Well      03/04/2020

Lev Margolin dossier. Lev Margolin. right center. The regime's stupid decisions are preparing a feather bed for the new government. Where and what time does your day start?

The developer Petra-8 LLC (a subsidiary of the developer Mirland Development Corrоration) is completing the construction of the fifth stage of the Triumph Park residential complex in the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg. Builders are finishing the apartments, as well as entrance groups, lobbies and MOPs of the complex.

Construction of the fifth stage of the Triumph Park residential complex started in May 2017. This stage The project consists of 14 sections from 7 to 24 floors and is designed for 1510 apartments - from comfortable studios to spacious four-room apartments.

The overall percentage of construction readiness of the fifth stage of the Triumph Park residential complex is 90%. Work on the construction of the façade of the building, as well as stained glass glazing of balconies and loggias, has been completed. In the final stage - work on the installation of internal engineering systems, arrangement of the power supply system, as well as installation of low-current systems. In addition, the construction of an open parking lot for 200 cars is being completed, as well as the installation of all engineering systems for a heated underground parking lot for 295 cars. The landscaping of the courtyard is 85% complete - landscaping work is currently underway in the outer area paving slabs, as well as preparing a crushed stone base for laying asphalt in the spring.
The foundations for the installation of MAFs have been completed, the façade canopies of the building are being installed, and lighting masts are being installed throughout the interior of the yard.

Decoration of entrance lobbies, lobbies, corridors and other places common use(MOP) is carried out according to an individual design project. Builders are installing doors in front doors and vestibules, laying floor tiles(large-format Kerama Marazzi porcelain tiles were chosen), the ceiling is being installed, storage rooms for strollers and bicycles are being arranged, and elevator equipment is being installed. The finishing process is also carried out in future residential premises. The apartments will be transferred to shareholders with preparation for finishing (screed completed, interior partitions and plastering brick walls) or with finishing, for which three are offered color solutions.

Less than 10% of the apartments remain on sale, including interesting European-style layouts with two, three or four bedrooms, located on high floors with good views. It is possible to arrange interest-free installments. For larger apartments, underground parking spaces are reserved.

The commissioning of the fifth stage of the Triumph Park residential complex is scheduled for the 3rd quarter of 2020. After receiving the commissioning certificate, the transfer of keys to shareholders will begin.

Born in 1952 in Bobruisk, he spent his childhood in the Vitebsk region, in a village, his father was the chairman of a collective farm. Now he has been living in Borisov for almost 50 years. Two specialties: German and English languages and industrial economics. In economics for more than 30 years - he worked his way up from an ordinary economist to the financial director of the joint venture "Boriforg" (1988-1993), then - director of a private company (1993-2002). Currently, he is an individual entrepreneur, engaged in managing accounting and consulting for small businesses. Published in the republican and local press on economic and political topics. Member of the Belarusian Association of Journalists. Since 2001 - member of the United Civil Party, since 2008 - deputy chairman of the UCP. Married, two children and three grandchildren.

Everything that is being done today by the Belarusian government can be divided into two parts.

The first is attempts to revive the current economy (you might as well try to revive a dead horse). Offered: “Who prevents a manager from making a decision to produce high-quality products in larger volumes? Who? Nobody! Who is stopping this company manager from selling these high-quality products at the most favorable and high price? Nobody!".

Given: “Alexander Lukashenko demands a reduction in production costs by 25%.” As in a prolonged drought, noticing any small cloud, you impatiently: “[in connection with the lifting of sanctions] Alexander Lukashenko set the task for the government to intensify work with various EU banking structures, as well as with potential investors”.

On the other hand, since reforms are prohibited and even talk about them is not welcomed, in order to keep one’s hands busy and create an imitation of vigorous activity, more and more fateful decisions are made. Decree No. 222, which cut entrepreneurs to the quick, and restrictions on postal items from abroad at 10 kilograms and 22 euros, and moreover, restrictions on the import of goods from abroad for those who travel more than once every three months are a striking example decisions that should save our light industry and state trade. They won't save you.

And references to other people’s experience, to the European Union, are not valid here. Firstly, all restrictions in the European Union, if there are any, are valid only for shipments from outside the European Union, and inside it you can find enough of your own cheap and high-quality goods. Secondly, restrictions can easily be overcome by creating warehouses on the territory of European countries. And the sheep are safe, and the wolves are well-fed. And the people do not suffer, and states receive their VAT from retailers upon import.

