In a private house      06/29/2020

The most interesting facts about literature. To the "Interesting" collection: Interesting facts from the history of literature. What kind of pornographic scene is there in "Woe from Wit"

While we are mastering the professions of lawyers, economists, mechanics and chefs, Elon Musk dreams of flying to Mars, 3D printers are starting to print human organs, and the UK is investing millions of pounds in training assistants and assistants for robots.

Be prepared for the fact that machines will soon take up up to 75% of jobs. Perhaps the robotics boom will happen in Russia a little later, but it will definitely happen. Let's talk about the professions of the future - new and promising. Because it’s worth thinking about them now.

In which areas will robots not replace humans?

Robotics is developing faster than experts thought. In Japan, machines no longer only perform ordinary operations in factories, cook and do house cleaning - they dance well, play chess, and most importantly, train. It is the trained artificial intelligence that becomes the main competitor of humans in the struggle for a job.

Why would an employer hire a CNC operator if the machine does not need to be paid a salary and there is no need to control it - robots are unlikely to try to steal something, they are unlikely to be negligent.

As part of a lecture on human capital after the 4th industrial revolution, Christopher Pissarides (Nobel Prize winner in economics) outlined only 6 industries in which robots will not be able to completely replace humans.

At least in the next 20-30 years this is:

  1. Medicine.
  2. Education.
  3. Real estate.
  4. The household.
  5. Hospitality.
  6. Personal services.

Everything is clear with medicine, education and real estate. Housekeeping refers not only to household chores, but also to planning the family budget, making decisions when creating the comfort of an apartment or house, choosing the optimal place to live, and so on. Hospitality refers to hotel, restaurant and tourism management, as well as the entertainment industry.

Personal services include, for example, the services of a psychologist, nanny, nurse and other specialists whom robots cannot replace for practical and ethical reasons. This also includes several areas that are partly also professions. A striking example is the clergy. It is difficult to imagine a robot in the person of a church minister, unless it is a separate new cult, a new religion.

This is also the sphere of art - presumably the value of human labor here will not disappear and, on the contrary, will continue to grow.

Professions of the future: TOP-20 specialties

Among the assumptions of futurists there are many specialties that may seem like a utopia or outright nonsense. When forecasting, it is especially important to rely on trends in science. If we know that robotics and the IT field are developing rapidly, then the position of a robotics lawyer no longer looks so unrealistic.

Let us draw your attention to the list of professions published by American, European and Russian researchers.

New professions of the future - TOP 10 Microsoft and The Future Laboratory

  1. Virtual reality designer . Experts predict significant growth in the VR device market. In the next 7-8 years it should exceed the $45 billion mark. Millions of people will spend most free time in virtual reality, which will be designed by designers of the new generation. They will create virtual offices for remote negotiations, museums, municipal institutions and much more.
  2. Developers of roboethics . Or robotethics lawyers. They will act as intermediaries between humans and artificial intelligence. The tasks of specialists will include developing ethical standards in accordance with which robots can exist among living people. The need for a profession is due to the possible emergence of “bad” machines that can deliberately harm people.
  3. Virtual guides and digital commentators . Do you experience catharsis when you come into contact with works of art in museums or art galleries? Experts believe that very soon virtual excursions will displace up to 80% of the real premises of cultural objects. This is where digital commentators and tour guides proficient in VR technologies come in handy.
  4. Biohackers . They are essentially hobbyists who conduct their own molecular biology research using open data from the scientific community. It is expected that biohackers will soon reach a new level and, in freelance mode, will be able to help scientists find ways to treat complex diseases.
  5. Internet of Things analysts . Appliances and electronics are increasingly equipped with their own software, allowing devices to communicate with each other. The Internet of Things (IoT) will require modernization in 5-8 years: in developed countries There will be a demand for specialists who can analyze data and look for, say, new methods for integrating household appliances into unified systems for smart homes.
  6. Space guide . Scientists say that by the early 2030s, space tourism will cease to be a rarity and will become quite affordable for wealthy people. In this regard, guides who will accompany travelers on flights to the stars will become in demand. And if on initial stage they can become astronauts, then in the future the specialty may appear even in ordinary universities.
  7. Curator of personal data . Neural interfaces that connect the human brain with a computer will become as widespread as possible in 3-4 years. We will be able to “record” memories, plans and thoughts, and distribute them throughout in social networks– share with friends and even strangers. The task of the curator of personal data is to combine information into a common information flow and adapt it.
  8. Ecosystem Restoration Specialist . Around 2030, the planet's resources could be seriously depleted due to significant population growth. We are talking not only about non-renewable oil, but also about animals and plants. In this situation, engineers will be needed to restore environment. In particular, they will be able to “revive” extinct species of animals and plants using previously collected genetic material.
  9. Constant Power Device Design Engineer . In the next 5-10 years, the transition to sustainable energy may be completed - the entire planet will begin to use solar and wind energy as the main source of power. The only problem is the impossibility of operating the devices in cloudy and windless weather. Therefore, developers of constant power devices will be especially in demand.
  10. Body designer . Bioengineering should make a breakthrough by the mid-2020s. In the future, people will be able to easily change tissues and even organs. The possibilities of medicine and plastic surgery will help people become the way they would like to see themselves. And body designers will be able to translate the desires of a particular person into models that surgeons will use as a guide during their work.

