In a private house      03.10.2023

DIY coffee ball in a pot. Beautiful coffee topiary: instructions for creation. Feng Shui meaning of the coffee tree

Topiary has become a popular interior element. It is made from different materials. One of them is coffee.

DIY coffee topiary. Step by step

A master class with detailed steps will help you make coffee topiary.

Glue onto the blank for the crown coffee beans, placing them with the central strip down.

The ball is completely covered. Then the next layer is glued, placing the grains with the strip facing up.

For the trunk is used a tube. You should step back three centimeters from its edge and glue double-sided tape in a spiral. Three centimeters of the tube are also left unsealed on the other side.

We wrap it on tape satin ribbon the desired color.

DIY coffee topiary master class. Photo

Take a container and pour water into it. Add to water alabaster until you get a mass similar to quite thick sour cream.

We transfer this mass into a flower pot and insert the trunk into it.

Alabaster must harden so that its surface becomes dry.

We also cover the surface of the alabaster in the pot with grains in two layers, like a ball.

Squeeze glue onto the top of the tube and glue the crown.

We decorate the resulting coffee topiary with a ribbon.

DIY coffee topiary in a bag

To make an original coffee topiary with your own hands, you don’t need any special materials.

DIY topiary made from coffee beans. Photo

The basis for the crown can be Christmas ball, and the barrel is a wooden kebab skewer.

Coffee beans are glued onto a ball and decorated skewer.

Can be used as a container for installation jar from under the cream. We wrap it in burlap, which we tie with a string around the neck.

Plaster is poured inside to fix the tree. The surface of the plaster is hidden by a cardboard circle filled with instant coffee.

Coffee topiary. Step-by-step guide with photos

The making of such topiary from coffee in a master class is described. Let us consider in detail the process of making such an interesting decorative composition.

They take wire twenty centimeters long, retreat from the end by seven centimeters and roll this part into a ring. Four centimeters are measured from the other end of the wire and bent at this point.

The saucer is degreased using alcohol. Glue the wire to the degreased surface with instant glue, the side with the ring.

Inner surface cups also wipe with alcohol and glue it to the other side of the wire. First, find a support that will support the cup while the glue sets. The glue hardening process can take several days.

When the foam hardens, cut off the excess amount. Removing foam. The thickness of the coffee beans is also taken into account. We need to make the stream look harmonious.

To form a volumetric mounting jet, you can use modeling mass or masking tape. The latter is convenient for wrapping the wire frame.

After excess foam has been removed, the surface paint. If this is not done, the white base will appear between the coffee beans.

A step-by-step master class on creating a coffee topiary is coming to an end gluing grains to the surface of the foam. It is better to glue them with transparent glue, which sets in a couple of minutes. This will allow you to adjust the location of the grains.

Coffee heart

You can make a coffee topiary with your own hands in a variety of shapes. One possible option is the heart.

To make it, draw a heart on paper, cut it out and trace it on cardboard. You need to make two cardboard hearts.

DIY coffee tree topiary. Photo

Two wire We wrap it in paper of the required length and glue it to the heart.

Glue it onto a cardboard surface cotton pads, and close the top with a second cardboard heart. This will create volume.

The outside of the resulting heart also needs to be covered with cotton pads. To give the required shape, it is wrapped threads.

The resulting base paint brown paint. Then we glue coffee beans onto its surface.

Glue it to an iron can in a circle sticks from ice cream.

Wire. We wrap the one glued to the heart with jute thread.

We attach a sponge to the resulting pot, and in it we place the trunk of a coffee topiary in the shape of a heart.

We decorate the surface of the pot and the topiary itself.

Coffee heart options

A rather discreet topiary, which is decorated only with small elements. The decoration used is a cinnamon star, which perfectly matches the smell of coffee, a harsh rope, and two thin ribbons, which perfectly match the color.

A very interesting coffee tree with a heart-shaped crown. The grains are arranged in even rows, which gives the composition a special effect. There is no need for bright decorations. One modest bow is enough.

