Mixer      03/13/2021

Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2–3 years old) “Mouse. Synopsis of a developmental lesson with young children (2–3 years old) “Mouse Development program for a child 2 3 years old

If you describe the child's psyche in one word, it will be the word "I want!". I want to live, I want to develop, I want to know the world. But the way children learn is different. They depend on those psychological qualities and talents that are given to the child from birth ...

Every mother wants her baby to grow up to be the smartest, to receive a versatile development. He managed to show his talents in time, and in the future he took place in society. For the sake of this goal, we, parents, are ready to buy up all educational games and manuals. Learn any technique. But how to choose the right ones from a huge variety?

How to develop a child at 2-3 years old at home, so that he would be interested in playing and learning, so that he would explore the world with joy?

Training "System-Vector Psychology" has the knowledge with which parents from the cradle can see the innate talents and inclinations of the baby and develop exactly what is given to him by nature.

In this article, we will consider how, taking into account the psychological characteristics of the baby, to ensure his harmonious development in different areas:

    Acquaintance with the outside world, studying the properties of objects

    Speech development

    General motor skills

    fine motor skills

    Attention and memory

    Social and household skills

How and what to captivate a child in 2-3 years

What is interesting for a child at 2-3 years old? In fact, absolutely everything! If you describe the child's psyche in one word, it will be the word "I want!". I want to live, I want to develop, I want to know the world. But the way children learn is different. They depend on those psychological qualities and talents that are given to the child from birth.

One kid explores the world by touch: he must definitely take a thing in his hands, feel, stroke, rumple. Another child has an ultra-sensitive visual analyzer, and he gets maximum pleasure from light and color. And from various benefits, it especially highlights bright, multi-colored ones. It is important for the third to hear: how the bell sounds, how the tap drips, how the bird sings - he enjoys knowing the world through quiet sounds.

An educational game for children of 2-3 years old arouses a natural interest in a child if it is based on the natural talents of the baby.

When the natural abilities of the child are taken into account - the kid will excitedly explore the world, demand from you new information, more and more. Consider on simple examples, how to do it.

Getting to know the outside world

By the age of two or three, a child's stock of knowledge about the world expands significantly. In order for this process to be a joy and the child always had an interest in it, it is important to consider:

    • Children with skin vector have a real talent for sports.

    And their body is to match: flexible, dexterous. Such a child himself aspires to high motor activity. It is important to give him that opportunity. You won’t be able to sit at home - in the summer, take a ball, skittles, jump ropes and spend more time on the street. In winter, it is important to equip a sports corner or a wall bar at home, and on the street to let the child try his hand at skating and skiing.

    Skin children strive to compete, compete, reach first places. Upon reaching a suitable age, it is reasonable to give such kids to sports sections.

      Children with a skin-visual combination of vectors are not only flexible and dexterous, but also strive for beauty and aesthetics..

    Dancing and choreography, rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating are more suitable for them.

      Toddlers with anal vector - natural couch potatoes.

    And their body is appropriate: they are often stocky, stubby, sometimes prone to fullness. This often worries parents, and they tend to send their child to a sports club early in order to develop mobility and flexibility. It is impossible to develop something that is simply not given by nature, and such a baby may suffer in these circles because he is the worst of all. The general motor skills of such a child are developed differently.

    A baby with an anal vector is very attached to habits and rituals. If you introduce daily morning exercises as a rule, it will be quite enough for such a child to maintain physical fitness in the future. You can start with suitable games with a child at 2 years old at home - when you need to perform certain actions to music or a rhyme.

    fine motor skills

    Fine motor skills are also related to the properties of the body. Babies naturally have different hands:

      Little skinners have dexterous, sensitive handles, movable fingers.

    In addition to this, nature gave them a talent for design. Therefore, in collecting various constructors and puzzles this kid is a champion. Since he learns the world through sensitive skin, for the development of a skin child at 2-3 years old, it is important to provide as many tactile sensations as possible. These are massages water procedures, modeling from plasticine or salt dough.

    You can use educational games for children 2-3 years old at home, in which you need to make crafts from cereals, colored sand. Games are suitable when, with eyes closed, the child determines the object by touch.

      Carriers of the anal vector have different handles - strong and skillful (if taught).

    Potentially, this is a master of golden hands, capable of carefully and accurately performing small actions. But this is not a task for speed, and it is not connected with tactile sensations. It’s just that a baby with an anal vector is diligent, attentive, strives to do everything with high quality and conscientiously.

    With such a child, early adopt different crafts: applique, origami, do-it-yourself soft toy, wood crafts. If a child is endowed with an anal-visual bundle of vectors, he has the talent of an artist, a sculptor. Then it is better to choose clay modeling, painting figures with acrylic paints.

    Attention and memory

      Phenomenal memory and attention to detail are the main trump cards of the anal vector carriers.

    With favorable development in the future, teachers and analysts, experts grow out of such children, the presence of additional visual or sound vectors makes it possible to become scientists, doctors. Therefore, it is important to include in classes for such children 2-3 years old,.

    It will help develop the baby's talents for finding differences between pictures, memorizing images and words. Since these kids are assiduous, they will be happy to engage in various desktop aids on this topic for a long time.

      Other vectors have their own specific memory.

    For example, tactile memory - in leather workers. They are mobile and restless, it is difficult to get their attention. But it is possible to develop in such a child a memory for tactile sensations (with children at 2-3 years old, this is the recognition of tissues or objects of various textures by touch). Based on the natural logical thinking of such a baby, you can give him tasks for memorizing logical pairs: “bed - pillow”, “house-window”, etc.

