Mixer      07.03.2020

Hydraulic isolation of walls outside and inside. What is the best way to process concrete or brick walls for good waterproofing outside and inside the room How to waterproof a wall in an apartment

To protect the building from the destructive effects of moisture, you need to take care of the waterproofing of the walls in a timely manner. Moisture, penetrating inside the materials, destroys their structure. The room becomes damp, there is bad smell mold. Even such strong and durable materials as brick or concrete gradually begin to break down.

If you don't want mold on the walls. then waterproofing is required.

Why protection is needed

Moisture can enter a home in several ways: with groundwater, during floods with melting snow, from a large amount of precipitation.

It also has internal sources, since some rooms in the house have high humidity: a bathroom, a shower, a kitchen.

Insecure walls can lead to unpleasant situations

Waterproofing walls from the inside is very important for the following reasons:

  1. Contributes to the longevity of the building. From high humidity, even resistant materials begin to crack and deteriorate. The retaining elements of the building are gradually destroyed, it becomes unsuitable for habitation.
  2. Performs the function of thermal insulation. Damp walls accumulate moisture, which quickly freezes. In such a room it becomes doubly cold. The owner of the house spends a lot of money on heating, but this does not bring the desired result.
  3. Protects the house from pests. Dampness is the best environment for the development of the fungus. It is unpleasant to be in such a building, and in patients with allergies or asthma, the disease can sharply worsen.

From this video you will learn how to waterproof the bathroom floor and walls with your own hands:

Types of waterproofers

IN construction work several types are used insulating materials. All of them perform the same function, but have different properties and differ in the way they are applied to the surface. The most common types of waterproofing walls inside the house:

  1. Coating. Inexpensive material is used for external protection walls from ground water. Represents elastic mastic from several components on the basis of bitumen. For internal works used in the processing of basements, floors and walls of the bathroom. The elastic composition allows you to process all small cracks. It has many significant shortcomings. At negative temperatures bitumen becomes brittle, cracks appear on it, and then it exfoliates from the surface. Bituminous waterproofing will last no more than 6 years, and with frequent severe frosts, such lining will last no more than 4 years. The installation of this insulation requires careful surface treatment with a primer, work is carried out only in dry weather. During installation bituminous waterproofing injury is possible, as work with hot material is classified as hazardous.
  2. Okleyechnaya. Sticking moisture-proof materials (roofing material, roofing felts, glassine, polyester) on walls in 3-5 layers. Modern production compositions: Hydroizol, Stekloizol, TechnoNIKOL and others are resistant to the formation of fungus and are durable. Can be glued to any surface: concrete, metal, wood. Installation of gluing insulation is carried out with special care. The surface to be treated must be dry. Works are carried out at a temperature not lower than +10°C. All irregularities (more than 2 mm) are puttied in advance. The material is glued in several layers, the most difficult are the areas at the corners and complex relief bases.
  3. Liquid glass. It has many advantages over other types of waterproofing. Allows you to create continuous seamless protection on the surface of the walls. Easy to apply and penetrate hard-to-reach places. Moisture resistance is much higher than that of bitumen materials. The spraying process is safe, since during operation it is not required to warm up the composition. The liquid insulation is non-toxic and non-flammable and adheres strongly to any surface. Today it is used to treat walls where constant humidity is present (in fountains, pools, baths). Work with this material is recommended to be entrusted to specialists. Liquid glass quickly crystallizes and becomes unusable. A person without practice can spoil a large number of composition.
  4. Penetrating. A popular and long-known wall protection technology. The finished substance is sprayed onto the surface, under the influence of carbon dioxide a polymer gel is formed that fills all the pores in the walls and provides durable and strong protection. The water resistance and frost resistance of concrete or brick increases several times. IN Lately becoming popular for wall protection in swimming pools, basements, bathrooms. The mixture is applied to the surface cleaned and moistened with water. Penetrating into concrete, it makes it waterproof. Penetrating waterproofing is not used for aerated concrete walls.
  5. Injection. This job requires special equipment. The process involves pumping injection materials under pressure into the concrete using pumps. Acrylate gel, microcement, epoxy resins, liquid polyurethane. When they get into cracks, they harden, provide protection from moisture and deformation. This effective but expensive technology is used when other materials cannot be used.

Waterproofing floors, walls of shower rooms and pools:

Work order

waterproofing internal walls can be done by hand. Most often, coating insulation is preferred, it is easier to apply, it does not require special knowledge to carry it out. Before performing work, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface. Dirt is removed from it, degreased. If the walls were previously painted, it must be removed with a stiff brush.