Coffee tree with a regular crown. The special decor makes it unusual. This includes a bright bow with hearts and an absolutely straight trunk wrapped in rope.

how to make topiary from coffee beans. Photo

The decor and shape of the trunk gives this coffee tree its tenderness. The slightly curved trunk looks elegant. White and soft green details perfectly set off the other colors of this composition.

A bright and elegant coffee heart, decorated with red roses with shiny petals. The decor is emphasized with a double bow with the same color combination.

Coffee topiary with several crowns

To create such an unusual coffee topiary with your own hands you will need six foam balls. They need to be wrapped with threads, the ends of which are secured with glue. Coffee beans are glued on top, flat side down. When gluing, you should leave a small space for attaching the support.

Double aluminum wire Divide into several parts to form a branched crown. The end of one wire is divided into two parts so that the structure becomes stable.

We bend the trunk, and secure additional branches with masking tape. Then we split all the upper ends into two parts and bend the branches.

To make the trunk aesthetically pleasing, we first wrap it with masking tape. This will create a thickening at the bottom, like a real tree. Coarse tape is wound over the masking tape. twine.

We put coffee balls on the ends of the branches, smeared with glue. A tree is installed in the selected pot and the base is filled with plaster. The plaster surface is also decorated with coffee beans after drying. You can stick another layer of coffee on the crown.

Coffee topiary: video

The process is most clearly explained by a video master class on creating a coffee topiary. For the crown, take a foam ball, which is wrapped with paper and thread. On one side there is a hole for the barrel. Coffee beans are glued to the surface with transparent glue. The parts of the trunk are fixed in the pot using a gypsum compound. A ball is put on this trunk, which is covered with grains. Next, the surface of the plaster in the pot is decorated. To do this, it is also covered with coffee beans. At the end, the finished topiary is decorated. To do this, you can take various ribbons and other decorative elements.

Video: heart-shaped coffee topiary

This step-by-step coffee topiary tutorial shows how you can decorate a fairly ordinary topiary container in an interesting way. A transparent glass cup is used as such a container. Braids woven from simple, rough rope are glued onto it. The result is a textured piece that matches the smooth glass. Liquid plaster is placed inside the cup, into which the topiary is installed. After the plaster has hardened, the edges of the cup are decorated with coffee beans, and white pebbles are placed on the surface. As a result, the heart-shaped topiary looks more harmonious, thanks to the interestingly decorated base.

Topiary coffee magnet

Let's make a topiary magnet from coffee. A step-by-step master class will help with this.

To make such a topiary we do cardboard blanks. To do this, draw a round crown and a pot, and then cut them off.

Assembling a tree using a wooden stick from ice cream. We insert it between two pieces of cardboard and glue it.

We paste over burlap cardboard parts on both sides.

Glue on the back side magnets.

Glue coffee beans onto the front side. Glue the first row along the edge with the flat side down, and the second row with the flat side up. We fill the center with grains, and then glue the second row.

We decorate the finished topiary.

Base for topiary from a branch

To make the basis for a step-by-step master class on creating a coffee topiary, it is not at all necessary to take special components. A branch and old newspapers can be used.

From newspapers the ball is made. Branch Lubricated with glue and placed in it. The newspapers need to be pressed closer to it.

The surface of the ball is coated glue and wrapped around threads. The next layer of newspapers is wrapped around it, which is also wrapped with thread and coated with glue. The procedure is repeated until the desired size is obtained.

The finished crown on the trunk is installed in a container filled with gypsum. Gypsum You need to dilute it to the consistency of sour cream and pour it into the desired container. The trunk is installed there and kept as straight as possible until the plaster hardens.


Decorating your home with homemade items has recently become increasingly popular and widespread. There are a great variety of options for how to decorate the interior of your home, as well as a sufficient number of workshops on making items for an unusual and original design. Therefore, every needlewoman, regardless of her skill level, will be able to choose the appropriate option for herself.

A DIY coffee tree is an excellent addition to the interior of a cozy room and can easily be created independently at home. You can put it in your home or give it to someone as a gift made with your own hands from the heart. Such gifts are of particular value, because when making them, a person leaves a piece of his soul in the product. In order to make a coffee tree, you just need to watch several master classes, prepare the necessary tools and materials, and choose the time for the process.