    The spectators have their own visual or eidetic memory. Therefore, for such children, it is important visual aids. When they learn to read, they will be able to visually memorize the correct spelling of words, absorb a huge amount of information through this sensor.

    Sound memory- a special gift of a sound engineer. It is easier to absorb information by ear and more subtle than other children, perceives sounds. With such kids, you can play Guess the Melody from childhood - just choose excerpts classical works. You can play the game "What sounded" - identify different sounds by ear.

    Social and household skills

    Most children 2-3 years old love games in which you can dress and undress your favorite toy, introduce toys to each other, play dialogues. You can use this to develop and reinforce your child's social skills. But it is important to know that some kids have their own characteristics in this area.

      Household skills and social interaction take longer than others to develop in small sounders.

    This is due to their nature: such a baby has the weakest connection with his own body - he is immersed in his thoughts and states. Later than the rest, he can track the desires of the body and report that he is hungry, cold or wants to go to the toilet.

    Social interaction also develops gradually and only with a favorable atmosphere in the family. Soundman is a natural introvert, loves to be alone. He will listen to others and engage in dialogue only in an atmosphere of sonic ecology. For such a child, it may be more difficult than for others, where there is a lot of noise. And yet - kindergarten necessary for his future socialization in society.

    It is important not to put off going to kindergarten - the optimal time for this is 3 years, regardless of the vectors of any baby.

      Babies with an anal vector need to be given more time to learn everyday skills.

    Since this is a child striving for quality, he fiddles with every button and lace for a long time and carefully. If you do not cut off and do not adjust it, the desire for excellence will become a strong foundation for the development of the child.

    Of particular importance for such a baby is the cleansing of the body. Let him spend as much time on the potty as he needs. It is in his case that this is the basis for future psychological well-being. If he is cut off and urged on in such an intimate process, he grows stubborn, touchy, aggressive.

      An emotional, impressionable viewer needs to be taught empathy and compassion for others as early as possible.

    You can not frighten the visual child, prohibit the expression of emotions, make fun of his tears. A child, not getting satisfaction of his natural desires, experiences suffering, even stress - this hinders his development, and difficulties arise in social adaptation.

    We have analyzed a little with examples how to develop the given talents in a child. You can learn more about what will be useful for your baby and what can harm him, how to raise him so that he grows up healthy, happy and “problem-free” at.

    The article was written based on the materials of the training " System-Vector Psychology»

The physical activity of a child at 2 years old pleases every parent. The kid is constantly on the move, he jumps, climbs, drives a ball around the house, dances to cheerful music, clearly demonstrating his excellent physical shape. The intellectual development of a 2-year-old man is moving at the same rapid pace. His vocabulary expands, logical thinking is formed, memory and attention are strengthened. The pace at which the baby will absorb new knowledge depends on the efforts of the parents.

At two years, the development of the child is aimed at learning about the world around him and his own abilities.

How to develop logical and mathematical thinking?

Logical and mathematical developmental exercises lead to the formation of logical thinking. Lessons consist of:

  • The concept of space and time. Invite your child to find the toy you have hidden. Help him by directing the search: "let's look under the bed, in the closet drawer, behind the chair, maybe our bunny hid there."
  • Ability to navigate the time of day. Closer to 3 years, the child must learn the difference between day and evening, morning and night, distinguish between such concepts as today, tomorrow, yesterday. While lulling your baby to bed, talk to him about what he did in the morning and what he did in the evening.
  • Sorting games. Take different buttons or pasta, cut out circles and squares from colored paper (the main thing is that they are not the same in size, color and shape). Sort by similarity. You can take pictures of vegetables and fruits, remind the baby that the rabbit loves vegetables, and the monkey loves fruits. We post pictures in front of the animals.
  • Simple account. Start learning not with numbers, but with concepts accessible to the baby. Count on your fingers, up the stairs. If the child is already showing his age on his fingers, offer to show how old he will be.
  • We put together puzzles and pictures. Choose for exercises simple, from 2-3-4 parts, games. The process is difficult for a 2-year-old baby, it is formed slowly, so the mother should help the baby at first.

Puzzles for kids should be very simple, so that the baby can put them together without help.
  • “A lot is not enough” - at 2 years old, the child is ready for such a concept (see also:).
  • Orientation in space. The child learns such concepts as right - left, above - below.
  • Mapping. Games with images in books or on special pictures, allowing the child to compare the action and objects: “who eats what”, “where is whose tail”, “where is whose house” (we recommend reading:).
  • Finding a figure on two grounds. Put colored paper circles in front of the baby so that among them there are two yellow, large and small, or two red squares different sizes. Ask the child to find each pair: two yellow circles or two red squares.

We study the properties of objects

One of the most important skills for a child. A person is constantly surrounded by some objects. Knowing their properties, he easily finds their application. The skill allows children to develop abstract thinking, teaches comparison, develops touch and smell. The learning process consists of remembering:

  • concepts of objects: long - short, high - low, wide - narrow;
  • warm - cold, smooth - rough, hard - soft (develops touch);
  • heavy - light;
  • identical - different (for 3 years);
  • taste and smell (helps to realize the sense of smell);
  • color characteristics of objects (helps remember color names and teaches you to distinguish colors) (we recommend reading:);
  • geometric shapes and shapes (useful for spatial thinking) (we recommend reading:).

How to develop speech?

