In a private house      06/17/2019

How to clean cupronickel spoons? How to properly clean cupronickel cutlery

Beautiful tableware combined with dishes and textiles turn a simple meal into an event. In ancient times, only silver utensils were used, which were soon replaced by a cheaper alloy made of cupronickel.

But this alloy is much more capricious than silver: from simple contact with water it can darken and become covered with unattractive dark spots. How to clean cupronickel spoons at home is the main problem of caring housewives who want to set the table with neat cutlery. After all, simple detergents are powerless in the fight against plaque that appears.

Cupronickel silver cutlery for table setting

Causes of darkening, stains and general care rules

The reasons for the oxidation of cupronickel lie in its composition. The basis of this alloy is copper, which is an easily oxidized metal. Additional components: nickel, manganese and iron. They are not able to influence oxidation processes in any way.

A humid environment contributes to the appearance of stains on the surface of dishes Brown. If not removed in a timely manner, such plaque darkens to a blue-black hue. Clean off this oxide smooth surfaces will not amount to a lot of work. However, relief patterns, monograms and curls can become an additional complication before properly cleaning the blackness of cupronickel cutlery.

The following reasons influence the darkening of devices:

It is advisable to clean nickel silver dishes after pre-treatment, namely washing in hot water using a toothbrush and detergent. This action will remove fats and foreign contaminants.

With insufficient care, cupronickel darkens

How to clean cupronickel items at home should be chosen based on the amount of free time and the complexity of the procedures, as well as the availability of the necessary components in the kitchen. But it is important to observe two simple conditions:

  1. After any cleaning, rinse thoroughly with warm water;
  2. Do not leave the devices wet; be sure to wipe them dry with a soft cloth and dry them thoroughly.

Rules for using household chemicals

Among the variety of purchased products, you should choose special chemical compositions, designed to bring silverware and nickel silver products into proper shape. The consistency can be different: gel, paste, liquid, emulsion. When working with such drugs, you need to take precautions and use gloves.

Cleaning powder is also effective against unsightly residue, but its abrasive particles can easily scratch the surface of spoons and forks. When using such powders, you must act carefully, without strong pressure.

Also, cupronickel silver should not come into contact with chlorine-based household chemicals. This chemical promotes the oxidation of copper-nickel alloys.

Washing such products in dishwasher contraindicated.

Kitchen cleaning products

How to clean cutlery if you don't want to use chemicals? You need to use available substances that are in the kitchen of any housewife:

Preparing cutlery for cleaning

  • Table vinegar. They remove stains from dampness. It is necessary to moisten a napkin with warm vinegar and wipe the devices with it.
  • Baking soda. Brown plaque is washed off with moistened baking soda. It is applied to a cloth or sponge, which is used to wipe spoons and forks. It is necessary to act delicately due to the possibility of scratching the surface of the devices.
  • The salt is fine. It works on minor darkening and is used in the same way as baking soda.

Food foil is a very effective remedy.

The use of aluminum food foil is considered the most gentle means for cleaning cupronickel knives, spoons and forks. Even without active mechanical movements, the oxide will disappear from the surface of the products. This is very good for relief, patterned designs and tableware decorations, which you do not want to injure in any way.

You should clean cupronickel silver cutlery with foil as follows:

  • The bottom of a pan of suitable volume is covered with a layer of foil. A fifth of the glass is poured on top baking soda(a couple of tablespoons).
  • Now you can stack the devices and pour boiling water. To enhance the result, you can maintain the temperature over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. In this state, the oxide will dissolve in water and come off the items being cleaned.
  • You just need to rinse them in warm water and dry them thoroughly.

Decorative cutlery handles

It is not recommended to subject gold-plated items and blackened items to this procedure. They will not withstand such strong impact. Such items are wiped with a cotton swab moistened in wine vinegar or turpentine. In addition, the gilding on cupronickel silverware can be rubbed with a flannel cloth moistened with egg white.