It is impossible to force people to buy something that does not suit them in terms of price or quality. Firstly, for most, the allowed four trips per year are enough (and if you take into account your wife, then there are already eight trips). Those who preferred to wait for the goods to be delivered closer to home will simply have to travel. So the state simply loses tax revenues and rent from entrepreneurs, receiving nothing in return.

Secondly, the restrictions have not yet entered into legal force, and workarounds have already been found. One of them was offered by Moscow merchants, creating a postal address for online purchases and offering inexpensive delivery to Belarus. Many (eastern half of Belarus) will use relatives and friends in Bryansk and Smolensk. In general, I would not be mistaken in predicting the flourishing and prosperity of markets in the Russian territories adjacent to the Belarusian borders. There is, however, a ghostly hope that the Russians will follow our example and introduce similar restrictions for their citizens, but I think this will not happen.

Power will change someday. Every power changes sooner or later. Typically, those who replace an incompetent government have to resort to tough, unpopular decisions to save the situation. In our case, those who will replace the current “specialists” will be able to take popular solutions.

Let's list some of them: abolition of the contract system, removal of restrictions on entrepreneurs, abolition of tolls on roads, abolition of the recycling fee, abolition of the tax on “parasites”, abolition of excessive restrictions on the import and shipment of goods, removal of barriers to imports medicines and issuing prescriptions for them - the list is open for continuation.

The new government will be able to do all this and much more without any harm to the economy.

The editors of the newspaper "Real Estate and Construction of St. Petersburg" and the Guild of Managers and Developers held round table on the topic "Democratic prestige of Moscow". Developers and experts discussed the prospects for the development of the Moskovsky district, its advantages and problems, and came to the conclusion that this particular area is becoming an alternative city center.

Albekov Felix, Marketing Director of IC "RosStroyInvest"

Nadezhda Kalashnikova, development director at L1 (formerly LEK company)

Kokorev Igor, deputy head of "Knight Frank St. Petersburg"

Margolin Lev Naumovich, director of construction "Mirland Development"

Onishchenko Irina Vadimovna, Sales Director of GC "Etalon - LenSpetsSMU"

Ruzhitskaya Yulia Aleksandrovna, Regional Director for Real Estate Sales in the North-West, LSR Group

Trosheva Olga Vitalievna, head of the Petersburg Real Estate CC

Khitrov Andrey Borisovich, General Director -eke-group" target="_blank"> "Transway North-West (EKE Group)"


Andrey Nekrasov, editor of the "Construction" department of the IRC "Real Estate of St. Petersburg"

The main driver of development of the Moskovsky district is Pulkovo Airport, around which business centers, hotels, and entertainment and shopping projects are being built. The EXPOFORUM convention and exhibition center was opened here, and the creation of a large economic zone "Aeropolis" was announced, which will become another powerful anchor and center of attraction. Office space in the Moscow region alone accounted for about 30% of commissioning in 2015.

Following this, housing construction is also actively picking up. The Moskovsky district, which is traditionally the most prestigious of residential areas, accounts for 10% of housing being built in the city. Today there are 19 residential complexes on sale here, and the supply volume for the first half of the year amounted to over 300 thousand m2. In the first half of 2016, 82 thousand m2 were commissioned. In addition, there are permits for the construction of about 500 thousand m2. As Olga Trosheva, head of the St. Petersburg Real Estate CC, notes, the main offer is comfort class, hence the peculiarities of apartment planning - about 20% of the total supply are 3-room family apartments.

Among the developers who work in the Moscow region are LSR Group, Mirland Development, LenSpetsSmu, Patriot Group, L1, YIT, KVS, Leader Group, CDS, Setl City and others. One of the pioneers in the development of the Moskovsky district was the Mirland Development company, which has been working here since 2004, when it just began exploring the territory of the Leto company, where the Triumph Park residential complex is now being built.

"Residential complex "Triumph Park" is one of the first integrated development projects in this area. There are already 1,150 completed and occupied apartments. different stages There are about 3,000 more apartments under construction, some of which will be put into operation this fall,” notes Lev Margolin, director of construction at Mirland Development.

