Shower      03/13/2021

Bingo game rules for kids. Mann, Ivanov and Ferber bingo card game for kids. Nice game with simple rules

Summer is such a time for picnics, trips to nature, short and long trips and various long street entertainments.

I don’t know about you - but I always take with me a couple of interesting development toys suitable for the road or for a picnic with me on such entertainment.

On this summer occasion, I decided to make a series of articles about our favorite road-street-picnic books and games. I have already talked about some of the bottoms: (we have not parted with it for more than a year - and still we can’t find all the items from it 😊) and “Neskuchalka” for long trips.

And today I’ll tell you about our favorite game, without which none of our picnics can do - “Bingo for Kids”.

Things to do on a picnic with kids

I don’t take razvleshki for a picnic with me at all in order to spend every minute usefully.

On the one hand, this is not obvious: let's go to nature, to a picnic - to sit on the grass, eat sweets, run, jump, swim, have fun. But children, although groovy, still need rest. They cannot run around endlessly, after a while they plop down on a bench, rug or whatever, and want to sit and catch their breath.

We always have problems at this moment: they no longer have the strength to run, and sitting is just so boring. The whining, disgrace begins - or they can simply fight, sitting upright.

And it is precisely for such a case that I take notebooks and games of a picnic format with me (I will tell you about the criteria for “suitability” later).

So, not a single picnic is complete without a box of "Bingo for Kids". About her today and will be discussed.

Bingo for Toddlers - What is it and who is it for?

The box itself is tiny, about the size of a small stack of postcards. And inside she has cards with objects and flowers that you need to find live.

By the way, do you know what bingo is in general? This is a game, lotto in our opinion; even on TV there is such a game Stoloto (by the way, we play it with children “for educational purposes”, I’ll tell you how to thread). In general, the meaning of bingo is: the host takes kegs with numbers out of the bag, and the players look for them on their cards. Who first closed all the numbers - he won.

“Bingo for Toddlers” is named so by analogy. The meaning of one of the games is to find all the pictures on your card as quickly as possible.

But in fact, there are much more games in this box than just bingo. There are two more sets of cards with windows and an envelope in the box. I will talk about them later, but first I want to dwell on my favorite -

Who is this game for?

The name “Bingo for Toddlers” hints that it is suitable for the smallest babies of 2 years old. You may not have even looked at this game if your toddler is 4-5 years old. But in vain.

In fact, the age range of the educational component of "Bingo for Kids" is from 1.5 - 2 years old (yes) and boldly up to 6 - 7. But we will play a little differently depending on age.

At 1.5-2 years old, we will learn to speak: learn colors, memorize the names of objects and their graphic representations (yes, the ability of a kid to correctly name a table in a room and a table in a picture is two different speech skills). At this age, a real game of "Bingo for Babies" on an equal footing will most likely not even work out: it will be a game of Mom and baby. Mom calls - the baby repeats.

But closer to 5 years old, the baby in the brain begins to actively form centers responsible for the mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison, and so on. By this age, it will already be possible to fully compete in "Bingo for Kids", at the same time training the brain - and not only for the baby, but also for the mother.

In addition, after 5 years, we usually begin to teach kids to read. And the cards from “Bingo for Kids” will come in handy here again - I will talk about this a little later.

In general, it is interesting to play it even in adulthood. With us, even a serious dad gets excited during the game and has fun with the children 🙂

Okay, we figured it out with age - now I’ll tell you in detail about all the games from this box.

How to play colors

The Bingo for Toddlers box contains several flower cards. On one side there is a colored circle, on the other - an empty window.

You can play these cards in different ways depending on the age of the baby.

If you practice “Bingo for Toddlers” with a 1.5-2 year old kid, then it won’t even be a game at all. Mom will take a card, point to an object of some color and say: “Look - this is Blue colour. The circle in the picture is blue. The shirt is also blue. Now try it.”

And so - with each card and with several objects. First, the mother does, and then the baby repeats after her.

With older guys, a full-fledged game will already turn out.

Turn all cards upside down. Players take turns drawing a card with a color, not knowing which one will fall into.

You need to find something of the same color around you and show it in the window. Who could not find - takes the card to himself. When the cards are over - we consider whoever has the largest stack - he lost.