The first block of recommendations presents cognitive exercises that contribute to the overall development of speech skills. Classes do not require special knowledge from adults, the main thing is your love and patience. Obviously, for a 2-year-old kid, it is important to do something interesting, otherwise he will not perceive the information positively. As you start learning, remember that speech is at the heart of the full development of children. Parents should:

  1. Read children's books with the baby, look at the pictures in them. Be sure to discuss the events taking place in a fairy tale or story, conduct a detailed analysis of them. Ask the little listener leading questions, praise for the correct answers.
  2. Organize puppet show. Attributes for family children's performances, buy at the store or do it yourself. You put on the first performance, then connect the baby to the action. Show how to control the puppets, entrust the role of the puppeteer to the little treasure.
  3. Develop speech breathing. Teach your child to hold their breath while exhaling. Suitable for training bubble, playing the pipe, blowing out a candle. In the summer, invite him to blow off dandelions. Breathing exercises help in saturating the body with oxygen, activate the work of the heart, nervous system, brain.
  4. Offer speech games. Complete phrase game: you tell the child the beginning of the phrase, and the child finishes it. For example: “You have green in your room…”, “Our cat loves to sleep…”.

Reading and looking at pictures together contributes to the development of the child

Children at the age of 2, whose vocabulary already has separate words, even if they are slightly distorted, will benefit from games and entertainment aimed at consolidating and expanding speech skills. Proceed as follows:

  • Ask your daughter or son simple questions about what they see in the window or what is happening outside. It does not matter that the answers are monosyllabic, the main thing is that the child wants to answer.
  • Try to discuss with the child all the events taking place in his life. Be interested in what he plays, how he ate, what toy he likes and why. Questioning will help expand the passive vocabulary of the crumbs and teach you to share your thoughts with you - this is an excellent foundation for future mutual understanding.
  • As a rule, by the age of 2, kids know the fairy tales often read to them well. Invite the child to tell them together: you start - he continues. For example: “The mouse waved its tail and the egg did what? It broke. Right!". Be sure to praise your treasure for every correct answer.
  • Fill up your baby's vocabulary with adjectives. Ask questions that begin with the word “what” more often. Your task is to encourage the child to come up with or remember the definition of an object or thing you said. It is very good if he can independently remember at least one adjective.

How to develop attention?

We keep the game content of the lessons, but direct them to the training of attention. The ability to concentrate, notice details, think about a task will help your treasure in school conditions. We offer to take the child:

  • Looking for something. You can search at home, on the street, from the window. Ask your child to point to a blue car in the parking lot or look for a squirrel in the picture. The game does not require any additional attributes and you can play it everywhere, you just need to interest the baby. Helps develop concentration.

On a walk, you can ask the child to find and show some thing, object, car, flower
  • Lay out mittens, saucers, cups, hats with a pattern. Select items in such a way that each set contains the same elements of the picture. The task of the child is to find a similar pattern on objects.
  • Construction of a house or tower according to the drawing. Buy the game from the store. Choose the product with the best simple drawing from two parts. The lesson is designed for a three-year-old child.
  • Find objects in the room or on the playground in the yard with one attribute: soft, hard, white, round. You should not rush and prompt the crumbs, let him consciously make a choice,
  • We expand the search value of the previous game. The task for the child is to find things with two identical characteristics: large and round, small and soft.

Developing gross and fine motor skills

Child psychologists strongly associate motor skills with the overall development of the child. Every movement of the crumbs works on his intellectual and speech abilities. A child of two years old can take:

  • Finger gymnastics: modeling, application, drawing.
  • A game with a frame insert.
  • Unfastening buttons, buttons, zippers. If you wish, let him learn how to fasten buttons and zippers.
  • We learn to take off and put on clothes (hats, socks, mittens).
  • Pour the water and pour the cereal using a funnel, kettle, jug, watering can (buy children's dishes).

Sensory boxes with cereals, pasta and legumes are a great development aid fine motor skills(more in the article:). Games can also be played in a single color - to consolidate it
  • Hand washing. Teaching your little one how to wash their hands. The training goes smoothly, without coercion. At the same time, we show how to open and close the tap, squeeze out of the bottle liquid soap to wash their hands.
  • Pour soapy water into a glass, give the baby a whisk to whip the water.
  • Fill the saucer with water, put in it round balls(kinder containers), give your son or daughter a spoon and ask them to catch the items. We put the removed object in a glass without water.
  • We use a pipette or an enema to collect water: we collect and pour.
  • Collect water with a sponge and wring out the sponge.
  • We take paper and a bottle. The child should strongly crumple the paper and push the resulting lump into the neck of the bottle.
  • Games with clothespins and lacing.
  • We add patterns from pasta, sticks, beans.
  • We teach a child under 3 years old to connect dots on paper with lines. We use tasks in children's books and magazines.
  • We shift small items(beads, peas) with tweezers.
  • Selection of caps for bottles and jars. We teach them to twist and unscrew.
  • We play pyramid folding, use sorters, insert frames.

Continue exploring the world

In addition to certain exercises that contribute to the intellectual development of the child, one should expand his knowledge of the world around him. Naturally, the information received should be accessible to the developing consciousness and correlated with age-related capabilities. We talk more about already familiar things, watch a video, start with animals:

  1. We study the details of animal life. Where do they live, what do they eat, what are the names of the body parts (horns, tail, hooves). We tell what a person receives from a cow or a sheep (milk, wool). Find out what their babies are called.
  2. We get acquainted with the life of birds. We will find out where they live, what they eat, what are the names of their chicks. We transfer knowledge through a conversation with a child, telling him that there are domestic and wild birds. What benefits do birds bring to a person, how do they live in the forest.
  3. Expanding knowledge about insects. An ant builds an anthill, a bee flies through flowers and collects pollen to make honey, a caterpillar feeds on leaves. The story about insects should be built in a positive way. Parents explain to the baby that all insects are alive, that they have children, that they, like us, breathe, they have their own purpose in the world around them.
  4. We observe natural phenomena (snow, rain, rainbow) and explain their appearance. Why does it rain, where do snowflakes come from.
  5. We study the trees and flowers characteristic of the area where the family lives. When walking in the park, name the trees you see. When you see a flower bed, show your son or daughter some flowers and say what they are called.
  6. We remember the names of fruits, mushrooms, vegetables, berries that we meet in Everyday life. We check if the baby remembers the names, offering to choose a pear or an apple.
  7. We understand the concepts of material, explain what the objects around us are made of (wood, metal, paper, glass, stone).

