Well      06/29/2020

The most powerful waterfall The widest waterfalls in the world. Location, description, photo. Vermilion Falls, North America

What is the most big waterfall in the world? Answering this question is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The point here is not in the knowledge of geography or the lack of information on this subject, but directly in the formulation of the question.

An interesting fact is that for some reason many are firmly convinced of the superiority of Niagara Falls, they say it is the largest on the planet. This opinion is erroneous, because there are dozens of others in the world that surpass it in a number of parameters used to characterize this type of geographical objects.

In order not to fall into the dirt when answering the question: what is the largest waterfall in the world, you need to understand that these natural phenomena meet certain criteria, including width, height and power. Consequently, belonging to the status of "the largest waterfall" in terms of height does not mean at all superiority in such a parameter as, for example, the volume of water discharged per second.

Niagara Falls

The list of waterfalls that have the status of "the most" is actually quite extensive. For example, Niagara Falls is considered the most famous and hyped. At the same time, it has no equal in terms of power - the volume of water passing through it per second, but only within North America.

The status of "the most powerful waterfall in the world" belongs to Iguazu, located on the border of Argentina and Brazil. But the Khon waterfall is recognized as the widest, the basalt ridge of which extends for 10.5 km. In terms of height and inaccessibility, Angel is unrivaled in Venezuela, and the most unusual can be safely called the Underwater Falls near the coast of Mauritius.

As you can see, the term "most" in relation to waterfalls sounds very ambiguous and vague.

The largest waterfall in the world

The adjective "big" often refers to impressive dimensions, that is, something wide and tall. In the case of waterfalls, the situation is about the same. In terms of height, the record holder among all the famous waterfalls in the world is Angel - 979 meters, located surrounded by tropical forests in Venezuela. Unfortunately, this waterfall cannot boast of such an impressive width, since even in the rainy season the width of its falling stream rarely exceeds 107 meters. According to this parameter, it is more than 100 times superior to the Khon waterfall, which is on the Mekong River in Laos. With a height of only 21 meters, the width of the plateau from which the water falls is 10.8 kilometers, for which he was deservedly awarded the title of the widest among the waterfalls of the modern world.

On the border of states: a curious pattern

Few people know about a very curious pattern, according to which the largest waterfalls in the world in terms of width and power are located on the border of several states. In particular, Khon Falls is located in close proximity to the border of Laos and Cambodia, and Guaira, which ranks second in this ranking, thanks to its width of 4.8 km, separates Brazil and Paraguay.

Located on the border of Brazil and Argentina, Iguazu Falls is the most full-flowing and third widest (4000 meters) on the planet.

The situation is similar with the Niagara and Victoria Falls. Although they are not the largest waterfalls in the world, they are also located on the border of states. If the famous Niagara Falls separates the USA and Canada, then Victoria separates Zambia and Zimbabwe.

Many scientists consider this regularity not accidental, since the formation of waterfalls, which are insurmountable natural boundaries, occurred long before the establishment of the territorial boundaries of modern states.

Speaking about the largest waterfalls in the world, it is worth noting that the vast majority of them are located on the African and American continents, due to the specifics of the formation of the relief of these continents.

How did the world's largest waterfalls form?

The most famous waterfalls in the world, however, like their little-known "colleagues", began to appear literally from the first days of the existence of our planet. Their formation takes many millennia. While some of the waterfalls in the modern world are the result of a river running over the edge of a cliff or cliff, some of the largest waterfalls in the world are the result of earthquakes and violent volcanic eruptions.

For example, Niagara Falls, which is one of the largest waterfalls in the modern world, was the result of the drift of a huge glacier, and Victoria Falls, no less popular among tourists, was formed in the fault zone of the earth's crust.

Angel, heading the list of the highest waterfalls in the world, arose as a result of the destruction of a huge plateau dating back to those times when Africa and South America were a single whole.

