Shower      03/05/2020

Locksmith tool scraper - fine work on metal! Metal scrapers How to make a file scraper

The scraper is a tool for finishing parts, removing a thin layer of material by scraping, up to 0.01 mm. It is used in metalwork for cleaning metal before soldering or assembling critical structures, less often for grinding. wooden products. Scraping is done after roughing with a file or cutter. During the operation, the surface is checked by applying it to a calibration plate covered with a thin layer of paint. Irregularities covered with paint are scraped again.

There are two types of scrapers: for metal parts and construction. Metal scrapers are made from tool-type steel by installing hard-alloy steel plates into the groove on the body. dimensions and sharpening angles vary depending on the material and the processing mechanism of the original product, as well as on the angle of the tool to the machined plane.

Removes a thin layer of metal

Surface shape for scraping

Working surface tool can be flat, with three edges or shaped under a specific task.

A flat scraper is a tool for interacting with straight surfaces and scraping sharp corners. Suitable for soft metals like aluminum, babbitt. By design, it can be one-sided or two-sided - the latter lasts longer. The length of the tool with the cutting part on one side is up to 250 mm, on both sides - up to 400 mm.

The width varies according to the scraping method:

  • 5-10 mm - for high-precision processing;
  • 12-20 mm - for scraping of low accuracy;
  • 20-30 mm - for rough rough scraping.

Flat mechanical reinforced "scraper"

Sharpening angle - 65-75⁰ for roughing, 90⁰ - for finishing; the width of the active cutting part is 1-3 mm.

A trihedral scraper is used for scraping internal surfaces cylindrical parts. Tool types:

  • with a straight tip;
  • arched.

Triangular working part of the scraper with grooves

Length - 70-100 mm, the optimal sharpening angle - 60⁰. On the working part, grooves are sawn to facilitate sharpening.

A shaped scraper is a tool with a chisel machined to a given shape. Copes with hard-to-reach edges and corners of the part. Usually it is structurally collapsible - a handle and several plates various forms about 2 mm thick.

Shaped nail scraper

Handle and working part of the scraper

A solid scraper can grind surfaces only at a given angle. To process a different material or complex unevenness, regrinding or equipment change is required. Manufacturers offer tools with interchangeable inserts to avoid unnecessary operations. To scrape the corner after flat surface you just need to change the nozzle.

The universal scraper is a prefabricated tool that consists of five parts:

  • metal body;
  • handle made of wood or metal;
  • metal holder;
  • clamping screw;
  • replaceable plate made of tool steel.

Composite tool designs

The plate is placed in the clamping mechanism of the case and is screwed in with a screw, which can be located outside on the case or inside the handle. In the latter case, the screw is tightened by turning the knob clockwise, and loosened - against.

Innovators of the scientific and technical sphere, in particular S.G. Kononenko, developed an improved design, also collapsible. It consists of a handle, a body and an interchangeable plate, but fastening is carried out without the help of a screw. At the end of the plate there is a shank resembling the forked tail of a swallow. It is securely fixed in the groove and allows you to remove the record in a couple of seconds without effort.

Degrees of tool automation

Machine automation speeds up construction and metal work. Scraping is a long and laborious process. Today, the only tool that provides fast scraping is an electric scraper.

It is applied for:

  • removal of paint residues;
  • removal of layers of plaster;
  • scraping hardened tile adhesive;
  • removing traces of cement and screed.

Building unit model

A construction electric scraper is not used for grinding metal - it is used exclusively in construction. This is a device with a body in the form of a cylinder, inside which the engine is installed. The nozzle moves on the principle of "back and forth", starting work at the moment when it is firmly pressed against the surface to be treated, which ensures the accuracy of grinding.

How to work with power tools:

  • Clamp the workpiece firmly in a vise.
  • Turn on the device in the network and set the speed of movement of the nozzle depending on the material of the workpiece.
  • Firmly press the working part to the surface of the workpiece.
  • Without changing the pressure, gradually move the tool forward.

There are three types of nozzles:

  • narrow;
  • wide;
  • putty knife;
  • wood bench.

