Shower      07/02/2020

Why is there weakness and drowsiness in the body? Possible causes of weakness in the body. So what does the state of drowsiness and weakness mean?

Constant lethargy and drowsiness in a person during an active working day is a widespread problem of modern civilization and developed society. Most often, residents of large cities suffer from such symptoms.

In the vast majority of cases, the provoking factors of regular drowsiness are external factors (or a combination of them). Only after they have been excluded can we talk about a possible pathology or disease that requires complex diagnosis and appropriate treatment from a specialized specialist.

External factors and lifestyle

Typical provoking causes of weakness and drowsiness in this category include the following events and phenomena:


A regular lack of the main element of air, required for human breathing, can lead to a wide variety of negative manifestations, the first of which is drowsiness.

Most often, this problem manifests itself in enclosed spaces with large crowds of people. Typical risk areas are home and office work.

The brain is the first to react to a lack of oxygen, causing a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness, yawning and headaches throughout the day. In the medium term, transportation and metabolic processes involving this element in internal organs are disrupted, which can lead to more serious pathologies.

How to get rid of this negative factor? Spend time in the fresh air more often, regularly ventilate the rooms where you are constantly in as a last resort, use an ozonizer, pay attention to the presence of a basic ventilation system and try to stay as little as possible in areas completely isolated from the supply air.


In countries and areas with unstable and frequently changing weather, people are more likely to suffer from constant severe sleepiness. This is due to a sharp systemic change in atmospheric conditions, which constantly makes you want to sleep and feels lethargic throughout the body.

So, when pressure decreases, its arterial component decreases in parallel in men and women, which provokes a deterioration in the delivery of oxygen and other substances to the main organs and systems.

Another facet of the problem is the formation of a negative psychological background in a person. Constant rains, a minimum of light and warmth, dirt, slush on the street and other lingering atmospheric phenomena have a depressing effect, especially if a person is susceptible to depression and stress. As a result, he will be plagued by attacks of weakness in the body and drowsiness during the day, which are quite difficult to get rid of using simple methods.

Magnetic storms

Geomagnetic storms are directly related to solar activity - if a century ago this negative factor was in the “obvious-incredible” section, now it is a scientifically proven fact.

Particularly strong phenomena on a cosmic scale can not only affect people’s well-being, but even interfere with the operation of radio electronics around the world. In recent decades, a branch of biophysics has been developing that studies the influence of geomagnetic storms on terrestrial organisms - heliobiology.

Among basic negative symptoms of the influence of magnetic storms on humans, drowsiness, rapid heartbeat, surges in blood pressure, severe depression and fatigue are especially noticeable.

This atmospheric-physical factor only indirectly affects hardened people who do not have health problems; accordingly, to neutralize the manifestations, pay maximum attention to the general prevention of the body and receive timely treatment for any diseases.

Place of residence

A significant external factor is the place of residence of the person suffering from drowsiness. Climate and terrain play a huge role here - for example, in lowlands, special continental zones with increased aridity, and on mountain ranges, certain negative symptoms may occur, especially in people who do not permanently live in these groups of territories.

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Residents of large cities also feel drowsiness more often– the other side of the coin of global urbanization, with its accelerated pace of life and high risks of stress, especially in places where hundreds of thousands of city dwellers live densely, predetermines the occurrence of characteristic chronic fatigue.

In this case, a person needs regular good rest with vacation, in some cases, a change of place of residence with the choice of an area where the terrain and climate are individually optimal.

Lack of vitamins and microelements

Another reason for increased fatigue and drowsiness is a lack of vitamins. Hypovitaminosis or avitaminosis is the cause of the formation of a wide group of very diverse pathologies, while provoking serious syndromes and even diseases.

Drowsiness and headaches are most often provoked by a lack of vitamins B and P.

In addition, lethargy, severe fatigue and, as a consequence, the above-mentioned negative state, occurs against the background of a lack of a number of minerals, in particular iodine and iron.

The solution to this problem is as trivial as possible- this is a correction of the diet, including in the diet foods rich in rutin, iron, iodine and pantothenic acids, as well as taking vitamin and mineral complexes, especially in the autumn-winter period, when most fresh vegetables and fruits are simply unavailable.

Poor or unhealthy diet

Regular consumption of food and liquids daily supplies the human body with all the necessary substances, most of which are not synthesized by its own systems and organs.

Insufficient, too much or improper nutrition can significantly worsen well-being, lead to the formation of pathologies and the formation of diseases.

Several major risks:

  • Lack of vitamins in food and mineral may cause drowsiness;
  • Direct regular calorie deficiency weakens the body as a whole - constant fasting causes a number of borderline states, one of which is drowsiness;
  • Too much and extremely fatty food forces the stomach to work at maximum load, which impairs the functioning of related systems and can lead to fatigue, drowsiness and other symptoms.

Bad habits

The two most common bad habits are smoking and drinking alcohol.

In the first case Nicotine causes a constriction of peripheral blood vessels that transport oxygen to the brain, which can cause drowsiness.

In the second, the systemic effect of alcoholic beverages on the body not only hits the liver and, by analogy with tobacco smoking, constricts blood vessels, but also creates the preconditions for intoxication, which in turn have their own set of negative symptoms, from headaches to drowsiness.

Such problems can only be solved by gradually abandoning the above-mentioned bad habits - doing this on your own is not always easy, so if necessary, contact specialized specialists for qualified help.

Drugs that cause drowsiness

A large number of medications in the list of side effects have a section on the effect of the active substance on the central nervous system, where drowsiness is a typical negative manifestation. The most famous groups of such medications:

  • Antihistamines. Antiallergic drugs of the first generations (for example, Diphenhydramine, Tavegil) have many side effects and a pronounced drowsiness effect;
  • Sedatives. Any sedative, regardless of its composition, slows down the functioning of the central nervous system and creates the preconditions for drowsiness. Typical representatives are Persen, motherwort tincture, Fitosed;
  • Neuroleptics. They have a direct systemic inhibitory effect on the functioning of the central nervous system, which causes strong characteristic symptoms. Typical representatives are Haloperidol, Eglonil.;
  • Sleeping pills. Like sedatives, they cause drowsiness even after the end of the direct action - their half-life from the body can reach a day. Typical representatives are Sonmil, Donomil;
  • Tranquilizers. The principle of operation of these drugs is the suppression of fear, anxiety, emotionality by relaxing smooth muscles and nervous system. Typical representatives are Relanium, Phenazepam;
  • Anti-cold medications. Most modern combination remedies against cold symptoms include vasoconstrictor components, which cause a decrease in oxygen supply and drowsiness. Typical representatives are Flukold, Coldrex, Teraflu.

Diseases and condition of the body

Not only external factors can cause drowsiness, but also diseases, pathologies and various syndromes; often daytime drowsiness warns of a serious illness.

Hormonal disorders

Most often seen in women due to the physiological characteristics of the body, although sometimes they also appear in men (most often with pathologies of the thyroid gland). Typical factors leading to hormonal imbalances include:

  1. Intense unbalanced physical activity;
  2. Abortion, gynecological problems, pregnancy;
  3. Extremely restrictive diet or obesity;
  4. Puberty with the formation of reproductive function;
  5. Other factors.

The process of treating hormonal imbalances and disorders depends on the specific pathology that caused the problem and is developed individually by a specialized specialist.

Nervous exhaustion

By nervous exhaustion, experts mean a symptomatic complex that forms a nonspecific syndrome. Typically, this condition manifests itself as both psycho-emotional disorders and intellectual disorders of the cognitive spectrum.

In addition, typical physical pathologies can be diagnosed - from arrhythmia and changes in blood pressure to muscle spasms, neuralgia and pain syndrome with peripheral vision impairment.

The first signs of nervous exhaustion include constant weakness with drowsiness.

The process of treating nervous exhaustion depends on the cause of the syndrome. If its etiology is unclear or the person is elderly, nootropics and sedatives are prescribed.


Depression is a well-known mental disorder characterized by motor retardation, drowsiness, deterioration of mood, anhedonia against the background of critical-pessimistic thinking.

As world statistics show, it is depression is the most common affective and mental disorder in the world.

The overall prevalence in developed countries reaches 15-20 percent of the total working population.

It is almost impossible to solve the problem of depression on your own and effectively get out of it.. The psychiatrist will prescribe appropriate medication, including tranquilizers and sedatives, and also recommend a course of psychotherapy.

Endocrine disruptions

A significant part of all problematic cases of constant drowsiness in women are caused by physiological endocrine disruptions - this is regular premenstrual syndrome, as well as menopause.

