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Cutter from old printers. Do-it-yourself step-by-step instructions for assembling a CNC machine. Assembly of some important machine components

When choosing electronic components for your do-it-yourself machine, it is important to pay attention to their quality, since the accuracy of the technological operations that will be performed on it will depend on this. After installing and connecting all the electronic components of the CNC system, you need to download the necessary software and drivers. Only after that, a test run of the machine follows, checking the correct operation of the machine under the control of downloaded programs, identifying shortcomings and promptly eliminating them.

All of the above actions and the listed components are suitable for making a milling machine with your own hands, not only for a coordinate boring group, but also for a number of other types. On such equipment, it is possible to process parts with a complex configuration, since the working body of the machine can move in three planes: 3d.

Your desire to assemble such a CNC-controlled machine with your own hands must be supported by the presence of certain skills and detailed drawings. It is also highly desirable to watch a number of thematic training videos, some of which are presented in this article.

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Thanks to the full-scale introduction of computer technology and automation systems, modern woodworking machines operate according to pre-set programs, which ensures the highest quality of wood processing. Used in specialized woodworking factories and large sawmills, CNC machines make it easy to cut and process wood, while it is possible to make appropriate changes to the operation of such equipment. This ensures the greatest possible versatility in the use of such woodworking machines.

If you wish, you can independently create such CNC machines that will provide complete wood processing with excellent quality of work performed. We will tell you in more detail about how to make a homemade CNC machine with your own hands.

Despite the apparent complexity of the design of such equipment, it will not be difficult to assemble it yourself. Today on sale you can find ready-made kits for the manufacture of such CNC machines, which allows you to minimize your costs, while it is possible to manufacture the necessary 3d CNC milling machine that will perform a full range of work with lumber.

Such equipment is versatile in use, which has a positive impact on its demand and popularity in the market. Such devices can be used to work with the following materials:

  • Tree.
  • Plastic.
  • Composites and polymers.
  • Thin metal.
  • Rubber.
  • Other materials.

The most popular CNC machines today, which are fully controlled by automation and provide maximum precision in wood processing. With the help of such woodworking machines you can do the following:

  • Sawing a tree.
  • Cut plywood.
  • Perform precise grinding.
  • Perform complex three-dimensional and figured sawing of wood.
  • Produce various building materials from wood.

In each specific case, depending on the functionality of such a device, its execution scheme and the components used will vary. That is why you must first decide with functionality such equipment and, depending on this, choose one or another type and scheme for self-manufacturing CNC machine.

Hardware Benefits

If we talk about the advantages of manufactured do-it-yourself CNC machines, we note the following:

  • Efficiency at work.
  • Versatility of use.
  • Possibility of simplified reconfiguration of equipment.
  • Reliability.
  • Affordable cost.

Assembly instructions

offer you enough simple instructions on assembling a CNC milling machine, which will allow you to independently make such equipment for woodworking. This scheme implies the use of ready-made sets of components, which include specially selected elements for the manufacture of such equipment. However, nothing prevents you from finding or manufacturing all the components yourself, and subsequently you will not only be able to save a lot, but also make a machine that will fully meet your requirements.

Subsequently, it will be possible to easily connect a computer or a control unit with software to the completed mechanism, which allows you to completely set the trajectory of the milling working head. At the same time, we note that if you use a carriage from an old filter, then you can use such a CNC machine only for processing wood, plastic or sheet metal.

If you need a CNC machine capable of performing full-fledged milling of workpieces from various materials, then a powerful stepper motor. You can run it from a conventional electric motor or purchase ready-made models of low power.

The use of such engines will avoid the need for a screw drive, which complicates the entire design. However, the characteristics of such homemade equipment and its functionality is greatly expanded. If for some reason you cannot or do not want to use a powerful stepper motor, then we recommend choosing carriages from printers of powerful top models, which will ensure the maximum possible amplitude of movement of the milling working head.

Scheme and drawings of the machine

The basis of a self-made CNC machine will be the milling mechanism. In the event that you use ready-made kits for the implementation of such equipment, then you can choose a mechanism that will fully correspond to the engine power and subsequent work with wood and other materials.