Other cleaning options

If the previous options could not be implemented for some good reason, there are still options for effective ways to clean and refresh cupronickel spoons, knives and forks. Among them are:

  • Decoction after boiling eggs. It is poured into an aluminum container, crushed shells and a little salt are added. The devices are immersed in the resulting composition. After 10 minutes of boiling, the plaque will disappear.
  • Garlic peel. It is boiled together with cutlery to remove the oxide. The longer the boiling, the better the result.
  • Potato broth. It restores freshness to dull products. They need to be immersed in potato broth for several hours.
  • Carbonated drinks. Soaking in carbonated drinks is also an effective stain removal method. After an hour or an hour and a half inside the soda, the products are rinsed, thoroughly wiped dry, and be sure to polish.
  • Antichlor. It is also called sodium thiosulfate. It can be found at the pharmacy kiosk. Treatment with this product effectively removes the dark film of plaque. After the cleansing procedure, copious rinsing and drying of cupronickel items is required.
  • Crushed chalk. A tablespoon of chalk powder is combined with two large spoons of ammonia. The resulting slurry is rubbed onto the devices and then thoroughly polished.
  • Hyposulfite. This substance is usually used in photographic printing, but will effectively help neutralize the persistent dullness of devices. The ingredient is diluted with water to obtain a concentration of 1:5. Each item is soaked in the solution, rinsed and polished.

Clean and well-dried cupronickel cutlery should be stored in a dry place. To prevent air from entering, they are wrapped in cling film. This will allow you to maintain the resulting clean result for a long time.

The knowledge gained will help you cope with unsightly deposits on your favorite cupronickel cutlery. There are quite enough cleaning methods; from all those proposed, you can choose the most acceptable one.

Master class on cleaning cupronickel

To test the method of cleaning cupronickel at home using soda and foil, old knives were taken. The knives were covered dark coating, as well as a copious layer of old fat.

Pre-treatment with detergent, a toothbrush and warm water did not give any results; the cupronickel knives remained dark and scary-looking.

To conduct global cleaning work we needed a large pan, foil, baking soda and the knives themselves. I had to take a very large pan so that long enough knives could fit on its bottom. The foil used was the most common one, which is in every housewife's inventory.

When laying foil on the bottom, special care is not so important, since during the boiling process it will still partially float up.

Cover the bottom of the pan with foil, pour in baking soda, and put in the knives. You can add additional salt and add Pemolux powder, which will help in the fight against fat.

Fill the knives on the foil with the cleaning composition with boiling water or plain water, turn on the gas and boil for a while. In this case, we poured boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Note that if you add Pemolux to the water, you should be on alert and control the fire level so that the foam formed inside the pan does not escape.

After boiling for a short time, the contents of the pan are drained. All that remains is to use a brush to clean off any remaining dirt from the cupronickel knives. You can rinse the knives exclusively in clean warm water, or you can use them additionally detergent to achieve maximum results.

In this case, the processing was not carried out with special care, but at the same time the final result was good.

In Soviet times, cutlery made from cupronickel was popular. They were taken out on holidays and taken very good care of. Unfortunately, such things are no longer produced, but many families have them in their collection. However, the material is prone to darkening, so it is important for their owners to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home. Fortunately, adding shine is quite simple; you can use affordable products for this.

Melchior - what is it?

Cupronickel is an alloy of red copper with the addition of zinc, nickel and silver. The last layer is very thin and wears off quickly. But if the cutlery is re-silvered, they acquire a noble shine. Of course, this is the most correct solution, but it is not suitable for everyone. The main disadvantages are the price of the service and the need to contact a jewelry workshop.

The substances from which the alloy is produced tend to gradually darken. The provoking factor is high humidity and constant contact with water. Of course, it is much more pleasant to eat with cupronickel silverware. Guests will also be surprised by such spoons and will appreciate the creativity of the owners. But to make your products sparkle, you should know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home. There are many for this simple recipes, the ingredients for which can be found in any home.

Advantages of cupronickel

The material is an alloy with a small proportion of silver. Therefore, not everyone uses such spoons every day. Basically, they are saved for special occasions. Such products have many advantages:

  • strength and durability;
  • not subject to corrosion;
  • elegant appearance and resemblance to silver;
  • ease of care and hygiene;
  • resistance to high temperatures.

The main disadvantage of the material is its tendency to darken.