The result of the scraper

Wide ones are used when processing large surfaces, narrow ones are used for stripping hard-to-reach places, spatulas - for delicate surfaces. Spatulas and chisels vary in width, as do conventional nozzles.

How to learn to scrape correctly

Scraping in home construction does not involve pre-training surfaces, but scraping metal in an industrial environment requires skill.

To work with a tool with your own hands, you need to know what scraping is - this is the order of operations performed sequentially.

  1. Lubricate the control plate with scraper paint - a mixture of soot and engine oil.
  2. Attach the part to be scraped to the plate and gently slide it back and forth.
  3. Look at the spots that have appeared on the surface. White indicates the absence of paint and indicates the deepest places, black indicates the presence of paint and indicates the average depth, gray indicates the presence of protrusions that require scraping.
  4. Prepare a sharpened tool and start scraping off the bumps. Hold the scraper at an angle of 30-40⁰, move forward with pressure, and come back calmly. Start with long strokes - from 20 mm, and slowly reduce the amplitude - up to 5 mm. Move the tool in different directions - the strokes should cross at an angle of 45⁰.
  5. After finishing the scraping, wipe the part and repeat the staining. Check the cleanliness of the sanding with the control square.

Scraping mechanics

The 25x25 mm control frame allows you to determine how deep the scraping is. To do this, attach the frame to the part and count the number of spots inside it:

  • 5-6 - rough;
  • 7-10 - clean;
  • 11-14 - exactly;
  • from 22 - jewelry.

How to choose a scraper depending on the surface:

  • straight - for turning edges;
  • shaped - for bent parts;
  • narrow - for hard alloys and materials;
  • wide - for scraping soft materials;
  • radius - for flat surfaces.

Blade sharpening angle:

  • standard - 60-70⁰;
  • for bronze and cast iron - about 100⁰;
  • for soft alloys - 40⁰.

The nuances and techniques of scraping

The scraping mechanism depends on the type of surface. To process a part with flat surfaces:

  1. Roll the part on a calibration plate, identify irregularities.
  2. Pre-machining with a tool with a long cutting edge. Start from the edge of the part. Break all the round spots of paint in half, and the oval ones into several parts.
  3. Roll the part on the calibration plate again.
  4. Finish with a short edged scraper - up to 15mm.

Preparing for scraping

Metal scraping consists in removing irregularities from the surfaces of metal parts.

There are two methods of scraping:

  • away from you when the tool is set at an angle of 25⁰, and the pressure is applied when moving forward;
  • towards itself when the working movement is moving the tool backwards.

The second technique is more productive - when working from oneself, notches and roughness remain on the surface, which take time to eliminate.

Scraping mechanisms:

  • roughing - with a change of direction, tool stroke length - 2-3 cm;
  • semi-finishing - with a narrow tool, stroke length - 0.5-1 cm;
  • finishing - with a scraper with a width of 5 to 12 mm, stroke length - 0.3-0.5 mm
  • cross - with short strokes with GOI paste.

GOI paste is a substance that improves the efficiency of scraping.

Whetstone for refueling

Work tricks:

  • Use a disc tool for large surfaces. To make it yourself, attach a sharpened cutting disc to the holder. When one edge becomes dull, turn the disk over and continue manipulations.
  • Choose a one-piece scraper made of hard tool steel type ShKh15. The collapsible handle can be made of carbon steel.
  • A mechanized scraper speeds up the grinding procedure by 15-20 times.

How to make a scraper with your own hands

Buying a decent scraper is not difficult, but with the materials at hand, you can make a tool that is ideal for your own needs.

The simplest at home

The simplest locksmith scraper can be made by hand with only one carbide plate for the working part.

Ready product

Required Tools and materials:

  • tetrahedral bar 15x15;
  • quick-change plate T5K10;
  • bolt with washer;
  • sandpaper;
  • Bulgarian;
  • vise.

Sawed slot and groove

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. From the bar with a grinder, saw off a part 25-30 cm long. This is the future building.
  2. Clamp the body in a vice and cut the angle grinder along to a depth of 2-3 cm with a cutting wheel.
  3. Take a measurement of the cutting plate and cut a groove in the bar under it with a depth of about 0.5-1 cm.
  4. Drill a hole for the clamping bolt across.
  5. Clean up all cuts sandpaper and place the plate in the groove.
  6. Tighten the bolt with a screwdriver or hexagon.