On the Internet, you can find numerous schemes for the implementation of such milling mechanisms for CNC machines. In each case, the mechanism used will differ depending on the installed motors and carriages. When choosing one or another drawing of such a milling machine, it is necessary to give preference to equipment that combines simplicity of design and at the same time fully meets your requirements.

We collect the CNC machine

First of all, it is necessary to complete the basis of the equipment, to which the milling cutter, carriage and electric motor will subsequently be fixed. Such a base can be made from rectangular beams, to which metal guides are welded or bolted.

The completed base for the machine must be rigid, which is necessary for accurate positioning milling head. Experts recommend connecting all the metal elements of such a supporting structure with screws, which allows not only to provide the necessary strength, but also to easily upgrade your machines in the future.

In the completed CNC machine, a mechanism must be provided that allows you to move the working tool in vertical plane. We can recommend using a screw gear for such vertical movement of the tool, the rotation from which is transmitted using a toothed belt.

The vertical axis that every self-made CNC machine will need can be made from an aluminum plate. The dimensions of such a vertical axis should be exactly adjusted to the overall dimensions of the device you are assembling.

Having manufactured or purchased all the components for such equipment, you can begin to assemble the machine. You need to mount two stepper motors that are attached to the base behind its vertical axis. The first electric motor is responsible for moving the head in a horizontal plane, while the second ensures the movement of the cutter is already vertical. The components and assemblies used are mounted, while the quality of their fixation should be given due attention.

During the operation of such equipment, it has an increased load with vibration, and with poor-quality fastening, problems with the positioning accuracy of the heads may soon begin. All moving parts and working milling heads must be driven exclusively by belt drives.

Choice of stepper motors

Most models of self-made CNC machines are equipped with stepper motors that allow you to move the working tool in three planes. Depending on the design, such equipment can be equipped with two or three stepper motors, as well as additionally assembled with electric motors from computer printers.

When choosing the stepper motors to be used, it is necessary to pay attention to the number of control channels. Best Models have five control channels, which increases the functionality of the manufactured mini-machine. Also, choosing specific models of such motors, you should familiarize yourself with their specification and clarify by how many degrees the head position on the coordinate table is changed in one step of the motor. The positioning accuracy of the cutting tool will directly depend on this characteristic.

Electronic filling of equipment

Today on sale you can find various ready-made microcircuits for controlling the operation of sustainer engines. It will also not be difficult to find the appropriate software that will send control signals to the motors, and, accordingly, they will, by changing their position, lower and raise the working tool.

An important point in choosing The software is that it must necessarily support the drivers for the arduino controllers installed on your mini-machine. Connecting the control board directly to a homemade CNC machine is via the LPT or CNC port.

The easiest way is to order such electronic equipment for a CNC machine directly from Chinese auctions and websites. There you can easily find both ready-made sets for machine tools and separately used electrical equipment. The cost of such chips, software and controllers will be at an affordable level.

Do-it-yourself CNC milling machine is a versatile equipment that allows you to significantly simplify and automate the work of processing lumber, plastic, thin metal etc. If you have the appropriate work experience, you can independently make such a CNC machine that will provide the necessary accuracy and high performance work. You just need to find a high-quality scheme for the execution of such equipment and purchase ready-made sets of components, select the main engines and automation used.

The machine from the printer is easy. To do this, it is enough to have equipment that is not a pity to disassemble for spare parts. The CNC machine can be made with a stepper type electric motor. With it, you can mill or engrave various workpieces made of wood, plastic, and some metals. Home-made units from a printer (CNC) are capable of providing a high speed of processing materials - up to 2 mm per second.

What will serve as the basis?

Making a homemade CNC machine from a printer is possible from matrix-type equipment. You can use any that is available, regardless of the manufacturer's brand. Also for quality management and effective work units from the printer, it is necessary to remove other parts - the engine, carriages, toothed belts, guides, various gears.

