Well      07/02/2020

Food what to eat. Proper nutrition and exercise are the key to being slim. What should you eat to lose weight? Products for weight loss

The main rule in nutrition is proper nutrition. Your diet should always include food that will give you beauty from the inside out.

Rule #1. Don't overeat. Even if you are too hungry, never overeat, otherwise a heavy lunch or dinner will cost you dearly. Overeating not only leads to extra harmful kilograms, but also causes strain on work internal organs. What affects the appearance and condition of the skin. If you move a lot and actively, and your energy expenditure does not correspond to the calorie content of the food you eat. What to do?

Rule #2. Eat 5 times a day. But a little! Such nutrition will maintain optimal glucose levels and suppress “hunger hormones.”

Rule #3. Eat half your allotted portion.

Rule #4. Blue color reduces the feeling of hunger. We use blue dishes and tablecloth.

Healthy protein foods.
Our body needs protein from food for cell renewal and normal existence. You can’t do without animal protein: beef, rabbit meat, poultry, eggs, dairy products. Meat is also a rich source of iron, which is responsible for cellular respiration. Fermented milk products are rich in essential calcium for bones and nails.

Protein is also very important plant origin, which makes up the second half of the required daily intake of protein products. Namely: various types leguminous plants, beans, etc.

We limit ourselves in fat consumption.
Because of fats, we gain weight, we age more rapidly, our skin and hair become greasy, and inflammatory processes form on the skin - this is an insidious fact. We try to introduce more vegetable fats into the diet than animal fats. We often use olive oil. This is an excellent source and storehouse of vitamin E. “The beauty vitamin,” as it is also called, is a powerful natural antioxidant that prevents cell damage and destruction.

Don't forget, also, about linseed oil. This is one of the champions of unsaturated fatty acids. Thanks to which the process of renewal and rejuvenation of skin cells occurs. The skin becomes smooth, elastic and more youthful.

Less sugar!
Sugar consumption should be excluded or limited from the menu. It promotes the destruction of collagen, the main component of the skin. After all, collagen is responsible for the youth and freshness of our skin. We eat more fruits, which are rich in fiber and vitamins necessary for the beauty and youth of the skin.

Eat seafood.
Seafood and fish contain calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, and zinc. This is a source of beauty, youth and energy. And therefore, at least once a week the diet should include fish, seaweed or other seafood rich in unsaturated fatty acids.

We drink a lot of water.
We drink enough water - 1.5-2 liters per day. This can be not only water, but also other drinks: green tea, juices, compotes, fruit drinks, etc. We drink less carbonated water, especially “colored” carbonated drinks: lemonade, soda, Pepsi, cola.

We normalize intestinal function.
The skin is the “mirror” of our digestive system. Here porridge, vegetables, fermented milk products, whole grain bread, and fruits will come to our aid. They are necessary for effective and proper operation intestines. If there are no problems with the intestines, then the immune system is fine. At the same time, we rarely get sick and look great!

The notorious desire to catch two birds with one stone often ends in failure. Often, but not always. Many women, hoping to lose weight, limit their diet to a meager amount, cutting their calorie intake in half! A categorically wrong decision. It is necessary and even necessary to eat. Another question: what should you eat to lose weight? And it turns out that the list of products for those who want to fit into their favorite jeans is extensive, so you won’t have to go hungry. But first things first.

Why is it important to eat enough?

The body spends a huge amount of energy every day just to maintain homeostasis, i.e. state of comfortable functioning. Receiving less energy than he needs, he will begin to slow down the processes of life (hence the lethargy, insomnia, nervousness of those who sit on or save in reserve. Yes, yes, the less “fuel” he is given, the more he will store in case, if the “fuel”, i.e. food, will be even less! In other words, eating enough is extremely important. Of course, it is important to take into account what you can eat to lose weight.

