In a private house      03.03.2019

Do-it-yourself washing gel recipes. Gel for high-quality washing of linen from soap and soda ash

Modern household chemicals often contain components harmful to the human body. Therefore, a do-it-yourself prepared washing gel seems to be a lifeline in a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bdanger, because in this case you will know exactly each constituent substance, and not rely on the honesty of the manufacturer.

Craftsmen not only learned how to make an effective washing gel that copes with even the most difficult stains, but also developed a simple recipe homemade air conditioner- conditioner. These products are absolutely safe for human skin, subject to precautions. They also have a positive effect on fabrics and the washing machine. But about all this in order.

Benefits of homemade laundry detergents

You don't have to be a great chemist to figure out the difference between industrial detergents and homemade ones:

  • Almost all store funds for washing contain surface-active substances (surfactants). They, in fact, are responsible for the quality of washing. These components break the bond between fabric fibers and dirt. But they are also very poorly rinsed out of clothes and harm the human body, getting into it through the pores of the skin. Homemade washing gel laundry soap usually does not carry this risk.
  • Industrial powders and liquid detergents often contain phosphates or phosphate compounds. They soften the water and help wash the most difficult stains. At the same time, these components are very dangerous for human health, as they destroy his immune system. Phosphates are not added to homemade products.
  • The prepared do-it-yourself washing gel for an automatic machine is also suitable for hand washing. Industrial Tools, due to the different amount of foaming substances in the composition, should be used for the recommended purpose.
  • Soap-based household cleaners effectively remove stains on fabrics, not only when high temperature, but also at sufficiently low values.
  • Preparations home cooking do not emit strong unpleasant odors.
  • All components that make up the prepared laundry gel at home are absolutely harmless to humans, subject to prescription doses.
  • Price homemade remedy for washing is much lower than any store.
  • Making detergent at home is not great work. All do-it-yourself laundry gel recipes are very simple and quick to complete.

Disadvantages of prepared do-it-yourself washing gels:

  • A homemade product based on soap does not dissolve well in cold water. Therefore, the water must have at least 40 degrees for the full effect of the gel.

Important! If things need to be washed in cold water (less than 40 degrees), then the gel is pre-dissolved in warm water and poured into the drum of the machine.

  • Soda ash, which is part of homemade laundry gel, although it is different increased efficiency, but leads to fading of colors on clothes. Therefore, for washing things of bright colors, it is recommended to use baking soda instead of this component. This will significantly reduce the washing result, but save the colors.

Important! This technique is relevant for lightly soiled things that should just be refreshed. If you need to remove serious stains, then baking soda is unlikely to cope with this.

  • If you often use washing gel from laundry soap and soda ash, then things will quickly wear out, lose their shape and original appearance. Therefore, a product with technical soda should be added when washing only heavily soiled laundry.

Important! If you add a teaspoon of fine salt to the do-it-yourself washing gel before loading it into the washing machine, then the chances of retaining bright colors on clothes will increase significantly.

Washing gel made from laundry soap and soda ash

Soda ash and laundry soap have been used to clean clothes for a long time - both individually and in combination. The gel of these components effectively fights dirt, does not settle between the fibers of the fabric and does not leave streaks after rinsing. Such a tool can be safely used to wash all fabrics, with the exception of wool and silk.

Important! To get from a homemade remedy maximum effect laundry should be pre-soaked in it.

To prepare a washing gel from laundry soap and soda ash, you should perform the following manipulations:

  1. For a bar of laundry soap weighing 200 g, take the same amount of soda ash and approximately 2.5 liters of water.

Important! Soap for the preparation of the gel, you can take any. But the most effective will still be economic.

  1. Prepare a bowl in advance in which you can cook the gel. It is worth considering the fact that it will no longer be possible to cook food in it after that.
  2. It is necessary to grate a bar of soap on the smallest grater and pour 1.5 liters of water. After mixing thoroughly, put the bowl with the mixture on a medium fire. You should constantly stir the solution and at the same time make sure that it does not boil.
  3. When the soap is completely dissolved and the mixture becomes homogeneous, you need to add 1 liter of water and soda. Stir constantly until the soda is completely dissolved.

Important! If the soda does not completely dissolve, then after washing, white stains may appear on the clothes.

  1. After the mass has acquired a uniform consistency, remove the dishes with it from the stove and leave to cool naturally.
  2. Do-it-yourself washing gel should stand for a day, after which it should be poured into a jar with a tight lid.

Important! If the finished gel has become too thick, it is allowed to add water and reheat the product. The finished product should have the consistency of medium-fat sour cream.