It is necessary to encourage the curiosity of the crumbs, as far as possible, giving answers to his questions. If the parents cannot explain some phenomenon, it makes sense to promise the child to return to the question later, but not to forget about it.

It will be interesting for the child to learn the names of plants that are found during a walk.

Expanding the range of concepts

The time has come to expand on topics that are understandable to children in a simple form. We give their simplest concepts, without overloading the child's attention with details. Make a summary of future classes for yourself by day in order to strictly follow the plan. What topics to take for classes:

  • shop;
  • doctor, hospital;
  • family;
  • transport;
  • marine world (seas, oceans, ships);
  • railway (trains, rails, driver, wagon);
  • aquarium (fish, life of the underwater world, observation of the inhabitants of the aquarium);
  • city.

We supplement the knowledge of the world with information about a person and his activities, explore the world household appliances Let's get to know the professions. Take the following topics for discussion:

  • Labor activity of a person. We teach to understand what a person is doing: mom sweeps the floor, washes dishes, dad repairs the faucet. We cultivate respect for the work of others.
  • We study man. We teach parts of the body, talk about health and personal hygiene, explain its importance.
  • Getting to know home household appliances explaining its purpose. We talk about the correct handling of it, with cutlery, point out the dangers.
  • Let's get to know the professions. We combine the topic with the study of other topics. For example, transport is a driver, a hospital is a doctor.
  • Parents planning to take their baby to kindergarten should prepare him for new circumstances by playing the situation of parting with his mother, sleeping in another house, meeting the teacher in a playful way.

Days of acquaintance with professions are often held in kindergartens and schools, but nothing prevents parents from discussing this issue with the kids earlier

What helps intellectual development?

Our world is multifaceted, it has music and painting, theater and ballet. Art is an important developmental tool for the formation of children's intellectual abilities. The child needs to know and feel:

  • Music. Listen with your treasure to classical works that enlighten the soul and consciousness. Accompany the audition interesting stories, fairy tales. Children love funny children's songs, they memorize the words with pleasure and begin to sing along. Use the Zheleznovs' program, teaching the baby logorhythm, encourage his attempts to dance.
  • Drawing. The art of the 2-year-old master is far from perfect, but these are no longer kalyaki-balyaki. Children at this age are able to consciously draw circles and lines, they make attempts to portray loved ones, themselves. They try to paint over the pictures without going beyond the edges of the image. Take part in the work of a little person, draw a circle and invite him to continue the drawing to make the sun. You can draw a girl and balls above her, let the baby finish the ropes to the balls. Use finger paints for drawing.
  • Role-playing games. A great option for intellectual activities with children. Kids themselves are happy to come up with the plots of such games: they play in the store, treat dolls. Your participation in the action should be minimal, you can pretend to be sick or buy something in the store, but the child has the main role. If there are older children in your family, have them help you teach your brother or sister.

Arrange for children themed weeks dedicated to the study of a particular topic. Fill their spiritual world with music and painting. Constantly engage in a discussion of events and situations occurring around him. Consider the preferences of your child, act gently, without prodding and orders, get your child interested in activities, turning them into a game.

At the age of two, the child becomes a full-fledged interlocutor, an active and mobile researcher of the world around him. Educational games for children 2 years old are a good help in learning new things.

Knowledge and skills of a two-year-old child

Every child is special and develops individually. Therefore, it is impossible to compare the level of skills of a toddler and his peers. One child succeeds in physical activity, the other successfully demonstrates creative inclinations. However, an approximate list of skills that a child has at the age of two still exists.

  • The musculoskeletal system. The baby already knows how to walk, run, jump, walk backwards, balance on narrow section roads, move up and down the stairs, kick the ball.
  • Hand motor skills. The child builds pyramids, knows how to handle scissors, draws "kalyaki".
  • Thinking, perception, memory, speech. The kid dances to the beat of the melody, is able to perform an algorithm of up to 3 actions, fulfills requests, tells poems and fairy tales. The vocabulary of a toddler is small: 150-300 words. He speaks in short sentences.
  • Socialization. The child actively interacts with the outside world: he washes his hands, almost dresses himself, eats with a spoon, drinks from a mug, sits on the potty, helps his parents, tries to communicate with other children.

If your two-year-old toddler is not yet ready to perform all of the above, do not panic. Just focus more on working on identified knowledge gaps. At this age, children grasp any material on the fly, a few lessons are enough.

Favorite games for 2 year olds

It is easy to come up with a fascinating activity - it is enough to take into account the interests of children of this age. At the same time, the games of boys are not much different from the games of girls.

Among the most common developmental for 2 years, the following can be distinguished.

