to get to know you better:

  1. Good evening, mysterious stranger!
  2. Hello, are you by any chance the prince I've been waiting for?
  3. Of course I usually humble person, but I can’t be modest here. Let's get acquainted already!
  4. Hello, can you help me? What to give to a guy you really like?
  5. I am conducting a social survey on the topic “Online Dating”, could you please answer me a couple of questions.
  6. What shirts are in fashion now? I need to buy a gift for my father, but I know shirts like drills.
  7. Do you think it’s possible to build serious relationships online or why are you here?
  8. Haven't you been looking for the princess? Here I am.
  9. Do you think you are more attractive to me than I am to you?
  10. Hello! It's an amazing evening, can I cheer you up?
  11. Greetings, man! How are you feeling?
  12. Do you know what a current discharge is? It was he who overtook me when I saw your photo.
  13. Hello! Are you also on social networks? And I. Do you play the trumpet? Me neither. See how similar we are!
  14. You are so thoughtful, serious and at the same time sweet!
  15. You look like the guy from my dream. A white horse accompanied him. Isn't that you?
  16. I bet you can't guess my name?
  17. Hello, have you heard that you are good-looking?
  18. Can you help? Tell me how to change the oil in a “make of car”?
  19. Hi! I sell happiness! And I can give it to you for free.
  20. Hi! I'm your fairy fairy!
  21. Why is such a handsome man looking for a girl online? I am sure that in real life there is no end to girls.
  22. I've been waiting for your first step, so hello!
  23. Hello, have you signed up to become my prince?
  24. I want to dispel the myth that a nice guy cannot be an interesting conversationalist. Can you help?
  25. I look at you and understand that it’s time for us to meet!
  26. What films do you like? Especially after 23-00?
  27. I want to ask a question: what should I write in a message to someone I like?
  28. I looked at your pictures and forgot about meeting you. Hi!
  29. Hi! My name is..., what's yours?
  30. What's so sad in the photo? Don't be sad. Life is amazing and interesting, because I am in it.
  31. Maybe we can start a conversation or stop at likes?
  32. Hello, how is your sense of humor?
  33. I also like this square (city, place). I wonder what else we have in common?
  34. Do you remember me? Did you see me in your dream!
  35. You know, I lost my happiness somewhere... There is melancholy in my soul... Haven’t you found it in yourself?
  36. Shall we flirt?
  37. Hello, do you mind if I appear in your life?
  38. It's amazing how a simple photograph can convey so much emotion.
  39. Can you help me learn how to talk to guys?
  40. Hooray! I found you!
  41. There is so much mystery in this look. Will you reveal at least one of the secrets?
  42. Hello, I'm doing the census and I'd like to start with you!
  43. How is this guy not already ringed?
  44. Hello. I've been looking for you for so long. And you, it turns out, are here.
  45. Hello, I offer to exchange my free time for talking with you?
  46. Have you ever been in love? Tell me how it was?
  47. I came across your profile, and now one question haunts me...
  48. Will you forgive yourself if you ignore me?
  49. Hello, how can a wife let such a man go online alone?
  50. Can I start a light flirtation with you?
  51. What's new in your city? I used to study there!
  52. Are you okay with flirting?
  53. What are you doing this night?
  54. Cheer you up?
  55. Did you come from a fairy tale?
  56. What is more important to you: friendship or love?
  57. What is your attitude towards proactive girls?
  58. I definitely saw you, can you remind me where?
  59. How do you feel about love from the first evening? I'm personally for it!
  60. Why do guys like stupid girls?
  61. Hello! Stunning places in your photos. Where is it?
  62. You know, I think you and I have a lot in common!
  63. How about communication without obligations?
  64. Are you into archery? I've always dreamed of meeting a guy who resembles Robin Hood.
  65. Well, I got acquainted with the advantages in your profile, but what about the disadvantages?
  66. Hello! I’m writing an article about what phrases are best to start meeting a man with. Can you help me decide?
  67. I'm writing an article about online dating. Can you answer a few questions?
  68. Man, can you tell me if you are interested in me?
  69. Man, would you like to meet?
  70. Is it true that men are polygamous or do I have a chance to become the only one?

How to keep interest in yourself in correspondence

We've sorted out the first phrases, now it's time to go into battle! And now it has already been sent - an interesting phrase that decides everything. Will he answer or not? How long does the time last in these minutes of waiting... And here is the answer... And then what? How to keep his attention so that that interest does not fade away? How to conquer him?