Now this is not a kid's game at all. Children from 6 to 30+ also go with a bang 😊 Because blue or green color, for example, is easy to find. And try to find turquoise in the middle of the forest 😊

In any case, the game of colors is perfect option for sitting in one place: on a blanket in the middle of a clearing.

Game of objects

There are also cards with windows to search for items in the box. The main “range” of pictures is what can be found in the forest or in the park: leaves, fruits, flowers.

By the way, the choice of pictures is such that you can play from late spring to the end of warm autumn. Actually, it’s longer, but in winter you won’t be able to play find-and-seek because of the cold 🙂

Playing with items is already more difficult, because they are not always right under your feet. Sometimes you have to walk well to find the object in the picture.

We will also play this game differently depending on the age. With a baby who is just learning to speak, we will pronounce the names after the mother (just like we did with flowers), and with an older child it will be possible to compete and play real finds.

I remember once Shurik got a picture of a dove. Here they fly everywhere, Moscow full of pigeons. But it must have happened that it was during our game that not a single dove was around. But Shurik is stubborn and didn't want to lose 😂 We went around the whole park first, and then half the district in search of a bird. Well, they found two hours later, when I (not him!) was already ready to admit that I was a loser ... 🤣

Looking for similar objects is generally very useful for the brain - we have talked about this many times. During this activity, we use (at least) the mental operations of analysis, synthesis, comparison; and in the case of comparing pictures with real objects - also abstraction.

For children aged 5+, such tasks are just right, since it is at this age that the brain centers responsible for these mental operations begin to actively form.

But I want to say one more thing about cards with objects from Bingo for Kids. Please note that the items in the pictures are signed.

While playing this game, we simultaneously teach children to read words. In the same way as with the KUMON tasks: the child sees the picture, sees the inscription, and remembers the “appearance” of the word: such a set of dashes and squiggles needs to be “read” in this way.

Only in “Bingo for Toddlers” this memorization effect is further enhanced, because the baby looks at the word much longer than in KUMON – while looking for items in the window. And the object assigned to the word is presented to him twice - in the picture and live.

Bingo game - finders

And the third type of game is the same bingo, because of which the game is so named.

These are cards on which many different objects are drawn, but on one topic: a forest, a sea, or something else. And stickers are attached to these cards (I will tell about them separately below).

The point is: children take apart a card for themselves, and must find live all the objects that are drawn on it. Whoever finds everything first wins.

Here the choice of cards is much larger: there are not only for the forest and the yard, but there are also cards in which the pictures are specially selected for the village, for the trip (that is, you can play right during the trip on the road) and for the sea. And this is very cool, because it is already suitable not only for a picnic, but also for other activities, during which it is very necessary to entertain the baby.

These cards also have stickers. In theory, it should be like this: you find an object - stick a sticker on it directly on the card.

But it's better not to do that. It turned out that the stickers are disposable. It turns out that if you stick a sticker, you will spoil both the sticker and the card at the same time. You can just take a pencil and put a dot, if the item is found - the dots can then be erased.

By the way, bad stickers are the reason why I haven't talked about this game for so long. And only now, after a year of playing it, I decided that the advantages greatly outweigh this disadvantage. But I still hope that in the re-release MIF will release “Bingo for Kids” already with reusable stickers.

Bingo cards are also for ages 4-5 and older. And it is also great for learning to “read”, or rather, memorizing the appearance of words.

Well, it's fun, of course. I enjoy playing these cards with the children when we go somewhere.

About the envelope

There is also an envelope in the box. In case it is still difficult or inconvenient for you to carry a tiny box with you - for example, for a walk in the yard - you can take only a few cards with you in this envelope.

I really liked doing this when Masya was very small, and we studied words and objects on the playground.

Now, of course, for a full-fledged game, such an envelope is no longer enough 😊

It is also convenient to use the envelope to put “already found” cards into it if you play bingo on a long journey and use several cards at once.

Well, I have on this, perhaps, everything.

Happy and healthy summer picnics to you!

"Road bingo" is the name of an interesting game for children from 3-5 years old. The game can be played in the city, walking through the park and the streets, and in the car, and on the bus, and on the train. I'll tell you about how we played "Road Bingo" on the street.

First, about the game itself. The game is sold in a collapsible box:

The set includes game cards, instructions and a set of stickers:

It's nice that the publishing house "", which released this game, took care of the convenience and also included a thick envelope for several cards and stickers in the kit.

In order not to take the whole box with you, just take an envelope with the necessary cards and stickers.