In terms of the number of new buildings, the Moskovsky district ranks third in St. Petersburg, second only to the Vyborg and Primorsky districts. From 2011 to 2015, 62 residential complexes were put into operation in the Moskovsky district, including more than 19 thousand apartments. This is one of the flagships of housing construction in St. Petersburg.

According to Yulia Ruzhitskaya, regional director for real estate sales in the North-West of LSR Group, LSR Group began its work in the Moskovsky region in 2005 with Pulkovsky Posad. “Even then, the prestige of the area had its significance. We continued to sell housing in the economy segment. To date, the construction of the Antey residential complex of the economy class and the Viva residential complex of the comfort class has been completed, 3 more projects are under implementation. Last year we with business-class projects. The Moscow region is universal. Housing of any class can be built there, and it will be in demand by the buyer, because it has the flair of an expensive residential area," concludes Yulia Ruzhitskaya.

The “expensive flair” is also facilitated by the fact that developers support the architectural appearance of the area, especially if the projects are located on the first line. “When our projects were created, the architects were faced with the task of preserving the Stalinist Empire style, spirit, pomp. I think that to some extent we succeeded. On Moskovsky Prospekt the colonnade is a classic Stalinist Empire style,” says Nadezhda Kalashnikova, development director.” L1".

Projects on hundreds of hectares of land are planned for development and are already being implemented. This is the redevelopment of the territory of the former Leto state farms and the Samson plant. Most of The Izmailovskaya Perspective project is also located in the Moskovsky district. Even further south, “Planetograd” is declared. The territories of the Badaevsky warehouses are also being actively developed by developers, etc.

However, Igor Kokorev, deputy head of Knight Frank St. Petersburg, says that high-tech industry will still remain in the area. For example, in Predportovaya there is a large and interesting industrial zone with convenient exits in different directions, where construction different objects, and the city has no stated plans to move them. “It’s a matter of the city’s political will, what it wants to see there: only offices with trade, hotels, or technology parks or something else,” the expert argues.

But the potential of the area has not been exhausted by residential projects and industrial sites. Today, the Moskovsky district is the main axis that connects Pulkovo Airport and the city center. But there is no Aeroexpress or shuttle that would seamlessly connect them. “Tourists view Moskovsky Prospekt as a buffer zone that can offer fairly high-quality and inexpensive hotel accommodation compared to the Central District,” says Evgenia Tuchkova, deputy director of the consulting department at Colliers International.

Now in the Moscow region there are about 2 thousand rooms of branded hotels - Park Inn, Holiday Inn and Staybridge Suite and about 1 thousand rooms of unbranded hotels managed by local operators. Moskovsky Prospekt and the airport area have every chance of further development as part of hotel development, the expert concludes.

But no territorial development is without problems. One of the main ones is transport, and in the Moscow region it is acute. “But the 2018 FIFA World Cup helps its solution: these are widened roads, an expanded Pulkovskoye Highway, the construction of an interchange with Danube Prospekt plus approaches to Expoforum, interchanges on the Petersburg Highway,” says Lev Margolin. However, according to him, it is too early to dream that the area will become a second Singapore, although there are steps in this direction. “St. Petersburg is a polycentric city; we should not be shy and build additional, alternative centers. This is not only the Central District, but also the Moscow District, which worthily carries the flag of an alternative center,” sums up Lev Margolin.

Our today's hero is a man who managed to achieve success in two eras at once, not being afraid during the Soviet era to leave a high post and go to another country to build his career from scratch. But success was achieved not only in work matters, but also in personal life. We talked about the influence of parents on the choice of profession, the absence of stress and the role of books in our own lives with Lev Margolin, director of construction at Mirland Development.

As far as I know, you live in two countries: Israel and Russia. And you visit Moscow and St. Petersburg very often. Where do you feel truly at home?

There is an old well-known joke: when a traveling salesman in western Ukraine was asked: “Listen, you’ve been to Zhmerinka, Bobruisk, and where do you really feel good?”, he answered: “I really feel good on the road! ". I think that I am just from that category of people who feel good on the road. The very fact of moving, changing countries, cities and people is a feature that is inherent to me.

Where are you from?

I was born in Moscow, lived on Leningradsky Prospekt near the Airport metro station. My parents are also Muscovites. But at the same time, I am a second generation Muscovite, not a native: a native is in the third, but my grandparents are not from the capital.