Arousing a guy's interest is a task that most girls can handle, but maintaining this interest for a long time by turning online communication into real life- this is not an easy task, but if you try, then it can be brought to life.

Don’t think that after the first phrases, your betrothed will fall in love with you and run to the jewelry store for an engagement ring. This, alas, does not happen. You'll have to work hard on yourself.

  • Learn generate topics: this way you will have the opportunity to switch from a boring conversation to a fresh one without a hitch, thereby maintaining the interest of your interlocutor. Study the most popular “male” topics in advance in order to conquer your admirer with your erudition and competence in such “unfeminine” matters. Better yet, ask and find out everything about it.
  • Regular correspondence is often quite bland and boring, so don’t forget to “season” it interesting photos.
  • Even if you are an “iron lady,” never show it when communicating with a man. Guys don't like strong women. Show yourself weak and defenseless, requiring his support and care.
  • Woman of mystery– communication with such a girl not only arouses interest in the interlocutor, but also supports the desire to unravel all her secrets, which means that you will continue to correspond more than once.
  • Be interested in the life of your interlocutor, talk about him, about his hobbies, but without overfanatism, otherwise pleasant communication for a man will turn into obsessive pursuit, from which they will quickly hide without looking back.
  • The same applies to endless messages like “Where did you go?”, “Why don’t you write?” - if you make it clear that he is the last hope, then he will not be so.
Now you are ready to fully communicate online and find the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your days, so go for it! Good luck!

Did you like some guy? Try to find him on VKontakte or other social networks or find his mobile number. Your ideal is before your eyes, and what should you write to him so that he doesn’t ignore the message, much less blacklist it? We tried to consider this issue in as much detail as possible and gave all the necessary answers. You will learn with what content you can send a message to a man you like, taking into account different nuances. Our advice will help you hear from him. We will also tell you what you should absolutely not send and what can put an end to the relationship.

  • To make the message casual, use different emoticons, but you shouldn’t put them every time and everywhere. A young man may think that you are not serious.
  • Be sure to write without errors: check punctuation, follow the presentation style, and grammar. Even a not very literate person will appreciate this.
  • Do not rush to respond to the message, wait 1-3 minutes. This way he won't think that you are very interested in him.
  • Do not send long messages, it is better to divide them into 1-2 and send one after the other.
  • If we are talking about SMS, it will be very intriguing to send 1-3 messages in a row. Here's an example: in the first, you can say hello, in the second, without waiting for an answer, you can say that you are his secret admirer, and in the third, you can invite him on a date.
  • Your SMS or message should be a little shorter than his.

Follow all these rules and communication will go like clockwork.

What to send to a young man: examples

When planning to correspond with a guy, you need to take into account the situation: do you know him, do he like you, are you in a good relationship or have you quarreled?

First of all, look at the user’s page for information about his interests and hobbies. After exploring your favorite music, movies, and communities, write to him, for example, “I like this book too, I wonder what you think about the ending.”

A winning move is sharing music, photos, cool posts and videos. Rating of posts and photos is welcomed.

Options for phrases for a stranger

You can send an SMS to an unfamiliar guy, which will indicate the place and time of the meeting. If he answers and asks who is writing to him, it is enough to refer to the error when dialing the number and smoothly continue the conversation.

The second option for starting a correspondence on VK is a regular emoticon (no kisses or hugs). If the guy answers, it means he is ready for new acquaintances and communication.

Third example: “Hello! My friend said that she knows a nice guy who would like to chat.” In this case, you need to immediately change the topic of conversation so that the guy doesn’t start asking who this girlfriend is. Such a message can be sent both on VKontakte and on a mobile phone.

You can use this technique with a compliment: “I want to prove that nice guys are interesting conversationalists. Can you help? :)".

No one has canceled the classic: “Hello! How are you?". Simple, but not always effective.

Would you like to receive detailed step by step instructions How to properly meet men on the Internet? We recommend reading free checklist Alexey Chernozem "How to build relationships on the Internet and transform them into happy real ones." You will learn how to create an attractive image on the Internet, where to start dating and how to transfer them from the Internet to the real world.

The book is free. To download, click on this link, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the pdf file.

We are looking for words for someone who doesn’t like us

In this case, you need to act delicately. One of the most effective ways- find out what his hobbies are and write a message suggesting that we go together to an exhibition of his favorite artist, a football match of his favorite team, a horror movie night, a cool party. You can say, for example, that you already have tickets, but your friend (brother, sister) is unable to go at the last moment.