In set 34 cards with 6 images each:

The cards are divided into topics:

In the country



The drawings on the cards are understandable to the child, each picture is signed.

The essence of the game Easy - find items and stick a sticker.

The game can be played as 1 player or 2, and you can play even a large company.

If you go for a walk, it is better to choose cards from the city theme ("In the city" + cards with transport "Road bingo"), if you go out of town, you can take cards with cars + "Station" cards, "Out of town" cards + "Passengers". Lots of options!

We played road bingo in the park.

It just took a long time to sit and wait on the bench for the passers-by we needed, and we ourselves went in search of them. Tigran rode ahead of me on a scooter and looked out for people, and I walked behind with a card and stickers.

My son drove up, studied the card and, from memory, was looking for the people or transport we needed. Therefore, it can be said that the game trains not only attention, but also the memory of the road finder!

And also she develops thinking: Well, people with ice cream did not want to catch our eye. What to do?! And then the son suggested a logical option - to go outside the park directly to the ice cream stand. And, of course, there we met a lot of people eating ice cream.

And a motorcycle was parked next to the stall, we were lucky:

And in the set there are paired cards that are designed for two players.

Players are given the same card, the winner is the one who finds all the items faster than the opponent.

And there are also these cards of the same color:

There was no stopping us here, and we didn’t manage to do it with stickers! We took felt-tip pens and noted the number of cars. The one with the most amount wins.

We had so much fun that dad joined us the next day and on the way to the store we played Road Bingo with the whole family!

Here are my favorite men found "a car with a wheel in the back."

Box dimensions
and composition of the game


  • Height x Width x Depth: 20.2cm x 11.2cm x 2cm
Weight: 135 gr.

When Archimedes climbed into the bath, he exclaimed not "Eureka!" but "Bingo!" Still, in Ancient Greece Only rich people had baths. Bingo is when everything fits together, whether it's a scientific theory or a 2000-piece puzzle. To make the evening in the company also work out, take this good old lottery game with you.

Bingo: a little more about the game

Family evening, grandparents wipe their hearing aids and eyepieces and, having prepared sheets of paper with pens, sit comfortably in a chair. Fathers pour something stronger into their tea, and children hardly suppress yawns in anticipation of the next portion of instructions. Change the course of events: mentally exclaiming "Bingo!", Remember that you have a game that everyone in the audience will enjoy!

Nice game with simple rules

How to play bingo board game? Choose a field for yourself in a notebook, take turns drawing a card from the deck and name it (for example, “red 31”). We advise you not to resort to artistic refinements of the shade and not to say “coral 31”: this way you can not only confuse your opponent, but also get the opposite effect. If there is such a cell on the sheet, cross it out. Whoever crosses out 5 squares in any direction first shouts "Bingo!" This is a prerequisite, without exclamations there are no great discoveries and victories!

Conduct tournaments for Bingo good in the summer in the country or on a cold winter evening (that is, all year round), when you are tired of other entertainments, and you want a measured short game with seagull and raspberry jam.

Fun for kids ages 5 to 100

If you think this is a game for old ladies, then you are looking at the world through a straw from your cocktail, and it is pretty clogged. Try to play yourself Bingo with your granny, and you will see that this game is for any company from two to more people older than five years (from the age they are able to turn over cards).

Explanatory note

Board game Bingo is one of the most popular games in the UK and is also used for learning English language preschool and younger children school age. The spirit of competition, the desire to win, violent emotions make this game exciting and useful for kids and adults. This game is played with the help of thematic cards, which depict subjects on the topics being studied.

Target use of cards "Bingo" - consolidation of vocabulary on the topics studied with the help of the game.



    to acquaint children of primary school age with the culture and traditions of the countries of the language being studied;

    Expand words knowledge.


    develop cognitive interest in learning a foreign language;

    develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, the ability to imitate, to guess.


    to form interest and respect for the traditions and customs of people who speak English;

    develop motivation for further study of a foreign language.

What are Bingo cards in English for?

Firstly, they develop memory well, since the illustration forms a strong connection between the word and the visual image.

Secondly, with the help of them it is worked out correct pronunciation. Thirdly, when working with cards, attention is trained. And the result of all this can be called a significant replenishment of the active and passive vocabulary.