How to get rid of the problem

It is important to know how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, because the material does not react well to most household cleaners. The best solution is to use “grandmother’s” recipes, which have been tested in practice and time.

Soda solution

Basically, all methods of adding shine came from the people. Our grandmothers knew how to clean nickel silver from blackness at home. They intuitively understood that using abrasives was not recommended, so they often used baking soda. For this, the following solution was prepared:

  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • soda - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • water - 2 liters.

You need to take an enamel pan and put baking foil on the bottom. Next, the prepared solution is poured in and the pan is placed on the fire. The procedure lasts about 15 minutes. During this time, cupronickel restores its original shine.

After turning off, you need to remove the spoons and let them cool. Next, the devices are thoroughly rinsed and rubbed until shiny with a clean towel.

Using pasta broth

Cooking pasta will help give faded cutlery a noble shine. To do this, you need to put the pasta on the stove and stir it with a cupronickel spoon as it cooks. You can simply immerse all devices in water for a while. However, after this procedure you will have to throw away the pasta. Of course, this method will not rid the material of blackness, but it will return the shine.

Cleaning with shells

Modern housewives no longer know how to clean cupronickel spoons. But they come to help old recipes. One of the simplest is a solution made from eggshells.

During this time, the dark coating will go away. All that remains is to thoroughly rinse the devices and wipe them with a clean rag. The method was often used during the Soviet Union, when housewives were preparing for a gala dinner. Many salads require eggs, so we managed to combine business with pleasure.

Garlic against plaque

Modern housewives are often interested in how to clean nickel silver from darkening. You don't have to buy household chemicals for this. You can use a fairly simple tool.

You need to collect garlic peels. There is usually a lot of it in storage areas. The husk is poured with water, in approximately equal proportions, and placed on fire. After boiling, you can put cupronickel devices into the solution. In this case, heating must be continued until the desired effect is achieved. Typically, spoons and forks will become lighter in color after 5-10 minutes of boiling.

There is a little trick. How to clean cupronickel and make it shine? If the devices have become very dark, then the amount of husk must be doubled. The effect will be strong, objects will regain their former radiance.

Using vinegar and ammonia

In case of old dirt and severe blackening, heavy artillery is used. You can use ammonia and prepare a solution from it. The more complex the stains, the less water you need to add. If the situation has gone too far, then pure ammonia can be used.

If there is no ammonia in the house, you can use vinegar. To do this, pour a tablespoon of essence into a glass of water. How to clean cupronickel cutlery? It is necessary to moisten a towel in the solution and wipe the products thoroughly.

There is a little trick. To make processing more efficient and faster, cupronickel is pre-smeared with glycerin. In this case, the vinegar must be slightly warmed up. After such cleaning, the cutlery begins to shine like new.

Carbon dioxide fights plaque

They look luxurious and aristocratic dining table cupronickel spoons. It is important to know how to clean your appliances in order to maintain their elegant appearance. There is a fairly simple original way. You need to buy regular soda and put cupronickel products in it.

The exposure time depends on the degree of contamination, it is usually about two hours. After the procedure, the devices are thoroughly washed in water and rubbed.

Tip: It is better to use a carbonated drink without dyes. Otherwise, cupronickel may acquire a colored tint.

To make cupronickel shine

The main advantage of cupronickel devices is their noble shine. Over time, it is lost, and excessive humidity aggravates the process. Achieving the desired result is quite simple. You can use regular school chalk. Only white is used for cleaning to avoid coloring the material.

To make the devices shine as before, prepare a solution:

  • liter of water;
  • two spoons of crushed chalk;
  • two boats of soap shavings.

If there is no chalk in the house, then toothpaste is always available. Many people wonder how to clean cupronickel fork spoons. It's simple. It is enough to treat them with toothpaste with a whitening effect. You can use an old toothbrush or dish sponge.

In ancient times, tooth powder was more often used. It is still on sale today. Therefore, for more effective and cost-effective cleaning, it is recommended to use it.

Preventive measures

It is not only important to clean cupronickel regularly, but also to observe the conditions of its use and storage. This will ensure a longer cleaning effect and keep the products in their original condition.