For beginning needlewomen, making a coffee tree with your own hands may seem like a complex and labor-intensive process, but after just a few minutes of exciting activity, everything will turn out easily and correctly. Such a product, made at home, can be of different sizes and have individual features added at the request of the craftswoman.

Feng Shui meaning of the coffee tree

According to the rules and principles of Feng Shui, the coffee tree has unique properties and characteristics. First of all, its presence in the house helps to increase the well-being and well-being of the family. The coffee tree is considered a type of money tree, so its location in the apartment will favor an increase in cash receipts and an improvement in the financial situation.

Coffee is a famous and powerful talisman because the beans contain new life. Therefore, the product promises success in all matters, strengthening friendly ties and harmonizing love relationships. If you place a coffee tree in the bedroom, it will promote strong and mutual love.

The influence of wood made from coffee beans, which is made by hand, is especially important. In the process of making such a talisman, it is important to be in a good mood, think positively about something pleasant and good, and attract positive energy into the house. Then it will become not just a beautiful piece of furniture, but also a keeper of the warm and cozy atmosphere in it.

Manufacturing Features

Although there are many varieties and variations of coffee bean trees, they all consist of three main parts. The main part is the top of the tree, its crown itself, which is made from the base and covered with coffee beans. It can be based on any solid figure, but most often a ball is used. Although, at the request of the needlewoman, it can be an oval or even a heart. In order to make a spherical coffee tree, you can take any plastic or foam ball, which will subsequently be covered with beans.

The second part is the tree trunk. For beginning craftswomen, it is better to take a straight stick or tube, which can be decorated at your own discretion, for example, wrapped in flying paper or strips of colored paper. More experienced needlewomen can use other uneven structures that will serve as a trunk. It can be dense wire, decorated with thick threads or ribbons. But the simplest option is an ordinary tree branch, which can also be used for needlework.

The third essential part of a coffee tree is a pot or small vase in which it will stand. To do this, you can use any glass or even a small pot purchased at a flower shop. Its decoration depends entirely on the imagination and wishes of the craftswoman. A fixing mixture must be placed inside the pot. For this you can use sand or gypsum. The main condition for filler in pots is reliable fixation of the trunk and the tree itself from coffee beans, made with your own hands. Since most often this design is quite heavy, you need to think about which material will hold the weight better than others.


All coffee bean trees can be divided into several main varieties.

Straight tree

It includes one common part of the crown, most often round in shape. The trunk on which it is mounted is most often straight and not very high.

Forked tree

It may have several (even three, four or more) branches extending from the main trunk, on which balls with coffee beans are attached. However, they can be different sizes, or they can look exactly the same.

Heart tree

Most often it is mounted on a straight trunk, and its crown is shaped like a heart covered with coffee beans. A variation of this option could be a heart tree, hollow inside. This not only looks original, but also makes the design easier.

It is up to the needlewoman to decide which shape of the product to choose in order to make it with her own hands. Any variety will look unusual and delight the eyes of everyone who can admire the coffee masterpiece.

Master class: Simple coffee tree

Making a coffee tree with your own hands is not difficult. First of all, you need to select the materials and tools that will be needed for the work. Experienced craftswomen use:

First of all, it is necessary to prepare the crown of the future product. To do this, a plastic ball is wrapped with threads, onto which coffee beans will then be glued. It is important to leave a hole on one side of the ball into which the barrel will be inserted.

When wrapping the ball, you need to ensure that the threads cover the entire surface of the plastic, otherwise it will be difficult to stick the coffee to its surface.

The next step is to glue coffee beans onto the surface of the ball. PVA glue is used for this, although it is much easier and more convenient to use a glue gun. This will allow you to quickly apply glue to the surface of the threads, so that you can then cover it with coffee beans.

Coffee beans are carefully laid out on the glue layer. You should try to place them as close to each other as possible so that the ball is not visible.

After the first layer of coffee beans, you will most likely need to apply another one to fill the voids. This is necessary so that the crown looks solid and neat.

Fragrant coffee topiary will not leave anyone indifferent: such decor will decorate a living room, kitchen, office or public place. This is a great homemade gift that even a beginner can handle. With some skill and preliminary preparation, the process takes no more than 2-3 hours. We'll tell you all about topiary made from coffee beans: what are its features, how to make it yourself, what interesting options there are.