Promising professions of the future - TOP 10 according to Skolkovo

This list was presented by Skolkovo experts in the form of an atlas of specialties that will be in demand in the future. Among them there are excellent options for both girls and boys.

The most realistic professions were recognized as:

  1. City farmer . He will be engaged in useful landscaping of megacities. It is quite possible that in the future large cities will be able to provide themselves with vegetables and fruits - they will be grown directly on the roofs and facades of skyscrapers.
  2. Molecular nutritionist . “Larisa Dolina’s diet” may not help not only because of its anti-scientific basis, but also because individual characteristics your body. In the near future, we will be able to lose weight at the molecular level - nutritionists will study the individuality of our structure in great detail and will be able to calculate unique programs for weight loss, weight gain or weight maintenance.
  3. Online doctor . A number of laws on online consultations have already been adopted, so the profession does not seem futuristic, much less utopian. In just 4-5 years, an online doctor will be able to replace the majority of doctors practicing classic face-to-face consultations with patients.
  4. Space tourism manager . If American researchers note space guides, then Skolkovo focuses on specialists who will organize flights to the stars. Managers in this industry, according to forecasts, will become in demand within 15-20 years.
  5. Digital linguist . The specialist’s task is to adapt the language of machines for humans, to make it more understandable and “alive.” Digital linguists will work with online translators, search engines and other robotic devices that “speak” to humans.
  6. Reenactors . Most of the iconic buildings, historical and architectural monuments, will soon become unsafe. The task of specialists in the reconstruction of these objects is to create a project in accordance with which the building will no longer pose a danger and at the same time preserve the value of the monument.
  7. 3D Printing Designer . This profession will become especially in demand in construction, where 3D technologies are already widely used today. And if now they only print individual elements and building materials, then in the future it will be possible to create full-fledged buildings using special printers.
  8. Home robot developer . The specialty exists today and will continue to gain popularity in the future. Experts believe that by 2030, people will be able to completely get rid of household chores by transferring all household work to machines.
  9. Financial trajectory designer . He will help you avoid making mistakes when building a career by developing an individual plan for achieving success. Essentially, this is an expert who can create a movement algorithm according to career ladder for every person.
  10. Mind fitness trainer . They will be as charismatic as the presenters of modern useless trainings, and at the same time will help you get closer to perfection intellectually. You will be able to master speed reading, develop phenomenal memory, and so on.

List of in-demand professions in 2020-2025

Modern business is increasingly moving away from classical formations towards remote work and hiring freelance employees. Specialists are sought either for permanent work or for project work. specific tasks. The gig economy is growing every year, and gradually all professions related to intellectual work are moving to remote work.

In the period 2020 to 2025 will be in demand professions related to Internet activities. Below is our TOP professions, having mastered which you will not be left without money and will be able to to work remotely from anywhere in the world where there is a stable Internet.

Internet marketer

We spend most of the day “online” reading news on websites, updating our Instagram feed or communicating with friends in instant messengers. Businesses have to rebuild and convey information to consumers through modern communication channels. For this, every business needs an internet marketer. A person who is well versed in various types online advertising, knows how to build a sales funnel, automate processes and build online communication with clients.