To ensure that cutlery always amazes with its shine, you must follow the rules:

  1. Cupronickel darkens in open space. Therefore, immediately after use it must be put into a dark case.
  2. After washing, cutlery must be wiped dry. Humidity has a detrimental effect on the material, depriving it of its shine.
  3. It is best to store each spoon and fork separately. Cupronickel does not like contact, so you can wrap the devices in paper.
  4. It is recommended to wash products in cool water. If you regularly rinse them with a soda solution, darkening can be prevented.
  5. Cupronickel is afraid of chlorine bleaches. Their exposure leads to the formation of dark spots and an unpleasant appearance.
  6. To add shine, you can use a special paste that is used in jewelry workshops to clean silver.


Having figured out how to clean cupronickel spoons at home, many are interested in the possibility of washing them in the dishwasher. This action is acceptable, but this should be done in the absence of other metal objects. Cupronickel does not like this kind of proximity and upon contact becomes covered with stains that are difficult to remove.

Silverware sometimes becomes a family heirloom. But not everyone could afford such devices before. Therefore, many families acquired products made from cupronickel. They are cheaper, but look just as noble. But to maintain its elegant shine, it is necessary to properly care for the material and store it in a dark place. To prevent cupronickel from darkening, you should not leave it wet and use strong detergents.

Only if all conditions are met, cupronickel cutlery will last for many years and will be passed on from generation to generation, as was once customary.

Over time, metal cutlery loses its shine and becomes covered with plaque. This applies to silver, cupronickel, and even of stainless steel. But any housewife tries to keep her dishes in perfect condition, trying to wash away plaque and restore shine by all means. That is why the question of how to clean cupronickel cutlery and other utensils was and remains relevant. It turns out that this can be done at home accessible ways literally using improvised means.

What is cupronickel

This material, from which cutlery, jewelry and other accessories (figurines, other souvenirs) are often made, is an alloy of zinc, copper and nickel. Nickel silver looks quite attractive, sometimes no different from silver, but costs much less. But this material has one significant drawback - it darkens over time. That is, even if the devices are not used, they still lose their shine. And with regular contact with food, they can also become covered with plaque.

So the owners of this goodness periodically think about how to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and knives, while looking for new ways and secrets.

Prevention is the best way

To prevent deposits from forming that will be difficult to remove, it is recommended to clean the products after each use. Typically, nickel silver instruments are stored in a special case and taken out only for decoration. festive table. True, some housewives do not take care of them, using them every day. In both the first and second cases, regular preventive treatment is recommended.

The easiest way to clean cupronickel spoons or other utensils is to use a soda solution. True, it only works as a prophylactic and in “particularly severe cases” it does not work. Per liter warm water You will need about 20 g of baking soda.

Before cleaning cupronickel spoons, knives or forks, they should be washed. This is done in the most common way - under the tap or in a special dishwasher. Then make a soda solution, rinse the cupronickel in it, wash it in clean water and wipe dry with a soft towel. Under no circumstances should wet equipment be stored. Otherwise, stains may remain on them.

The case is more complicated

If after a while it turns out that cupronickel has lost its shine and is covered with a film or plaque, it is necessary to take more radical measures. This is where the usual one sold in any pharmacy comes to the rescue. It is unlikely to remove stains, and it will not cope with old plaque, but it will definitely return the lost shine.

Add ammonia to a liter of warm water and place cupronickel silverware in this solution. It is advisable to let it sit for about 30 minutes. Then the utensils need to be rinsed in running water and wipe dry with a towel.

"Heavy artillery"

If it so happens that old stains have formed on dishes made from this material. dark spots or divorces, do not despair; if you wish, you can cope with this disaster. Having learned how to protect spoons from such complex stains, you should first simply wash them. Then the devices are placed in a deep saucepan, filled with clean water and boiled for several minutes. The shells of 4 eggs are crushed in a coffee grinder, poured with a liter of water and a spoonful of salt is added. The solution is brought to a boil and then cooled slightly so that you can dip your hands into it. The appliances should be washed with the resulting mixture using a soft dish sponge. After cleaning, spoons, knives, and forks must be rinsed in cold water and wipe dry.

