Shower      06/26/2020

What solvents can be diluted with different types of paints? How to dilute the paint before painting the car When to dilute the water-based composition

Many, if not most home craftsmen, are familiar with this situation: they opened a jar, and the paint in it was thickened. It doesn't matter - you can always dissolve it.

Basic rules for diluting paints

The most important rule is that like dissolves like. Agree, it is silly to use acetone to dilute oil paint and expect that the dissolved paint will be of a uniform consistency and without curdled clots.

Therefore, first of all, carefully study the label on the can of paint and understand its composition. At worst, find out at least the type of paint in the can.

Diluting the paint, start with a small test amount. Having placed quite a bit of thickened paint in a small bowl, add a little to it, and if, after thorough mixing, it acquires the necessary viscosity without losing its properties, you can safely proceed to dissolve the main volume of paint.

Be careful with the amount of thinner, add it to the paint in small portions.

Remember: you can almost always make liquid paint from thick paint, but thick paint from liquid paint is very problematic.

At the end of the dilution of the paint, before starting the painting work, get rid of debris and undissolved elements by filtering it through a sieve or a layer of gauze.

Water-dispersion paints

As the name suggests, these paints are made up of water, pigment, and a binder.

Among the family of water-dispersion paints, consisting of gouache, watercolor and acrylic, the latter is the most popular and in demand, because after drying it is not afraid of water and precipitation.

Acrylic paints are environmentally friendly, they are suitable for both interior and exterior decorating.

Despite the fact that in Lately On the market building materials special chemical compositions for dissolving water-dispersion paints, the main means for diluting paints on water based is pure cold water.

Oil paints

Widely distributed due to their moderate cost. Ideal for (walls, roofs, etc.) due to the fact that they form a protective layer that prevents the penetration of moisture.

In the production of oil paints, a dye is used and different kinds essential oils.

It is for this reason that when diluting thickened oil paint, it is advisable to use drying oil, oil-resin varnish or white spirit.


The family of enamels is represented, perhaps, by the widest range among other types of paints. Depending on the brand of paint, a specific type of solvent will be required.

Enamels PF-253 and PF-266 can be diluted with both turpentine and. To dilute the paints PF-115, GF-230, PF-1126 you will need white spirit or turpentine.

Enamels of the Extra brand are best diluted with a solvent, although the use of the already mentioned turpentine or white spirit is allowed. KO-112 and KO-168 are excellently diluted with solvents R-4, R-6 or No. 646, and PF-133 and PF-223 enamels with xylene. To dilute the NTs-132 paint, you will need solvents No. 645 or No. 646.

Despite the apparent strict binding of enamels to certain types of thinners, most solvents are interchangeable. So do not be afraid - experiment, mix and paint.

Good luck to you! May you succeed!

Acrylic paints appeared about 50 years ago and to this day do not lose popularity. They are suitable for interior decoration, intended for painting wooden and metal surfaces, plastered walls and ceilings.

Depending on the surface texture and the intended purpose, this material must be thinned. It can be done different ways, and we'll take a closer look at everything.

In its original form, acrylic paint is of a thick consistency, therefore it needs to be diluted. For this, special solvents or products recommended by the manufacturer are used.

However, you can use a simple accessible means for breeding - water. This component is initially included in the composition, therefore it does not violate the texture and makes the consistency convenient for application.

It is important to understand that the proportion of water must be strictly observed so as not to spoil the original properties. In addition, for the set goals, only clean and cool water will be required, without additional impurities.

In painting works, four types of proportions for dilution are used:

    Ratio 1:1. If you add water in equal amounts to the volume of paint, you get a consistency suitable for applying a base coat. The liquid will be thick, but will not stick to the roller or brush, it will lie evenly over the surface.

    Ratio 1:2. If two parts of water are added to one part of the paint, a composition of a mobile consistency is obtained, creating a thin layer on the surface to be painted. Applies to smooth surfaces to reduce the intensity of dark colors.

    Ratio 1:5. If the amount of added water 5 times exceeds the volume of paint, a liquid composition is obtained - tinted water, which will penetrate between the villi of the working tool. When applied, a barely noticeable layer is formed, which will look interesting when painting textured surfaces.

    The ratio is 1:15. In this case, ordinary water is obtained with a small amount of dissolved dye. This composition is used to create smooth transitions between shades, gradient color design.

Measure the required amount of water with a syringe or measuring cup to maintain the recommended proportions.

