Toilet      06/17/2019

Zhytomyr regional social and business newspaper "echo". Preparations for shashel: proven folk remedies and industrial solutions How to get rid of shashel

If your home has wooden structures, then surely in the near future there will be a shashel - a woodworm beetle.

Shashel itself can be dangerous, but most of all, their larvae cause trouble, digging long passages in the boards of the floor, ceiling, window sills and other household items. Today on the agenda is the question of how to quickly get rid of the shishel in the house.

The first sign of the presence of a shashel in a dwelling is a subtle creak of a tree, after which wood dust appears. Many people, when buying a house or before starting construction, choose wood as the main material, as it is considered the most environmentally friendly.

Even if the main structures are made of synthetic materials, there are still wooden structures, furniture, various decorations that create a special atmosphere of coziness and comfort. For this reason, it becomes necessary to think about the invasion of pests. They are the beetle woodworm or shashel.


Belongs to the grinder family. The insect is very small in size. Its length reaches only a few millimeters (3-4), for this reason, the primary signs of their habitation in your home are invisible. Often they are confused with midges, as the insect can fly. The color of an adult insect is found from black to dark brown.

It has a pair of antennae and three pairs of legs, usually lighter in color than the body. Its shell is very dense, covered with small hairs. On the upper rigid elytra there are several distinct longitudinal furrows. The trunk has cylindrical shape with a small head.

The larva resembles a thick worm, the body of which is segmented. Has a yellow color. On the head Brown you can see very powerful jaws. You can observe the larva only after sawing the board or log. In life, she does not leave her hole.

Life cycle and reproduction

Such characteristics as type of wood, color, format of the shashel are not of interest. For life, a five-year-old tree that has low humidity is suitable for him. Once on the surface of the board, the beetle quickly bites into it and begins to dig passages in order to lay eggs faster. The first signs of destruction are visible already 12 months after it entered the dwelling.

Reproduction in the beetle is very accelerated. One female lays up to 80 eggs at a time, after which they beneficially turn into larvae. The greatest harm brings a beetle in the larval stage. It is a known fact that one larva lives for about 7 years and breaks through tunnels over 40 km long.

The swarming passages of the larvae with waste material and fill them with their excrement.

After drying, this content spills out and spoils the aesthetic appearance of the tree. During travel, favorable conditions(dryness, fever, darkness) the larva is looking for a place where it subsequently turns into a chrysalis.

Shashel features:

  1. An adult exists only from a week to one month. It is necessary for the reproduction of the genus.
  2. The egg turns into a larva in 12-15 days.
  3. After the appearance of the larva, several molts occur. The last capsule reaches a size of about 4 mm. In this case, the beetle is 2 mm in size.
  4. All stages make up a time period of two years. The larval stage is considered the longest.

Only the larva of the shashel is capable of damaging more than half of all lumber.

How does the shashel get into the dwelling

The main reasons for the appearance of woodworm in the house can be:

  • Use of untested lumber in construction.
  • Using old wood that has cracks and crevices.
  • Improper storage of wood in warehouses, which become unsuitable for building and repair.
  • Bought furniture with shashel larvae.

The first signs of a pest, as a rule, are not visible, but after the onset of symptoms of his stay in the house, it becomes very difficult to cope with the insect. Therefore, if the house has already been built or there is homemade furniture from damaged material, try to carefully inspect the wood for holes and damage whenever you do a general cleaning.

Important! When choosing a forest for construction, inspect the woods. They should be without bark and visible holes, entrances for beetles.

To start fighting the enemy, you need to determine its location, for this you need to inspect wooden partitions on the ceiling, floor, window sills, doorways, all furniture made of wood.

You should pay attention to upholstered furniture, the frame of which is also made of pressed sawdust or wooden beams. You can easily identify if you hear a sound that resembles a clock or light tapping. Such sounds are characteristic of adults during mating, which occurs on the surface.

After you managed to find an unpleasant neighbor, you need to start destroying them. The choice of method will depend on the capabilities of the tenants in terms of finances, time and effort.

Video: Fighting shashel in books, antiques


The proven and most popular broad-spectrum insecticides are used:

In any case, the choice is yours. If you find it difficult to choose an antiseptic or insecticide, you can ask for help from a consultant in the store.