PMS is a symptom complex in the fair sex 2-8 days before the onset of menstruation, expressed in a number of temporary conditionally pathological disorders - from drowsiness and psycho-emotional decline to aggressiveness, swelling, cephalgia and even systemic crisis.

Menopause, as a permanent phenomenon, occurs in women between the ages of 45 and 55 and is associated with involution of ovarian function, the disappearance of regular menstruation and a fundamental change in hormonal levels.

Solving the problem in both cases– hormone replacement therapy, as well as general recommendations for improving the health of the body and maintaining the tone of all systems/organs of a woman.

Vegetovascular dystonia (VSD)

Vegetative-vascular dystonia in the modern understanding is a complex syndrome with extensive symptoms, resulting from the combined effects of several diseases and pathologies of a chronic nature.

Typical manifestations at the level of the autonomic nervous system include drowsiness, chronic fatigue, and pressure fluctuations - both arterial and intracranial. In this case, the patient/patient feels unwell, complains of frequent moderate pain, respiratory disorders, etc.

Complex therapy of the problem usually includes strengthening of blood vessels, limited physical exercise, breathing exercises, massages, healthy image life. When the cause of the syndrome is found, if it is expressed by a specific disease, conservative drug treatment is prescribed.

Iron-deficiency anemia

Acute iron deficiency in the human body can cause corresponding anemia. It is expressed in a number of specific symptoms. Thus, a lack of hemoglobin (iron-containing protein) disrupts the binding of red blood cells to oxygen, as a result of which it is less well delivered to the cells of all major organs and systems of the body, causing fatigue, dizziness, drowsiness and other manifestations of this spectrum.

Solution– taking vitamin and mineral complexes, as well as correcting the diet with the inclusion of buckwheat porridge, red meat, vegetables, fish, individual fruits and other products rich in iron in the daily diet.


The most famous and widespread endocrine spectrum disease in the world is diabetes mellitus, which is associated with impaired glucose absorption.

This problem is complex in nature, can cause a huge number of pathologies and, given modern realities, cannot be completely cured - all the efforts of modern medicine in this aspect are aimed at normalizing metabolic processes in the body and reducing the risks of developing possible complications.

Known manifestations of diabetes of any type usually include a feeling of hunger, headache, periodic drowsiness, itching of the skin, muscle weakness, and disturbances in the functioning of the heart and eyes.

Chronic fatigue syndrome - symptoms and treatment

Chronic fatigue syndrome - this complex of symptoms, combined into one concept, appeared in the everyday speech of doctors relatively recently; which can cause chronic fatigue and drowsiness. It is most common in developed countries and is expressed in long-term, persistent fatigue that cannot be eliminated even after a good long rest.

It is noteworthy that almost all groups of the adult population living in large cities and metropolitan areas are at potential risk of detecting the syndrome.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are not specific and may belong to a whole group of other pathologies and diseases. However, even if a comprehensive examination does not reveal any serious health problems, then CFS can be diagnosed if the following manifestations are present::

  • Profound systemic fatigue and drowsiness;
  • Multiple sleep disorders, including pathological ones;
  • Problems with short-term and long-term memory, reaction speed, memorization;
  • Attacks of apathy or aggression;
  • Feeling exhausted throughout the active day, immediately after waking up and before resting at night.

Effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome is impossible without a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism. In a significant proportion of cases, manifestations of CFS are caused by chronic diseases in an erased form, disturbances in the transport of oxygen to tissues, mitochondrial dysfunction, problems with cellular metabolism, infections and viruses in an indirect form, etc.

This requires therapy based on individual scheme prescribed by the attending physician. In the absence of obvious reasons as additional measures recommended:

  1. Fasting diet;
  2. Normalization of circadian rhythms;
  3. Massage, hydrotherapy, exercise therapy;
  4. Autogenic training, psychotherapy sessions;
  5. Certain symptomatic drugs - antihistamines, enterosorbents, tranquilizers, etc.

How to get rid of drowsiness?

  • Treat all types of diseases, especially chronic ones, in a timely manner;
  • Regularly undergo preventive examinations and basic comprehensive diagnostics in this aspect;
  • Organize your daily and weekly rhythms. Allocate your time so that you get at least 8 hours of full rest at night. During the day, it is also advisable to take breaks not only for lunch, but also for general relaxation. 2 full days a week – weekends, without work stress;
  • Healthy lifestyle- trivial and effective. Giving up bad habits, regular moderate physical activity, jogging and swimming, and other classic activities known and promoted by doctors since Soviet times significantly reduce the risk of developing chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • Eat right. Eat less fried, salted and marinated foods, reduce the consumption of foods with large amounts of simple carbohydrates (for example, muffins). Introduce vegetables and fruits into your diet, do not forget about hot soups, red meat and fish. Eat fractionally, dividing the daily dose into 5-6 meals, without overeating in the evenings and before bed.
  • Massage, relaxation, aromatherapy and other similar aspects - as a pleasant, useful and really working addition.

Vitamins for fatigue, weakness and drowsiness

Vitamins are not medicines in the direct sense; they do not act immediately, showing a quick or even immediate therapeutic effect. However this does not mean that they are not needed - when eliminating hypovitaminosis, with the help of vitamin and mineral complexes, you can significantly reduce the risks of the formation and development of constant drowsiness in the medium term.

The composition of the selected complex preparation must contain the following elements in sufficient quantities:

  • Vitamin A. Improves the body's fight against infections of any type, protects mucous membranes, supports the production of red blood cells responsible for metabolic processes with iron.
  • Group of vitamins B. B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, B12– this large list of substances is responsible for a huge number of processes and systems and is required to be taken in case of constant drowsiness, fatigue, stress, depression.
  • Vitamins D, P and C. Immunity and healthy cell growth are a reliable barrier to any syndromes, pathologies, or diseases.

Spring has come, trees, flowers and cats have woken up... but not you. You still feel unbearably tired, have difficulty getting up in the morning, “recharge” with coffee during the day, and by the evening you fall into bed exhausted. Let's figure out why hibernation might have been prolonged, and whether it's time to see a doctor.


Let's start with the banal - lifestyle revision. Perhaps you yourself do not notice how you are squeezing juices out of your body. The first step is to analyze your dream.

“Well, I sleep about seven hours, that should be enough,” you might think, because the average Russian sleeps about 6 hours and 45 minutes a day. But is this really enough to restore strength?

Not really. Scientists from Michigan have found that those who sleep at least seven hours a day feel normal during the day and may only experience slight drowsiness. But people who are only half an hour short of normal sleep and rest for 6.5 hours daily already complain of severe fatigue during the day.

So you need to sleep at least seven hours. In general - 7-9 hours, depending on the individual characteristics of the person. Find your duration of rest after which you do not feel daytime sleepiness. In addition to lack of sleep, the feeling of constant fatigue can be affected by physical activity, nutrition, medication and psychoactive substances.

If we talk about sports, both a lack of activity and an excess of it can lead to a feeling of lack of strength. You need to play sports, but everything is fine: useful training lasts no more than 50-60 minutes a day, and you should devote about 150 minutes to physical activity per week. When a person trains less than normal, he may feel tired from the fact that the body is not in good shape, if more - from overtraining.

Hisashi/ BY-SA 2.0

Of course, if you exercise regularly and actively, your resistance to stress increases and you can exercise longer than the average person. But you still need to monitor your health and give your body a rest between workouts. If you think that your fatigue is associated with excessive physical activity, you should contact a trainer who will help you create a proper exercise and rest schedule.

Finally, please note that what you eat, what medications you take, how often you drink alcohol, how high quality it is. Fatigue may be due to the fact that your diet is not balanced, it is low in complex carbohydrates, proteins or healthy fats, certain and micronutrients. Feeling weak may occur if you drink alcohol to excess. Some medications, such as antihistamines, may make you feel weak and drowsy.

If you suspect that your fatigue is due to this, try to switch to a healthy diet (perhaps with the help of a nutritionist), do not drink alcohol at least on weekdays, and do not exceed the dosage of alcohol. Talk to your doctor about the medications you are constantly taking, and if possible, change them to ones that do not cause drowsiness.

Fatigue as a symptom of illness

Let's say you analyzed your lifestyle, improved your sleep, activity and nutrition, but you are still constantly exhausted. In this case, fatigue is an alarm bell that may indicate illness. What diseases often cause a feeling of powerlessness?

When complaining of constant fatigue, one of the first questions the general practitioner asks is: “Have you had a hemoglobin test recently?” After all, weakness is one of the symptoms of anemia.

