Shower      06/02/2019

Cutting upholstered furniture program online. Basic programs for creating a project of upholstered furniture. Advantages of the PRO100 program

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Along with many good paid analogues of furniture design programs, there are quite good full-fledged free application options. Next, we will talk about a free program for designing furniture - the K3-Furniture application.

What is this program? K3-Furniture is a software package designed specifically for the design, design of furniture (cabinet), as well as for its further production. simple and powerful tool allows you to develop and create a furniture product of any level of complexity, receive design documentation for transfer to the customer, create a full-fledged image of the future project in a virtual version in the form of a realistic picture.

The developers of the program have invested the maximum of those elements and tools for creating and developing furniture that will be useful both in small production and in a large furniture factory. Everything meets the highest requirements of both the customer and the furniture developer.

Everything is implemented in the K3-Furniture program necessary tools both for designers and constructors, and for the manufacturers themselves, who will assemble this furniture, having received a wonderful end product.

The list of program features is truly great. It makes no sense to list all the features of the program here, since all this can be read in the manual or watch training videos.

The free version of the K3-Furniture program is posted for free use in order to fully familiarize yourself with the functionality.

This product fully has the functionality of a paid, licensed version, with the exception of one nuance: to work in the program, you need permanent internet connection. If there are no problems with the Internet, then the program can be used absolutely freely. However, the developer also offers a paid version of the K3-Furniture program, which can be used to design furniture anywhere and anytime in Off-line mode, i.e. when the Internet is off.

Thanks to K3-Furniture, you can create entire furniture complexes in 3D, calculate the cost of the product, set prices, create a complete package of documentation for transfer to production and the end customer, prepare standard projects And electronic catalogs. Also, using the free version of K3-Furniture, you can create a complete list of all production reports - drawings, specifications and much more.

The K3-Furniture program is multifaceted and fully functional. Once again, it must be emphasized that this software product is a professional complex for the development and production of furniture! Download the free version for the development of furniture K3-Furniture and use it to your health!

Yes, and more, you can always learn how to choose furniture for your home and make a quality interior design.

You can read the program manual. Training videos can be viewed at this link.

File size: 440~470 Mb and may change during the release of new, updated versions of the program.


Nowadays, there are a lot of programs in order to correctly calculate all the required dimensions of furniture for your home. Furniture design software is not only a tool for a professional furniture assembler and manufacturer. Any person who decides to equip an apartment or house with his own hands can discover a lot of useful functions in this software.

There are both paid and free programs that have a trial period of use. If you are compiling individual project home furniture, this free period should be enough for you.

The furniture manufacturing process includes several main stages.

There is a program for each stage of work. Using the appropriate software allows you to speed up the process of creating furniture, avoid the most common mistakes, use ready-made package solutions, making your own adjustments that will make your piece of furniture individual.

In total, there are three main types of programs of this kind:

Large developer companies specializing in the development of design, design, cutting and manufacturing of furniture often offer packaged versions of their software products. When one shell and a single interface supports different mods and add-ons, it’s convenient, first of all, because you don’t need once again solve the issue of compatibility and reading formats. Such packaged software offers automatically read the data without asking any questions.

All applications that are aimed at are designed in such a way that you can enter all the coordinates and dimensions of your room, as well as separately place and change each detail. In any case, you can find a program on the Internet and choose the one that you like. There are also online services for these purposes.

The Best Furniture Design Software

Astra Furniture Designer is a simple program for designing furniture

One of the most famous programs for designing furniture is. Such a program will serve you for the design of cabinet furniture, as well as interior design. It uses tools that are very easy to learn for ordinary users.

ASTRA software for furniture modeling

By using even the simplest furniture design software, you will be able to eliminate all sorts of construction mistakes that are usually made when designing with a pencil on paper.

Astra software product

A large design and engineering software company offers a whole set of software consisting of separate stand-alone modules. Each client can choose exactly the set that he needs. Available modules for furniture design, interior design, cutting sheet materials and free-form parts. Additionally, modules and macros for Excel are presented, which make it possible to simplify the work of professionals - to automate the process of controlling the cutting process on professional machines. A bonus is the ability to export information in the correct format from Excel to the software interface.

Working window of Astra Constructor

This program is endowed with two types - axonometry and perspective. Working space usually divided into four or two parts, so you can set up a separate projection. It will allow you to rotate the entire scene, as well as view it from the angle you wish. This program is so simple that it will be very easy for you to explain to your master what exactly you want.

PRO 100 Professional Program

This application combines high professional level and ease of maintenance.

This is one of the best programs for designing furniture, as it is equipped with all sorts of additional features, and is also constantly updated, following the latest trends in the world of interior design and interior design. This program was developed by Polish programmers and engineers.