Basic principles of nutrition:

Before we begin a detailed analysis of the menu, let’s clarify some nutritional principles for weight loss. So, how to eat to lose weight:

  1. 5 times a day. These are breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. Each meal should be thought out in advance and not try to hastily find something to quickly satisfy your hunger.
  2. Small portions. Approximate volume: three fists for the main meal, 1 fist for an additional meal. The foods you need to eat to lose weight will be listed below.
  3. Until you feel a slight feeling of satiety. Not to be confused with satiety! If you eat often, there is no point in overeating.
  4. Chewing thoroughly. Shredded food is better digested and therefore does not linger on the hips and waist.

Products for weight loss

Finally, you should study in detail what you need to eat to lose weight.

  1. Protein. Lean turkey or beef, chicken breast, fish (any!) and seafood. Protein is good not only for its low calorie content, but also for its properties" building material", being the basis for muscle growth. As you know, elastic and developed muscle fibers spend a lot of energy.
  2. Complex carbohydrates. These are fresh vegetables (especially cabbage, Bell pepper, carrots), wholemeal pasta, buckwheat, brown unrefined rice.
  3. Olive oil high level cleaning. According to nutritionists, this oil helps reduce the volume of fat deposits on the hips. A great option is to replace the usual sunflower oil in salads with healthy olive oil. Of course, you shouldn't fry it. And anyway, what kind of frying are we talking about when losing weight?
  4. Fresh fruits. First of all - green apples, grapefruits and oranges. Citrus fruits saturate the body with vitamin C, which improves immunity and helps fight excess weight.
  5. Low-fat dairy products. We throw away sour cream, mayonnaise and sweet curds, replacing them with yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese and matsoni.
  6. Low salt foods. Salt tends to retain water in the body, which leads to swelling and the appearance of cellulite.
  7. Nuts. Almond, walnuts, pecan. Ideal as a snack. The main thing is to know when to stop.
  8. Green tea. Promotes the removal of toxins from the body, and also has a positive effect on the immune system in general.

Every woman who has decided to lose weight knows the list of prohibited foods, but lists of what to eat to lose weight are rarely compiled. And in vain. If you have a list before your eyes, it will be easier for you to create a menu for the day, change and supplement it, getting closer to the cherished figure when weighing. Of course, often what you need to eat to lose weight seems less tasty than unhealthy foods. Psychologists assure: this is a matter of habit. A couple of weeks - and they will become loved. Especially when your favorite jeans fit again.

Probably every woman trying to lose weight has friends who eat everything, including high-calorie buns, fried potatoes and pasta, and still remain slim. But there are people who are less fortunate - it seems that every bun or portion of potato sits on their waistline forever.

It is quite understandable that those suffering from excess weight constantly try different diets, but in this state of affairs, diets and fasting days give a short-term effect. The principle of constant healthy eating and selection of the “right” products. So, what should you eat to lose weight?

What foods to choose to lose weight?

In this matter, the decision is purely individual. The blood group diet is based on exactly this principle. That is, each organism has its own physiological characteristics and reacts differently to certain products. Use common sense first and foremost, and the advice of nutritionists. In any case, the rule “Less fat and flour, more vegetables and fruits" will definitely work. But at the same time, the approach to choosing products for weight loss can be roughly divided by body type.

What to eat to lose belly fat

If the stomach is the first place where accumulated fats are deposited, then you need to exclude baked goods from your diet and White bread at all. Meat is only lean, baked or boiled. But you can eat in unlimited quantities:

  • Fish and seafood,
  • soups every day are a must,
  • leafy vegetables in any form,
  • asparagus, zucchini,
  • and papaya,
  • eggs,
  • apples,
  • berries,
  • yoghurts and kefir,
  • oatmeal, rice,
  • bread with bran.

If your diet consists of this set of foods, your belly will become noticeably less protruding. In addition, if your stomach allows you to eat spicy food, then be sure to add spices such as turmeric, red hot pepper, etc. to your dishes. They quickly break down fats that like to settle on the waist.

Meals should be divided: 5-6 times a day in small portions. For lunch only soup and vegetable salad, and meat with side dish not earlier than after 3 hours.

What to eat to lose weight in your thighs and legs?