Necessary materials and tools

For the manufacture of CNC machines with your own hands, you will need the following materials:

  • plywood (used for the body of the device, so it must be at least 15 mm thick);
  • aluminum corners, which have a shelf length of 20 mm;
  • self-tapping screws for connecting the main elements of the unit;
  • bearings 608 (3 pcs.);
  • M8 bolts with a length of 2.5 cm (several);
  • hairpin M8;
  • rubber hose;
  • nuts M8 (2 pcs.);
  • dremel;
  • linear type bearings (4 pcs.);
  • bracket 80;
  • glue.

The milling machine will not work if you do not prepare some tools - pliers, a screwdriver, a vise, a hacksaw, a file, side cutters. If you can find an electric drill, the work will also be much easier.

Manufacturing technology

  1. It is necessary to cut out the walls of the case from plywood - side 37x37 cm, back 34x37 cm, front 9x34. Fixing these elements should be done using self-tapping screws, making small holes with an electric drill.
  2. Corners can be used as guides along the Y axis. They are attached to the side walls at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. For more precise installation a 2 mm tongue is made in the right place. The corners themselves (recommended length 34 cm) are screwed with self-tapping screws.
  3. The working surface should be formed from corners 14 cm long. One bearing is attached to them from below, and two from above. During this operation, it is necessary to observe high accuracy, which will ensure the correct movement of the countertop.
  4. At a distance of 5 cm from the bottom, a hole for the engine with a diameter of 2.2 cm is drilled on the Y axis. Also, a hole of 7 mm in size should be made on the front wall of the case. It is required to install the lead screw support bearing.
  5. The travel screw can be made independently from a construction stud.
  6. A rubber hose is installed. It dampens vibration from the lead screw and increases the life of the motor bearings. For the manufacture of the coupling, a hose should be selected that has the same diameter as the motor axis. From one end it is put on the drive pulley and glued. On the other hand, the hose is attached to the stroke screw.
  7. A screw hole with a diameter of 2.5 mm and an M3 thread is made on the nut. After that, it is twisted onto the axis.
  8. Along the X axis, guides from the printer are installed.
  9. Finished carriages are mounted on the axis.
  10. To obtain the Z axis, a base should be made of plywood 6 mm thick, which is made using PVA glue. Subsequently, bearings are installed on it using epoxy resin. They also make a running nut using the previous scheme. The guides are from the printer.
  11. Instead of a spindle in a homemade machine, a dremel with a bracket holder will be installed. This node is fixed to the Z axis with self-tapping screws.
  12. Supports for the carriage along the Z axis are also made of plywood (base 15x9 cm, bottom and top 9x5 cm). On the top board, a hole is made for the bearing, and on the bottom - for the guides.
  13. After assembling all the elements of the Z axis, they are mounted on the body.

Nowadays, production is becoming more and more frequent. small parts from wood, for certain structures. Also in stores you can find a variety of beautiful three-dimensional paintings made on wood canvas. Such operations are performed using numerically controlled milling machines. The accuracy of parts or pictures made of wood is achieved through computer control, a specialized program.

The CNC wood router is a highly professional machine built with the latest technology.

All the work consists in processing with a special wood cutter, which can be used to cut small parts from wood material, creating beautiful drawings. The work is carried out by supplying signals to stepper motors, which, in turn, move the router along three axes.

Due to this, high-precision processing occurs. As a rule, such work cannot be done manually with such high quality. Therefore, CNC wood milling machines are a great find for carpenters.


Since ancient times, milling was intended for planing work with wood. But the engine of progress is moving strictly forward in our time, numerical control has been created for such machines. At this stage, the milling machine can perform a variety of actions that relate to wood processing:

  1. Cutting various details from solid wood.
  2. Cutting off excess parts of the workpiece.
  3. Ability to make grooves and holes of various diameters.
  4. Drawing complex ornaments using a cutter.
  5. 3D Three-dimensional images on solid wood.
  6. Complete furniture manufacturing and much more.

Whatever the task, it will be carried out with high precision and accuracy.

Tip: When working on homemade CNC equipment, you need to smoothly remove the thickness of the wood, otherwise your part will be damaged or burned by the cutter!


In the modern technological world, the following types of CNC wood milling machines are distinguished:


These machines are placed in industries, as they are huge in size and weight. But such equipment is capable of manufacturing products in large volumes.