Another example is to ask for help with something, for example, if the guy is a fan computer games: "Hello! They gave me (the name of the game), but I just can’t pass level 8: (You’re a great gamer, aren’t you? Help me out!”

It’s good if there is an opportunity to find out what exactly the guy is not happy with. If he thinks the girl is too rude, then he should write in a soft, feminine manner. If the MC is sure that the girl is boring, he should choose a more playful manner of communication and joke more often.

Before radically changing your character, habits, lifestyle and behavior, it is advisable to think carefully about whether it is worth it.

If you are in a quarrel with him

It is advisable for a guy who likes you, but you are in a quarrel with him, to write on some holiday. Congratulations combined with the offer to “live amicably and consolidate reconciliation in a cafe over a cup of coffee (at the cinema, while walking the dogs, etc.)” in most cases guarantee success.

If there is no desire to wait for the next major holiday, it is better to use the tactics of simplicity and tenderness. In a calm manner, without sarcasm or irony, you can write: “Hello! I miss you. Let's make peace?)". Despite the simplicity of the phrase, it is one of the most effective.

Men are quite straightforward creatures; in most cases they do not understand hints, and if they are offended, they do not perceive high-flown speeches and ornate turns of phrase.

What if a man has a girlfriend?

Before writing to a guy you like but is busy, it is advisable to think carefully about whether this is necessary. Attempts to upset other people's relationships can end in failure. The result is wasted time and damaged nerves of several people at once.

It is advisable to start communicating with a constrained young man with the standard phrase: “Hello! How are you?" or from a smiley. If the guy answers, you can ask him what his hobbies are.

If the correspondence continues and communication will gain momentum, you need to ask if the guy is free and draw conclusions based on his answer. Some men may lie that they are absolutely free, others may begin to wobble like a Markitan boat, telling stories about freedom in relationships. But there are also those who tell the truth.

If a guy who has a serious relationship with another girl agrees to continue communicating and dating, it is advisable to think about whether you need such a flighty specimen.

Tips on how to charm your interlocutor will help you. You will be able to put your social network page in order, learn how to behave and what to write.

After all the preparations, check out the list of questions that you can ask. They will help you get to know him better.

For everything to work out, it is important to correctly start correspondence in VK or another social network. Here .

Communication has been going on for so long that there aren’t enough topics to talk about? Here's another .

And this. You will need them if you want to seduce and make a guy fall in love with you.

What you should absolutely not write

Psychologists advise refraining from messages from:

  • complaints;
  • aggression;
  • vulgarity;
  • manifestation of jealousy;
  • denial of sympathy.

It is advisable to act according to the principle - one message from you, one from him. If a person has read the message but long time doesn’t answer, no need to bombard him with questions. If he wants to continue communicating, the girl may put herself in an awkward position.

No need to write:

  • I miss;
  • how I miss you;
  • you are so beautiful;
  • when will we meet?;
  • where did you go?;
  • I want to see you;
  • I can’t go a day without thinking about you;
  • are you bored?;
  • I miss you too?;
  • I constantly think about you;
  • I’m going crazy at the thought that I won’t see you again;
  • how I would like to hug you now;
  • I kiss you and hug you tightly;
  • please don't forget about me.

Vulgarity repels most guys, and even if it attracts some of them, they won’t risk starting a serious relationship with such a girl. Therefore, obscene jokes and eloquent hints must be excluded. Do not write:

  • I miss warmth;
  • I really want you to touch me;
  • I dream of hugging you tightly;
  • how I want you to kiss me now;
  • I melt just thinking about you and others.

Men don't like displays of jealousy even from girls they've known for a long time. The need to report every step to an unfamiliar person will definitely not contribute to rapprochement. Avoid messages with detailed questions about where, with whom and why he met. Let your communication be easy and relaxed.

It is wrong to say that you are absolutely indifferent to a guy. This may make him stop thinking about a romantic relationship with you. At the same time, there is no need to bombard MCH with messages with declarations of love. Such speeches at the correspondence stage will scare off most guys. Do not write:

  • I know that fate brought us together;
  • it had to happen;
  • we are together for a reason;
  • I fall in love with you more and more every day;
  • you are the best.

The golden mean is to periodically unobtrusively demonstrate your sympathy during communication, but do not write directly about the desire to grow old together. Here are examples: you know how to give compliments, it’s nice to know that you understand me, you reason interestingly, it’s somehow easy for me to communicate with you, there is no discomfort.

This is what a typical girl looks like when she wants to write to the guy she likes, the video is very funny:

Our simple phrases and rules of correspondence will help you find mutual language with anyone! You just need to know who to send them to.