In a private house      01.10.2021

Proper nutrition in schools. How is food organized at school? Meals in schools. School canteen. Sample menu What is proper nutrition for schoolchildren

What to feed the child in the morning and what food to put in the backpack are questions that almost every mother puzzles over. Not all schools have canteens with impeccable menus. And replacing lunch with crackers or chocolate bars is not very healthy. In this case, there is only one thing left - to think over a full-fledged homemade breakfast and takeaway.

Homemade breakfast

The school year has just begun, the child has not moved away from the summer holidays and simply cannot wake up early. Result: barely dressed, not in the mood and doesn’t want to have breakfast. There is no need to be angry with him.

If the stomach does not wake up, you need to wake it up. First, let the child drink, and then choose what he likes. Surely he has preferences among healthy foods.

In the morning you can offer porridge, muesli, yogurt, sweet cheese mixture with pieces of fruit, pudding or a beautifully decorated cheese sandwich. If the child prefers meat dishes, you can make meatballs or meatloaf.

Let him eat as much as he can. There is no need to turn breakfast into torture.

Important to remember

The most important thing in children’s nutrition is the established regime, which depends not on the whim of the child or his parents, but on educational process and loads. In schools with a mathematical, foreign or physical focus, the total caloric content of the diet should be 10% more than the age norm. Regular educational institutions adhere to the following standards:

  • the first breakfast and dinner must be 25% of the daily caloric intake;
  • second breakfast (from 11:30 to 12:00) - 15%;
  • O lunch and afternoon snack (from 15:30 to 16:00) - 35% of the daily calorie content.

Each child's meal at school must include:

  • protein foods (fish, meat);
  • cereals (porridge, flakes);
  • dairy or fermented milk products;
  • fruits or vegetables;
  • drink (water, juice, compote, milk drinks).

Nutrition control and correction

Nutrition control is easy to achieve. It is enough to ask the child what he ate at school. And given this menu, try not to repeat it.

You can never go wrong with making some vegetables or fruits at home. Moreover, fortified food in schools was canceled due to surges in food allergies.

It is worth explaining to your child which foods are harmful and why, developing a food culture, becoming an example for your children, and, if necessary, limiting your pocket money.

Food to go

The interval between meals should not be more than 3-4 hours. Between hot breakfast and lunch, the child is provided with lunch. It is most convenient to prepare it yourself: this will give you confidence in the freshness and usefulness of the products. Sandwiches, fruits, and vegetables are suitable for lunch.

  • Fruits - apples, pears, grapes, tangerines - are rich in vitamins and healthy fiber.
  • Dried fruits (dried apricots, apple pieces, raisins) are a healthy alternative fresh fruit. You can add nuts to the assortment.
  • Bread is carbohydrates that will help a child last most of the day without feeling hungry. You can make sandwiches. Protein products (tuna, ham, chicken or cheese) are suitable as fillings. Sandwiches are best stored in cling film or foil.
  • Place vegetables in your lunch container. If your child doesn't like greens, add them to salads or toppings.
  • Beverages. You can give your child water, tea, compote or natural juice with you. Perfect option- milk drink or yogurt. This will add a dose of calcium to your child's diet. Under no circumstances should carbonated drinks be allowed.

Do not give chocolate or candy as a snack. These products will provide the daily amount of calories, but the body will not receive the necessary nutrients.

Finally, proper packaging is very important. Some products (especially meat) can quickly deteriorate when room temperature. So, everyone’s favorite boiled sausage will spoil in a bag in a few hours and can cause intestinal upset in a child.

To keep your lunch fresh and healthy for at least a few hours, try to place all meat, dairy, fish and egg products separately. Explain to your child the importance of washing hands before eating. And just in case, pack some antiseptic wipes in your lunch bag.

Let's take an example from the Japanese

Children do not like food that is healthy from the point of view of adults. Place a small surprise in the container with homemade food: any souvenir or toy. Interest in lunch will increase many times over.

And the Japanese came up with a special lunch for children - bento. Japanese adults collected the most common products for bento - boiled rice, omelette, vegetables, fruits, sausages. Figures of animals and cartoon characters are cut out of the products. Rice is colored with harmless dyes. All this is beautifully placed in a special box and decorated.

It may be a little tedious to make a bento every morning, but it works.

How to organize a child’s nutrition so that the diet can satisfy all energy needs at this age. During the period when a child goes to school, he experiences increased psychological and physical stress, so food should be healthy, nutritious and as beneficial as possible. - this is the key to his strong immunity, good academic performance and. A lot of attention has been paid to this topic, but some questions remain unanswered. What foods should you limit in your diet? Which diet should you choose? What is the best cooking method?