You are a hereditary builder. Tell us how you were drawn into this field?

My adult son jokes: when he is asked about his future profession, he answers that he has no choice. The son of a doctor in the evening at home in the kitchen hears conversations about operations, instruments and diseases, the son of a journalist hears about interviews, articles and news items. And my son at home listened to about bricks, plans, city councils and so on. So do I, probably, because dad is a hereditary builder. And he worked back in Soviet times in fairly high positions in the Moscow Construction Complex. And my mother is also a builder. Evening conversations in the kitchen about schedules, estimates and building numbers left their mark. Another important person for me was my grandfather. An amazing personality - outwardly handsome, similar to the Soviet actor Zharov. He came from a small Jewish town in Belarus to Moscow to enter the Higher Imperial Transport School. And it was very difficult. In 1915 he entered and was one of the first Soviet engineers. Outside politics, outside the party, he built airfields, bridges and other large transport structures. He spent the entire war as the commander of an engineering regiment: he always had to be the last to leave to blow up airfields and bridges and the first to arrive to build it all back. In any case, I only heard about construction from my grandfather, father and mother, and that is the answer to the question why I am a hereditary builder.

What is the most important thing in your work?

In my own profession, I am always filled with this amazing feeling that arises when completing an object. I catch myself doing this all the time. We are all “project managers” - you take a project called “an interview with Margolin” and do it from scratch, from “A” to “Z”. And any minister does the same. We all work with projects. And in construction, it is a great happiness when you, as the first person of a future project, come to a virgin plot of land, and first imagine in your own head what will happen there. When you see it in your imagination and then turn it into reality, it is amazing happiness. Then you find yourself again at a completed object, you remember what happened here several years ago, and a feeling of satisfaction appears. This fills us with pride and understanding of the meaning of why we come to this earth.

Does your son really work in this field?

He is currently studying production management. But you can manage different types of production. And, most likely, he will go into real estate and do that.

Tell us about your family.

I have 5 children, 3 grandchildren. I'm just a rich dad and a rich grandpa.

Do you have enough time for both work and family?

At some turning point you realize that separating one from the other is wrong. First we really build a career. And today, when I am with a new family and in a new relationship, I have learned not to separate anything from each other. And work, and family, and children. And I think this is the key to happiness.

Where and what time does your day start?

My day starts with a cup of coffee. But what time is a difficult question and depends on the flights that day. At the same time, the days themselves are different from each other, and this is good, because I do not like monotony. On the one hand, I am conservative, but on the other, I like it when the picture changes.

What helps you relieve stress after work?

The most important thing is not to accept the word "stress". I managed to completely eliminate words like “stress” and “crisis” from my own vocabulary and understanding. The world is huge, cruel and difficult, and if you maintain a situation of “no stress” and “no crisis” in your soul, then this is exactly how you live. And you can’t react to everything with the concepts of stress, horror and disaster.

Is it true that you learned Hebrew as an adult in order to move to Israel and start working?

Yes it's true. But it was a relatively adult age - I was 35 years old when I moved. In 1985, I reached the peak of my career at that time - I was a major official in the Moscow government. There was such a system - "Main Directorate capital construction"- this was a single city customer who performed the functions of customer and developer at the same time, carried out construction for the city budget and for the state budget. There, at the age of 29, I was appointed head of the Territorial Construction Department: I headed construction in the entire southwestern zone of the city of Moscow. This was in wonderful maturity, and, unlike many who disown these times, I, on the contrary, believe that it was a wonderful experience. It was my beloved Moscow, and life was rich, full and sincere. But in 1990, because career considerations, when I was not appointed to what I wanted to become, I told myself that I would go to prove in another place that I was worth something and could do something. I took my family and went to Israel. It was a great time. At least I had to learn a language from scratch, but it’s like living several lives. Some people were born on the same street in the same city or in the same village, and the most they can do is just cross to the other side. But my happiness is on the road . At that time, these were new rules of the game, a colossal injection of energy and interest. And I adhere to the position of perfectionism in life: if you do it, then do it well and “by and large.”

I lived in Israel for 14 happy and fulfilling years. I dug into the language, culture and new rules, made a good career there, received a second higher education in economics, which was not at all easy, and worked for many years in one of the largest construction companies in Israel, Roichman Brothers, in leadership positions.