Anemia is not even a disease, but a condition in which the tissues in the body lack oxygen. And all because a person does not have enough full-fledged red blood cells - erythrocytes, thanks to which oxygen is transported. “Good” red blood cells are rich in hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein that can bind to oxygen.

If there is not enough hemoglobin, red blood cells cannot deliver a sufficient amount of oxygen to the tissues - oxygen starvation occurs in the body, one of the consequences of which is weakness and constant fatigue. Other symptoms are pale or yellowish skin color, arrhythmia, shortness of breath, dizziness and headaches, cold palms and feet.

Most often, anemia is caused by iron deficiency, because this microelement is the building material for hemoglobin. In this case, iron supplements will help improve your condition and give you vigor. By the way, iron deficiency can also be hidden, with normal hemoglobin levels - and in such a situation a person may also experience fatigue. To make sure that your iron level is normal, you also need to take a test for the protein ferritin - it most accurately reflects the iron reserves in the body. When ferritin levels are low, it makes sense to take iron, even if hemoglobin is normal. Anemia can also be associated with vitamin B12 deficiency, chronic inflammatory diseases, and rare disorders such as sickle cell disease.

Tambako The Jaguar/ BY-ND 2.0

Thyroid dysfunction

Both hypothyroidism (insufficient production of thyroid hormones) and hyperthyroidism (increased thyroid function) can cause persistent fatigue.

With hypothyroidism, weakness is combined with weight gain, dry skin, chills, constipation, and joints. In women, where hypothyroidism is more common than in men, this disorder may also be accompanied by irregular or heavy periods.

If hypothyroidism is not treated, over time the thyroid gland enlarges in an attempt to compensate for the lack of hormones - a goiter appears on the neck, visible to the naked eye. Also, against the background of hypothyroidism, without treatment, chronic depression can develop, memory and concentration are impaired. In the most severe cases, hypothyroidism can even be life-threatening: blood pressure and temperature drop, breathing becomes impaired, and the patient can fall into a coma and die.

With hyperthyroidism, a person not only chronically experiences a lack of strength, but also loses weight sharply without much effort (and this against the backdrop of an increase in appetite), the pulse quickens, tremor (shaking) and sweating, nervousness, irritability, and insomnia appear. Women may also experience disruptions to their menstrual cycle. A person with hyperthyroidism may experience swelling in the neck area from the very beginning of the disease, which indicates a growing goiter.

Left untreated, hyperthyroidism can lead to serious heart problems, osteoporosis, and vision problems. Thyroid dysfunction can be compensated with the help of special medications - this will not only save you from possible complications, but will also help you regain your strength.


With depression, a person feels terribly tired. Literally every, even the most routine, action, like going to the nearest store, seems like an incredible feat. Naturally, a person does not have the energy for hobbies or sports - a person with depression can barely cope with everyday responsibilities.

If all examinations and tests show that the body is in order, but a person feels a loss of strength, there is reason to suspect depression. Other symptoms include loss of interest in things that used to please you, decreased libido and appetite, anxiety, irritability, difficulty concentrating, constant feelings of guilt and insignificance, and fear of the future.

Drowsiness, apathy and constant fatigue indicate a functional disorder of the nervous system. Often these symptoms appear as a result of dangerous hidden diseases. For effective and adequate treatment, it is necessary to accurately determine the causes of constant fatigue. You can get rid of the blues, anxiety, lethargy, loss of performance, irritability and other signs of chronic fatigue syndrome through complex therapy.

Causes of drowsiness and chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue recognized by doctors as a natural reaction of the body to the formation of neuroses associated with inhibition of the function of the zone responsible for inhibition processes. The nervous system becomes exhausted due to complex intellectual stress and emotional stress, accompanied by low physical activity. The development of the disease can be aggravated by an unfavorable sanitary and environmental environment, viral infections and chronic diseases.

The reasons for constant fatigue lie in the intense rhythm of life in modern metropolis. Constant drowsiness and fatigue are critical symptoms, ignoring which provokes the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. An imbalance in energy balance can be caused by a deficiency of oxygen - a low amount of it supplied to the body's cells causes a negative reaction in the brain.

Chronic hypoxia (oxygen starvation) primarily manifests itself in constant yawning. If you do not ventilate the room and do not walk in the fresh air every day, the risk of developing constant fatigue and increased drowsiness increases tenfold. Constant stressful situations increase the production of the hormone cortisol. Its excess leads to constant fatigue, and in some cases, exhaustion.

Doctors consider excessive coffee consumption during the day to be another important reason. Three cups of drink a day are enough to keep you alert. Otherwise, coffee will cause lethargy, drowsiness, and apathy. According to medical statistics, decreased mental performance and increased fatigue are the only symptoms of hepatitis C. Hidden signs of the disease have very dangerous consequences for the body. If a person gets tired after minor exertion, it is difficult for him to walk long distances, perhaps the reason lies in problems with the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Provoking factors and main symptoms

Sleep apnea can make you feel tired and weak during the day. Moreover, often the patient is completely unaware of the reasons for his poor health. Problems with the thyroid gland provoke lethargy, discomfort in the muscles, frequent mood swings, loss of strength, and apathy.

The following pathological processes in the body contribute to the development of poor health, drowsiness, and constant fatigue:

  • lung diseases, obstructive lesions of lung tissue;
  • urinary tract infections (cystitis, polyenephritis, urethritis);
  • vitamin deficiencies, anemia;
  • heart failure;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • disorders in the reproductive system;
  • neuropsychiatric disorders.

Symptoms of chronic fatigue can occur in varying degrees of intensity. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each organism. Low performance, lack of energy, drowsiness, and indifference to what is happening more often worry active and responsible people in leadership positions. The reason for this is an increased sense of responsibility and a state of constant tension.

The causes of constant fatigue may also lie in the disease of fatal diseases. Doctors often detect cancer or HIV infection in the final stages. Experts say that ignoring the symptoms of chronic fatigue can lead to significant nervous exhaustion. Low resistance to stress factors and infectious processes appears, which prevents the formation of serotonin, the hormone of joy, and leads to a deterioration in overall well-being.

Clinical picture of the development of pathology

If serotonin is produced at the proper level, then a person’s mood will always be good, vigor and a surge of strength are guaranteed. A person will be able to withstand any stress and overload. Apathy, depressed mood and loss of strength are accompanied by either gluttony or an absolute lack of appetite. Increased fatigue is the main symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome. Its main difference from ordinary fatigue is stability and consistency.

A similar disorder accompanies patients even after a long night's rest. Rapid loss of performance and lethargy are combined with slow coordination of movements, absent-mindedness, dizziness, nervous excitability and anxiety. These signs begin to bother the patient already at the initial stage of development of the syndrome, so it can be diagnosed almost immediately.

It is worth noting that even in the early stages of pathology you always want to sleep, irritability gives way to aggressiveness. No strength for favorite hobby, there is discomfort throughout the body, and a constant headache.

A feeling of fatigue and loss of energy that bothers a person for 6 months are typical signs of chronic fatigue syndrome.

Secondary symptoms of the disease include the following:

  • discomfort or pain in muscle tissue;
  • mild fever or chills;
  • extensive headaches;
  • prolonged feeling of fatigue after minor physical exertion;
  • inflammatory processes in the axillary and cervical lymph nodes;
  • nasopharyngitis;
  • intolerance to bright light;
  • spatial disorientation;
  • forgetfulness and absent-mindedness.

Objective symptoms include restlessness, anxiety, unreasonable fears, diarrhea or constipation. Causes of persistent fatigue caused by acute or chronic diseases, require immediate medical care.

Modern methods of treatment

Treatment of chronic fatigue and drowsiness must be carried out through an integrated approach. Techniques based on cleansing the body have a successful effect. An integral component of therapy is the administration of drugs that normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The main goal of conservative therapy is to stimulate brain activity. It is necessary to eliminate problems with the immune and endocrine systems.

Hydrotherapy and hydrotherapy improve hormonal activity and muscle tone. Usage cold water for showering and rubbing, it helps get rid of problems with blood vessels and stimulates cardiac activity. Contrast shower and warm baths with aromatic oils. Popular methods of physiotherapy are color therapy, massage, breathing exercises.

Doctors recommend combating symptoms of fatigue using green and red colors. Green calms and relieves stress, while red energizes and stimulates mental activity. Breathing exercises eliminate drowsiness and help activate energy processes in both women and men. Representatives of both sexes are advised not to neglect massage sessions during periods of increased drowsiness and constant fatigue, regardless of their causes.

