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We make a rooster from plastic bottles. Do-it-yourself cockerel from plastic bottles. Step by step instructions with photos. World Marine Mammal Day

Master class with step by step photos"Cockerel-red-scarlet scallop."

Semenova Natalya Anatolyevna, teacher at the Kindergarten “Smile”, Chulym, Novosibirsk region.

Description: given material It is intended for teachers of preschool education, teachers of additional education, creative parents.
Target: production of the symbol of the year-cockerel to decorate a congratulatory composition, interior.
- create a festive mood;
- Learn how to work with waste material;
- to form artistic and aesthetic taste in children and adults;
- develop imagination, constructive thinking when doing crafts from waste material.

Dear colleagues, I want to present to your attention a master class on making the symbol of the year - a cockerel. This proud bird is found in many Russian folk tales as a kind, just hero. I want this year to be full of only good, fruitful, successful and joyful deeds.
To create an atmosphere for a festive mood, I decided to settle in the reception kindergarten here is such a cockerel with wishes.

noisy cockerel,
Red-scarlet scallop.
In the morning a little light rises,
He sings a song loudly.
He's got so much to do
I got up early and got everything done!
Lukanova L.

Tools and materials for making crafts:

hot glue gun;
adhesive tape ordinary;
double-sided tape;
plastic ball for the cockerel's head;
corrugated paper in red and yellow;
three plastic bottles (any bottle shape);
disposable plates of red and yellow;
decorative eyes.

The sequence of making crafts:

Step 1. Cut off from plastic bottles half, leave the part with the necks, and fasten together with adhesive tape as follows:

It turned out the body of a cockerel:

Step 2. From yellow and red corrugated paper, we cut ribbons about 6 cm wide, 40 cm long. We make cuts along the width of the ribbon, we get cockerel feathers.

Step 3 We wrap the cockerel's neck with a ribbon, alternating red and yellow.
We fix the paper on the bottle with small pieces of adhesive tape so that the tapes do not move off the cockerel's neck.

Step 4. We wrap the plastic ball with yellow corrugated paper and tie the paper on the ball with a thread. We glue the head with a glue gun to the neck.

Step 5. In order for the cockerel to stand, I made a plasticine stand, then covered the stand with New Year's tinsel.

Step 6. We take disposable plates and cut strips like this:

Step 7. We cut the circles-strips in half and make small cuts along the width:

Step 8 We fasten the strips together with a stapler.

Step 9 We make an incision on the bottle in the place where the cockerel's tail will be located and insert the tail from the strips, fix it with a glue gun.

Step 10. To hide the neck of the bottle under the tail, we take the cut out middle of the plate.

Step 11. Fold the plate in half and make cuts.

Step 12. We close the neck of the bottle under the tail with this semicircle, and fix it with a stapler.

Step 13 We draw templates for the scallop (2), beards (3), wing (4.5), beak (1), cut out the details.

Step 14. Details (comb, beard and beak) need to be bent along the fold line (the line can be seen on the template), and glue the details to the cockerel's head glue gun By applying glue to the strip that turned out when folded, the eyes can be glued with PVA glue. It turned out such a beautiful head of a cockerel.

Step 15. Connect the wing parts with double-sided tape, make small cuts on a small part.

Step 16. Attach the wings with double-sided tape to the cockerel's body on one side and the other.

Our bright handsome cockerel is ready!

Dear Colleagues, Happy New Year interesting ideas, creative success and joyful events.
Let the cockerel fulfill all our desires!!!

I would like to introduce you to the cockerel Petrunya.
Not a single yard in a village or village can do without this magnificent bird. So I made myself a friend, a bright and majestic owner of the yard!

I will be happy to share with you the stages of its manufacture (based on the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmaking birds from plastic bottles by Alena Zinovieva).

To make a mold, we need:
1) 5l. canister (I use from under liquid soap),
2) 5L plastic bottle,
3) metal-plastic pipe (height of legs is about 30-35 cm),
4) two 1.5l. plastic bottles for "thighs",
5) self-tapping screws, scissors, stationery knife, screwdriver.

For fasteners, I use these self-tapping screws (I buy by weight in construction stores).
Small (about 1.5-1.6 cm) - for attaching feathers and component parts to each other.
Large (about 5-6 cm) - for attaching the head to the neck.

1) Move the top of the canister about 3cm.
2) We bend the metal-plastic pipe (we give the shape of the legs), in my case - the rooster is walking ( right leg pushed forward), and fasten it with screws to the canister.
3) For the neck, from 5l. bottles, fold the envelope, fasten it to the canister with screws.
4) From 1.5 l bottles we cut out two "thighs", which we attach to the canister with self-tapping screws.

For feathers, I used bottles like this. We cut off a long neck, cut the bottle into 5 feathers (we focus on the protrusions on the bottom of the bottle), use the upper part of the feathers.

We begin to close the body with the "thighs". Detach them from the canister for convenience.
1) attach the corrugated tube to the neck of the bottle,
2) attach the feathers with wire.

We attach the finished legs back to the canister.