  1. The optimal dose of gel for washing 2 kg of laundry is a tablespoon of the product.

Important! It is best to load the gel directly into the drum of the washing machine to avoid wasting the product on the walls of the tray.

How to make washing gel from laundry soap, soda and borax?

Such a laundry detergent effectively copes with difficult stains and even eliminates mold on clothes. The combination of borax and laundry soap has a disinfecting and disinfecting effect.

Important! To give the gel a pleasant aroma, you can add a few drops of essential oil to its composition. Light aroma will be inherent in clean linen even after thorough rinsing.

To make such a washing gel with your own hands, follow these instructions:

  1. For cooking liquid soap for do-it-yourself washing, you will need 5 liters of water, 300 g of tar, antibacterial or laundry soap, 300 g of baking soda and 300 g of dry borax.
  1. Rub the soap on a fine grater. Stir it with 0.5 liters of water and put on low heat. Stir the mixture constantly until the soap is completely dissolved.

Important! Soap cannot be poured with boiling water.

  1. After dissolving the soap, carefully pour in the remaining components. Add water last, pouring it in a thin stream.
  2. Heat the entire composition again until a homogeneous consistency is obtained.

Important! Do not heat the gel to a hot state.

  1. Leave the finished washing gel with your own hands to stand for a day, then pour it into prepared containers with a wide neck.

Important! For washing bed linen, towels or clothes white color add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide during washing. It will serve as a kind of bleach for fabrics.

  1. The optimal dose of this prepared laundry gel at home is 3 tablespoons per wash cycle.

Important! This gel acts much softer than the previous one. It practically does not affect the condition of the fibers of the material, so it can be used for regular washing of items made of delicate fabrics.

How to make fabric softener at home?

Washing gel made from laundry soap does an excellent job of washing clothes, but it does not contain components that would soften the fabric. Is it possible to do without industrial conditioners in this case? Making your own fabric softener is not difficult. To do this, you do not even need to heat or cook anything:

  1. For a homemade conditioner, you will need two cups of vinegar, the same amount of water and baking soda. A few drops of essential oil can be added to give the product and clean linen a fragrance.

Important! Take a large vessel for the preparation of the conditioner, since the process of mixing the constituent components will be accompanied by the release a large number foam.

  1. Pour baking soda into the water in a thin stream. When the soda is completely dissolved, constantly stirring the liquid, add vinegar to it.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to change the sequence of introducing the constituent components, as this can lead to a rather violent chemical reaction.

  1. When all reactions have stopped, add to the mixture essential oil. Shake the resulting liquid thoroughly.

Important! Do not overdo it with the amount of essential oil so that the clothes do not have a cloying, but a pleasant aroma. To do this, use no more than 10 drops per specified volume of other ingredients.

  1. Pour the liquid into bottles with a tight-fitting lid.
  2. Store your home air conditioner in a warm, dry place. Failure to follow these recommendations may lead to thickening of the product.

Important! Ready conditioner can be used both for machine washing and for hand washing. It is worth adding it while rinsing things in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons.

Advantages of a home air conditioner for things:

This product, like almost everything cooked with your own hands, has many advantages:

  • Using only safe components in the process of its preparation.
  • Suitable for any type of wash.
  • The composition of the softener helps to remove soap residue from the fibers of the fabric.
  • The air conditioner helps to remove static electricity from the matter.
  • Makes things softer and more pleasant to the touch.
  • In the case of using essential oil in the process of preparing the conditioner, clothes take on a pleasant and delicate aroma.

Experts agree that home-made detergents are suitable for absolutely all family members, including children of different ages and people, even those with asthma and allergies. The use of such products is not accompanied by dust, as the use of industrial washing powders, reduces the need for a person to contact with harmful chemicals generally. In addition, these funds significantly save the family budget, since all components are inexpensive, and the consumption of detergents is minimal.

Despite the fact that the modern chemical industry offers the widest range of washing gels, many housewives prefer not to buy, but to prepare detergents with their own hands. Knowing the correct recipe, you can prepare one composition that is suitable for both automatic washing machines and hand washing.

Advantages. First, homemade washing gel does not contain harmful environment phosphates, as well as "chyme" fragrances and surfactants (surfactants), which can cause allergies. Secondly, the composition uses affordable and inexpensive components, which means that there is an opportunity to save a lot. Thirdly, to make a washing gel, you will need elementary equipment and very little time.


  • metal (but not aluminum!) container: ladle, saucepan, bowl;
  • plastic spoon or spatula;
  • mixer or whisk for whipping;
  • container for the finished product (a container with a lid or a bottle with a wide mouth).