Though this work you can do it yourself, you need to act strictly according to the instructions

All small cracks and joints of plates are sealed with polyurethane mastic. The entire surface is leveled, this is necessary for better adhesion to the waterproofing layer. Then wait for complete drying.

The order of work is as follows:

  1. A reinforced mesh is nailed to the surface of the walls. It is needed for a tighter bond with a heat insulator.
  2. A thick layer of mastic is applied on top of it. It is left to dry completely.
  3. Coating insulation made of bitumen or polymer is applied to the walls. This layer needs to dry for 6 hours.
  4. Then a second layer of waterproofing is applied across the first.
  5. Particular attention must be paid to the places where pipes are connected. It is advisable to glue all problem areas with waterproofing tape.

Waterproofing in the bathroom before laying tiles on the self-leveling floor:

Such waterproofing is applied quickly and easily, but its service life is no more than 5 years. After that, it is necessary to update the insulating layer.

Bath interiors:

The waterproofing of the wall in the apartment from the inside and outside is laid during insulation, to protect the thermal insulation from moisture, which is important for mineral wool. But this is not the only case where such protection is required. Sometimes circumstances just force you to use different kind waterproofing compounds for walls to get rid of dampness and fungus.

Why are the walls covered with fungus

Most often, mold forms in the corners.

Dampness on the walls in an apartment and a house is far from a rare phenomenon. Sometimes this process is so neglected that the building envelope is covered with a black coating (fungus), the wallpaper falls off, and the wall itself begins to collapse. At the same time, there is an unpleasant smell, the room becomes cold and chilly. Waterproofing the wall in the apartment from the inside can temporarily solve this problem, but in the future more serious measures will be required. Causes of dampness:

  • constant ingress of water on the wall from the outside;
  • lack of horizontal waterproofing between the wall and the foundation;
  • roof leak;
  • leaky joints of plates in panel houses;
  • insufficient degree of insulation of the building envelope;
  • errors at .

Waterproofing the walls from the inside will help get rid of the consequences, while the cause of the negative phenomenon will not disappear anywhere. It also happens that internal factors, such as water in the bathroom, become the cause of dampness. This is where you can’t do without internal waterproofing of the walls in the apartment. In a previous article, we wrote about what materials are used for and how to work with them.

Will the internal waterproofing of the walls give the result

Insulation paint masks the fungus, but it does not go anywhere.

As we have already said, when moisture appears with inside walls need to fight the cause of its appearance. We note right away that such events cost a pretty penny. There are cases when, for any reason, it is impossible or impractical to carry out capital measures to eliminate orphanhood. Then you can resort to applying waterproofing to the walls from the inside, and use .

According to reviews, a layer of several millimeters of paint with ceramic vacuum spheres saves from mold on interior walls. It works as a heater, while not allowing steam or water to pass through. The same applies to waterproofing walls inside the house, but again, only in case of emergency. By the way, any material that does not allow moisture to pass through is suitable as waterproofing.

Waterproofing is the ability of one of the layers of structural elements of a building to retain moisture. The point is in the properties of the material, not in its name.

Internal waterproofing of walls in an apartment can be an auxiliary measure to the main work performed outside the premises. In this case, the following materials are very effective:

  • bituminous and latex mastics;
  • coating compositions - waterproofing mortar for cement-based walls;
  • silicone sealants;
  • impregnation;
  • cement-based plaster.

The same materials are used in bathrooms for internal processing vertical and horizontal surfaces. At the same time, it is not necessary to apply them in a continuous layer from floor to ceiling, it is enough to process only places where there are communications leads. These include the bathroom, toilet and bidet areas, as well as sinks.

How to get rid of dampness, method

Often, the room is humid due to the low thermal resistance of the building envelope.

We have already listed all possible reasons the appearance of dampness and determined that, with the exception of the bathroom, waterproofing of the walls from the outside would be required. There are many methods and materials and they differ depending on the problem. Let's start with the fact that water can get on the facade, flowing down from the roof. If we are talking about an apartment, then applying a waterproofing mixture for walls from the outside can be a way out.

In Russia, there is a state program for the insulation of facades with paint with ceramic microspheres. This material is quite suitable for protection against moisture. If structural elements houses made of concrete, you can use various impregnations both inside and out. It should be borne in mind that such compositions are unsuitable for waterproofing brick walls, since the pores in brick are much larger than in concrete.

In a private house, moisture can get on the walls either directly from precipitation or rising from the foundation. Therefore, in addition to the above measures, you need to:

  • waterproofing the foundation;
  • equip the drainage layer around the perimeter of the house;
  • lay waterproofing under the blind area.