Salary– from 80,000 rubles at the start to 300,000 for experienced specialists.

Internet advertising specialist

If an Internet marketer is involved in the general direction of advertising, then someone needs to “work with their hands” and directly set up advertising campaigns. This comes under the purview of an online advertising specialist. Having learned to work with one of the traffic sources, be it targeted, contextual or any other advertising you will always find work in the office or you can provide services as a freelancer.

Salary– from 60,000 rubles for the office, from 10,000 rubles per client for freelancing.

Web developer

Before setting up advertising, you need to prepare a platform to which the buyer will be led. In most cases, such a platform is Web site. It is developed by a web designer. This direction is a fusion of creative and technical skills. You can only develop interfaces (front-end), or program the technical component (back-end), or create websites using constructors. In the 21st century, every business will need its own website, so you definitely won’t be left without work.

Salary– from 80,000 rubles in the office, from 25,000 rubles for one freelance project.


The ability to work with code is a skill for which the world's largest companies are willing to pay huge amounts of money. There is a real hunt for experienced programmers, and salaries often reach seven-figure sums! In the next 10 years, great demand is expected for developers of mobile applications for iOS and Android, this is one of the most in-demand professions by 2025.

Salary– from 120,000 rubles in the office, from 40,000 rubles for one freelance project.

Where to go to stay in trend

It is not the place that makes the man. You can apply anywhere, the main thing is to follow innovations, scientific discoveries and developments in your industry. It doesn’t matter so much whether you study to be a biologist, a surgeon, a programmer, or – the key requirement is to follow modern professional trends. However, higher education is strongly recommended. Even if you do not work in your specialty, intellectual development at a university is usually more powerful than at a technical school or college.

From the point of view of the specialties of the future, the most popular industries are:

  • Biology;
  • Robotics;
  • Chemistry;
  • Management.

Engineering specialties also remain in trend. Designers and architects will be no less in demand. However, they come to the fore professions related to mental work. Machines will take on the heavy physical work. The only exception can be sports, but this is also questionable - competitions among robots are already extremely popular.


It is possible that in Russia the professions of the future will appear a little later than in the USA or Europe. But in the context of globalization and widespread integration of technology, this gap will not be significant. Already today, applicants are encouraged to think about the future and follow new trends. The same recommendations apply to students and people who are already working - it is important to keep up with the times, so that at some point you do not remain behind civilization and cease to be valued in the professional environment.

Maria Kositsyna

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, head of the center for supporting student projects at Tyumen State University.

The prestige of a profession is determined not by fashion, but by its real demand in the labor market. While school graduates traditionally choose economics, legal, and management specialties, there is already an oversupply of managers and lawyers on the labor market in Russia, and employers are running wild in search of qualified engineers, accountants, IT specialists, programmers, architects and builders.

Who are employers looking for today?

IT specialists, graphical interface designers, developers software, SEO optimizers - in the modern labor market, specialists related to the development and promotion of websites are constantly required. Owners of small companies are often looking for “generalists” who can simultaneously perform several functions: programmer, layout designer, designer, editor or system administrator. Web designers who know how to create original, eye-catching, memorable websites are also at the peak of demand.

Accountants, economists - these specialties are not only popular among applicants, but are also always in demand among employers, and are also highly paid. Today, marketers and sales managers are in great demand.

They may not be the most prestigious, but they are in demand and well-paid blue-collar specialists - qualified car mechanics, builders, industrial employees, and debugging engineers. Cellular base station engineers are in great need.

Popular professions on the labor market in Russia in ten years

In the labor market, the need for specialists is changing very rapidly, but quite predictably. To ensure that your specialty is still in demand after graduation, read the research of sociologists who have identified the most necessary professions in the near future.