Folk ways

Shashel can be mastered using recipes that have been invented and tested by peoples for a long time.

The most effective are:

  • In a ten-liter bucket of water, dilute 1 glass of sodium fluoride. With this solution, a wooden surface is treated with a spray bottle. The advantage of the method is the processing of hard-to-reach places.
  • The next solution is prepared as follows: take 3 liters of turpentine and mix with 1 liter of kerosene or gasoline. Lubricate wooden partitions affected by shashel with paint brush. It is not necessary to process all boards and structures, only infected ones. This solution is very stinky and can harm human health. After complete absorption, the room should be well ventilated.
  • For 10 liters of turpentine, they take equal amounts (0.5 kg each) of creolin and paraffin. Mix everything thoroughly and lubricate the affected areas.

Important! All woodworking manipulations must be carried out with rubber gloves and a respirator.

Listed folk methods have unpleasant pungent odors, which, with greater contamination, are not suitable for treating residential premises, therefore they are appropriate for warehouses, livestock farms, poultry farms, vegetable stores, etc.


There are a lot of methods of dealing with shishel. In addition to those listed chemicals and folk solutions, you can use hot steam treatment, fumigation, microwave destruction.

But unfortunately, such methods are acceptable for specialized services, and they are usually very expensive.

Shashel (wood borer) is a medium-sized beetle. However, it is not the beetles themselves that are dangerous, but their larvae, which eat through the passages in the wood, due to which the tree eventually turns into dust. The larva gnaws through the wood, after which small holes remain on the tree, and after saturation, the larva gnaws its way to the surface, leaving a protective layer no more than 1 mm thick. Then she again goes deep into the tree and prepares a place for subsequent maturation and rebirth into a beetle. Larvae different types Grinder beetles can live from several months to several years. During all this time, they cause irreparable damage to wood products.

In Russia and Ukraine, 2 types of shashel are common: a furniture grinder and a house grinder. Both beetles are dangerous for any wood products. Despite the fact that adults can live in gnawed passages, they do not feed on wood. The main purpose of grinder beetles is reproduction. It is easy to identify grinders, because during the mating period they hit their heads against the walls of the wood, resulting in a sound similar to the ticking of a clock, but getting rid of the shashel is quite difficult. At least, by the characteristic sound, you can determine the location of the shashel. However, the discovery of adults suggests that the shashel has been in your home for a long time, and he managed to pretty much spoil the tree.

How to deal with shashel

Where to begin?

The fight against shashel in the house should begin with a search for a habitat for the larvae of the beetle. To do this, carefully inspect all furniture, floors, walls, if they are wooden. By the way, cushioned furniture is also no exception. Its internal parts consist of a solid bar, so it may well become a home for a wood-boring shashel. So sometimes you have to disassemble the sofa and chairs to find the dwelling of these pests.

If you are buying timber for construction, carefully inspect it. If holes are found, discard this purchase and order building materials elsewhere, as it will be very difficult to cope with large volumes of affected wood. The affected timber is not suitable for construction. Within a few years, only dust will remain from the tree.

If you find wood shashel on furniture or garden trees, be sure to treat the wood with fluorosilicon or sodium fluoride. You can buy these chemicals at any gardening store. To use dilute 250 g of product in 12 liters hot water. Stir and cool the water. Pour the solution into a spray bottle and spray fruit trees. If the shashel wound up in furniture, soak a rag in this solution and wipe all, even uninfected, furniture.

In the fight against shashel, all means are good. A mixture of creolin, paraffin, wax and turpentine helps to kill the shashel. To prepare the product, take 30 g of creolin, 50 g of paraffin, 1 liter of turpentine and 50 g of wax. Mix all the ingredients and treat the furniture with the resulting solution. On fruit trees, use a heated solution and apply with a brush.

A solution based on turpentine will also help to remove the shashel. To do this, dilute 1 liter of vaseline oil, 2 pieces of melted soap, 1 liter of gasoline, 100 g of naphthalene and 1 liter of kerosene in three liters of turpentine. Stir the anti-shashel agent thoroughly and wipe the furniture with it with a sponge, and go over the wooden structures with a brush. After this treatment, melt the paraffin and cover the passages with it. After a week, repeat the treatment with the above solutions and lubricate the passages again.

If the holes in the furniture are small, they can be covered with ordinary Vaseline, and if possible, fill the passages with Vaseline.