Placing a Record in the Case

Complex tool on machine tools

If you have machine tools and electrical equipment, you can make a scraper with your own hands complex design.

Scraper with attached handle

Tools and materials:

Turned parts: base, cap and threaded stem

  1. From a metal bar, carve a base for a plate and a cover.
  2. Drill a transverse hole in the base of the tool to attach the cover to the screw.
  3. Cut a thread on the tip of the steel rod, and drill in the cover and base of the scraper longitudinal hole similar diameter. cut into internal thread.
  4. Attach the rod to the base.
  5. Carve a handle out of wood - you can use a leg from an ordinary chair.
  6. Drill a hole in the handle and install the scraper rod inside.
  7. You can additionally strengthen the handle with a metal ring, after turning it from soft metal.

Complete tool

Ring at the beginning of the handle close-up

Temporary tool from a file

A file scraper should be made only when there is no other material at hand. A file for a quality scraper should be wide enough - about 8-10 mm and made of solid material. The optimal length of the tool is the same as the length of the palm or much more. The handle is comfortable, fits well in the hand, without injuring the palm when working.

Manufacturing sequence:

  1. Sharpen the working edge of the file under the scraper plate. To remove a large allowance, carve a straight line, for a fine scraping - a rounded one.
  2. Using a bar or electric emery, sharpen the tool so that a 1 cm notch forms on one side, the end becomes flat, and roundings form on the sides.

Narrow file - the basis for the scraper

The next step is to fill the tool with diamond paste on an abrasive block, for example, F120:

  1. Fix the bar on the work surface.
  2. Install the scraper end face on the bar and draw it towards you several times until small irregularities are worn off.

Scraper filling scheme

If the tool slips during operation, refill it.

To clean the surface of dirt or irregularities, or to grind a layer of metal to a uniform smooth texture, use a scraper - you now know what it is. Select the tool according to the type of surface being machined and the requirements for the final roughness of the material.

A seemingly unremarkable tool - a metal scraper - is considered very necessary in most areas of production, where it is required to bring the surface to perfect smoothness. What is this device and how to use it, we will learn a little lower.

What does the unusual word scraping mean?

This word means just the process of using the above-mentioned tool. As experienced locksmiths say, this is not an easy job and requires jewelry precision, scrupulousness, patience and, of course, skill. The skill does not come immediately, and many details remain spoiled before the young locksmith masters this tricky operation, and by the way, it takes up almost 20% of all tasks in the locksmith business. So you can't bypass it. The required skill can be judged by the fact that in one pass, you can remove a maximum of 0.7 mm of metal, and with an average effort, it will take no more than 0.03 mm at all.

Scraping consists in what is removed from the workpiece, barely visible upper layer. Most often, they work with metal, although the same technique is often found in the processing of wood, but this more docile material can be worked with other cutting tools, achieving a smooth surface. With metal, everything is not so simple, and only scraping gives the really desired result. A scraper for metal is able to remove even almost imperceptible roughness that prevents rubbing surfaces from carrying out stable operation of mechanisms.

After such processing, the parts can ideally fit tightly to each other, are well lubricated and do not lose lubrication. Removal of a thin rough layer makes it possible to perfectly fit the size of the part to the required one.

There is a set of scrapers in every locksmith shop, such tools are necessary even in the manufacture of calibration fixtures to give them a squeaky smooth surface. In addition, it is possible to successfully process a curved surface, however, this task is even more difficult and requires appropriate qualifications and experience, especially if only manual model scraping devices. This is how parts of various devices, machine tool guides, and even bearings can be brought into perfect shape with the help of such tools.

Types of scrapers - what can surprise such a simple tool?

Types of scrapers are distinguished according to several criteria. For example, by design, devices can be divided into integral and composite. It is not difficult to guess the difference between them. Despite the outward simplicity, there are differences in the shape of the edge, which is carried out directly. So, flat ones are distinguished (the most simple form- a straight plate), shaped (the plate has the shape of a part that is planned to be processed) and trihedral. There are also different numbers of cutting edges, there can be two (double-sided scraping tools) or one (single-sided).