Another option is to use a decoction of garlic peels. It is not as effective, but it can also help in cleaning dishes. If after all the manipulations stains remain noticeable, they can be wiped with a napkin soaked in heated table vinegar. After which you must remember to rinse the devices with water and dry them with a towel.

Another folk remedy is tooth powder. It perfectly removes stains, especially in combination with ammonia. True, the smell will be disgusting, but the result is excellent. Having chosen this method of how to clean cupronickel spoons, the powder is diluted with ammonia to a paste, the utensils are rubbed with this mass using a soft cloth, and then washed thoroughly.


Knowing how to clean cupronickel spoons, forks and knives, you should not forget about another important process. This is polishing cutlery. It allows you to restore shine, eliminates dust and small dirt. It is recommended to polish cupronickel silverware once every few months if it is not in use.

This is done using a special paste purchased in the store. If you wish, you can make it yourself. Will be needed laundry soap and regular chalk in equal proportions. The ingredients are combined, diluted with water to the consistency of semolina porridge. The chalk must first be ground (if it is not available, pharmacy calcium gluconate will replace it), and the soap must be grated for convenience. The resulting paste is rubbed onto spoons, forks and knives. At the end of processing, do not forget to rinse them thoroughly with water and wipe.

Jewelry stores sometimes sell special napkins for polishing silver; they are also quite suitable for nickel silver items. Although homemade paste copes with the task no worse.

Storing cupronickel

As a rule, cutlery made from this material is sold in special cases, where each of them has a separate place. It is best to store much-needed things in them, then the question of how to clean cupronickel spoons will most likely not arise. The inside of the cases is made of soft fabric. The devices in them do not accumulate dust and are not exposed to external influences. If there was no such case or it has become unusable, each of them must be wrapped in food-grade aluminum foil.

Cupronickel silver devices are afraid of moisture, under the influence of which they often become covered with dark spots. Therefore, store such dishes in a dry place. How to clean cupronickel spoons or knives if they do become dark is described above.

Cupronickel is an alloy of copper and nickel white. It is very similar in color to silver, therefore it has been successfully “adopted” in the jewelry industry, the production of coins, dishes and other products with the initial goal of replacing silver with a cheaper analogue.

The cupronickel alloy was created by the French inventors Maillot and Chorier in the 19th century, and it got its name from the combination of their names, distorted into German. Maillot - Chorier eventually became Melchior.
When handled correctly, nickel silver products are very difficult to distinguish from silver ones, at least in terms of color and basic properties. Unlike silver, cupronickel is a more durable material and can be a source of pride for a long time. But it is important to know how to properly care for it.

Cupronickel tends to darken when exposed to dampness. To prevent nickel silver products from becoming dull over time and becoming covered with a black coating, you must remember to clean them regularly.

It is important to protect them from exposure to strong chemicals and abrasive materials, and wipe them dry after washing. To avoid scratches should not be used to clean nickel silver. toothpaste and powder, and the use of chlorine-containing products can completely ruin the appearance of devices or decorations.

Here is an extensive list folk remedies, which will help get rid of contaminants on cupronickel products without harming the metal or causing corrosion processes.


If the devices are only slightly tarnished, it is often enough to wipe them with a rag soaked in vodka or alcohol. Second option: briefly dip the item in ammonia, rinse and dry.

Lemon acid

Dissolve a couple of tablespoons in a liter of water citric acid. Place a piece of copper wire into the liquid. Immerse the devices in the liquid for two hours. Wipe items dry.


You can remove damp stains with warm vinegar (dilute a teaspoon in a glass of water). Dampen a woolen cloth in it and wipe the appliances. Rinse them with clean water and dry them.


It is enough to rinse items with a slight degree of contamination after washing in a soda solution (50 grams of soda per liter of water). This cleaning of nickel silver is recommended after each use. Apply baking soda to a damp sponge and gently polish the items. Rinse in cold water and dry with a towel.

Egg shells

One liter of water requires the shells of two raw eggs. Bring the broth to a boil and lower the cupronickel products there for a couple of minutes. Then rinse in clean water and wipe dry.