To reduce the effects of chronic fatigue, it is important to optimize your diet. You should not overeat or consume large amounts of fatty and spicy foods. You should not limit your intake of vitamins and mineral supplements. Pharmaceutical preparations must contain zinc, magnesium, iron, selenium, B vitamins, ascorbic acid. For women, in order to prevent fatigue during menstruation associated with the development of anemia, it is recommended to consume foods with a high iron content.

Therapy with folk remedies

You can eliminate drowsiness, constant fatigue, and apathy folk remedies. Particularly popular are infusions, decoctions, and teas based on medicinal herbs and natural products. Drinking tea with chamomile or echinacea every day has a calming effect on the body.

It is recommended to increase immunity and activate mental activity with the help of a healing remedy based on natural honey. The mixture consists of equal amounts of honey, lemons and walnuts. All ingredients must be crushed and mixed thoroughly. A single dose should not be less than 30 g. The course of administration is 3 times a day during periods of exacerbation of disorders - with apathy, drowsiness and blues.

A mixture of milk and chamomile infusion is particularly effective. The remedy is prepared from a teaspoon of plant flowers and a glass of milk. The decoction should be heated in a water bath for 30 minutes, strained and drunk warm. Take morning and evening daily until your psychological state normalizes and signs of chronic fatigue subside.

Natural grape juice has a tonic effect. A glass of the drink is most beneficial if you drink it half an hour before a meal. Fruit cocktails made from banana, orange and lemon juice have general strengthening, restorative, and invigorating properties. Such healing remedies can be used for any time.

Negative events in life, stress, and depression can provoke the development of chronic fatigue syndrome. Diseases of various etiologies, sometimes fatal, often contribute to the exacerbation of apathy and constant drowsiness. If functional disorders of the emotional sphere, such as blues, anxiety, fear of death, drowsiness, fatigue, bother you for a month or more, you need to seek advice from a medical institution.

Kalinov Yuri Dmitrievich

Reading time: 12 minutes

Classification of ailments accepted in medical theory

Depending on the mechanism of development and manifestation of the condition, it is classified into the following types:

  • generalized weakness that develops and progresses slowly;
  • acute and rapidly progressing condition;
  • recurrent and intermittent general weakness.

The nature of the formation and development of illness is a factor that plays an important role in determining the causes of illness. So, for example, the first type of condition is typical for:

  • sarcoidosis;
  • myopathies;
  • connective tissue diseases;
  • intoxication;
  • oncological processes;
  • metabolic disorders;
  • endocrinopathies;
  • psychogenic weakness;
  • general somatic diseases with and without damage to the neuromuscular system.

An acute condition with sharp progression can develop with myopathy, lesions of the nervous system such as polio, and also with psychogenic weakness.

The last type of pathological condition occurs in diseases of the central nervous system and neuromuscular lesions (myasthenia gravis, periodic paralysis).

Vitamins and pills for fatigue and drowsiness in women

To get rid of apathy, fatigue and drowsiness, doctors recommend an integrated approach.

First, non-drug treatment is used:

  • physiotherapy;
  • breathing exercises;
  • massage that promotes relaxation;
  • meditation and yoga;
  • aromatherapy.

If these methods do not bring the expected result, drug therapy is prescribed.

  • course of vitamins;
  • immunocorrectors and adaptogens.

Doctors associate increased fatigue, drowsiness and apathy with a lack of the following vitamins:

Pantothenic acid (B5) of natural origin. It can be found both in plants and in animal foods. Eggs, milk, cottage cheese, green vegetables, fish caviar are rich in vitamin B5. A lack of B5 is manifested by fatigue, frequent headaches, nausea and sleep disorders.

Vitamin B6 deficiency is caused by taking certain medications that include penicillamine or cuprimine. You can make up for its deficiency with products plant origin. Nuts, carrots, potatoes, spinach, strawberries, cherries and many other fruits and vegetables are rich in B6.

With a lack of iodine in the body, a person feels a loss of strength. He practically turns into a sloth who only dreams of getting some sleep. You can compensate for the lack of this mineral by including sea fish, seaweed and other seafood in your diet. You can also replenish your iodine supply by regularly consuming dairy products.

Rutin enters the body exclusively with food, so its supply must be regularly replenished. Its maximum concentration is found in chokeberry. But if there are any contraindications to its use, then you can include citrus fruits, fruits, berries and greens in your diet.

Vitamin D can enter the body both from sunlight and from food. Fish oil or fatty fish is an excellent source of this vitamin. It is also found in smaller quantities in beef liver, eggs, butter and hard cheese.

Medicines are prescribed by a doctor individually depending on the severity of the symptoms and the reasons that caused them. You should not purchase medications that have helped others without consulting a specialist.

Why lethargy occurs

Weakness and lethargy are symptoms that can be associated with a wide variety of diseases of different systems and organs. Lethargy, which constantly manifests itself in a person, in some cases is a consequence inflammatory processes,

that occur in the body. If timely treatment of inflammatory diseases is not carried out, the condition may worsen every day.

Lethargy is often observed in diseases oncological

And hematological

character. Also, a feeling of lethargy is constantly present in those who have undergone chemotherapy or radiation therapy for the treatment of severe oncological and hematological diseases. The causes of lethargy in this case are explained by the general exhaustion of the body due to such aggressive treatment.

Urological diseases

may also cause feelings of lethargy and weakness. Painful lethargy in this case may be accompanied by an increase in body temperature.

Another reason for weakness and a general feeling of weakness is a deficiency in the human body. A decrease in iodine content leads to development in which there are disturbances in the functioning of a number of organs and systems, as well as lethargy and drowsiness. Other pathologies of the endocrine system also provoke the appearance of this symptom. Thus, lethargy may indicate both a lack of glucose in the body and its excess

If the state of drowsiness noticeably worsens, then the person needs to reverse Special attention on your health, as this may be a sign of coma

In searching for the cause of lethargy, one should determine whether the person suffers from severe neuropsychiatric illnesses.

A condition accompanied by drowsiness is typical for some cardiovascular pathologies

. In this case, not only weakness may appear, but also severe exhaustion and muscle flaccidity. Therefore, it is advisable to undergo the necessary studies to rule out serious heart disease.

One should not discount those medications that a person regularly takes to treat chronic diseases. Many drugs have sedative side effects and can cause severe, persistent lethargy. In this case, it is necessary to stop taking these medications or ask the doctor to select other medications that do not have such pronounced side effects.

Patients suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as people who have psychological problems and lack of sleep, often remain in a state of constant lethargy. If the body is exposed to stress, then drowsiness is a kind of protective reaction to what is happening. Sometimes the help of a professional psychologist is required to overcome this condition. But once a person is diagnosed, he requires comprehensive treatment under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

In addition to the above reasons, lethargy and drowsiness can be observed in a number of the following pathological conditions. At iron deficiency anemia

The patient experiences dizziness, lethargy and drowsiness, as well as other unpleasant symptoms. After treatment aimed at restoring iron levels in the body, the patient’s condition returns to normal.

Constant lethargy and drowsiness is observed in people suffering from hypotension

. Low blood pressure in this disease is explained by low vascular tone. As a result, blood flow to the brain decreases, which leads to a constant feeling of lethargy and weakness.

Drowsiness and weakness are typical for people who have sleep disordered breathing - the so-called apnea syndrome. People who have recently experienced a traumatic brain injury often experience lethargy.

In addition to the reasons for lethargy and drowsiness described above, it should be noted that there are natural factors leading to the development of this condition. For example, some people complain about constant drowsiness in autumn and winter. This is due to a lack of sunlight. By installing fluorescent lamps in the room, you can slightly improve the condition of those prone to “ winter
» human drowsiness. Lethargy and weakness also overcome those who are constantly forced to be in a too stuffy room. Sometimes it is enough to regularly ventilate the room and slightly reduce the temperature in it to regain vigor. As a rule, severe lethargy is observed in someone who has just eaten too much. Overcome these " seizures
“Very easy: you just need not to overeat. A person feels weakness and degenerate drowsiness with a sudden change in time zones.

How lethargy manifests itself

Weakness and lethargy in a person is manifested by a decrease in overall vitality, loss of strength, and a feeling of weakness. Even after a relatively full sleep, the feeling of lethargy does not disappear. Pathological weakness is not associated with physical stress or emotional overload.

A patient in this condition strives to rest as much as possible, and performance decreases sharply. He is overcome by drowsiness - the desire to fall asleep in the middle of the day, at a time when it is necessary to be active. In a state of lethargy, a person may feel a general malaise. As a result, overall activity decreases sharply; a person does not have time to implement everything he has planned for a certain day. He lacks energy, and this condition is repeated day after day. Sometimes, with a general state of drowsiness, muscle flaccidity and dizziness are also noted. In some diseases, a person is simultaneously overcome by lethargy and vomiting.

