In a private house      12/11/2021

Can everything be smeared with oil, the queen? Blessed oil is a source of spiritual strength and a means of bodily healing. People's love for the image of the All-Tsarina is growing, the number of temples in Her honor is increasing

You probably know that there are a large number of icons of the Mother of God. But there are some images of the Mother of God that stand out from the crowd due to their amazing healing properties. One of the images of this kind is the “Tsaritsa” icon, about the magic of which I invite you to talk further.

The divine face of the Mother of God, found under the name “All-Tsarina” (in the Greek version “Pantanassa”) can be found on Holy Mount Athos next to the north-eastern column of the cathedral church of the Vatopedi Monastery, on the left side of the royal gate.

The icon is distinguished by its miniature dimensions and, according to legend, the Athonite elder Hesychast gave his blessing and passed it on to his followers. The appearance dates back to the seventeenth century.

The sacred object shows us the Most Pure Mother of God, dressed in crimson robes, who sits on the imperial throne. In her hands she holds the Infant Jesus, whose left hand is holding a scroll, and his right hand is expressing a blessing gesture.

The Virgin points to her Son with her right hand, making it clear that he is the Savior of the whole world. In the background background one can observe the image of two angelic beings, benevolently overshadowing the Holy Virgin with their wings.

The icon of the Mother of God, the All-Tsarina, is revered both by the inhabitants of Athos and far from its borders. This icon is capable of healing people who have been diagnosed with oncology - the most terrible modern pathology. There are a huge number of cases about cancer patients whose illness left them after they prayed at the face of the All-Tsaritsa. The icon also allows you to get rid of the passion to practice magic, eliminates adolescents’ dependence on alcohol and drugs.

The meaning of the All-Tsaritsa icon, what it helps with

The miraculous icon was bequeathed by the Athonite elder Joseph the Hesychast to his followers on Mount Athos.

The icon of the Holy Virgin Mary “The Tsaritsa” (also called “Pantanassa”) has significant significance for all adherents of the Christian religion and simply Orthodox people.

  • there are known cases of miraculous healings of people who suffered from severe pathologies;
  • the image has the ability to motivate people to quit engaging in sinful activities (magic, blasphemy);
  • in addition, the Holy Mother of God is able to guide a person on the right path in life, strengthens faith and allows him to be consoled from problems;
  • the main healing property of the icon is the elimination of oncological pathologies. Of course, in order for the power of the face to really manifest itself, you will need faith and a very strong one at that. Only with the help of sincere faith and prayer can you get rid of any ailments.

The image of the icon of the All-Tsarina Pantanassa is also given the name “All-Sovereign,” based on which her real powerful power becomes clear.

Stories of amazing healing with the help of the face of the All-Tsarina

The first time people observed the impressive power of the image of the Virgin Mary was many years ago. Elder Joseph the Hesychast spoke about this amazing incident that took place near the face of the described icon. One day, a young man entered the church and wanted to bow to the icon, but suddenly the face of the Mother of God flared up like lightning, and the young man was thrown to the ground by an invisible force.

When he got up, he tearfully repented and told the priests that he did not adhere to a righteous lifestyle and practiced occultism. Even the very purpose of his visit to the Vatopedi monastery was to test the power of his magic on sacred images. But under the influence of the miraculous intervention of the Mother of God, the young man forever lost interest in magic, radically changed his life and turned into a God-fearing person.

People from all over the globe strive to see this miraculous icon with their own eyes and bow to it. And the fact that the image allows you to get rid of cancer is known from a huge number of facts confirmed by doctors. I propose to talk further about them in more detail:

  • This story took place in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra. A girl who had lost her sight approached the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos with prayer because her optic nerve was affected by cancer. She turned to the icon for help for several days and finally her fervent requests were heard - miraculously, her vision returned to her, although the doctors said that there was no chance of this.
  • If you are interested in where you can find the icon of the All-Tsaritsa in Moscow, then I draw your attention to the fact that in 1995, Archimandrite Ephraim blessed the painting of an exact copy of the face of the Mother of God. This list was delivered to Moscow at the request of the Relief Society, headed by John of Kronstadt (located at the children's oncology hospital). Since then, many children began to feel much better.

And after another couple of months, by Christmas, the face of the Mother of God began to stand out to the world; only a couple of droplets appeared on it, giving everything around an excellent fragrance. The repeated myrrh-streaming took place on the occasion of the Entry of the Holy Mother of God into the Temple.

  • Another amazing miracle given by the icon of the Mother of God in Russian Federation was to heal the young man, long time suffering from drug addiction. Subsequently, he was able to completely abandon his addiction and returned to normal life.

What requests can you make to the icon of the Virgin Mary?

In the chronicle of amazing healings through prayers to the sacred image of the Virgin Mary, renewed confirmations of divine mercy systematically appear to all people who turned to her for help.

In particular, the Most Pure Mother of God is most often asked to provide the following help:

  • heal from cancer and other serious pathologies;
  • eliminate a person's dependence on bad habits– alcohol and drugs;
  • drive out demons, remove obsession, provide protection from everything witchcraft and related to magic;
  • parents ask for help for their children, so that the Holy Mother of God will guide them on the right path, pleasing to the Creator.

You can find out what kind of prayer you can turn to the Virgin Mary at the end of the article by watching a video offering a prayer to the Mother of God. In the meantime, let's find out where you can find the face of the All-Tsarina on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The image of the All-Tsarina Pantanassa in Russia

We have already said before that in Russia the face of the Mother of God bears the glory of an icon, to which people turn for help in healing from cancer pathologies. By the way, cancer is not a new phenomenon at all (as many people think), ancient papyri of Ancient Egypt from 1600 BC tell about it, telling about all the horrors of this severe pathology. Already in those distant times, oncology affected both the adult population and children.

In 1991, in Moscow, at the Children's Oncology Hospital (located on Kashirskoe Highway), one girl noted the appearance of an amazing glow from the “Vsetsaritsa” icon). She told doctors and her family about this phenomenon.

Of course, this news was received very skeptically by adults, until the light was noticed by other small patients in the ward. And then even the adults saw him. Surprisingly, after this the girl’s serious illness began to gradually recover. Parents and doctors could not find an explanation for such an amazing event.

And a little later, the Community of Mercy at the Children's Oncology Hospital in Moscow created the first list of the face of the “Vsetsaritsa”. The abbot of the Vatopedi monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, gave her his blessing, and the image itself was painted by a Russian icon painter, one of the Vatopedi brotherhood.

Since then, prayers have been said at the icon for sick children and their relatives. And it was in this hospital that a very large number of people were able to receive magical, impressive support from the Higher Powers.

Soon the amazing face was transferred to the Church of All Saints (located in Krasnoe Selo), which is now called the Alekseevsky Monastery. But the image of “Pantanassa” is still often brought back to the Cancer Hospital to perform the service of prayers.

Icon of the All-Tsaritsa where it is located in Moscow

If you live in the city of Moscow and would like to pray at the icon of the All-Tsarina, then we advise you to visit, first of all, the Alekseevsky Monastery, and also the Novopasssky Monastery and the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

In the last temple, a list with an icon appeared in 2005 - it was presented to the temple by parishioners who returned from a pilgrimage to the sacred Mount Athos. Since then, prayers with an akathist have been performed here periodically - once a month on Tuesday.