  • Engineering specialties. Labor market experts predict that engineering specialties related to production will take leading positions in the coming years. In Russia, there is an acute shortage of technical specialists with higher education in the field of communications and telecoms, construction, mechanical engineering, electronics and electrical engineering, food and other industries. Manufacturing industry today is already experiencing an acute shortage of design and process engineers. Especially valuable will be specialists who combine technical and economic education with knowledge foreign languages. Good specialists engineers are trained at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI), Moscow State Technical University. Bauman (MSTU), National Research Nuclear University (MEPhI), at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and at the Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI).
  • IT specialists. In the coming years, a sharp increase in demand for specialists in the development of cloud computing and mobile application development is expected. The organization of data storage, the problem of information security, and hacker attacks will contribute to the demand for specialists in the field of IT security. Just like today, in 10 years there will be a growing demand for SEO optimizers who can not only promote a website to the top positions, but also combine the functions of a designer and a marketer. Graduates of the Faculty of Cybernetics of MSTU are in great demand on the labor market. Bauman and the Faculty of Computer Science (Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics) of Moscow State University.
  • Nanotechnology. You can work as a nanotechnologist in Russia at well-known and successful enterprises of MDT Nanotechnology or the giant company Rusnano. If government support programs remain a priority, then this industry has a great future. And the sooner you find your place in it, the more chances you have to reach heights in it. To get a specialty in Nanotechnology in Electronics, you need to enroll in MIREA (Moscow Institute of Radio Electronics and Automation) or MIEM (Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics). The specialty “Nanomaterials” can be mastered at the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys (MISiS), the University of Chemical Technology named after. Mendeleev and the Moscow Energy Institute.
  • Biotechnology. Currently, biotechnology specialists are in great demand in agriculture, in molecular medicine, in biopharmaceutical production. Specialists are required to have fundamental knowledge of electronics and bioengineering. Specialists in “Biomedical Engineering” are trained at MATI (Tsiolkovsky Technical University), as well as at MGUPI (Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics). At MSTU. Bauman studies the effects of radiation on living tissues, and the Department of Innovative Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology has been opened at the Physics and Technology Institute.

  • Marketers. The success of the battle for the money spent on the company's product by the end consumer largely depends on these specialists. A marketer must constantly study the market, plan an assortment, they determine product prices and sales volumes, stimulate sales, and offer management the most profitable ways to invest money. Every year the need for competent marketers will only increase. You can become a certified marketer after graduating from the State Institute of Management (SUM), Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) or Russian Economic University. Plekhanov (REU).
  • Services sector. As the population's income grows, the need for quality services grows: dry cleaners, hairdressers, beauty salons, cafes, sushi bars, kindergartens and much more. The demand for service sector professions is increasing every year.
  • Chemistry. Specialists will be especially in demand in the energy sector to solve the problem of search and development alternative sources energy. According to experts, in the next few years (peak popularity is expected by 2016), research in this area will require competent biochemists.

Choosing a profession is a difficult task for every person. After all, when choosing a specialty, you want it to be to your liking and make you happy.

Note! To ensure that a person does not have problems finding a job in the future, it is worth choosing a profession that is in demand in your country or city.

Professions in demand in 2017–2018:

  1. Information technology specialist.
  2. Design engineer.
  3. Teacher.
  4. Lawyer.
  5. Police officer.
  6. Doctor.
  7. Logistician
  8. Professional worker.

When choosing, do not confuse in-demand professions with highly paid or prestigious ones. This in-demand field does not always pay well, which is why it has become in demand due to the shortage of people willing to find a job at low wages. But it is not always the case.

Often, popular areas are paid decently, and many of these areas are prestigious in the Russian Federation.

In Russia there is a separate list of in-demand specialties, which includes 1,769 professions, 50 of which are recognized as prestigious.

List of prestigious professions:

  1. Specialist in the field of information technology.
  2. Dentist.
  3. Logistician
  4. Engineer.
  5. Business consultant.

In-demand professions that can be obtained after 9th grade

After 9th grade, a person can go to study at a technical school, college, lyceum or vocational school. Studying in such institutions provides a person with a chance to quickly master a specialty and work skills.

  1. Chefs are pastry chefs.
  2. Aircraft technicians.
  3. System administrators.
  4. Automotive mechanics.

Important! After 9th grade you can get what is popularly called “working specialties”. To obtain higher education, you will have to study at a higher educational institution for at least four years.

Specialties that can be obtained after graduation

After finishing 11th grade, a person can enter a lyceum or higher education institution.

In Russia there is a demand for:

  1. Engineers.
  2. Information technology specialists.
  3. Chemists.
  4. Marketers.

Job in Moscow

Moscow is a city with a lot of vacancies in various fields. But not all destinations in this city are in demand. Sometimes popular destinations in other cities are not in demand in the capital of Russia and a person finds it difficult to find a decent job in this city.