Recommendations for organizing proper nutrition for schoolchildren

The following principles are generally accepted by pediatricians and nutritionists around the world: healthy eating schoolchildren:

  • Calorie content. When creating a diet for every day, it is necessary to take into account the child’s energy consumption.
  • Diversity. This is one of the main principles of creating a menu; this is the only way to provide the body with essential amino acids.
  • Mode. The child should eat regularly, the intervals between meals should be regulated.
  • Balanced diet. The presence of animal proteins is considered mandatory. Carbohydrates that are quickly broken down should make up no more than 20%.
  • Vitamins. The diet should include vegetables and fruits.

Of course, it is necessary to take into account individual characteristics child. It is extremely important that children eat fish at least once or twice a week. Every day you need to consume dairy products, especially yogurt, milk, cheese. All kinds of sweet treats and fatty foods are allowed in the diet, but they should not replace healthy foods.

His Majesty's diet

Children school age need to be taught to be independent. Breakfast can be scheduled for 7-8 am. Snack is at 10-11 o'clock, at school, during recess. Lunch can take place either at home or at school. We plan dinner for 19-20 pm. Proper nutrition for school-age children stipulates that breakfast and lunch should be the most energy-intensive, but it is better to have dinner two hours before bedtime.

As for the cooking method, there are no special recommendations. If the child is prone to gaining excess weight, then you should exclude fried foods from your diet, as well as sweets and carbonated drinks.

A few words about calories

  • Students junior school They have their own calorie allowance, which is no more than 2400 kcal.
  • Schoolchildren who study in secondary school should receive 2500 kcal.
  • High school students are entitled to up to 2800 kcal.
  • Children who are actively involved in sports need energy-dense nutrition, so they should consume 300 kcal more.

If you don’t have time to select the calorie intake for yourself and your family members, you can use ready-made menus from.

What should children be vaccinated?

Summing up everything on the topic “Proper nutrition for school-age children,” I would like to say that nutritional culture is of enormous importance, and learning to eat proper food necessary from childhood. Encourage children to eat a variety of nutritious foods. Do not deny yourself fresh vegetables and fruits. Products with high content starch, and the benefits of whole milk, yogurt and cheeses are generally incomparable. The main source of fluid entering the body should be water, not sweet soda.

Features of catering at school in 2020. general information, catering and the acceptability of certain products.

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The educational process must be effective not only from the point of view of teaching students, but also from the point of view of providing students with everything they need, including nutrition.

Eating high-quality and timely food will help you avoid health problems, as well as ensure comfortable learning and academic performance.

General points

The process of learning at school requires maximum attention from the state and local authorities, since the future generation, its skills and socialization depend on it.

Nutrition in this process plays no small role, since it is during the period of schooling children's body goes through stages of development and growth, as well as formation healthy habits and skills.

The learning process requires significant energy expenditure. At the same time, studies show that nutritious hot meals help schoolchildren:

  1. Fight chronic fatigue, which often occurs in children.
  2. Resist stress arising from increased mental and physical stress.
  3. Increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases.
  4. Positively affects academic performance.

The organization of school meals begins with the convening of the appropriate commission, which is done in August, before the start of the school year.

This commission determines the main issues that are important for catering, down to the choice of products, timing and monitoring the compliance of decisions with existing standards.

What it is

Organizing school meals is providing students with certain categories of food intake in accordance with existing legislative requirements that are established at the federal and municipal levels.

Meals should be organized in such a way as to provide students with all the components necessary for the body, taking into account territorial and national characteristics, as well as taking into account the age of the students

The volume and range of products will depend on the length of time the student stays in the educational institution, his age and actual workload.

At the same time, there are a number of products that are strictly prohibited to be used when compiling a children's menu, as well as products the use of which is recommended (or replaced with appropriate ones in composition).

Primary requirements

School meals must meet several requirements:

The main requirement is the nutritional value of the diet The energy value should be about 700 calories. In this case, there should be at least fifteen percent protein, a quarter of fat, and the remainder should be carbohydrates. Preference should be given to complex carbohydrates rather than sugars, which can negatively affect the child’s health.
Food must be prepared in the dining room If it is absent, then the school organizes a buffet that distributes and heats food in compliance with all sanitary standards
Meals must fully comply with the menu, which is planned in advance, at least a week in advance. A medical professional takes part in creating the menu
If there is no dining room, then semi-finished products can be used Such as natural meat products, first category poultry products, fish fillets, as well as vegetables
Additionally can be used Cutlets, liver dishes, cottage cheese (for example, cheesecakes), various side dishes (porridge, potatoes, vegetables), confectionery, baked goods and much more

The diet may vary depending on the change of training. So, for students in the first shift, school breakfast is served after the second lesson (from the first to the fifth grade, for the rest - after the third).