The main principle of losing weight in this case is a properly structured diet, that is, you need to distribute food groups over time.

Morning is the most better time for the absorption of carbohydrates. Therefore, have breakfast with oatmeal or buckwheat porridge. If you cannot live without potatoes, then you can safely eat mashed potatoes for breakfast, not forgetting about fresh vegetables.

Lunch is ideal for digesting fats. or borscht with rich broth - this is what you need. As for the second, make it low-fat: pilaf or risotto with vegetables and mushrooms, high-quality pasta with vegetable sauce. Of course, portions should be modest. Vegetables such as spinach, arugula, or other cabbage will help the body remove excess fat from the body.

Dinner - best time for protein dishes, since it is best absorbed during sleep. A small, up to 100 grams portion of boiled meat or skinless poultry with a side dish of vegetables is an excellent option.

General rules for everyone losing weight

During the day, do not forget to drink green tea with ginger, eat fresh fruits and berries. This curbs your appetite and gives you extra energy. Don't forget to drink at least half a glass of water every hour you're awake.

Paradoxical as it may seem, some foods actually not only accumulate fat, but also burn it. Of course, they are not capable of instantly melting excess volume in the area of ​​your waist and hips, but it is easy to resist the feeling of hunger in the process of losing weight!

They must be introduced into the diet in moderation, not forgetting such essential components rational nutrition like proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

When using various diets for weight loss, it should be taken into account that a calorie deficit in the diet disrupts metabolism. Average minimum required is 1300-1800 calories per day.

If the body does not receive enough calories, it automatically adjusts to fasting mode. This slows down the process of digesting food and burning calories. And even after you return to a normal diet, your body will still store fat in case of possible hunger.

Therefore, in addition to introducing foods into your diet that help burn fat and limiting calorie intake, you also need serious physical activity.

What can help you in the fight for a slim figure? First of all, water. If the body experiences a lack of fluid, its metabolism slows down. It begins to accumulate water reserves, and you receive additional volumes. Water helps eliminate toxins, waste, and destroyed fat cells. You need to drink at least two liters a day clean water.

Eat foods rich in protein. Protein is involved in the formation of muscles, and the more you have, the more calories you will burn without even exercising. In addition, more calories are consumed to digest proteins than fats and carbohydrates.

Chicken breast, fish, egg whites, turkey– These foods are good sources of protein. Fatty acids present in fish strengthen blood vessels and also promote weight loss.

There are vegetables with a negative calorie content; more calories are spent on their processing than they enter the body with. They also contain healthy fiber that improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These vegetables include: bell pepper, broccoli, green pea, cucumbers, carrots, asparagus, beets, kohlrabi, celery, cauliflower, artichokes, black radish, zucchini.

All citrus fruits, plus pineapple, papaya and raspberries are good helpers in the fight against fat deposits. The substances they contain have a fat-burning effect, and a large number of vitamins and minerals help normalize metabolism. The Japanese, who discovered the wonderful properties of raspberries, advise eating half a glass of berries 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Green tea is another one useful remedy for weight loss. It activates metabolic processes in the body and promotes the elimination of toxins. Five cups of tea a day can burn 80 calories.

Olives and olive oil are ideal dietary products. Drink a teaspoon every morning on an empty stomach olive oil or eat 10-12 olives. You will be able to control your weight without gaining extra pounds.

As you can see, low-calorie foods that burn fat do exist. All you have to do is choose the ones you like and enjoy watching how the extra pounds gradually melt away.

A logical question: if you eat anything, it will be much harder to lose weight. Many people think that the best food for weight loss is the one with the least calories. There is some truth in this, but calorie content is still not the only criterion. The right food for weight loss should also be filling, easy to prepare, and cause only a slight increase in insulin levels. Based on all these criteria, we begin to choose the right menu!

1. Egg white

The favorite product of bodybuilders, fitness models and other jocks, because it is one hundred percent protein. Four grams of protein, zero grams of carbohydrates and fat and only 16 calories. Would you like ten whole egg whites for breakfast? No problem, it’s just a measly 160 kcal that will fill you up to the fullest. An omelet made from egg whites with vegetables and low-fat cheese makes a great breakfast, and the whites separated from a boiled egg make a filling snack if you add vegetables for fiber.