Types of coffee topiary

In general, topiary is the art of curly pruning trees and shrubs, resulting in a topiary - a tree with a round crown, a bush in the shape of an animal or a heart, etc. The first topiaries from coffee beans were made in the shape of a round tree on a stem-leg. Then the fantasy took a step further, other variations of geometric shapes appeared, but the name stuck.

  • Volumetric heart;

  • Star;

  • Floating cup;

  • Flower;

  • Products on a stand;

  • Hanging;

  • Round balls for decoration.

There are many master classes on the Internet on making topiary from coffee beans with your own hands, and you can be inspired by various implementations, repeat a beautiful product, or come up with something of your own.

We talk about how you can make an unusual topiary from coffee beans and decorate it in various ways.

  • Before gluing the grains, do not forget to treat the surface so that the background does not show through. This can be done with brown gouache, but it’s better with finely ground coffee, it will give off an additional aroma and it will look noble. You can also use it to treat the stand stick itself.
  • As a base, you can choose a cup, a mini coffee pot or milk jug, a decorative bucket or a flower pot (but you need to seal the hole in the bottom). You can place the cup on a saucer and glue it so that the product does not turn over.
  • The stick-trunk is usually wrapped with double-sided tape, and a decorative tape is wrapped around it. The thinner the ribbon, the more elegant everything looks. Coarse twine is also used.
  • As decoration for topiary made from coffee beans, you can use spices, dried orange slices, star anise (star anise), and white beans for a mosaic pattern.
  • The base is usually filled with plaster or alabaster - they harden quickly and hold firmly. If you have a massive top, you can add heavy stones to the plaster so that the entire structure is stable and does not tip over.
  • Try to choose beans of the same variety and roast. That is, it is better to take not a mixture of Arabica and Robusta, but one thing, and optimally - in a large package, so that the difference in shades is minimal. Arabica is used more often, as it has beautiful beans with a pleasant aroma. But Robusta is more round, which is sometimes more practical.
  • Experts recommend gluing grains onto topiary in 2 layers. This way the bottom one shines through under the top one, the composition seems deeper and becomes more interesting. The first layer is usually glued with the middle strip down, the second, outer layer, with the strip up.
  • The most beautiful grains are selected for the top part. The ones at the bottom are less noticeable and can accommodate beans with slight color defects. If you glue in two layers, sort the grains in advance, choosing the best ones for the outer surface, which will be visible.
  • You can glue not only with the plane of the grain, but also with one edge so that they stick out as if perpendicular. This is more complex and painstaking work, but the result is more impressive.
  • Coffee bean topiary can be themed. For example, double, for a couple, or wedding, with appropriate decor, or Easter, or Christmas. It all depends only on your imagination.

Many people are concerned about the question: is it worth covering coffee bean topiary with varnish? Finished with a glossy shine and easier to care for. But the varnish kills all the aroma of the beans. So it's up to you to decide.

Let's consider a simple decor option that even a schoolchild can handle - the classic topiary made from coffee beans “Tree of Happiness”. On average, the work takes up to three hours if you prepare everything you need in advance.

You will need:

  • The basis for the figure. For example, a foam ball. Sold in craft stores, sometimes can be found in flower or construction stores.
  • Leg-trunk. As an option - an ordinary strong twig, and even if it is not perfectly smooth, it is even more interesting. You may need to strip it of bark.
  • The base is, for example, a cup.
  • Plaster or alabaster.
  • Fabric tape and double-sided tape for wrapping the leg.
  • Coffee beans.
  • Brown gouache. As a last resort - black. Or ground coffee. What you will use to cover the base.
  • Glue. You can use PVA, but assembly is better. It is better not to use a hot gun. Superglue can come in handy, so grab some.

Let's start making topiary from coffee beans:

  1. Make a hole in the base so that the leg fits about a third of the ball's diameter.
  2. Paint the base and set aside to dry.
  3. Sort through the grains, decide how many layers you will glue them into.
  4. Starting at the top, apply a little glue to the area and attach the grains.