If the damage to the wood is too strong, you can entrust the destruction of the shashel to professionals. Some firms offer to destroy the shashel using microwave radiation. This method of dealing with a grinder is especially effective in case of defeat. wooden houses or wooden interior finishes. Microwave equipment has proven itself perfectly. The irradiator is reliable and easy to operate. The thickness of the processed structure can reach up to 25 cm. This allows you to kill the shashel even in the deepest layers of wood. The advantage of this method is that microwave equipment makes it possible to remove the shashel from wood under layers of clay, paint and varnish. This method of processing wooden structures is absolutely safe, since irradiation is carried out using a remote control. After irradiation, no toxic chemical traces remain, and disinfestation can be carried out at any time of the year.

Means to combat shashel

You can treat a tree from a shashel with the help of industrial insecticides. The most effective among them are:

  • Antizhuk. Antiseptic for wood Antizhuk is designed to destroy insects that are harmful wooden surfaces. Moreover, the insecticide kills not only adults, but also their larvae. This tool is also used to prevent the contamination of wooden surfaces by grinders. Antizhuk can be used both for internal, and for external works. Often this tool is used as a preventive measure to prevent the appearance of grinders. The chemical does not change the decorative coatings of materials and is not highly toxic to humans;
  • Antishashelin. Antishashelin is also designed to control woodworms. The insecticide is used to impregnate both old and young wood. Antishashelin is a solution of silicones in an organic solvent, therefore it has a high penetrating power. It is used to kill adult grinder beetles and their larvae. The tool is used to destroy pests in joinery, parquet, antiques, furniture, in wooden structures and ceilings;
  • Drevotoks. Drevotox is one of the most effective insecticides. Wood impregnated with this chemical remains toxic to the skewers for up to 6 months. Drevotox can be used all year round, but in the period from June to January, its effectiveness is somewhat higher. Treatment of contaminated furniture should be carried out several times with an interval of three weeks. Drevotox should be injected into the cracks and passages eaten with a shashel using a pipette or syringe. If the tree is too badly damaged by the shashel, it should be completely smeared with a solution with a brush. To prevent the insecticide from evaporating and leaking out, cover the treated holes with paraffin or wax;
  • Empire 20. Treating wood with the Empire 20 insecticide is a simple but reliable way to kill domestic insects, even with severe infestations. Despite the fact that Empire 20 effectively destroys shashel and other insects, its toxicity to humans and animals is negligible, so this drug was not even included in the classifier of hazardous chemicals approved in the EEC countries.

Question: Can you tell us more about the methods of treating wood from insects, such as carpenter beetles (shashels). How to deal with them, what means are used for this?

Construction own house or giving is unthinkable without the use building materials from wood. Wood is used to make wooden houses, floors, windows, window sills, doors, rafters, floor beams, etc.

But sometimes, even when choosing very good quality wood, ignoring the additional protective treatment from harmful insects leads to premature destruction of wood. If a characteristic sharpening sound appears in the house and small chips (wood flour) pour from wooden products and structures, this means that they have settled in the wood carpenter beetles and its larvae. The people call these insects - shashel(black brownie with a mustache).

Carpenter beetle (shashel) - how to get rid of?

This beetle is an insect 8-20 mm in size, brown or black, photo 1. The life span of an adult is 3-7 years. The wood borer mostly loves pine wood, in a dry state, although they do not refuse other types of wood. The main part of the tree they infect is the sapwood.

The wood borer is not as dangerous as its larvae, which hatch from eggs that it lays in pores, blockages and cracks in wood. One carpenter beetle is able to lay up to 200…300 eggs at a time, and after 2…3 weeks, larvae hatch from them, immediately starting to grind wood.

The life span of the larva is 5–17 years, and during their lifetime they are able to make “tunnels” in wood with a total length of up to 40 km. The larva is capable of laying a mini-tunnel 15–30 mm long in wood in a day, and at the same time it can grow intensively - its weight can double in a day.

The danger of the larvae lies in the fact that from the moment they begin their lives, they long time are inside the wood, not showing out, and only when the larvae turn into beetles, they tend to go out, as evidenced by small round holes, photo 2. Therefore, as a rule, when the presence of this beetle is detected, its larvae have already done a large amount of work to destroy the wood.