The main task is to take moisture into the ground, preventing it from contacting structural elements buildings.

If there is a leak at the junction of walls with horizontal ceilings, then it is enough to waterproof the junction of the floor (ceiling) and the wall. In prefabricated houses, water can collect in the stove itself. The concrete panel consists of two layers of hardened mortar, between which there is a heater. Moisture first collects in the insulation, and when it finally collapses, cavities form. Several buckets of water can collect in such cavities. To release it, you need to drill holes from below. She herself will dry for more than one year.

Often mold and moisture are the result of improper or insufficient insulation. Laying thermal insulation from the inside leads to the transfer of the dew point to the middle of the room. Insulation should always be outside. It is important to calculate the thickness of the heat-insulating layer so that the dew point is in the insulation.


If the wall is covered with fungus from the inside, do not rush to smear it with various impregnations. First you need to identify the cause. Outdoor waterproofing solves the cause of dampness, and the internal one only masks the consequences. If there are no obvious leaks, then most likely the reason for the increased humidity lies in insufficient or improper insulation. In addition, it is important that the air circulates in the room. Therefore, along with measures for waterproofing or wall insulation, installation will help .

Wet walls add neither comfort nor coziness. In such a house is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to live or work. And if, despite the finish with water-repellent wallpaper or plastic panels, moisture is growing, which means that internal waterproofing of the walls of the room is necessary.

Ideally waterproofing works interior spaces should be carried out at a certain stage of construction, but far from always they are carried out in accordance with existing requirements. And also a lot of old buildings, when internal waterproofing was not performed at all, and the walls are simply gradually destroyed from the inside under the influence of moisture and temperature changes.

The need for internal waterproofing

The temperature inside the room is always different from the outside. And although they try to maintain a certain climate inside the building, the temperature drops are still quite significant. In winter, fighting the cold, turn on the heating, which not only warms the air, but also dries it. In the summer, windows are opened to ventilate the rooms.

The result of such activity is the accumulation of condensate on internal surfaces walls and ceiling. A wet walls And high humidity prepare many unpleasant surprises, for example:

  • Swelling of the surface and the appearance of cracks on the walls;
  • Rapid rusting of metal parts of communications;
  • Persistent smell of dampness;
  • Mold and fungus growth;

Living or working in such a microclimate is dangerous enough for health. The risk of chronic degenerative-dystrophic diseases and the pulmonary apparatus increases.

Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself about the need for urgent implementation of not only cosmetic repairs, performing high-quality internal waterproofing of walls.

Types of waterproofing and sealing materials

Before starting work, it is necessary to decide which type of waterproofing will be the most effective, and which ones will work best.

Scientific achievements have not bypassed the construction industry. Level construction technologies makes it possible to take into account all the negative factors and take concrete measures. Classification various kinds insulation takes into account the features, parameters, purpose and properties of materials. When choosing, you need to consider:

Purpose of waterproofing:

  • Sealing,
  • Anti-filtration,
  • Anti-corrosion.

Its features:

  • Single layer or multilayer
  • With and without a protective layer
  • ventilated,
  • liquid,
  • hydroactive,
  • Reinforced and non-reinforced.

Revealing main reason penetration and accumulation of moisture, you can choose appropriate kind, For example:

  • The anti-capillary method is suitable in the case of the formation of many microscopic cracks and voids in the carrier material.
  • Non-pressure is effective for those rooms in which the humidity rises significantly during rain or snowfall.
  • Anti-pressure technology is able to withstand water pressure, and in most cases is used for waterproofing basement walls.

Taking into account the technology, isolation methods are also selected, for example:

  1. or techniques involve gluing or brushing waterproof materials onto the walls.
  2. the technique involves impregnating the surface with special compounds.
  3. allows you to introduce sealing materials inside the wall without resorting to dismantling the masonry.

The technology of gluing or coating is less and less used for internal waterproofing. Its only advantage is the low price category. At the same time, the use of inexpensive insulating materials, such as tar or roofing felt, is a significant disadvantage.

Cheap materials react even to slight changes in temperature and humidity, quickly lose their qualities and peel off the walls. They are also unstable to mechanical damage, and without an additional protective layer quickly become unusable.

Penetrating compounds are widely used for both internal and external waterproofing. Applying materials such as liquid glass, bituminous compounds, cement-sand mixtures, polymer solutions and oil-bitumen paints create protective film, reliably protecting from water and moisture.

