Well      06/16/2019

Cutting wood materials. Cutting of plate and sheet materials Integration of cutting into the production environment of the enterprise

cutting wood materials on workpieces is the first stage of machining. The purpose of cutting is to obtain blanks of the required dimensions, from which parts will be obtained during further processing. At present, with technological specialization, cutting is performed at specialized sites of enterprises that manufacture wood materials. With such an organization of cutting, the volume of transportation is reduced and conditions are created for a more rational use of raw materials. Only useful volumes of blanks are transported to enterprises that consume wood materials, significant volumes of waste generated during cutting are secondary raw materials and can be effectively used for for various purposes. The cutting process is organized depending on the type of material being cut, the volume of production and the purpose of the blanks. By type obtained when cutting

spring materials, only useful volumes of blanks are transported, significant volumes of waste generated during cutting are secondary raw materials and can be effectively organized depending on the type of material being cut, production volumes and the purpose of the blanks. According to the type of blanks obtained during cutting, cutting can be into rough blanks, which are further processed, and into finishing ones. In the first case, rough bases are used for cutting, in the second, finishing bases and the use of special techniques, equipment and tools are required to ensure the necessary accuracy and quality of processing. According to the type of materials to be cut, cutting boards, wood boards, sheet and roll materials. The rationality of the cutting process is evaluated by labor efficiency.

Efficiency in the use of materials during cutting is the most important task of modern production. IN general view the efficiency of material use is estimated by the output coefficient Kv of blanks, determined by the percentage ratio of the volume, area, molding or mass of the obtained blanks V 3 to the volume, area of ​​the cut material Vc:

Kv \u003d V 3 / Vc100. (77)

Increasing the yield of workpieces is an important and complex problem. The yield of blanks depends on many factors, the main of which are wood defects, structural deviations, natural defects, obvious and hidden, quality requirements for blanks and their dimensions, qualifications of workers, working conditions, equipment and tools used, etc. For these reasons, cutting boards into blanks is carried out with the direct participation of workers who visually evaluate the quality of the blanks and compare it with the quality requirements for the parts made from them.

According to the degree of participation of the worker in the implementation of control over the process, cutting is distinguished between individual and group, and in terms of implementation - transverse and longitudinal. Individual cutting is characterized by the fact that it is produced taking into account the size, quality of raw materials according to the most rational scheme. Group cutting is carried out without taking into account the quality of raw materials according to a predetermined scheme.

Group cutting of unspecified lumber reduces the yield of blanks by 7% compared to individual cutting.

Cross cutting of lumber is carried out by dividing the lumber into blanks of the required length. Longitudinal cutting of lumber involves the division of material into blanks of the required width or thickness. Depending on the sequence of implementation of these technological operations, cutting is distinguished in the overall assessment of cutting transverse-longitudinal and longitudinal-transverse.

When organizing the cutting of lumber, it is necessary to establish the ratio of the dimensions of the available boards to the dimensions of the blanks. In this case, the following options are possible: the dimensions of the section of the boards correspond to the dimensions of the section of the blanks; the width of the boards is equal to the width of the blanks, but the thickness is a multiple of or exceeds the thickness of the blank; the thickness of the boards corresponds to the thickness of the blanks, and the width is a multiple of or exceeds the width of the blanks; the thickness and width of the boards exceed the cross-sectional dimensions of the blanks or are multiples of them. The length of the workpiece also affects the organization of cutting lumber. If it is not possible to obtain a workpiece of a significant size from the available varieties of lumber, then in the process of cutting, technological operations are introduced to glue the segments along the face and edge so that the glued workpieces correspond in size and quality to the requirements for them.

When cutting lumber, you can use a variety of schemes, depending on the type of boards, wood species, blank sizes and production conditions. For example:

1. Transverse-longitudinal cutting is carried out in such a
sequences: trimming boards into segments with a cut de
effects: sawing segments into blanks.

2. Longitudinal-transverse cutting - first cut the boards
they are cut lengthwise into slats, then trimmed to size
workpiece frames.

3. Trimming boards into segments with cutting out defective places
and subsequent marking of segments and sawing out of them

5. Milling one or two layers of the board, marking and
then cut according to scheme 1 or 2.

6. Milling of the face, trimming into segments with cutting
defective places, filing the edges of edged boards, fu
edging and board gluing, marking and sawing
curved blanks (see Fig. 57). When using about
carved boards to obtain blanks of significant lengths
You can use the cutting patterns below.

7. Milling of the face, trimming into segments with cutting
defective places, gluing on a toothed spike along the length,
shaping, trimming on workpieces.

8. Trimming of boards, gluing along the length on a toothed tenon,
trimming into measured lengths, milling edges and face,
gluing the shield, cutting the shield in width into blanks,
cutting of blanks.

9. Cutting the boards into slats, trimming the slats with cutting de
effects, gluing the slats into a continuous beam, cutting the beam into

The first six schemes are widely used in the production of furniture, building parts. On fig. 58 shows examples of cutting "unedged boards according to the 1st, 2nd and 6th schemes. As you can see, the

Rice. 58. Plans for cutting boards:

A- transverse-longitudinal (scheme 1); b - longitudinal-transverse (scheme 2);

V- after gluing the segments into a shield (scheme 6)

longitudinal and transverse cutting provides a higher output of the workpiece due to less loss of material when cutting out defects. It is especially effective for low grade boards. According to the 2nd scheme, the excess of the yield of blanks is 3% in relation to the 1st scheme.

The use of preliminary marking of the board (scheme 4) gives an increase in yield compared to the 1st scheme by 9%. If the face of the board is milled and this reveals invisible defects, then this will still increase the yield of blanks by 3% compared to scheme 4. In order to better use the suitable part of the board, it is advisable to cut into blanks different sizes. In this case, it is possible to choose the dimensions of the blanks in such a way that the defect-free part of the board is used as fully as possible. First of all, it is necessary to cut out the longest blanks - the main ones. With a visual assessment of the quality of the boards, the number of standard sizes of blanks with such cutting is limited by the physiological characteristics of the worker. A qualified worker can change no more than 4-5 standard sizes of blanks during cutting, provided that the difference between their sizes is more than 100 mm.

An increase in the number of standard sizes of blanks for their simultaneous cutting from one board will sharply reduce productivity.

accuracy and may lead to errors. Machinist errors during cutting reduce the useful yield of workpieces. The use of additional operations during cutting - marking, gluing and milling increases the cost of blanks. A comparison of the effectiveness of increasing the yield of blanks and the growth of labor productivity shows that an increase in the yield of blanks is more effective and corresponds to the directive direction of saving raw materials and materials. The use of gluing when cutting according to scheme 6 increases the yield of curved blanks by 8-12% compared to scheme 3. Schemes 7, 8 and 9 apply

Rice. 59. Organization of sawn timber cutting:

A - on the production line; / - drive roller; 2 - trimming machine; 3 - non-drive roller; 4 - emphasis; 5 - belt conveyor; b - pressure roller; 7 - transfer table; 8 - cutting machine; 5 - table; 10 - limit switch; // - power button; 12 - pedal; b, c - on machines TsDKCH-3, LS80-6

change to obtain blanks for glued building structures up to 80 m long.