The relevance of the use of thematic cards is that they contribute to an increase in interest in the study of the subject, deepen and expand the knowledge gained, and enable students to demonstrate their linguistic and cognitive abilities. In addition, it contributes to the development of active and passive speech in children, as well as the correct sound pronunciation.

The novelty of this development is that thematic cards are used in accordance with the goals and objectives of the additional general educational program "Playing and Learning English". They are adapted to the topics studied and are their logical continuation. Cards can be used for collective, individual or differentiated work with students.

This methodological folder contains thematic cards independently developed by the teacher on various topics:

    ABC Bingo (Alphabet)

    Animal Bingo (Animals)

    Bingo Food (Food)

    Bingo Sports (Sports)

    Easter Bingo (Easter)

    Bingo Numbers

    My Day (Daily schedule)



Rules of the game:

The game "Bingo" is advisable to carry out at the stage of fixing the lexical material on the topic. To play the game, you must have cards and chips for each player or for a group of players, as well as a set of cards with words for the leader. Can be used various options bingo games.

Option 1

Each child is given a thematic card with subject pictures or words. The number of pictures on each card is less than that of the leader and can vary from 9 to 24 depending on the topic and the level of complexity of the card. The teacher explains the rules of the game to the children: the leader has a set of cards with words for each subject picture. The leader, at a slow pace, takes turns calling words in English, the participants in the game carefully listen to the leader and look for the named word on their card. If the picture denoting the word is on the player's card, he covers it with a chip. The first person to cover all the pictures on their card says the word "Bingo" out loud. He becomes the winner.

Option 2

Each participant chooses a thematic card, on which next to each picture there is a number from 1 to 50. The host explains the rules of the game to the children: he calls the numbers in English, the participants find this number on their playing field, raise their hand and name a word or phrase. If the participant quickly and correctly named the word in the picture next to the number, he receives a token. At the end of the game, all participants count the tokens. The one who gets the largest number tokens.

Option 3

For this option The game requires single-use cards (printed on a black and white printer) and colored pencils for each participant. The facilitator distributes cards and explains the rules of the game to the children. He calls the word, the participants find and color the picture corresponding to the given word. When all the pictures in a row from left to right or top to bottom are colored, the participant says the word "Bingo" and becomes the winner.

Thus, with the help of these cards, you can achieve all the tasks set, create a relaxed atmosphere in the classroom and please the children with an exciting game.

Lexical units used in thematic Bingo cards:

Bingo Animals : a cat, a dog, a bird, a frog, a pig, a duck, a fox, a mouse, a parrot, a hippo, a zebra, a swan, a lion, a hedgehog, a hen, an elephant, a horse, a bee, a bear, a tiger, a monkey, a goat, a squirrel, a hare, a penguin.

Bingo Food: oranges, bread, soup, fish, jam, chocolate,lemonade, juice, sweets, spaghetti, tea, pizza, coffee, a cake, strawberries, a hamburger, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, apricots, raspberries, beetroot, cherries, carrots, a pineapple, garlic, apples, bananas.

Bingo Sports : table tennis, figure skating, skipping, golf, swimming, football, basketball, volleyball, snowboarding, badminton, judo, hockey, sledging, chess, riding a bike, running, gymnastics, skiing.

Easter Bingo : Easter Bunny, four butterflies, a daffodil, two Bunnies, hot cross buns, four eggs, chocolate Bunny, three daffodils, two baskets, a golden egg, three chicks, Easter cake, a basket with an egg, a chick.

Bingo My Day : get up, do homework, have dinner, have supper, have lunch, have breakfast, do exercises, come home, go for a walk, play chess, help about the house, wash hands and face, clean teeth, take a shower, watch TV, go to bed, dress.

Bingo School : a pen, a pencil, a calculator, a ruler, here, paints, a book, an exercise-book, a school bag, a rubber, a lot of, a desk, a computer, a girl, a boy, a school bus, paper, to draw, to read, to write, to paint.

Bingo clothes : a hat, a sweater, boots, a skirt, a T-shirt, a dress, a scarf, a cap, jeans, a jacket, shoes, shorts,boots, trousers, socks, tights, a coat.

Board game "Bingo" - this is entertainment for children, which addictive, attracts them. Firstly, one cannot remain indifferent to the very type of lottery. Bingo is not a set of colorful cards or dice. Its main component is a bright drum that no kid can resist.