As seen, constituent parts this cutting device does not have much, but you can get lost in them. And if you look around in modern hardware store, then you will see that in addition to these criteria, there is another significant nuance - the drive. Yes, yes, today you can work not only with your hands, or rather, you still have to control them, but you don’t need to strain yourself, because there are already other types of tools - pneumatic, electric scraper for metal and manual, of course. The working surface of all such devices is made of carbon, usually U10-U13, less often from some kind of hard alloy.

How to choose the very scraper from a huge set?

As you can see, the choice is great, but how to decide which of the proposed tools to take for work? If you are faced with the task of leveling the surface of a flat object or part, then a straight-line fixture is quite suitable, the number of cutting edges can be any, apply the one that you like best. If there is no rectilinear, then curvilinear will do for this problem. The main component of successful work is correct sharpening cutting edge, the geometry in such cases is determined by how rough the machining is planned, i.e. how many millimeters of material we need to remove, also on the hardness of this material and on the angle of the cutting edge relative to the surface that we are processing.

Usually the sharpening angle is 90-100 °, this is the easiest way to work. But if you only have a rough stage of processing, then the angle can be from 75 °, when the finishing stage is already performed, the maximum angle is taken - 100 °. As for materials, for soft metals you can sharpen the tool even at 35-40 °, but for steel you need an angle of 75-90 °, and if you have cast iron or bronze in front of you, then prepare a device with sharpening at 90-100 °. When choosing the width and radius of your cutting attachment, also consider the hardness of the material being cut and the requirement for clean work. The rule is this: with high hardness and cleanliness of grinding, the cutting edge should be narrow (roughing stage - up to 3 cm, and finishing - 1.2 cm) and with a small radius of curvature.

For special occasions, for example, for curvilinear work on the processing of bearings, they take a trihedral tool, and sharpen it by 60 °. And if there is a lot of work to be done, and it is quite varied, then you will need a lot of tools available, then it is easier to use a composite tool for scraping. In it, you can simply change the plates, and this is done simply by unscrewing the clamping screw. In some cases, locksmiths make a not quite standard look for such a tool - in the form of a ring. They are much more convenient to grind a round part.

Learning to use the scraping tool

Having learned a lot about this process and tool, it's time to look at how to use the scraper.

How to use the scraping tool - step by step

Step 1: Evaluation and surface preparation

It is important to weigh the degree of imperfection of your scraping object. If there are rough scratches and nicks, or wear has almost reached 0.5-1 mm in an area of ​​​​1 mm 2, then coarser processing is needed first, for example, planing and milling. Sharp edges should be along the edges of the surface, and then measure the gap of a verification tool, such as a ruler, relative to the surface. By applying it to the part, you should not find a gap above 0.05 mm, otherwise another preliminary rough processing is needed.

Step 2: Surface painting

A calibration plate is taken, paint is passed over it, leaving a thin layer. The future "experimental" part is placed on the surface to be scraped, and pulled along the slab. All the bulges that you will need to remove later will be painted. Paints have a special recipe, there are many options, but, most often, this is machine oil with azure or blue. The expected requirement is the absence of large particles in the paint, the perfect condition of the surface plate. You will have to check the part for paint many times during scraping, only the last finishing stage will be carried out already "for shine".

Step 3: Scraping

This step should be carried out with a well-sharpened and tucked tool. After a little scraping, the condition of the surface should be checked again, and the paint should be applied to the surface plate each time in a thinner layer. When working, do not be lazy to fix the workpiece well in a vice or other devices. If the part is small, then it should be done carefully, using some kind of gaskets under the vise. Scraping should be done evenly, which means that you should move in all directions. And start with the removal of large spots, ending with small ones.