Losing weight is quite a difficult task. What if it’s also during the school year? It's even more difficult! But think about it, you'll be busy during the school year, and this is a great way to stay active and eat less. By following these tips and tricks, you'll be able to achieve your goals, and maybe even have a desire to learn in the bargain.


Part 1

Make a successful effective plan

    Find out your starting weight to set goals. Start weighing yourself so you can track your progress. How many kilograms do you want to lose? Remember that the average middle school or high school student can lose no more than 1 pound per week. Once you've decided what weight is your goal and how many pounds you'd like to lose, figure out how long it will take you to shed the pounds. It's time to think about specific goals.

    Choose the right diet. The thing is that low-calorie diets are not suitable for everyone. It's not easy to choose the right diet. In just a week, you can undermine your health by rushing at everything that is within reach. Think a low-carb diet will be easy for you? What if you just cut out desserts from your diet? Or choose a vegetarian diet?

    Make a plan. Once you have determined that you need to lose weight, you need to figure out how to do it. Will you be focusing on your diet? Which diet exactly? And what about exercise? Create a basic plan detailing your exercise schedule and diet.

    • Sample exercise schedule: “Monday: 30 minutes of cardiovascular strengthening exercises, 10 minutes of stretching/yoga, 20 minutes of strength/toning exercises; Tuesday: 20 minutes of light cardiovascular exercise and walking; Wednesday: rest; Thursday: 20 minutes of light cardiovascular exercise and walking, 20 minutes of strength exercises; Friday: 20 minutes stretching/yoga, 30 minutes cardiovascular exercise. And don't forget that swimming and dancing count too.
  1. Invite a friend. With the participation of a friend, everything turns out easier. When you are with a friend, you will not only be in a good mood, but you will also feel responsible. When your girlfriend is nearby, eating a salad with fruit and getting ready to go for a run, you are unlikely to eat pizza and then go to bed. What's more, you (maybe) will become inseparable friends when facing common weight loss challenges.

    • Now almost everyone is on some kind of diet. Just ask your friends if they want to join you and lose a few pounds - you'll see a forest of arms. You are not alone on the battlefield, that's for sure.
  2. Don't forget to track your progress. Technology can help you track your weight loss; you can use the MyNetDiary app on your phone or other mobile device to stay motivated.

    • Try weighing yourself a couple of times a week, but don't become obsessive. By doing this you will only worsen the situation, risking failure.

    Part 2

    Change your diet and eating habits
    1. Drink water. Water, water, water: this should become your personal motto. Always Drink at least 6-7 glasses of water per day. This will cleanse your body and make your skin crystal clear. Moreover, it can also curb hunger by filling your stomach.

      • Always drink water (and you'll feel less hungry!) and take 5-10 minute breaks between each session to avoid getting tired too early and to prevent possible nausea if you push yourself too hard.
      • Stay away from sugary drinks, which spike insulin into the blood and contain few beneficial nutrients. These include not only carbonated drinks, but also juices and trendy coffee drinks. And while diet soda may technically be better for you, you'll notice that you'll lose more pounds when you switch from diet soda to water.
    2. Take your lunch with you. Children in all schools are fed inexpensively and quite decently. This Not will help you lose weight. So that no one decides what you eat, take your lunch with you. Here's what it should include:

      • Lots of vegetables
      • Some carbohydrate-rich food and a couple of slices of whole wheat bread
      • Fruits such as strawberries or grapes
      • Protein sources – chicken, eggs, fish, peanut butter or tofu
    3. Eliminate processed foods from your diet. To achieve lasting weight loss and maintain motivation and hope for success, you must give up junk food. You should exclude everything that is in bags from your diet. Raw and fresh foods are an integral part of the diet of those who want to lose weight; processed foods have lost their nutrients and are full of sugar and salts that your body doesn't need. In fact, most of processed foods contain substances that your body cannot even recognize. There is nothing good about junk food imported from abroad.

      • Instead of thinking about eating chips or cookies, crunch on a handful of nuts or berries. Sometimes you just want to chew something rather than eat it.
    4. Have breakfast. If you think skipping meals will help you fit into those skinny jeans, you might want to reconsider. Your body will go into starvation mode and start eating the nutrients stored in the fat layer. Later, when you start eating, you will gain more weight as your body tries to compensate for what you haven't given it enough. This will make you have more fat than before. Eating breakfast in the morning will help boost your metabolism for the day and give you the energy to study, work, and eat healthy AND exercise.