These are homemade devices or devices from ready-made kits. These machines can be safely installed in your garage or your own workshop. These include the following subspecies:

Equipment using portal, with numerical control

Directly, the milling cutter itself is able to move along two Cartesian axes X and Z. This type of machine has high rigidity when bending. The design of the portal milling machine with numerical control is quite simple in its execution. Many carpenters begin their knowledge of CNC machines from this subtype. However, in this case, the size of the workpiece will be limited by the size of the portal itself.

Numerically controlled and mobile gantry

The construction of this subtype is a little more complicated.

mobile portal

It is this type that moves the router along all three Cartesian axes, along X, Z and Y. In this case, it will be necessary to use a solid guide for the X axis, since all the heavy load will be directed to it.

With a mobile portal, it is very convenient for creating printed circuit boards. On the Y axis, it is possible to process long parts.

The cutter moves along the Z axis.

Machine on which the milling part is able to move in a vertical direction

This subtype is usually used when refining production samples or when converting drilling equipment into engraving and milling.

The working field, that is, the tabletop itself, has dimensions of 15x15 centimeters, which makes it impossible to process large parts.

This type is not very convenient to use.

Numerically controlled portalless

This type of machine is very complex in its design, but it is the most productive and convenient.

Workpieces can be processed up to five meters long, even if the X-axis is 20 centimeters.

This subtype is extremely unsuitable for the first experience, as it requires skills on this equipment.

Below we will consider the design of a hand-held CNC wood milling machine, we will analyze the principles of its operation. We learn how to do this brainchild and how such equipment is being adjusted.

Device and principle of operation

The main parts of the milling device are the following parts:


Directly the design of the machine itself, on which all other parts are located.


A node that is a mount to support the movement of an automatic tool.


The area where all the necessary work is done.

Spindle shaft or router

A tool that performs milling work.

Cutter for wood processing

A tool, or rather a device for a milling cutter, of various sizes and shapes, with the help of which wood is processed.


Let's just say the brain and heart of the whole structure. Software performs precise control of all work.

The work is in program management. A specialized program is installed on the computer, it is she who converts the circuits loaded into it into special codes, which the program distributes to the controller, and then to stepper motors. Stepper motors, in turn, move the milling cutter along the coordinate axes Z, Y, X, due to which the processing of the wooden workpiece takes place.

Choice of accessories

The main step in the invention homemade milling machine is the choice of component parts. After all, choosing bad material, something can go wrong in

An example of an assembly from an aluminum frame.

the work itself. Usually use simple materials such as: aluminum, wood (solid, MDF), plexiglass. For the correct and accurate operation of the entire structure, it is important to develop the entire design of the calipers.

Tip: Before assembly do it yourself, it is necessary to check all already prepared parts for compatibility.

Check if there are any snags that will interfere. And most importantly, to prevent various kinds of fluctuations, as this will directly lead to poor-quality milling.

There are some assignments for the selection of work items that will help in the creation, namely:


Scheme of CNC guides for a milling cutter.

For them, rods with a diameter of 12 millimeters are used. For the X axis, the length of the rod is 200 millimeters, and for the Y axis, the length is 90 millimeters.

The use of guides will allow high-precision installation of moving parts


caliper CNC milling machine.

Support assembly.

Textolite material can be used for these components. Pretty durable material of its kind. As a rule, the dimensions of the textolite pad are 25x100x45 millimeters.

Router locking block

An example of a frame for fixing a router.

You can also use a textolite frame. The dimensions directly depend on the tool you have.

Stepper motors or servo motors
power unit

An electronic board that distributes electricity to stepper motors to move them along axes.

Tip: When soldering the board, it is necessary to use capacitors and resistors in special SMD cases (aluminum, ceramics, and plastic are used to make cases for such parts). This will reduce the dimensions of the board, as well as the internal space in the design will be optimized.


Scheme homemade machine numerically controlled

The assembly will not take you too much time. The only thing is that the tuning process will be the longest in the entire manufacturing process.

To start

It is necessary to develop a diagram and drawings of the future numerical control machine.

If you do not want to do this, then you can download drawings from the Internet. For all sizes prepare all the necessary details.