You should not apply glue to the entire ball at once, and then sprinkle it with grains or roll them in them. This speeds up the process, but the result looks sloppy.

You can place a bowl of water next to it, lightly wet your finger so that the grain sticks to it, and then transfer it to the base.

  1. When you get to the bottom edge, leave a small area around the hole for the stick.
  2. Wrap the stick first with tape, then with tape.
  3. Apply glue to the stick and a little into the hole, insert the leg, let it dry a little.
  4. Add the rest of the grains.
  5. Pour as much water into the base as you need. Mix in plaster or alabaster, insert the leg of the structure, and hold until it hardens evenly.
  6. When everything is dry, decorate the alabaster (you can stick on grains).
  7. Using superlay, glue spices and decor. Tie decorative ribbons.

It is better to let the product dry for a day and then hand it over. If any of the grains fall off, attach them with superglue.

This is a much more complex level of coffee bean topiary, and it is better to take on this type of decor when you already have more experience. The whole difficulty is to fix the cup so that its center of gravity does not extend beyond the saucer. The base of the “flowing” grains is usually made of wire, which is glued with instant glue. Sometimes it is wrapped in fabric, sometimes polyurethane foam is used. There are many options, it’s worth carefully studying all the nuances. And it’s better to try for the first time on cheaper dishes, so as not to spoil the one intended for the composition, and make sure that everything sticks well.

Don't start making large flying cups with spilling grains. Try it with little ones, it will be easier and more accurate.


  1. You can make a topiary from coffee beans with your own hands in 2-3 hours.
  2. Usually a round ball or a voluminous heart is chosen for the shape. Any shape you find at a craft store will do.
  3. The flying cup is a rather complex topiary, but it can also be made at home.
  4. For decoration you can use ribbons, bows, spices, grains, figurines and much more.
  5. If you do not varnish the product, it will emit a subtle, pleasant aroma. But varnished ones are easier to wipe off dust.

Coffee bean topiaries are spectacular accessories that can be given as gifts or used to decorate your own home. It’s easy to shape the product into a ball, flower or heart, and experiment with accessories and stands. Topiaries made from coffee beans can be miniature or very large, reaching 1 meter in height.

Coffee crafts: what are they?

Roasted coffee beans can be used to decorate any homemade product: mini car and home air fresheners, paintings and panels, figurines and toys. But they are especially often used to make topiaries, which are often called trees of happiness. These cute crafts easily fit into any interior and not only decorate the room, but also flavor it, spreading the invigorating smell of freshly brewed coffee around.

Their shiny surface will make the tree even more beautiful, and premium grain has a delicate and persistent aroma. It is important to strengthen the coffee bean topiary well so that it does not tip over. Use ceramic vases, clay or plastic pots, or wooden flowerpots as a stand. They can be covered with fabric, painted, decorated with beads or rhinestones, decorated with sticks or floral mesh. An original stand for topiary made from coffee beans will be earthenware mugs, cups, milk jugs or sugar bowls.

A master class on making crafts from coffee beans can be found in specialized publications on interior design or in glossy women's magazines. Various videos are devoted to making topiaries, explaining in detail all the intricacies of creating trees of happiness.

Coffee topiary (video)

Classic balloons for home and office

It imitates the crown of a real tree, trimmed in a French park style. You can place one tree in a pot or vase or create a whole composition of 2-3 trunks. It is important to maintain balance; the ball-shaped crown should not be too heavy so that the structure does not tip over. If you don’t understand what a real tree of happiness should look like, watch the video master class, where everything is explained in great detail.

To create a classic round topiary you will need:

  • round floral sponge for dried flowers;
  • stationery knife;
  • artificial stem or slightly curved thick branch;
  • plastic or clay pot;
  • small branches for decoration;
  • rope;
  • star anise, cinnamon, cloves;
  • roasted coffee beans;
  • brown silk ribbon;
  • polymer glue;
  • plaster or alabaster.