Be careful: you need to dilute acrylic paint with small portions of water, added gradually. In this case, you can not stop mixing.

In 90% of cases solvents are colorless, with a pronounced specific odor. These tools are used to change the texture of acrylic paints and obtain a matte or glossy surface. Unlike water, which can add "turbidity" to the color, special thinners do not have such a negative effect.

The proportions of adding such funds depend on the type of proposed work. If there is a lot of solvent, the texture will become translucent, if there is not enough, a thick, saturated color will remain. Manufacturers give dilution recommendations, stick to them.

The use of solvents depends on the air temperature.

    When stained in cold weather use solvents with a fast drying speed so that the paint has good adhesion to the surface.

    Under normal temperature regime use compositions with an average drying speed. They are considered universal and suitable for all types of work.

    Solvents with a low drying rate are designed for hot weather and keep the water from evaporating too quickly.

It is important to understand that a properly selected solvent improves the performance of the composition, affects the strength of the coating and color saturation.

Solvents that are combined with acrylic paints:

    gasoline and white spirit- compositions with a high drying rate;

    kerosene– average value of volatility;

    turpentine- slow evaporation.

There are positive reviews about the solvent RELOCRYL ACRYL, which is designed specifically for the dilution of acrylic paints, varnishes and primers.

If the composition gets on a surface not intended for painting, it is washed off with a solvent-washer. The composition is available in the form of a paste. It is applied to the desired area and left for 10-15 minutes. The wash dissolves acrylic, the excess is easily removed.

Regardless of the option chosen, it is important that two rules are observed - the resulting solution should not coagulate, the presence of lumps is unacceptable.

What to do if the paint is dry

Impossible to accurately calculate the amount required material, so professional builders prefer to take it with a margin. After interior finishing, there are situations when a certain amount of paint remains unused.

The rest in the jar gradually dries up - moisture evaporates over time, polymerization begins. The more liquid "leaves", the lower the performance of the composition.

Do not immediately throw away the damaged material: you can try to reanimate the paint, returning it to its original properties.

Instructions for restoring dried paint.

    Grind the remains into a powder with a minimum fraction.

    Pour on 2-3 sec boiling water, then drain.

    Repeat procedure 2-3 times to warm up the composition.

    Leave boiling water in the jar and mix the contents thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency.

If the paint has turned into a homogeneous plastic lump, proceed as in the previous case. But at the final stage of resuscitation, instead of hot water add alcohol. Ordinary female nail polish, added little by little, can also help.

If finances allow, buy acrylic thinner "Gamma". It is inexpensive, but does an excellent job with the paint, which has acquired a "rubber" consistency. The product is sold in online stores and specialized outlets.

The performance properties of the restored material will be lower than the original ones - the lumps will not completely dissolve, which will adversely affect the strength of the coating. Use this composition for painting secondary surfaces that are not conspicuous.

If acrylic paint has deteriorated after improper storage, for example, at low temperatures, it will not be possible to restore it. In such a situation, irreversible polymerization of the material begins, various substances will be powerless.

Working with acrylic paints has nuances and secrets. Here are some of them:

    Water must stand 2-3 hours so that the impurities settle to the bottom. Only after that it can be used to dilute acrylic paints.

    When applying the composition with a spray gun, work with branded solvents, adhering to the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. So you get a liquid of a homogeneous consistency and achieve a uniform coloring of the surface.

    Rinse brushes and rollers thoroughly, especially if the work was carried out with a highly diluted liquid. Such a composition is difficult to notice, so the particles remain between the villi. The subsequent use of paint of a lighter shade, the color will be spoiled.

    Add the diluent to the composition in portions, thoroughly mixing the composition after each dose. To do this, use a special mixer.

Regardless of what you're going to dilute your acrylic paint with, test with a small amount of coloring agent. If you notice the formation of lumps, you will have to select another option.

When painting a car, especially on your own, you need to know a lot of nuances. First of all, attention should be paid to the choice of paint and its preparation for the procedure. Most of them are not applied in their original state; for the best effect, a solvent is used to car paints. It is often used for breeding, as special thinners work a little differently.

Manufacturers can sell a whole car repaint kit. For a simple paint, for example, acrylic, the product itself, a solvent (extractant) and a hardener will be available. All components are mixed. But the metallic effect coating is applied in two layers, so the set will consist of a base, a thinner for it, a hardener, a transparent varnish and an extractant for varnish.