  • laundry (baby) soap - 200 grams;
  • soda (food or soda) - 200 grams;
  • water - 2.5 liters;
  • essential oil (optional) - 20 drops.

Gel recipe for automatic and hand washing

  1. Grate a 200-gram soap bar. The smaller the chips, the faster it will dissolve in water.
  2. Place the chips in a metal container, add 1.5 liters of clean warm water(30-35°C).
  3. Cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until the mixture is completely smooth.
  4. Gently, in a thin stream, pour another 1 liter of water and, without ceasing to stir the "brew", pour 200 grams of soda ash.
  5. Add 20 drops of any essential oil. Peppermint, lavender or citrus oils (lemon, grapefruit, orange) are best suited. Stir.
  6. Remove the container from the fire.
  7. After about an hour, when the gel becomes warm, check the consistency. Carefully dilute too thick mass warm water if the gel is crumpled - beat with a whisk or mixer.
  8. Pour the finished washing gel into a storage container. Once the mixture has cooled and thickened, the product can be used.

Application. The gel is suitable for both manual and automatic washing of delicate fabrics (cotton, linen, synthetics). In the latter case, add the product directly to the drum. Please note that on average, one load (5-6 kg of laundry) takes from 100 to 200 grams of the finished product.

Store in sealed containers, shake well before use

Recipe Tips:

  • Soda ash does an excellent job even with strong pollution, but at the same time it “washes out” the color. If you are preparing a product for light (daily) washing of colored items, replace the baking soda with baking soda.
  • To fix the color when washing clothes with soda ash gel, add 1 teaspoon of fine table salt to a portion of the product.
  • If you want to make your own softening laundry gel, replace part of the water with low-fat milk or green tea infusion.
  • Do not use essential oils if anyone in the family suffers from allergies: it is better to do without fragrances.

The economic crisis has affected all aspects of human life, including hygiene. Many modern housewives are looking for an alternative to the usual washing gel or powder, as the price of these products has begun to “bite” in the light of recent events. But not only for this reason, do-it-yourself washing gel has become popular: many are allergic to the components of a conventional product and cannot use it.

How to cook?

Depending on the specific purpose, you can prepare a variety of gel for washing clothes. If your baby is allergic to washing powder, which is not uncommon, you can prepare a detergent based on baby soap, devoid of any chemical additives and components that are unhealthy.

And although the manufacturers claim that there are no phosphates in their products, it should be remembered that the child will breathe them 24 hours a day, because some part of the clothes and underwear will still remain. Therefore, it is better to prepare a gel for washing baby clothes yourself.

To wash white linen, it is worth taking soap with a bleaching effect, and if the clothes are covered with dirty stains of unknown origin, then the main component in the gel should be Antipyatin soap. In all other cases, you can use the economic.

Manufacturing steps:

  • grate 100 g of soap. Add 1 liter of water and put the saucepan with the contents on the fire. Heat, stirring occasionally, until the soap chips are completely dissolved;
  • soda ash in the amount of 3 tbsp. l. with a slide to dissolve in 3 liters of water. Pour the soap base into a solution of water and soda and mix well. To give the washing gel a pleasant smell, you can add some essential oil, but this should be done only after the composition has completely cooled;
  • the resulting mass will be quite thick. To avoid the formation of lumps, it must be beaten well with a mixer and transferred to a convenient container. It can be a plastic container or a regular bucket with a lid.

How to use this washing gel

How much product to use for one cycle of the machine you determine empirically, because a lot depends on the hardness of the water in your area and the degree of soiling of the laundry. On average, for washing in an automatic machine, it is recommended to take 200 g of gel per 5 kg of laundry. You can spread the gel directly on the laundry or in the usual way add it to the powder compartment - there is no difference.

Experienced housewives do not recommend using this product for wool and silk products, as soda can destroy fabric fibers. You can use the gel to remove dirt from cotton linen - it will not cause any damage to them.

If you notice white stains on clothes left after drying, then this indicates that the gel is not rinsed out of clothes well enough. Try adding regular table vinegar to the conditioner compartment.

It will completely remove soap residue. In addition, vinegar will give the linen softness and freshness, renew the paint. Do not be afraid that after washing the smell of vinegar will remain - it quickly disappears and as a result the laundry smells of freshness.

If you cannot decide which is better to use - a washing gel or powder, you can cook both at home, and then compare the result. To prepare washing powder, you need to mix 155 g of grated soap, 204 g of soda ash and the same amount of borax. Store in a tightly closed container and use 1 to 3 tbsp. l. for one wash.