  • Ball game. You can play with the ball not only on the street, but also at home. We roll the ball to each other, gradually adding toss. Over time, simple movements will develop into an edible-inedible game.
  • Climbing. Toddlers love to overcome obstacles, ride downhill, climb stairs. If there is no Swedish wall at home, the kid will throw out energy on the playground in the yard.
  • Finger games. The child draws with his hands, paints and pencils, sculpts from plasticine, cuts out applications with his own hands.
  • Role-playing games. Games with adults, such as “Mothers and Daughters”, “Hospital”, “Shop”, help develop speech and maintain the right emotional contact with mom.
  • Games with cubes, pyramids. Such games develop coordination, fine motor skills of hands, logical thinking.
  • Mom's helper. Children of the third year of life love to take part in everyday activities, copying the actions of their parents.

Psychologists are convinced that it is not the nature of the game that is important for the child, but the participation of loved ones in it. The kid is just learning to be independent, he still feels more comfortable next to mom and dad.

Classes according to age

Child development is a continuous process. Its success is ensured by the active participation of parents in the conduct of classes, games and exercises. At impromptu lessons, the child expands his vocabulary, forms perception, logic, memory and attention, develops creative abilities, trains strength and endurance. The main conditions for conducting classes are the good mood of the baby and a strict time frame (10 minutes).

Any task is performed in a relaxed game form. You can not force the baby to learn, you can only motivate him with new entertainment.

  • For increase vocabulary kids need to read more. Reading should be clear and intelligible. The intonation is smooth, but not monotonous. Engage your child in conversation while reading. For example: “The dog is drawn. The dog is running. Vanechka, where is the dog running? The same technique is used when watching a cartoon on TV or on a computer.
  • For development speeches perform articulation exercises. Such gymnastics can be combined with exercises during a delay speech development(ZRR) prescribed by the attending physician. In case of lagging behind peers, misunderstanding exercises are used (the parent pretends not to understand the baby's gestures, forcing him to pronounce words) and games for the development of fine motor skills of the hands.
  • Basics arithmetic and geometry laid at the age of two years. Start by learning shapes from simple to complex. Then master counting to 10. For example: "Look, here are 2 yellow triangles and 1 red square." The kid will get to know colors. Use 3-4 colors. When the child ceases to get confused in them, proceed to the study of additional shades. So, playing with cubes, offer to serve you the one that of blue color. To consolidate the result, sort the toys by color with the toddler. Don't make them name. the main task- create a correspondence between the visual image and the sound shell of the word. The next step is to study the dimensions. The child will learn to determine whether a large, medium or small car has passed.
  • For improvement memory suitable games with the permutation and disappearance of toys. Ask the kid to return everything back or determine what has changed.
  • Creative pursuits form imagination. Don't limit your child's activities. Let him draw or mold from plasticine and dough the figure that he came up with. This is how he expresses himself.
  • Along with classical activities, you can add a touch of creativity to aesthetic development baby. Try to introduce him to blotography - painting with paints using stones. A bizarre stone is dipped into paint and applied to paper. The kid is trying to show imagination and determine what this trace looks like. Drawing with paraffin at first does not arouse interest, because there are no traces of children's art in the picture. But one has only to cover the paper with watercolor, as a full-fledged drawing appears.
  • Educational programs for children should include and motor activity. Physical exercises develop dexterity, good coordination, strengthen health. Do morning exercises at home, run more outside and play outdoor games.
  • For development sense of music and rhythm Include themed children's songs and classical compositions for your child. Melodies encourage the baby to dance. Learn some simple and fun moves.

At 2 years old, the child already knows the main animals, some plants, seasons, the names of a number of objects. The task of any auxiliary material is to continue the development that has begun, to expand the child's horizons.

Books for a 2-year-old child are divided into several types:

  • fairy tales;
  • poems;
  • stories about nature;
  • developmental books.

It is worth talking about the latter in more detail. Today, the shelves of bookstores surprise with a variety of educational toys for the little ones. We bring to your attention a list of the most popular of them.

  • "Smart books" from the author Olga Zemtsova delight parents at an affordable price. The series is aimed at developing horizons, intellectual and creative abilities. The age of children is from 1 to 6 years. In addition to thin magazines, there are massive books in the series.
  • "Preschool Mosaic"- the second widely known creation of Olga Zemtsova. Advantage - bright design and the presence of stickers with tasks. Age for training - from 2 to 6 years.
  • "School of the Seven Dwarfs"- the most popular publication for the development of kids, created by recognized educators and psychologists. Age ranges from birth to school entry. The annual course consists of 12 brochures with didactic games for the complex development of the child in accordance with age.
  • "New Baby - Genius from the Diaper" author Elena Yanushko is a reusable album for creativity.

Examples of educational games

Play these games with your toddler and you will see the benefits after just a few sessions.

  • "Matryoshkas". Sort the nesting dolls by color and size. Give them names. Discuss with your child how Masha's nesting dolls differ from Tanya's nesting dolls. Ask what color they are, which one is larger. Mix the toys. Try to restore the logical series.
  • "Beads". Before the game, we perform a blank: we string pasta on a thread and tie its two ends. Get beads. We show the technique of making the baby and offer to make the same necklace.
  • "Topotushki". Mom pats the child’s body with the pads of her fingers from head to toe, reading the verse:

Two pretty piggies

They took the stomp at once,

And they went for a walk,

Run, jump more fun!

In parallel, she names the parts of the body on which she slaps. The baby will definitely try to "repeat the route."

  • "Apples". Put 3 apples on the table. Count them together. Ask the child to close their eyes and hide 1 apple. Ask the baby how many apples are missing and how many are left.
  • "Shop". Say that the tractor needs to take only circles to one store, and only squares to another (or red toys to one, green to the other). Load the car with toys of the same shape or color and take them to the store.