Make all necessary holes

Designed for bearings and guides. The main thing is to observe all the necessary dimensions, otherwise the operation of the machine will be disrupted. A diagram with a description of the location of the mechanisms is presented. It will give you a general idea, especially if you are collecting it for the first time.

When all the elements and parts of the mechanism are ready for you, you can safely proceed with the assembly. The first step is to assemble the equipment frame.


Must be geometrically correct. All corners should be even and equal. When the frame is ready, you can mount the guide axles, desktop, calipers. When these elements are installed, you can install a router or a spindle.

The last step remains - electronics. Installing the electronics is the main step in the assembly. A controller is connected to the stepper motors installed on the machine, which will be responsible for their operation.

Next, the controller is connected to a computer on which a special control program should already be installed. Widely applied trademark Arduino, which manufactures and supplies hardware equipment.

With everything connected and ready, it's time to run a test piece. Any wood that will not go beyond the desktop is suitable for this. If your workpiece has been processed and everything is in order, then you can proceed to the full-fledged manufacture of one or another milling product.


Safety with milling equipment is the foundation of the basics. If you do not take care of yourself, you can end up in the hospital with serious injuries. All safety rules are the same, but the most basic ones will be listed below:

  1. You must ground your equipment to avoid electric shock.
  2. Keep children away from the machine.
  3. Do not eat or drink on the desktop.
  4. Clothing should be appropriate.
  5. Do not process bulky parts that exceed the size of the desktop, machine equipment.
  6. Do not throw various tools to the working area of ​​the machine.
  7. Do not use material (metal, plastic, etc.).

Video reviews

Video review of parts for the machine and where to get them:

Video review of the wood milling machine:

Video review of electronics

The question of how to make a CNC machine can be answered briefly. Knowing that a homemade CNC milling machine, in general, is a complex device that has complex structure, it is desirable for the constructor:

  • get drawings;
  • purchase reliable components and fasteners;
  • prepare a good tool;
  • have a lathe and drilling machine CNC machined to quickly manufacture.

It does not hurt to watch the video - a kind of instruction, teaching - where to start. And I’ll start with preparation, buy everything I need, figure out the drawing - here correct solution budding designer. That's why preparatory stage, preceding the assembly, is very important.

Works of the preparatory stage

To make a homemade CNC for milling, there are two options:

  1. You take a ready-made running set of parts (specially selected units), from which we assemble the equipment ourselves.
  2. Find (make) all the components and start assembling the CNC machine with your own hands, which would meet all the requirements.

It is important to decide on the purpose, size and design (how to do without a drawing of a home-made CNC machine), find schemes for its manufacture, purchase or manufacture some of the parts that are needed for this, acquire lead screws.

If a decision is made to create a CNC machine with your own hands and do without ready-made sets of components and mechanisms, fasteners, you need the scheme assembled according to which the machine will work.

Usually, finding circuit diagram devices, first they model all the details of the machine, prepare technical drawings, and then use them on the turning and milling machines(sometimes it is necessary to use drilling) make components from plywood or aluminum. Most often, work surfaces (also called a desktop) are plywood with a thickness of 18 mm.

Assembly of some important machine components

In the machine that you started to assemble with your own hands, it is necessary to provide for a number of critical nodes that ensure the vertical movement of the working tool. In this list:

  • screw transmission - rotation is transmitted using a toothed belt. It is good because it does not slip on the pulleys, evenly transferring forces to the shaft of the milling equipment;
  • if a stepper motor (SM) is used for a mini-machine, it is advisable to take a carriage from a larger printer model - more powerful; old dot matrix printers had fairly powerful electric motors;

  • for a three-coordinate device, you need three step motors. Well, if there are 5 control wires in each, the functionality of the mini-machine will increase. It is worth evaluating the magnitude of the parameters: supply voltage, winding resistance and the rotation angle of the stepper motor in one step. To connect each stepper motor, a separate controller is needed;
  • with the help of screws, the rotational movement from the stepper motor is converted into a linear one. To achieve high accuracy, many consider it necessary to have ball screws (ball screws), but this component is not cheap. When choosing a set of nuts and mounting screws for mounting blocks, they are chosen with plastic inserts, this reduces friction and eliminates backlash;

  • instead of a stepper motor, you can take a conventional electric motor, after a little refinement;
  • vertical axis, which provides movement of the tool in 3D, covering the entire coordinate table. It is made from aluminum plate. It is important that the dimensions of the axis are adjusted to the dimensions of the device. In the presence of muffle furnace, the axis can be cast according to the dimensions of the drawings.