In the Novopassky Monastery, the list from the face of the “Vsetsaritsa” appeared in 1997. In 2000, a miracle happened - the icon began to stream myrrh, after which evidence began to appear telling about amazing healings. In the temple, an akathist is read every day before the miraculous face, and a prayer service is held every Sunday.

As for the Alekseevsky Monastery (located in Krasnoe Selo), prayers with an akathist at the face of the “Vsetsaritsa” are performed once a week on Sundays at half past four in the evening. If there is a big holiday on Monday, prayer begins at three o’clock in the afternoon.

Now you know the meaning of the icon of the Mother of God the Tsaritsa, as well as where it can be found in Russia, in particular in Moscow.

In conclusion, watch a thematic video with a prayer to the face of the All-Tsarina:

Athos shrine

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, called “The All-Tsarina” (that is, “The All-Mistress”, “The All-Mistress”), was painted in the 17th century and is located on Athos, in one of the ancient Greek monasteries - Vatopedi. Already at that time, the monks began to notice that prayer in front of this image of the Mother of God brought relief and healing.

The first miracle of “The Tsaritsa” was the deliverance of one person from sorcery.

An amazed witness of this healing, the monk Vatopeda made the first copy of the “healing” icon.” Over time, this image of the Virgin Mary became known throughout the world.

People of different faiths came to the “Vsetsaritsa”, but everyone prayed - begged for healing.

Here are just a few cases of help from the miraculous icon that have already occurred in our time.

“A Muslim family came from Turkey to Greece for examination: their five-year-old son felt worse and worse, lost consciousness, and was out of breath while walking quickly. Doctors detected a murmur in the heart, warning that it might not withstand the slightest increase in physical activity. On the phone, the boy's father "accidentally" saw a program about miraculous icons oh Mount Athos, among which was the “Vsetsaritsa”. He made inquiries on the Internet and came with his son to the Vatopedi Monastery. The priests of the monastery led them to the icon, where the father of the sick child fervently prayed in his own words. The next examination revealed that the child was completely healthy. Father and son returned to Vatopedi and were baptized there.”

In Russia, the image of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” is known as an icon that is prayed to “for cancer.” This disease, by the way, is not new at all, but was known back in the days of the Ancient Egyptian papyri of 1600 BC, which talk about what a serious illness it is. Even then, both adults and children suffered from cancer.

How “The Tsaritsa” ended up in Moscow

In 1991, at the Moscow Children's Oncology Center on Kashirskoye Shosse, a little patient noticed that light was shining from the “Vsetsaritsa” icon (a small paper image). She told doctors and parents about this.

The adults nodded their heads in disbelief until the glow was noticed by other children in the ward.

And soon some of the adults will too. The girl’s incurable illness began to respond to treatment. Parents and doctors were all shocked.

A little later, on the initiative of the Community of Mercy in honor of St. John of Kronstadt at the Moscow Children's Oncology Center, the first copy of the “Vse Tsarina” icon was made. With the blessing of the rector of the Vatopedi monastery, Archimandrite Ephraim, the image was painted by a Russian icon painter, who was one of the brethren of Vatopedi.

Prayers for sick children and their parents began to be served in front of the icon.

It was at the Oncology Center that miraculous help was provided to many suffering people.

Soon it was decided to transfer the miraculous image to the Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo (now Alekseevsky Monastery). But the image of the “All-Tsarina” is regularly brought back to the Oncology Center for prayer services.


Cases of healing and help from the image of the “Vsetsaritsa” in the Church of All Saints in Krasnoe Selo of the Alekseevsky Monastery are collected and carefully examined. Here are some such evidence:

One of the parishioners of the temple in Krasnoye Selo wrote to its rector: “Having visited the temple in April 2003, I bought holy oil from the icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina.” She anointed her eye in several places and prayed to the Mother of God. Improvement occurred within half an hour, then I fell asleep. Through prayers and through the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord healed my eye.”

“A middle-aged man was diagnosed with liver cancer. Doctors refused to perform the operation. He began to go to the Church of All Saints every day for a prayer service to the “Vse Tsarina.” After some time he felt better, he underwent repeated examinations, and it turned out that there was no cancer.”

“My father was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer with metastases in the lungs,” writes Svetlana. - From acquaintances and friends, his wife learned about the miraculous icon “The Tsaritsa.” She came to the evening service and prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos and read the akathist. Then, for a week, every day I read the akathist at home in front of the purchased icon “The Tsaritsa” and prayed to it. And a miracle happened: the doctors, preparing my father for a serious operation, did not find any cancerous tumor, and the dark spots in the lungs turned out to be not metastases, but traces of a smoker’s bronchitis. The doctors’ conclusion is a scarring, healing stomach ulcer.”

Where to pray before the “Vsetsaritsa” in Moscow

In Moscow, you can venerate the image of the Most Holy Theotokos “Vsetsaritsa” in the Alekseevsky Monastery (Church of All Saints), in the Novospassky Monastery and in the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana at Moscow State University.

A copy of the miraculous icon was brought to the Church of the Holy Martyr Tatiana in 2005 - it was presented to the church by parishioners who returned from a pilgrimage to Athos. Since then, a prayer service with an akathist has been held here regularly - once every two weeks on Tuesdays.

A copy of the Greek icon of the “Vsetsaritsa” was delivered to the Novospassky Monastery in 1997. In 2000, she cast myrrh, and evidence of healings appeared. At the monastery, the akathist is read daily before the miraculous icon, and prayers are served on Sundays.

In the Alekseevsky Monastery, in the Church of All Saints, in Krasnoe Selo, prayer services with an akathist before the image of the “Vsetsaritsa” are performed every Sunday at 16:30. If a great holiday falls on Monday, the prayer service begins at 15:00.

Religious reading: prayer image of the queen of all to help our readers.

Healing prayer. “Vsetsaritsa” (Pantanessa) – icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” is known all over the world as a healer of cancer. Prayers to the Mother of God help not only against cancer, but also against other deadly diseases. Parents pray to Our Lady for their children who poison themselves with alcohol and tobacco. For those who want to receive protection from all magic and enchantments, the All-Tsaritsa can also help. Akathist and prayer to her, blessed water and oil, with the proper level of faith in healing, work real miracles, which are recorded in large numbers in the annals of churches.

Variants of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon

There are several variants of this image of the Virgin Mary. It is necessary to understand that when we approach the icon, we ask for help not from it, but from the Mother of God herself. Don’t forget that this is where prayer goes. The Queen of All hears the appeals of all those asking and answers them.

The image of the Mother of God seated on a throne with the Child in her left hand has been known in iconography for a long time. On the walls of the Vithian Monastery of the Mother of God “All the Queens” (Pantovasilissa), built in the 18th century, fragments of frescoes of the Triglian icon remain to this day.

Also known is the image of the All-Tsarina (Pantanassa), which was donated in the 15th century by Princess Maria Palaeologina, wife of the Moldavian ruler Stephen the Great, to the Grigoriat Monastery on the Holy Bridge of Athos. This image is called Grigoriatsky. This icon remained unharmed several times during several fires, even if everything else burned to the ground. The Queen of All, to whom prayer is heard every day to this day, generously bestows her grace on these places.

There is an icon in which Christ is not blessing, as is usually depicted on icons with the Holy Mother of God. This is the Simonopetra Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (Pantokratorissa), which was painted in 1530 and donated to the Simonopetra Monastery on the Holy Island of Athos by Metropolitan Athanasius. from Nicaea. This icon also depicts the Queen of All on the throne with the Child with two angels behind her.