The appearance of Iguazu, recognized by the world as the most full-flowing waterfall, was preceded by a strong volcanic eruption, the consequence of which was a huge fissure in the earth's crust.

Unusual record-breaking waterfalls

The fact that waterfalls are classified as the largest according to several criteria is quite understandable, as each country strives to build up its tourism potential. The influx of tourists who want to see the natural champion with their own eyes allows you to develop infrastructure and earn good money.

In fairness, it should be noted that travelers are attracted not only by the largest waterfalls in the world, but also by those that stand out from the rest with their shape, location and entertainment. We are talking about unusual waterfalls.

Gaping Gill, which is recognized as the world's largest underground waterfall, can be safely attributed to these. Its peculiarity is that its waters fall into the cavity of the largest natural cave in the UK, overcoming about 105 meters.

The record holder among underwater waterfalls is the Cataract Strait, which is at the bottom of the Danish Strait that separates Iceland and Greenland. The height of this miracle of nature is about 4000 meters. The waterfall was formed as a result of not only the features of the relief sea ​​day, but also due to temperature imbalance and fluctuations in the level of salinity of the waters of different parts of the ocean.

Waterfalls - wonder of the world

Among all the wonders bestowed on man by nature, perhaps the most popular are waterfalls. Their beauty fascinates tourists, their power is admirable. "Falling water", as the most majestic phenomenon of nature, has long attracted people with its unique beauty. It has been noticed that any waterfall with its thunderous peals for many kilometers serves as a guide for birds during migrations.

A very curious pattern: all the largest waterfalls in the world are located on the border of two or even three states. And this, apparently, is not accidental - wide waterfalls are insurmountable natural boundaries, along which boundaries were established.

On our planet, there are whole clusters of "water diamonds". In the Caucasus, on the territory of the Teberdinsky Reserve in the gorge of the river. Salynngan (a tributary of the Kizgych River) is the valley of "Thirty Waterfalls". In Japan, in the national park of the island of Honshu, 100 waterfalls fall into the Osugidani Valley. And Norway is even called the Land of Waterfalls. But few people know that the small highland kingdom of Lesotho in Africa in South Africa is a unique intricacies of 3000 waterfalls.

And if you ask someone a question: what is the largest waterfall on our planet - be sure, the majority will answer: Niagara. Some will remember the Victoria Falls, discovered in Africa by the famous traveler David Livingston in 1855. And only a few, geographers, will ask again: what is meant - width, height or power, since the term "largest" in relation to waterfalls sounds very vague.

Angel and Cohn

Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, and the highest in Russia is the Talnikovsky waterfall. You can read about these two waterfalls and the height of the highest waterfalls in the world in our article - The highest waterfall in the world.

The widest in the world waterfall - Kohn waterfall(Khon) on the Mekong River, on the border of Laos and Kampuchea (12-13 km). The width of the area of ​​its flow is more than 12.5 kilometers.

Cohn was discovered in 1920 by the explorer E. Khohan and was named after him.

The Kohn waterfall is a cascading structure that includes many waterfalls flowing down from different levels of the Mekong plateau. The beauty of this waterfall is due to the brightest colorful flowers growing along its banks.

Kohn waterfall is good for health

Kohn is also a well-accessible spot for observation. Its viewing area is well equipped. Tourists appreciate it.

This waterfall is the calmest of all waterfalls. His disposition is most favorable for sick people. The power of this waterfall is aimed at a calming effect, it has magical energy. Many people who have visited the Kohn waterfall were convinced of its positive effect on the human body.

Kohn Falls is one of the most beautiful waterfalls in the world. It is under the protection of the national reserve and is recognized as the national treasure of the Earth.

The most powerful waterfall - Iguazu

The most powerful waterfall in the world - Iguazu("Devil's Throat"), whose height is only about 80 m.

A monstrous mass of water falls over the crest of the ledge of this waterfall - more than 700 thousand cubic meters per minute.