The difference between a solvent and a special thinner is significant. Extractants are initially present in any paintwork materials. They affect their structure by diluting some resins and making them suitable for applying even and thin layers. Thinners are simply mixed with the composition and diluted to a certain viscosity.

As a result, a properly selected mixture can best bring the dye to the correct state, since it is originally a component of it. The use of thinners will give a less rosy effect. When choosing which solvents to use for car paint, it is worth considering the desired shade and application rules.

There are many categories various colors for cars, but only four main varieties have become popular. They possess various properties and earned the love of car owners for various reasons.

Acrylic are two-component. They are mixed not only with a thinner, but also with a hardener. Color depth can be adjusted by the number of layers. They have such advantages:

  • They don't burn out.
  • Slow aging process.
  • Does not require varnishing.
  • Easy to apply.
  • You can choose a softer or harder option.
  • Dry quickly.
  • Withstand high temperatures.
  • The hue does not depend much on the thickness of the layer.

It gives a soft matte color with a slight sheen. It is not varnished on top. Acrylic is easy to polish to the desired state.

Alkyd enamels are used much less often for painting cars, they require more effort to obtain a specific result. From above they are covered with an additional layer of transparent varnish and polished. It produces an excellent glossy finish with high operational properties. In them, solvent formulations are used rather to reduce the drying time, since the additive evaporates quickly. They are more expensive, but also keep a good appearance longer, prevent the formation of corrosion, resistant to aggressive environments.

Nitro paints won the love of the consumer with a "mirror" effect. They get the original glossy body with a metallic sheen. The main disadvantage of this material is high toxicity during the procedure, so their use is gradually reduced.

Their use requires thorough cleaning of the surface, as they cannot be mixed with other types. But they dry quickly and are long-lasting.

Water emulsion environmentally friendly. They differ in such advantages:

  • Can be applied over other finishes.
  • Does not require surface leveling.
  • Give the surface an ideal condition.
  • Gives a more thorough finish.
  • They do not repel water during application, so it does not swell.
  • Long preserved.

She also has disadvantages - she dries for a long time and requires expensive equipment for proper application.

Which solvent to choose for the acrylic composition

It is best to use specialized acrylic thinner for automotive paints. In no case should you choose organic options, for example, 646,647 and so on. It is worth spending money and buying a specialized version from the same company, although it costs more. Then the effect will be much better.

If the budget does not provide for such expenses, then it can be replaced with a tool similar in composition. Perfect extractant 651 or universal - P12. It has been used many times with acrylic varieties, so the result is guaranteed.

Which solvent to choose for alkyd versions

Alkyds are divided into two grades depending on the resins that are the basis. They are pentaphthalic (PF) and glyphthalic (GF). For them, a volatile solvent for automotive paints is used - white spirit, gasoline, solvent, turpentine, or a mixture thereof. You need to choose a specific option depending on the marking, but there are also universal option- R-4.

What solvent to dilute nitro enamel

Nitro paint is best diluted with organic varieties. Clear color formulation 646, which includes alcohols, hydrocarbons and esters, will do. When working with this solution, be sure to observe safety precautions, as it is highly flammable. It takes a little, it is a fairly aggressive solvent for automotive paints. If the owner of the car does not want to take risks, then you can use the P-4 solvent.

When choosing a 646 composition, one must be careful - there is a GOST and TU marking. The TU option should be adapted only for cleaning surfaces and an airbrush. This is a cheap, aggressive mixture that will destroy the coating.

How to dilute water-based mixtures

For them, as the name implies, solvents should not be used. the best options will be water or alcohol. You can try to choose a very mild composition based on alcohol or esters, but the result is unpredictable.

What solvent to wash off the old coating from the car

The type of extractant is chosen depending on the type of coating, so as not to damage the base and quickly cope with the task. For example, an acrylic thinner for automotive paints is suitable for acrylic varieties. For the rest, you can choose the general universal P-4 or a more aggressive option - 646. You can also use white spirit or its analogues, but they are difficult to remove varnish. It is better to choose them for the coloring layer.

The whole process of changing the paintwork on the body requires attention to detail and safety rules. Most solvents can be life-threatening if safety precautions such as gloves and a respirator, preferably a hazmat suit, are applied. The room in which the mixture is diluted and applied must be well ventilated.