Another version of the miraculous icon, which this article is devoted to, is called the Vatopedi All-Tsarina, or Pantanassa. The image of the Virgin Mary with the Child Christ on her left hand, sitting on a throne surrounded by angels, has been revered for a very long time. The earliest images are found in the 7th century, when prayer was the most accessible cure for illness. The Tsaritsa is most often this small size icon. But how graceful is the image of the Mother of God on it!

Description of the icon

The miraculous icon of the Mother of God, painted around the 17th century, is located on the Holy Island of Athos, in the cathedral church of the Vatopedi Monastery, on the left side of the Royal Gate. The icon depicts the royal throne, on which the Most Pure Virgin sits in a scarlet robe with the Child in her arms. Little Jesus has a scroll in his left hand, and the fingers of his right are folded in a gesture of blessing. The Mother of God points with her right hand to Her Infant Son as the Savior of people. Behind the throne stand two angels, reverently overshadowing the Most Pure Virgin with their wings.

The icon is classified as the Panahrant iconographic type. If we translate this name from Greek, we get the meaning “Most Pure”, “Immaculate”. This type of icon of the Mother of God also has the name “All-Merciful”. What they have in common is that the Mother of God with Jesus on her knees is depicted sitting on a throne or throne, which symbolizes the greatness and glory of the royal Mother of God, the most perfect of all who were born on earth. Therefore, the prayer to the All-Tsarina for healing often helps those who zealously resort to the help of the Mother of God.

The legend about the icon “The Queen of All”

Elder Joseph the Hesychast, very famous on Mount Athos, blessed his students with the image of Pantanassa in the 20th century. He also told the most ancient legend about this image.

One day, a strange young man stopped in front of the icon, muttering something inaudibly to himself. While he stood in front of her, the face of the Mother of God shone with a wondrous light, and by an invisible force this man was thrown to the floor. When he ran out into the street with fear, he confessed in tears to the elders that he had been involved in sorcery and magic, and had spent his life in sin. In this way, the Mother of God revealed the power of her image, guided the young man on the path of repentance and turned him away from an ungodly life. After such a miraculous intervention of the Mother of God, this young man changed his life and remained to live on Athos. This is how the All-Tsarina, the icon of the Mother of God, saved his soul. Prayer to her helps to get rid of all sorts of magical spells. People resort to this image for protection from magicians and psychics.

What kind of disease is cancer?

Cancer has ancient history. The very name of the disease – “carcioma” – was given by Hippocrates. Formed from two Greek words“tumor” and “crab”, the disease received this name due to the fact that the tumor looks like a crab.

The first cancer diseases were described among the Egyptians in 1600 BC. The papyrus of those times describes several forms of this disease and clarifies that there is no cure for it.

And in the first century BC, the Roman physician A. Celsus proposed removing the tumor on early stages, and in later cases - do not treat at all.

Over these centuries, scientists and doctors have not been able to find a way to treat this terrible disease that affects everything. more people Worldwide. As in ancient times, all those suffering from cancer can only hope for a miracle. It must be admitted that almost all known cases of miraculous healings are associated with prayers to the Savior and the Mother of God. The fact that the prayer to the All-Tsarina is effective for oncology is proven by many miraculous cases of healing.

Healing icon

After the first manifestation in the 17th century of such miraculous power of the image of the Mother of God, people began to notice that the miraculous image had a beneficial effect on those suffering from painful tumors, and even malignant ones. The prayer to the All-Tsarina for healing was offered more and more often, and more and more exact copies made from this miraculous icon were scattered throughout the monasteries. Since then, this icon has been revered all over the world as a deliverer from cancer. Nowadays, the image of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina” with its grace can heal one of the most terrible diseases in the history of mankind.

The first miracle in Russia

A little girl who was undergoing treatment at the Moscow Oncology Center in the fall of 1991 noticed that a paper image of the Virgin Mary on the hospital wall was emitting unusual light. She told adults about this, but they took it for childish fantasies. Within a short time, other children also saw such a glow. And the girl who was the first to see the light began to recover, her illness suddenly began to recede. When the parents of the young patients of the oncology institution found out about this, they built a small chapel in honor of the icon of the Mother of God, the Tsaritsa. Even the smallest child believed that prayer would heal him. “The Queen of All,” a simple picture on plain paper, generously gave healing to all who believed in her.

Icon in the Community of Mercy

In Russia, one of the copies from the Athos miraculous icon was made in 1995 with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim, when the Community of Mercy of St. John of Kronstadt at the center for the treatment of childhood cancer, which is located on Kashirskoe Highway, asked to give sick children the opportunity to be healed. So, in the center, a copy of this icon was handed over to the unfortunate children, painted in compliance with the canon, solemn services and prayers.

How many miracles the naive children’s prayer has created in this center! The Queen of All undoubtedly answered her. The children's condition has improved significantly, and this cannot be explained solely by the use of medications.

Several months passed, and before the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this icon suddenly became myrrhic. Only a few drops appeared, but their incredible fragrance filled all the rooms around. The flow of myrrh was repeated on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Most Holy Theotokos.

The first miracle of healing that occurred in Russia was the healing of a young man, a drug addict with many years of experience. After this incident, a prayer to the All-Tsarina sounds from the lips of parents for their children addicted to drugs and alcohol.

Icon in the Church of All Saints

The news of the miraculous icon spread throughout Moscow at lightning speed. So that a large number of pilgrims would not be a burden to sick children, the icon was moved to the Church of All Saints, which belonged to the former Novo-Alekseevsky Monastery. It is located near the Krasnoselskaya metro station, in Krasnoselstky Lane. However, the Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary is often brought to the cancer center for services and prayers.

Chronicle of miraculous healings of the Church of All Saints

After some time, a Church Slavonic version of the akathist to the Mother of God was written in honor of her image “The All-Tsaritsa,” which had some differences from the Greek version. On Sundays at the Church of All Saints at 15.00 and 16.30 a prayer service is held, an akathist to the All-Tsarina and a prayer for cancer are read. After the prayer service, all those suffering are anointed with consecrated oil.

The chronicle kept in the temple is replenished with more and more new records, testifying to miraculous help for all those who have already despaired of receiving healing from earthly doctors. It contains records about babies and old people, about men and women, about the healing of the most advanced stages of cancer, and many others. People who received healing, to whom the prayer to the All-Tsaritsa restored health or life, not only write down their stories of miraculous recovery, but also bring all kinds of gifts to this shrine.

List of Novospassky Monastery

Nowadays, the list of the image of Pantanessa, which is located in the Church of All Saints in the village of Krasnoye Selo, is not the only miraculous one in Russia. The Akathist to the All-Tsaritsa and the prayer for cancer are still read in Moscow, on Krestyanskaya Square, 10 (metro station “Proletarskaya”), in the Novospassky Monastery, where since 1997 there is another miraculous copy of this healing icon. It was specially created in the Vatopedi monastery and delivered to Russia. He is also miraculous and peaceful. A chronicle is also kept here with records of the healings of people to whom the prayer to the Mother of God the All-Tsaritsa restored life and health, and with records of miracles occurring from this shrine. Before this image of the Mother of God, prayer services are performed daily, and on Sundays prayer services are served with the blessing of water. Numerous offerings from those healed testify to large quantities cases of healings that appeared almost immediately after the prayer of the Mother of God, the All-Tsarina, was read at this image.