Did you receive citizenship?

In Israel there is a rule: as soon as a Jew sets foot on the Promised Land, he immediately receives citizenship.

Tell us about your hobby. I know that you write plays and poems.

I write exclusively for myself. Since high school, I have not missed the birthdays of relatives and friends and always prepare poems for them. These, of course, are rhymed lines and nothing more, because as a person who knows a little about poetry, I do not pretend to call my works poetry or poems. These are rhyming and well-made lines dedicated to close friends and relatives on certain dates.

What else are you interested in?

My entire office is full of books - this has been a hobby since the fourth grade. My grandmother gave me 7 kopecks for ice cream, and I saved it and then bought books at a used bookstore. Previously, I had a fairly large private library - about 6 thousand books. In 1990, when I was forced to sell it all after leaving for Israel, I cried over every book I had lovingly collected.

Do you have a collection now?

There is, but much less, I would even say, several times less than before.

How do you feel about e-books?

Absolutely negative. I love “old school” products, and so the rustling of pages, flipping through a book is pure happiness! If I were not distracted, I could stand at the bookshelves for days.

Do you set aside special time for reading?

There is an absolute rule: every free minute is an open book. Both on the road and at home. This is a rest for the soul.

What are you reading now?

Vadim Leventhal's new novel is called "Masha Regina". IN St. Petersburg in the "House of Books", which is simply an amazing building and a place where its spirit has been preserved, there are still consultants with whom it is very pleasant to talk. I like to go to the Russian prose department on the second floor, ask the girls to recommend something, and they recommend really good works to me. I like the beautiful and rich Russian language, with its complex structures. Dina Rubina, for example, brings me complete delight. And recently I discovered Marina Stepnova, whose novels made a great impression on me.

How do you manage to keep yourself in such good physical shape?

Sports, diet and restrictions. It's difficult, of course.

Do you like to cook yourself?

I can boast a lot positive qualities in myself, but cooking and the kitchen are definitely not me. I joke that I didn’t learn the way to the kitchen.

Is there a quality that you don’t have, but would like to have?

I have neither a voice nor hearing, but my soul sings. And I listened with great pleasure to my late dad, who was simply a genius, but also due to circumstances was unable to learn to be a professional singer. He had a wonderful voice and hearing and always sang in the family. This was not passed on to me, and I suffered because of it, but on a philosophical level, of course.

Can you give your own definition of happiness?

I won't, because it's very personal.

What do you pay attention to when meeting new people?

The wisdom that comes with age has given me a clear understanding that I am a physiognomist. Our company employs several hundred people, and it is not at all necessary that I personally recruit personnel for each division. But despite this, according to a long-established tradition, I let every person who comes to work pass through me. Therefore, it seems to me that I can filter out the employee who is unnecessary to the team. For me, this is the main criterion - the future attitude to the matter. I can see whether a person doesn't care or not. If he wants to work, dreams of doing something and leaving behind something significant - this is the most important thing. We’ll teach you the rest or learn it yourself.

It seems to me that you can give master classes on personnel selection.


What qualities do you value in women and which in men?

There is beauty in both. After all, beauty is a divine spark. Beauty is the touch of God. And external parameters are not at all important here. Either it is inside, in your character, in your eyes, or you don’t have it.

Are you an easy-going person?

I think very much! But that's just me who thinks so!

Do you have many friends?

So many. One of the advantages of being on the road is that you meet different layers and different countries people, you are open to communication with them. And I think this is very important. These are, first of all, people who open up to you. This is truly a rare quality. Because according to established canons, we believe that friends appear from school, college and the army. And after a certain age, making friends is much more difficult. And this is probably true. But I escaped this fate. I have friends whom I met at the age of 40 and older, and we carry and maintain this friendship.

What did you dream of as a child?

I wanted to be a public figure, a Komsomol and party leader.

Right from childhood?

Exactly! Here is a classic example of a Soviet pioneer. I have always been the chairman of the pioneer squad, in all places I was the secretary of the Komsomol committee - both at school and at the institute.

How much money do you think is needed for a person to be considered rich?