When cutting boards into straight blanks, circular saws are used. general purpose, and for curved - band saw. In specialized cutting shops, in addition, dividing rib machines, multi-saw machines and machines for sealing knots are used.

On fig. 59 shows a diagram of the device and organization of the workplace of a partially automated trimming machine TsPA40 or TsME-ZA for cutting edged boards into workpieces of building parts. The machine operator drops the boards from the stack onto the receiving table of the trimming machine. The pickup table is equipped with driven screw rollers 1, which not only feed the board forward, but also press it against the ruler. The board to be trimmed moves forward along the cantilever non-drive rollers until it stops 4. Having reached this stop, the end of the board presses the limit switch lever 10, stops the electric motor that drives the feed ro-

licks and at the same time turns on the saw feed. caliper 2 s saw blade moves forward and cuts the board. During the reverse movement, the saw support, using a system of levers, drops the cut end of the board from the cantilever rollers onto the moving belt conveyor 5 located under it and at the same time turns on the electric drive of the feed drive rollers /.

In addition to automatic, the machine also has manual mechanized control, which the machine operator can use to arbitrary stop the board at any distance to the stop for cutting out defective places from it. This purpose is served by the pedal 12 and switch (button) 11. Pressing the foot on the pedal 12 stops the rotation of the feed rollers, and pressing the button by hand AND causes cross feed saw blade.

The machine can work as part of a line (as shown in Fig. 59) and independently. The performance of such a partially automated machine operated by one machine operator is approximately equal to that of a machine operated by a machine operator with two auxiliary workers, and the work itself is much safer and easier.

Segments are sawn lengthwise on circular saws with mechanical or manual feed. (In line - in positions 6 -9.) Of the machines with mechanical feed, the most advanced for sawing segments into workpieces are slicing machines with caterpillar feed of the TsDK-4-3 and TsDK-5-2 types. These machines provide a high straightness of cut without the use of a guide line, which is very important when cutting according to the marking, when the worker directs the cut to the machine according to the pencil line. However, in most cases, sawing is carried out along a guide ruler, which is installed parallel to the saw blade and at a distance equal to the width of the workpiece. If there is a wane, the first cut is made by eye, and with the second, third and others, the sawn edge is pressed against the ruler.

The machine is operated by 2 people - a machine operator and an auxiliary worker. The first controls the machine and feeds the pieces into it, the second receives them and, if necessary, returns them for re-cutting.

Working on manual feed circular saws is similar to working on mechanical feed machines, but is less productive, less safe and requires significant effort on the part of the machine operator when pushing pieces onto the saw.

Saw the segments along most often one size. hardwood for massive parts, to increase the output, it is rational to cut it into two or three sizes in width. In this case, the ruler on the machine is set to the largest width of the workpiece. For sawing into narrower workpieces without rearranging the ruler, use special

devices or bookmarks, which are bars with shoulders at one end. On fig. 60 and 61 show diagrams of specialized sections for cutting lumber, working according to cutting schemes 1 and 2.

When cutting lumber, wood loss is determined by three reasons that do not depend on the organization of cutting: 1) natural wood defects and defects that depend on the grade of boards; 2) non-multiplicity of blanks to the dimensions of defect-free sections of the board, when the distance between the rows of unacceptable knots is less than the length of two blanks; 3) loss in sawdust.

If we designate the coefficients of wood utilization, reflecting the losses due to these factors, respectively, K d is the coefficient of utilization, taking into account losses due to cutting out defects, depending on the grade of boards; Kk is a coefficient that takes into account losses due to the non-multiplicity of blanks to the dimensions of defect-free sections of the board; Co-factor that takes into account losses due to sawdust, then the total output coefficient Kv (Table 11) is determined as

K in- KdKkKo \u003d Vz / Vs (78)

The sawdust loss depends on the number of cuts and the saws used. If cutting is carried out according to three dimensions of the board, then the coefficient Ko is determined from the ratio

K v- K / oK // kK /// o, (79)

where Ko- takes into account losses during transverse sawing K / o and K // o K /// o - respectively, longitudinal and rib.

The yield of billets largely depends on the grade of raw materials and the size of the billets. An increase in the length of blanks by 1 m reduces their yield by about 5%. The norms of useful output of blanks for furniture are given in table. 12.

The output of complete blanks with the deterioration of the varietal composition of sawn timber is reduced.

When cutting boards into curved blanks, band saw machines with a narrow saw blade (up to


Rice. 60. Section of the transverse-longitudinal cutting of boards:

/ - elevator; 2 - trimming machine; 3 - cutting machines; 4 - conveyor;

5-machine for patching knots; 6 - packing table; 7 - sorting device; IN - a package of boards; 9 - dividing machine

Rice. 61. Section for longitudinal and transverse cutting of boards:

/ - cutting machine; 2 - dividing machine; 3, 7 - trimming machines;

4-machine for patching knots; 5 - sorting device;

6 - packing table


40 mm). The width of the saw blade is selected depending on the minimum radius of curvature of the workpiece. The smaller the radius of curvature of the workpiece, the narrower the saw band should be. The minimum radius of curvature of the workpiece, depending on the width of the saw band and its divorce, is determined by the formula

Rmin \u003d 0.12V 2 /b, (80)

where Rmin is the minimum radius of curvature of the workpiece, mm; B - saw band width, mm; b-divorce saw teeth on one side, mm.

Uz =(0.05-0.1) s, mm, (81)

where S is the thickness of the saw, mm.

The feed rate is determined by the formula

U = [(0.05 - 0.1) s 60υ], m/min, (81)

Where u is the feed rate, m/min; S – saw blade thickness, mm; υ – cutting speed, m/s; t-pitch of teeth, mm.

The average accuracy of blanks when cutting boards is given in Table. 13.

Automation of the sawn timber cutting process causes difficulties in that it is necessary to visually assess the quality of the materials being cut and to harmonize this assessment with the requirements for the quality of workpieces and their dimensions. The application of the principles of power sorting of lumber, taking into account the purpose of the resulting workpieces, allows us to overcome these difficulties.

Possible to create automated system cutting lumber with a microprocessor that takes into account the dimensions of the workpieces and their physical and mechanical parameters determined during cutting.

There are also optical devices that fix the dimensions of natural defects in wood, capable of absorbing light flux (knots, cracks, gills, etc.). Such devices can manage defect cutting automatically.