      Learn the art of portion control. To make sure you don't eat like you have a tablecloth, be sure to keep an eye on How many and what you ate. Here are a couple of tips for reducing portion sizes:

    5. From time to time it's worth pampering yourself and eating what you love. When your diet starts to irritate you, grab something tasty to eat. This could be dark chocolate, a sweet fruit, a few crackers, or even a glass of red wine. Refusal Total, what do you like - Right way to trouble. You need to support yourself with something to move on.

      • Many people believe in calorie cycling. The idea is that on some days you eat a lot, and on others you eat little, so that your body doesn’t know what to expect. Other people eat whatever they want one day a week and follow a strict plan for the other six days, and thus it helps them stay on the diet longer. So not everything here is “built on deception.” In fact, it's a pretty good idea.
    6. Eat more, but in small portions. Five meals instead of three? It sounds too good to be true. But according to research, food is often a metabolic stabilizer that will stop you from overeating. So eat breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Of course, all this is in small portions.

      • The point is to eat more often, and not more in general. If you want to implement the practice of "eating more often" while dieting, make sure that your portions are actually smaller, otherwise you will simply feel like you are on a diet when in fact you are not.

    Part 3

    Change your mode
    1. Find time in your schedule to exercise and eat healthy. Whether school, work, or household chores take up all your time, you should always make time for exercise. And if you say you “don’t have time,” chances are you’re not taking breaks when you can. It is important that you make exercise your first priority, leaving everything else for later. Even if it's only for 15 minutes.

      • You should make time not only to exercise, but also to eat right. What does it mean? This means setting aside time in advance to buy groceries, pack your lunch, and prepare meals at home. Restaurants are the biggest culprits when it comes to breaking strict diet plans. In addition, those who cook at home save significantly.
    2. Get involved in active extracurricular activities. While studying at school, it is difficult to understand that this is the most carefree time in your life. When you become a full-fledged adult and start working, no one will post posters and hold competitions for an almost endless number of activities. So take advantage of it! Sign up somewhere, even if you don't have any special talents, it will be an amazing (obligatory) practice (that you can't refuse).

      • Well, we haven't taken into account the fact that not everyone can play school sports. Is there a decent alternative? Marching band, for example. It’s funny to you, but it’s not easy to carry an instrument and at the same time walk for hours under the scorching sun. What is your lung capacity? There probably won't be a problem with this. So, if you have musical inclinations, you may well choose this path.
    3. Don't shy away from exercise. Typically, physical education becomes an elective subject for high school and college students. Don't be tempted! When else during the day will you have time to just hang out with your classmates and throw a ball? Most likely never. Do you also get credit for this? This is a total win.

      • Did we mention it's also good for the brain? You take so many serious subjects at the same time, so PE class is a relaxation. From school, work and your extracurricular activities, you deserve it.
    4. Go to bed! Try to maintain a daily routine and go to bed on time, even on weekends, so that you stay energized and ready to take on the whole day. right decisions. Sleep restores normal hormonal levels, stabilizing the feeling of hunger. Moreover, it keeps our skin smooth and healthy. Try to get at least 8 hours of sleep at night as often as possible.

      • By the way, you continue to burn calories while you sleep. You also can’t eat while you sleep – that’s all positives, isn’t it?

People have different associations with school canteens. Usually school food is remembered with nostalgia, or, conversely, when faced with tasteless food. But we want our children to be healthy and eat delicious food. How can this be ensured? But first you need to understand How is food organized at school?

In this article you will learn:

1) What should a school canteen ideally be like (according to SanPin)?
2) What is the school canteen really like?
3) Why does the child refuse to eat at school?

SanPiN standard and how is food organized in a regular school?

Here we will not consider what products are allowed, what a kitchen worker should look like, etc. Still, this is not the competence of a school teacher. All these things, I think, are well verified. It's more important to us catering. We will look at the example of my former school, which in terms of prestige presented itself in first place after lyceums and gymnasiums. What does it provide? SANPIN (Sanitary Rules and Norms) :
We will highlight compliance with SanPiN rules in green, non-compliance in red, and minor deviations from the rules in orange. Rate your school on these parameters.

1. In the dining room, washbasins are installed at the rate of 1 tap per 20 seats. An electric towel (at least 2) and (or) disposable towels should be installed next to the washbasins.