The thunder of this powerful waterfall can be heard for many kilometers.
Iguazu - 275 cascades in one system - this is the most beautiful panorama on our planet. It was opened to Europeans in 1541 by the Spanish conquistador Alvaro de Veca. Crossing the Brazilian Highlands with his detachment and hearing a distant rumble, he went to a waterfall. The religious Spanish conqueror, who exterminated the natives with fire and sword, was so shocked by the grandiose grandeur of Nature that he did not find best name waterfall, like the "jump of St. Mary" - "mother of God." And the border between Brazil and Argentina along the "Devil's Throat" was finally established only in 1928.

It is impossible to capture the entire front of the Iguazu Falls from one point - the cascades are interspersed with rocks, the tropical forest interferes. Therefore, at the service of numerous tourists from all over the world, 2 kilometers of footbridges have been laid here, connecting the "rock-islands" protruding from the boiling foam at the crest of the abyss. Several hotels, bars and restaurants, an airfield were built nearby (the nearest railway station is 400 km away).

The greatest waterfalls in the world

Palm trees and iron tree"quebracho", the animal world is diverse, inhabited by hummingbirds and the rarest butterflies the size of a saucer, the most unimaginable colors.

The greatest waterfalls in the world:

NameHeight, mWidth, mWater consumption, cubic meters / s Location
Kon21 12500 8700-45000 R. Mekong, border of Kampuchea and Laos (Eurasia)
Guaira40 4800 9000-13000 R. Parana, Brazil and Paraguay (South America)
Iguazu80 4000 1700-12000 R. Iguazu, borders of Brazil and Argentina (South America)
Victoria120 1800 1400-7500 R. Zambezi, border between Zambia and Zimbabwe (Africa)
Niagara50 1200 1350-6000 R. Niagara, US-Canada border ( North America)

The most famous waterfall - Niagara

A "most famous" Niagara Falls- only 50 meters high, and inferior in power to both Iguazu and even Victoria.

And for some reason, many believe that Niagara belongs to the United States. This is not entirely true. Niagara, at the very ledge, is divided by Goth Island into two streams: the left, Canadian - 914 m wide and the right, American - 305 m wide.

But the Americans skillfully present the miracle of nature. They installed dozens of multi-colored floodlights here with a total capacity of 1.5 million kW. As soon as it gets dark, their rays are directed to the continuously moving wall of the waterfall, creating a fabulous illumination.

Bridges have been built above and below the waterfall for the convenience of tourists, and around it there are hotels, motels, 100-meter-high observation towers, and a cableway. There are galleries on both banks, their lifts lower tourists down to the very foot of the waterfall. Being on concrete platforms a meter from the giant wall of the collapsing elements (on the reverse side), tourists experience awe in front of the unbridled forces of nature.

According to gorodokn.ru and ru.wikipedia.org

You won't believe how high the tallest waterfalls in the world are. Whether it's curiosity or scientific meticulousness, people have always sought to measure the height of the world's waterfalls, but it has been difficult to compare the measurements obtained. This is because there is no standard or consensus on how to measure total height, and besides, some of the highest waterfalls are extremely difficult to access. Therefore, the data obtained, as a rule, are approximate.

Using some of the known waterfall height data, we have compiled a list of the tallest waterfalls in the world. From Yosemite Falls in California to the famous Angel Falls in Venezuela, here are the 25 tallest waterfalls in the world.

25. Avalanche pool waterfall, Montana, USA - 707 m

Located in Glacier National Park in Montana, Avalanche Pool Falls is one of the tallest waterfalls in the continental United States. It is fed by the northernmost part of the Sperry Glacier, dozens of mountain lakes and snowmelt streams.

24. Kjeragfossen, Norway - 715 m

Photo: en.wikipedia.org

Located in a very picturesque natural area in the municipality of Forsand in Rogaland County, Norway, Kjeragfossen is a free-fall waterfall that is usually active about 5 months a year.