2 hours

Lecture plan

2.1.1 Development of slab cutting charts

2.1. 2 Applied tools and equipment

2.3.5 Modes of veneering with synthetic veneers

2.36 Face facing defects
2.3.1 Types of cladding
According to the type of surfaces to be coated, the cladding process is divided into technological process face facing and the technological process of edge facing. According to the temperature of the process, the lining is divided into cold and hot. According to the method of creating pressure in the lining zone - for lining in presses with flat plates and lining in roller-type presses, in membrane, vacuum presses.
2.3.2 Applicable adhesives
For veneering in the production of wood products, glue based on urea-formaldehyde resins according to GOST 14231-78 grades KF-BZh, KF-Zh (M), KF-B and modified by them is widely used. As a hardener, ammonium chloride is used for hot bonding and oxalic acid for cold bonding. For filling adhesive solutions, kaolin, talc and wheat will be used. Incoming adhesives must be checked for compliance with their standards. The standards regulate the solids content, the mass fraction of free formaldehyde (1%), viscosity, gelatinization time, hydrogen ion concentration and gluing strength.

The amount of simultaneously prepared glue is determined by calculation, based on the need for the time of its viability. For veneering with cold gluing, 4-7% oxalic acid in a 10% solution is introduced into the KF-Zh (M) resin. coincide with the direction of the warp fibers.

Adhesive consumption depends on the materials used. It should be enough to form a continuous layer. When facing with films, the consumption of glue is from 80 to 100 g / m 2, with sliced ​​veneer - from 130 to 140 g / m 2.
2.3 . 3 Equipment used

Panel boards and other straight blanks are coated in multi-storey or single-storey presses with heated plates. The sides of the shields are lined with synthetic veneer and polymer films using the same equipment as when facing with sliced ​​veneer.

When facing in single-deck presses with heated plates, specific pressure, MPa, for film 0.4-0.5, for veneer 6.5-0.8; holding time under pressure for resin KF-Zh (M), not less than, s; for film - 40, for veneer with a thickness of 0.6-0.8 mm-60, for veneer with a thickness of 1.1-1.5 mm-90; for KF-BZh resin, the exposure time in the press is reduced by about half.

After wrapping in hot presses, lined blanks should be stored stacked in tight stacks until completely cooled for about 24 hours. When lining in multi-storey presses, metal spacers are used to load packages into the press. Shields are lined with film in multi-storey presses at a specific pressure of 0.4-0.5 MPa, when veneered 0.8-1 MPa; press plates temperature from 110 to 140 °С; holding time 2-4 min.

On the basis of single-deck presses AKDA 4938-1, AKDA 4940-1, semi-automatic lines for facing MFP-2, MFP-3 panel blanks were created. Imported production lines are also used. Due to the mechanization of the process, the labor costs for lining blanks on single-deck presses are 3 times less labor than for lining in multi-deck presses. The advantage is also a higher quality of the lined surface.

1 - feeder; 2 - glue mowing machine KB 18-1; 3 - conveyor for the formation of packages; 4 - press ZhDA 4938-1; 5 - automatic board stacker

Figure 3. 1 - Scheme of the line facing the layers of MFP-2

Ways of loading packages into presses of different lines may be different (Figure 3. 2).

a-steel tape: / - steel tape; 2- packages; 3- press plates; b-c boot caret: /-caret; 2-packs; 3 - press plates; 4- unloading conveyor; c- with a loading conveyor made of heat-resistant tape: 1- conveyor; 2-packs of chum; 3 - press plates; 4 - heat resistant tape; 5 - unloading conveyor; g - with a chain loading and unloading conveyor; / - table forming packages; 2 - packages 3 - press plates; 4 - receiving conveyor; 5 - emphasis; 6 - chain

Figure 3.2 - Press loading schemes

Cold cladding is used when gluing thick layers of claddings made of decorative paper-laminated plastic, fiber, artificial leather, etc. onto the surface of blanks. Cold-curing glue is applied to the base. The package is completed in the following sequence: gasket - facing material- base - facing material - gasket. The packages are stacked on a footboard and the edges are aligned. The foot is covered with a second shield and beams are laid, which are interconnected by screeds. The stack is placed in a large-span press, pressure is applied and the stack is tightened with ties, after which the pressure is removed and the stack is rolled out along the roller conveyor from the press to hold until the glue is completely cured in the workshop. The use of combined adhesives based on urea-formaldehyde resins with polyvinyl acetate emulsion accelerates the process of cold gluing several times. The use of rubber-based adhesives requires a two-time application and drying. When one-sided gluing plastic on shield blanks, a compensating layer is glued to the second side, which prevents the shields from warping.
2.3. 4 Sliced ​​veneer modes
In the furniture industry, sliced ​​veneer, one of the main facing veneers, uses adhesives based on filled carbamide resins of the following composition (wt. h.):

Resin MF-17, KF-Zh(M) ........ 85...88

Technical kaolin (filler) .. . . . 12...15

Ammonium chloride (hardener) .... 1

An important factor determining the mode of facing is the amount of glue applied to 1 m 2 of the surface to be lined. The optimal thickness of the adhesive layer should be 0.08...0.15 mm. The amount of pressure during veneering depends on the area of ​​the surfaces to be veneered and the materials used.

The holding time in presses under pressure depends on the temperature and the type of adhesive used.

Technological mode of cladding boards on automatic lines with fast-curing adhesives
Air temperature in the room, °С, not lower...... 18

Relative Humidity air

in room, %, not higher. . 65

Viscosity of adhesive according to B3-4 viscometer, s......... 125...180

Time from adhesive application to loading

bags per press, min, no more than .................. 20

Time from start of package download

until full pressure is established, s, no more than ............ 30

Pressing time, s, at the plate heating temperature, °С:

130...150 .................. 30.,.35

145...150 ................... 25...30

Specific pressing pressure, MPa ......... 0.4.,.1

Technological exposure time, h, not less than....... 2
The parts to be lined in adjacent gaps of the press must be located one below the other and centered with respect to the axes of the press plates. The deviation of the thickness of the parts placed in one gap of the press should not exceed ± 0.3 mm.

Veneer facings must be firmly glued to the substrate. The tensile strength when chipping along the adhesive layer in a dry state must be at least 1 MPa. On the lined surface there should be no air bubbles, gaps, divergence of fugues and their darkening from glue, glue seepage, shift of the finishing lining, overlaps, dirt, flakes, dents. The quality of the lined parts is checked visually. All details are subject to verification. Temperature, viscosity and adhesive consumption are checked at least 2 times per shift, other mode parameters are constantly monitored during operation.
2.3. 5 Veneering modes with synthetic veneering materials
The following adhesive formulations are recommended for hot veneering.