Injection as a new technique differs from other techniques in high efficiency, with its help it is possible to make the structure of the carrier material completely impregnable for the aquatic environment, humid air and capillary moisture.

Injection waterproofing of walls

Injection is a unique technique for today, based on the creation of a waterproof membrane in the thickness of the wall or on its surface. Hydrophobic materials are introduced under pressure and gravity into pre-drilled holes, all existing voids, cracks and capillaries are filled.

Wide choose injection materials allows you to adjust the degree of rigidity of the finished coating, the setting time and the volume of the injected composition.

Injection technology has opened up the possibility of performing both internal and external waterproofing of deep penetration walls from inside the building. This is especially true for brick walls.

Waterproofing brick walls

Brick occupies a special position in construction. This is a material with such qualities as:

  • energy saving,
  • breathability,
  • Strength.

But, along with such advantages, the brick has a serious drawback, it is the highest porosity of all materials and the ability not to absorb sedimentary moisture even from the air.

If high-quality waterproofing is not carried out in a building with a brick base, then moisture brickwork from the basement will quickly rise and saturate the walls of the upper floors. The result of a negligent attitude to insulation work will be the rapid destruction of load-bearing materials, dampness in all rooms, mold and fungal colonies on the walls.

In this case, even penetrating wall waterproofing against mold will not help, since, having processed the walls from the inside, they will remain open for moisture to penetrate from the outside. The option of waterproofing on a brick wall will be optimal and effective. : in brickwork.

Brick waterproofing by injection is always done from the inside. From deep drilled holes the creation of an outer or inner waterproof membrane depends. Moreover, only injection does not require the dismantling of the surface layer, and also allows you to perform insulation without dismantling.

In order for your home to retain its operational characteristics for a long time, you need to reliably protect its elements from moisture and foreign microorganisms. To do this, at all stages of construction, waterproofing of walls, foundations and other structures is performed.

She allows you to protect the building from the effects of precipitation, while maintaining comfort and warmth at home, regardless of weather conditions. Also, high-quality performance of such works will extend the life of the building and increase its reliability. Elements are processed at all stages of construction - during the construction of the foundation, installation of ceilings, the appearance of walls, etc. Technically correct waterproofing of walls from the inside is especially important in the bathrooms of apartment buildings.

According to experts, about 70% of the walls are poorly insulated from moisture. That is most builders and homeowners do not know how to carry out such work. In addition, builders often save on building materials, so every owner should take seriously verification of completed repairs.

Poorly executed waterproofing of walls from the outside and from the inside has unpleasant consequences.

It is better to immediately choose the right building material and reliably protect surfaces from moisture, since Correcting errors is costly and time consuming.

Variety of waterproofing materials

Exist different types waterproofing devices having the same purpose, but differing in properties and method of application to the surface.

We list the main groups:

  • Penetrating and penetrating mixtures
  • Roll pasting materials


The basis of polymer and bituminous mastics serve organic solvents, modifiers and petroleum bitumen. As a rule, such elements are processed concrete walls foundations. They stick well to the surface, forming a moisture-resistant captivity. Mastic hardens under the influence of air and has the only drawback - specific smell.

Water-soluble mastics are made from synthetic latex and fine bitumen. Waterproofing solutions adheres well to brick and concrete, while being applied both on dry and wet substrates(this is their main advantage).

Such mastic is used for vapor barrier and waterproofing of the wall in the bathroom. To reduce the viscosity, it is diluted with water. The materials are simply applied with a brush or roller.


Penetrating or penetrating mixtures are made from cement and fine quartz sand. They penetrate deep into the base, filling all the pores and small cracks and thus form a reliable moisture-proof layer. The reliability of the mixture is increased due to the fact that after penetration into the surface, it increases in size . The building material is used for waterproofing walls from the inside, it is applied in 2-3 layers with a roller or brush.

Roll products

With the help of bituminous rolled products, the bases are protected from moisture in the ground. They are made from roofing paper, impregnated with bitumen. The coating of fine-grained quartz powder on one of the sides of the roll is not subject to mechanical damage. In particular, quite popular roofing material belongs to this group.

There are more modern materials roll type - Hydroisol and Aquaizol. They are made on the basis of fiberglass mesh treated with bitumen in several layers and are much stronger than roofing material with less weight.

With the help of rolls, you can quickly finish a fairly large surface area. In addition, such a coating lasts about 7 years.

Waterproofing concrete buildings in various ways

There are two main approaches - a complex method or using special membranes.