23. Manawanuy Falls, Hawaii, USA - 719 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Located in the stunning Manawainui Valley on the Hawaiian island of Maui, Manawainui Falls is one of the most impressive and tallest waterfalls in both the state and the world.

22. Olmaafossen, Norway - 720 m

Photo: Shutterstock

One of many on the list of Norwegian waterfalls, Olmaafossen is located in Raumadalen in Rauma municipality in Western Norway. The waterfall is fed by small lakes and glaciers, but its strength varies greatly depending on the season.

21. Cascade waterfall de Trou de Fer, Reunion, France - 725 m

Photo: Public Domain

Located in the Trou de Fer Canyon on Reunion Island, off the coast of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean, the Trou de Fer Cascade is the highest and most spectacular on this French island.

20. Yosemite Falls, California, USA - 739 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Falling at a total height of 739m, Yosemite Falls is the tallest waterfall in Yosemite National Park and one of the tallest in the United States. This is the main attraction of the park, especially in late spring when the water flows down from the top of the mountain.

19. Johannesburg Falls, Washington, USA - 751 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Located near the Cascade Pass in North Cascades National Park in Washington DC, Johannesburg Falls is a massive spectacular waterfall fed by small streams that flow from glaciers on Mount Johannesburg .

18. Kjelfossen, Norway - 755 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Located near the village of Gudvangen in Sogn og Fjordane County, Western Norway, Kjellfossen is listed as the 18th highest in the world. However, the height of the falls has never been accurately measured, so it may be higher. Some sources indicate that the height of the waterfall is 840 m.

17. Mutarazi Falls, Zimbabwe - 762 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

The second largest in Africa, Mutarazi Falls is located in Nyanga National Park in Zimbabwe. Summer season characterized by heavy rains - best time to visit this place, because at this time the water flow reaches its maximum.

16. Gokta Falls, Peru - 771 m

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Gocta Catarats Falls is a year-round waterfall with two levels, located in the Peruvian province of Chachapoyas (Chachapoyas) in Amazonas (Amazonas). Although the waterfall was well known to the locals for centuries, the world did not know about its existence until 2005, when an expedition organized by the German Stefan Ziemendorff and a group of Peruvian explorers took place.

15. Mongefossen, Norway - 773 m

Photo: Public Domain

Mongefossen, located in the Rauma Municipality in Norway, is the highest waterfall in the world that can be seen from the train station. There is some controversy regarding the height of the falls, but it is usually given as 773 m.

14. Colonial Creek Waterfall, Washington, USA - 788 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Located in North Cascades National Park in Washington DC, Colonial Creek Falls is the tallest waterfall in the continental United States. The water stream falls from a total height of more than 1300 m from 13 separate levels with an average slope of 65 degrees.

13. Waihilau Falls, Hawaii, USA - 792 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Fed by the Waihilau River, the Waihilau Falls was found in the picturesque Waimanu Valley in Hawaii, which, like many other major valleys in the Hawaiian Islands, is covered in lush green vegetation.

12. Ramnefjellsfossen, Norway - 818 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Located on Mount Ramnefjellet in the municipality of Stryn in Sogn og Fjordane County, Norway, Ramnefjellsfossen is a 818 meter waterfall fed by the Ramnefjellbreen Glacier. You can get to it by boat, plane, or by road, and there is a campsite within walking distance with a waterfall.

11. Strupenfossen, Norway - 820 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Fed by a huge glacier called Myklebustbreen, Strupenfossen is another famous Norwegian waterfall. It is not very powerful, but it is unique in its shape. Summer is the best time to see it, because at this time the water from the melting ice on the glacier reaches its maximum.

10. Falls Brown, New Zealand- 836 m

Photo: Public Domain

New Zealand is famous for its stunningly beautiful waterfalls, but only one of them made the list. Browne Falls is located in Fiordland National Park on south island New Zealand, surrounded by a stunning landscape, where there are many species of plants and birds.