Glue based on filled urea resins, wt. hours:

resin (MF-17, KF-Zh(M)). . ..; . . . . ...85...88

technical kaolin (filler) ......... 12...15

ammonium chloride (hardener) .......... 1

Adhesive based on urea resin combined with polyvinyl acetate dispersion, wt. hours:

resin (MF-17, KF-Zh(M)) ............ 70

polyvinyl acetate dispersion ........... 30

ammonium chloride .............. 0.5

Adhesive based on carbamide resin combined with rubber latex, wt. hours:

resin (MF-17, KF-Zh(M)). ........... 70

latex (DMMA, MX-ZO, LNT, L-4, L-7) ........ 30

ammonium chloride .............. 1

After veneering, the coating should be even, smooth, without air bubbles, tears, glue seepage, dirt, dents. The quality of the coating is checked visually.

* To avoid warping, the same materials as for the front layer can be used as a compensating layer, or selected empirically.

The main defects in film veneering occur for the same reasons as in sliced ​​veneer veneering. Adhesive seepage when facing with synthetic veneer can be avoided by using a film with a water-soluble resin content of not more than 14%; glue consumption should be 90...110 g/m 2 and specific pressure in the press 0.5...0.6 MPa.
2.3. 6 Veneer defects
During veneering, the following defects may occur: leakage of glue onto the front surface, irregularities on the veneered surface, cracks in the veneer, local or complete lagging of the veneer from the base, warping of the veneered parts. Each of the defects can be caused by one or more reasons. As a rule, the main cause of defects is the observance of the modes of technological operations.

Let's open called the division of materials by a cutting tool into parts or blanks of the required size and shape. The raw materials for cutting are sheet materials (boards, plywood) and boards made of hardwood and conifers. From sheet materials parts or blanks are obtained, from boards - bar blanks.

Parts made from sheet materials include, for example, rear walls cupboards, drawer bottoms. Such details receive at once the set size, without an allowance for the subsequent processing.

Blanks from sheet materials and boards are segments of certain sizes and shapes with allowances for further processing. Blanks from sheet materials have allowances in length and width, from boards - in length, width and thickness.

When cutting raw materials, both allowances for subsequent machining and allowances for shrinkage are taken into account.

When cutting, it is necessary to ensure the maximum output of workpieces from the materials being cut, which is understood as the percentage ratio of the volume of the obtained workpieces to the volume of the cut material, expressed as a percentage. The norms of the useful yield of blanks in furniture production are at least: from joinery boards - 85%, particle boards - 92, fibreboards - 90, plywood - 85%. The rates of useful output of bar blanks when cutting boards are given in Table. 3.

Cutting sheet materials. When cutting, sheet materials are sawn lengthwise and across into blanks. the right sizes and forms. To ensure maximum yield of workpieces from the slabs standard sizes, make up a cutting map. This method of cutting materials without taking into account their quality according to a predetermined pattern is called group cutting.

The cutting map is a scale drawing of the sheet material to be cut in plan. Several options for cutting sheet material are applied to the plan, indicating the dimensions of the resulting blanks and the number of parts of each size. Best Options sheet cutting is evaluated taking into account maximum output sheet blanks, the completeness of the output of blanks of different sizes and their destination in accordance with the plan for the production of furniture products, minimum quantity standard sizes of workpieces in one nesting map, the minimum repetition of the same workpieces in different nesting maps.

To solve the problems of optimal cutting of sheet materials with a large number of standard sizes of the obtained blanks, enterprises use electronic computers.

For cutting sheet materials in conditions of mass production, two-, three- and multi-saw format machines TsF-2, TsTZF, TsTMF are used.

Double-saw format machines allow cutting the workpiece immediately in length or width when cutting in one pass. When working on two paired two-saw machines, it is possible to obtain a workpiece cut in length and width (Fig. 53, a). When working on three- and multi-saw machines, workpieces are cut from four sides at once (Fig. 53, b, c). At the same time, several sheets stacked in a stack on carriage 4 are cut out, Conveyors 1 feed the carriage to saws 2 and 3. The thickness of the foot is set by the passport data on the machine. The process of loading sheet materials into the machine is mechanized. Near format machine a device is installed for loading sheet materials into the machine, and when the cut blanks exit the machine, a footprint is provided for their stacking. The machine is operated by two or three workers.

In the conditions of individual production, circular saws with manual feed Ts-6 or hand-held electric saws are used for cutting.

Sheet materials are cut on machines in the following modes: cutting speed 50-60 m/s, feed per saw tooth 0.04-0.06 mm.

Open the boards. The boards to be cut may have unacceptable wood defects. When cutting, these defects must be removed. Therefore, when cutting boards, an individual cutting method is used, taking into account the size and quality of the boards according to the most rational scheme.

When cutting according to scheme I, the board is first sawn across, then the resulting segments are sawn lengthwise. When cutting according to scheme II, the operations are performed in the reverse order. In both cases, unacceptable wood defects are removed during cutting. The useful yield of blanks when cutting according to scheme II is approximately 3% higher than according to scheme I.

You can increase the useful yield of blanks by using the marking of segments (Scheme III) or boards (Scheme IV). Pre-planing of the board (Scheme V) allows you to better see the defects of the wood and choose the best option cutting.

The use of markings when cutting boards increases the cost of cutting by about 12-15% compared to the cost of cutting where markings are not provided. Therefore, the introduction of markup in each case is decided separately, taking into account all economic

factors. Marking must be performed when cutting boards made of precious wood (walnut, mahogany, etc.) and cutting boards into curved blanks.

The useful yield of curved workpieces can be increased by pre-gluing the segments. On fig. 54a shows three pieces of board, from which four blanks for the back leg of the chair can be cut. If these segments are pre-glued, then five of the same blanks can be obtained (Fig. 54, b). An indispensable condition for cutting glued blanks is the high strength of the adhesive bond.

For transverse cutting of boards, circular saws Ts-6, TsME-3, TsPA-2 with manual or mechanical feed are used. cutting tool, for longitudinal cutting - circular saw machines with mechanical feed TsA-2A, TsDK4-2, TsDK-5 and a circular saw with manual feed Ts-6. In the conditions of individual production, hand-held electric saws are also used.

Transverse and longitudinal cutting of boards on machines is carried out under the following modes: cutting speed for transverse cutting 50-60 m/s, feed per saw tooth 0.04-0.1 mm; cutting speed for longitudinal cutting 45-50 m/s, feed per saw tooth 0.06-0.12 mm.

For cutting curved blanks, band saw machines LS80-1, LS40-1 are used. Blanks for band saw machines they are sawn out at a cutting speed of 30-35 m/s and at a saw tooth feed of 0.08-0.15 mm.