Sometimes a person notes complete exhaustion of the body’s strength, moral exhaustion. Doctors call this condition asthenia

, anergy

. Ordinary physiological weakness differs from painful weakness in that in the first case, lethargy and weakness completely disappear after rest, while painful weakness will persist for a long period.

Causes of fatigue and apathy

  1. Lack of sleep. If a person constantly does not get enough sleep, then his health is exposed to stress, which leads to disorders. Eight hours of sleep per day is typical for an adult.
  2. Sleep apnea. Apnea is interruption of breathing during sleep. Many people believe that with such sleep you can get complete rest, but they are deeply mistaken. Each interruption causes the sleeper to wake up for a very short time, which he himself does not notice. All this leads to the fact that the patient absolutely does not get enough sleep.
  3. Poor nutrition. A complete and balanced diet gives the human body energy. If the diet is completely disrupted by constant fasting or, conversely, overeating, then the vital energy flow stops.
  4. Anemia. This is the main cause of chronic fatigue in the fairer sex. This happens due to monthly menstrual blood loss. The fact is that it is blood that transports oxygen. And with a lack of oxygen in the body, a person begins to get tired very quickly, which leads to drowsiness and apathy.
  5. Depression. This condition can manifest itself not only as an emotional disturbance, but very often it leads to constant fatigue and loss of appetite.
  6. Thyroid dysfunction or hypothyroidism. This disease most often leads to very large disturbances in the body, all processes slow down, and the person constantly wants to sleep and feels overwhelmed.
  7. Problems with the genitourinary system are most often an infection.
  8. Diabetes. With high blood sugar levels, the body does not receive enough energy necessary for a full life. Constant and unreasonable fatigue may indicate that a person suffers from this disease.
  9. Dehydration. Since for full functioning the body constantly needs water, which helps thermoregulation and work. If there is not enough water in the body, then all the signs of apathy appear, a constant desire to sleep and causeless fatigue, as well as a persistent desire to drink.
  10. Heart problems. Such violations can be suspected if even the simplest daily tasks become a burden.
  11. Shift work. Such a schedule can completely disrupt a person’s proper routine and cause chronic lack of sleep, fatigue and insomnia.
  12. Food allergies. Many experts are confident that a person’s constant desire to sleep and fatigue can appear after mild food or drink poisoning.
  13. Fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome. If fatigue does not go away within six months and completely ruins the quality of everyday life, then most likely it is chronic fatigue syndrome.
  14. Inflammation in the prostate gland. Most often, this diagnosis leads to a decrease in testosterone, which contributes to apathy and drowsiness.

Vitamins for fatigue and weakness

B vitamins

Physical activity, stress, illness, and injury exhaust a person, so the need for additional sources of nutrition increases tenfold. For example, folic acid (Vitamin B9) eliminates the negative effects of depression, successfully fights insomnia, and also eliminates unpleasant tingling in the limbs.

Women planning to conceive a child especially need a useful element - they urgently need to tune in to a positive mood and eliminate any signs of fatigue.

You can replenish your folic acid reserves by adding to your daily diet:

  • wheat flour,
  • melon,
  • avocado,
  • apricots,
  • egg yolks,
  • carrot.

high temperatures
healthy formation

You can compensate for the lack of cyanocobalamin using:

  • dairy products,
  • eggs,
  • fish,
  • various types of meat.

Vitamin D

cardiovascular systemblood pressureunpleasant symptoms

Vitamin dosages are calculated individually after a thorough examination and blood test. In case of deficiency of any of the vitamins, the doctor will write a prescription with the required dosage indicated.

It is not recommended to take vitamin complexes that are available in pharmacies without consulting your doctor. Otherwise, you can easily harm the body. In addition, most of the beneficial elements contained in pharmaceutical preparations are not absorbed.

Good afternoon or evening, dear friends and blog guests. I am very glad that you visited the page. I will try to meet your expectations and write an interesting and necessary article.

I would like to dedicate today’s article to the fatigue that we experience and sometimes we simply collapse. The modern rhythm of life, which does not always depend on our capabilities. We must adhere to certain rules that do not always coincide with our desires.

Every person wants and should live joyfully, happily and long. Read the article, I think you will be interested in knowing how to deal with fatigue using folk remedies, so that our life brings us and our loved ones joy and happiness.

We must be healthy to be able to do our daily work. Our life should give us joy and should never be a burden to us. With constant illnesses, we feel incomplete.

It is a pity when our life with all its joys passes us by. Usually, by our condition, we can determine an approaching illness. Our body gives us signals and warns us.

Such a warning can be compared to an alarm clock that reports violations occurring in our body. Constant or chronic fatigue is one of these signals.

At one point we begin to feel quickly tired. Having slept through the night, we did not feel rested and got up in the morning exhausted. Well, of course, our work, which was a joy, stopped giving pleasure.

Loss of activity, loss of spirit. In our heads we understand that we can do a much better job. But we cannot get rid of constant fatigue. Sometimes we feel a surge of strength and at this moment we try to do something much more and faster.

At such moments, we are surprised that we cannot always feel so good. By nature, our daily activities begin at sunrise and must cease at sunset. But our modern rhythm of life unfortunately does not allow this.

We live in the modern world and must keep up with it. It is imperative to distribute life so that the rest and work regime corresponds to the life regime established by nature.

Scientists believe that sleep patterns must be properly regulated. Before midnight we should sleep as much as possible. Of course, there are people who only need a few hours of sleep and are alert, fresh and active.

But we should not, being constantly tired, compare ourselves with such people. People who are constantly tired have difficulty falling asleep in the evening and sleep poorly

If this happens to you, pay attention to honey

They will help in treating the nervous system, strengthen the heart muscle, and relieve insomnia. They will help get rid of tumors, bronchial asthma, skin abscesses, and allergies. By the way, a nettle bath helped me get rid of skin allergies very quickly and do many other things that medicinal herbal baths can do.

This is not much that I learned on my own and I am very glad that I was able to share with you. I used some of them myself, some of them were used by my family and friends, and I learned the rest of the advice from friends who used them for constant fatigue and weakness in their families.

Be healthy.

Severe fatigue and drowsiness in men and women

A number of the causes of extreme fatigue and sleepiness are similar for both men and women. These factors include:

  1. Diabetes. People who notice constant drowsiness and a feeling of fatigue are recommended to consult an endocrinologist. The natural enzyme insulin serves as a “supplier” of glucose to cells. It is this that serves as the source of energy. If the desire to sleep accompanies a person from morning to evening, this may indicate an increase or decrease in the level of insulin in the blood. Along with fatigue and drowsiness, other symptoms may appear, namely: weakness, dry mouth and excruciating thirst, severe itching of the skin, dizziness.
  2. Intake of insufficient amounts of nutrients and vitamins. Food provides a person with energy. If something is disrupted in the energy flow, the body immediately reacts to it. Diets or frequent overeating can make a person very tired and drowsy.
  3. Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland. This often leads to major disruptions in the functioning of the entire body and leads to a slowdown in processes. In such cases, people complain of fatigue and constantly want to sleep.
  4. Dehydration of the body. Since most of a person is water, it is constantly required to replenish its level. Water is involved in thermoregulation and all processes occurring in the body. With a lack of water, a person feels apathetic, tired and constantly thirsty.
  5. Depression leads not only to disturbances in the emotional state, but also to loss of appetite. A person is accompanied by a feeling of fatigue.

Changing the usual routine

What to do when you have no strength and weakness literally knocks you off your feet? A doctor will certainly help you determine the reasons, but some things can be done at home. First of all, experts recommend reconsidering your lifestyle:

  • Nutrition has a direct impact on your well-being. For normal functioning, the body requires a certain amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. That is why the diet must be complete, providing cells and tissues with energy for the whole day. Must be included in the menu fresh fruits and vegetables, which are sources of vitamins. Fast food, fried foods, fatty foods, carbonated drinks, sugar, baked goods - all this, especially in large quantities, negatively affects the body. Of course, the first results will not appear immediately. But already 2 or 3 weeks after changing your usual menu, you will be able to notice an influx of energy.
  • Smoking, alcohol abuse (especially strong drinks), taking drugs - all this can lead to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as the appearance of other diseases.
  • Don't overuse coffee. Yes, caffeine is an energy booster, but only in moderate doses. A cup of aromatic coffee helps you wake up and become more active in the morning, but if you drink too much of this drink every day, the effect will be the opposite: after drinking a cup you will immediately begin to feel sleepy.
  • The body needs physical activity. Women who lead a sedentary lifestyle need to remember this. If, due to your profession, you have to sit in the office for several hours, then daily walks and morning jogs will come in handy. Of course, you are free to choose any type of activity, be it dancing, swimming, active tourism or yoga. It is worth remembering that physical activity strengthens the heart, ensures blood flow to the muscles, and improves well-being.
  • Don't forget that the immune system also needs to be strengthened. Injections and periodic intake of vitamin complexes will also help cope with fatigue.
  • By the way, you shouldn’t overwork yourself at work either. You need to develop the right mode of activity and rest.