9. James Bruce Falls, Canada - 840 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

James Bruce Falls, located in Princess Louisa Marine Provincial Park in British Columbia, Canada, is the tallest of dozens of waterfalls that tumble down the cliffs into Princess Louise Bay. The falls are fed by a small remaining glacier located at an altitude of 1,524 m above sea level.

8. Pukauku Falls, Hawaii, USA - 840 m

Photo: Shutterstock

The Puukaoku Falls formed on some of the highest cliffs in the world (Haloku Cliffs), which are located in the northeastern part of Molokai Island. The water jet of the waterfall is very thin and deeply pressed into the rock, so it is rarely seen and photographed.

7. Balaifossen, Norway - 850 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Balaifossen is one of the highest waterfalls in Norway and is located in the municipality of Ulvik in the southern part of the country. It is fed by the Balai River, which flows down 850 m and ends at Osafjorden, a huge fjord.

6. Vinnufossen, Norway - 860 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Located east of the village of Sunndalsora in the municipality of Sunndal in the county of More og Romsdal, Norway, Vinnufossen is the highest waterfall in Europe and the sixth highest in the world. It is part of the Vinnu River, which flows down the Vinnufjellet mountain and is fed by the Vinnufonna Glacier.

5. Umblilla Falls, Peru - 896 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Hidden deep in the lush rainforests of Peru's northern Amazonas region, Yumbilla Falls is an impressive 896m high. report by researchers from Peru's National Geographic Institute.

4. Oloupena Falls, Hawaii, USA - 900 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Oloupena Falls is a waterfall located in the northeastern part of the Hawaiian island of Molokai, and due to its stunning height of 900 m, it is considered the fourth highest waterfall in the world. It was formed by a fast, short seasonal flow, and falls off the edge of one of the highest sea cliffs in the world.

3. Tres Hermanos Waterfall, Peru - 914 m

Photo: Shutterstock

Located in the protected Parque Nacional Otishi National Forest in Peru, Tres Hermanas Falls (translated as "Three Sisters Falls") is the third highest waterfall in the world. Its height is an astounding 914 m, and it is named after the three separate parts that make it up.

2. Tugela Falls, South Africa - 948 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Tugela Falls is a complex of seasonal waterfalls located in the Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. It is considered to be the second highest waterfall, but in fact, it is he, and not Angel Falls, that may be the highest waterfall in the world. The total height of its 5 spans is 948 m, but a Czech scientific expedition recently made new measurements, resulting in 983 m.

1. Angel Falls, Venezuela - 979 m

Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Perched on the edge of Auyantepui Mountain in the Canaima National Park in the Gran Sabana region of Bolivar State, Venezuela, Angel Falls is the highest waterfall in the world, with a staggering 979 m and a free fall height of 807 m. Although the waterfall is located in an isolated jungle and difficult to access, it has become one of the country's most popular tourist attractions.

Since ancient times, waterfalls have delighted people. Powerful streams of water, fog and spray - this is a spectacular, impressive phenomenon. Entire resort towns have already been set up near some popular waterfalls to attract more tourists.

What is the largest and highest waterfall in the world?

Many people believe that Niagara Falls is the largest in the world, but this is not entirely true. There are still high waterfalls on Earth, which, in terms of the vertical length of the stream, outperform Niagara.


The first place is occupied by the large Angel Falls, whose height is 979 meters, located in Venezuela. The discovery took place in 1933 by pilot James Angel. A person can only get there by air or river. The height of the water fall is very high, so it is sprayed into small particles, turning into a mist. A person can encounter fog several hundred kilometers away.

The place is not only very beautiful, but also mysterious. It makes a strong impression on travelers.