The cutting of boards is rationally organized at furniture enterprises with direct-line production and mechanization of intrashop movement of blanks. On fig. 55 shows a diagram of the flow of cutting boards into straight bar blanks based on a single-blade and multi-blade trimming machine with mechanical feed.

The boards are transported by narrow gauge railway 1 from the drying shop to the lifting elevator 2. The elevator platform can be lowered below the floor level so that the boards in the stack 3 can be located at any level convenient for the worker. The boards from the stack are fed to the drive roller conveyor 13 and end up on trimming machine 12. Segments of boards from a non-driven roller conveyor 6 through a chain conveyor 11 are fed to a non-driven roller conveyor 4, from where they are fed to a multi-saw machine 10 for longitudinal cutting and from a roller conveyor 6 they are stacked on sections 7 of floor non-driven roller conveyors. If it is necessary to recut longitudinally, the segments are fed to the multi-saw machine by a return belt conveyor 5.

Cut blanks for further processing are transported by a narrow-gauge trolley 8. Waste is removed through hatches 9.

In the diagram, the locations of the workers are shown as half-filled circles, the stack of raw material is indicated by a rectangle with one diagonal, the processed one is indicated by a rectangle with two diagonals. These symbols we will use it in the future, when describing the organization of jobs and production flows.

Cutting accuracy. Permissible deviations in the shape and location of surfaces when cutting on machines when receiving blanks from sheet materials and boards that cannot be re-processed are given in Table. 4.

When cutting, deviations from the nominal dimensions of the blanks to be re-processed are established taking into account the type of subsequent processing. In all cases, these deviations should be as small as possible.

In the production of wood products, board, sheet and roll semi-finished products from wood materials are widely used, manufactured in accordance with the requirements of the standards for them. The standard formats of these materials received by enterprises are cut into blanks of the required dimensions. The main limitations in the implementation of cutting plate and sheet materials are the number and size of blanks. The number of standard sizes of blanks must correspond to their completeness for the production of products provided for by the program. The cutting of plate and sheet materials in relation to the organization according to the purpose of the resulting blanks is usually divided into three types: individual, combined and mixed. With individual cutting, each format of the semi-finished product is cut into one standard size of the workpiece. With a combined type of cutting, it is possible to cut out several different standard sizes of workpieces from one format. With mixed cutting, it is possible to use options for individual and combined cutting for various cases. The efficiency of cutting according to the rationality of the use of materials is estimated by the coefficient of yield of blanks.

In the production of wood products, chipboard and wood fiber boards are widely used. The organization of their rational cutting is the most important task of modern production. An increase in the output ratio of blanks from particle boards by 1% in the total consumption of them is expressed in savings of millions of cubic meters of boards, the efficiency in monetary terms will amount to millions of rubles.

The efficiency of cutting depends on the equipment used and the organization of the process of cutting boards and sheet materials. By technological features The equipment used for cutting slabs can be divided into three groups.

The first group includes machines with several calipers ripping and one is transverse. The material to be cut is placed on a carriage table. When the table moves in the forward direction, the rip saw supports cut the material into longitudinal strips. The carriage has adjustable stops, the impact of which on the limit switch causes the carriage to stop automatically and drive the sawing cross support.

The second group includes machines that also have several longitudinal sawing supports and one transverse, but the carriage table consists of two parts. In rip sawing, both parts of the table are one piece, and in reverse motion, each part moves separately to a stop position that determines the position of the cross cut. In this way, the alignment of the transverse cuts of the individual strips is achieved.

The third group includes machines with one longitudinal sawing caliper and several transverse calipers. After each stroke of the rip saw support, the strip is fed on a movable carriage for cross cutting. In this case, those calipers that are configured for cutting this strip are triggered. The ripping support can perform blind cuts (undercutting). In addition, there are single-saw panel saws.

1. The first group of equipment focuses on the implementation of the simplest individual cuts. This gives a low material utilization rate. When implementing more complex schemes after longitudinal cutting, it becomes necessary to remove individual strips from the table with their further accumulation for subsequent individual cutting. At the same time, labor costs increase sharply, productivity decreases.

2. The second group allows you to perform cutting patterns with a diversity of strips equal to two. When there is a large heterogeneity, the same difficulties arise as in the first case.

3. The third group allows cutting more complex patterns with up to five different types of strips. This group of equipment has high performance and the most promising.

Cutting line for sheet and board materials MRP is designed for cutting wood sheet and board materials into blanks in furniture and other industries.

Cutting is carried out by one longitudinal and ten transverse saws. The original feeder allows you to remove from the stack and simultaneously feed a pack of several sheets of material to the cutting tool. In the process of feeding and processing, the cut pack is in a clamped state. Bundles are fed at an increased speed, which decreases sharply when approaching the working position. All this ensures high productivity and increased accuracy of material cutting. Special electrical interlocks make work on the line safe and protect line mechanisms from damage. When the line is turned off, electrothermodynamic braking of the cutting tool spindles occurs. At furniture enterprises, machines with automatic feed are used, having one longitudinal and ten transverse saws. On such a machine, you can cut according to five programs. Crosscut saws are set to the program manually. The minimum distance between the first and second cross saws (left in the feed direction) is 240 mm. The minimum distance between the other saws is 220 mm. The machine can cut simultaneously two slabs in height with a thickness of 19 mm or three slabs with a thickness of 16 mm each. Rip saw cuts according to the programs should be made with a successive decrease in the optimal bands. For example, the first cut is 800 mm, the second is 600, the third is 350, etc.