You need to understand that all these changes do not have an immediate effect. It takes weeks, or even months, to normalize the body’s functioning and get used to the new schedule.

Other causes of fatigue and weakness

  • Lack of sleep
    Adults need seven to nine hours of sleep a night to rest and recover. For children school age and teenagers need at least eight to ten hours of sleep. Emotional stress, anxiety, chronic pain, allergies, caffeine, alcohol, hot flashes, and illness all make it difficult to get a good night's rest. Lesser-known causes include television, ambient light in bedrooms, personal computers, poor sleep environments, and uncomfortable beds. Try to remove all kinds of interference and give yourself a good night's sleep. Perhaps the fatigue will go away.
  • Stress
    It is possible that fatigue is both physical and emotional in nature. According to conventional wisdom, persistent mild fatigue is usually considered a reaction to lack of sleep or overtiredness, in which case a prescription for a sedative for insomnia is usually prescribed. But in this case, even despite getting enough sleep for six to eight steady hours, stress fatigue does not go away.
  • Poor nutrition
    Good nutrition is what the body often lacks - balanced nutrition for proper functioning. In addition to this, the use large quantity eating at the same time can also cause fatigue and lethargy, since it will require a huge amount of energy to digest it. One of the reasons people become “food addicted” after eating is because the body diverts blood supply and energy from other places (such as the brain) for the digestive process.
  • Dehydration.
    Fluid loss is a very common and overlooked cause of mild fatigue. To avoid this condition, drink eight glasses of clean, filtered water, herbal tea, or diluted, unsweetened juice per day. A fluid loss of just 2% is enough to cause mental confusion and short-term memory loss. Drowsiness, muscle weakness, dizziness and headache- if the fluid level drops below this. Coffee and soda do not count because their diuretic effect causes fluid loss.
  • Inactive lifestyle.
    The body needs rest and movement. And as strange as it may sound, long periods of inactivity can lead to fatigue. Regular moderate exercise helps regulate metabolism and adjusts the circadian rhythm, releasing high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline, which promotes restorative and rejuvenating sleep.
  • Potassium deficiency

Why do men feel constant fatigue, drowsiness and apathy?

There are times when throughout the day the desire to take a nap somewhere never leaves you. A person feels tired and does not care about everything that happens around him. The reason for this could be a fun party the night before or a quarterly report that had to be done all night. But if you get enough sleep and rest, everything returns to normal.

But there are times when, despite proper rest and sleep, a person still feels overwhelmed. In this state, he can even show aggression, since he is irritated by everything that happens around him and everyone who prevents him from taking a nap. To determine the cause of this condition, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

For men, the feeling of constant fatigue, drowsiness and apathy is associated with many factors. Apathy and fatigue are the two most common conditions. At the same time, the man has no motivation for further actions and loses faith in the successful outcome of events. Such a man stops believing in himself and enjoying life.

Drowsiness and apathy can also often be observed in men. There may be several reasons for this condition. The main one is insufficient time for sleep. But once you get enough sleep, the drowsiness will pass, and with it the apathy will pass.

Also among the reasons are the following:

  1. The human body is constantly under stress when it lacks sleep. To feel alert and productive, experts advise sleeping at least 8 hours a day.
  2. The body receives a boost of energy during deep sleep. But there are times when a person wakes up several times during the night. These moments of wakefulness do not last long; a man may not even remember about them. But in the morning he feels sleep-deprived and tired.
  3. Shift work causes disruption of a person's sleep and wakefulness patterns. The rhythm is lost. A person sleeps during the day and works at night. This can cause apathy and fatigue in a man.
  4. Problems with the prostate gland. Often symptoms of inflammation of the prostate gland are apathy and drowsiness. The main reason for this is the reduced level of testosterone in the male body.
  5. Infections and diseases of the genitourinary system. They cause the urge to urinate frequently, painful sensations, which interfere with proper rest at night.

You can get rid of some reasons yourself. But a number of reasons require the intervention of a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will prescribe appropriate drug therapy and vitamin supplements to help you feel full again.

Symptoms in women and men

  1. Constant desire to sleep;
  2. Lost interest in life;
  3. There is no desire to take care of yourself;
  4. No strength to do normal daily work;
  5. Irritability;
  6. Previously pleasant things do not bring joy and the same pleasure;
  7. Negative thoughts are very common;
  8. Despite the drowsiness, insomnia may be tormented;
  9. Feeling of emptiness and causeless melancholy;
  10. Motivation disappears;
  11. In some cases, aversion to food appears;
  12. There are difficulties with waking up and falling asleep;
  13. Heartbeat becomes rare;
  14. Body temperature and blood pressure may drop;
  15. Constant yawning;
  16. Consciousness becomes dull.

Causes of chronic fatigue

If you notice increased fatigue, you need to analyze your lifestyle; perhaps it contains factors that have a negative effect on the body.

    Oxygen deficiency can occur for various reasons and act as a basis for the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
    Weather changes affect each of us differently, often causing us to feel unwell.
    It is believed that magnetic storms can negatively affect a person; apparently, these are not tales of astrologers, but the truth.
    A polluted atmosphere also has a negative impact on health.
    Junk food puts the body in a deplorable state; the spectrum of developing disorders also includes pathologies, the symptom of which is persistent fatigue.
    All kinds of disruptions that occur in our hormonal system for various reasons also signal an abnormal state of the body through a lethargic state.
    In vain, alcohol consumption or nicotine addiction are called bad habits. In fact, these are serious diseases that systematically destroy all organs and systems. A person who gravitates towards any alcohol or is unable to live without the poison of nicotine, unfortunately, will no longer be able to be healthy

    Such a person, no matter what the intake of alcohol or nicotine into the body, absolutely has chronic fatigue syndrome.
    In addition to the above-mentioned points, hidden diseases may be present, therefore, if abnormally rapid fatigue is suspected, a medical consultation is necessary. Please insist on a serious examination.
    The last point is a catastrophic lack of vital elements in the diet

    This is a very serious topic, which we will reveal right now.

Chronic fatigue: to eliminate increased fatigue and persistent weakness in the body, it is necessary to find out with the help of a specialist what is missing in the body; With a proper lifestyle and proper nutrition, your health will return to normal

The difference between extreme fatigue and daytime sleepiness

According to sleep disorders, fatigue refers to an overwhelming feeling, lack of energy and weakness associated with physical or psychological problems. In simple words, these are sensations of muscle weakness and lack of energy, but without drowsiness. People feel the need to rest, want to sit on a chair or lie down, but do not want to sleep.

Drowsiness is the need to fall asleep during the day. A person with excessive daytime sleepiness has a desire to fall asleep or falls asleep during the day at work.


Understanding the differences is important to finding effective treatment, especially for insomnia. Many people with insomnia struggle to fall asleep when they feel tired but not sleepy.

Moreover, they take sleeping pills, which will not cure their problem, but will only worsen the situation.

How to overcome lethargy

If the state of lethargy and drowsiness manifests itself periodically, then a person just needs to pay more attention to his own body and try to understand what exactly is the reason for this. Sometimes it is enough to adjust your lifestyle, diet, and exercise.

If lethargy does not disappear for a long time, the patient should consult a doctor and undergo the tests prescribed by a specialist. If you suspect problems with the thyroid gland or the development of diabetes, you should visit an endocrinologist. Those who suffer from low blood pressure need to regularly measure their blood pressure and take measures to normalize it.

If lethargy manifests itself in connection with mental disorders, then a psychiatrist or psychotherapist conducts a series of conversations with the patient, after which he determines whether the person suffers from or from other mental disorders. Taking medications, psychotherapy and other treatment methods can significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Sometimes a short nap during the day helps overcome lethargy. However, this method of overcoming lethargy is not suitable for everyone. In some people, especially in old age, after a daytime nap, on the contrary, the feeling of lethargy increases.