Examples of the destruction of wood by a wood borer (shashel)

There are many methods to combat woodworm. Conventionally, they can be divided into:

  • preventive ways to protect "healthy" wood from possible pest penetration;
  • ways to deal with insects that have already hit the wood.

Preventive protection consists in processing beams, bars, boards and other wood elements with the help of special solutions and antiseptics, even before the start of construction, photo 3.

In the modern construction market there is a very large selection of preventive protective equipment from various manufacturers. Here are some of them:

Belinka organic solvent. If necessary, treat for prevention and additional protection apply Belinka Belocid, and if the wood is already affected - then you should apply Belinka Fentin, photo 4;

Antishashelin - the drug is intended for the destruction of wood-boring beetles, shashels and their larvae. Effective when injected directly into holes made by insects with a syringe;

antiseptic Lignofix absolutely safe for humans, does not emit toxic substances. The drug is only dangerous for chitin-containing insects, disrupting the physiological processes in their body that are responsible for the development and reproduction of insects. This drug does not decompose over time, and retains its properties for 10 years.

Also popular antiseptics from manufacturers such as Pinotex, Olimp, BioColor, Aquatex and etc., photo 4.

Advice: Attention should be paid to the purpose of the selected antiseptic, because not all antiseptics are able to destroy or prevent the penetration of woodworms. To obtain a high effect from the treatment of wood with antiseptics, it should be covered in 2 ... 3 layers with an interval of 2 ... 3 days. With full observance of the antiseptic application technology, the wood will be impregnated by 2 ... 3 mm. In practice, antiseptics are effective as a prophylactic, i. when new, uninfected wood is processed.

Antiseptic treatment of wood affected by beetles can only help for small wood products, provided that the beetles have recently started.

Methods for treating wood to protect against insects

Ways to protect wood from woodworms that already live in the breed include the following:

  • dry steam method;
  • insecticides: substances of residual and instant action;
  • fumigation method;
  • fogation (fumigation) of wood;
  • douching method;
  • method of processing by microwave beams;
  • folk remedies fight.

Dry steam method

The essence of the dry steam method is to gradually heat the wood to 80 ... 90 ° C with the help of dry steam and thereby dry the material. At such a temperature and lack of sufficient humidity, insects and its larvae die.

Advantages of the method
  • does not damage the wood structure;
  • does not spoil the appearance;
  • in addition to the woodworm, it can destroy the fungus;
  • does not leave an unpleasant odor;
  • can be used for an already assembled or built structure;
  • steam penetrates into hard-to-reach places;
  • steam treatment lasts approximately 6 ... 8 hours;
  • relatively inexpensive way (compared to other methods)
The disadvantages of the method
  • limited use (mainly used for wood products in attics and attics);
  • fire hazardous method - it is necessary to take out fusible and easily flammable materials and products.


Insecticides are the same antiseptics, only they can still be sold in the form of aerosols and emulsions.

Subdivided into:

  1. residual substances applied to the affected and (or) healthy wood surface. The substance also penetrates to a shallow depth of wood, its smell attracts the beetle to itself, and they crawl out to the surface, where they die. The preparations are low-toxic, which allows entering the room within a few minutes after treatment. Has no smell.
  2. instant action substances lead to the rapid death of insects. You can return to the treated premises after 3-4 hours of treatment.


The fumigation method is a treatment with hydrogen phosphorous PH 3 (phosphine) in the form of a gas interior spaces. A feature of phosphine is its high permeability to wood. The second feature of phosphine is that it is a chemically unstable gas; over time, it completely decomposes, which means that you do not have to breathe this gas after processing.

Advantages of fumigation
  • penetrates into all cracks and hard-to-reach places;
  • no smell.

After gas treatment of the premises, a long and high-quality ventilation of the premises (1 ... 2 days) should be carried out. For fumigation, special equipment is used - a hot or cold fog generator, photo 5.

Fogation (fumigation) of wood

It is produced using special equipment - an aerosol fog generator. Chemicals with the help of equipment turns into steam, which treats the surface of the wood. The disadvantage of this method is the surface effect, ie. Chemical substance does not penetrate deep into the wood.

Douching method

The method of protection against woodworms is based on the direct injection of antiseptic agents into the insect passages made with a syringe. The method is effective only at the initial stage of wood damage, when there are relatively few insects.