The imagination of children and their parents is limitless. When inventing interesting and varied educational games, do not forget that you should not overwork the child or give him too difficult tasks.

Adaptation period - a serious test for babies 2-3 years of age. Stress reactions caused by adaptation disrupt the emotional state of the baby for a long time. Therefore, our classes will help the baby quickly adapt to kindergarten.



MADOU DSCV "Fairy Tale"

Classes with children 2-3 years old

in the period of adaptation to a preschool institution

Educational psychologist

Smolich A.I.



  • Development of the ability to act according to the rules of the game;
  • Development of coordination of movements, general and fine motor skills, sensory;
  • Development of attention, speech and imagination.


Bibabo toy "Bunny", large beans in a gift box, small toys, soap bubbles, salty dough, cardboard.

Lesson progress:

1. Children sit on chairs in the play area. The psychologist pretends to listen, takes out a bee-ba-bo toy:

Oh! Who is running to visit us, in a hurry? Look who is it? Bunny. What bunny? Small, soft, fluffy.

Bunny, bunny,

little bunny,

coward bunny,

And let's show the bunny how good we are, and so that he is not afraid of us, we will greet him and say our names.

Each in turn greets the bunny, calls his name.

Bunny brought a gift for you.

The psychologist takes out a gift box, shakes it. Each child taps on the lid of the box with his finger with the words: “knock-knock-knock”. The box opens and the children see its contents.

What is this? Grains. How many? A lot of. Now our pens will play with grains, and the bunny will hide gifts for us in a box.

The psychologist demonstrates how children should play with grains, picking them up in their fists and pouring them back into the box (imitation of the fact that we knead the dough). The psychologist says:

Knead, knead the dough

There is a place in the oven

Will be, will be from the oven

Buns and cookies.

Each child takes turns playing with the seeds, after which the psychologist buries one small toy deep for each. Children find a surprise. When everyone has completed the exercise, the toys are again hidden in the grains by the children themselves.

2. - For the fact that you are such good fellows, the bunny has prepared another gift for you - soap bubbles. How do we catch bubbles? Two handles.

Children go out on the mat, catch bubbles, then each one blows them in turn.

3. After that, the children sit down at the table and play with salt dough.

The bunny is so good, he gave us so many gifts. Let's give him something, shall we? Let's bake him a cake.

Children examine and touch the dough. The psychologist then distributes a piece to each.

What dough? Sticky, soft. And let's knead our dough with you (again we say the nursery rhyme “Knead, knead the dough”). And now we will roll the sausage (I roll, I roll - I get the sausage). What a beautiful, long sausage we got! And now let's turn it into a bun. To do this, you and I again need to knead the dough, put it on the table and roll (I roll, I roll - I get a bun). What a beautiful bun, let's put it on a plate (the psychologist distributes cardboard circles) and press it down with the palm of our hand. It turned out to be a beautiful, round cake. And now we will decorate our cake with grains (the psychologist distributes large beans to the children and they hide them in the dough). And now let's sign your work (each child tells the psychologist who made the cake and the psychologist signs it).

Now let's say goodbye to our bunny. Tomorrow he will come to visit you again. Let's go wash our hands.



  • Removal of emotional stress, development of empathy;
  • Development of fine motor skills and speech;


Bibabo toy "Bunny", plastic buckets with slots in the lid (the muzzles of cartoon characters are painted on the lids), small wooden circles, squares, rectangles (a manual from the cash register of numbers and counting material), cups, soap bubbles, plasticine and jars cut out of paper.

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. The bibabo bunny comes to visit again. Children say who it is. Let's remember the verse:

Bunny, bunny,

little bunny,

Long ears (put hands to head),

Quick feet (stomp your feet on the floor).

coward bunny,

You are afraid of children (cover your face with your palms)!

What bunny? Soft and fluffy. What is it with a bunny? Head. What does a bunny have on its head? Ears, eyes, nose, mouth. What ears? Long. What is it? Tail. What tail? Short.

Each child examines the bunny and stroke it, saying: "Soft, fluffy."

Our bunny is sad, the bunny is crying. His friends got sick. They have a sore throat, head, they sneeze and cough. Let's help the bunny and his friends. We will treat them - treat them with vitamins.

The psychologist gives each child a bucket, a cup filled with circles, squares and rectangles.

Look, kids, there are vitamins in this cup. What are they? Different. We need to take ONE vitamin and put it in the mouth of our bunny's friends. Then take another one and put it in your mouth again. And so on until all the vitamins run out. What good fellows you all are! We coped with the task - cured our bunny's friends. That's why they want to play with you.

2. Children go out on the mat, catch bubbles, then each one blows them in turn.

3. - And now let's do exercises together with the bunny.

Bunny gray sits

And he moves his ears (squat down and put his hands to his head).

It's cold for a bunny to sit

We need to warm up the paws (get up and clap your hands).

It's cold for a bunny to stand

It is necessary for the bunny to jump (we jump).

Someone scared the bunny -

Bunny - jump and run away (run in a circle)!

4. - Oh, what a funny bunny. And let's, so that no one else gets sick, we will make a jar of vitamins. We will roll small balls of plasticine and put them in our jar.

Children sit at the table? The psychologist distributes to each a jar cut out of paper and small pieces of plasticine.

We take ONE a piece of plasticine, put it on the palm of your hand and roll a round bun. We roll, we roll - we get a bun. Now we take our round bun and sculpt it on a jar. Top! Well done! What a beautiful jar of multi-colored vitamins you have turned out to be. We say goodbye to our bunny and his friends and go to wash our hands.