Starting from the back, we close the entire body, except for the back, with feathers (we fasten it to the canister with screws). We leave the back of the neck open, because there will be other feathers.

The next step is to start making paws. From copper wire 2.5 mm (or any other, preferably rigid, but not steel, which bends), we bend the shape of the paws (for more details, see MK Filin). From the corrugated tube we create the effect of paws. The left tail is inserted between metal-plastic pipe and corrugated tube. From below, you can still pour glue for strength.

Cut out claws from the bottom of the bottle (photo). They should be narrow and long. We fix them with glue (I use "Installation Moment - Liquid Nails").

We paint the torso and legs with spray paint (I use universal enamel from the KUDO company).

We cut out the head from construction foam using a clerical knife, it is very sharp and the cuts are even, not torn. If the cutting process seems complicated to you - cut out all the details separately! Then they can be glued together.

With the help of sandpaper (medium) we bring to the shape we need.

We process the surface with acrylic putty, wait for complete drying and once again skin it to smoothness. After that, we process it with ordinary PVA glue, so the paint fits very well.

We begin to paint the head (you can use acrylic paints, it's more convenient). Glue the eyes (bought in a fabric store).

After fitting the head to the body, the husband said that the comb turned out not to be a rooster, but more suitable for a chicken. Decided to redo. I made a pattern out of paper (I tried it on for a long time so that it was larger). I transferred it to the foam, cut it out and glued it in place of the former.

With the help of wire, we begin to fasten the long feathers of the wing. The back stays open.

I close the top of the wings with such feathers from corrugated 1.5 liters. bottles. The last row goes to the bend, into the inside of the wing.

We paint with paint, let it dry well and attach it with perforated tape (sold at any hardware store) and self-tapping screws to the body. We bend the net for attaching the tail (you can increase its length and the tail will turn out to be richer).

Let's start making the tail.
We cut feathers from 2l or 2.5l. bottles in 5 parts. We paint separately on both sides (at first I applied black, after drying a little blue)

We attach to the grid with a wire. After coloring, I cut the feathers in half again, so the tail turned out to be more magnificent.

For the feathers on the back, I cut feathers of different lengths, from transparent bottles (it’s easier to dye yellow this way), about 2-2.5 cm wide. Attached to the back with self-tapping screws, 3-4 pieces at once.

Not a single yard in the village is complete without such a bird as a rooster. In this article, we want to tell you about how to make a magnificent rooster from plastic bottles with your own hands.

Let's go to the lesson

The process of making a proud cockerel can be traced on the example of a master class. The phased creation of a cockerel is described in detail and shown in the photo.

In order to make a cockerel, take a canister (volume 5 l), a plastic bottle (volume five liters), a couple of plastic bottles for legs (volume one and a half liters), a metal-plastic pipe, scissors, a screwdriver, a clerical knife, self-tapping screws.

The photo shows a model of the torso of a cockerel.

In order to fasten the product, you need to use self-tapping screws. They can be bought in specialized hardware stores. The length of the small screws is about one and a half cm, and the large ones are five to six cm. We will use the small ones to fasten the feathers, and the large ones to fasten the head.

The first step we will make is the frame of the cockerel. To do this, we shift the upper part of the canister by three cm. Then we give the shape of the legs to the metal-plastic pipe. In our case, the cockerel will walk, so one leg is pushed forward. You need to fix it on the screws to the canister. In order to make the neck of a cockerel, we fold the envelope and fasten the screws. Then we cut out hams from small bottles and fasten them to the screws to the canister. This is how the body looks like:

In order to make cockerel feathers, we will use beer bottles (the shape is shown in the photo). It is necessary to cut off a long throat and cut the bottle into five parts. It is best to navigate along the bottom. We will only use the top.

Now we move on to the process of gluing the body. It is necessary to start working from the legs. To make it more convenient, you can detach them from the body. Attach corrugated paper to the neck of the bottle, and then attach feathers with wire.

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After we have made the legs of the cockerel, we attach them again to the body.

Well, now we just glue the body with feathers, starting from the back. It is necessary to cover with feathers all parts except the back. It is also necessary to leave open the back of the neck of the cockerel. As mentioned above, it is necessary to fasten the feathers to small self-tapping screws.

Then we need to make paws. Take copper wire (two and a half mm thick). You can take any other wire that bends, but not steel. We bend the shape of the paws from this wire. Then we take corrugated paper and create a skin effect. The tail that remains must be inserted between the corrugated paper and the metal-plastic pipe. In order for nothing to slip out, glue the bottom with glue for strength.

Then take the bottom of the bottle and cut the claws out of it. The nails should be as narrow and long as possible, as shown in the photo. Using instant glue, attach them to the legs.

Paint the body and legs of the cockerel with ordinary paint from a spray can.

We cut out the head of a cockerel from construction foam. We use a utility knife to make the cuts as sharp as possible.

If everything is not going smoothly for you, then you can cut out all the parts separately, and then glue them together with glue.

Here is what happens at this stage:

The second photo also shows the cockerel's head:

And the third, but from a new angle:

This shape was made with medium hard sandpaper.