When staining various surfaces Acrylic paints often require the composition to have the right consistency, so it is very important to choose the right thinner. If the dilution solution is chosen incorrectly, then the consequences can be very sad. Incorrect proportions also degrade the quality of the applied mixture.

Acrylic composition is a kind of modern water-based (water-dispersed) paints. Due to the many positive properties (environmental friendliness, reliability, quick drying), this solution is perfect for painting surfaces inside and outside the premises. Acrylic mixtures are also actively used for decorating and painting, there are special options for various materials.

By consistency, the water-based acrylic solution is most often a rather thick mixture that needs to be diluted. To select the optimal diluent, you need to pay attention to the composition. The main component that gave the name to this group of paints is water, the base can be up to 50-60% of the solution.

Thus, the solvent is water, which, in order to obtain an ideal result, must meet certain requirements:

  1. Temperature. To dilute the mixture, the liquid must have a value within 20 degrees. If a facade type of paint is used, it is 4–5 degrees higher than the street indicator (minimum 15–18 ° C).
  2. No impurities. It is recommended to use distilled water, which does not contain foreign substances. If such a composition cannot be obtained, then the liquid is first brought to a boil and settled.

Important! In private country houses there are own wells and wells, but the water extracted from them is often salty. It cannot be used for dilution even after settling, in which case the water must undergo special filtration.

Features of diluting acrylic with water

To properly dilute acrylic paints, you need to know the proportions that allow you to achieve different results:

  • Ratio 1:2. If one part of the coloring mixture accounts for two parts of water, then such a solution is quite liquid. It holds well on the brush, but leaves streaks behind, so it is better to lay it with a fleecy roller. The mixture is suitable for creating a base for a base coat.
  • Proportion 1:1. This composition is used to obtain the base layer. It has good viscosity and adheres well to the surface. After it, a composition similar in consistency can be applied, but it is better to dilute the final layer minimally.
  • A less common option is when the paint needs to be dissolved in five parts of water. This method is used by professional designers or artists when it is necessary to tint textured elements. The composition is quickly absorbed, and the layer is barely noticeable.

The paint, which is used in gradient staining to create a transition between tones, is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:15

Also, dilution of acrylic in a ratio of 1:5 or more is performed when creating a primer for highly porous substrates, if it is not possible to purchase a special primer. Such a mixture penetrates quite deeply.

On a note! Now on sale there are many modern water-based acrylic compositions that do not need in large numbers thinner. For them, the maximum is considered to be 10% of the total mass of the coloring matter.

What else is diluted with paint?

Although water is the optimal solvent that is available to everyone, there are special liquids - thinners. According to the structure, they are divided into several varieties:

Application of acrylic thinners

Specialized formulations are also divided by drying speed. Properly selected option allows you to perform work even in difficult conditions.

There are the following varieties:

  • Slow. Suitable for outdoor and internal works if the temperatures are very high. The fact is, due to the rapid evaporation of ordinary water, the coating does not acquire desired properties and can be destroyed. And slowly evaporating thinners make it possible to get the job done right, as a result, the surfaces receive reliable protection.
  • Medium. This is a universal composition best option for work inside the house or apartment.
  • Fast. They are mainly used outside, including at low temperatures. In such conditions, the paint does not have time to adhere to the base with a simple dilution, and a quick thinner solves this problem.

When choosing a solvent for drying speed, they are guided by the ambient temperature, so a “fast” thinner is used at temperatures from 5 to 15 ° C, at 15-25 ° C “medium” is used, in hot weather from 25 ° C a “slow” is needed

In addition, a different ratio of solvent and coloring composition makes it possible to obtain a layer of various thicknesses.

On a note! Depending on the tool, a different degree of dilution of the mixture will be required. For example, a roller and a brush need sufficient viscosity so that the solution can be easily picked up and held. For the spray gun, the situation is reversed - the material must be more liquid, otherwise spraying will not work.

How paints are bred for drawing

Dilution of acrylic-based art paints is a more responsible process. The fact is that the volume of such compositions is small, so you can not make a mistake with the proportion.

Dissolution is carried out using a conventional pipette, it allows you to dose the amount of diluent used. Wet palettes are selected for mixing, this will eliminate the possibility of quick drying. Getting the right consistency depends on the desired result and the work being done, but it is best to test individually.

In case of excessive dilution, add some paint or leave the mixture to dry.

What to do if acrylic paint is dry?