  • Creating a positive emotional mood in the group;
  • Development of fine motor skills, memory, attention and figurative thinking;
  • The development of speech, sensory;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


Bibabo toy "Bunny", magic bag, banana, orange, pear, soap bubbles, picture of a banana, yellow colored paper cut into squares, glue.

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. The bunny comes to visit again. The beginning of the lesson is the same as 8.10.13 (repetition). The children greeted the bunny, examined it, remembered the verse.

Bunny brought you a gift - a magic bag. Is there something hidden in it? Let's see what's inside?

Children take turns taking fruits out of the bag, examining them, touching them, and calling signs.

What is this? Banana. What banana? Long, yellow, tasty. And what's that? Orange. What orange? big, round, orange color, fragrant (the psychologist slightly scratches the peel and gives the children a sniff). And what's that? Pear. What pear? Firm, green, sweet, triangular in shape.

Fruits are hidden in a bag. The psychologist asks each child in turn to get one or another fruit from the bag.

Get me, Vasilisa, a long, yellow banana. Diamond, get a big, round orange. Arseniy, find a solid, triangular pear in the bag. Well done! You are so smart that the bunny wants to play with you.

2. Children go out on the mat, catch / blow soap bubbles, do exercises with a bunny (review, see lesson from 10/8/13).

3. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist hands out a picture of a banana. Lubricates it with a glue stick and distributes yellow colored paper cut into squares to the children.

What is this? Banana. What banana? Long, yellow, delicious. Now we will make a beautiful, long, yellow banana and give it to our mothers. We smear the index finger in the glue, catch a small square with this finger and glue it on the banana.

Children sit down at the table and make the application "Banana".

What good fellows you are! You have beautiful bananas. Let's say goodbye to our bunny and go wash our hands.



  • Removal of emotional and muscular tension;
  • Development of fine motor skills, speech, sensory;
  • Development of sensory perception;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


Big bibabo toy "Bunny", a beautiful jar or box, jumping balls according to the number of children + 1 for a psychologist, sand, a tray, a towel, soap bubbles, yellow paint, a picture of a ball, poke (a stick with a sponge at the end).

Lesson progress:

1. Children are sitting at the table. Bibabo bunny dad comes to visit. Children examine him, greet him in turn, remember the verse (see lesson from 10/8/13, repetition).

The psychologist takes out a closed beautiful jar/box with bouncing balls and shakes it.

Papa hare brought gifts for us. Oh! What is it that makes such a noise. Let's watch it quickly (each child takes turns tapping the lid with his finger with the words: “Knock-knock-knock”, the psychologist opens the jar)! What is this? Balls. How many balls? A lot of. What are the balls? Various round. Zakir, take ONE the most beautiful ball and hold it tightly in your hand (distribute to everyone). Now we put the ball on the table, put our palm on it and roll the ball.

I roll it back and forth (we roll the ball back and forth).

Right, left, as I want (roll right, left)!

I don't let go

I’m playing with the ball now (we roll the ball from one hand to the other on the table).

Now the other pen is playing with the ball. Well done! Rolled the ball well. Now raise the handle with the ball up high.

I shake the ball strongly (squeeze, unclench the fist),

And I will change the palm (we shift the ball to the other hand, repeat the exercise).

2. The psychologist takes out a tray of sand covered with a towel. We take off the towel and show what lies on the tray.

The kids played so well with balls that the hare father decided to surprise you. What is this? Sand. Let's play with our hands. How much sand? A lot of. What is he doing? It spills. Now we will draw on our sand. We showed the index finger, with this finger we will draw a round ball.

The psychologist demonstrates how to play with sand, picks it up and pours it back out, then draws a circle and gives each child in turn to do the same.

Well done! You played so well with the sand and painted that the hare dad wants to do exercises with you and blow soap bubbles.

3. Children go out on the mat, catch/blow soap bubbles, do exercises with dad-hare (repetition, see lesson from 10/8/13).

4. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist distributes pictures with the image of a ball, poke, dipped in yellow paint.

What is this? Ball. What ball? Big, round. Now we will paint our ball with paint. What color is this paint? Yellow like the sun. Let's take our magic brush in our right hand and use it to “stomp” on our ball. Like this - top, top, top (we color the drawing within the contour by priming). Well done! Now we say goodbye to dad-hare and go wash our hands.



  • Creating a positive emotional mood in the group;
  • Development of sensory perception;
  • To consolidate knowledge about a geometric figure - a circle;
  • To fix the concept of "same";
  • Development of the ability to coordinate their actions with the actions of other children, with the rules of the game, with the rhythm of the verse;
  • Consolidation of spatial representations;
  • Development of fine motor skills, speech;
  • Development of the respiratory system;
  • Reduction of excessive motor activity;
  • Development of the ability to listen and hear the instructions of the teacher-psychologist.


Doll, pictures depicting a thread with beads according to the number of children, circles from a set of numbers and counting material corresponding to the number of beads in the pictures, a beautiful jar / box, bouncing balls, soap bubbles, plasticine, pictures depicting a thread for beads (for creativity ).

Lesson progress:

1. The psychologist shows the doll.

Look, guys, who came to visit us today. Who is this? Doll. What doll? Beautiful, elegant, big. Let's say hello to our doll (children take turns greeting her by the hand).

Who doesn't know this doll?

You won't find a better doll!

Eyes immediately open

Just take it in your hands.

I will put beads on the doll

I will sew a new dress.

Don't take me to grandma

In my old doll.