Note! Today this city is actively developing catering business Therefore, restaurants, clubs and cafes need professional labor. Most restaurants require waiters, cooks, bartenders, cleaners, hostesses and receptionists.

Table: the most popular professions in Moscow.

When choosing a specialty, focus on the future. According to forecasts, in 5–10 years new modern professions will appear that will take precedence in the labor market.

List of popular specialties in the future:

  • Engineer. This direction is relevant at any time. Humanity always needs designers and engineers.
  • A gerontologist is a doctor who diagnoses pathologies in older people.
  • An urbanist is a person who specializes in urban planning.

Important! Experts note that in the future people will value hard work, qualifications, professionalism, diligence and tact. Therefore, if a person possesses these qualities at the proper level, then he will not have problems finding a job.

How to choose a profession for girls and men

The choice of future specialty should be given special attention.

When choosing a profession, you should consider:

  • Wish. Choose a direction you like, which will later bring joy and moral satisfaction.
  • Own abilities. Soberly assess your own abilities. Ambition is good, but some areas require talent. Therefore, if you want to become a theater artist, initially try yourself in this role.
  • Place of training. It is very important to focus on the university where you plan to receive your education.
  • Labor market assessment. Conduct an analysis of in-demand specialties. Analyze the number of free places in this direction.
  • Perspective. It is worth remembering that a profession should give a start to a career and self-development. Don’t choose a direction where you won’t be able to climb the career ladder.

It is better for girls to choose a profession:

  • Accountant.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Pharmacist.
  • Makeup artist.
  • Obstetrician-gynecologist.
  • Teachers.
  • Cooks.
  • Marketer.
  • Secretary.
  • Designer.
  • Veterinarian.
  • Nurses.

Guys should choose a specialty:

  • Builder.
  • Engineer.
  • Doctor.
  • Programmer.
  • Financier.

Guys should also take a closer look at the following professions:

  • Driller.
  • Surveyor.
  • Welder.
  • Bricklayer.
  • Geologist.
  • Crane operator.

Important! These men's specialties are popular in the North of Russia. They are well paid. But it is worth remembering that work in the North implies strong physical condition and heavy and hazardous conditions labor.

Talented and ambitious young people should pay attention to creative and interesting highly paid professions:

  1. Theater and film actor.
  2. Visagiste.
  3. A gallerist is a specialist in the field of art. The specialty is suitable for both girls and boys. The gallery owner's responsibilities include organizing exhibitions and advertising paintings.
  4. Designer.
  5. Illustrator.
  6. Fashion designer.
  7. Director.
  8. Animator.
  9. Stylist.
  10. Photographer.
  11. Jeweler.

These specialties will help to fully reveal a person’s potential and talent.

Harmful professions for early retirement

According to the law, each person is required to work a certain amount of time to retire.

Note! But there are a number of professions with harmful working conditions for long-term retirement.

These specialties are divided into 2 groups:

Industries for early retirement:

  1. Mining.
  2. Production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals.
  3. Production of explosives.
  4. Processing of petroleum products.
  5. Chemical production.
  6. Production of materials intended for construction.
  7. Production of cellulose.
  8. Glass production.
  9. Electronics manufacturing.
  10. Nuclear energy sector.

Table: norms of insurance experience by groups.

Civil servants have the right to retire early if they have at least 15 years of work experience.

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Rapid improvement in technology is reflected in the list of TOP professions in Russia in 2018-2019. In addition to technical specialties, employers will need project managers, marketers and designers. In addition, professions aimed at human resource management and blue-collar jobs will remain in demand.

Popular specialties

Some of the most in-demand professions in 2019 are technical specialties:

  1. Engineer. A key specialty for the development of the manufacturing industry. Growth recovery industrial production will increase the need for qualified engineers.
  2. IT-specialist. The introduction of the digital economy requires a huge number of programmers and other IT specialists. This trend will continue in the medium term.
  3. Robotics specialist. Robots are gradually replacing manual labor in various fields of activity. Specialists in this field will ensure increased competitiveness of the Russian economy.
  4. Architect. The construction industry is the basis of economic growth. In the coming years, volumes construction work will increase, including as part of the implementation of infrastructure projects.
  5. Design engineer – in addition to architects, the construction industry needs design engineers. Without them, companies will not be able to create new projects.
  6. Web designer. Website creation and support improves the company's competitive position. This area has significant potential for development and needs specialists.
  7. Agricultural engineer. To introduce new technologies and automate processes in agriculture, companies will need agricultural engineers, who will give new impetus to the development of the agro-industrial sector.