IN wooden products and structures that need to be “cured”, holes are drilled in inconspicuous places with a diameter of 7 ... 9 mm in increments of 50 ... 100 mm. Then, an insecticide is injected into the holes made with a syringe, after which the holes are closed or smeared. This procedure must be repeated 2 ... 3 more times, as the substance is impregnated from the hole into the wood.

If the dwelling is being processed at the time of processing, you should leave for 2 ... 3 days. Douching is a very laborious method, but with careful work it is crowned with success.

The method of destroying insects using microwaves is that when exposed to such waves, the wood is heated to a temperature at which the larvae and beetles die. The advantage of this method is that it can be used in hard-to-reach places, does not affect a person and does not change the structure of the material.

How to kill insects with microwaves

The disadvantages of this method are high labor intensity for large volumes, as well as the need for special (not cheap) equipment.

Folk ways to deal with woodworms

There is also a lot folk ways woodworm control. Here are a few homemade compositions for wood processing.

Blend #1:

It is necessary to prepare by thoroughly mixing a mixture of the following components:

  • sodium fluoride solution 250 g;
  • water (warm or hot) - 10 liters.

Composition No. 2:

  • paraffin - 5 parts;
  • wax - 5 parts;
  • creolin 3 parts;
  • lime turpentine - 100 parts;

Stir thoroughly until a homogeneous mixture is obtained and then should be applied to the surface of the wood.

Blend #3:

  • kerosene - 1 part;
  • turpentine - 3 parts.

Untested method:

  • There is also an opinion that woodworms and their larvae do not like vibration. In practice, the authors of the article did not check this, but we will cite the experience of others. With the help of a small bar and a hammer, tap on the affected wood. From vibration, the larvae die (as the people say).

A few tips for the proper operation of structures and elements made of wood

  1. At least once every one or two years, it is necessary to carefully inspect the surface of the wood for damage, including from insects.
  2. At the slightest damage, it is necessary to immediately treat with protective coatings.
  3. Increased humidity of the room and wood - good conditions for insect development. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to keep the premises dry.
  4. Usually the fight against woodworm is very difficult, time-consuming and requires patience. Since these beetles reproduce very quickly, wood processing should be carried out at least 2 ... 3 times with an interval of approximately 2 ... 3 weeks. It is recommended to carry out processing in the spring - summer, since eggs are laid and hatched during this period.
  5. During construction, new, uncharged wood should be used. It is not recommended to save on wood processing products, since when a wood borer appears, you will have to spend ten times more money.
  6. In new construction, it is imperative to use bark-free wood. Not bad if wooden structures are built from planed lumber.
  7. During the reconstruction of buildings, the contaminated wood of the structures should be replaced. Dismantled structures should be disposed of (burned or removed from the site).
  8. You should carefully follow the instructions for the use of a particular method and means.
  9. Most effective way woodworm control is fumigation, but this method should be performed by a professional specialist.

We hope that our advice will help you prevent the appearance of harmful insects, and if they appear, effectively get rid (remove) them from the wood.

The publication was prepared by an expert

Konev Alexander Anatolievich

Have you heard that cows are better milked to music, plants grow and pigs increase in weight? And I heard. And I saw on TV programs about such experiments. Is it absolutely realistic to assume that if you replace Mozart and Vivaldi with ACDC and Ozzy Osbourne, then you can achieve the opposite effect? And then cockroaches, mice, moths will run away from the house and at the same time the woodworm beetles will disappear, which systematically grind their teeth on the structure of your roof! If you are still at the screen, and have not run away in search of music, then this article is for you! from carpenters exist and not in a musical performance. We'll talk about this.

When to wait for the woodworm beetle in a wooden house

With the advent of warming, each insect, striving to continue its kind, dreams of finding something suitable for laying eggs or larvae. And just like that, on her road, by the will of fate, your bathhouse from a beautiful and dry log or beam turned out to be. Spring brings not only beauty in the form of lush greenery, but also bugs, worms and moths hungry for your wooden buildings. Thank God there are no termites in our area, but the walls wooden house can be eaten by any local midges.