If the cause of lethargy is not pathological conditions, then to overcome this condition you should definitely get a full rest at night. It is necessary to allocate a sufficient number of hours for sleep. It is advisable to go to bed and wake up at about the same time. Daily walks in the fresh air, physical exercise and a diet enriched with vitamins will significantly invigorate you and gain new strength. It is advisable not to drink alcoholic beverages, smoke or drink too much coffee. This drink allows you to perk up only for a short time, but at the same time, caffeine accelerates the process of calcium loss by the body. Therefore, it is better to drink coffee only in the morning.

Constant fatigue and weakness does not go away modern woman. Early rises, a huge number of things to do, endless information flows, everyday problems, caring for children - these and many other reasons affect the functioning of the nervous system, which, through stress, makes it clear that it is time to rest and reboot.

Lethargy, fatigue and drowsiness causes and treatment

If fatigue occurs, which is not relieved even by long rest, then it is necessary first to rule out health problems. Thus, symptoms of constant fatigue are caused by taking certain medications, malfunctions of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system, and hormonal disorders.

To identify and eliminate all physiological causes of constant fatigue and drowsiness in women, you need to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe special tests and studies and identify any deficiencies of any vitamins or microelements.

There are physical reasons for constant weakness, doctors should deal with this, but here we will talk about those reasons for weakness and drowsiness in an adult woman for which there are no obvious physiological reasons, but there may be psychological ones.

Fatigue and drowsiness in women - psychological reasons

To cope with the constant feeling of fatigue, we are usually recommended to take a vacation, regularly spend time in the fresh air, and normalize the work and rest schedule.
Let's try to figure out why the usual advice doesn't help or only works for a short period of time.

Let us highlight two main groups of reasons leading to constant weakness and fatigue:

  1. Sleep problems.
  2. Changes in life (abrupt or gradual), which subjectively worsened its quality.

Let's look at each group in more detail.

Life is like a dream: the main cause of drowsiness

Do you know the feeling when you are so tired that you fall off your feet, but when you get to the desired bed, you realize that there is no sleep in either eye? You toss and turn half the night, counting sheep and the ticking clock in the kitchen, fall asleep in the morning and already know that the next day you will want to sleep all the time again...

If by night you feel a surge of energy, and during the day you are constantly drowsy, the reason may be that you are the owner of a sound vector. Both nervous and superficial sleep, and increased fatigue from seemingly insufficient rest can be the result of an attempt to live outside of one’s natural rhythm.

Yuri Burlan at the “System-Vector Psychology” training shows that a person with a sound vector is the only one who feels a surge of strength, activity and vigor at a time when all other people go to bed. Instead of sweet oblivion, thoughts come to mind that are triggered by the established blissful silence, darkness and solitude - at least in one’s own head.

Not knowing about our peculiarities, we try to go to bed early, and cannot sleep. Or we fall asleep, but wake up in the middle of the night. Or we sleep for many hours, and still feel constant weakness and fatigue, as after hard physical labor.

Drowsiness and weakness in women are common symptoms with which they often consult a doctor. May be caused by stress, lack of sleep, overwork. Often observed in women with iron deficiency and, as a consequence, decreased thyroid function - hypothyroidism. The risk group includes female representatives with chronic diseases of the pelvic organs and gastrointestinal tract, bad habits, dehydration, and severe deficiency of vitamins and minerals. To identify the exact cause of your symptoms, you need to consult a doctor and undergo a comprehensive examination. The earlier treatment begins, the better the prognosis and the lower the risk of complications.

The causes of weakness and drowsiness in women may be due to a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, adrenal insufficiency, impaired melatonin synthesis, and a tendency to hypothyroidism. The general state of health depends on the constitution of the body, initial body weight, diet, and the state of the thyroid system. Often such complaints occur with iron deficiency.

Taking medications and dysfunction of the thyroid gland, cardiovascular system, intestines, hormonal imbalance can also provoke weakness and drowsiness. A similar condition is often observed in women with chronic viral infections, in particular herpes type 1, Epstein-Barr viruses.

Women of childbearing age are at risk for developing iron deficiency anemia and hypothyroidism. At the first symptoms of weakness and fatigue, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication and seek advice from an experienced, qualified specialist.

Insufficient sleep

Insufficient sleep leads to disruption of the adrenal glands, which are responsible for the production of cortisol. Chronic sleep disturbance leads not only to drowsiness and weakness, but also to depressive disorders, decreased performance, and a deterioration in quality of life. It is important to normalize the work and rest schedule, ensure quality sleep for at least 8 hours in a cool room, without light sources or noise.

If you have insomnia, you should not immediately take sleeping pills. Before going to bed, it is recommended to take a bath with Epsom salts, magnesium in a dosage of at least 500 mg, remove light sources, and read a book. If the described recommendations are followed, sleep is restored after 7-10 days. It is important to go to bed no later than 11 o’clock to ensure sufficient production of melatonin, the hormone of youth and well-being.


Overwork is one of the most common causes of weakness and drowsiness. Women aged 20 to 45 years are at risk for chronic fatigue. Chronic fatigue is also accompanied by a feeling of lack of air, sensory disturbances in the limbs, pale skin, and loss of strength. To cope with overwork, it is important to maintain a work-rest schedule, eat well, sleep at least 8 hours a day, be in the fresh air every day, and play sports.


If a woman does not go to bed on time, is subject to constant overwork, and has a deficiency of vitamins and minerals, this can provoke stress, constant drowsiness and weakness. Stress is observed in young girls during exams, sessions, psychological difficulties, problems at work and in their personal lives. Recommendations for eliminating stress are similar to those for overwork: it is necessary to ensure adequate sleep, rest, replenish the lack of vitamins and minerals, and positive emotions. For chronic stress, it is necessary to take magnesium, B vitamins, vitamin C, fat-soluble substances, and amino acids.

Taking medications

Drowsiness and weakness often occur as side reactions when taking certain groups of medications: antibiotics, antihistamines, antidepressants, older generation antihistamines. To prevent such reactions, it is necessary to review the dosage of the drug, ask the doctor for a replacement, and use medications before bedtime. You should not self-medicate or use medications without the advice of specialists.

Hormonal imbalances

With hormonal imbalance, weakness and drowsiness are often observed in combination with increased irritability, tearfulness, and impaired performance. To find out the cause of hormonal imbalance, you need to contact a gynecologist and endocrinologist. The disorder may be associated with a deficiency or excess of female or male sex hormones, an inflammatory process, a history of diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, or hypothyroidism. Failure occurs with lack of sleep, constant mental and physical stress, poor quality nutrition, and lack of physical activity.


Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries, which is accompanied by the formation of plaques. It occurs against the background of poor nutrition, bad habits, and a sedentary lifestyle. Women of older age groups are at risk. A similar disorder is rarely observed in women and is accompanied by shortness of breath, headache, increased fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, memory impairment, and decreased sensitivity in the extremities. During the treatment of atherosclerosis, both conservative and radical measures are used.


Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic pathology that affects the spinal column. It manifests itself as pain, inflammation, impaired mobility, headache, and decreased ability to work. When nerve endings are pinched, weakness and complaints of increased drowsiness and fatigue are observed. During therapy, medications, physical therapy, and elements of physiotherapy are used. Recommended for prevention physical activity, taking antihypertensive drugs, correcting the diet, giving up bad habits.


During pregnancy, a state of constant weakness and drowsiness is often observed. This is due to changes in hormonal levels and decreased immunity. During pregnancy, there is also often a decrease in the activity of the thyroid gland, a lack of protein, fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, and microelements. To improve your overall well-being, you need to reduce the amount of sugar and simple carbohydrates in your diet and drink enough water. Take complexes for pregnant women with active forms of vitamins and minerals, as well as polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3.6), probiotics.


Anemia is a pathological condition that is accompanied by a lack of red blood cells, a decrease in iron, and, consequently, hemoglobin. To confirm the diagnosis, it is necessary to check the level of ferritin - a depot for iron, which is depleted first. With insufficient iron, the body is in a state of hypoxia. The functioning of the thyroid gland is disrupted: the risk of developing hypothyroidism increases.

Women are at risk for developing anemia because they lose blood every month. The cause may also be internal bleeding: gastrointestinal, polyps. To prevent the development of this condition, it is important to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In patients with low acidity, the absorption of iron from food is impaired. It is also necessary to review the diet and introduce foods rich in iron into it: animal products, organ meats, green leafy greens, thyme, legumes. Pregnant women should especially carefully monitor their iron levels to avoid serious complications.