It happens that due to improper storage at home, even for a short time, the composition has time to thicken or dry out strongly. To correct this situation, you must do the following:

  • The acrylic mixture differs from simple enamels in that it can be diluted with varying degrees of drying of the main composition. So, with an increase in viscosity, water is simply added to the solution and mixed well. The main thing is to close the container tightly. This rule is also true for those cases when there is a small residue after coloring.
  • If clots are observed in the composition, then a little alcohol is added to the water. The mixture is thoroughly mixed until the lumps disappear completely. A small amount of solvent is poured on top, the container is well sealed.

It is more difficult to restore the dried composition. To do this, a whole range of actions is performed:

  1. The hardened material is removed from the container and broken into small pieces. It is important to exclude the ingress of dirt and dust.
  2. Lumps must be crushed as much as possible. To do this, you can use a piece of pipe or fittings of a suitable diameter.
  3. The resulting powder is poured into a convenient container and filled with well-heated water. The solution is not stirred, but shaken several times. After a minute, the liquid drains.
  4. A new portion of hot liquid is added, the procedure is repeated.
  5. A special diluent is poured in, the mixture is well stirred until the desired viscosity is obtained. But such a material will no longer have all the properties.

If the paint has dried to a stone state, then it is better to refuse to restore it. Although it is possible to follow the previous procedure, which will require effort and time, the resulting composition is best used for utility rooms.

Probably, there is no such person who, sooner or later, would not have to look for an answer to the question: how to dilute the thickened paint. Often, the paint we have purchased is not used in full, and when it becomes necessary to use its remainder, we regret to find that the paint has dried up. In this article, you will learn how you can "reanimate" different types paints.

Oil paint

This type of paint is especially widely used during construction works. It has an acceptable cost, besides, the oil paint dries pretty quickly. Usually such paint is used for painting walls and roofs. However, it is undesirable to cover the floor and ceilings with it, since the oils that make up this product prevent the evaporation of moisture, and, therefore, free air circulation in the room will be disturbed.

withered oil paint diluted with drying oil, also purchase a special container and sieve for this purpose.

Drop into container required amount paint, pour a little drying oil here and begin to gradually stir the paint.

Stirring constantly, add drying oil until the paint reaches the consistency you need. After that, mix the product for about 10 minutes.

Take a sieve and use it to strain the restored oil paint. Do not allow the presence of clots in the paint.

You can also dilute such paint with white spirit. If there is a need to "reanimate" oil art paints, use any vegetable-based oil, turpentine (in our time, you can buy special turpentine, which is designed to restore paints for painting), or one of the art varnishes.

Water based paint

Water-based paint is absolutely harmless to humans from an environmental point of view. It lays down well, dries quickly and does not give peeling. That is why waterborne paints are so popular.

Such paints contain active pigments that are connected by water, so it is better to dilute the dried water-based paint with drinking water.

Take a clean bucket and carefully place the paint in it.

Slowly pour water into the container, remembering to constantly mix the paint with a construction mixer.

As soon as the paint reaches the consistency you need, the procedure can be considered finished.

If you need paint certain color, use a color specially designed for this. Take a small container, put color and a little water-based paint there, mix everything. Carefully pour the resulting mass into the main paint, which is in a separate bowl, and stir until the paint acquires the desired shade.

acrylic paint

Acrylic paints are not cheap. Their basis is acrylic resins, which is why the surface painted with such paint becomes more durable, elastic and moisture resistant. Acrylic paints are a type of water-based paint, so they are diluted in a similar way with water.

car paint

To do this, you will need Sadolin auto paint, a solvent (646th, 647th, 648th), a container in which we will restore the paint, and a wooden stick. Auto paints are usually applied in two coats. First, the surface of the machine is covered with a developing layer, all the flaws are clearly visible on it.

So, let's dilute the paint for the initial layer. Take 1 part of Sadolin auto paint and 4 parts of thinner, mix everything carefully. For the initial painting of the car body, one liter should be enough. Remember: before applying the paint, it is necessary to degrease the surface and dry it thoroughly.

Here is the solution for the second, decorative layer. The paint should now be thicker, so take 1 part auto paint and mix with 3 parts thinner. As soon as the solution becomes homogeneous, quickly paint the car with it. After that, the machine must be indoors for at least two, or even three days.

Reminder: the higher the number of the solvent, the fatter it is, so there is a possibility of smudges.

Now you know how to properly dilute dried paint. I want to believe that our recommendations will be useful to you, good luck painting!