We cover the surface of the head with acrylic putty or any other. Then we need to wait until it is completely dry and only then process the head again until it is perfectly smooth. The next step is to process the surface with ordinary PVA glue. This is necessary in order for the paint to lay down well in the future.

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With acrylic paints (or any other) we decorate the head of the cockerel. Then glue on the eyes. You can make them yourself, or you can buy them in a specialized store. The next step is to prepare the shape of the wings, and then cut them out with side cutters.

We fasten the long wing feathers with ordinary wire, the back should still remain open.

You can close the top with corrugated bottles. The last row should go inside the wing, on the bend.

We cover the surface with paint and wait until the product dries. Then we attach the wings to the body and prepare the mesh for the tail. The longer the mesh, the more magnificent the ponytail.

Feathers for the tail must be cut from bottles of 2.5 or two liters. Now we need to paint each feather from two parts.

Making a rooster from plastic bottles with your own hands is easy, step-by-step instructions are proof of this. The first version of the craft is perfect for working with kids, and the resulting souvenir will look great at home or on the site. The second craft from this material is already a more complex manufacture of crafts that requires certain Additional materials and knowledge.

Now you can start making paws, for which you need copper wire. It is necessary to bend the shape of the paws, and then create from the corrugated tube desired effect. Insert the tail between the two tubes and, for strength, fix everything with glue. Cut out the claws from the bottom of the bottle, they must be long and narrow, attach using glue. Using a can of paint, paint the existing parts of the cockerel.

While the torso with legs dries, you can start creating the head. First, it should be cut out of foam using a stationery leg. Cuts should be sharp, but in no case torn. If it is difficult to cut the head right away, you can cut out its parts separately, and then fasten it with glue. Sandpaper it will help to remove irregularities, and after that treat the surface with a lubricant for acrylic. Then apply a layer of ordinary glue and, when it is completely dry, paint the bird's head acrylic paints, make eyes.

Now try on the head to the body. Prepare the form for the wings and attach the long wings to the back, while leaving it open. Color everything, make a tail. To do this, cut long feathers from a two-liter bottle, paint them on both sides and attach to the body, again using wire. To finish the feathers on the back, cut 2 cm short feathers from the bottles, attach them to the back, you will need self-tapping screws for this.

Step-by-step instruction the first or second will help in making a rooster out of plastic bottles with your own hands. The first version of the craft is easy, requires a minimum of source materials, and such a cockerel can be made even with kids. The second bird is large, serious and delightful appearance. If you want to build it, it should also work without any special problems. Easy and quick craft -

A bit of astrology

The rooster will try to test the strength of many, especially those who rely only on luck, and not on own forces and opportunities. The Fire Rooster will come into its own from January 28 and will rule until February 15, 2018. The Rooster himself is bright, sociable and elegant. In the coming year, the color of the Rooster and the element that it represents will be reflected in all our undertakings and life moments. The color of 2017 is Red, and the element of fire suggests an incredible desire for excellence, striving for high achievements and unsurpassed heights.

A bright year awaits us with a lot of impressions and events!

For needlewomen, it is worth preparing for the coming year. We have collected in the article several interesting and useful master classes that will definitely help you prepare gifts for your loved ones, decorate a house for the upcoming 2017. So, how can we please the Fire Rooster, win him over and make the coming year easier, more enjoyable and more productive?

DIY red rooster

We invite you to arrange a holiday - a party in the style of a red Rooster. To do this, you need to decorate your home, prepare it for a party in an original and symbolic style. Suitable for this decor. small parts interior, which will allow guests to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the holiday, plunge into a fairy tale and enjoy the meeting of the upcoming New Year.

To make it, we need:

3 plastic bottles, 2 plastic plates, 5-6 plastic glasses of red and yellow flowers, 2 disposable spoons.

The tops of plastic bottles must be cut off and sealed with tape, as shown in the picture.

From disposable plates we make such a wonderful tail to our Red Fire Rooster.

From the remains of the plates we make wings and attach the head of the Rooster, made, for example, from a pool ball.

We sew a dress for the New Year's party

What else is important for holding such a party? Of course the costumes! You can just dress in red - this color is a symbol of the coming year and the Fire Rooster will really like it. There is still time to sew a beautiful red dress for yourself, so you will be original, and the Rooster will definitely appreciate your efforts.

Well, let's take one of the master classes as an example. You will understand that sewing a Rooster to decorate your home, or as a gift to guests and loved ones, is not so difficult. A little love for needlework and a desire to please loved ones with the originality of your gift.

Sew a rooster pillow.

This pillow is perfect for your New Year's party! Guests can comfortably sit on these pillows and then take them home as a keepsake of the 2017 meeting!

And so, let's get started:

Here we will sew such a Cockerel, really handsome!

For tailoring we need:

  • Yellow fabric (you can take any other color, or make several different ones) 25 by 56 cm
  • Some fabric for decorative design(red and polka dots)
  • Threads, needles
  • Scissors
  • Filler (Hollofiber)
  • Sintepon
  • 2 large buttons

DIY rooster as a gift

All of the above ideas you can use both to decorate your holiday and for gifts for the New Year.