Children examine the doll, show and name parts of the body.

Our doll is sad, she cries. The doll's beads are broken. Can we help our doll? Shall we make her some new beads? These are the beads I have (the psychologist distributes pictures with beads and circles), and I also have these beads. What are they? Round, small. How many? A lot of. We take ONE bead and look for a round house for it in the picture. Now we take more ONE a bead and look for a round house for it, and so on until the beads and houses for them run out. What good fellows you are! We made new, beautiful beads for our doll! For this, she has prepared gifts for you.

2. The psychologist takes out a box with bouncing balls (review, see lesson from 10/10/13).

Well done! You played so well with balls that the doll wants to do exercises with you and blow soap bubbles.

3. Children go out on the mat, catch / blow soap bubbles, do exercises (review, see lesson from 10/8/13).

4. Children sit down at the table. The psychologist takes out pictures with the image of a string for beads and small pieces of plasticine.

And now let's make gifts for our mothers. Look carefully at the leaves, strings are drawn on them. Show me, Arslan, where the thread is drawn on your leaf. We take with you ONE a piece of plasticine, put it on the palm of your hand and roll the bun. We roll, we roll - we get a bun. What a beautiful, round bun turned out. Now we sculpt our round bead on a thread. We take more ONE a piece, roll it on the palm of your hand again and sculpt it on our thread and so on until the place runs out on the thread. Well done! What beautiful beads you made for moms! We say goodbye to the doll. And let's go wash our hands.

At the age of 2-3 years, the child makes a significant breakthrough in development, moving from the state of a baby to a period of younger preschool age. Psychologists believe that the knowledge and skills laid down at this time form the basis of all subsequent development of the child.

Purposeful classes will help to form such useful qualities as an interest in obtaining knowledge, creativity, stimulate thinking, attention stability, develop speech.

What to look out for

Many parents prefer not to take their children to development centers, but to study at home. This is possible if the child does not have any disorders that would require correction by a specialist.

What should a child be able to do at 2-3 years old:

  1. Understand and fulfill requests consisting of 2-3 follow-up actions.
  2. Draw pictures, collect cubes and constructor by age.
  3. Know and name body parts.
  4. Use simple sentences of several words in speech. At the same time, by the age of three, they should have mastered and complex structures offers.
  5. Know everyday vocabulary, have an active vocabulary of more than 1000 words.
  6. Be able to maintain attention for some time, performing simple tasks.

Rules for conducting developmental classes in 2-3 years

  • All "lessons" should be in the form of a game. At this age, play is a natural activity for a child.
  • Frequent change of activities is mandatory, so it is still difficult for children to do one thing for a long time. Do not demand perseverance from your child - you have painted, now you can run.
  • Classes should last no more than 15-20 minutes. If something is not completed - the picture is not completed or the puzzle is not completed, help the child. Thus, you show how important it is to get a result.
  • Be sure to praise and encourage your “student”. It doesn't matter that the plasticine hare looks more like a bear! The main thing is that the child tried, tried something new.
  • More about developing.

Exemplary games for educational activities

For the formation of correct speech breathing:

  • We blow a snowflake. Put a light piece of cotton wool on the child’s palm and invite him to blow so that the “snowflake” flies away. You can play "football" by blowing a cotton ball into the goal.
  • Children love to blow out candle flames. Of course, this can only be done with parents.
  • Don't forget to smell the flowers. Sometimes children confuse the processes of inhalation and exhalation, develop automatism.

Articulation gymnastics will help in correct staging sounds. The tongue can brush your teeth, lick imaginary ice cream from your lips, roll up into a tube, depict a cup, click like a horse, etc.

Read more to your child to develop vocabulary. Look at the pictures and ask questions about them. Let the child try to tell himself what he sees and what is happening in the image.

Learn short nursery rhymes- it perfectly develops memory and speech.

The development of general motor skills is facilitated by outdoor games and logorhythmics.. Pick up verses that describe any movements, and invite the child to show them. One of the options is the song of little ducklings. Dance together!

Be sure to take the time to develop fine motor skills:

  • Creative activities - drawing, modeling, applique.
  • Lacing games.
  • Finger painting on groats, picking peas and beans (remember Cinderella, who had to pick peas from lentils before she could go to the ball).

The Magic Bag Game Develops Sensory Experiences and will help in teaching the child the basics of logic, the study of geometric shapes, the development of speech. Put different toys in the bag. The child must recognize them by touch and name them. Help him explain how he reasoned - for example, a cucumber is long, oval, an orange is round, etc.

Toys will help you develop logical thinking in your child and do a little math:

  • "More less". From the cubes make a long "train" for the dolls. Plant them near the wagons. Will all dolls be able to visit? What if there are more of them than there are cars on the train? How many trailers do you need to add to have enough space for everyone?
  • "Pick a couple." Toy dishes or even real ones will do. The child must choose a suitable lid for each pan. (It is not necessary to take dishes. Use boxes, caskets). A similar principle applies to sorter toys, in which you need to choose a figure that fits a specific hole.
  • Who eats what. Invite the toys to dinner. It is necessary to treat everyone with the food that suits him in nature.

For the development of a child at this age, it is not at all necessary to organize special classes. Everything can be taught in the process of games, walks and ordinary everyday communication. Talk more, ask questions, encourage conversation, new “discoveries”. Playing the well-known "Ladushki" in everything, you develop coordination of movements and attentiveness in your baby, building a tower of their cubes - you stimulate logical thinking and spatial imagination. Don't miss the opportunity to play and chat! Thus, you help your child grow and develop, laying the foundation for his intellectual abilities.