Select a floral round sponge of the desired size. It has a perfectly flat surface, is lightweight and very convenient to use. In the lower part, use a stationery knife to cut a hole corresponding to the volume of the branch or stem. Coat the workpiece with polymer glue and firmly attach the grains with the grooves down. In the next row, glue the grains in stripes up, interspersing them with clove buds. Attach a few star anise stars on top. Spices will not only make the tree more beautiful, but will also complement the fragrant bouquet with new notes.

Sand the branch with sandpaper to make it perfectly smooth, then trim it to the desired length. An artificial trunk purchased at a salon does not require additional finishing. If desired, it can be painted with acrylic paint. Coat the upper end of the trunk with glue and strengthen the crown. It must be firmly fixed so that the tree is stable.

Dilute alabaster or plaster with water and pour into the prepared pot. Place the stem in it and hold it until the alabaster hardens. Coat the surface of the wood with glue and lay out coffee beans with the grooves facing up. Top with a couple of cinnamon sticks and a star anise.

Cut thin branches into small even pieces and cover the pot with them. Wrap them with rope on top. Finally, tie brown silk ribbon around the base of the flap and tie it in a bow. Based on the creation of a tree of happiness, you can make a master class by recording it on video.

Heart-shaped topiary (video)

Heart with coffee aroma: simple and romantic

A heart made of coffee beans looks very impressive. It is better to make such a thing small; a bulky design will lose its charm. The heart base can be made from crumpled paper or cut out of foam plastic. There are also ready-made floral bases on sale that are very easy to work with. To make topiary from coffee beans with your own hands, purchase in advance:

  • a vase or pot for the base;
  • alabaster or plaster;
  • newsprint;
  • polymer glue;
  • dark brown acrylic or watercolor paint;
  • thick wire;
  • dark brown wool threads;
  • roasted coffee beans;
  • silk ribbons;
  • beads for decoration.

Crumple the newsprint and shape it into a heart shape by wrapping thread around the structure. Coat the product with polymer glue and leave to dry. Then paint it with acrylic paints so that the base does not show through under the coffee beans. Let the workpiece dry. Make a hole at the bottom of the heart for fastening.

Cut a piece of wire to the desired length. Wrap it tightly with brown wool threads and secure with a drop of glue. Apply glue to the paper base and attach the coffee beans to it, placing them as tightly as possible. They can be glued in one or two layers. After drying the heart blank, fasten it on a wire coated with glue. If it does not hold tightly enough, you can fix the paper heart with brown plasticine, hiding the attachment point under a silk ribbon tied in a bow.

Pour the diluted alabaster into the pot, place a wire support in it and hold until the composition has completely hardened. Cover the surface with coffee beans, strengthening them with drops of glue.

The topiary heart can be decorated with rosettes made of silk ribbon or a cute bow at the base of the trunk. Rhinestones or artificial pearls look very impressive. Place them on top of the coffee beans in random order. Interesting ideas for decorating trees of happiness can be gleaned from numerous videos where the authors share their best finds. Visit a thematic master class, it will become a source of inspiration for your own creativity.

Making topiary with your own hands is very interesting. Having mastered the basic skills, you can conduct your own master class, where you will reveal your secrets and show off your elegant crafts. Record a detailed video, it will help novice craftswomen in their work.

If you like to surprise and delight your friends with non-standard gifts, you will definitely like this type of craft like coffee topiary. After all, all that is required to create it is simple devices and materials, accuracy and patience. Well, a drop of inspiration, of course!

What is topiary, or how far does a coffee bean tree go?

Topiary is a man-made decorative tree. Now it is made from various natural materials and improvised means. This art originated in ancient Rome. The first topiaries were skillfully pruned trees in the gardens of Roman patricians. Gardeners gave the crowns of plants bizarre shapes, thereby creating the likeness of statues and other decorative items.

In its development, topiary has gone through many changes: the modest and painstaking work of nuns in medieval monasteries, decorative trees created on a grand scale in the Renaissance, gardens and labyrinths in Holland and England in the 17th century, etc.

Today, topiary is an incredibly popular souvenir. A tree made from coffee beans, in addition to visual pleasure, brings olfactory pleasure. After all, even after processing, the grains continue to smell, filling the room with a wonderful aroma and creating a cozy atmosphere.