The slabs are placed on the loading table across and aligned along the movable stop ruler. By pressing the handle located under the working table, the rip saw is brought into working position, and it cuts off the first strip of the plate pack. During the working stroke, the cut strip is placed on the lever and clamped with pneumatic clamps, which makes it impossible to move the cut. After the longitudinal cut is made, the saw goes under the table and returns to its original position. During the lowering of the rip saw, the movable table located behind it rises above the level of the lever and takes on the cut strips. Then the table moves in the transverse direction. The left edge saw, permanently installed, cuts the edge of the slab (10 mm) to create the base. The remaining cross cuts are made according to the selected program. Cut blanks on an inclined plane are served on the table and stacked in stacks. Then the cutting cycle is repeated according to the selected programs. On an automatic machine, it is possible to perform transverse and longitudinal sawing of particle boards in a stack up to 80 mm high according to a predetermined program. The machine is equipped with separate supporting tables. Each of the parts of the table can be separately set in motion, which is necessary for mixed cutting. Cross cuts are performed after the table parts are aligned along the cross cuts. Cross cut through the entire width of the plate. When cutting plates with through cross cuts, all parts of the table are connected and work synchronously. The table is loaded using a loading device. The packages stacked by the loader are aligned in length and. width automatically. The aligned package is clamped on the table trolley by automatically closing clamping cylinders and fed to the rip saws or cross saw depending on the installed program. The saws rotate in opposite directions in such a way that the undercutting saw works with a passing feed, and the main saw with a counter feed. The scoring saw has an adjustment movement in the axial direction for precise installation relative to the blade of the main saw. When cutting plates on this machine, an accurate cut is obtained without chipping even very sensitive material on the edges. There are semi-automatic machines that also use scoring saws, but the forward movement during cutting is performed by the saw unit with a fixed plate. The workpieces are moved either manually until they stop against the limiting bar, or by a carriage, the positions of which are set by means of adjustable stops (according to the width of the longitudinal grooves) and limit switches. Such a machine is used for sizing panel laminated materials and lined with plastic. Cutting accuracy is up to 0.1 mm. The productivity of the machine when cutting chipboards to the required format is 5.85 m3/h. On the machine instead of organs manual control By feeding the material in longitudinal cutting, you can install an automatic pusher, which is controlled by an electronic device. The latter is programmed to perform certain cuts using a saw blade. required thickness . When cutting particle boards, circular saws with a diameter of 350-400 mm with hard alloy plates are used. The cutting speed in this case is 50-80 m / s, the feed per saw tooth depends on the material being processed, mm: chipboard 0.05-0.12, fiberboard 0.08-0.12, plywood with a longitudinal cut 0.04 -0.08, plywood with a transverse cut up to 0.06. Cutting cards. To organize the rational cutting of plate, sheet and roll materials, technologists develop cutting maps. Cutting charts are a graphical representation of the location of workpieces on a standard format of the material to be cut. To draw up cutting maps, it is necessary to know the dimensions of the workpieces, the formats of the material to be cut, the width of the cuts and the capabilities of the equipment. Particleboards arriving at the plant usually have damaged edges. Therefore, when developing cutting plans, it is necessary to provide for preliminary filing of the slabs in order to obtain a base surface along the edge. If workpieces are cut out with an allowance that provides for their filing along the perimeter in further operations, then such filing of the edges of the plates can be excluded. When developing cutting charts, it is necessary to take into account specifically all the features of the incoming materials. On a scale, on the format of the material to be cut, all blanks cut from it are placed. If faced material, laminated boards, plywood and similar wood-based materials are cut, then when drawing up cutting maps, it is necessary to place blanks on the format, taking into account the direction of the fibers on the lining. In this case, the preforms have a certain size along and across the fibers. Drawing up nesting maps for a large enterprise is an important, complex and time-consuming task. At present, methods have been developed for compiling cutting charts for plate, sheet and roll materials with simultaneous optimization of the cutting plan. The optimal cutting plan is a combination of various cutting schemes and the intensity of their use, ensuring completeness and a minimum of losses for a certain period of operation of the enterprise. When drawing up cutting maps, only those acceptable options are left that ensure the output of blanks is not less than the established limit (92% for wood-based panels). The procedure for optimizing the cutting process is complex and is solved with the help of a computer. Rykunin S. N., Tyukina Yu. P., Shalaev V. S. Technology of sawmilling and woodworking industries: Textbook. - M.: MGUL (Moscow State Forest University) - 2005 - p. 198.

Therefore, the process of cutting slab sheet and roll materials is simpler than boards, since there are no restrictions on quality, color, defects, etc. during their cutting, they are stable in quality and format.

Vertical cutting of board materials appeared not very long ago, in fact, with the beginning of the use of board materials themselves in construction, woodworking and other industries. There was a need to obtain an accurate cutting of large leaves, and processing them traditionally, in a horizontal position, is difficult and not very convenient.

To solve this problem, vertical panel saws (German Plattensage) were created, literally - a saw for plates. The ancestor of these machines was the Swiss company STRIEBIG AG.

The first machines were produced in the late 50s. Now the company "Stribich" is the leader in the production of vertical panel saws and specializes only in their manufacture.

The company's factory is equipped with modern equipment. Moreover, most of the equipment was designed and manufactured exclusively. Program-controlled welding centers deserve special attention, capable of processing beds up to 6 meters long and up to 3 meters wide with high accuracy. Most of components for machine tools are produced at a factory in Switzerland. In these machines, everything: the bed, the manufacturing technology, the materials used and even the packaging - are distinguished by Swiss quality.

The emergence of the possibility of cutting boards in a vertical position broke the stereotype of the traditional approach to cutting. In contrast to horizontal panel saws, where the material being sprayed moves relative to the saw, on vertical saws the saw moves relative to the slab while the slab is almost vertical (tilted 5° relative to the vertical).

This approach to cutting boards has found wide application in many industries where board materials are used. The range of application of these machines is wide: from the production of cabinet furniture to the design of building facades, from the manufacture of exhibition stands to the production of machines and devices. The types of processed board materials can be different: wood-based boards (chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, plywood), solid wood, plastics (duroplastics, foamed thermoplastic, soft thermoplastic), aluminum, combined composite panels(panels consisting of two aluminum plates and a polymer plate between them - ALUCOBOND, DIBOND, ETALBOND, etc.), drywall, etc.

With STRIEBIG AG machines, you always get a quality result: all the above materials are cut exactly to size with high-quality cuts. Also, with the help of appropriate additional devices, you can mill grooves with different profiles, saw at any angle from 0° to 45°, make internal cuts (which is almost impossible on horizontal panel saws.

In this article, we want to introduce you to vertical panel saws, their structure, capabilities and methods of work.

Let's start with the design of the machine. The vertical panel saw is a welded frame (bed) installed vertically (tilted back by 5 °). The frame of the machine is the basis for cutting accuracy. It is a solid integral welded structure reinforced forty times with spacers, which gives it high vibration resistance. On the upper and lower parts of the frame, there are precision ground guides along which the intent beam moves. The guides are processed on a special machine only after the machine frame is completely welded and processed. The massive and particularly rigid beam moves precisely along the guides along its entire length and is precisely fixed in the cutting position, while the angular accuracy is guaranteed by 100%.

The staring beam serves as a bracket for the saw unit, which in turn moves downward along the staring beam and can be rotated 90° to make horizontal cuts. Sawing on the machine is carried out from top to bottom and from left to right. Ease of vertical movement of the saw unit is provided by a system of counterweights. This system allows you to effortlessly not only cut (move the saw block), but also, after performing a vertical cut, raise the closer block from the lower position to a height convenient for further work.

As in horizontal panel saws for cutting laminated chipboard, as well as hard, porous or wavy surfaces, to avoid chipping, a scoring unit (optional) is used. However, on vertical panel saws, the scoring unit has some advantages:
- Simple and quick installation and dismantling on the machine;
- Quick adjustment of the cutting width;
- Ease of operation;
Compact design, wide view when working.

It ensures accuracy, quality and comfort of work. Scoring saw diameter - 80 mm, seat diameter - 20 mm, rotation speed - 15000 rpm. The scoring saw is driven by the main electric motor.