Advantages of the PRO100 program

Compared to more versatile Arcon programs, this application is also characterized by greater simplicity and flexibility. An intuitive interface without complex add-ons allows you to properly master the work in this program in the shortest possible time. In terms of visualization, the application is not inferior to competing applications. It is worth noting the realism of the picture.

For professionals, it will be interesting to create custom libraries of materials, elements and furniture.

Great convenience and functionality is characteristic of the calculations and reports of the application. In particular, with the help of adjusted prices for furniture parts and materials, it is possible to calculate the final cost finished project, as well as the total cost of individual components.

Pro 100 also allows you to create and edit materials with great convenience. The photo, drawing or scan of the target material will be processed using the program, and the user will only need to specify the actual dimensions.

Furniture design in Pro100

Disadvantages of the Pro100 program

The main disadvantage is the rather high cost of the software, which is, in principle, lower than that of competing products, but not by much. You can download it for free and try the demo version of the program to see if it's right for you or not.

At the same time, the decision to save money using the demo version will be overshadowed by the inability to print or export your project. The demo version does not even allow you to save the developed project.

If a specialist is seriously engaged in furniture design, then the Pro100 is worth the money. This easy-to-learn program allows the designer to fully realize their creative potential.

PRO100 5.45

PRO100 free download in Russian

PRO100- software for furniture design, which has the function of three-dimensional visualization of the scene. Allows you to quickly and efficiently design beautiful modern furniture and create an interior for any room. PRO100 free download in Russian You can follow the link at the bottom of our page. The program is suitable for large and small manufacturing enterprises, workshops, furniture stores at all stages of creating specific furnishings and entire sets.

Very convenient to use the PRO100 for arranging interior decoration premises; by virtually rearranging graphic objects, you can choose the most best option arrangement of furniture in the room and determine correct dimensions interior items.

Program features:

  • easy to use, with a friendly, intuitive interface;
  • has instant three-dimensional visualization;
  • quickly creates and edits various furniture models and interior designs;
  • characterized by an extensive set of tools for development from scratch;
  • uses a powerful library of ready-made models and makes it possible to accumulate your own database;
  • allows you to experiment with color, shape, textures, lighting and other graphic image effects;
  • has the function of calculating materials; there is always an opportunity to download PRO100 in Russian for free.

The program can become a good assistant for both a professional designer and an amateur who has a desire to create for home own interior in any style. The most complex and daring project can be carried out on a computer monitor and you can see all your ideas practically in real form. If you download the PRO100 application for free in Russian and create new furniture models with it, then you can abandon drawings and sketches on paper, and work on projects will be much faster and better. If you use the application in a store or salon, then you can immediately show a visual “picture” to a potential buyer finished interior and this makes it very easy to select and order the right products.

To operate such a useful program, you will need a computer with Microsoft Windows installed, the design is done using the mouse, and many program tools have windows of the corresponding properties and characteristics. You can download PRO100 for free for Windows and see how interesting and effective this resource is.

PRO100 free download

Download PRO100 for free in Russian, the download link leads to the official PRO100 website. We keep track of all program updates so that you have latest version PRO100 programs.

Before starting the transformation of their own apartment or house, each owner thinks about what the end result will be. Design software upholstered furniture will help to see in advance what will be the appearance of the piece of furniture. Unfortunately, there are no programs in which you can create upholstered furniture from A to Z. However, with some effort, you can create models in multiple resources. Apparently in force complex design upholstered furniture, developers do not undertake the creation of such utilities.

Design and project of a soft sofa created in a special program

In general, projects are made by almost all companies offering such goods as upholstered furniture. It is important to see the future sofa or chair in 3D for the following reasons:

It follows that programs for the design of upholstered furniture will largely serve those people who need it. Therefore, their use is justified and important.

Software interface for creating upholstered furniture

What to look out for



  • There are some features in working with the system, so you should go through video training before starting to work with the utility.

The software allows you to carry out the process of project formation from beginning to end, seeing the finished model of the headset in the form in which it will appear before the customer after it is completely ready.

3d Max

This utility is popular among craftsmen and designers of upholstered furniture.

An example of creating a project of upholstered furniture in the 3D max program

And this is not surprising, because this software can fully satisfy the needs and requirements of the customer or the person who on their own or at home.


  • accessible and visually understandable interface;
  • the utility has the ability to design furniture models in 3D format. This will allow you to see the piece of furniture in the form in which it appears in the apartment;
  • opportunity to experiment with color combinations, and with shadows that can be displayed on an object;
  • thanks to this utility, the user will create a complete and complete model of a sofa or chair, which will help to see it and understand exactly whether this is what they dreamed of;
  • the program allows you to print a drawing of the created model, so that masters in the design of upholstered furniture can immediately start assembling an upholstered sofa or chair.