And, by the way, after I bought the same kosher records from VK6OM, I realized that you can’t make a scraper out of a file. From a file, you can make a fast-blunting, bullying, picking likeness of a scraper.
Which file will fit.
Not every file will fit, I went through four of the stocks, one fit. It should be made of a suitable metal that will not dull after the first cut, like the metal of chisels, for example. And the file should also have a comfortable handle with a round end so that it does not stick into the palm of your hand.
The surface class is checked by the number of touch spots in a 25 mm square. Suppose you need 15 spots. So one spot should be about 6 mm in diameter (I counted by area). It is quite possible to cut it with a scraper 8-10 mm wide. So the file must be of this width. For rough processing it is possible and wider.
The length of the file should be two to four centimeters more than the width of the palm, if you work "from yourself". And if you work "for yourself", then you need much longer, the handle should lie on the shoulder when the cutting edge touches the workpiece. And to bend for this it was not necessary.
How to sharpen a file into a scraper.
If you need to remove a large allowance, then it is better to make a scraper with a straight cutting edge; for finishing scraping, you need to make a scraper with a round cutting edge. The cleaner the scraping, the smaller the edge radius.
First, the file must be sharpened like a scraper. On electric emery, in very short sessions, so that the metal does not have time to let go - rub it a little and immediately into the water. It is possible on a bar, only longer, but it will not let go for sure. The task is to cut the notch by 10 millimeters from the very end on one side, make the end more or less flat, and make roundings of a millimeter radius on the sides.
For rough scraping, the scraper can already be used, and for fine scraping, it still needs to be refilled. To do this, you need an abrasive block F120 or smaller, with flat surface(the new ones are quite flat, and the old one, I suppose, can be rubbed against something iron to achieve the same effect). It is convenient to fix the bar on some plank or directly on the table so that it does not travel.
I tried to fill the edge with the help of diamond paste 40-28 and 7-5 on a duralumin plate (they say you need cast iron, but I don’t have it). Sharpened in the direction opposite to the one in which to cut. It may not be correct, but otherwise it does not sharpen.
First, put the scraper on the bar in the place from which the notch was cut, and draw it towards the handle several times so that this surface becomes flat. Press the end with your left hand, pull the handle with your right. After such processing, a little metal will stretch on the cutting surface, but this is not scary.
Then you need to put the scraper end on the bar and holding with both hands as close to the cutting edge as possible, grind off the hole and other irregularities from the emery disk. If the cutting edge comes out a little not perpendicular to the sides of the file, it's not scary. For cast iron, the angle between these turned surfaces should be 90-100 degrees. It must be maintained when processing the end surface.
Keep the cutting edge oblique relative to the direction of movement, then it turns out to be straight. Or maybe just a little bulging.
And finally, the rounded sides need to be blunted so that they do not leave deep holes.
In the process of work, the file scraper has to be refilled very often. Dull, he begins to jump or crush, transverse strips are obtained on the cut. And if it dulls unevenly, then it begins to leave longitudinal scratches. Or completely ceases to "grab" the metal, slides over the surface.
It is enough just to correct the end surface, as I have already described.
How to scrape "on your own".
Hold the file in your fist with your left hand. Right - by the handle. With the left hand, aim more, with the right hand, push more away from you.
I saw that the scraper handle is clamped between the index and middle fingers right hand how you cookie. It seemed so uncomfortable to me, I hold the index finger of my right hand with my left hand along with the file, so it’s more convenient to aim, sort of like index finger scramble, you definitely won't miss.

Abrasive, to fill the scraper, you need to take even finer, twice. Although there are no such scary grooves left on the file metal. But if a hard-alloy plate is processed with diamond 125, then traces on the metal remain noticeable for some reason.

Quite later.
Here is a sketch of the piece to manually thread the scraper plate. Yes, and a file is possible, probably.

Professional locksmiths know perfectly well what a scraper is used for and what it is. Another name for the tool is a pusher. With this useful mechanical tool, metal parts can be given high level strength and minimum roughness. In addition, the scraper is used for drawing patterns on surfaces and processing edges.

Fixture Specifications

The very term "scraping" appeared in our country from Germany. In translation, it means "scrape", which is fully consistent with the essence of the operation. With such processing metal surface there is a scraping of all kinds of defects, which allows it to be made very smooth.