There is no point in installing disposable towels at school. Children will steal everything from a prank in 5 minutes. But there are electric towels (popularly called “dryers”).

2. For students in educational institutions, it is necessary to organize two hot meals a day (breakfast and lunch). For children attending an extended day group, an additional afternoon snack should be organized.

Two meals a day were provided for students in grades 1-4 and were free. For the rest, formally there were both breakfasts and lunches, but they were offered to choose one or the other. For extended periods, afternoon tea was provided.

3. The distribution of hot meals to students must be organized by class (group) during breaks, lasting at least 20 minutes, in accordance with the training schedule.

Everything is according to SanPiN. We even had two such changes, but there are also disadvantages, which I will write about below.

4. Each class (group) in the dining room must be assigned certain dining tables.

This is done so that there are no disputes over the tables. And we have taken this point into account.

5. It is recommended to organize hot meals for students by pre-setting tables and (or) using distribution lines.

Preliminary setting of tables (setting) can be carried out by children on duty over 14 years old under the guidance of the teacher on duty.

Who should set the table?

The tables were set at our school canteen staff. If in your school the tables are set by teachers, this is wrong. The teacher's job description specifies only responsibilities related to teaching, raising, and preserving the health of children (this includes being on duty in the dining room, but not setting and cleaning tables!).

The advantages of this distribution method : children are not distracted from their lessons, they come and can eat right away.
Minuses: Since no one is guarding the portions, some students resort to theft.
For me it's still preferable the second way to set tables is when the children do it themselves , and better if also with the help of the canteen workers. Let the children leave the lesson a little earlier, but they will be full. Due to the problem of theft, sometimes my children left hungry, so this problem needs to be solved. Perhaps with the help of parental ideas.

Even at our school, they were on duty in the cafeteria, but they attracted mainly young people. You understand that such duty is not entirely effective. Particularly arrogant high school students, sometimes being twice as tall as a young teacher, are unlikely to react soberly to an adult’s remark.

6. It is not allowed to involve students in work related to cooking, peeling vegetables, distributing prepared food, cutting bread, washing dishes, or cleaning premises.

The least favorite thing for almost all students is wiping tables. Moreover, all the hooligans, as a rule, are the first to run away, and those who remain have to wipe them out, even though they are on duty for the tenth time. I don’t see anything wrong with the fact that children should clean up after themselves (after all, parents often do everything at home for their children - ah-ay-ay), but here you need to motivate, and here we have to force them all the time. The Soviet school left, and with it discipline.
Our school was cleaned by children, but they did nothing. Still, it was mostly cafeteria workers who worked.

7. Students must be provided with free access to drinking water during the entire time of their stay in the educational institution.

This is also a problem for many schools. There are no problems with this in elementary school. Children study in the same classroom, no one else visits. That's why they order bottled water. As soon as the class moves to the middle level, problems begin. During the school day, the attached office passes through a large number of students. Naturally, parents will not want to pay for water that is not drunk by their children.
The school is trying to solve this problem by providing water bottles in the cafeterias, but they are quickly running out. There are fountains somewhere. In my opinion, this is a more rational solution.

Let's sum up the intermediate results. Of the seven points, three are yellow, four are green. The school tries to comply with all the rules so that both SanPiN is “satisfied” and parents have no complaints.

Well, now let’s turn to the main object, the user of the school canteen - to the student.

Why does a child refuse to eat in the school canteen?

The child wants chips, crackers, soda, and sweets. In general, everything that cannot be taught at school. Why does he exchange hot school meals for these products? ?

  • The food at school is not tasty(unfortunately, a problem in many schools). Sometimes it's a matter of preference, but when in a class of 30 people only 3-5 people eat in an organized manner, in my opinion the school needs to do something. I am not stating this from my own experience; many of my students said that they did not want to eat in the cafeteria because it didn’t taste good to them, or they even found suspicious items in the food;
  • expensive. Younger schoolchildren are unlikely to respond to this criterion; they do not yet know the value of money. But the elders can say so and bring food with them (the optimal solution for a child if he does not want to eat in the canteen);
  • the child may cheat, and if the child is not controlled by the parents, do not give money for food, but spend it on junk food and all sorts of trinkets.

If one or more of these problems is present and your child refuses to eat organized meals at school, then this should be discussed with the parents' committee and the class teacher. Perhaps it can be taken to the school level later. This problem is covered in more detail.
Why do you need to do this? To protect the stomachs and health of our children, so that they do not get sick while still at school. Be attentive to your child's nutrition at school, then good grades will not be long in coming.

I'm waiting for your responses and comments below.