Garlic peel
Another folk way- cleaning with garlic peels. Husk in large quantities fill with water. When the broth boils, dip cupronickel items into it and boil until a shine appears on them. The dirtier the appliances, the longer it takes.

Milk serum

Heat the whey and immerse the nickel silver products in it. Soak them in the liquid for 15–20 minutes. Wipe the utensils with a rag. Wash and dry.

Carbonated drinks

Place the darkened items at the bottom of the container. Pour in sweet soda to completely cover the pieces. After two hours, rinse the utensils with water and wipe with a cloth.

How to restore shine

If, after cleaning, the sparkle of cupronickel spoons, glasses and forks is not restored, then you will have to restore the shine with additional processing.


To restore shine, place foil on the bottom of a pan of water, put salting utensils on top of it, add 60 grams of soda and place on the stove. Boil on the lowest heat for 15 minutes. In just 3-4 minutes you will see how the metal brightens. Rinse with clean water. To enhance the effect, you can add 40 grams of salt.
This treatment will help remove darkening, even if the spoons have lain unused for more than one year. But for products with gold plated this method is not recommended.


The processing principle is simple: cook the pasta as usual, and after finishing it, do not drain the water, but place the cutlery in the pan for 20 minutes. After this period, wash and dry the spoons and forks.
This method will remove blackness and darkening from cupronickel, but the pasta will have to be thrown away as it will boil and become unfit for consumption.


Use raw fruit, cut in half. Rub it on spoons and forks until their surface shines.

Well suited for processing gold-plated items egg white, whipped with a mixer. Dip a piece of flannel cloth into it and rub until the cupronickel gilded spoons begin to shine.

How to save the result

In order to extend the life of your cutlery, adhere to the following rules.
Keep cupronickel spoons and forks in low humidity areas.
Do not use “Beliznaya” or similar chlorine-containing products to wash them.
Not dishwasher safe.
Store cupronickel products tightly wrapped in cling film or foil, this will protect them from the aggressive effects of oxygen, and grandmother’s favorite cupronickel spoons will retain their original shine longer.

Crockery and other household items made of cupronickel appearance They are no different from silver ones, they have high strength and noble beauty.

This metal has the property of darkening over time, and here we will look at options on how to clean cupronickel at home, returning it to its former shine and grace.

Owners of cupronickel tableware and jewelry have probably noticed that the metal darkens even if it is not used, so any product needs cleaning.

Why does cupronickel darken over time?

Cupronickel is not a single metal, but an alloy consisting of nickel, copper, manganese, and iron. It is copper that causes oxidation and blackening of the surface of the product upon contact with certain substances and moisture.

Even when stored in boxes or other packaging, objects come into contact with moisture in the air, which is why they darken. Cupronickel items that are in use can oxidize due to the same moisture. After washing dishes made of this metal, you must immediately wipe them dry, otherwise an oxidation reaction will occur.

Eating food from blackened forks and spoons is not very pleasant. Fortunately, there are a lot of options for cleaning cupronickel items.

Household chemicals for cleaning cupronickel

There are special chemical liquids and creams on sale for cleaning items made of silver, copper, and cupronickel. The range of such products is not very large, and they are not sold in all hardware stores.

Plus household chemicals for cleaning nickel silver is that it acts quickly, almost instantly removing dark deposits, stains, and stains on the metal. It is enough to apply a small amount of liquid or cream to the product, rub it with a napkin, rinse - a sparkling shine is guaranteed.

But it doesn’t matter if you can’t find or buy such a product, you can clean cupronickel using home methods that have been proven over the years.

Cleaning cupronickel products at home

After any cleaning, cupronickel items should be wiped dry with a soft cloth. Prepare towels that absorb moisture well in advance.