I came to a definite conclusion that only one criterion is important to me - financial independence. If you are financially independent - and it doesn’t matter how many zeros you have in your bank account - if this ensures financial independence for you personally, then you are rich. And the second wealth is not money. I didn't just say that I'm a rich dad and a rich grandpa. This is, first of all, what I left behind. It is with great pleasure that I travel around Moscow districts and look at everything that I have left behind. Microdistricts, Yasenevo, Otradnoe, Uzkoe, Biryulyovo, etc. St. Petersburg I come to our Triumph Park facility and see mothers with strollers walking there, children having fun in the landscaped courtyards. This is real wealth.

What can you look at endlessly?

On bookshelves, more likely. I never get tired of it.

Do you have a role model?

There is no such thing in the general understanding, but after my father left for another world four years ago, I very often return my thoughts to him and remember him and his life path. And it's a cliche that when our parents pass and we realize how much we miss them, it's true. And I feel it very well myself.

Do you remember what surprised you the last time?

This is an age problem. I don’t want to pretend to be some old pepper, but I was just recently sitting with my college friend, and he said the following phrase: “I forgot the last time I sincerely laughed or was sincerely surprised.” Wisdom forces us to filter our emotions very seriously.

Do you love to travel?

What are your favorite destinations?

Favorite destinations are different directions! There are so many places on earth that I have not been to, so it is preferable for me to take a new route every time.

Do you have a map where you mark points you haven’t visited yet?

Mentally - definitely.

Where do you want to go in the near future?

Very soon the children and I are going to Bulgaria to ski; tickets and a hotel have already been booked.

How do you feel about cinema?

I treat this unprofessionally. Although one of my daughters is graduating from Tel Aviv University, Faculty of Cinematography. If everything goes well, she will become a director, and today she is already making films, some of which have been sent to the festival.

Who are you according to your zodiac sign?

Do you believe in the horoscope?

No, but my daughter got me started on this topic. She believes in it, and now I have become interested in it too.

Would you like to live forever?

I think I'm a very pragmatic and down-to-earth person. I don't waste energy thinking about unrealistic situations. No one can live forever.

And you don’t even philosophize on this topic?

Well, that's a completely different story. I had a period when I was interested in Kabbalah and tried to find answers to fundamental questions. But I haven't found it yet.

Tell your favorite joke.

I have one favorite one, which I dedicate to my wife.

Leo, the king of beasts, sits on the throne and performs royal duties: he receives petitioners and signs decrees. The bull comes to him and says that the herd lacks this and that, and at this time the lion receives a phone call. He jumps up from his seat: “Yes, my dear! Yes, my beloved! Yes, I will definitely do it!” And he talks so servilely to his wife. Then he hangs up, imposingly and regally sits down in a chair and also regally continues to sort out his forest affairs. And the bull asks him: “Leva, what are you doing?! Your woman called, and you bent over like that?” And at this moment the lion, without changing his position, says: “You know, bull, your wife is a cow, and mine is a lioness!”

I have one last question: If you are asked: “Is this Lev Naumovich?”, what will you answer?

Father and loving husband.

The conversation was conducted by Anastasia Kremenchuk

Lev Margolin worked in foreign and Russian companies, having worked his way up from a line employee to the head of large development divisions. In the period from 1985 to 1990, he headed the Territorial Department of Capital Construction No. 4 of the South-Western Zone of Moscow. Under his leadership and with his direct participation, a number of residential microdistricts were built in the amount of about 500 thousand square meters. m of residential buildings annually, administrative buildings in the amount of about 50 thousand sq.m. annually.

From 1990 to 2004 he was deputy general director and project manager for one of the leading construction companies in Israel, Roichman Brothers. During the period of work, under his leadership, the country's largest infrastructure projects, as well as residential and commercial buildings, were completed.

Lev Margolin holds an Executive MBA degree from the Natanyev School of Economics in Israel, as well as an engineering degree from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers.

Recently he has been working as a director of construction (Mirland Development Corporation).

Mirland Development Corporation (“Mirland Development Corporation”) entered Russian market in 2004. A controlling stake in the company belongs to the investment holding Fishman Group, which manages over 6 million square meters of space around the world. The company's shares are listed on the London Stock Exchange.

In addition to St. Petersburg, Mirland successfully implements projects in the field of residential and commercial real estate in Moscow, Saratov, Yaroslavl, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia. To date, the company has six completed construction projects with a total area of ​​over 230,000 sq. m. m. Ten more projects (in total about 1.5 million sq.m. are located on different stages implementation).