Serpukhov list icons

A miraculous list of this image is also in the Serpukhov Vladychny Convent in the Moscow region. During the time he was there, the icon streamed myrrh over 30 times. There is evidence of two cases of healing from cancer. A prayer to the All-Tsarina against cancer and an akathist to the Mother of God are read in the monastery daily. During the services, the names of people who suffer from various ailments are remembered. Many pilgrims come to the monastery with faith and hope that prayer will help them. “The Tsaritsa” is considered one of the most powerful icons in the world, healing cancer patients. The Mother of God reveals Her indescribable grace and love through the image, giving Her miracle of healing to everyone who asks with faith and love before Her glorified image.

Prayer to the All-Tsaritsa for oncology

Whoever comes to the image of the Mother of God! As soon as news appeared about the recovery of cancer patients who had lost all hope of healing, all those suffering from such serious diseases that modern medicine does not yet have the ability to cure began to strive for the icons of the Mother of God. Powerful Prayer It helps the queen against cancer even in the last stages, and wards off trouble from those who are only suspected of having cancer. After diligent prayer, diagnoses often miraculously change for the better.

The prayer to the All-Tsarina in case of oncology is strong in front of any image of her, be it a small printed piece of paper, an icon in a home iconostasis or a large icon in a large temple. The merciful Mother of God will always hear a request for help.

Prayers before the icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” for oncology

Oncological diseases have been known since ancient times; the first mention of them is found in papyrus dating back to the second millennium BC. Since then, medicine has made little progress in the fight against the disease; it is still considered fatal. Despite the fact that cancer is far from the first place among the causes of death, people are afraid of this very verdict. Only a believer is not afraid; he knows that there is a grace-filled remedy - the prayer to the “Tsarina of All” for oncology.

An Orthodox Christian's view of oncology

People who received a terrible diagnosis and turned to the Church claim that prayer in front of the icon “The Tsarina of All” helped them. How did you help? First of all, by finding God. Having seen the Lord in the midst of a busy life, a person completely rebuilds his value system; illness ceases to seem like a terrible suffering, but, on the contrary, a source of real benefits.

The Mother of God arrives from Athos to heal the suffering

The Icon of the Mother of God “The All-Tsarina”, famous on Mount Athos for healing cancer, arrived in Russia in 2005 in the form of a list (an exact copy), which has the grace of both the Mother of God herself and many shrines of the Holy Mountain. The image was placed in a children's cancer center in Moscow. Doctors noted an improvement in the patients’ condition, which they associated with prayer and hope in the Heavenly Queen, who visited the chambers of the sufferers. “Rejoice, healing of sick children; Rejoice, Mother of young sufferers!” - these words of Akathist captured the miraculous recovery of several children from this hospital.

All this confirms that the disease is in the hands of God, and He has the power to prolong it or cure it. Only turning to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother can change the life of a patient. The icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” gathered doctors, patients and their loved ones in a single prayer, giving hope, strength and healing.

The meaning of the words from the Akathist “To the Tsaritsa”

Upon the arrival of the All-Tsarina in Russia, prayers and an Akathist were compiled, which contain petitions for the cure of oncology, and the Mother of God is called “the destroyer of cancer ulcers.” Thousands of people across the country stood before the images, chanting: “Rejoice, O All-Tsarina, who heals our ailments with grace!”

These words from the Akathist mean that the Mother of God gives healing from the Lord. No other force can help a sick person without the blessing of God. Medicines, procedures, the doctor’s hand - everything is controlled by the mercy of the Lord through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother, and attempts to turn to psychics, sorcerers and “healers” only anger Heaven and aggravate suffering.

Illness is preparation for eternity

“Rejoice, Height, unexplored by human thoughts!” Human thought cannot foresee the will of God, but believes that it is done for good.

Important! Does prayer to the All-Tsarina always get rid of cancer? Of course not. The Lord sends illness in order to turn a person away from sin and give him the opportunity to save his soul for eternity. If healing were given to everyone at once, then people would joyfully indulge in their previous sins, seeing that punishment would not follow.

It is no coincidence that prayers before the icon most often slow down or stop the growth of the tumor, but does not disappear. The Lord “let go” of a person, leaving a reminder that he is mortal.

Relief of illness through the prayers of the Mother of God

The words of the Akathist “Rejoice, pain-quenching potion” are confirmed by practice: according to the testimonies of seriously ill patients, pain went away when they prayed to the Blessed Virgin. “I felt the presence of a dark man who forced me to put my head in a belt loop tied to the headboard for ease of turning over, and hang myself. - says Alexander Solntsev from Nizhny Novgorod, who turned to faith after an illness, “But the next morning the pain that had been tormenting me for a long time suddenly stopped... Our task is to realize in time that the Lord is doing everything for good.”

The main medicine is the Church Sacraments

“Rejoice, Finger, point to the Holy Eucharist” - it is written in the 7th ikos of the Akathist to the All-Tsarina. Finger ( forefinger) The Mother of God on the icon points to the Infant God, Who is called the “Eucharist” - the Sacrament of Communion.

This means that only by participating in the life of the Church, by accepting the Church Sacraments, can a person hope for relief from illness or healing, that his life will be governed not by “blind fate”, but by the reasonable Will of God.

Complete healing from the All-Tsarina

In the annals of the “Vsetsaritsa” monasteries in Krasnodar and the village of Taraskovo (Sverdlovsk region) one can read evidence of complete healing, the inexplicable disappearance of large tumors, and improved health at the time of the patient’s predicted death. All this happened after intense prayers to the “Vsetsaritsa”, repentance, and the sick receiving Communion. Having examined each case, confirmed by medical reports, the Church recognized them as miracles of God. For a Christian, it is not surprising that prayer heals illnesses. In any need, he immediately turns to God.

Important! God rarely sends healing directly; more often it happens through other people - doctors using the means and skills given by the Lord. Therefore, without rejecting human help, the patient should constantly turn to the Most Pure Queen of All, who is capable of softening the Lord’s anger caused by sins and unrepentance through maternal prayers.

How to pray for the sick

One should begin to pray after church repentance at Confession and Communion. We need to ask as many people as possible to pray for the sick person, at least in their own words, stopping worldly concerns for a moment. It is better to order church prayer (Sorokoust, Mass, prayer service). If the patient is not able to read the prayer and Akathist himself, relatives can read them aloud at the bedside. This will bring comfort to the sufferer and will be credited to relatives and friends for saving work when everyone has to appear at the Last Judgment before God.

Prayer to the All-Tsarina against cancer

Oh, most pure Mother of God, All-Tsarina! Hear our much-painful sighing before Your miraculous icon, brought from the inheritance of Athos to Russia, look upon Your children, those suffering from incurable ailments, who fall to Your holy image with faith!

Just as the winged bird covers its chicks, so now You, the ever-living being, have covered us with Your multi-healing omophorion. There, where hope disappears, wake up with undoubted Hope. There, where fierce sorrows prevail, Appear with Patience and Weakness. There, where the darkness of despair has settled in the souls, let the ineffable light of the Divine shine!