Materials and tools

The main material in the production of coffee trees is, of course, coffee beans. You will also need:

  • ball or heart for the base;
  • paints, glue, paper, tapes;
  • container in which the tree will “grow”;
  • wire;
  • gypsum, putty or other container fillers, etc.

An exact list is compiled when choosing a product option and will be presented below in step-by-step instructions.

Once you become familiar with existing techniques, you can create your own recipe using the items you have on hand.

Even in handmade projects there are unconventional solutions: a Christmas coffee topiary “growing” from a branch cut, and not in a pot, as usual

A gift with meaning

Before you make a coffee tree, think about what meaning you want to put into this gift. Topiaries are a symbol of prosperity and unquenchable vitality (like a tree, in principle), happiness and well-being. By adding some elements, you can adjust the message included in the craft.

Idea! So, if the topiary is intended for newlyweds, there may be two crowns (or small baby trees will be located next to the two large ones).

It is customary to give gifts in the shape of a heart to a loved one. When creating a souvenir for a woman, you can add a lot of small jewelry, ribbons and lace. A topiary addressed to a man should presumably have a strong base, as if emphasizing the reliability of the stronger sex. Based on your knowledge about the person, you can create a unique, special gift.

What interior is “friendly” with topiary?

The coffee tree will fit well into rooms decorated in almost any style. These can be either elaborate classic apartments, or a more formal loft or even hi-tech.

“Delicious” combination of coffee and creamy mint colors is a nice addition to the interior where there is a mint color

Step-by-step instruction

At the moment, there are many variations on the theme of how to make a coffee tree with your own hands. In the instructions we offer, we will combine two technologies - creating a heart-shaped tree and a tree with a round crown, indicating possible options for further actions at crossroads.

Coffee tree step by step:

Step 1. Collection of materials.

In cases where you need to choose, the names of the items will be given as a fraction. So, you will need:

  • Coffee beans.

Advice! If possible, buy good coffee. Evenly roasted, shiny grains selected in size will look much better than sloppily dried and disproportionate grains.

Usually coffee beans are glued flat onto the topiary, but you can also place each grain in a “scale”

  • Blank-base. It can be a ball or a heart: ready-made (ball/toy) or created independently from polystyrene foam and paper/cardboard and cotton pads. Threads are used as is customary for any option for creating a workpiece. You will also need brown paint to cover the base.
  • The material that will later become the tree trunk: it can be a plastic pipe/wooden stick/thick wire.
  • Glue and, preferably, a glue gun.
  • Scissors.
  • Alabaster/gypsum and a container for mixing the solution;
  • Container for wood: store-bought flowerpot/pot/vase/bowl or homemade pot.
  • Double-sided tape.
  • Decorations: beads, beads, ribbons, bows, lace, star anise, carnations, cinnamon sticks, etc.

Step two. Work with the workpiece.

If your topiary is round, you can use a ready-made small ball (ball) or make a ball out of foam plastic (this case is preferable when wire is used as a trunk).

You can also take a ready-made heart, if you can find it, or cut it out of polystyrene foam. The foam blank is covered with paper, wrapped with dark-colored knitting threads and painted over with brown paint.

Idea! There is another option for creating a heart: two identical shapes are cut out of cardboard. Wire or other material for the post is laid between them. The sheets are glued together and then covered with cotton pads until the desired volume is obtained. Next, the workpiece is wrapped with threads and painted.

After the necessary procedures with the base, it is covered with glue and covered with grains. It is better when you can do this in two layers. The first is laid with the flat side inward, the second - on the contrary.

Step three. Shape of the trunk.

The rod we choose is wrapped with twine/ribbon/tissue paper or other materials and glued to the crown. The wire may be bent. In the case of a paper heart, the connection is made earlier. A small hole can be made in other types of workpieces.

Step four. Priming.

We measure the required volume of liquid with the container in which the tree will be planted. Prepare a plaster/alabaster solution. Pour into a pot or vase, insert a tree in the center and let the mixture harden. When the surface becomes dry, cover it with layers of coffee or other material (tea, sawdust, shavings, etc. will do).

To decorate the finished coffee topiary, in addition to ribbons, beads, dried flowers and the like, you can also use various miniature figurines for terrariums