The complex system is divided into two subtypes:

  • Hydrophobic - such waterproofing exterior walls carried out with various coatings suitable for application on the outside of the base.
  • Hydrophilic - can be performed different ways, the most popular of which is crystal method. So, water contained in concrete turns into insoluble crystals. This is achieved due to the fact that upon contact with water, hydrophilic mixtures absorb it and increase in volume, filling the pores of the base and making the surface waterproof.

This modern technology based on the use special waterproof concrete And does not require additional protection from moisture after the erection of the structure. In the production of such concrete, special additives are used to prevent water infiltration and prevent moisture from penetrating through the finished surface. The building material is popular in Europe, Australia, Asia and is valued for its ability to lay even in the rain.

Waterproofing walls with impregnation

membranes are divided into sheet and liquid. The second (also called impregnations) are applied to concrete base spatula or roller and form a rubber layer 6 mm thick. Their benefits are high speed of work and a fairly low price. The disadvantages include the difficulty in achieving a uniform layer even when applied minimum quantity substances, as well as a rather short service life, which is about 2-3 years.

Liquid membranes are applied on:

  • Warehouses;
  • open areas;
  • parking lots;
  • Farms;
  • car services;
  • Administrative buildings and residential buildings;
  • open areas;
  • In production shops.

When choosing an impregnation, they are guided by the degree of moisture content of the coating. For dry surfaces located in places with a low amount of moisture, use epoxy or polyurethane liquid. If the base is wet, made of high-density or graded concrete, a high-flowing impregnation of polyurethane is used. Structures exposed to atmospheric precipitation are treated with impregnations that form a vapor barrier film.

Sheet membranes are made from bitumen. They are laminated with polyethylene, and then glued to concrete surface. Leaf membranes have high strength and are used on structures with high load. Their disadvantage lies in the long laying and, as a result, the need to attract more labor.

Assumes installation continuous layer resistant to moisture. In this way, waterproofing can be performed wooden walls. Work can be done hot or cold. The material will be hot or cold mastic or cast asphalt solutions. Requirements for the performance of such work are defined in GOST 9128-84.

Cast waterproofing is often performed on horizontal bases. However, sometimes such work can be carried out on vertical surfaces made of wood and other materials.

Preparation for work

Consider the basic steps for installing external and internal waterproofing of walls and partitions.

Step 1. Select the appropriate material for the construction, following the above recommendations. If in doubt about the correctness of your choice, consult with a specialist.

Step 2: Prepare the Surface from floor and wall to ceiling. Seal seams and small cracks up to 6 mm wide with polyurethane mastic. It is also necessary to patch larger gaps and wait for complete drying before proceeding further. uneven surface needs to be aligned– in this way, it is possible to achieve good adhesion with a further layer of material.

Step 3. Clean the base well from dirt, dust, grease and previously used liquids, before applying waterproofing material . To do this, it is recommended to use a hard brush and sodium orthophosphate.

Now you can proceed to the device of the waterproofing layer.

Have you noticed in some houses an unpleasant smell of dampness, mold? Especially in the first or basement floors Houses? All this happens in those places where the waterproofing of the building is broken. Indeed, any building already at the construction stage should be protected from the negative effects of moisture, this applies not only to the floor, but also to the walls. Moisture sources are groundwater, atmospheric precipitation and general air humidity. Especially important is the waterproofing of walls on the first floors, concrete foundations, basements with masonry, which is easily saturated with moisture, as well as in places where flooding is theoretically possible - bathrooms, kitchens, bathrooms, swimming pools.

Recently, underground space has been actively used, where an excess of moisture is also explained by uneven soil pressure, shrinkage of walls and foundations. Infiltrating into basements, water easily rises along an unprotected wall into a living space. To avoid these phenomena, vapor and waterproofing of the walls is simply necessary.

To prevent moisture from atmospheric precipitation, groundwater and general humidity from harming buildings, as well as to prevent mold and fungus, waterproofing of walls is carried out.

Important: There are special rules according to which waterproofing of walls is carried out - SNiP (regulatory documents that establish requirements for waterproofing compounds, sealing mixtures, as well as technological operations).

Waterproofing of external and internal walls is carried out by the following types of materials:

  • Expanding cement - in the process of hardening, the mixture increases in volume, filling joints and cracks.
  • Penetrating mixtures, it can be liquid glass, bituminous materials, cement, granulometric quartz sand with chemically active additives. Can be used outside and inside the building.
  • Waterproofing membrane - specific polyethylene film different density with antioxidant and other components that improve specifications. The thickness of the canvas can vary from 0.5 to 3 mm. The densest membranes are less elastic.