Below is a drawing made in three projections: side, rear, and top view.

Maximum attention - bed

The necessary rigidity to the machine is provided by the frame. A movable portal, a system of rail guides, SD, work surface, Z axis and spindle.

For example, one of the creators of a home-made CNC machine made the supporting frame from aluminum profile Maytec - two parts (section 40x80 mm) and two end plates 10 mm thick from the same material, connecting the elements aluminum corners. The design is reinforced, inside the frame a frame is made of smaller profiles in the shape of a square.

The bed is mounted without the use of welded joints (welds are poorly able to withstand vibration loads). It is better to use T-nuts as fasteners. On the end plates, a bearing block is provided for installing the lead screw. You will need a plain bearing and a spindle bearing.

The craftsman determined the main task of the hand-made CNC machine to be the manufacture of aluminum parts. Since workpieces with a maximum thickness of 60 mm were suitable for him, he made a portal clearance of 125 mm (this is the distance from the top cross beam to work surface).

This difficult installation process

Collect homemade cnc machines, after preparing the components, it is better strictly according to the drawing so that they work. The assembly process, using lead screws, should be performed in the following sequence:

  • a knowledgeable craftsman begins by attaching the first two step motors to the body - behind the vertical axis of the equipment. One is responsible for horizontal movement milling head (rail guides), and the second for moving in a vertical plane;
  • a movable portal moving along the X axis carries milling spindle and caliper (z-axis). The higher the portal, the larger the workpiece can be processed. But at a high portal, in the process of processing, resistance to emerging loads decreases;

  • front, rear, top, middle and bottom plates are used to fasten Z-axis stepper motors, linear guides. In the same place, make a lodgement for the milling spindle;
  • the drive is assembled from carefully selected nuts and studs. To fix the motor shaft and attach it to the stud, use the rubber winding of a thick electric cable. Screws inserted into the nylon sleeve can be used as a retainer.

Then the assembly of the remaining components and assemblies of the homemade begins.

We mount the electronic filling of the machine

To make a CNC machine with your own hands and control it, you need to operate with a properly selected numerical control, high-quality printed circuit boards and electronic components (especially if they are Chinese), which will allow you to implement all the functionality on a CNC machine, processing a part of a complex configuration.

In order to avoid problems in management, home-made CNC machines, among the nodes, have the following mandatory:

  • stepper motors, some stopped like Nema;
  • LPT port through which the CNC control unit can be connected to the machine;
  • drivers for controllers, they are installed on a mini-milling machine, connected in accordance with the diagram;

  • switching boards (controllers);
  • a 36V power supply unit with a step-down transformer that converts to 5V to power the control circuit;
  • laptop or PC;
  • emergency stop button.

Only after that, the CNC machines are tested (at the same time, the craftsman will make a test run by downloading all the programs), the existing shortcomings are identified and eliminated.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, making a CNC that is not inferior to Chinese models is real. Having made a set of spare parts with the right size, having high-quality bearings and enough fasteners for assembly, this task is within the power of those who are interested in software engineering. It won't take long to find an example.

In the photo below - some examples of machines with numerical control, which are made by the same craftsmen, not professionals. Not a single detail was made hastily, of arbitrary size, but approaching the block with great accuracy, with careful alignment of the axes, using high-quality lead screws and durable bearings. The statement is true: as you collect, so you will work.

On the CNC, processing of an duralumin blank is performed. Such a machine, which was assembled by a craftsman, can perform a lot of milling work.

Another sample assembled machine, where the fiberboard board is used as a desktop, on which the manufacture of a printed circuit board is possible.

Everyone who starts making the first device will soon move on to other machines. Perhaps he wants to test himself as an assembler of a drilling unit and, imperceptibly, join the army of craftsmen who have collected a lot homemade devices. Technical creativity will make people's lives interesting, varied and rich.