Washing down jackets

Especially acute is the issue of washing outerwear filled with down and feathers. After all, it is not recommended to use ordinary powder, and you may not find a special liquid product for sale. In addition, special capsules filled with washing gel leave an ambiguous impression.

Firstly, they do not wash better than ordinary powder, and secondly, they form a little more foam than usual, which is simply unacceptable in the case of outerwear. In addition, there are frequent cases when the capsule was thrown out of the drum onto the rim under the glass of the machine door and remained there until the very end of the device operation cycle.

As a result, the laundry was not stretched and had to be washed again. Gel for washing jackets and down jackets, prepared at home, is devoid of these shortcomings. In addition, the cost of such a tool cannot be compared with the cost of a store product.

Some products, produced on an industrial scale, are able to cope with their task only in soft water, others perform their function in harder water, but only the effectiveness of home-made gel does not depend on these factors.

It is necessary on a delicate mode at a temperature not exceeding 40 ° C. If you are worried that white streaks will appear on the surface of the product after drying, repeat the rinse cycle again. You can wring out the down jacket at medium or low speeds, that is, 800 rpm is quite enough.

It is necessary to dry a jacket or coat in a well-ventilated area at a temperature of +15⁰С. Good when on outerwear fall Sun rays, because if it “sours” on the balcony for a long time, it can deteriorate - the filler will become moldy and an unpleasant smell will appear.

Before drying, it is recommended to steam the product, but if this is not possible, after it you need to shake the item well, wash all the places with your hands so that the fluff and feathers are distributed more evenly inside the jacket or coat. Inexpensive washing and cleanliness for your things!

With all the variety of means of modern household chemicals industrial production, many housewives prefer to prepare a washing gel with their own hands. I have to say it's very rational decision. Such a tool is very budgetary, it is extremely simple to make and it will not contain unnecessary components such as fragrances, phosphates and surfactants. The tool will be economical, environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic.

Prepare laundry gel at home

Often in recipes for a do-it-yourself washing gel, laundry, antibacterial or baby soap plays the role of the main component. Such harmless products, unlike aggressive surfactants, do not at all pose a danger to the skin of the hands when hand washed. The absence of phosphates eliminates the risk of weakened immunity and problems with nervous system person. The absence of artificial fragrances ensures that you do not experience.

With all this, before you start making a washing gel with your own hands, you need to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages of such a tool:

  1. A homemade product will dissolve poorly at water temperatures below + 40 ° C.
  2. If it contains soda ash, it will dull the bright colors on the fabric. You can use ordinary baking soda instead, but the effect will be much less.
  3. Frequent use of such a tool will lead to rapid wear of things. It is better to add it in cases of heavy pollution, without abusing its amount as well. On average, only one tablespoon of gel is needed for 2 kg of laundry.

Washing gel from laundry soap

The easiest way to make a washing gel is from ordinary laundry soap:

  1. We will need 100 g of soap, which must be grated with medium holes.
  2. To it you need to pour 1 liter of water and put the container on a minimum fire.
  3. With constant stirring, wait until the soap is completely dissolved, then add another 1 liter of water.
  4. To the resulting solution, add 100 g of soda ash (not to be confused with food) and mix everything again.
  5. When all the ingredients are in place, you need to keep the product on fire for a few more minutes, waiting until the gel thickens.
  6. Then it needs to be cooled and drained into a convenient container. After cooling, the gel will thicken even more.

Baby soap washing gel

For washing children's things and not only, you can prepare a washing gel with your own hands, the composition of which will differ in the presence. The recipe and method of preparation in this case will be similar, and the means will differ only in the main ingredient. The advantage of such a gel is the absence of a pungent odor, which laundry soap often has.

How to make laundry detergent from powder?

It must be said right away that borax powder is meant here. This - Chemical substance, soluble in water and widely used in many areas, including the textile industry. With its help, it is possible to fix the dyes on the fabric more evenly and reliably, so that things etched with borax practically do not shed. This positive quality manifests itself when using it as part of homemade laundry gels.

So, how to prepare a washing gel based on borax powder:

  1. Grate 300 g of any soap - laundry, antibacterial, children's, tar, etc.
  2. Pour half a liter of water into it and put on a slow fire. Stirring constantly, wait until the mixture heats up and becomes homogeneous.
  3. After that, you need to slowly pour 300 grams of borax powder and baking soda into a container, without ceasing to mix the composition.
  4. Introduce another 4.5 liters of water in a thin stream and heat the mixture to a warm (not hot) state.
  5. Remove the finished gel from the stove and let it brew for a day.
  6. Pour into prepared containers.