Professions related to sales, marketing and PR will also remain promising areas in 2019:

  1. Marketer. The new level of competition requires increased marketing activities. Otherwise, the company will lose its market share, which will be reflected in a decline in sales.
  2. Designer. Products compete not only on the level technical characteristics, but also by its design. The latter is increasingly a key factor in product selection.
  3. Internet marketer. Business needs new clients. Popularization of the Internet provides new opportunities for promoting products and brands, which will ensure an increase in demand for Internet marketers.
  4. PR specialist. The company's image, like design, becomes important factor competitiveness. Professionals in this field will be the key to sustainable growth of the company.
  5. Sales Manager. It is impossible to operate a business without sales. Representatives of this profession provide the organization with money, so the need for it will remain at a high level.

Given the tightening of competition, in the coming years specialties aimed at developing companies will be in demand:

  1. Risk manager. changes in market factors require timely reactions from business representatives. Qualitative risk assessment is the key to making the right decisions.
  2. Project manager. Project work ensures the organization's transition to a qualitatively new level. This area ensures the implementation of innovations necessary for further development.
  3. Business analyst. Business processes continue to become more complex, leading to additional losses. A qualified business analyst will help improve existing processes and ensure the implementation of new ones.

In addition, “human” specialties will remain in demand:

  1. HR manager. The company's personnel are its main asset. At the same time, organizations are ready to fight for qualified personnel by investing in HR.
  2. Psychotherapist. An active rhythm of life leads to stress that reduces performance. As a result, the demand for psychotherapist services will continue to increase.
  3. Business trainer. Organizations need new solutions and staff development. People Development – necessary condition for business growth.

Professions that will be in demand in 2019 in the healthcare sector:

  1. Doctor (highly specialized). The demand for highly specialized doctors significantly outstrips the supply, which will continue in the medium term.
  2. Biotechnologist. The development of biotechnology will become a stable trend in the near future, which will create a need for representatives of this profession.
  3. Pharmacist. The healthcare industry is in need of pharmacists. Investments in this industry will increase, which will affect the demand for specialists.
  4. Microbiologist. The emergence of new viruses and bacteria creates the preconditions for increased investment in microbiology. As a result, employers will look for professionals in this field.

Next year the demand for blue-collar jobs will continue:

  1. Locksmith. Stations Maintenance will need qualified employees. In addition, the restoration of industrial production growth will lead to an increase in demand for toolmakers.
  2. Electrician. Maintenance and repair electrical networks will require a significant number of additional workers.
  3. Welder. Another profession whose demand will increase after economic growth returns.
  4. Driver. The development of the transport industry will affect the demand for drivers. In addition, the demand for special equipment operators will continue.

Traditionally popular professions will remain:

  1. Financier. Effective management financial activities remains the key to successful growth of the organization. In the coming years Russian companies will not be able to attract resources on international markets. As a result, financiers will be limited in the choice of tools for the development of the company.
  2. Lawyer. Legal aspects of commercial activities will remain a priority for business representatives. At the same time, entrepreneurs will give preference to qualified lawyers who are able to solve problems of any level of complexity.
  3. Linguist. Increased international trade is reflected in an increase in the need for linguists. In addition to knowledge of European languages, specialists who speak Chinese and Japanese will be in demand.
  4. Advocate. In 2018-2019 The demand for legal services will continue to increase, which will make this profession one of the most in demand.

Watch educational video about in-demand professions in Moscow:

School graduates, when choosing a direction of professional training, need to take into account not only their own preferences, but also trends in the labor market in Russia. Rating agencies and research centers publish statistics annually. It contains information about which specialties are in demand and allow you to earn a high income. To do right choice, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the list, which presents the most promising professions in 2018.

List of in-demand specialties in 2018

Skilled worker

In Russia in 2018, the number of people with higher education increased. At the same time, large cities, including Moscow, are experiencing a shortage of workers. Mechanics, electricians, builders - all these specialists have good opportunities in terms of career growth and receive high salaries. The state is interested in ensuring that representatives of the younger generation enter technical schools and colleges.