The Tugela Falls are slightly inferior to Angel. It is amazing that it consists of five cascades. It is also very long, the height of Tugela is 948 meters. The localization of this attraction is South Africa. To get to this place, you need to walk. There are two routes, it takes at least six hours to overcome them. The adventure takes a lot of effort, so only the strongest and strongest travelers use the tour.

Three sisters

The third place in the ranking belongs to the attractions "Three Sisters". Location - Peru. The name is derived from three tiers of water. Its height is 914 meters. This place is surrounded on all sides by forest, so it is very difficult to get to it. Not all tourists decide on this adventure, so few people know about this attraction.

What is the widest drop in water called?

Usually, experts estimate the power of the water flow of the waterfall, its height and width. Next, consider the most attractive waterfalls in width.


The widest waterfall is Khon. It is located on the Mekong River. This is the border between two states: Kampuchea and Laos. Water passes through a deep gorge, at the exit the river floods a huge plain, forming an incredibly wide waterfall. Granite ledge in the riverbed stretched for 12 kilometers. The sight of this phenomenon fascinates, causes peace and tranquility. Travelers are very fond of this attraction.


In South America, there is an equally impressive waterfall - Guaira. Its width is 4800 meters. Localization - the border of Paraguay and. The waterfall was flooded during the construction of the reservoir. A powerful stream of water is still in this place.

The authorities are trying to restore the attraction, but managing so much water is almost impossible.


Victoria Falls is also incredibly wide. Width - 1800 meters. The attraction was named after the queen in the middle of the nineteenth century. It is located in South Africa.

When the rainy season comes, this place turns into rain stream, there is fog, so it’s impossible to see the waterfall. People who love extreme sports come here. This place is very popular, excursions are regularly made.

Full-flowing arteries - photo

A huge stream of water rushes down, this sight cannot but surprise. The largest water flows on our planet pass through the Iguazu Falls and Niagara Falls.


First up is the Iguazu Falls. It is located on the border between Brazil and Argentina. The status of the most full-flowing Iguazu Falls was not accidental. It does not consist of one waterfall, but of several. This is real kingdom of waterfalls, there are 270 of them in total.

Brazil and Argentina attract travelers from all over the world. According to researchers, the Iguazu River erupts on average 1700 cubic meters water per second. Near such power, people often feel fear. However, its popularity is not decreasing.


Well-known Niagara Falls is also incredibly full. It is located between and Canada. In fact, this is not one waterfall, as many people believe, but several at once. The place fascinates tourists and attracts people from all over the world.

There is so much water in this place that hydroelectric power plants have been built under the waterfall, whose total capacity can reach 4.4 gigawatts.

Little miracle of nature

The smallest waterfall in the world Sarkyram. Its location is Western Kazakhstan. Attraction features:

  • Located near woodland;
  • Water drop height does not exceed 4 meters;
  • Until 2008 called Red Falls.

The waterfall is located next to a small settlement, so there are often tourists at its foot, it is not difficult to get to it.

There are many amazing places on the planet. Waterfalls have always attracted people. Their greatness and strength are frightening, but at the same time fascinate. It will take a long time, but these sights will not lose their grandeur. All more people interested in excursions to such places.

Thissestrengene is a waterfall in Norway. Located east of the village of Tyssedal, Odda commune, Hordaland province. The total height of the waterfall is 646 meters, and the highest free fall height is 312 meters. After the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the waterfall most there is no water in the waterfall.

9. Kukeran, 674 m, Venezuela

Cuqueran Falls is the second highest waterfall in Venezuela and the second highest free fall in the world. Water falls from the tepui of the same name (table mountain).

8. Mardalsfossen, 705 m, Norway

Mardalsfossen (Norwegian Mardalsfossen) is a waterfall in Norway, in the municipality of Nesset in the province of Møre og Romsdal. The total height of the waterfall is 705 meters. The waterfall has several levels, the highest free fall height is 358 meters. The largest width of the waterfall is 24 meters.