Soda ash washing gel

While figuring out how to make laundry gel, we saw that most recipes use soda ash. This ingredient, being stronger than baking soda, alkali, copes with pollution much more effectively. It is added to enhance the effect of the prepared detergent. At the same time, it is undesirable to use a similar gel prepared for washing with your own hands for wool and silk.

Washing gel - how to use?

For moderately soiled laundry, do-it-yourself washing gel for the machine must be poured in the amount of ¼ measuring cup. If the clothes are heavily soiled, you can pour in 1/2 cup of the prepared product. It can be poured both into the standard powder compartment and directly into the drum of the machine. If you want to be guaranteed to get clean, soft laundry without white streaks, pour a little table vinegar into the conditioner section during washing.

To wash clothes, it is not necessary to use expensive powders. All synthetic washing mixtures are based on surfactants, which not only have high cleaning properties, but also adversely affect human health. It is possible to manufacture a gel-like composition for washing from the usual, and most importantly, environmentally friendly ingredients. The method of preparing a gel from laundry soap and soda ash is quite simple, suitable for washing absolutely all types of fabrics, while being able to remove even the most old stains, including mold. To use this gel, an automatic washing machine and other mechanical devices.

At home, you can make your own cleaning products that are as effective as industrial ones, but much cheaper.

The tool will be an excellent solution for those housewives who prefer to refrain from using it in everyday life. harmful substances. You can use this gel for washing baby clothes, including for newborns.

How does this gel work?

Very often, housewives rub the places of contamination with laundry soap to remove old stains. Only after that, wash the product in the usual powder. These actions are due to the high efficiency of such alkaline soap in the fight against various stains. The natural soap composition penetrates deep between the fibers of the fabric, removes stubborn stains.

Every housewife knows about the properties of soda ash. This sodium compound is found in the composition of any washing and cleaning product.

In addition, soda ash softens water, which allows soapy substances to act more actively.

Both substances perfectly manifest themselves, and when combined, the effect improves several times. Soda ash enhances the action of the soap mass several times, while not causing additional harm to the skin of the hands.

How to prepare a gel for household needs

There are several ways to prepare detergent from soda ash and laundry soap:

  • For cooking you will need: 50 g of soap, 50 g of sodium carbonate powder, 1 liter of water. Boil water in a suitable container, add laundry soap, which must first be grated. Do not remove the container from the fire. The solution must be gradually stirred until the soap chips are completely dissolved. After, add soda powder, mix. Sodium bicarbonate will make the solution gel-like, fluid. The mixture must be stirred until the soda is completely dissolved, otherwise traces of undissolved flakes of an alkaline compound may remain on the fabric. If, after the preparation of the detergent composition, undissolved particles remain in it, it can be filtered (wiped) through a sieve. This will ensure the mass is homogeneous. To wash 3 kg of laundry, you will need 120-200 ml of the prepared mass, depending on the degree of contamination.

Laundry soap gel can be used not only for washing. With it, you can wash dishes, floors, refrigerators, window sills and window frames, and much more
  • This method is different from the previous one. For cooking, you will need 1.5 liters of water, 100 g of soap chips, 50 g of Antipyatin soap, 80 g of sodium carbonate powder. It is not necessary to boil the solution, all ingredients are added to boiling water. The mixture must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained, which does not immediately thicken. The solution will take on a gel-like form after cooling. Then the resulting mass must be beaten with a mixer, then add 500 ml of water, strain. For one wash, you need to use up to 200 ml of the product, the amount of laundry up to 5 kg. If necessary, you can pre-soak the fabric in hot or cold water.
  • You can make a concentrated paste. It must be cooked over low heat, stirring constantly. For cooking you will need: water 200 ml, soda powder 50 g, household. soap 72% 50 g. After hardening, the mass will turn out to be quite thick, it is perfect for removing difficult stains. It is necessary to use it before washing things, rubbing problem areas.

The benefits of homemade soda composition

There are many advantages to using such a soap composition:

  • This tool is highly effective in combating various contaminants, including coffee, blood, juices and mold.
  • Suitable for all types of fabric, regardless of color and structure.
  • Can be used for both hand washing and automatic washing machines.
  • Suitable for washing children's things, from the first days of a child's life.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions to skin after hand washing, at the moment of contact with the washed linen.
  • There are no deodorizing substances in the composition, the smell is not pronounced, it corresponds to the constituent components. The linen after drying has no foreign smells.
  • The product is perfectly rinsed out, does not require additional treatments.
  • The gel makes the laundry soft and fresh.
  • The product is completely natural, as it is made from ingredients of natural origin.

When using this gel washing machines, it not only washes things well, but also helps to dissolve the scale that has formed on the heaters.