The scrapers used for this procedure are made of tool steel alloys. Their design includes a cutting element and a handle, which can have a three- or four-sided shape. To give high hardness to the working element of the pusher, it is subjected to a special heat treatment.

In most cases, the instruments have a standard length of twenty to forty centimeters. The width of the cutting element depends on the type of processing and the task at hand. For example, black scraping of production with a tool with a width of the working part from 15 to 30. The finishing procedure assumes a width of 15 to 20 millimeters.

It also depends on the type of scraping. tool tip sharpening angle. Experienced locksmiths recommend using the following angles:

  • from 90 to 100 degrees - for finishing operations;
  • 90 degrees - for finishing (scraping);
  • from 75 to 90 - for black scraping.

It should also be remembered that the sharpening angle must be measured relative to the axis of the tool.

The geometric characteristics of the scraper are not determined by GOSTs, although some inexperienced craftsmen are trying to find such information in the standard 1465-80, which does not apply to scrapers at all, as it regulates the parameters of files.

Locksmiths are currently using different types scraping devices which have a lot of differences from each other. Depending on the shape of the cutting element, metal scrapers are divided into shaped, trihedral and flat. The cutting part of shaped pushers, in contrast to the elements of trihedral and flat devices, repeats the shape of the surface being processed.

A triangular scraper is often used to process concave and cylindrical surface areas, and a flat tool is used to finish grooves and grooves. Specialists can use ring and disc tools, which allow processing round parts and wide surfaces.

By design, the scrapers are classified into two-sided and one-sided, as well as collapsible and solid. The most durable are double-sided models that are equipped with not one, but two working parts at once.

The cutting element may be curved or flat. Curved pushers are very convenient for processing parts with pointed corners and soft metal alloys.

A few years ago locksmiths used only hand tool, now manufacturers produce devices equipped with electric or pneumatic drive. You still need to manage such devices with your own hands, but they require less physical effort than when using manual-type scrapers.

Scope of the tool

Scrapers are used for removing the thinnest layer from a metal part. This makes it possible to bring the surface to the optimum level of roughness. Such a technological operation is often used for metal elements, which will then be movable. These include:

  • elements of high-precision devices and machine tools;
  • bearing parts;
  • various measuring devices;
  • blades of cutting tools (they are sharpened with a scraper sharpener).

Versatility is one of the main advantages of pushers. With the use of such devices, engraving is applied, edges are processed and the old coating is removed. Scrapers are used even in the cosmetology field by manicure specialists, but such tools have their own design and functional features.

In order for the scraper to be durable and efficient, you need to follow some rules for its use. One of the most important factors- choice of instrument.

Specialists prefer to have at their disposal a whole set of scrapers to solve certain problems. You can use universal fixture with nozzles that quickly change depending on the situation.

No need to start scraping if there are significant defects on the surface of the element being processed in the form of scratches, chips, etc. To begin with, it is better to process it roughly using a milling machine.

After preparing the surface, you need to identify the most problematic areas of the product. For this purpose, a layer of paint must be applied to the surface and a workpiece should be drawn over it. As a result, the protrusions and bumps with which to start scraping will be painted.

For processing, the element is securely fixed in a vice. Large parts are processed on site. Do not forget that scraping must begin with the most convex sections of the part. Only in this case the work will be successful.

Chabert is well known to plumbing professionals. With this tool for surface finishing, metal parts can be given a minimum degree of roughness, and their geometric parameters with a high degree of accuracy.

How scraping is done

The very word "scraping", which can be translated as "scraping", came to us from Germany. It very accurately corresponds to the essence of the technological operation that it denotes. In the process of performing such an operation, irregularities are scraped off the surface of the part, which allows you to make it as smooth as possible.

The scrapers with which such an operation is performed are made of tool steel. The design of this tool is made up of a four- or three-sided handle and a cutting part. To give the working part of the scraper the required degree of hardness (64–66 HRC units), it is hardened.

Scrapers are made mainly of standard length (20-40 cm), and the width of their cutting edge depends on the type of operation performed. So, rough scraping is performed with a tool whose working part is 20–30 mm wide, for finishing this interval is 15–20 mm.