IT specialist

Modern technology is one of the most dynamically developing areas. It is no coincidence that the ranking, which presents popular professions in 2018, includes programmers and system administrators.

A promising area is the web development industry. This market offers good opportunities for professional growth. Employees of large companies engaged in web design receive decent wages.

The main advantage of the IT sector is the ability to work remotely. A programmer can be employed in an organization and additionally work on projects privately via the Internet.


This specialty requires thorough theoretical training and extensive practice. Experienced lawyers earn good money. They also have great employment opportunities. Employees who have excellent knowledge of the legislative framework and have practical experience conducting civil and criminal cases are needed in all organizations. Employers, in turn, are ready to pay them decently for their work.

Law graduates get jobs as police officers. The specialty can also be included in the list of the highest paid professions in Russia. The state is reforming internal affairs bodies and motivating workers in this area by increasing wages and providing favorable working conditions.


The flow of applicants to pedagogical universities in Lately decreased. Many people mistakenly believe that teaching is not a prestigious enough profession with low level wages. However, career growth depends solely on a person’s abilities, his motivation, professional competencies and desire for development. Schools are interested in qualified teachers who will help children master the general education program at a decent level.


The demand for specialized physicians is constantly growing. Dietetics, ophthalmology, speech therapy - all these current areas have recently become very popular among clients. Government agencies and private clinics are constantly opening vacancies and are looking for employees. For those who are planning to connect their lives with medicine, the best option in 2018 in terms of income is dentistry.


In a market economy, the role of the sale of goods and services increases, the number of producers increases and competition between them intensifies. Companies strive to stand out and an important condition This is achieved through competent product promotion. The job responsibilities of a marketer involve forecasting demand, organizing advertising campaign, tracking sales levels, working with product display and distribution.

Personnel specialist

HR manager is a promising and necessary profession. Companies are constantly looking for new personnel, and this work is performed by a personnel specialist. A mandatory skill for him is the ability to identify among candidates people suitable for a vacant position. Experience is important for an HR manager: theoretical knowledge is ineffective without interview practice.

Specialist in the beauty industry

To master the most in-demand professions, it is not necessary to obtain a higher education. Makeup artist, hairdresser, nail technician - all these specialists start working after completing short-term courses. The popularity of such services is explained by the fact that, despite the economic crisis, people strive to look good.

Vocational school or courses will become excellent option for school graduates who were unable to enter a university and there is no opportunity to study for a fee. Working in the beauty industry allows you to achieve high income and opens up opportunities for growth. Leading stylists begin their careers as regular stylists and then become owners of their own salons.


The state of the environment on the planet leaves much to be desired. Humanity is concerned about the need to preserve flora and fauna, so the need for ecologists has grown. They are studying climate, flora and fauna in Russia 2018. Ecologists propose measures to protect the environment. The profession can hardly be called highly paid, so it is not particularly popular among university applicants.


Most school graduates apply to the humanities faculties of the institute. This is largely why there is a shortage of specialists with technical training in Russia. Their main advantage is that learning is easy. Engineering students have a heavier workload and much more serious requirements, but their income after graduation is higher.

The highest paying professions require extensive training. Studying at a university is more difficult than entering it. The passing score for an engineering specialty is lower than for an economics specialty, and the number of applicants is smaller.


Globalization processes penetrate into all areas of activity and remote regions. The company enters into international contracts and cooperates with foreign partners. Many organizations use the services of translators. Linguists participate in negotiations, conduct business correspondence, and translate documents.

Before choosing a specialty, young people should familiarize themselves with the list of the most in-demand professions in 2018. It is necessary to consider not only current trends in the labor market, but also take into account long-term forecasts of analysts. In the next few years, the demand for specialists with technical education will increase.

However, the applicant must think for himself what final choice to make when planning to enter a university. A specialty may be in demand, but a person may not like it. In this case, it is difficult to achieve much success. Rapid career growth is observed among those specialists who love their work and are ready to acquire new skills and constantly improve.

Professionals high level in demand in all companies. The main thing is to carefully choose a specialty, get an education or study courses, and then practice theoretical knowledge in practice.