The name of the waterfall comes from the words Mardalen (name of the valley) and foss (waterfall). The word Mardalen, in turn, probably comes from the words dal ("valley") and Mara ("dig"). The waterfall is depicted on the coat of arms of Nesset.

After the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the waterfall, water moves through the hydraulic system for most of the year. It passes through the waterfall only from June 20 to August 20, during the tourist season.

The Espelands waterfall, on the Opo River, is often put in 8th place, calling the height 703 m. However, the real height of this waterfall is only 75 meters)

7. Yosemite Falls, 739 m, USA

The highest waterfall in North America and the seventh highest waterfall in the world is Yosemite Falls (739 meters). The waterfall is located in the USA, California, in the Sierra Nevada mountains. It is one of the most beautiful corners of the earth.

The waterfall consists of three cascades. The height of the upper cascade is 435 meters. The waterfall is fed by streams flowing from glaciers into the Yosemite Valley. Therefore, during the dry seasons, the flow of water in the waterfall is significantly reduced, and sometimes it dries up completely.

6. Mutarazi, 762 m, Zimbabwe

The sixth place in the list of the highest waterfalls is Mutarazi. This is a two-cascade waterfall 15 meters wide and 762 meters high. The waterfall is located in the Honda Valley in the Eastern Highlands of Zimbabwe, on the river of the same name. According to legend, Princess Mutarazi saw in a dream a waterfall high in the mountains and ordered her subjects to find it. The waterfall was indeed found and named after the princess.

Gokta is one of the highest waterfalls in the world. It is located in the Peruvian province of Bongara, about 20 km north of Chachapoyas, the capital of the Amazonas region. Its height is 771 m. The volume of water varies greatly depending on the amount of rainfall in its small, rocky basin, located at an altitude of 2,500 to 3,000 m above sea level. The waterfall got its name from the name of the nearby village. A few kilometers to the north is the Yumbilla Falls, almost 900 m high, but only during the rainy season.

The waterfall was first seen in 2002 by the German Stefan Ziemendorff during an expedition in an impenetrable nature reserve. At the end of February 2006, Ziemendorff returned with a Peruvian research team to measure its height. In this case, the measurement error could be 13.5 m.

4. Mongefossen, 773 m, Norway

Mongefossen (Norwegian Mongefossen) is the fourth highest waterfall in the world, located on the Monge River (Norwegian Monge) in Norway. It is located in the municipality of Røuma in the province of Møre og Romsdal. The height is about 773 meters. Like many other high waterfalls in Norway, it is used in a hydroelectric power station, resulting in a decrease in water flow.

3. Utigord (Ramnefjelsfossen), 818 m, Norway

Norway is considered the "country of waterfalls", the highest waterfalls in Europe are concentrated here. The highest of the Norwegian waterfalls and the third highest in the world is Utigord, its fall height is more than 818 meters. The waterfall rushes down from the Ramnefillbrina glacier (the largest arm glacier in Europe).

2. Tugela, 948 m, South Africa

Tugela is the second highest waterfall in the world. It consists of five free-falling cascades, the largest of which is 411 meters.

Tugela falls in a narrow ribbon from the eastern bluff of the Drakensberg Mountains, in the Royal Natal National Park in KwaZulu, Natal Province, South Africa.

Tugela Falls - the second highest waterfall

1. Angel, 1054 meters, Venezuela

Angel (in Pemon language - Kerepakupai vena, which means "Waterfall of the deepest place") -, the total height is 1054 meters, the height of the continuous fall is 807 meters. Named after aviator James Angel, who flew over the falls in 1933.

Angel - the highest waterfall in the world

The waterfall is located in the tropical forests of Venezuela, on the territory of the Canaima National Park. Water overthrows from the top of Auyantepui, the largest of the Venezuelan tepui - its name in Russian means "mountain of the devil." The height of the fall is so great that, before reaching the ground, the water is sprayed onto tiny particles and turns into mist. Fog can be felt for several kilometers.