On wooden buildings woodworm beetles (shashel) laid their eyes, of which there are up to 10 different species in nature. These uninvited guests come to us when laying larvae. But the most annoying thing is to buy building materials yourself and prepare one already struck by bugs and worms. When we will work in the gardens on the May holidays - activity beetles - pests wood will also be maximum. “Peace, Labor, May” will begin for everyone. It's time for us to show our "peaceful teeth" to the beetles! Despite their miniature size, the damage caused by these wood pests is enormous. Measures for their destruction should be adequate, but more on that later.
The time of activation of the woodworm bug is spring. If the process of its reproduction is not stopped in time, the costs of breeding the beetle increase exponentially every year.

You need to know the enemy in person: Types of woodworm beetles

Beetle woodworm - Barbel brownie(Hylotrupes bajulus) is popularly known as the black house with a barbel or house woodcutter. Like all bugs, it goes through the following stages of development: egg-larva-pupa. And then we are waiting for an exciting message that, despite the natural protective properties conifers trees, barbel larvae develop in strong dry wood (It is in the summer after the May warming that they begin to multiply.

The female beetle lays its eggs in the cracks of coniferous wood. trees. As a rule, these are no longer living trunks through which juice flows. You see, they don't like wood with more than natural moisture content (20%). The result of the "work" of the larvae is very beautiful - labyrinths of passages. Therefore, pay attention first of all to old dry wooden structures. Is there a fine whitish flour on their surface? If so, take immediate action.

The most favorite place for laying woodworm larvae is the old bark, which for some reason has not been removed from wooden parts log house.

False moor beetle - hood(Bostrychus capucinus). Another type of bug is a pest that is common in areas with a warm climate. This bark beetle can even handle oak hardwood. The hard structure of the tree makes it gnaw along the trunk along the structure of the wood fibers. The favorite habitat of this beetle is not the masonry of wells, supporting pillars and fences. It is very difficult to detect a beetle in the form in which it is depicted in the photo. All these pests are almost invisible in life. We can only observe traces of their destruction.

Bugweevil ( Curculionidae). Some types of tree gourmets prefer not only the wood of cut dead trees, but feed on almost all types of living plants .. Not to be confused with those weevils that gnaw out the ovaries of young fruit trees. These pest bugs gnaw through channels under the bark, even in dried or rotten tree trunks. Favorite habitat - firewood and cuttings of trees that lie in the rain. About 5,000 species of this beetle are found in Russia.

Do not arrange firewood and storage places for old cut trees (for firewood) directly in the vicinity of the log house of your bathhouse or wooden house. This rule also applies to orchards - a favorite habitat of the weevil beetle. They can damage your garden seedlings and mature fruit trees.

beetle borer(Lymexylidae Fleming). The people of this beetle are also called "drilled". Its larvae live in wood and drill holes with a diameter of 1–2 mm. Thanks to this method of promotion, he got his name. The beetle itself does not feed on wood, but on the mycelium that grows in these canals drilled by the beetle. For lunch, breakfast and dinner, these small wood destroyers prefer oak, walnut, which, thank God, are not the main material for building a bath. But here is the first crown of oak salary) - it can become unusable from one family of such a beetle, regardless of the commission of all. Considering that the driller also loves needles, he poses a serious danger to all wooden buildings.
Many landscaping enthusiasts like to embellish the plot with the bark of conifers so that grass and weeds do not grow. It is desirable to process such a bark from a pest, since it is a favorite dish of a grinder beetle.

By the way, there are wood-biting bees (or carpenter bees). They gnaw out a passage up to 30 cm long in the wood, which is divided into cells and lays an egg in each.

beetle grinder(Anobiidae). The most famous and widespread pest of wood and all wood. It is found almost everywhere - from trees to wooden furniture. The walls of your house - and its walls, although you did not invite him to visit! Under normal conditions, the larvae and the beetle itself live in dying or dead wood. Preference is given to rooms with damp walls, especially those located on the north side. These walls are more wet than others. Most dangerous property this pest - woodworm - the absence external signs vital activity. The internal parts of the wood are the main diet of this beetle; they do not destroy its outer layer. There are methods for acoustically determining the presence of a beetle in the walls of a house. For this, electronic stethoscopes are used. For lovers interesting facts we will inform you that this is not the sound of their jaws ticking in a log. These are the calls of the beetle for females to successfully continue the birth and eating our favorite wooden bath.