Comfort the faint-hearted, strengthen the weak, grant softening and enlightenment to hardened hearts. Heal Your sick people, O All-Merciful Queen! Bless the minds and hands of those who heal us, may they serve as an instrument of the Almighty Physician Christ our Savior.

As if You are alive and present with us, we pray before Your icon, O Lady! Extend Your hand, filled with healing and healing, Joy to the sorrowful, Consolation to the sorrowful! Yes, having soon received miraculous help, we glorify the Life-Giving and Inseparable Trinity, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.

Akathist to the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa”

As we approach your newly-revealed icon, we tenderly glorify You, the All-Tsarina, Your servants; send down blessings to You by Your servants who are now flowing, so that we all joyfully call to You:

The representative angel descended from Heaven and said to the Queen of All: Rejoice! And with a divine voice, You are incarnated in vain, Lord, cry out to Her like this:

Rejoice, chief of our salvation; Rejoice, fulfillment of the Creator's vision.

Rejoice, for through You God has become incarnate; Rejoice, for the Invisible One is depicted in You.

Rejoice, Thou who has received the Grace of the world within; Rejoice, you who wove the garment of flesh for the Word.

Rejoice, incomprehensible heavenly glory; Rejoice, heavenly manna that quickened the hearts.

Rejoice, star, radiance of grace; Rejoice, fountain of living waters pouring out.

Rejoice, Mother of God, blessed among women; Rejoice, thou who gave birth to the Savior and the Incorruptible Virgin.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

The Beginningless Word of You was born when You were young, giving healing to You, O Virgin, to those who honor and sing His ineffable Nativity: Alleluia.

The misunderstood mind is understood by the Virgin, seeking, cry out to the servant: as a pure Maiden, how I will be the Mother of the Most High, explain. Gabriel spoke to Her with fear, calling like this:

Rejoice, advice from the Most High to the Chosen One; Rejoice, voices of those praying to the Quick to Hear.

Rejoice, treasure of Christ's peace; Rejoice, Your people are hope and strength.

Rejoice, wondrous destroyer of cancerous ulcers; Rejoice, Healer of other diseases.

Rejoice, united intercession for the world; Rejoice, true deliverance in sorrows.

Rejoice, ever-quenching cry and tears; Rejoice, you who open the entrances of salvation to everyone.

Rejoice, O sceptre and dominion of Athos inhabiting; Rejoice, rod of monks and laity.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

The power of the Most High autumn of Thee, O Youth, the flesh is indescribably accepted, showing Thee a sweet village to those who want to reap salvation and sing: Alleluia.

Thy holy icon, called the All-Tsarina, was wondrously glorified, when the image of the Mother of God appeared in celibacy; And to those who cry out before her, grant healing with faith, so that the songs of the chin will multiply:

Rejoice, Mother of the never-ending Light; Rejoice, you who endured victory to the end.

Rejoice, healing for those who live in illness and sorrow; Rejoice, indestructible wall of orphans and widows.

Rejoice, you who open the doors of heaven; Rejoice, intercessor of those who labor and are burdened.

Rejoice, for the salvation of the faithful Intercessor; Rejoice, for the human race, Prayer Book.

Rejoice, heavenly ladder, leading from earth to Heaven; Rejoice, living water, washing away mortal sins.

Rejoice, Lamb, who guards the hearts of the gentle; Rejoice, O Intercession, overshadowing the children of the Church.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

Granting the life of the world, the Lord of the world moved into Thy womb without artifice and, Mother of the faithful, having shown Thee, in the world of those the call to sing: Alleluia.

Glorious work has been done for You, the City of God, through the healing that comes from Your holy icon; the healing streams of healing, acceptingly, gratefully, about the All-Tsarina, we cry:

Rejoice, pain-quenching potion; Rejoice, it’s cool, the sick heat is cooling.

Rejoice, cauterizing cancerous ulcers like a flame; Rejoice, you who raise those abandoned by doctors from their beds.

Rejoice, you who reveal Your most pure face to the chosen ones; Rejoice, you who release us from sinful bonds.

Rejoice, for through You you have granted deliverance from death; Rejoice, for through You an innumerable host of the faithful have been justified.

Rejoice, height unsearchable by human thoughts; Rejoice, depth explored by the single Word.

Rejoice, prophecy of former patriarchs before You; Rejoice, teacher of the hierarchs who prayed to You.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

The Most Pure Temple of the Savior with the knowledge of Thee, O Trokovitsa; We fall down to You, O Pure One, so that You may make us temples of the Divine, crying out to Him: Alleluia.

You have seen the Angels in Thy hand who created mankind by the hand and, as the Lady who understands Thee alone, even though Thou hast called Thee a servant, endeavoring to serve Thee, the Blessed One, with chintz songs:

Rejoice, thou placed by God above the heavenly Powers; Rejoice, filling the world with miraculous healings.

Rejoice, hearing praise and glory from Heaven; Rejoice, you who receive thanksgiving from the earth.

Rejoice, for you have consumed the seed of aphids in our hearts; Rejoice, for you have crushed the wiles of the devil with yokes.

Rejoice, thou who has filled the deplorable vale with joy; Rejoice, you who change sorrow into heavenly sweetness.

Rejoice, fragrance pleasing to God; Rejoice, great joy for repentant sinners.

Rejoice, armor of truth against temptations; Rejoice, shield of protection from hostility and disorder.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

Preachers of God-speaking, Savior's disciples, appeared to You, O Virgin, wonderfully, you once ascended from earth to Heaven, so that with one heart and lips they would sing to God: Alleluia.

Wonderful grace arose from Thy icon, O All-Tsarina, when a young man, darkened by Satan’s teachings, fell before her and became motionless; More than your hopes, freed from the dark bonds, you cried out to Ty with fear and joy:

Rejoice, correction of wicked life; Rejoice, consolation of the afflicted.

Rejoice, driving away the demonic hordes from the Church; Rejoice, scattering of the darkness of sin.

Rejoice, abolition of the invisible wiles; Rejoice, omnipotent overcoming of demonic spells.

Rejoice, O lamp, guide the deceived; Rejoice, cloud, covering the innocent from evil.

Rejoice, thou who feedest with heavenly manna; Rejoice, valley, filled with the humility of Christ.

Rejoice, stone of the Heavenly Kingdom; Rejoice, mirror of the eternal Light.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

I want to give You food to the faithful, You deigned to be incarnate from the Virgin, so that by receiving Your Most Pure Body and Blood, they would know You, the perfect God; Moreover, marveling at this ineffable wisdom, we call: Alleluia.

A new sacrament was revealed: the Creator appeared, celebrating His Last Supper with His disciples; We, praying to the All-Tsarina to honor us with the Divine Shrine, will inscribe to Her the following:

Rejoice, Giver of Heavenly Bread; Rejoice, Mother of the Eternal Belly.

Rejoice, cup that shares with Christ; Rejoice, uniting soul and body with God.

Rejoice, golden little spoon, fulfill the Divine Mysteries; Rejoice, dear ark, receptacle of the great Shrine.

Rejoice, finger, point to the Holy Eucharist; Rejoice, Trapezo, offering us Holy Food.

Rejoice, thou who supplies worthy communicants at the right hand in the hour of judgment; Rejoice, thou who deliverest zealots of the Divine Liturgy from hell.

Rejoice, leading mortals to the Source of immortality; Rejoice, protecting Your children with peace and strength.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

Having seen a strange Christmas, we put aside all worldly cares and have hearts of grief; For this the Most High has appeared, and will draw to the heights those who cry out: Alleluia.