Deficiency of iron, vitamin D, zinc, magnesium often leads to drowsiness and weakness in women. For optimal performance The thyroid gland, which is responsible for metabolic processes, needs to ensure a sufficient supply of iodine and selenium. It is important to regularly monitor vitamin D levels, for which there are receptors throughout the body. Vitamin D levels should be at least 70 to ensure adequate levels of energy and vitality.

Women with low acidity and gall bladder dysfunction often have a lack of vitamin B12, zinc, magnesium, silicon, vitamins A and E. To solve the problem, it is necessary to restore acidity levels, bile outflow, and restore intestinal microflora. Deficiency conditions are often observed in women on a plant-based diet. They need to regularly monitor their vitamin and mineral levels and take vitamin-mineral complexes prophylactically.


Dehydration is often accompanied by drowsiness and weakness. In addition, the outflow of bile is disrupted, the digestion of food and the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and polyunsaturated fatty acids slow down. The skin becomes dry, nails become brittle, and hair begins to fall out. To replenish fluid loss, you must drink at least 1.5 liters of water. To calculate the optimal daily amount of fluid, you can use the formula: 30 ml multiplied by body weight.

Bad habits

Women with bad habits experience intoxication of the body: excessive intake of heavy metals, combustion products, ethanol. This negatively affects the functioning of the hormonal system, internal organs, adrenal glands, thyroid gland, cardiovascular system. With prolonged smoking and drinking alcohol, the development of multiple diseases is observed, which lead to weakness and fatigue. Heavy metals displace vital substances: iodine, magnesium, B vitamins, fat-soluble substances.

Restless legs syndrome

Restless legs syndrome is a neurological disorder in which there is increased motor activity in the lower extremities. Such a disorder is often observed against the background of deficiency of iron, magnesium, B vitamins, diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, alcoholism, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Women complain of unpleasant, pressing sensations in the lower legs, itching and burning of the skin. To alleviate the condition, there is a need to massage and rub the legs, walk, stretch and bend the limbs. Restless legs syndrome significantly impairs the quality of life and sleep, accompanied by weakness and drowsiness in women.


Diabetes mellitus is one of the most common causes of drowsiness and weakness in females. High glucose levels cause the symptoms described. When it enters the blood, sugar must penetrate the cell and act as a source of energy. However, when insulin sensitivity decreases, this process is disrupted, and glucose remains free in the blood.

In addition to weakness and drowsiness, diabetes mellitus is accompanied by constant thirst, physical weakness, itchy skin, and dry mouth. If increased drowsiness and weakness occur against the background of the described symptoms, this is an indication for consultation with an endocrinologist, testing the levels of glucose, insulin, and glycated hemoglobin.

Lower blood pressure

When blood pressure decreases, you feel drowsiness, weakness, and physical and mental performance is impaired. In turn, it is necessary to look for the causes of hypotension in order to cope with the deterioration of well-being. When pressure decreases, the delivery of oxygen to the brain is disrupted, and associated complaints arise in the form of headaches and dizziness.

Women prone to hypotension are recommended to purchase a tonometer - a device for measuring blood pressure levels and take measurements 1-2 times a day. The results obtained must be recorded in a separate notebook in order to track the dynamics of well-being and identify triggers that worsen the clinical picture.

Possible complications

The lack of high-quality, timely assistance is fraught with complications. Depending on the underlying cause of weakness and drowsiness, various symptoms may occur. For example, if the thyroid gland malfunctions, there is a deterioration in the quality of the skin (dryness, premature wrinkles, pigmentation), brittle nails, hair loss, early gray hair. The following complications may also occur:

  • hypoxia
  • weight gain
  • metabolic disorder
  • major depressive disorder
  • hypothyroidism
  • hyperthyroidism
  • irritability
  • mobility impairments
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system
  • dysbacteriosis
  • decreased memory and concentration

You should not wait for complications to develop, and at the first alarming symptoms, seek qualified help.

Which doctor should I contact?

If you feel weak and drowsy, it is recommended to refrain from self-medication and seek advice from a therapist. It is important to refrain from self-medication: traditional and traditional medicine can blur symptoms and make it difficult to make an accurate diagnosis. The specialist will conduct an in-person examination and give a referral for additional diagnostics. In the future, consultation with doctors of related specialties may be required: endocrinologist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, nephrologist, infectious disease specialist, cardiologist, nutritionist, psychotherapist. If chronic dental infection (cyst formation) is suspected, consultation with a dentist is required.


  • ferritin
  • transferritin
  • glucose
  • insulin
  • glycated hemoglobin
  • bilirubin
  • total protein
  • uric acid
  • lipid profile: high and low density lipoproteins, triglycerides
  • cortisol: 4 saliva samples throughout the day from saliva; checking the hormone in the blood is not informative
  • thyroid panel: TSH, free T3, free T4 for timely detection of hypo- or hyperthyroidism

The studies described are basic; they need to be monitored regularly to prevent the development of diseases that cause drowsiness and weakness, significantly worsening a woman’s quality of life. If a deficiency of vitamins and minerals is suspected, it is necessary to check the omega-3 index, the concentration of fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, minerals: copper, zinc, iron, selenium, chromium, manganese.

If loading with heavy metals is suspected, the Oligoscan technique is used. A scan is carried out using a special device. According to the results obtained, it is possible to determine the quantitative content of aluminum, mercury, arsenic, and lead and take appropriate measures. Additionally, the doctor may recommend instrumental diagnostics: radiography, computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging.


The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor after an in-person examination, a survey and according to the results of a comprehensive diagnosis. Take into account the root causes of symptoms, medical history, age, individual characteristics woman's body.

To generally increase energy levels, it is necessary to normalize the functioning of mitochondria - energy stations that are present in the body of every person. For this, a course of coenzyme Q10 is indicated in a dosage of at least 200 mg per day. Duration of treatment is 30-60 days. This drug has a beneficial effect on the heart, liver, and brain. Increases overall energy levels, physical and mental stamina.

The general treatment regimen depends on the underlying cause that causes weakness and drowsiness in women:

  • For anemia: preparations of divalent and trivalent iron in combination with vitamin C and B vitamins are recommended.
  • At diabetes mellitus use Metformin, drugs to normalize glucose. Amino acids (Taurine) are also used to eliminate metabolic disorders, alpha-lipoic acid, and drugs to restore vascular patency.
  • For women with thyroid dysfunction, iodine (daily dose 150 mcg), selenium, vitamin D, and zinc are recommended. It is imperative to restore iron levels (ferritin not lower than 50). Hormonal drugs are used according to indications.
  • Lack of sleep negatively affects the functioning of the adrenal glands. It is important to normalize your routine and take care of sleep hygiene: go to bed no later than 23:00 in a dark, cool room.
  • For osteochondrosis, the use of chondroprotectors is indicated: chondroitin, glucosamine in combination with sulfur, a course of therapeutic exercises, yoga under the supervision of specialists.
  • Deficiency states require timely identification and correction. To prevent a lack of vital vitamins and minerals, it is recommended to take a course of high-quality multivitamin complexes with active forms of substances for 1-1.5 months, 2-3 times a year.

It is also important to normalize the psycho-emotional state, give preference to moderate physical activity, normalize the diet, follow drinking regime. The use of energy drinks and other drugs for symptomatic therapy may not provide the desired result: such drugs temporarily improve well-being, but do not affect the root cause of the disease. The clinical picture worsens, and the disease continues to progress.


To prevent drowsiness and weakness in women, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  • restore the functioning of the adrenal glands: go to bed on time, eat food 3-4 times a day, avoid hypoglycemia;
  • review the diet: exclude simple carbohydrates, sugar, excessively fatty, fried foods, refrain from regular snacking, start eating in an emotionally calm state, do not eat stress, negative emotions;
  • refrain from bad habits: drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • observe the drinking regime: the daily water intake is calculated using the formula: 30 ml multiplied by body weight;
  • identify and replenish the deficiency of vitamins, minerals, polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3);
  • give preference to moderate physical activity: walking at least 10,000 steps per day, yoga, swimming, running, gymnastics, breathing exercises;
  • promptly treat diseases of the thyroid, pancreas, cardiovascular system, and musculoskeletal system;
  • undergo an annual examination by a gynecologist, endocrinologist, dentist, or mammologist.

Everything in the body is interconnected: diet correction, water, sleep, rest - the simplest recommendations that help prevent serious disorders. The body gratefully receives care and responds with gratitude. In case of psycho-emotional disorders, it is recommended to consult a psychotherapist and work on possible psychosomatic causes of the disorders.

Video: 3 reasons for drowsiness