The type of scraping performed also influences the value of the tip sharpening angle that should be formed on the tool. Plumbing experts recommend using the following sharpening angles for the cutting tip:

  • 75–90° - for roughing;
  • 90° - for fine scraping;
  • 90–100° - for finishing operations.

It should be borne in mind that the angle of sharpening of the cutting edge of the scraper is measured relative to its axis.

The geometric parameters of the scraping tool are not regulated by any GOST, although many unknowingly try to find such data in the standard number 1465-80. Meanwhile, GOST 1465-80 refers to files and has nothing to do with scrapers. As for the scrapers themselves, in the relevant GOSTs you can find only the requirements for the metal for their manufacture, as well as the rules for accepting such a tool belonging to the locksmith group.

Types of scraping tools

To date, experts use different kinds scrapers that differ from each other in several ways. One of these parameters is the shape of the cutting part of the tool, depending on which among the scrapers there are flat, trihedral and shaped scrapers. Unlike flat and trihedral tools, shaped scrapers have a working part that completely repeats the shape of the surface of the workpiece.

The tool, the working part of which has several faces, mainly processes cylindrical and concave surfaces, and flat scrapers successfully cope with the processing of various grooves and grooves. In practice, disc and ring-shaped scrapers are often used. With the help of the former, parts with wide surfaces are processed, and the latter are used for scraping products that have a round shape.

According to the design, the scrapers are solid and collapsible, one- or two-sided. More durable are double-sided scrapers, which differ from single-sided ones in that they have two working parts located on both sides of the handle.

The working part of the scraping tool can be flat or curved in its location relative to the handle. Scrapers, the working part of which has a curved shape, are most conveniently used for processing soft metals, as well as parts with sharp corners.

Relatively recently, only manual scrapers were used in plumbing, and today many manufacturers offer tools equipped with a pneumatic or electric type. You still have to manipulate such a tool manually, but this requires much less effort than when using a manual scraper.

Scraper Applications

Using a scraper, a specialist removes the thinnest layer of metal from the workpiece, the thickness of which can vary between 0.005–0.7 mm, which allows you to bring the degree of surface roughness to the required level. With the help of such a technological operation, parts are often processed, which will later be mated and moved relative to each other. The most common parts for finishing which are used Various types scrapers are:

  • details of machine tools and high-precision devices;
  • sliding bearing elements;
  • various measuring instruments and devices for the implementation of control operations;
  • blades cutting tools(for their sharpening, the so-called sharpener-scraper is used).

Scraping - fine-tuning the guides of the lathe caliper

One of the advantages of scrapers is their versatility, so their scope is not limited to the above points. With the help of such tools, engraving work is performed on the surface of soft materials, the edges of parts are processed, and the old coating is removed. They have found application in cosmetology, with their help, manicure masters perform their manipulations.

The scrapers used to solve various tasks can be distinguished from each other even by the photo, since they have different design and geometric parameters. Yes, miniature. manicure tool made in the form of a spatula with a comfortable handle, and devices for scraping large workpieces can be produced in the form of carbide plates. It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to guess that such a plate is a scraper, even if he sees it live, and not in the photo. To use this tool, you need a special lock, equipped with a comfortable handle for performing locksmith manipulations.

The technology of scraping depends both on the size and configuration of the workpiece, and on the hardness of the material from which it is made. A specialist who is going to perform such a technological operation must correctly choose the angle of sharpening of the working end part of the scraper with respect to its axis. This angle when processing different materials must be within the following limits:

  • at - 35–400;
  • when processing surfaces of steel parts - 75–900;
  • when scraping parts made of cast iron and bronze - more than 900.

In order for the scraping tool to serve you as long as possible and allow you to obtain high-quality surfaces, you must follow simple recommendations for its operation. The most important of these recommendations is, of course, right choice tool.

Many plumbing professionals have a whole set of scrapers, from which they choose the best one for solving a specific technological problem. You can do otherwise and buy universal tool with interchangeable inserts that are quickly replaced with those needed in a particular situation.

Scraping should not be started immediately if there are large scratches and other significant defects on the surface of the part to be processed. Such a part must first be subjected to more rough processing, for which a milling machine or other equipment can be used.