As you understand, before cutting the workpiece on the machine, it must be fixed in some way. To implement this task, several constructive solutions are provided. The first is the 5° inclination of the machine frame, ensuring that the workpiece fits snugly against the machine. In this case, the workpiece rests on a lattice of support bars. The gratings consist of horizontal stop bars and a guide profile for the horizontal stop. They are movably mounted on vertical rails in the machine frame. All grids are deflected downwards when the saw hits the support bar when cutting horizontally.

The second is the support rollers located at the bottom of the machine. They fix the material, sprayed, from below. The support rollers form the bottom support plane for the plate to be sprayed. The slab can be easily moved along them, while the risk of damage to its edge is reduced even when moving heavy and large slabs (the maximum weight of 350 kg of the material that is sprayed is distributed evenly on all rollers. Most of the support rollers are made with a protective ledge that prevents the slab from slipping.

The second element for fixing the workpiece is the horizontal displacement stopper, which is located between the two extreme support rollers on the right side of the machine. It serves as a stop for large workpieces and prevents the workpiece from moving when the metal is horizontal.

For processing small workpieces on the machine, a so-called middle support is provided. The middle support allows the operator to process small and medium-sized workpieces without bending over. If necessary, the middle support is rejected with a handle and set to a horizontal or vertical position. In the zone of the middle support, a grating with a small distance between the support bars is installed. The small distance between the support bars prevents tipping of small parts. Weight Limit material that is sprayed is evenly distributed over the middle support and amounts to 150 kg. At the right end of the middle support, as well as on the support rollers, a horizontal displacement stopper is installed.

All of the above design solutions are aimed at improving the accuracy and quality of the cut. A direct influence on the accuracy of the cut (to saw off the workpiece to a given size) was the system of rulers and stops, which made it possible to accurately position the workpiece relative to the cut line. The main and, perhaps, the most commonly used stop, which is used for vertical vestments, is the horizontal stop. To perform vertical cuts, the machine has predefined vertical cut points. The distance between two cutting points is 1000 mm. Only at these points can the beam be blocked. Blocking takes place in special strips located strictly at the points of the vertical cut, in the upper and lower parts of the intent beam. The point of the vertical cut, located in the central part of the machine, is called the zero point of the cut. From these points, the length of the cut on the horizontal stop is calculated. The horizontal stop moves along the profile guide located above the middle support and can only be positioned to the left of the zero point of the vertical cut. Scale bars are installed in the guide profile of the horizontal stop, along which the stop is positioned. How additional option the horizontal stop can also be placed to the right of the zero point of the cut, while the readings are read from left to right. With the help of pressing, the stop is fixed in any desired position.

To determine the size of the horizontal cut on the fixed beam, there are two scale bars with different starting points. The scale bar to the right serves to set the size of the cut when the material to be sprayed is on the support rollers. On the left ruler, the size of the cut is read when the material to be sprayed is placed on the middle support.

Noteworthy is the ability to cut strips of the same width (with horizontal cutting. This opportunity is provided by a strip stop. The strip stop works very simply. The required strip width is measured from the upper edge of the plate, while the stop moves along the ruler to the width of the strip. the set width of the strip until the stop touches the edge of the slab.In this position, the saw unit is blocked and a horizontal cut is made.

When processing different workpieces, it is sometimes necessary to adjust the plunging depth of the saw unit. For this purpose, a cut depth stop is located in the body of the saw block, which is very quickly adjusted. The maximum protrusion of the saw blade is set in advance and is 13 mm.

This common features machine design, inherent in almost all models. To create a more complete picture of these machines, we will analyze the principles of operation on vertical panel saws.

The basis of the concept of the Stribich machines is as follows: the flow of processed materials moves from left to right, that is, the boards to be cut enter the machine from the right side, and the sawn-to-size blanks are removed from the machine from the left side. This approach is especially recommended when cutting boards into blanks intended for further processing on other machines. If necessary, cut for more small parts, large workpieces are stacked on the control side of the machine.

When processing board materials, the following should be considered:
- The material to be sprayed must lie flat with its entire plane on the grid of slats. With regard to the cutting position, the workpiece should be placed in such a way that during processing it can be pressed against the grate by hand;
- Plates, sprayed, should not be fixed on the grate with anything (clamps, staples, etc.);
- When processing several slabs continuously, they must be of the same format and processed with a predominantly vertical rhizome;
- Do not stack tiles on top of each other.

It is necessary to take into account the deformation of the plates after processing. Particle boards, fibreboards, plywood, plastic plates, as well as plates made of textolite, getinax, aluminum and aluminum alloys as a result of the manufacturing process, they have internal residual stresses. The effects of these stresses are visible above all during the first parting cut. Sometimes after this sawing, the slabs have the following picture. A similar effect can occur if strips are cut off from such a plate with vertical or horizontal cuts. This property of the material is especially noticeable when cutting on vertical panel saws, since the workpieces after cutting remain standing next to each other or one on one. If, after performing their cuts, the edges of the workpieces have some "curvature", then you need to understand that this does not depend on the accuracy of the machine, but only on the specific properties of the material.

When sawing plates in a vertical position, the following types of cuts are distinguished:
1. Vertical cut.
2. Horizontal cut;
3. Cut cut;
4. Format cut;
5. Cutting internal holes;
6. Batch cutting.

Vertical cutting on these machines is performed approximately 60-70% of all cuts. Most of these cuts are made at the zero point of the cut, as this is where the start of the scale bar is located. There are several reasons that speak in favor of a vertical cut:
- Ergonomic and comfortable way of working: with manual feed, the saw unit can be moved with minimal effort (with an optimal torso position.
- Cut pieces cannot move.
- There is no need to insert a wedge into the cut;
- Cut blanks are easier and more convenient to remove from the machine;
- Easy Installation cut size.

When performing a vertical cut, the following operations must be performed:
1. Bring the fixed beam to the vertical cut point (or to the zero point) and block it.
2. Set the horizontal stop to the required size.
3. Place the material to be sprayed on the right side of the machine and slowly roll it over the roller support to the horizontal stop.
4. Reduced engine. Raise the staring block above the edge of the material to be sprayed, fully immerse and make a cut.
5. Remove the material being sprayed from the machine.

A horizontal cut is made with the saw unit in the horizontal cut position ( Circular Saw perpendicular to the fixed beam. To perform a horizontal cut, the fixed beam must be moved to the left end of the machine so that the cut begins only after the saw unit is completely immersed. The size of the cut is set on a roller or middle support. When sawing narrow workpieces, special attention should be paid to the fact that from the moment of insertion to the execution of a full cut, the workpiece must be held or pressed in such a way that there is no risk of injury.