2. Low fat yogurt

An excellent source of not only protein, but also calcium, besides, this is, one might say, a dessert, you can indulge yourself. There are a million different yoghurts, you just need to make sure they contain little sugar. It’s even better to take yogurt without additives and crumble the fruit into it yourself, and then beat it in a blender. One serving of Greek yogurt has a whopping 22 grams of protein and only 120 calories.

Studies have shown that eating yogurt helps you lose fat. Maybe it's because calcium reduces the ability of cells to store fat, or in certain chains of amino acids found in dairy products. In general, yogurt helps you lose weight.

3. Turkey

Skinless turkey is the leanest meat that exists on store shelves. Do you want to gobble up some turkey breast? Easily! It's only 240 calories and tons of protein. Just don’t forget to remove the skin: it contains fat, which will negate all your efforts to choose a “thin” diet.

4. Apples

A great option because apples are easy to take with you and eat anywhere. A medium-sized apple contains 24 grams of carbohydrates, 3 of which are fiber, and 80 calories. This applies to both red and green fruits: almost all apples are the same in calorie content. When choosing them, pay attention to the smell: the apple should smell like an apple. Blueberries are not far behind: they are high in fiber and antioxidants.

5. Salad

It doesn't have much fiber, but it requires more calories to digest than it contains. Nice fact. This is a so-called negative calorie product.

The main reason why salad is on this list is simple. Take a salad, add vegetables and some legumes - and you're full. Another plus: the salad takes a long time to chew. Why is this good? The brain realizes that you are full only 20 minutes after eating, and the longer you eat, the less you end up eating. Another bonus is antioxidants and vitamins.

6. Low-fat chicken or vegetable soup

Like salad, soup is a dish that you eat mindfully, and you'll end up eating less. It’s also easy to fill up with soup and get fewer calories. You can combine and cook any vegetables in one pan. We fry only the onions and carrots in a small amount of oil; if you are thinking about lean borscht, then also the beets. Throw all other vegetables into the pan raw. The result is unsurpassed. Be afraid to order soup in restaurants: as a rule, they put cream, cheese, or sour cream in it, and this is far from a dietary option.

7. Almonds

It's high in calories, like all nuts, but it contains healthy fats. To be very precise, almond is the seed of the almond tree fruit. It contains a lot of vitamin E, as well as protein.

Studies have shown that the calories we get from nuts are less harmful to our figure than all other calories: the human body is supposedly unable to efficiently extract energy from nuts.

Still, be careful with them! It's easy to overeat nuts. A quarter cup of almonds contains 140 calories and 15 grams of fat, which means that a whole cup has (incredibly) 560 calories and 60 grams of fat! So your dose is a handful, which is exactly a quarter of a cup.

8. Oatmeal

A very filling product with few calories. This porridge contains slow carbohydrates that provide a long-lasting feeling of fullness and do not cause insulin levels to skyrocket. It’s especially good if you don’t make it sweet: to be honest, I have no idea how you can eat sweet porridge. My choice is oatmeal with water and soy sauce. This is the peasant way, without honey and raspberries, ugh! How to cook oatmeal.

9. Tuna

I heard a joke that public place A bodybuilder can be easily recognized by his smell: he smells like fish a mile away, because he eats tuna a hundred times every day. Choose canned food without mayonnaise, otherwise there will be no benefit from them. Mayonnaise is generally a disaster for any weight loss attempt because it contains a lot of fat and empty calories. In other cases, tuna is healthy, especially if you make a real steak out of it.

10. Broccoli

Most often sold frozen. Add it to an omelet, any vegetables and fish baked in the oven, you can throw it into vegetable soup. It seems to me that she fits everywhere. Just gold, not a vegetable!

If you read carefully, you probably thought that all these products can be interestingly combined with each other and thus get healthy, low-calorie and nutritious dishes that will only make you lose weight.