Constantly abiding in the depths of the Fathers, the indescribable Word became flesh on earth; The Great God create greatness for the Virgin and look upon the humility of His Servant, who hears the face:

Rejoice, thou who didst contain the inconceivable God; Rejoice, you who have revealed the supra-mundane Creator to the world.

Rejoice, for the power has been crushed by death; Rejoice, for Adam’s wound has been healed.

Rejoice, plaster, heal the scabs of the soul; Rejoice, oil, anoint bodily ulcers.

Rejoice, quenching the pains of those giving birth; Rejoice, relief from the torments of the dying.

Rejoice, you who defeated hell; Rejoice, you who dulled the sting of death.

Rejoice, hope for a general resurrection; Rejoice, undoubted salvation for the Orthodox.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

Every angelic and human nature was amazed at the greatness of Your incomprehensible incarnation, the Word; perplexed by this great mystery of piety, with fear and trembling we gratefully call to You: Alleluia.

Manifold ailments of possession, O All-Tsarina, from Your holy icon receive more than the hope of healing, so that having received grace by faith, they cry out to You with a loud voice:

Rejoice, healthy children forever preserved; Rejoice, transforming those who are sick to health.

Rejoice, healing of sick children; Rejoice, Mother of young sufferers.

Rejoice, rising to the sickbeds of the defeated; Rejoice, you have brought joy to those possessed by the fear of death.

Rejoice, for you have made men weep; Rejoice, you who look upon our lamentations.

Rejoice, dissolution of earthly pains with heavenly joy; Rejoice, fiercely overcome by unnatural patience.

Rejoice, for you prepare joy for those who cry; Rejoice, for you provide the meek with prayer.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

To save the human nature corrupted by sin, the Creator descended on Thee like rain on the fleece, and having made Thy bush unburnt, this God became Man, let us sing to Him: Alleluia.

You are a wall to the virgins, the Pure Young Lady, and to all who care about purity, for God dwells in You, cleanse His rational creation, and having escaped all filth, we offer Tisitsevaya:

Rejoice, silence of those who seek the Interlocutor; Rejoice, crowned ones who preserve their virginity.

Rejoice, beginning and end of spiritual fulfillment; Rejoice, repository of Divine revelation.

Rejoice, Trinity Council of the Mystery; Rejoice, the cause of the salvation of people.

Rejoice, summit, unapproachable with a proud mind; Rejoice, refuge available to humble hearts.

Rejoice, Pure One, purest of Heaven; Rejoice, most honorable Cherubim and Seraphim.

Rejoice, O Joyful One, for you have received joy from the Archangel; Rejoice, Consoled One, for Thy hand touched the risen Christ.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

We strive to bring reasonable singing to the Savior, always uncluttered, O Lady, we remain Thy servants; who can worthily sing of God, whose name is poured out as ointment? For this reason we cry out to Him: Alleluia.

Having shone forth a great light to those who sit in darkness, visit us, O Virgin, the East from above, Thy Son and God; Having made Thee a light on the candlestick, the luminous child of the church commands to bring Tisitseva:

Rejoice, dawn of the intelligent Sun; Rejoice, receptacle of the Divine Fire.

Rejoice, O light, for you have woven the robe of the saints; Rejoice, O most holy one, for you have driven away the darkness of demons.

Rejoice, enlightenment of inert minds; Rejoice, illumination of sinful hearts.

Rejoice, right hand, bringing forth from the sea of ​​vanities; Rejoice, ray, guide to the Kingdom of those who are being saved.

Rejoice, lightning that strikes the unrepentant; Rejoice, thunder, terrifying destroyer.

Rejoice, enlightenment of the evil conscience; Rejoice, propitiation of God's Judgment.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

Having desired the grace of giving, the Giver of the old covenant gave us a new covenant; But we, having received this grace, not by the works of the law, but having achieved salvation through faith alone, let us write it all down: Alleluia.

Singing Your Nativity, just as Israel of old sang with cymbals in the tabernacle of hay, so now we glorify You, the true Tabernacle, with virtues, so that you may hear from everyone:

Rejoice, song, sung sorrow; Rejoice, psalm heard below.

Rejoice, having served the One God worthily; Rejoice, thou who has pleased the Divine Trinity with humility.

Rejoice, you who bore the eyelids within You; Rejoice, O throne that holds the universe in His hands.

Rejoice, secretly ineffable of ages and times; Rejoice, sure hope of peoples and tribes.

Rejoice, heartfelt joy of the reverent priests; Rejoice, quick hearing of church and cell prayers.

Rejoice, God-created house of Wisdom; Rejoice, vessel of mercy, chosen by God.

Rejoice, O Queen of All, who heals our ailments with grace.

O Mother of All, who gave birth to all the saints, the Most Holy Word, having received our present chant, healed us from all mortal illnesses and delivered us from future condemnation of those who cry: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos “Representative Angel...” and the 1st kontakion “More recently revealed than Thy...

The Icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” is revered not only on Holy Athos, but also far beyond its borders. One of the blessings of “The Tsaritsa” is the healing of cancer patients from a terrible disease that has struck modern humanity. Many cases confirm the impact of the miraculous image, when after a prayer service in front of the icon the most hopeless patients were healed. Believers also pray to the Mother of God for deliverance from the influence of drugs, alcohol, and witchcraft.

The Mother of God is our intercessor

The Mother of God is called by many names: Queen of Heaven, Mother Intercessor, Mother of God, Mother of God. All these names are reflected in our prayers addressed to her bright image; over the centuries they have formed in Orthodox faith. All icons with the Mother of God are always especially revered, because very often the last resort in troubles is the Intercessor. We consider her to be the main intercessor before the Lord and we tearfully ask for help. Our own prayer powers are very small, and therefore we turn to her, so that she turns to God and protects us and the people close to us.

Many times the common people's prayer to the Mother of God helped in difficult and troubled times for Rus'. She saved our Fatherland from evil enemies, gave courage and spirit to the soldiers.

There is not a single church in Russia, and perhaps not a single Orthodox home, where the bright face of the Mother of God is not present. Often these are several icons - Vladimir, Iveron, Smolensk, the icon of the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” and other lists, each of which helps in one way or another life situation. Several hundred copies of icons in Orthodoxy, and each has its own interesting history and amazing evidence of miraculous help. Time and time again, the Mother of God shows the world her maternal care, favor and attention. Hundreds of people are calling for help in front of the “All-Tsaritsa.” What kind of icon is this? What makes it special?

Description of the icon “The Queen of All”

The icon “The All-Tsarina” is very ancient, dating back to the 12th century, kept on Mount Athos since the 17th century and was intended as a blessing to the disciples from Elder Joseph the Hesychast.

The icon belongs to one of the iconographic types - Panahranta, from Greek this is translated as “Most Pure” or “Immaculate”. Another name for this same type of icon of the Mother of God is “All-Merciful.” A common feature of the “Tsaritsa” icon is that the Mother of God is seated on a throne, holding her Baby Jesus in her arms. The throne itself is a symbol of the royal grandeur and perfection of the Mother of God - the main Mother on the whole Earth.