This lottery is somewhat reminiscent of the Russian "Lotto", but the first one is made more for children who love excitement, fun pastime. But even though it comes with a whole drum, the "tabletop toy" feels compact and will serve the participants well if they decide to take it with them on their travels. Children constantly need to do something, and the lottery will captivate them, become the main object of their attention. Parents who love spending time with their younger generation will also become addicted to the lottery. Package

Game description

Board game "Bingo" very similar to Lotto. Only the new version looks more updated and interesting. Now family members can get together as before and play 'Bingo' which consists of lottery and bingo.

The essence of the lesson is to fill in the cards that are issued to the participants with the numbers that appear on the playing field in the form of a drum. The winner will be the one who reaches the goal the fastest.

It is better to start playing the lottery for children who are already 4 or 5 years old, since at this age the children are already more conscious of such entertainment and enjoy it, because they understand the significance of their activities. The lesson will be interesting for both boys and girls. 2 or more players can compete. The lottery is a family business because it unites and gives good way spend time together. If you want to give a gift to a child, then “table entertainment” will be a good option here too.

The essence of the lesson is to fill in the cards that are issued to the participants with the numbers that appear on the playing field in the form of a drum

What's in the set?

Bingo set (djeco) is a set that contains bright details that attract attention. To better understand, you need to understand what is included in the package of the toy.


  1. Drum (lottotron). It is needed in order to automatically mix the balls.
  2. 48 game cards.
  3. 90 numbered balls.
  4. Multi-colored chips.

All of these parts of the set are essential for a fun toy, so parents should be careful when they leave their children to play alone, because the children may lose some parts.

Game set

Rules and course of the game

To learn how to play "Bingo", you do not need to study the rules for a long time, since this victory in this activity depends more on the luck and luck of the players than on their way of thinking and trying.

How to play "Bingo":

Before starting the "competition", the players need to choose a leader. But unlike many other games, in this case the host can participate himself. Then all players need to choose their cards. This is done randomly. All participants are given the same number of playing cards.

There are two ways you can choose to organize the game:

  1. "Simple Lotto" - the winner is the one who fills in all the numbers on their cards.
  2. "Short lotto" - the winner is the one who fills in all the numbers on one line.

The "competition" begins with the fact that the person who was chosen as the leader spins the drum (lottery drum). This action continues until one of the balls is on the playing field. After that, the host announces the number of the ball for everyone. If one of the players finds that this number matches the number on his card, then he fills in the field reserved for this with a chip. Depending on which version of the game the participants have chosen, the winner will be determined.

The lottery is a family business because it brings together and gives a good way to spend time together.

Who will like it?

Bingo can be enjoyed by both children and adults. Most often, buyers purchase it in order to play with the whole family. In children, she develops perseverance and logic. "Bingo" also often acts as a gift for a birthday or any other holiday.

Parents, in whose house large groups of children often gather, find a real salvation in Bingo, which captivates children for a long time and allows adults to do their own thing.

Bingo will appeal to both children and adults

Video review

Those who have not yet fully understood how Bingo works and what it is, can watch a good video review, which clearly shows what the game consists of and how to play it:

Reviews and questions for the game

Buyers mostly leave positive reviews on the game, but there are also various misunderstandings and even disappointments.

Positive points:

  • Buyers often write that "Bingo" reminds them of the "good old" bingo and awakens the desire to teach their friends what they once played themselves.
  • Bright and eye-catching game.
  • Compact, you can take it with you on the road.
  • Develops perseverance, logic and attention.
  • Perfectly acts as entertainment for any company.

I like bingo a lot, but this game also has its drawbacks.

Negative points:

    • Some buyers say Bingo is too expensive.
    • Many complain that children often lose parts.
    • Parents sometimes say that the game is only suitable for entertainment, but not for the overall development of children.

Sometimes buyers do not see the difference between lotto, "Bingo", "Bingo deluxe".

There are practically no questions about the rules of the game, since Bingo is easy to figure out without outside help.

"Bingo Delux" is no different from the regular version


It is worth noting that buyers do not need to be scared when instead of"Bingo" they see the name of the board game"Bingo Lottery" , because it's the same thing.

But the "table entertainment" "Bingo seasons" (djeco) is different from the standard version. It gives a great opportunity to teach a child through the game all four seasons of the year.

Board game "Bingo Delux", Spin Master (Spin master) is no different from the regular version.

Bustard and Media is alternatives"Bingo" if players get bored with the usual game.

One version of the game