When making a horizontal cut, it is necessary to install wedges in the cut. When processing medium or large workpieces, the first wedge is inserted at the beginning of the cut, and the second at the end of the cut (after the saw blade has completely cut through the plate. After the cut has been made, the upper part of the workpiece thus lies on the wedges.

Many manufacturers of cabinet furniture in their work have problems with chipboard quality. Against the background of many chipboard defects special attention deserves the state of the edges. After manufacturing, transportation and storage, the edge of the slab has a wavy, swollen and uneven surface and cannot serve as a base surface when cutting. And if you take into account the internal stresses, it becomes clear that without cutting the slab at the edges, it is simply impossible to achieve right angles when spraying. Trimming narrow strips along the edges of the slab in order to prepare the base surface is called edge sawing. Such cuts are recommended to be made on all types of panel saws.

On vertical panel saws, if the cut is to be accurate at the corners, it is recommended that you first make a cut cut in the horizontal direction at the top edge of the board (specify the reference surface). Then the slab is turned over (Fig. 9) so that the obtained base edge lies on the roller or middle support, and a vertical cut is made on the left side of the slab. This forms a rectangular plate mounted on a roller bearing and ready for further processing.

The edge cut can be bypassed if the slab is first sawn into several large pieces (for example, in half. In everyday work, each sawyer himself determines how best to process the slab, however, the above processing algorithm should still be followed.

For the most complete satisfaction of the needs of customers and for the optimal solution of production problems, the Stribich company produces several models of machine tools:

These models differ in frame options ( dimensions) and have different design solutions. This is due to the solution of various technological problems and different conditions work.

On the lower level is the ECONOM machine - the cheapest model of the entire range. The machine has found wide application in the construction industry. The use of this model in the manufacture of cabinet furniture is limited, since the machine does not provide for the installation of a scoring unit.

The COMPACT model, in our opinion, most satisfies the needs of the Ukrainian market in terms of price and configuration. The machine has several features of interest to the manufacturer:
- Possibility of establishing a scoring unit;
- The maximum size of the workpiece on the TRK 5207 model is 4600x2070x60mm;
- Affordable price.

The EVOLUTION model serves as an intermediate link between the ECONOM, COMPACT models and the machine operating in automatic CONTROL mode. EVOLUTION was designed instead of the STANDART model to meet the demands of the time, its basic design is closer to the automation of the sawing process. In this case, the control is carried out manually, but with the help of electromechanical drives. All this makes it possible to significantly simplify the management of the machine and increase labor productivity.

CONTROL, like EVOLUTION, is a relatively new model and can compete with a strict center. Such a machine can automatically perform both vertical and horizontal cuts. At the same time, with the help of vacuum holders located above the roller support, it is possible to lift the workpiece and make a trim cut, i.e. get BASE EDGE. The machine is equipped with a device automatic feeding fixed beam (feed rate is smoothly adjustable - 10-25 m / min), electromechanical drive for turning the saw unit, electromechanical drive for fixing the fixed beam. The machine has great potential, we can talk about it for a long time, so this is perhaps the topic of a separate article.

Machines for cutting board materials can be divided into three groups:
- Horizontal panel saws;
- Vertical format-cutting machines;
- Vigilant centers.

In this series, vertical panel saws can be considered as an intermediate (evolutionary) link in the development of cabinet furniture production. Firstly, simple models can at least double labor productivity, while reducing the number of staff and saving production space. Secondly, more complex (automated) models bring vertical saws as close as possible to saw centers, increasing productivity by 3-4 times, and again, take small area. That is, if we consider an average enterprise for the manufacture of cabinet furniture, which is intensively developing, has 1-2 horizontal panel saws in its equipment that do not provide the desired labor productivity, then a vertical panel saw - great option to improve performance. Below, in the form of a table, we present the comparative characteristics of the three types of machines.

In any case, each type of machine has its advantages and disadvantages. Only by comparing and weighing the pros and cons, you can make right choice machine.

The Stribich company is very careful about additional devices that help and simplify the performance of certain operations on the machine. The company offers the following main additional devices:
1. Cutting knot (we talked about it above).
2. Device for making angled cuts 0-45°.

This device has some features:
- Can be mounted on the left and right of any vertical cut point;
- With the help of just one handle, the device is rigidly fixed on the frame of the machine;
- Very simple and accurate adjustment to the length of the workpiece using the built-in scale bar;
- Simple, reliable and accurate angle setting, accurate to 0.1 °;
- Prevents false return under load;
- Solid construction provides miter cuts on large and heavy workpieces;
- Productivity is increased as there is no need to spend time adjusting for different sawing situations;
- It is applied to plates up to 42 mm thick;
- Very convenient storage in a special wooden box.

3. Device for electronic display of dimensions DMS.

The DMS system is used to increase accuracy and facilitate adjustment to the cut size. This system is mounted on a longitudinal stop and a fixed block. Measurement accuracy 0.1 mm. The basic measuring system is positioned and firmly held without shifting eccentric clamp. The battery is designed for two weeks of continuous operation. Recharging the battery takes several hours

4. EPS electronic positioning system.

The system brings the horizontal stop to the cutting position according to the given size. With EPS you can measure and cut very quickly. The system can store 400 values ​​at the same time. All this saves time and thus facilitates work and increases productivity.

5. Device for milling grooves with groove cutter.
. The device allows you to make grooves with a width of 8 mm to 15 mm. Groove depth - up to 25 mm.

6. Devices for making grooves in composite materials.

This device is designed for slot milling of the following profiles: 90°, 135°, U-shape.

All these additional devices expand the capabilities of the machine. Thus, having a machine in the basic configuration, you can get new features of the old machine by installing additional devices.

In the end, I would like to dwell on the maintenance of vertical panel saws. These machines are very easy to maintain. All work related to the delivery, installation and adjustment of the machine is carried out by the technicians of CJSC Stankodnepr, who studied in Switzerland at the factory of the Stribich company and have certificates for the right to carry out these works.

The responsibilities of the machine operator include:
. daily cleaning of the machine from chips and other contaminants (it is strongly recommended not to leave workpieces on the machine after the end of work);
. weekly lubricate the upper and lower guides with a lightly oiled cloth, clean the shaft and saw blade flanges;
. monthly replenish the oil level in the guide sleeves of the staring block;
. scheduled replacement of tools, belts, adjustment of the scoring saw.

Subject to careful care and compliance with all safety requirements during operation, the machine will work for a very long time.

Unfortunately, to cover all the technical possibilities and design features vertical format-cutting machines of the company "Shtribih" in one article is unrealistic. It seems to us that the above information will be enough for the first acquaintance with this equipment, but we will definitely continue to publish on this topic. If you have any questions and want to learn more about vertical panel saws, please contact Stankodnepr CJSC directly and we will be happy to help you.