The icon of the Mother of God “The Queen of All” is medium in size. The Most Pure Virgin, seated on the throne, is dressed in crimson robes. The Divine Infant, sitting in her arms with a blessing right hand, holds a scroll in his left hand. The Mother of God points to her son with her right hand - as the Savior of the human race. The halo over Christ is written in Greek - “He by whom we all exist”, “From Whom everything is around”. The All-Tsaritsa's halo is decorated with enamel patterns. From above, two angels overshadow the Virgin Mary and Christ, stretching out their hands to them. In general, the icon is very colorful, the bright colors of the robes, the golden background that symbolizes eternity, the beautiful halos above their heads evoke awe in everyone.

Where is the original kept?

The icon “The All-Tsarina” refers to one of the miraculous images of the Virgin Mary and Child. In all the churches where the lists of icons are located, the “Tsaritsa” is decorated with various precious jewelry, which the believers bring as a token of gratitude. The prayers of those asking reach the Mother of God, and with her mercy she shows many miracles of healing. The original of the miraculous icon “The All-Tsarina” (“Pantanassa” - Greek) is kept in the Vatopedi monastery, located on Holy Mount Athos. For centuries, the icon has been helping all those who suffer. Thousands of pilgrims flock to Holy Athos in the hope of getting rid of terrible ailments through prayer.

The first miracle from the “Vsetsaritsa”

The “Tsarina of All” showed her first miracle back in the 17th century, when a wonderful man appeared in front of the icon in the temple. He muttered something inaudibly while standing in front of the Holy Icon. At some point, the face of the Mother of God lit up as if by lightning, and this man was thrown to the ground by unknown forces. After he came to his senses, he came to his senses and immediately rushed to confession with tears to the fathers of the monastery. He said that for some time he became interested in magic, did not live with God in his soul, and came here to try his spell on the Holy icons. The miraculous icon “The Queen of All” helped the young man change his views on life, renounce magic and become a pious Christian. After his epiphany and relief from mental burdens, he remained on Holy Athos. Like a cancerous tumor, sorcery, witchcraft, and a passion for magic spread among Christians at that time.

Icon "The Queen of All". What does it help with?

After the first manifestation of miraculous powers, believers increasingly began to turn to the icon for deliverance from terrible misfortunes. It became obvious that the icon helps patients with various tumors, including malignant ones.

Over two thousand years, scientists, of course, have made progress in the fight against a terrible disease called cancer, but it remains one of the incurables. Having heard, like a death sentence, a diagnosis of cancer, some give up and prepare for the worst. Many patients, whom doctors have already given up on, rely only on a miracle and turn their gaze and tearful prayers to God. This is where the Mother of God “All-Tsarina” comes to the rescue. Many cases of the miraculous power of this icon have been recorded throughout the Earth. Already in the 17th century, other monasteries began to make exact copies of the icon, so that all cancer patients had the opportunity to turn to it. And in the churches of Russia there is the icon “The Tsaritsa”. What do they pray for before her? Now she is known throughout the world as a cure for cancer. Her very name “The All-Tsarina”, the All-Sovereign, the All-Mistress confirms the immense power of her image, which has a healing principle.

“The Tsaritsa” heals not only cancer, but also serious illnesses: drug addiction, alcoholism, passion for magic, which, like a tumor, have enveloped humanity. The prayer to the icon “The Queen of All” should be extolled not only from loved ones of those who are dependent on the disease, but also come from the sick person himself.

The appearance of the icon in Russia

In 1995, the Community of Charity of John of Kronstadt, operating at the oncology center for children in Kashirka, asked to graciously provide a copy of the “All-Tsarina” icon so that it would bring healing to sick children. A copy was written with the blessing of Archimandrite Ephraim of Vatopedi. Fulfilling an order from Russia, the monastery icon painters mixed holy relics into the paint for writing and added holy water. The newly painted icon perfectly preserved the purity and beauty of the pristine image of the Virgin and Child.

This is how the icon “The Tsaritsa” ended up in Moscow on August 11, 1995. The first to see her were the children of the “house of sadness” - the oncology department located on Kashirka. Despite the hardships and sorrow that reigned in this institution, here too there was a place for the all-warming love of the Mother of God and the Lord. Facts confirm the miraculous effect of the icon. After sick children took the “Vsetsaritsa”, many noticed improvements in their condition so strong that they could not be attributed only to the effects of drugs. Every week, the priests of the community delivered an icon to sick children and performed a prayer service before the “All-Tsaritsa”, asking for their health.

“The Tsaritsa” in the Church of All Saints (Novoalekseevsky Monastery)

On the feast of the Nativity of the Mother of God, a miracle happened - the icon began to bleed myrrh. A few drops of peace appeared on it, and everything around was filled with an amazing fragrance. The flow of myrrh was repeated on the feast of the Entry into the Temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. News of the wonderful icon instantly spread throughout Moscow. The miraculous “Vsetsaritsa” was transferred to the Church of All Saints in Krasnoye Selo.

Orthodox believe that the Mother of God herself chooses the places for her miraculous icons. This is how the “Vsetsaritsa” settled in the Novoalekseevsky Monastery in the Church of All Saints. The temple servants say that the icon is happy here, it helps to perform miracles of healing. The icon is regularly taken to the oncology center for prayer services. The last hope for healing is justified by the icon “The Tsaritsa”; its significance for incurable patients is simply enormous.

The first miracle in Russia

The first miracle in Russia from the icon “The Tsaritsa” was the cure of a drug addict who had suffered from this illness for several years. Since then, hundreds of parents have prayed to the icon for their children, who are lost in society and addicted to harmful addictions to alcohol or drugs.

One pious Christian woman has a son. And it so happened that he got involved with bad company and became addicted to drugs. It started with weed and ended with a terrible geraine addiction. The guy is seriously hooked. No matter how many authorities the poor mother went through, the doctors just shrugged their shoulders: the guy had no desire to be treated, he was already suffering from a severe mental disorder. The guy completely abandoned his studies and turned into a boor and a barbarian towards his closest people. It even happened that he raised his hand to the one who gave him life. The mother despaired of waiting for help from people. Soon the pious woman heard that the icon “The Tsarina of All” had appeared in Moscow and was helping hopeless patients to recover from the terrible machinations of Satan. Drug addiction can be attributed to the machinations of Satan.

In January 1996, full of hope and faith, a Muscovite came to the temple with the greatest trepidation and excitement. As never before, she prayed with hot tears and looked with hope at the miraculous icon of the Mother of God. I took holy water from the temple.

In front of the house, she felt anxious that her son would start his daring bullying again. But a miracle... his first words were a request, he wanted to drink as much holy water as possible. His mother did not immediately believe her ears when he said that he wanted to be treated by a narcologist and work. An amazing fact, but at the drug treatment clinic, doctors certified that the guy’s body does not have too harmful effects from drugs and will be able to quickly recover. Now the guy is trying to help everyone who wants to get rid of drugs to get on the right path. The mother came to the temple with words of gratitude and told this story to the priest.

Novospassky Monastery. Moscow. Icon "The Queen of All"

The Novospassky Monastery is one of the most ancient monasteries in Moscow. Since ancient times, on its territory there are the oldest holy burial places of the royal dynasties, as well as a great many different miraculous icons of the Orthodox faith.

Today, the list of the “Vsetsaritsa” icon located in Krasnoe Selo is far from the only one in Russia. The icon “The All-Tsarina” appeared in the Novospassky Monastery in 1997. The copy was made to order at the Vatopedi Monastery. Now he is revered as myrrh-streaming and miraculous. Believers come from all over to ask for mercy from the icon “The Tsarina of All.” Every Sunday prayers and water blessings are held here.