So, effective methods eliminating blackness and plaque from cupronickel:

  • Laundry soap. Exactly this accessible remedy, which is sold in every hardware store. This method is suitable for items that have not blackened too much. Place the products in a saucepan or any other container suitable for boiling and fill them with water. Finely grated laundry soap is added to the water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). The utensils are placed on the stove and boiled over low heat for 2-3 hours. After the water is cooled, the cupronickel items are removed and washed in running water using a washcloth or brush. Usually the plaque goes away without difficulty.
  • Lemon acid. One tbsp. a spoonful of citric acid is dissolved in 1 liter of water. Cupronickel silverware is placed in a pan, filled with acidified water and boiled for an hour, then washed under clean water with a hard cloth.
  • Vinegar. Table vinegar is diluted to 6%. Soak a flannel or terry cloth in acid and rub the metal with it until it shines. Afterwards, rinse under clean water.
  • Toothpaste. Using an old toothbrush and regular toothpaste, you can quickly clean nickel silver products even from old blackness. Tooth powder is also an effective remedy.
  • Baking soda. Mix soda with water until a paste forms. This mixture is applied to cupronickel items and left for 15-20 minutes. Then, use a cloth or sponge to clean the product and rinse it in clean water.
  • Garlic peel. You need to collect as much garlic peel as possible and boil metal products with it.
  • Ammonia. The product is diluted with water 1:1. Soak a napkin in the liquid and rub the metal with it. Afterwards, rinse the product in clean, warm water and dry.
  • Chalk. It must be crushed into powder, then applied to cupronickel and rubbed with a damp cloth until shiny.

How to quickly clean heavily blackened cupronickel

Cupronickel forks are often covered with a dark coating on the sides of the teeth. It is very inconvenient to clean these places. Some items that have been in storage for a very long time become so black that it can be difficult to wash them by hand.

There are ways that will allow you to easily clean nickel silver cutlery and other items at home.

Method No. 1

Add 2 tbsp to the potato broth (per 1 liter). l. soda, 1 tbsp. l. grated laundry soap. Metal objects are immersed in the liquid and the whole thing is placed on a stove to boil. It is necessary to boil cupronickel over low heat for 40 minutes. Afterwards, the hot liquid is drained, and the products, from which all the darkening has already been removed, are washed with a napkin in water.

Method number 2

For this method you will need foil (food grade will do) and an aluminum pan. The bottom of the utensil is lined with foil, nickel silver objects are placed on top and filled with water. The pan is placed on the fire. When the water boils, you need to throw a couple of tablespoons into it. l. baking soda and boil for 5-10 minutes.

Afterwards, you will see that the foil has become dark, and all the products have become light.

Method number 3

The shells of several chicken eggs (white) are taken and crushed. Cupronickel silverware is chopped into a pan and filled with water. Add crushed shells to the water, 2 tbsp. l. table salt, 1 tbsp. l. baking soda. Place the container on the fire and boil for 10-15 minutes. Then the solution must be cooled, then remove the products and rinse under water.

How to clean gold-plated cupronickel

Cupronickel silver products may have a gilded coating. Such things should not be cleaned using the above methods; the gold plating can quickly collapse. Gilding requires more delicate care.

  • Dilute dishwashing liquid in warm water, add a little to the liquid ammonia(2 tbsp per 1 liter). Gold-plated cupronickel items are immersed in the resulting mixture and left for an hour. Afterwards, they must be washed in clean water and dried.
  • Protein chicken egg Shake well, dip a napkin in it and rub the products with it until they shine, then rinse them in water.
  • You can clean gold plating from stains, streaks and darkening with beer: pour cupronickel over it and leave it for 1-2 hours, then wash it in water with a napkin or sponge.

Precautions when cleaning cupronickel

  1. This metal is afraid of chlorine. Under no circumstances should it be cleaned with chlorine-containing products.
  2. You cannot clean cupronickel with finials or other abrasive powders; the surface of the products will be covered with small scratches.
  3. You should also not use metal or too hard nylon brushes.
  4. It is not recommended to wash nickel silver dishes in the dishwasher.

How to store cupronickel products

Cupronickel cutlery is usually sold in cases; it is advisable to store them in such packaging. If there is no case, it is recommended to wrap the products in soft flannel or velvety fabric and put them in a box. It is advisable that objects do not touch each other.

The storage area must be dry. You can buy silica gel and place it in a box or case with nickel silver products.

These were the most effective and affordable methods for cleaning cupronickel at home. With a little time and effort, your cutlery and decorations will shine like new. Cupronickel is a very durable metal and can be used for decades.