You can continue this list of beetles - woodworms for a long time. Nature has given us a huge number of species of beetles. But the list of ethics should hang at each construction site in the nomination "Looking for them ..."

The arrangement of floors in houses allows infection with shashel, which often happens. Logs, subfloor - boards or parquet can be infected. It should be noted that Italian parquet is eaten in the same way. Again, woodworm colonization could occur both at the stage of board production and during operation. Poor-quality or old (after all, it is required every 3-5 years) treatment of wood with insect repellents. Again, dampness underground space, so a mistake during construction will attract both mold and woodworm. Which will make life in the house simply impossible.

But you should not be immediately afraid, having Shashel microwave equipment. No, this problem is solved quickly and reliably. No need to disassemble the floor, change the logs,

rough boards and parquet, especially since this is an extremely expensive pleasure, which entails no small repair. In cases where upper layer the floor device is not infected and it is required to process logs or rough boards. The exterminator can easily cope with this problem. After all, the peculiarity of the microwave field lies precisely in its high penetrating power and selectivity in the process. Directing the screen to the infected area, simply placing the equipment on the floor, woodworm larvae will be destroyed throughout the entire depth of the floor device. Again, the wood will be dried, removing a favorable environment for mold or the Mustache beetle, if it was the place to be.

In cases where the base is a concrete monolith through a heater and only on top we have wood in the form of parquet, the problem is solved in exactly the same way, because polystyrene foam is radio-transparent materials and will not interfere with us.

And the same process happens for floors where possible wooden beams. Shashel is destroyed quickly and without disassembly and costly repairs.

Most of the furniture is made from wood. Which also makes it susceptible to woodworm infestation. Here they encounter a furniture grinder or a watchmaker beetle. English name Deathwatch beetle is given to him for the characteristic sound made by a gnawing larva, the tick of a clock that measures the time to death. The furniture grinder loves dry wood, leaves very small holes, and its larva has a very long development period, up to 15 years. If signs of a furniture grinder are found, it is not worth pulling with destruction, because. the infestation easily spreads to other wooden objects in your home. It can be, like other furniture and door, window frames and parquet. The furniture grinder eats thoroughly from the wood, only dust remains.

Infection with a grinder beetle can be both natural and acquired immediately with furniture. Often furniture from the Middle Kingdom sins with this, so they get to us tree pests not at all characteristic of our latitudes, but in warm room they don't care anymore. So with exotic and beautiful wood, more are purchased, which can pretty much ruin and even simply destroy furniture. There have been cases of existing infection in furniture facades for kitchen. Italian chipboard, for all its seemingly unattractiveness for furniture grinders, was infected with woodworm.

For such cases, has equipment for restorers. Lightweight and reduced emitter allows disinfestation even in the most difficult cases. With such equipment it is possible to process antiques, icons and so on. A careful and accurately dosed microwave field will act exactly on the woodworm larvae, without disturbing the structure of the wood and without destroying antiques. Nails or any other metal furniture fittings do not affect the processing process and the equipment itself. In this way, the furniture will be saved and the grinder beetle will be destroyed quickly.

Shashel in the rafters. Treetop on the roof.

Low-rise private construction has been gaining popularity since the collapse of the USSR and the advent of private property. Every person wants to have own house and be the master of it. And the roof device in houses is often made from a wooden truss system, which is very tasty for shishel. Warm attic spaces with an abundance of wood make almost ideal conditions for woodworms. all year round. And a new negligent owner of the attic may appear - Shashel. It ends sadly: the roof, rafter system over time, they lose strength, bend under their own weight, the tightness is broken, and if this process is not detected and stopped in time, the roof will collapse.

During construction, it is necessary to monitor the quality of the wood used, the treatment with preventive fire-bio-protection, which, by the way, must be repeated every few years, otherwise trouble will not be avoided. Replacing rafters, as well as the entire roof, is an expensive process. Which is better to be warned. If the infection is still detected. Action is required immediately. For such situations, there is microwave equipment that allows you to quickly. A specially designed system allows processing even in the most difficult conditions.

So it offers complete solution to fight woodworms. The equipment is designed for independent use. Ease and simplicity of management allows you to make the process fast, and most importantly, deadly for the woodworm. Microwave equipment is guaranteed to destroy wood pests even in the most difficult cases. And for wooden houses to be always at hand.