As in other places where there is an icon of the “Vsetsaritsa”, a book is being kept in the Novospassky Monastery. It records all the miracles that occur from the image of the Mother of God.

Once a year, the “Vsetsaritsa” leaves the Novospasskaya monastery. She is sent to the Herzen Oncology Institute. There, in the hospital church, consecrated in honor of this image, a prayer service is held, where all those suffering can venerate the Mother of God and ask her for help.


Relatively recently, a Slavic version of the akathist, different from the Greek, was created in honor of the icon “The Tsaritsa”. In the Church of All Saints, every Sunday a prayer service is held and an akathist is read to the icon “The Tsaritsa”, and oil is consecrated to anoint all the sick and suffering, not only from oncology. The akathist to the icon contains many petitions extolling the Mother of God. They call her “The Secret Sweetness for the Suffering”, and “The Destroyer of Cancer”, and “Pointing the Finger to the Cup of Life - the Eucharist”. Every Christian, like a baby to the breast, must fall to the Mother Church and accept all the Divine mysteries. Many people will learn about amazing facts, when the “Vsetsaritsa” comes to the rescue in the most hopeless cases.

Why does healing occur? This is what the priests of the temple say: the grace of God is sent to everyone who prays according to his faith, work and prayers. On Sunday, a prayer service and akathist are read, after which the oil is blessed and distributed to those in need. To pray to the “All-Tsarina” at home, you can purchase small images of Her in the church shop. On the back is written a prayer with which you need to address the Mother of God. Everyone who attended the akathist assures that they felt the power of the prayer word. Fervent prayer helps to get rid of many troubles and misfortunes, because the Lord said: “I will not cast out those who ask earnestly.” People sing in the akathist: “Rejoice, who raises those abandoned by healers from their beds. Rejoice, who burns out cancerous ulcers like a flame.”

Father tells believers that if they expect healing from God, they need to work for it. Read the prayer word and akathist. It is not for nothing that the “Tsarina of All” points her finger to the Holy Eucharist when resorting to Communion, to Confession. After the prayer service, you need to take the sacred oil and anoint it with words of prayer and in faith on the sore spots and forehead of the sick person. Rely on the miraculous power of the Lord.

In every church where there is an icon of the “Tsarina of All,” you can read the chronicle of miraculous healings of those who no longer hoped to receive it from earthly healers, but trusted only in the power of the Lord. There are many stories here about babies and old people, women, men, about cures for cancer even in the later stages of the most hopeless patients. And stories not only about deliverance from a fatal disease, but also from various satanic addictions. In gratitude, people not only leave their stories, but also bring rich gifts to the “Vsetsaritsa”. In each temple, on the icon you can see many decorations left by its grateful children.

I, servant of God Lyudmila , came to God on March 23, 1997, with breast disease - mastopathy. I was in despair and turned to the servant of God Zinaida, who worked in the church shop. She advised me to read the akathist “To the All-Tsaritsa” for 40 mornings, apply the oil of the Lord to my chest and drink water from the “All-Tsaritsa” spring. I did it all. For more than 40 days, about 2-3 months, during this time the Mother of God cured me. The hardness all disappeared and the breasts became soft. After such a gift from my Mother of God, I believed in our Lord without any doubt.

I, God's servant Nadezhda , parishioner of the Holy Trinity Church in the village of Taraskovo, I thank the Mother of God “All-Tsarina” of Heaven and the Lord our God Jesus Christ, for the great mercy that appeared on me, a sinner and unworthy. One night I woke up from severe pain in my head, and felt a pain point, a burning sensation in my head. She quickly moved upward in a strip along her head. The thought immediately dawned on me that a blood vessel had burst, and I was immediately overcome by fear that an outpouring might occur in the brain and I would be finished. I turned to the Lord and the Mother of God for help. She prayed: “Lord, don’t let me die without repentance. Queen of Heaven, help me!” What should I do? And the pain spread so quickly, and then the idea dawned on me to soak it with holy water from the source of the “All-Tsarina” of Heaven. I wet a handkerchief with this holy water and applied it to the sore spot. The pain in my head, which had spread so quickly like a burning streak, began to subside, and soon subsided completely. I, a great sinner, received, by God’s grace, complete healing.

Servant of God Anna (Novouralsk). I am 63 years old . In 2001, the doctor discovered a tumor in my pelvis. All diagnostic studies confirmed this. Based on the doctor’s concern, I realized that my situation was very serious. “The tumor is huge,” this is an extract from the ultrasound examination. After the first shock, I began to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos. She ordered and defended the prayer service “To the All-Tsaritsa”, began to read the akathist “To the All-Tsaritsa” for 40 days, and drank water from Her well in the village of Taraskovo. She confessed and received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The doctor began to prepare me for surgery. I prayed to Saint Matrona that she would intercede for me before the Lord and His Most Pure Mother. Before the operation, I took the blessing of the priest. The operation went well. It was a cyst - a much less dangerous and complex disease than was initially diagnosed. By the grace of God and the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, I live and enjoy life. Glory to the Lord for everything!

Servant of God Vera, parishioner of the Holy Trinity Church in Taraskovo. A friend of mine had an exacerbation of sinusitis. She did everything as she had been taught in the hospital before, but this time nothing helped. And the next day she went to the doctor for an appointment. I brought her water from our source. In the evening she washed her nose, a lot of nasty stuff came out, and it all went away.

I, servant of God , sinner Mary, suffered from a physical illness - uterine fibroid, and an operation was scheduled. I would like to thank the Queen of Heaven, called “The Queen of All,” for Her mercy towards me. I doused myself with water from Her life-giving spring, drank the water and prayed to Her. By Her grace I received complete healing.

According to evidence servant of God Vladimir, there was healing from water taken from the “Vsetsaritsa” chapel, a girl suffering from psoriasis, no medical supplies they didn't help her.

According to evidence A resident of the city of Yekaterinburg (who wished to remain anonymous), there was a healing from cancer. She left her donation.

According to evidence servant of God Eugene, his grandfather servant of God Victor was healed of cancer.

According to evidence servant of God Oleg, a resident of the city of Nizhny Tagil, his relative received healing from an illness, rotting hand: she washed the wound of her hand and drank water from the “Vsetsaritsa” spring. Medical supplies did not help with illness.

According to oral testimony , a sick woman who lives in the city of Yekaterinburg was healed. For six months she could not get out of bed. She began to drink some water brought to her by people from the “Vsetsaritsa” chapel in the village of Taraskovo, after which a miracle of healing occurred. Later, she herself came to the village of Taraskovo to visit the Mother of God “Vsetsaritsa” to witness this personally.

I, servant of God Lyudmila , I live in the city of Nefteyugansk. In May 2001, with the blessing of Father Nikolai, I went to Verkhoturye to visit Simeon the Righteous. During the prayer, she thanked Simeon for allowing him to come. I asked for help to go to Seraphim of Sarov, but I heard a voice saying that go to the “Vsetsaritsa”, only She will cure you. Later, people suggested that there was a holy well of the “Vsetsaritsa” in the village of Taraskovo. By praying to Her, I was able to come here. I thank the Lord Jesus Christ and the Queen of Heaven for their help. Amen.