Video lesson on designing upholstered furniture in the 3D MAX program.


  • In order to easily use the program, you need to complete a video training course in the right direction. This will help you easily master all the functionality required to implement the idea.

Everyone will be able to choose a way to create upholstered furniture for their home or apartment, which is as clear and accessible as possible. In any case, having seen the interior items at the stage of planning the space of the rooms, it will help to determine exactly what furniture will look more harmoniously and aesthetically in the room.

Are you planning to furnish your apartment or house? new furniture? Then the program for designing cabinet furniture is what you need. It is a pleasure to work in such software. Similar utilities open wide opportunities as before experienced craftsmen for the manufacture of furniture, and for those who simply want to prepare projects for implementation by employees.

Design of cabinet furniture in a special program

The main thing is to choose a resource that will be as comfortable and understandable as possible. This will help detailed information about such programs, in which you can carry out on your own, without the help of professionals.

Programs, thanks to which the creation of cabinet furniture projects, may be of interest to the following consumers of Internet resources:

  1. People who plan to radically change or simply pour new notes into the overall picture. At the same time, they want to create a furniture project without the help of specialists, but on their own.
  2. Software that makes it possible to make detailed visualizations of furniture will definitely interest professional craftsmen in creating interior items.

    Designing bedside tables in the furniture expert program

  3. Programs that allow you to make a variety of patterns will be of interest to those who create masterpieces of furniture art at home. Thanks to the detailing of projects, even a novice specialist will be able to raise their level of professionalism using ready-made ideas created in programs.
  4. In general, programs for designing furniture can be used even by a child who just wants to try himself as a designer. As a rule, resources have an accessible and understandable interface, which does not require special knowledge and skills to master.

    Features of the program for furniture design

    Such utilities were created for a reason.

    The developers obviously understood how much people are attracted by the opportunity to create projects with their own hands. The benefits of working in such programs are undeniable and unambiguous.

    Thanks to the fact that there are such programs, everyone will be able to:

    These are just some of the opportunities that open up. Each user will note for himself the significant advantages of such utilities.

    What are the programs for design

    To choose the right program for design, of course, you need to be familiar with the capabilities and functionality of each of them. It is worth paying attention to the following ones.


    This utility is very popular among those people who prefer to create interior items on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists whose work must be paid.


    This program has whole line positive aspects, thanks to which this particular software often becomes the choice of consumers. These are:

    Video review of the PRO 100 program for designing cabinet furniture.


    Along with the benefits, the PRO100 program also has its downsides. Before you bet on working in this particular utility, you need to weigh both sides of the coin:

  • the program does not have the ability to design furniture templates in detail, which is usually necessary to create a headset on your own;
  • utility is paid. The only option to use the resource for free is to try the functionality in the trial version, which has limited features;
  • this resource positions itself as a system for designing furniture. However, her perfect option use only for sales managers for items for . This program will help them to show the buyer how the proposed furniture will look in the space of the room.

Astra furniture

The program, which is primarily focused on installation in enterprises involved in the design and creation of interior items.

Astra furniture interface

To use the program, you need to have some skills that will help you to master the capabilities of the utility to perfection.


The positive aspects of the software include:

  • in the system, you can calculate the modification of each piece of furniture in such a way as to make minimum consumption raw materials for manufacturing;
  • in the functionality of the program, it should be noted that fasteners are automatically indicated on each piece of furniture;
  • the design program will help, upon entering the data, to calculate what the price of the selected units is;
  • it is possible to print a drawing of a piece of furniture from the utility, which will allow you to extra effort immediately begin the process of translating the idea.


It is clear that everyone chooses a program according to their own requirements and preferences. Therefore, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilities, a person will be able to bet on a particular program.

Features of the Woody program

The Woody program is often singled out separately. There are a number of reasons for this utility. The woody program is used by both true furniture design professionals and inexperienced people who want to make drawings of interior items through the utility with their own efforts.


The woody program opens up wide possibilities for a person who wants to design furniture on his own.


The woody program can be called ideal in terms of features and functionality, as well as a simple interface. However, there is one downside that makes the benefits questionable:

  • To date, this software has no developers. This is due to the fact that the instigators of this utility decided not to engage in further development of the system. Consequently, the software is not updated, new, more advanced features do not appear in it, and there is no one to turn to in case of problems in operation.

Naturally, free program can only be used in the form in which it exists today. Due to outdated content, the utility becomes incompatible with some software.

Everyone must independently decide which software to use if necessary to design cabinet furniture. In any case, the very existence of such an opportunity is already the broadest facet for those who plan to equip their apartment or house with furniture on their own.